An Introduction Into Holy Spirit Christianity.

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An Introduction into Holy Spirit Christianity.

By Ray DeFiore

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God on this earth. The prophet Hosea has rightly said “My
people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject
thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me, seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget
thy children.” The reason why things are so bad in every country in the world is because, they do not
know the Mosaic law. There are 4 simple steps that will make you into a winner, and when I mean a
winner, I mean in every way you can imagine. You will win, I guarantee it. The two things that
Christians worldwide are ignorant of, and that ignorance has destroyed nations, civilizations, human
lives, is that they do not know the Mosaic law, and they do not know how the Holy Spirit works.
Worldwide, people do not know what the Mosaic law is, and because of this, their lives are destroyed.
Families are wrecked, marriages are wrecked. The Law of Moses is always at work, whether for good
or bad.
Back in late 2010, I really wanted to be a winner, I wanted to be successful, because my life
was a wreck. I had all these questions, that for me had to be answered. I can almost guarantee you’ve
had some of the same questions. Christianity, as it was being preached was not working for me. To
this day, I do not know why if a man or woman gets committed to Jesus Christ, and proclaim His
message, he or she has a target on their back, for terrible things happening. I don’t know why this is,
but it does happen. A great Christian lady named Amy Carmichael, who lived in Ireland, and had given
us truly great writings, committed herself as a mission to help people in India. She did help some
young girls out of forced prostitution, she started an orphanage. To me personally, she is a great
person, an example for Christians. But one day she went into a house and there was a pit, and she fell
into it. She got hurt really badly, she could not walk without extreme pain. She was bedridden for
many years until her death. Her life was messed up because she did not know what the Mosaic Law is.
She did everything right, she was honorable, and she did a great calling. But her reward on this earth
was excruciating pain, and being bedridden. Now I know you’ve probably never heard of her. Great
people are seldom recognized.
But getting back to around 2010, I wanted to learn how to be successful. I wanted my life to
work, and I of course wanted to get to heaven. But I didn’t want to get there sick and poor. So a man
named Kevin Trudeau, who had the nickname of ‘infomercial king’, because he had many products and
books on infomercials on television, had made a lecture on audio cassettes, on how to be successful. I
listened over and over again, on my computer while I was washing dishes, or should have been
washing dishes. I was completely engrossed in rearranging my thinking and belief system to be
successful and to make my life work. My tenacity and determination finally led me to in 2012, to
learning this great secret doctrine that I am revealing to you. But from this lecture, I did not know at
the time built up for me a framework of the way things really are. It has to be said that the Holy Spirit
mentored me for several years into the Law of Moses, and how to get our country back. These
principals being taught in this lecture was instrumental for me to bring you Holy Spirit Christianity, so
that you can radically transform your life into something great. You must realize something: There is
so much we don’t know as human beings, that the real knowledge that can help us is hidden, we have
to search it out and find it out for ourselves. This is the real knowledge that will change everything,
reverse everything. Coming out of curses into the blessings, there is a shift that takes place.
Well, getting back to this lecture the question was asked, “who are you listening to?” I have
never heard this particular question in any setting. I had a notebook, and I kept making notes, and
drawing diagrams and things. Years later, after listening for the Voice of the Holy Spirit, I now know
that this is the dominant question. Who are you listening to? That question is the basis for the Mosaic
law. There are many people who study and study the Mosaic law, and they completely miss it. They
miss the most important part of the Law, which would have saved people, even nations, from
catastrophe. What is the Mosaic law? The entirety of the Mosaic law is one basic principal. Obeying
the Voice of the Lord thy God. That is it, in a nutshell. People will tell you that there are 613
commandments in the Law. I will put it in my own Ray DeFiore lingo into it: You obey and listen
only to the Voice of the Holy Spirit- don’t listen to all these crazy people! The Mosaic law is based on
causation. In other words, God just causes the blessings on you, you don’t have to beg and plead, you
don’t have to believe and have faith for the next 6 months. All the blessings in Deuteronomy 28 are
attached to listening to and obeying only the Voice of the Lord thy God. All these blessings are laid
out, like he will bless all the work of thy hands. In other words, he will cause your work or business to
be successful. God just causes things to happen in your favor.
I will say this, I have tested this and tested it over and over again. Since discovering this
doctrine in 2012, I am constantly listening for the Voice of the Holy Spirit, and I think I have
something great to offer you. Out of observation, experimentation, testing this over and over again, I
will make you a guarantee. I will guarantee you that if you come to our Holy Spirit Christianity
meetings, and if you adopt the 4 steps, I will personally guarantee that you will do something great in
your life. It is a law. It might start out small, like let us say that the Holy Spirit prompts you to work in
a soup kitchen or to join a choir. You say big deal, so what? But it may end in a nobel peace prize, or
finding a cure for blindness. That is just me speaking, but on this I can guarantee. I have looked
intensely at the people who did great things, and the common denominators of people who did great
things. Any Christian that is constantly listening for the Holy Spirit’s Voice will have done incredible
things. I have learned that Thomas Edison, the inventor, would lay on his couch for hours at a time,
visualizing himself as a great inventor, but he also opened himself up, and I think that God would shoot
down ideas for him like the movie projector, than he would turn it over in his mind, on how it was
going to work. From my observation, everything comes down to God.
Here is the bottom line, I would really like for you to come to one of the meetings. And I will
lead you into Holy Spirit Christianity, and will lead you into the Mosaic Law, and you will get tangibly
blessed. Things might happen out of the blue. Your wayward kids might come home, other things
might happen. Your entire life will get better in every way. I will teach you how to be a winner with
Holy Spirit Christianity. I will not waste your time if you come. Please call me up between 8 am and
11 am Monday thru Friday for prep-instructions and time and meeting place. 336-482-7673. I will
look forward to you coming and being a part of something great!

Ray DeFiore

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