About The Holy Spirit and About The Mosaic Law

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About the Holy Spirit and

About the Mosaic Law

By Ray DeFiore

Jesus has said that the Holy Spirit is the best thing that God will ever give you. Luke 11:13 If
ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your
heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? For years I did not know what he meant.
And now I am telling you, that whatever your problems are, your answer and solution to your
problems, or all the social problems we face as a nation, the solution is Holy Spirit Christianity. I am
very serious when it comes to Listening for, and obeying only the Voice of the Holy Spirit.
Now I am hopefully going to teach you Holy Spirit Christianity and lead you into the Mosaic
Law, (which is super, super, simple!) When you, like myself, are committing yourself to listening for
the Holy Spirit’s Voice, you come into what I call Divine Knowledge. Divine knowledge typically only
comes to us through the Holy Spirit. You can look up books, even in the library of congress, and it is
not there. It can be written down in books, but typically it is not written down in books. Divine
knowledge goes inside the bible and it goes outside the Bible. An example of Divine Knowledge is
when a person gets saved and they realize “Wow! The Bible is really true! It’s all true, and real!
Jesus Christ really is the Son of God! Everything He said is real!” That is a common example of
Divine Knowledge. The Holy Spirit divinely revealed it to that person, and it becomes a reality in that
person’s life. It is not an intellectual thing, to that person who got saved, it can be felt in their gut, in
their mind, in the cells of their being. Nobody picks up an article and reads “Well, it says here that
Jesus is the Son of God, so now I will praise God and worship only Him.” The Holy Spirit divinely
revealed it to that person.
But there is more divine knowledge that we are not aware of because the Holy Spirit did not
bring it to us. And after all this time in listening for the Holy Spirit’s Voice, I have no idea of how deep
and fathomless the Holy Spirit’s Divine Knowledge can go. I am sure it is bottomless, you will never
have a handle on this. Divine knowledge (in my opinion) works in absolutes of humanity, and it goes
through time and will stand through centuries of war, and every conflict. It will stand because it is
based on absolute truth. Another example of this is “1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with
what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to
you again. 3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the
beam that is in thine own eye? 4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of
thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?” Can any one of us really break this down,
myself included? This runs extremely deep, it goes into psychology and a term called projecting, I
think. This saying runs really extremely deep I think, and you and I cannot intellectually grasp this
saying and break it down, because if we could it would probably revolutionize your life. We cannot
break down this saying, because the Holy Spirit has not revealed it to us.
Now, maybe one of you, when you apply Holy Spirit Christianity, the Holy Spirit will reveal
the greatness of it to you, and you could then teach it to the rest of us. So now I will tell you that I
think the Holy Spirit has taught this to me, and I will teach it to you, the same way it was taught to me.
I don’t know how to teach it any other way, other than the way I was mentored into this.
Napoleon Hill, the author, was kind of instrumental in teaching me how to pray. So I had a
notebook, and I started writing stuff down with pen with blue ink, statements, and I would read them
aloud to myself twice a day, as it said in the book Think and grow rich. This was before the Holy Spirit
revealed this doctrine to me. So my life was a wreck and I was living in an apartment in Burlington,
So one day I happened to be on You Tube, and I saw a documentary on the Azusa Street
Revival, and it strongly appealed to me, because I wanted something to work. I saw something real in
the Azusa Street Revival, which happened in 1906 and lasted until 1909. So I am just wanting to tell
you what I think the Holy Spirit’s nature is. So I started praying and praising in my apartment for
hours at a time, because I wanted to recreate the Azusa street revival in my apartment. And I was
taking notes. And after so many hours, and I guess a few days of doing this, the Holy Spirit spoke to
me out of left field, and He said, “Who are you praying to?” And I said “Jesus.” And He said “pray to
Me, the Holy Spirit.” So I wrote this down in my notebook. I had been a Christian since I was 19
years old, and it never occurred to me to pray to the Holy Spirit. So from that time on I wrote down
Holy Spirit prayers in my notebook, and I would read them aloud to the Holy Spirit several times a day.
And so I am telling you, that you should always, always, pray to the Holy Spirit, at the
forefront, because He is the one who will be prompting you to do what you should do.

