Robotic Grasping and Contact: A Review: Ien - O

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R o b o t i c Grasping and Contact: A R e v i e w

Antonio Bicchi Vijay Kumar

C e n t r o "E. P i a g g i o GRASP Laboratory

University of Pisa University of Pennsylvania
56126 Pisa Italy Philadelphia, PA 19104

Abstract robotic hands used in industry, they are almost exclu-

sively used for restraint and for fixturing, and not for
In this paper, we survey the field of robotic grasping dexterous manipulation.
and the work that has been done in this area over the
last two decades, with a slight bias toward the develop- 2 Closure properties of grasps
ment of the theoretical framework and analytical results
in this a r e a . Consider an object grasped at N contacts. It is gen-
erally assumed in the literature t h a t all contacts are
1 Introduction point contacts and idealizations such as a line or sur-
The human hand is used in a variety of ways. In face contact can be approximated by two or more point
particular, the three most important functions are to contacts. Each point contact can be modeled as either
explore, to restrain objects, and to manipulate objects a frictionless point contact, a frictional point contact,
(relative to the wrist and to the palm). The first func- or a soft contact [55]. A frictionless contact is defined
tion falls within the realm of haptics, an active research as a contact in which the finger (or effector/fixture)
area in its own merits [25]. We will not a t t e m p t an can only exert a force along the common normal at the
exhaustive coverage of this area. The work in robot point of contact. A frictional contact (sometimes re-
grasping has tried to understand and to emulate the ferred to as a point contact with friction) is defined as
other two functions. We will distinguish between the a contact that can transmit both a normal force and
task of restraining objects, sometimes called fixturing, a tangential force, while a soft contact also allows the
and the task of manipulating objects with fingers (in finger to exert a pure torsional moment about the com-
contrast to manipulation with the robot arm), some- mon normal at the point of contact.
times called dexterous manipulation. At each contact, the three forces and three moments
While grippers and fixtures have been used exten- can be modeled by a 6 x 1 vector, called the wrench vec-
sively in industry, one can argue t h a t the field of robot tor. Let the unit wrenches corresponding to the normal
rasping started with the work of Asada and Hanafusa force, the tangential force, and the moment about the
] and Salisbury's first attempts to develop a three- normal be denoted by iWN, iWT, and iwe, respectively.
fingered robotic hand [35]. The most sophisticated The corresponding magnitudes or intensities are given
multifingered hand built to date is the Utah-MIT hand by iCN, iCT, and ice. We can construct a vector of
22]. While it was a beautifully designed and versatile wrench intensities, c, which can be partitioned into cN,
and with 32 actuators, it also illustrated some of the CT, and ce in an obvious fashion. Finally, let W be the
difficulties in robot control and the complexity of the wrench matrix consisting of all unit wrenches, and g
problems underlying grasping and contact. In contrast be the (possibly zero) known external wrench. Now we
to this work, there have been a number of efforts that are in a position to establish some basic definitions and
have instead focussed on reduced-complexity, special- properties of grasps that are useful for analysis.
purpose multifingered hands. One of the first such at- The analysis of mechanical fixtures and jigs goes
tempts was a three fingered hand powered by four ac- back to the work of Reuleaux [52] in 1875. The first
tuators [68] that was designed to grasp by enveloping. important concept is that of equilibrium. A grasped
Enveloping grasps [66], in contrast to fingertip object is in equilibrium if and only if [55]: (a) For all
grasps, are formed by wrapping the fingers (and the i, the contact forces and moments satisfy the contact
palm) around the fingers. Enveloping grasps are supe- constraints; and (b) The object is in static equilibrium:
rior in terms of restraining objects. In fact, this is eas-
ily seen in human grasping where fingertips and distal Wc+g=O
phalanges are used in fingertip grasps for fine manip-
ulation, while the inner parts of the hand (palm and where the contact constraints include the inequality:
proximal phalanges) are used in enveloping grasps for
restraint [8, 21]). Variations of this basic theme are also ieN ~_O,
seen in grippers designed for the so called whole arm
grasps [56] and power grasps [37]. It is also interesting and the inequalities that characterize the frictional
to note that in spite of the wide range of grippers and forces and moments. Typically, Coulomb's law with

