Metal Working Derivations

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Load determination using slab method

Plane strain condition

Plane Stress Plane strain
It is a state of stress in which normal stress σz It is a state of strain in which normal strain εz and shear strain
and shear stress τxz and τyz perpendicular to γxz and γyz perpendicular to the XY plane are assumed to be
the XY plane are assumed to be zero. In plane zero.
stress condition, there is no stress in third
direction, however there is strain in third

One deals with a situation in which dimension of the structure in

Plane stress typically occurs in thin flat plates one direction say, slab being rolled, the Z-coordinate (width) is
that are acted upon only by load forces that are very large in comparison with dimensions of the structure in the
parallel to them. For example, of a thin-walled other two directions (thickness and length -X and Y coordinate
cylinder filled with a fluid under pressure. In axes). The geometry of the body is essentially that of prismatic
such cases, stress components perpendicular cylinder or bar with one dimension is much larger than the
to the plate are negligible compared to those others. The applied force act in the XY plane and do not vary in
parallel to it the Z-direction i.e. loads are uniformly distributed with respect
to large dimension and act perpendicular to it.
Since the displacement in one of the directions is negligible
compared to the other two, the plane strain condition is valid
• One of the dimensions is much larger than the other
• In-plane forces do not vary along the largest dimension
• Forces acting normal to the section plane are negligible

Plane strain is applicable to rolling, drawing, and forging

where flow in a particular direction is constrained by the
geometry of the machinery, e.g. a well-lubricated die wall.
The principal stress in the direction of the longest dimension can
be disregarded for calculations. Thus, allowing a two-
dimensional analysis of stresses.
σx τxy 0 σ1 0 0 In plane strain condition, the strain in third direction is absent.
τij = [τxy σy 0]= [ 0 σ2 0] 1
ε2 = [σ2 − υ (σ1 + σ3 )] = 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 E
σx +σy σx −σy 2
σ2 = υ (σ1 + σ3 )
σ1 = 2
+ √( 2
) + τ2xy Near yield point and in plastic zone, υ = 2

σ1 +σ3
σ2 = ( )

σ1 0 0
σx + σy σx − σy 2 σ1 + σ3
σ2 = − √( ) + τ2xy τij = [ 0 0]
2 2 2
0 0 σ3

Plane Strain forging

When width of specimen is 8 times the thickness, usually there is no deformation in width
direction and state of strain is called plane strain deformation.

Deformation without friction Deformation with interface friction

With deformation of upsetting, there is outward movement of slab (along x-direction) and it
setup shear stresses at slab - die interface. These stresses are directed toward slab and thus
opposing metal flow. Due to presence of interfacial shear stresses, the horizontal stress varies
along the length of rectangular slab. The rectangular slab has instantaneous dimension of
length= 2a, breadth=b, and thickness=h.
Fx = 0
(x + dx )bh − x bh – 2(b dx) = 0
(x + dx )h − x h – 2dx = 0
h x + h dx - x h – 2dx = 0
h dx − 2 dx = 0
dx 2
− =0 (1)
dx h

The value of  depends upon type friction exists at interface:

(i) Sliding friction
(ii) Sticking friction
(iii) Mixed friction condition - Sticking friction (in central region) and sliding friction (at
Derivation considering the sliding friction
❖ The forging force F attains its maximum value at the end of stroke.
❖ The material is ideally plastic. The entire strip is plastic state during the process.
❖ The friction forces acting at slab-anvil interface are assumed to obey coulombs law of
sliding friction i.e. F = µN. The coefficient of friction (µ) is regarded as constant for the given
slab – anvil slab and for given surface condition and temperatures. The Interface shear stress
is  = µ p
❖ The thickness of slab (h) is small compared to its other dimensions and variation of
stresses along the thickness direction (Y-direction) is negligible.
❖ The width of slab is much more than the length (2a) and the problem is of plane strain
❖ The material is subjected to plane strain deformation and yielding occur as per Von
Mises yield criterion
Equation 1 becomes:
dx 2µp
− =0 (2)
dx h

Neglecting τ = μp and assuming x and p as principal stresses, the application of Von Mises
yield criterion results in:

σ 1 = σx , σ2 = 0,σ3 = − p

σ1 – σ3 = σ′0 , where σ′0 = σ0 is constrained yield strength

∴ σx + p = σ′0 (3)
Differentiating equation (3) w. r.t. to x
dx dp dx dp
+ dx = 0 ⇒ =−
dx dx dx