Speaking on what I think the Holy Spirit’s nature is, I started writing down my prayers, and the
Holy Spirit spoke to me, and what I think He said was that He needs permission from us for Him to
help us. So I don’t call them prayers, I call them prayer/permissions. Because the Holy Spirit needs
for us to give Him permission to help us. Maybe you have heard of these stories in church circles, but
this usually happens with a mother somewhere. A woman wakes up at 2:30 in the morning and the
Holy Spirit compels and prompts her to pray for her kids, and her kids are halfway around the world in
China or Japan. So she earnestly prays for the safety of her son or daughter. She prays until she
doesn’t feel like it any more. And like a day later, she is talking with her son or daughter and at that
time, they were almost involved in a terrible car accident, but it was avoided. Why did the Holy Spirit,
wake this woman up? Because he needed her permission to help her. She knew nothing about what
was going on halfway around the world. But she was prompted to pray for her kids, so that the Holy
Spirit could have permission to help her family.
If a person goes to church, and during worship service, says, “Jesus please take away the desire
for cigarettes away from me”, than many times he or she will have no desire for cigarettes, they can
have a pack right in front of them, and it will not affect them. You will hear them say “For some
reason, I walked right past them, and I didn’t even want one!” By the person saying that prayer, they
gave permission to the Holy Spirit to help them.
Let us say that a person is being violently attacked. That person is being attacked by a person
with a knife, and it could be really bad. All they need to do is say “Holy Spirit, help me!’, and the
attack will immediately cease. It will happen very fast. You do not have time to Believe and have
Faith that the attacker will come to their senses. But of course the majority of people have never heard
that the Holy Spirit needs their permission to help them.

Another part of the Holy Spirit’s character which I think is important, is that the Holy Spirit’s
nature is to conceal sin. One thing that I know for sure, is that many people will not agree with my
belief systems, and that many people will not accept my views. And if I offend you, and go against
prejudices in your mind, ignore the offense and still go with Holy Spirit Christianity, no matter what.
The nature of the Holy Spirit is to conceal sin, while still working with you to overcome it. We,
in my thinking, are living in a very satanic system, with a satanic government, that brutalizes people
through constant exposure of people’s faults and sins. They use people’s weaknesses, their sexual
problems in order to coerce compliance and submission in order to prop up a satanic system, and a
satanic court. I will try to stay away from this topic as much as possible because I know you don’t
want to hear it. I know from experience that, especially for the ladies, you don’t want to hear about the
problems, many of us already know the problems, but it bothers you deeply for people to talk about the
problems of our country. Well, this doctrine is the answer, the solution to our problems. So you don’t
have to fret over the problems, this is your answer.
You might think that because you are coming to the Light, that your sins will be exposed for all
to see. The opposite is true. If you have been involved with the occult, witchcraft or satanism, and you
are scared of getting out because you know what will happen, in my thinking, once you begin Holy
Spirit Christianity, you will be protected from evil spirits.
This is something that I believe strongly. Let’s say that a person is a drug dealer, and he comes
to Holy Spirit Christianity. And the Holy Spirit is working with him to overcome the sin of dealing
drugs. Well, stopping it is one thing, but he might miss the money he was making. So he is struggling
and conflicted; he wants to turn his life around, he wants a new life, but the money factor is tempting
him to go back into it. This is just my opinion: while the Holy Spirit is trying to resolve his conflict,
He is also diverting the police, so that he will not go back to prison while the man or woman is on their
way to recovery. This is just my opinion, based on my experience with the Holy Spirit. Because it is
the Holy Spirit’s nature to conceal sin. He is never revealing your past to anyone, never.
An easy way to think of it is that the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament is called a Cloud. You
can hide in a Cloud. A Cloud for some people can be a camouflage. In the Azusa Street revival, which
I mentioned earlier, the Glory of the Lord was so thick, that there was a thick cloud in the people’s
presence, and children would play hide and seek behind the cloud.

I fear God a lot while I write this, and I want to say that this is my opinion which I recently
came to. The Holy Spirit’s nature is to move along the parameters of the Mosaic Law. When we look
at the 10 commandments, the Holy Spirit will never tell you to go against the 10 commandments. The
Holy Spirit will never tell you to kill yourself or anyone else, because it says Thou shalt not kill. He
will never tell you to steal or go into Hinduism, because he moves along the parameters of the Mosaic
Law, at least generally. Like I said, I fear God a lot, and you can take it as you will. His nature is
nothing like ours, and his thinking is nothing like ours. If I told you to go and be Holy, that would be
an impossibility. You will never accomplish that. Never. But with the Holy Spirit, you can overcome
a lot, and “be Holy, for I am Holy.”

One thing that is an absolute about the Mosaic Law, you Must go through the Holy Spirit!
This will never work with any other god, so don’t even think about it! If you play around with another
god you may bring terrible curses on yourself or your family. In the Old Testament it uses the term
Lord thy God. But for our purposes, we must go through the Holy Spirit, and I am not here to debate
anybody. The Holy Spirit, which is God’s Spirit, on this earth, tells us stuff, shows us stuff, convicts of
sin, points His way to Jesus, and reveals stuff to us.
I think that I have been taught this to teach you, so that we can redirect the future of the United
States, and stop this insanity, lower crime, harmonize the sexes, and really change things for our own
good. I really do appreciate you and thank you for reading this till the end.

If and when we have a meeting place, in a park, please come in an attitude of holiness, even
though you might be battling your own stuff internally. Please no mockers.
A good way of contacting me is my e-mail. raydefiore@protonmail.com If you have any
questions or concerns. Please call me up between 8 am and 11 am Monday thru Friday for prep-
instructions and time and meeting place. 336-482-7673. I will
look forward to you coming and being a part of something great!

Ray DeFiore

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