an appropriately chosen coefficient of friction is used cases (including all polyhedra) a spatial object can be
to limit the tangential forces: form closed with only seven frictionless contacts.
Constructive procedures for placing contacts on
llcT[ _< i#T ic N. given objects to achieve form-closure have attracted
much attention in the literature [34, 44, 49, 50]. Since
Similarly, a Coulomb like frictional law can be applied this is also very relevant to fixturing, the reader is re-
to a frictional moment [35]: ferred to a survey paper on fixture that appears in these
proceedings [16].
Because the analysis in the literature discussed thus
I%o[ _< il~o %N. far is based on a first order kinematic model, the clo-
sure properties of a grasp depend only the locations of
Alternatively a coupled linear model of the friction the contact points and the contact normals, but not
cones [4] for tangential force and the torsional moment, on the shape of the object and the contacting effectors.
which has been shown in some cases to be more accu- If second order effects are examined, it is necessary to
rate, can be used. incorporate a model of the curvature of the contacting
A grasp is force closed, if and only if it is in equilib- surfaces. Even if a grasp is not form (force) closed,
rium for any arbitrary wrench ~b [44]. Thus, force clo- second order effects may guarantee the closure of the
sure implies, for any arbitrary wrench ~b, there exists grasp. The formulation of such second order effects is
an intensity vector A satisfying the contact constraint discussed in [18, 53, 67]). Higher order kinematic effects
inequalities, such that require the derivatives of the curvature and Christof-
fel symbols characterizing the contacting surfaces [57].
WA =zb. While third and higher order closure properties have
not been formally defined, we now have a roadmap of
Note that the intensity A can be different from the ac- how this line of work might proceed. We can now claim
tual intensity c, just as the hypothesized ~ can be dif- that such closure related properties are well understood
ferent from g. T h e reader is advised to refer to [65] for and well-known techniques for analysing grasps exist.
other interpretations of force closure.
Form closure is defined as a condition of complete 3 Force Analysis
restraint in which the grasped body can resist any ex-
ternal disturbance wrench, irrespective of the magni- A crucial problem in robot grasping is the choice
tude of the contact forces [29, 44]. Form closure is a of grasp forces so as to avoid, or minimize the risk
stronger condition than force closure. More formally, a of, slippage. The internal forces [55], also sometimes
grasp is defined as form closed if and only if it is force called the interaction forces or the squeeze forces, are
closed with frictionless contacts. Equivalently, a fric- the contact forces lying in the nullspace of the grasp
tionless grasp with N unilateral wrenches is defined as matrix W. It turns out, there is a unique decompo-
form closed if and only if [65], there exist A > 0, such sition of the grasp forces into the equilibrating forces,
that or the forces that lie in the range space of W, and the
WA = 0, internal forces [28, 42]. The problem of choosing con-
tact forces, or actuator forces if the kinematics a n d / o r
and W is full rank. dynamics of the fingers are considered, so as to real-
Salisbury [55] derived a simple analytical procedure ize the required manipulating forces required by the
to test for either form or force closure. Trinkle [65] task, while imposing constraints to prevent slip, is of-
provided a quantitative test for form closure based on ten referred to as the force distribution problem. This
linear programming t h a t provides a measure of how far problem also occurs in other robot systems with closed
the grasp is from losing the property of form closure. kinematic chain, including legged locomotion systems
Reuleaux proved in 1875 that planar bodies require and cooperating manipulators[46, 26, 31, 43, 69, 42].
at least four frictionless contacts to achieve form clo- The problem of determining the appropriate internal
sure. On the other hand, at least seven frictional con- forces can be posed as an optimization problem. Dif-
tacts are required for form closure in the spatial case ferent approaches including linear programming [26],
[54, 29]. Reuleaux also showed that there exist various pseudo inverse [28], and mathematical programming
geometrical shapes in which it is impossible to com- [26] have been proposed. Depending on the formula-
pletely constrain by any number of frictionless surface tion of the problem, properties such as convexity [3]
contacts. Selig and Rooney [59] classified Reuleaux's can be exploited to yield efficient solutions. Similarly
surfaces based on group theory. T h e y derived a sim- if the nonlinear friction constraints can be written as
ple classification of surfaces which cannot be grasped. positive-definiteness constraints [6], the inequalities can
Mishra, Schwartz, and Sharir [38] were the first to set be written in terms of a standard linear matrix inequal-
an upper bound of twelve frictionless contacts needed ity (LMI) problem, for which efficient off-the-shelf soft-
to achieve form closure on any spatial object with a ware exists.
piecewise smooth boundary (except Reuleaux's sur- It is important to note that force closure does not
faces), and six frictionless contacts for any piecewise guarantee stability. Any definition of stability must
smooth planar object. Markenscoff, Ni, and Papadim- regard the grasp as a dynamic system and describe the
itriou [34] showed t h a t any planar object with a piece- properties of the dynamic system when it is p e r t u r b e d
wise smooth b o u n d a r y (except a circle) can be always from an equilibrium configuration. The easiest test for
form closed with no more than four frictionless con- stability is based on a quasi-static model [60]. Consider
tacts. For spatial objects, they showed that in most a grasp with elastic fingers [1, 8]. We can derive all

