Squash Patty: Business Plan

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Business Plan Submitted by: Maecy SANTILLAN PAGLINAWAN

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1.aExecutive Summary
Squash Patty will offer instant, healthy and on-the-go food for everyone. There would
be three types of patties and another variant which is the squash fries. The three
types of patties would differ from, gluten free, vegan, and pescatarian kind of patties.
I would name them Squashiest Patty (Gluten free), Squashier Patty (Vegan), Squashy
Patty ( Pescatarian) and I would name The Ultimate Smash Fries for the other variant
that I’ll sell which is the fries.

This idea came to my mind because of the unseen problem regarding what people eat
especially ‘fast’ food. According to HelpGuide, most fast food is unhealthy because of
its ingredients and the way it’s being processed. Therefore it normalizes the fact that
‘busy people’ tend to eat unhealthily. This made me think that I need something that
they can eat easily, order fast and and at the same time have health benefits. Espe-
cially in these times that we needed to be healthy.

After the research has been conducted, I have concluded that Squash patties are
healthier options as against beef burger patties. Considering the vitamins and miner-
als that the vegetable, squash, contains, it is definitely a good alternative to beef.

Aside from its health benefits, it was proven also that it tastes the same, if not better,
as the usual burger made of beef.

Therefore, our group highly recommend this Squash Patty to our classmates, and
even to our parents. In these times where health is a main concern of our teachers
and parents, it is important to look for alternatives, such as our Squash Patty for our
favorite Burger Sandwich.

Initial capitalization for the business is Php 69,000 good for a one-year expense. Ex-
pected revenue for Year 1 is Php 103,500 while total cost of goods sold amounted to
Php 180,000.
2.aManagement and Organization
Company Name: Squash Patty


Address: 18-A Matias Brgy. Paltok

Vision Statement: To provide instant, healthy and on-the-go food for everyone.
Mission Statement: Squash Patty’s mission is for teens to normalize eating and
having a healthy lifestyle while still having food that tastes great.
Key personnel: Manager
Workforce and Support Personnel: Cook, Auditor.
Organizational Chart:

Owner/Manager Auditor
Maecy Santillan Paglinawan Cecille Segovia

Jhuneselle Cruz
Ownership: Single Proprietorship
Capitalization: Php 69,000.00
Compensation and Incentives: Minimum wage based on daily rate as provided
by law.
External Management Support: Parents and Entrepreneurship teacher will be
tapped as Advisory Council
3.aProduct Plan
Purpose of the Product
Squash Patty will offer customers a variety of options for choosing their own choice
of patty. There would be three types of patties and another variant which is the squash
fries. The three types of patties would differ from, gluten free, vegan, and pescatarian
kind of patties. I would name them Squashiest Patty (Gluten free), Squashier Patty
(Vegan), Squashy Patty ( Pescatarian) and I would name The Ultimate Smash Fries for
the other variant that I’ll sell which is the fries.

Product’s Unique Features

Squash Patty have two unique features. The first is the wide array of patties depending
on their preferred diet and from which has the most squash (squashiest) . The second
unique feature is it’s a healthy alternative for burger patties. Aside from tasting almost
the same, you wont be sacrificing your health while enjoying your food.

Sample Product
Material and Equipment requirements and sources of

3 Cups Shredded Yellow Squash
1 teaspoon salt
3 Large Eggs Beaten
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil Divided
2 Cloves Garlic Minced
¼ Cup Green Onion Sliced
½ Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
¼ Cup Grated Parmesan Cheese
1 Cup Panko Breadcrumbs
Salt & Pepper To Taste
Cup Mayonnaise
2 teaspoons Cajun Seasoning
1 Clove Garlic Minced
1 teaspoon Dijon Mustard

FRIES: (Servings may vary)

-1 (2 pound) butternut squash, halved and seeded
-salt to taste

All ingredients will be bought from the wet market and/or
the nearest grocery store.
Production Process and controls that will be used to manufacture the

Below is the instructions on how to make a squash patty and squash fries

-Slice both ends off of the squash. Grate the squash using a box grater, then place in a large bowl
and sprinkle with the salt.
-Allow the squash to sit for 10 minutes, then, squeeze the grated squash thoroughly over the sink in
handfuls, and place in a dry bowl.
-Meanwhile, heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the minced garlic, and green onion,
cook, stirring constantly for 3 minutes, then remove from the heat.
-To the squash (grated and squeezed dradd the beaten egg, garlic and green onion mixture, both
cheeses, panko, and salt and pepper to taste.
-Add the remaining olive oil to the same skillet you used for the garlic and onion over medium high
-Once the oil is hot, add the squash mixture to the pan in Tablespoonfuls, using a spatula to flatten
them out.
-Cook each fritter for about 2 minutes per side until golden brown.

Whisk all ingredients together in a medium bowl. Chill until ready to serve.
NOTE: These squash patties are best when eaten the same day that they are made.
NOTE: DO NOT skip draining and wringing out the grated squash!

-Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
-Use a sharp knife to carefully cut away the peel from the squash. Cut the squash into sticks like
French fries. Arrange squash pieces on a baking sheet and season with salt.
-Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven, turning the fries over halfway through baking. Fries are
done when they are starting to brown on the edges and become crispy. We can also deep fry it if pre-

Distribution Logistics
Squash Patty Company will initially operate home-based and use social media (e.g. Facebook ,Twit-
ter and Instagram) to showcase our food and its variants for ease of browsing and ordering. Any
customer will have the option to pick-up their merchandise or have it delivered at their convenience.
We will also accept bulk pre-orders for events and consumers can have big discounts.

Regulatory and other Compliance Issues

Squash Patty will be registered as a single proprietor enterprise with the Department of Trade and
Industry provincial office. A barangay clearance will also be secured before it applies for a mayor’s
permit to operate as a home-based business micro enterprise. The BIR registration will also be
done after getting all the necessary registration documents and permits from DTI, barangay, mayor’s
office. The owner/manager and the cook will be registered with the Social Security System.
4. Market Plan
Marketing Strategy
An aggressive marketing campaign will aim to increase the visibility of Squash Patty.
This will emphasize the health benefits that the customers can get by having squash
patties as a snack. Squash Patty will utilize a number of different venues to communi-
cate this message.
• Social Media – the company will be active on social media platforms specifically
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, to increase awareness and visibility to the
younger generation, particularly the millennial.
• Student organizations – the company will attempt to gather data of the various stu-
dent groups who actively purchase our food with their members.
• Offices – the company will also attempt to be seen outside offices for their workers
to have knowledge about our on-the go snacks/food

Sales Strategy
The sales strategy will emphasize that ordering and buying a shirt from Squash Patty
is very easy, accessible, and a pleasing experience. The sales effort will work on the
possibility of having its own website in the long run, the main tool used for ordering. It
will be quite important to have a friendly, easy to se web interface in the future course
of the business.
Squash Patty will also rely on three other factors to help boost sales. The first is ex-
emplary customer service. Having excellent service will provide the customer with
the feeling that the business is looking out for the customer’s interest. Second, when
a customer places an order, they will probably be excited to see the finished product,
so Squash Patty will ensure the shortest turnaround time possible. Lastly, sales will
be boosted by offering customers a very good food. Squash Patty will ensure econom-
ical value for the food without sacrificing its quality and taste.

Product Characteristics or Features

Squash Patty products have a number of competitive features that will be used to its
advantage to achieve market penetration.
• Large Variation of food – customers will be offered an array of patties to choose from
which are made by our cook.
• Affordability of the food – teenagers still being dependents and having a limited
budget to splurge, it is favorable for them to have access to inexpensive yet good tast-
ing and healthy food.
Pricing Policy
Squash Patty Company will adopt the differing price based on the kind of food policy.
As such, below is the pricing scheme that will be adopted:
Kind of food Price

Squashy Pa�y 24

Squashier Pa�y 30

Squashiest Pa�y 36

Ul�mate Smash Fries 30

Sales Projections
Product Price Qty. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Peso Qty. Cost Qty. Cost Qty. Cost Qty. Cost Qty. Cost

Squashy 24 100 1200 28000 1300 31200 1400 33600 1500 36000 1600 38400
Pa�y (25 %)
Squashier 30 100 1200 36000 1300 39000 1400 42000 1500 45000 1600 48000
Pa�y (25 %)
Squashiest 36 100 1200 43200 1300 46800 1400 50400 1500 54000 1600 57600
Pa�y (25 %)
Ul�mate 30 100 1200 36000 1300 39000 1400 42000 1500 45000 1600 48000
Smash (25 %)
Total 120 400 4800 143200 5200 156000 5600 168000 6000 180000 6400 192000

Note: There will be a 10% increase in the quantity of T-shirts to be sold as well as its

Market Analysis Summary

The demand for fast food in our area has shown steady growth over the last 5 years.
It was observed that high school and college students are among the biggest market
for the product. These market segments favor tasty and quality food at an affordable
price. To increase market penetration, Squash Pattywill offer a large variety of food
aside from the affordable food/patties to its intended market segment. At the same
time, aggressive marketing campaign will be done to increase the visibility for
Squash Patty through the use of the social media and tapping the various school
student organizations. Squash Patty offers price differential based on the kind and
the ingredients with price ranging from Php 24-36 .
5. Financial Plan
• Start-up costs requirements
• Financial projections
• Breakeven analysis
• Budget

Expenses Cost/Month Year 1

Ingredients 5000 60000

Transporta�on 100 1200

Packaging 500 6000

Electric Bills 150 1800

Total 5750 69000

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

INGREDIENTS 60000 60100 60200 60300 60400

TRANSPORTATION 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

PACKAGING 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400

ELECTRIC BILLS 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200

TOTAL 69000 69400 69800 72000 72400

EXPENSES Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

TOTAL SALES 143200 156000 168000 180000 192000

TOTAL 60000 60100 60200 60300 60400

(TRANSPORTATION) 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

(PACKAGING) 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400

(ELECTRIC BILLS) 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200

GROSS INCOME 74200 86600 98200 108000 119600

OTHER 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400

NET INCOME 72200 84500 96000 105700 117200


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