Substituting in eq. (2)

dp 2μp
− − =0
dx h
dp 2μ
= − dx
p h
Integrating the above expression yields

log p = − x +C

Where c is situation specific integration constant and is evaluated by applying boundary

conditions of σx = 0 at x = a and using σx + p = σ′0 as follows
p = σ′0 at x = a
∴ log σ′0 = − +c
∴ c = log σ′0 + h

Substituting the value of constant c in eq. (4) yields

2μa 2μx
log p = log σ0 + −
h h
p 2μ
∴log( σ′ ) = (a − x)
0 h

Therefore, pressure p at distance x from the centre is given by

∴p = σ′0 e[ h
The axial stress at distance x from the centre is given using (3)


[ (a−x)]
σx = σ′0 – p = σ′0 − σ′0 e h

= σ′0 {1 − e[ h } (4)

Fig.2 Distribution of pressure (p) along length direction)

The Fig. show that p and σx are maximum at centre and minimum at periphery.
Determination of average forging pressure (pa)
Forging force = Average pressure (pa )  contact area (2a × b)
a a
pa × (2a × b) = ∫ p (b dx) = 2b ∫ pdx
−a 0
a a 2μ
1 1 [ (a−x) ]
∴ pa = ∫ pdx = ∫0 σ′0 e h dx
a 0 a

σ′0 (−1) h 2μ
= [ ] |[e h |
a 2μa 0
h 2μa
pa = σ′0 ( e[ h ] − 1)
Let define a process parameter B = and hence average forging pressure is
pa = [eB − 1] (5)

F = pa × ( 2a × b) (6)
pa can be approximately determined with an assumption that B is small and then using series
B2 B3
eB = 1 + B + + +⋯
2! 3!
σ′0 σ′0 B2 B
∴ pa = [eB − 1] = [1 + B + - 1] = σ′0 (1 + 2 )
B B 2!

Therefore, approximate average pressure is given by

pa = σ′0 (1 + ) (7)

The forging force considering existence of sliding friction is

A piece of lead 25 mm x 25 mm x 150 mm having a uniaxial flow stress of 7 N/ mm2
is pressed between flat dies to a size of 6.25 mm x 100 mm x 150 mm. The coefficient
of friction between die and lead slab is 0.1. Determine the forging pressure
distribution and the total forging load at the end of deformation.
h0 = 25 mm; h1 = 6.25 mm;
L0 = 25 mm; L1 = 100 mm = 2x a
a = 50mm
σ0 = 7 N/mm2;
2 2
µ =0.1; σ′0 = × σ0 = × 7 = 8 N/mm2
√3 √3
2μa 2 ×0.1 ×50
B= = = 1.6
h1 6.25
σ′0 8
pa = [eB − 1] = [e1.6 − 1] = 20 N/mm2
B 1.6

F = pa × (2a × b) = 20 x (100 x150) N

= 300 kN
Maximum pressure is at centre with x = 0
2μ 2μa
p = σ′0 e[ h = σ′0 e h = σ′0 eB
= 8 x e1.6 = 40 N/mm2
Minimum pressure is at centre with x = a
p = σ′0 = 8 N/mm2

Pure sticking friction [using Von Mises yield criterion]

In sticking friction, the slab does not slide along the die face but actually become part of die
face. There is subsurface flow of metal. The frictional shear stress at die slab interfere cannot
be more than yield shear strength of material, k. It means interface shear stress is τ = k where
k is shear yield strength of the material and k = as per the Von Mises yield criterion (and
k= as per Tresca yield criterion)

Recalling the (1)

dσx 2τ
− =0
dx h
dσx 2k
− =0 (6)
dx h

As per Von Mises yield criterion, σ1 − σ3 = σ′0 for plane strain forging. In this case, σ1 = σx
and σ1 = − p .Using this relationship, we find relationship between σx and p as
σx + p = σ′0 (7)
It yields on differentiation

dσx dp dσx dp
+ dx = 0 ⇒ = − dx
dx dx

Substitution in (6) results

dp dx
2k h
Integration result in
p −x
= +c
2k h
Evaluating the constant with applying boundary condition i.e. x = 0 , σx = 0 which yields from
(7) as p = σ′0 . The constant c is
a σ′ a 2 σ′0
c = (h + 2k0 ) = (h + 1) as σ′0 =√3 σ0 = 2k, hence =1
p a−x
∴ 2k = (1 + )
p = σ′0 (1 + ) (8)

