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Operations Practice

AI-driven operations
forecasting in data-light
Too many companies still rely on manual forecasting because
they think AI requires better-quality data than they have available.
Nowadays, that’s a costly mistake.

by Jorge Amar, Sohrab Rahimi, Zachary Surak, and Nicolai von Bismarck

© Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images

February 2022
What do internal functions as diverse as of workforce-management tasks, leading to cost
risk assessment, capital-expenditure planning, reductions of 10 to 15 percent while gradually
and workforce planning have in common? Each improving hiring decisions—and operational
is fundamentally about understanding demand— resilience (Exhibit 1).
making demand forecasting an essential
analytical process. Amid rising pressure to Automated AI-driven forecasting promotes
increase forecasting accuracy, more companies these benefits by consuming real-time data
have come to rely on AI algorithms, which have and continuously identifying new patterns. This
become increasingly sophisticated in learning capacity enables fast, agile actions because the
from historical patterns. model anticipates demand changes rather than
just responding to them. In contrast, traditional
AI models have clear advantages over traditional approaches to demand forecasting require constant
spreadsheet-based analytic methods. Applying manual updating of data and adjustments to
AI-driven forecasting to supply chain management, forecast outputs. These interventions are
for example, can reduce errors by between 20 and typically time-consuming and do not allow for
50 percent—and translate into a reduction in lost agile responses to immediate changes in
sales and product unavailability of up to 65 percent. demand patterns.
Continuing the virtuous circle, warehousing costs
can fall by 5 to 10 percent, and administration Yet despite AI’s numerous advantages,
costs by 25 to 40 percent.1 Companies in the organizations have faced challenges that limit its
telecommunications, electric power, natural gas, adoption. As of 2021, a solid majority—56 percent—
and healthcare industries have found that AI of surveyed organizations reported that they had
forecasting engines can automate up to 50 percent adopted AI in at least one function. That’s progress

Exhibit 1

Enabling AI-driven
Enabling AI-drivenforecast
forecast models
models in
in operations
operations unlocks multiple sources
of value.of value.
Levels of results of AI forecasting engines

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Automate 50% of workforce Drive 10–15% cost savings by Improve resilience of
planning team and aspects of operating more efficiently and workforce through targeted
performance management unlocking new business performance management

Smartening up with artificial intelligence (AI): What’s in it for Germany and its industrial sector?, McKinsey, April 2017.

2 AI-driven operations forecasting in data-light environments

compared with the 47 percent figure reported in — Preparing for prediction uncertainties.
2018—but the rate of growth suggests that serious Sophisticated scenario-planning tools that let
barriers remain, particularly in reaching scale people insert a wide range of parameters can
beyond a single function. For many organizations, help when forecasting models do not achieve
limited data availability—or limited usefulness of the satisfactory accuracy or when only minimal
data that are available—is still a problem. historical data are available.

But these concerns are proving to be less of a — Incorporating external data APIs. This option
disadvantage than leaders may think, thanks to is applicable when external data sources (for
recent advances in AI technologies. While it’s example, relating to weather or foot traffic) are
generally true that more data can improve results, necessary to inform the forecast values.
the experiences of companies with widely disparate
levels of data quality show that most organizations Choosing the right AI model
have enough data to derive value from AI-driven Although having more historical data generally
forecasting. It’s a matter of building specific and makes for more-robust forecasting, a call-center
actionable strategies to apply these models even in example illustrates that forecasting can be effective
data-light environments. even when historical information is limited.

The complexity of forecasting at a call center can

Four strategies for data-light be daunting because of the variety of customer
environments interactions call centers tend to handle. One utility
From a technical standpoint, companies can use up company’s call center identified 15 types of calls,
to four strategies, individually or in combination, to categorized by the underlying reason—such as for
create reliable outputs in data-light environments. technical support or payment processing. Within
each call type, managers tracked three metrics:
— Choosing the right AI model. The first step is total volume of calls, average handle time (AHT)
to identify the most appropriate AI algorithm, for calls directed to internal staff, and a separate
based on the amount and quality of available “external” AHT metric for calls addressed by vendors.
data. In many instances, machine-learning The company aggregated the forecasts at three
(ML) models can test and validate multiple levels: monthly, daily, and hourly. The combination of
models to find the optimal choice, with minimal call types, metrics, and aggregation levels required
human involvement. 135 independent forecasts.

