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May 22, 2011

What Makes Baptists Distinct? - Part 1

Sunday Bulletin What makes Baptists distinct? Is it just the Our faith and practice are based on God’s
name on our signs? Or does the name “Baptist” Word. Although other groups may have a similar
represent special significance? For the next doctrinal statement to that of Baptists, we
couple of weeks, let’s highlight a few key areas believe that our daily living should reflect what
of Baptist distinction. we believe. We hold that the Bible should be our
final authority in all matters of faith and practice.
As a Baptist, no other distinctive is more critical Although there is room for cultural adaptation
and foundational than Biblical authority. Based and preferential expression, we do not base
on II Timothy 3:16–17, we believe the Bible is doctrine—on paper or in practice—on tradition.
the Word of God and therefore our absolute
The New Testament Baptist Church, 437 N. Duffy Road, Butler, Pennsylvania 16001

Every key area of church function that we

and final authority. practice can be found in God’s Word. For
example: preaching (II Timothy 4), offerings (I
We believe in Bible authority. Because every Corinthians 16), altar calls (Romans 12), praying
teaching, belief, and practice of Baptists is built (Luke 19:46), missions (Acts 13), baptism by
upon the Word of God, understanding the immersion (Acts 8), and many others.
infallibility of Scripture is vital. Christ followed
God’s Word in everything He taught and did. II Timothy 3:17 teaches that God’s Word is
And He specifically stated that God’s Word was divinely inspired and perfectly preserved for a
divinely inspired: “But he answered and said, It specific purpose—“That the man of God may be
is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, perfect.” Perfect here means “fitted or
but by every word that proceedeth out of the equipped.” The Word of God helps born-again
mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). believers mature in daily life and service. This
means that our daily living should reflect our
II Peter 1:20–21 explains the origin of the Book doctrine!
we cherish: “Knowing this first, that no
prophecy of the scripture is of any private The challenge for every Baptist, then, is to align
interpretation. For the prophecy came not in his life to God’s Word—to study it thoroughly (II
old time by the will of man: but holy men of Timothy 2:15) and to obey it faithfully (Joshua
God spake as they were moved by the Holy 1:8).

The Spring Piano Recital of Keystone Christian Academy

The students of our Christian School will present a piano recital during
tonight’s Sunday evening service at 7 PM. It’s encouraging to see the
progress of our students. We appreciate our piano teacher, Joan Weible.

Sponsor a Teen Pensacola Christian

The Deacon College
of the Local Church for Teen Camp Sunday PM, June 5
Wednesdays at 7 PM Our church will host a
In preparation for our upcoming singing group from
deacon election, our Pastor will Pensacola Christian
be teaching on the Biblical College on Sunday
Mt. Salem Revival Grounds

reason, role, requirements, and rewards of the evening, June 5.

local church deacon. Make plans to attend. $200/teen Make plans to attend.
Volume 11, Issue 21

First-time visitors are asked to stop by our Welcome Center for a gift.
Welcome to New Testament Baptist Church! We are so excited that you are taking the
time to contemplate eternal matters with us. Thank you for your interest. We trust that
the singing, preaching, and fellowship with our people will be a blessing to you.

Visit us at Church Phone Number: 724.282.2494


Free Schedule of
Nursery &
Childcare Services
Out of respect for your loved ones and those
in attendance, we ask parents to use our
clean & well-equipped nursery. Please avail Sunday School 10:00 AM
us the opportunity to serve! Morning Preaching 11:00 AM
This free service is available for newborns
Choir Practice 6:00 PM
and infants (birth through 24 months).
All of our volunteers have passed a Evening Preaching 7:00 PM
background check with the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania.
Sunday School: Renea Holt
Sunday AM: Carey Hogan Bible Study & Prayer 7:00 PM
AM Rockin’ Grandma: Mrs. Schall
Sunday PM: Haley Fisher SATURDAY:
Wednesday PM: Bonnie Heitzenrater Soul Winning 10:30 AM

In the spirit of worship and as an act of courtesy, please do NOT

bring soft drinks or bottled water into the Auditorium.

Cellular devices should be turned off or placed in vibrate mode.

Where Will I Spend Eternity?

Your relationship to Jesus Christ is central to the answer to that question.
We are, by nature, sinners who stand guilty and condemned before our Creator and
Judge. In our thoughts and actions, we have disobeyed His perfect standards. We
are sinners (Romans 3:10, 23).
We are helpless to save ourselves. Forgiveness is a gift to be received, not a reward
that can be earned. We need a Saviour (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Because of His love for us, God provided salvation through His Son, Jesus. He
became a member of the human family, lived without sin, and died on the cross to
pay for our sins. Jesus is the Saviour (Romans 5:8; John 3:16).
Salvation is an individual matter and requires a personal response on the part of
anyone that wants to be saved. All who acknowledge their sin and place their trust
in Christ are adopted as God’s children (Romans 10:9, 13).

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