It provides expression for the maximum and the minimum pressure at two extremes i.e. x = 0
and x = a respectively.
pmin = σ′0 at x = a
pmax = σ′0 (1 + h) at x = 0

The relationship between p and x is linear and therefore average pressure is arithmetic mean as
(pmax . + pmin )
pa =
= σ′0 (1 + 2 h) (9)

The forging force considering existence of sliding friction is

F = pa × ( 2a × b)
Mixed friction condition (Applying Von Mises yield criterion)
Sticking friction exits at central region whereas sliding friction exits at periphery. In mixed
frictional condition, sticking friction exists at central region and sliding friction exits at
periphery. Let sticking friction exists up to distance x = x0 from the centre, termed as sticking

distance. It is the interface that separates sticking friction zone and sliding friction zone. Let
denote the pressure at x0 is p0 ; the pressure p0 is unique as it can be determined using the
sticking friction formula as well as using the sliding friction formula. Applying Von Mises
yield criterion. At this point, interface shear stress τ is
τ=k= = μ p0
∴ p0 = μ√3 (a)

Using sliding friction,

p0 = σ′0 . e h (a−x0) (b)
Equating (a) and (b) yields
2μ σ0
p0 = σ′0 . e h (a−x0) =
2 2μ σ0
σ0 e h (a−x0) =
√3 μ√3

e h (a−x0) = 2μ
2μ 1
(a − x0 ) = log 2μ
h 1
x0 = a − log (2µ) (c)

Pressure distribution in sticking friction region (0 ≤ x ≤ x0 ),

p= − x+c (d)

where constant c can be evaluated using a fact at x = x0 ; p = p0 , provides value of c as

c = p0 + x
h 0
The substitution of c in (d) provides pressure distribution in the region of sticking friction as
p = p0 + (x0 − x) for 0 ≤ x ≤ x0 ()

where p0 = σ′0 e h (a−x0)
The average pressure distribution in sticking friction is determined as follows:
pmin = p0 at x = x0
pmax = p0 + x0 at 𝑥 = 0

Since the relations are linear, the average pressure is arithmetic mean of pressures at x = 0
and x = x0 .

pmin + pmax σ′0
pa = ( ) = (p0 + x )
2 2h 0

Thus, pressure distribution applicable to mixed frictional condition is summarized as

p0 + (x − x) for sticking friction zone i. e. 0 ≤ x ≤ x0
p={ h 0

(a−x0 )
σ′0 e h for sliding friction zone i. e. x0 ≤ x ≤ a

Thus, the total force (F) will have two components ( F1 , F2 ) as follows
F1 = pa x sticking contact area = (p0 + x ) × (2 x0 × b)
2h 0
a a 2μ
F2 = 2 ∫ p (b dx) = 2b ∫ σ′0 e h (a−x0) dx
x0 x0
a x0
F2 2μ 2μ
1 h
= ⌊ 2μ e h (a−x0 ) ⌋ = 2μ ⌊e h (a−x0) ⌋
2bσ′0 −( ) a
h x0
2μ(a−x0 )
= 2μ [e h − 1]

F = F1 + F2
A piece of lead 25 mm x 25 mm x 150 mm having a uniaxial flow stress of 6.9 N/
mm2 is pressed between flat dies to a size of 6.25 mm x 100 mm x 150 mm. The
coefficient of friction between die and lead slab is 0.25. Determine the forging
pressure distribution and the total forging load.
h0 = 25 mm; h1 = 6.25 mm
b0 = b1 = 150 mm (breadth remains unchanged and therefore it is a plane strain condition)
2 2
σ′0 = × σ0 = × 6.9 = 8 N/mm2
√3 √3