— Leveraging data-smoothing and augmentation As one would expect, long-running historical data
techniques. This technique works when a period are not available for all call types or metrics. In
within a time series is not representative of the such situations, a successful forecast provides
rest of the data. For example, sales data during reasonable outputs for cases with a low sample size
the COVID-19 pandemic has usually shown while maximizing the accuracy of outputs for cases
anomalous trends and seasonality. with long-term historical data.

AI-driven operations forecasting in data-light environments 3

Moreover, other factors could further complicate sample sizes were available. Simpler models have
the forecasting process. For example, patterns smaller parameters to tune and therefore would
of seasonality may be very complex, varying on a require a smaller sample size to train. By contrast,
weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. These patterns complex models generally perform better when
might also gradually change over time, owing to large amounts of data are available, because the
different business initiatives. Similarly, observed numerous parameters in these models require many
trends may be inconsistent over time and show iterations to train.
multiple change points throughout. The charts in
Exhibit 2 illustrate some of these complexities. Testing a range of models with different complexity
levels for every data set improved forecast accuracy
The call center applied an ensemble of forecasting by almost 10 percent for volume, and about half that
models with different strengths to all call types and for average holding time. Overall, this forecasting
metrics, in an automated way. The algorithm chose approach reduced costs by about 10 to 15 percent,
simpler models when the data yielded only a small while improving service levels by 5 to 10 percent—
sample size, and more complex ones when larger particularly by enabling faster transaction time.

Exhibit 2
AI can manage some of the complex patterns that emerge in
AI can manage
operational some of the complex patterns that emerge in operational processes.
Illustrative variability trends of call volume at call centers

Certain days of the week can show
similar patterns over time

Nov Dec Jan

Weekly variation
The upward trend is a simple straight
line, with weekly variability that remains
relatively consistent

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

Multiple change points

The direction of the time series changes
multiple times over the period

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

4 AI-driven operations forecasting in data-light environments

Leveraging data-smoothing and trend compared with the rest of the time series. But
augmentation techniques the machine-learning models will not automatically
Often, time-series data are influenced by anomalous treat this period as anomalous. Instead, they will
periods that disrupt overall trend patterns and try to learn from it alongside the rest of the time
make it extremely difficult for any AI model to learn series as they generalize the overall patterns. In this
and forecast properly. Smoothing is a technique to example, the anomalous period confused the model,
reduce the significant variation between time steps. and it was unable to learn the intrinsic seasonality
It removes noise and creates a more representative patterns as expected.
data set for models to learn from.
Exhibit 3 shows the forecast output before and
The impact of smoothing becomes more evident after smoothing the highlighted period. Smoothing
when the time-series data are affected by a helped the model to better learn the weekly
particular event in the past that is not expected to seasonality, resulting in a more accurate forecast.
recur regularly in the future. In the example shown
in Exhibit 3, the company’s goal was to forecast Preparing for prediction uncertainties
sales in its retail stores. Although the drop in sales Relying on statistical forecasts alone may not
volume during April and May seemed to have been achieve the required business insight. This
a one-time event, it significantly affected the is especially true for long-term forecasting
machine-learning process. The anomalous period because unexpected events that affect trends
has completely different patterns of seasonality and and seasonality make it harder to learn from

Exhibit 3
Smoothing temporary issues
Smoothing temporary helpsAI
issues helps AI tools
tools learn.

Illustrated chart on retail sales

Actual Forecast with smoothing Forecast without smoothing

This anomalous period, which shows a

decline, would flatten future forecasts.
To prevent distortion, smoothing can be

April May June July

AI-driven operations forecasting in data-light environments 5

historical patterns. Given the intrinsic uncertainty of 5,000 technicians working on sites. To estimate
forecasting analysis in such cases, it is valuable to the required head count, the company designed a
use what-if scenarios. statistical forecast model that uses three years of
monthly demand data (a total of 36 data points) to
What-if scenarios are particularly important forecast the next 12 months.
when data samples are too small, which makes
forecasting with high confidence almost impossible. This forecasting model seeks to capture the year-
They are also useful to address the high uncertainty over-year trends and seasonality. However, the
of forecasting in a time period in the distant future. model does not enable planning for unexpected
events in the future. To address the uncertainties,
The utility used this methodology both for long-term specialists designed the user interface (UI) shown
workforce planning and for specifying required in Exhibit 4, which enables users to change specific
head count over the next year. The workforce was parameters and create scenarios.
spread across a region and included more than

Exhibit 4
A what-if tool lets users test a wide range of parameters in
what-if tool lets users test a wide range of parameters in designing scenarios.
Illustrative user interface for creating forecasts