contact forces from a potential function ¢(q), where this area is due to Cai and Roth [7], who studied rigid
q describes the configuration of the dynamic system. planar bodies in point contact. They derived a rela-
If for every small perturbation ~q from an equilibrium tionship for the rates of change of the location of the
grasp, ~¢ > 0, by Lagrange's theorem the equilibrium point of contact as a function of the angular and linear
configuration is said to be stable. If, on the other hand, velocities and accelerations of the contacting bodies.
a small perturbation ~q such that ~¢ < 0 exists, the Montana [40] provided a more formal description of
equilibrium grasp is unstable [19]. Thus the stability the configuration space associated with two contacting
of the grasp is effected by the local properties of the bodies, and derived the equations of kinematic contact
geometry of the grasp and the force distribution, in that relate the time derivatives of contact coordinates
addition to the locations of the contact points and the with the relative angular and linear velocities. These
contact normals. equations include terms that depend on the curvature
Salisbury [55] established a basic framework for test- of the contacting bodies. Sarkar, Kumar, and Yun [57],
ing the stability of a grasp. He showed that a grasp is extended this work to include acceleration terms. By
stable if the stiffness matrix (which characterizes the using intrinsic geometric properties for the contacting
grasp) is positive definite. Cutkosky and Wright [10] surfaces, they showed the explicit dependence on the
looked at the specific case of a two-fingered grasp, and Christoffel symbols and their time derivatives. This set
established relationships between local geometry and of results is directly relevant to dexterous manipulation
stability with a simple decoupled model for the stiff- 45], to the analysis of higher order closure properties
ness of the servo control loops. This work was subse- 53J, and to stability analysis [19].
quently extended to more general grasps with simple
models of compliance of fingers [8, 9]. A similar line of
work shows that by modeling each finger-object con- C o n t a c t c o m p l i a n c e The importance of modeling
tact as a virtual spring, force closed grasps can always the finger-object contact and the role of compliance
be made stable by adjusting the applied forces at each in grasping has been stressed by many researchers
finger [44]. [1, 8, 60]. However, it is particularly difficult to model
The curvature of the object and the effector at the the relationship between small object/finger displace-
contact point has a significant effect on grasp stability ments and changes in contact forces arising from these
[44, 41, 18]. In non force closed grasps, the contact displacements.
grasp stability, or the tendency of the grasped object Such contact problems have been studied extensively
to return to the same point of contact, is determined in the solid mechanics community in the context of rail-
by the the relative curvature, in addition to the posi- wheel interaction [24] and analysis of ball and roller
tion and the normals at the contact points [41]. There bearings [23]. There are difficulties even in establish-
are three other groups that have pursued second or- ing the uniqueness and existence of solutions of elastic
der models of grasp mobility and stability. Trinkle, bodies in static contact [12], and tractable analytical
Farahat, and Stiller [65, 67] Trinkle and his cowork- models are, in general, very difficult to come by. Hertz's
ers developed a general formulation for the stability of model [23/can be used to predict the pressure distribu-
non-force closed grasps for polygonal objects [65, 67]. tion across each contact patch when the contacts are
They developed the concepts of first and second or- frictionless and non-conformal. Hertzian contact the-
der stability cells, neighborhoods of force closed grasps ory is probably the most widely used analytical contact
which are also form closed and not form closed but model, and variations of this are used in [19, 53].
stable, respectively. Howard and Kumar [19] incorpo- Because friction is central to robotic grasp, the
rated the second order effect of contact curvature, the Hertzian contact model has proved to be inadequate
compliance at each contact, the magnitude of contact in many cases. Sinha and Abel [60] proposed an elastic
forces and friction, in their analysis of stability. They contact stress model for finger-object contacts in multi-
also provided a systematic classification of stable, but fingered grasping and a variational approach for quasi-
not force closed grasps. Rimon and Burdick [53] devel- static analysis. Wang, Kumar, and Abel [70] proposed
oped the concept of first and second order mobility of a similar approach for dynamic analysis. They devel-
a grasp. A first order immobile grasp is form closed, oped a mathematical programming approach for fric-
while a second order immobile grasp is one that is not tional, elastic contacts as well as viscoelastic contacts
form closed but is immobile when the curvature of the in which the inertial forces due to the deformations
contacting surfaces is considered. at the contacts are neglected. While such distributed
A more exhaustive analysis of stability must include parameter models yield accurate results, the solutions
the control laws used for actuating the hand joints, the require computation-intensive numerical methods. A
mechanical impedance of the system, and the contact possible simplification is provided by the Winkler elas-
models that describe the interactions between the fin- tic foundation model [23], and the lumped parameter
gers and the objects. While the work in [18] is a start- visco-elastic models used in [17, 27, 62] provide the sim-
ing point, a detailed analysis has never been carried plest model for simulation and analysis.
out. One of the very hard problems is getting an accurate
and tractable model of contact compliance, particularly
4 Contact models
in the tangential direction. This is recognized to be
K i n e m a t i c s of c o n t a c t Contact kinematics is a a difficult problem in the mechanics literature as well
study of the relationship between the location of the [23]. In addition to this, a tractable and accurate model
point of contact as a function of the relative motion of of friction, one that accurately predicts slip and one
two contacting bodies. The first fundamental work in that lends itself to stability analysis, is currently not