L0 = 2 a0 = 25 mm L1 = 2 a1 = 100 mm ∴ a1 = 50 mm

σ0 = 6.9 N/mm2 µ =0.25; h1 = 6.25 mm
x0 = Limit of the sticking region from the centre
h 1 6.25 1
x0 = a1 − 2µ1 log = 50 – 2x0.25 log 2x 0.25 = 41.3 mm

x0 has a positive value and hence sticking friction condition prevails over the central region
extending from the centre up to distance of 41.33 mm.
The pressure at the edge is σ′0 = 8 N/mm2
Sliding friction condition exits between 41.3 ≤ x ≤ 50 mm. The pressure at sliding-sticking
interface at x= 41.3 mm is (P0 ) and is given by
2 μ(a1 −x0 ) 2 x 0.25(50−41.3)
p0 = σ′0 × e h = σ′0 × e 6.25 = σ′0 ×2 =16 N/mm2
The pressure distribution in the sticking region (0 ≤ x ≤ 41.3 mm) is given by
p = p0 + × (x0 − x) 0 ≤ x ≤ 41.3 mm

Pressure at the centre is maximum as x = 0

pc = 16 + 6.25 × (41.3 − 0) = 69 N/ mm2

Forging load from sticking zone:

F1 = pa × (b × 2x0 )
p0 + p c 16 + 69
pa = = = 42.5 N/ mm2
2 2
F1 = 42.5 × (150 × 2 × 41.3) = 527 kN

Forging load in sliding zone

a a 2μ(a−x)
F2 = 2 ∫ p × b × dx = 2b σ′0 ∫ e h dx
x0 x0

2μ(a−x) 2μ(a−x0 )
F2 a h
= ∫x e h dx = 2μ [e h − 1]

= 2×0.25 [e 6.25 − 1]

= 12.5
F2 = 2b σ′0 × 12.5 = 2 × 150 × 8 × 12.5
= 30 kN
F= Total force = F1 + F2= 527 + 30 = 557 kN
1. for simplicity we presume existence of sticking friction throughout the contact length
(though it is a slight over estimation) and determine the calculate forging load
a 50
pa = σ′0 (1 + 2h) = 8 (1 + 2×6.25) = 40 N/mm2
Forging Load F = pa × 2a × b = 40 × 100 × 150 N
= 600 kN
Thus, load determined of 600 kN assuming entire contact region having sticking friction
provides overestimation of about 8%.

2. Pressure p can be computed at various points assuming sliding friction prevails over the
contact area using the following formula
2 μ(a−x)
p = σ′0 × e h

For example, pressure at centre x = 0 would be

p = 8×e 6.25 (50 − 0) = 437 N/mm2
Note that as per Von mises k = = 4N/mm2. Since, μp > k is for x ≤ 41.3 43, sticking

friction prevails over most of 50 mm of either slide of slab

x 0 6.25 12.5 18.75 25 31.25 37.5 41.3 43.75 50

p 437 264 160 97.1 59 36 22 16 13 8

μp 110 66 40 24.3 15 9 5.5 4 3.3 2

Sticking friction zone Sliding friction zone

3. Note that the peak pressure for friction hill is much lower in the case of sticking friction,
which is 69 N/mm2 as compared to 437 N/mm2 in the case of sticking friction.

Axisymmetric forging of circular slab

Formulae for upset forging of Circular slab

Full scale Sliding friction
p = σ0 e h

pa = σ0 ( eB − B − 1)

Approximate method
B μd
pa = σ0 (1 + 3) = σ0 (1 + ) d = Ø upset diameter

Sticking friction
2 a−r
p = σ0 [1 + ( )]
√3 h

pmax = σ0 [1 + ] and pmin = σ0
√3 h
pa = σ0 [1 + ]
h √3
Mixed frictional conditions
h 1
r0 = a − log
2µ µ √3


(a−r0 )
p0 = σ0 e h
2 
p0 + h0 (r0 − r) 0 ≤ r ≤ r0 Sticking friction
p={ 2µ
σ0 e h r0 ≤ x ≤ a Sliding friction
2 0
pc = p0 + r
√3 h 0

Calculate the forging force for a solid cylindrical workpiece made of 1020 steel
that has diameter Ø125 mm (5”) and height 87.5 mm (3.5”). The reduction in
height is 30%. The Hollomon equation for the material is  = 𝟓𝟑𝟎(𝛆)𝟎.𝟐𝟔 N/mm2
and the coefficient of friction is 0.1
d0 = Ø125 mm d1 = Ø160 mm = 2 a ∴ a = 80 mm
h0 = 87.5 mm h1 = 0.7 x h0 = 61.25 mm
h0 87.5
d1 = d0× √h1 = 125 × √61.25 = Ø149 mm

a =74.7 mm
First, we will check the status of friction with determination of sticking radius
h 1 61.25 1
r0 = a − ln = 74.7 − ln ( ) = - 462 mm.
2μ μ √3 2×0.1 0.1 √3

