Civil Engineering, HND: Switch On

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l 0 U n i t2

Switch on
1 Study the description of the course of AIec
Hammond, a technology student from Scotland,
and answer the questions.
1 How long does the course last?
2 What jobs can he do after he completes this
3 Can he study a foreign language?

Civil engineering,HND
Ideal for sttLdenlswho want to follow a citrL'(;t'utCtvil enginex'ring.

T\ro years full-time, starting in September

The construction industry needs well{rained and qualified managers, technologists, and
technicians. This course is designed to teach you the sl<rllsnecessary for a managerial role in
this industryYou will learn the latest construction practices and be given the opportunity to
specíalize in one area'
Course content
Youstudy core unitsin;
. CAD . Fluidmechanics
. CommunÍcattons . Geotechnics
. Constructionmanagement . IT
. Constructrontechnology . Maths
. Construction surveyng . Mecharucs and
. Civil engnneerurgmaterials structure
. Drawing and design

Youcan takeadditional unitsin;

. Advanced structuraldesign
. Advanced surveying
. Highway engineerurg
. Quality assurance
. a foreign language
What can I do next?
On successful completion of the course, you may progress to a range of degree-level courses
Some students progress to employment as Clvil engnneeringtechnicians /technologrsts
S t u d y i n g t e c h n o l o g 1y l

ln this unit
o listeningfor detail
O PresentSimplev PresentContinuous
o keyterms for d ifferent branchesof technology
o strongand weak forms of auxiliaryverbs

In which of the core units will these topics be covered? Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.
1 thepropertiesofconcrete 1 What choice do students have if they successfully
2 computer applicatÍon software complete the course?
3 forces on a structure 2 Is this course similar to engineering courses in your
4 calculus country?
5 report vwiting
3 Wouldvouliketofollowthis course?

Thecourse Q tisten to part 2 of the interview. Fill gaps 1-8 in the
Look at Alec's timetable below. Some of the
information is missing. Before you listen, answerthe Q Here are the interviewer's questions from part 3 of
questions about the timetable. the interview. Predict how AIec answers them. Then
1 What time do classesstart each day? listen to part 3 and check your answers.
2 Which room is Maths in? 1 What do you hope to do at the end of your course?
3 Who teaches Calculus? 2 Whatkind of degreewillyoutake?
4 What do students do on Tuesdays and ThursdaysT 3 HowlongwillittakeT
4 When you start work as a civil engineer, what do
f) tisten to part 1of the interview. Answer the you want to build - houses,or big structures like
bridges and roads?
1 Which stage of the course ÍsA]ec at7
Write your own timetable in English, including the
2 How many women are taking the course?
following information :
3 What agewas hewhenheleft school?
* course title
4 Which subject did he enjoy most at school? r lessontimes
5 What iob did he do when he left schoolT * subjects
. names of teachers
. self-studytime andfreeperiods

Civil engineering, Semester 2

09.00-l L00 . l 5 - 1 2 .l 5 3 . 1 5 - 1 4l .5 4.30-16.30
Mon Maths Civil engineering
3,r 4,5 G2 Materials Labs 4.4
H.Lomax B'Daüs WeiMing D.Cowan
llVed Calculus
4.2 4.5 4.5 FREE
B.Davis J,Bell J.Bell
Íhur .T'DY

c.IDoyle T) Cowan T) (lowa D.Cowan
1 2 U n i t2

on unrversrtycoursesIn
the U5A in 2004were

. Languagespot 9 They- (think) it will increase the amount

of traffic near their homes.
PresentSimplev PresentContinuous 10 The old bridge - (carry)ten times the
o Study these examples from the interview. \rt/hyis the traffic Ítwas designed to carry.
Present Continuous used for sentencesl-4 and Present 2 Answerthese questions about yourself with complete
Simple for sentences5-8?
sentences.Use the timetable you wrote in 5 on p.11to
1 You'redoing an HND in Civil help.
2 What'sthe companyworking on?
1 What are you studying?
3 They'returning an old ffice building into a
n Í g hct l u b . . , 2 Where are you studying?
4 I'm doing a project on a new bridge... 3 Howlongisyourcourse?
4 Is it part-time or full-time?
5 I have classesthreedays aweek...
5 What qualification do you get when you complete
6 I really enjoy it.
7 the courseT
I like the maths and physics side of it ...
8 I want to go on to do the degree. A What are the main subjects?

r We use the Present Continuous for things that are 7 Which subject do you find most dÍfficult?
happening now and for a limited period around now: ó Why do you find ÍtdÍfficult?
I' m studying Civ iI E ng ineering. 9 Which subjectdo you enjoy most?
r We use the Present Simple for things which are 10 How many classesdo you have each week?
always true: 11 When do your classesstart each day?
Copper conducts electricity. T2 When do they finish?
for repeated actions,habits, and events: 13 Do you have any self-study time?
Wefinish early on Wednesdays. 74 What do you hope to do when you finish your
with verbs that describe thinking and feeling: course?
I like calculus.
3 Ask the samequestionsto yourpartner.
)) Goto GtammarteÍerence p.115
4 Usingyour answersto 2,completethe gapsin this
t Put the verb in the sentencesin the correcttense. description.
Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1 Ms Davis - (teach)Maths. I'mstudying at 'z.It'sa
2 Classes- (start)at nine o'clock. .When I completethe
3 AIec - (take)an HND course. course,Iwill geta e.
4 He - (study) at Telford College this year Themain subjectsare 6.The subjectI find
5 On Tuesdays, he - (study) in the library. ' .I find it difficult because
most difficult is
6 He - (want)to be a CÍvilEngÍneer.
.8. The subject I enjoy most is
He - (work)on a project about a new
Ihave ! classeseachweek. Classesstart
A lot of local people - (not / Iike)the each day at -'1 and finish at -'2 .I
When I finish my course,I hopeto

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