available. Both these fundamental problem areas are placements and forces) has made a thorough analysis
crucial to robotic grasping and contact analysis. very difficult.
5 Measures of grasp performance 6 Dynamics of the hand
Recent work in the literature has tried to develop It is interesting that much of the literature in grasp-
quality measures for grasps. One such measure can be ing actually ignores the kinematics of the fingers or the
derived from the conditioning of the grasp or wrench articulations that are involved in contacting the object.
matrix W and is directly connected with the closure While Reuleaux's problem of form closure justifiably
properties of the grasp [31]. In a similar fashion, other focuses on the geometry of the object and the arrange-
structural properties can be derived from the charac- ment of contacts, it is difficult to analyze a grasp with-
teristic matrices, for example, controllability and ob- out modeling the dynamics, or at least the kinematics,
servability [51]. of the fingers and the interaction of the fingers with the
When an object is restrained or grasped with multi- object.
ple effectors, there are two, often conflicting, measures Trinkle et. al. explore the kinematics of envelop-
of grasp performance. First, if the fixtures can be accu- ing grasps [66] using the restrictive but conservative
rately positioned, the system's ability to reject wrench assumption of frictionless contacts. The kinematics of
disturbances is a measure of grasp stability. The grasp fingers with two or three point contacts with finger-
stiffness matrix, or a frame invariant measure of the tips and palms have been studied by [48, 13]. While
minimum grasp stiffness [5], provides one choice for a the analysis of form-closure is intrinsically geometric,
performance metric. This assumption of being able to force-closure is tightly linked to the kinematics and
accurately position the end-effector is extensively used characteristics of the end-effector. In fact, it is pos-
in the fixturing and grasping literature. However, when sible that a geometric analysis of a grasp may predict
there are errors in positioning and orienting the end- force-closure, but a careful analysis of the kinematics
effectors, it is i m p o r t a n t to choose a grasp so that the may reveal that this is not the case [18]. Definitions of
system performance is insensitive to these positioning force-closure that take into account the kinematics of
errors. Thus, it also makes sense to minimize the de- the gripping device were proposed in [3], along with an
pendence of grasp forces on such positioning errors. exact algorithm for testing such property. Yoshikawa
Howard and K u m a r [19] develop the theory needed proposes a new set of definitions for closure properties,
to combine the stiffness matrices at each contact to including what he calls active and passive closures, to
calculate a grasp stiffness matrix. While the signs explicitly model the properties of the grasping mecha-
of the eigenvalues allow a test of grasp stability, the nism [73]. Unfortunately, much of this, and other re-
eigenvalues themselves are not invariant with respect lated work [20] is based on instantaneous kinematics.
to changes in reference frames [18]. Bruyninckx et al. Modeling of the fingers is particularly important
[5] develops a frame invariant measure of stability that when end-effectors that have fewer degrees-of-freedom
is based on the grasp stiffness matrix and a metric on than necessary to impart arbitrary motions/forces at
the Euclidean group. Lin develops a frame-invariant all contacts. Such kinematically defective grasps are
quality measure that essentially minimizes the "object common in simple industrial grippers. T h e hand Jaco-