The sticking radius is negative i.e. sliding friction prevails throughout the contact region and
therefore we will use formulae applicable to sliding friction.
h0 87.5
ε1 = strain of deformation = log h1 = log61.25 = 0.36
σ1 = 530(ε)0.26 = 530(0.36)0.26 N/mm2
= 406 N/mm2 = 0.406 kN/mm2
2μa 2× 0.1×74.7
B= = = 0.24
h 61.25
Pa 2 2
= [eB − B − 1] = [e0.24 − 0.24 − 1]= 1.085
σ0 B2 0.242
pa =1.085 σ1 = 1.085 x 406 = 440 N/mm2 = 0.44 kN/mm2
π π
F = pa × × d12 = 0.44 × × 149.42
4 4
= 7713 kN
A 304 stainless steel solid cylindrical slug has diameter Ø50 mm and height 60 mm.
It is upset in open die forging using with flat dies and reduced its height by 40% at
room temperature. Assuming that the coefficient of friction between the specimen
and the flat dies of 0.15, determine the force requirement at the end of the stroke,
Holloman equation for the 304 stainless steel is σ = 1275(𝛆)𝟎.𝟒𝟓 N/mm2.
Given: d0 = Ø50 mm h0 =60 mm;
d1 and h1 are the diameter, and height of the specimen after deformation respectively.
Given the reduction in height is 40%. Therefore h1 = 0.6 h0 = 36 mm
 
The volume constancy leads to V = 4 × d0 2 × h0 = 4 × d1 2 × h1
h 60
We get d1 = d0 √h0 = 50√36 = Ø 64.5 mm
Strain of deformation during the upsetting ε1 = log (h0 ) = 0.51

The flow strength of material at the end of the stroke is obtained using the given Holloman
equation as
σ1 = k (ε1 )0.45 = 1275 (0.51)0.45 = 942 N/mm2
First, we will employ the approximate method to determine the average pressure
 x d1
pa = pressure of deformation = σ0  (1 + )
3 h1

The pressure at the end of the stroke

0.15 × 64.5
p = 942 × (1 + ) = 1026 N/mm2 = 1.026 kN/mm2
𝜋 𝜋
Upsetting force = p x A1 = 1.026 × 4 (d1 )2 = 1.026 × 4 (d1 )2 = 3353kN

Alternatively, we consider mixed frictional condition and employ exact method

h 1 36 1
r0 = a − 2μ ln μ = 32.25 − 2 ×0.15 ln 0.15 = -129 mm
√3 √3

The r0 is negative which means sticking friction is not present and pure sliding friction is
present throughout the contact region. Applying formulae applicable to sliding friction
μ =0.15
2μa 2×0.15×32.25
B= = = 0.27
h 36
pa 2 2
= B2 [eB − B − 1] = 0.272 [e0.27 − 0.27 − 1] = 1.1

pa = 1.1 × σ0 = 1.1 x 942 =1036 N/mm2 = 1.036 kN/mm2

π π
F = Pa × × d12 = 1.036 × × 64.52 = 3385 kN
4 4

A 20  20  160 mm brass plate is forged between two flat dies to a final size of
10  40  160 mm. Determine the peak forging force assuming coefficient of friction
to be 0.2 and strain hardening characteristics for copper is given as
 = 70 + 30(ε)0.33 N/mm2
b0 = b1 = 160 mm (Plane strain condition is present as the width remains unchanged)
h0 = 20 mm; h1 = 10 mm;
L0 = 20 mm; L1 = 40 mm = 2 a1

a1 = 20 mm
h 20
ε1 = deformation strain log h0 = log 10 = 0.693

σ1 = 70 + 30 (ε1 )0.33 = 70 + 30 (0.693)0.33 = 97

σ1 ¢=  σ1 =112 N/mm2 = 0.112 kN/mm2.

Peak forging force would be at the end of the stroke i.e. when h = h1 = 10 mm
Let x0 = sticking distance from the centre
h1 1 10 1
x 0 = a1 − log 2μ = 20 − 2 × 0.2 log 2 × 0.2 = − 3.0 mm

Since x0 is negative, the entire contact region has sliding friction.

