Binstituto Superior Tecnológico Vida Nueva: Sede Matriz

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CODE: 2122CI184

LEVEL: Fourth

MODALITY: Accelerated



Summary of Lisa in China


Ayala Pasuña Jefferson Javier


OCTOBER 2021 – MARCH 2022

Lisa receives a letter from the association of young reporters, in which they tell her that she
has been selected for the first international convention of photographers. He takes his flight
and arrives in the city of Beijing, he meets Hu Tian who will be his guide, he introduces him
to Mei, then he takes Lisa to his hotel and even to a restaurant to get to know China.

The next day, she spends the whole morning at the photography convention, then Hu Tian
takes her to many tourist places such as: Founder's Square, they have a picnic in the sun
among others.

On Lisa's last day in Beijing, Hu Tian and Mei surprise her, take her to see the Chinese wall,
then take her with her uncles to a village, have tea, and enjoy the countryside scenery.

After going to Xi'an, the three friends meet the Terracotta Army, which has many soldiers to
protect the tomb of China's first emperor. The next day they visit Shanghai, they know places
like Yu garden which is one of the most beautiful and ancient traditional places, they also go
to the market where Lisa chooses traditional clothes.

The next morning, they take Lisa to the Shanghai World Financial Center, the view is
incredible and there is a beautiful rainbow, on their last trip they take the train to the city of
Hong Kong, which has beautiful landscapes such as hills, parks and nature reserves.

On Lisa's last day in China, they go to Aberdeen, here all the people live on boats, they go to
a famous floating restaurant for their last dinner, Lisa wears a traditional silk dress and
surprises her friends. The next day he boards the flight back home, says goodbye to his friends
and promises to visit them.
I found it interesting, as history shows that if we strive to achieve our dreams, we can fulfill
them. Also, if we love what we do, everything will be fun and we will enjoy the beauty that
our work offers us, such as: meeting new people and enjoying extraordinary places.

The importance of being a responsible person, friendly among others. Without forgetting the
importance of enjoying life minute by minute, Lisa teaches us that discipline beats

CAMBRIDGE. (2021). Cambridge Dictionary. Obtenido de Diccionario Inges - Español:


MITCHELL, H. (s.f.). Lisa in China. (págs. 4-32). mmpublicalions.

WordReference. (12 de 2021). Obtenido de WordReference:
1.- Lisa goes on an adventure without expecting that it will help her to form correctly to
face life

Image 1: Lisa arrives in China

2.- Lisa and her friends learn something new every day when visiting China. Always happy
to know everything new that you will have on that day of adventures.

Image 2: Lisa surprised to know new things

3.- We will always return home, always happy for what we have learned and that you
should always strive to achieve your goals.

Image 3:Lisa comes home happy

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