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Department of Computer Science and Technology

Home Exercise for Students(Exercise 2)

Course: Human Computer Interaction (CoSc 3122)

Mark: 30%
Instructor: Haileeyesus.K.
Part I: Choose the best answer from the given alternatives (1 pt each)
1. Which one of the following is a not text entry device?
A. Chord keyboard B. Mouse C. Touch pad D. Speech E. Dvorak
2. According to Donald Norman specific action required to meet the goal is?

A. Intention C. Interpretation
B. Execution D. Goal

3. Among those used for interpreting the signal received through the eye and which is made
up of hue, intensity and saturation?
A. Brightness B. Color C. Luminance D. Reading E. None
4. The part of the ear which is responsible for releasing chemical transmitters and that
causes impulses in the auditory nerve is?
A. Outer C. Inner
B. Middle D. Auditory
5. The language that is apparent in the case of communication between the input device and
the system according to the Beale’s and Abowd interaction frame work is?
A. Performance C. Presentation
B. Articulation D. Observation
6. The type of interaction style that is comfortable for experts than novice users is?
A. Natural language C. Command line interface
B. Menu D. WIMP
7. Humans hear frequencies in arrange of?
A. 20Hz---15KHz C. 15Hz----20Hz
B. 20Hz----15Hz D. 15KHz-----25Hz
8. Among the sensory memory types which is responsible for storing stereo sound type of
A. Iconic C. Haptic

B. Echoic D. Tactile
9. One is different from the other which one?

A. Deduction C. Gestalt
B. Analogy D. States

10. The situation in which the system does not support the user’s goal is?
A. Gulf of evaluation C. Slip
B. Gulf of execution D. Presentation

Part II: Match the terms in column A with the terms in column B. (0.5 pt each)


1. Long term A. WIMP

2. Electrons B. Short term memory

3. Small picture C. Sex

4. Output device D. Mouse

5. Rehearsal E. LCD

6. Frames F. Long term memory

7. Planar G. CRT

8. Widgets H. Icons

9. Rapid decay I. Track ball

10. Luxurious device J. Storage of information

K. Eye gaze

L. Digital paper

M. Type sub-type relationship

Part III: Write true if the statement is correct and false otherwise (0.5 pt each).

1. QWERTY keyboard is not optimal for typing?

2. Natural language is successful in some restricted domains?

3. The most common environment for interactive computing systems is WIMP?
4. Objects of different sizes and different distances may have the same visual angle?
5. In the case of liquid crystal displays light is not reflected rather it is emitted?
6. A type of menu in which menu opening opens another menu is called cascading menus?
7. Small joy stick in the middle of the keyboard is called track pad?
8. It is high accurate for distinguishing high frequencies than low frequencies in the case of

Part IV: Do the following questions clearly and neatly based on the question type?

1. Write at least three interaction styles and explain each of them? 3pts.

2. Define kinethesis? 2pts.

3. Define the following terms clearly and neatly? 3pts.

3.1. Scroll bar?

3.2. Title bar?

3.3. Dialogue box?

4. Studying interaction models is important, so write the three main reasons why we study
interaction models? 3pts.

5. Write the seven stages of interaction according to Donald Norman’s execution evaluation
model of interaction? 2pts.

6. The mismatch between the system’s presentation and user’s expectation is called? 1pt

Answer sheet

Name: _____________________________ ID: ____________

Part I (10 pts(1 pt each))

1.____ 4.____ 7.____ 10.____

2.____ 5.____ 8.____

3.____ 6.____ 9.____

Part II (10 pts (1 each))

1.______________ 6._________________

2.______________ 7._________________

3.______________ 8._________________

4.______________ 9._________________

5.______________ 10._________________

Part III (8pts (1 each))

1.______________ 4._________________

2.______________ 5._________________

3.______________ 6._________________

7.______________ 8._________________

Part IV (14 pts): Write the answer for all the questions on the blank spaces given

together for each question.


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