2μa 2 × 0.2 × 20
B= = = 0.8
h 10
pa 1 1
= [eB − 1] = × [e0.8 − 1] =1.53
σ1 ¢ B 0.8

pa = σ1 ¢x 1.53 = 171 N/mm2 = 0.171 kN/mm2.

F = pa  A1 = pa  (a1 𝑥 b1 ) = 0.171 ( 40  160)

= 1094 kN ≈ 110 T

A 302 stainless steel cylinder of height 12 cm and diameter Ø7 cm is upset at

elevated temperature of 1000C to a height of 2 cm. Platen speed is 2 cm/s and
graphite is used as lubricant between platen and workpiece resulting into
coefficient of friction as 0.2. The equation governing the flow strength of material
in hot working is  = 𝟏𝟕𝟎(𝛆̇ )𝟎.𝟏 N/mm2 that shows dependence of flow strength
on strain rate.
d0 = Ø7 cm h0 = 12 cm.
d1 = ? h1 = 2 cm v = platen speed = deformation velocity = 2 cm/s
 
The volume constancy [V = 4 × d0 2 × h0 = 4 × d1 2 × h1 ]provides

h 12
d1 = d0 √h0 = 7 √ 2 = 17.15 cm = 171.5 mm

v 2 cm/s
ε̇ = strain rate = = = 1 s− 1
h 2 cm

σ1 = C (ε̇ )m = 170 (1)0.1= 170 N/mm2

pa = Qm × σ1 where 𝑄𝑚 is a multiplier and
 x d1 0.2  17.1
Qm = (1 + ) = (1 + ) = 1.6
3 h1 3×2

pa = Qm × σ1 = 1.6 x 170 = 272 N/mm2

= 0.272 k N/mm2

 
F = pa × A1 = pa × d12 = 0.272 × × (171.5)2
4 4

= 6283 kN
A circular disc Ø150 mm diameter and 30 mm thickness is pressed between two
flat anvils; if the coefficient of friction between disc and anvil is 0.25 and flow
strength of material is 15kgf/mm2 determine sticking radius and total load. Use
Von Mises yield criterion in solving the problem.
Load is being determined at a moment of forging when the circular slab thickness is 30 mm,
beginning of the deformation.

d0 = Ø150 mm h0 = 30 mm.
d0 = 2 a0 ∴ a0 = 75 mm
σ0 = 15 kgf/mm2 μ = 0.25
The sticking radius is determined as follows:
h 1 30 1
r0 = a0 − 2µ0 log = 75 – 2x0.25 log = 24.8 mm
√3µ √3x 0.25

Let, p0 = pressure at sticking and sliding interface i.e. at r = r0 = 24.8 mm

2 μ(a0 −r0 ) 2 x 0.25×(75−24.8)
p0 = σ0 × e h = 15 × e 30

= 34.6 kgf/mm2

Forging load in sticking zone

pc = pressure at the centre i.e. r = 0,
2 σ0 2 σ0
= p0 + (r0 − r) = p0 + × r0
√3 h √3 h

2 15
= 34.6 + × 30 × 24.8 = 34.6 + 14.3

= 48.9 kgf/mm2
Po + Pc 34.6+48.9
pa = = = 41.75 kgf/mm2
2 2

F1 = pa × π r02 = 41.75 × π × 24.82 = 80670 kgf = 81 T

Forging load in sliding zone:

a a a
F2 = ∫r p dA = ∫r p (2πr dr) = ∫r σ0 e h × 2πr dr
0 0 0
= 2π σ0 ∫r r e h dr
F2 2μ(a−r)
= ∫ r e h dr
2π σ0 r0

F2 h 2μ(a−r) h r0
= |e h (r + )|
2π σ0 2μ 2μ 𝑎
2μ(a−r0 )
h h h
= 2μ [e h (r0 + 2μ) − (a + 2μ)]

2μ(a0 −r0 )
h h h
= 2μ0 [e h (r0 + 2μ0 ) − (a0 + 2μ0 )]

2×0.25 (75−24.8)
30 30 30
= 2×0.25 {e[ ]
30 (24.8 + 2×0.25) − (75 + 2×0.25)}

= 60 x [e0.837 × 84.8 − 135 ]

=3650 mm2

F2 = 3650 × 2π σ0 = 3650 x 2 × π × 15 kgf

= 344 T

Total force requirement is

F = F1 + F2 = 81 + 344 = 425 T


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