deflection" when the grasped object is subject to force bian matrix is not full rank, it is not possible to com-
disturbances [32]. The basic idea here is to scale the mand an arbitrary set of grasp forces [2]. This is usu-
eigenvalues measuring the rotational stiffness by a char- ally the case in all power grasps. The modeling of the
acteristic distance to an edge of the object. Thus it is kinematics and manipulability of whole-hand manipu-
possible to develop a scaled stiffness matrix and the lation in such systems is discussed in [51]. Intuitively,
smallest eigenvalue of the scaled matrix characterizes the more a grasp is defective, the more robust it is in
the system. restraining an object with respect to external distur-
The focus in the above work is to quantify the abil- bances, but the lower the "manipulability', and also
ity of a fixture to reject disturbances due to external lower the sensitivity to positioning errors. However,
forces on the workpiece [11]. This is clearly a measure a case-by-case analysis is necessary for optimal power
of performance t h a t is relevant. However, the robust- grasps [3].
ness of a grasp to errors in positioning the effectors Many open problems remain to be solved in order
has not been addressed in this literature. Sugar and
to be able to design robot hands to effectively ex-
K u m a r develop a second measure of performance that
ploit defectivity to increase grasp robustness and re-
characterizes this robustness and discuss an approach duce hardware complexity. Among these, perhaps the
to optimizing fixtures based on both measures [63]. In most important is the need for a reliable estimate of
this connection, the control of grasping and the effects
contact compliance, arising with statically indetermi-
of of uncertainties are particularly important. nate grasps. This will then allow the calculation of
Unfortunately most of these measures are based on
contact forces, and the development of models that re-
the assumptions of small perturbations: displacements,
late joint displacements and torques to contact forces.
forces and errors. There is no question that more global
measures would be more useful. For example, in sta- 7 Dynamics
bility analysis, a figure relating to the size of the basin
of attraction of the equilibrium, indicating how large a The ability to predict the dynamic behavior of a
perturbation can be without causing instability would grasp with a given model including the control algo-
be desirable. However, the nonsmooth nature of grasp rithms, is critical to the design of the grasp. In mul-
dynamics (because of the unilateral constraints on dis- tifingered grippers, as in legged locomotion systems,

multi-arm systems, and other constrained robot sys- because of the breadth of the field and its close con-
tems, several limbs are used to constrain and manipu- nection to dexterous manipulation, fixturing, and hap-
late an object [28, 31, 37]. T h e dynamic analysis and tics. We chose to focus on issues that are central to
the simulation (the prediction of motion given the ex- the mechanics of grasping and the finger-object con-
ternal forces and moments on the system) of such sys- tact interactions. In addition, the review mainly ad-
tems is central to the design of such systems and the dressed research that has established the theoretical
development of control algorithms [71, 58]. framework for grasp analysis, simulation and synthe-
When there are contacts between nominally rigid sis. Because of the limitations on space, we have not
bodies, the constraints that arise in such situations are given the algorithmic aspects, and the applications the
called unilateral constraints because the contact forces attention that they deserve. We hope that this paper
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