Long-range planning I What-if analysis

Solving for service level Solving for head count

Sep 2021 Oct 2021 Nov 2021 Dec 2021 Jan 2022 Feb 2022 Mar 2022 Apr 2022 May 2022

Results Demand Volume Mix Force utilization Absenteeism

Average productive % of crew out on
Head count 2,175 Total Type 2 – 4K 65% hours per day full-day absences
Required FTEs 568 A-1 1 8 20
Product type A 1,618 A-2 8 Job duration
128 A-3 3 2.0
Product type B 1,257 Total Type 1 + 1.4 35%
Overtime allowance
Expected service 5
Overtime used 1.2M Service delivery (days)
(hours) Hours per day Days per month
Product A – Type 1 5 8 20
Total cost $100M Product A – Type 2 1 Cost per hour Cost per hour
Overtime $20M Product B – Type 1 8 (regular) (overtime)
Product B – Type 2 3 $50 $65

6 AI-driven operations forecasting in data-light environments

Two factors proved critical in making this minimizes the chance of making errors but also
tool successful: enforces a consistent approach to scenario planning
across different teams, creating a single source of
— Define the critical parameters that could truth. And the resulting transparency sheds light on
potentially affect the target variables. the logic behind business decisions.
Businesses that use the tool should be involved
in designing the critical parameters. It is What-if scenario tools are particularly valuable
important to define reasonable ranges for when demand and supply patterns are volatile
these parameters to avoid creating outputs that and multiple new business initiatives arise in close
are unrealistic or would lead to bad business succession. In such cases, AI-driven forecasting
decisions. In the utility’s long-range head count– models that are heavily dependent on historic data
planning tool, for example, the critical input fall short. But what-if scenario tools have shown
for demand is expected volume of work over to improve the delivery rate of capital projects by
the next year, together with estimates for job 10 to 15 percent, while applying a consistent and
duration. From the supply standpoint, important transparent scenario planning process across
inputs relate to expected overtime allowance, different business units and teams has increased
which is derived from company policies and workforce flexibility by about 20 percent.
expected absenteeism. The tool enabled the
users to see how changing these parameters Incorporating external data APIs
influenced the overall required head count, Externally sourced data can cover a variety of
which forms part of the basis for hiring decisions. sources and content, including social-media activity,
web-scraping content, financial transactions,
— Design an interactive UI. Although some base weather forecasts, mobile-device location data, and
scenarios can be designed in advance, it is satellite images. Incorporating these data sets can
critical to create an interactive tool for users. significantly improve forecast accuracy, especially in
Enabling users to define new scenarios is a data-light environments. These sources provide an
powerful way to account for any unforeseen excellent option for the inputs required for AI-driven
trends in forecasting, such as the impact of models and create reasonable outputs. The market
COVID-19 on demand patterns: overlaying for external data is expected to have a CAGR of
human intelligence and expert opinions 58 percent, reflecting the increasing popularity of
helps address issues that may not arise in these data sources and the significant expansion in
historical data. the types of external data available.

For example, in the UI shown in Exhibit 4, business Providers of external data often offer their services
users can change the total number of installation through APIs, making it convenient for users to
or repair jobs by moving sliders for a given month. access data and integrate the data into their current
Users can also adjust the expected delivery date for processes. In our utility example, because weather
different products. In addition to changing demand- data have an important impact on demand forecasts
related parameters, users can adjust supply-side for maintenance of equipment and infrastructure,
parameters, such as expected lengths of shifts and the utility used a weather API to forecast the
permissible overtime hours. Having a web-based demand for maintenance work required at
UI not only provides a better user experience and specific locations.

AI-driven operations forecasting in data-light environments 7

Exhibit 5 illustrates the forecast outputs for
maintenance work in a single region, with and
without weather data. The chart shows that the The need for accurate forecasting in operations
number of maintenance work tickets increases seems here to stay. After applying AI-driven
in February. However, this is not reflected in the forecasting across a multitude of industries with
original forecast (which does not include the different data landscapes, companies have seen
weather data), because the same period last year a tremendous performance improvement in their
did not experience a similar anomaly that the models over traditional and spreadsheet-based
model could learn from. Providing the model with forecasting. By leveraging AI techniques that are
weather information allows it to learn that certain suitable for data-light environments, companies can
temperatures and humidity levels are associated improve their operations significantly.
with higher levels of maintenance work. The model
applies this insight to successfully predict a higher
level of maintenance work for February.

Exhibit 5
Incorporating weather
weather data helps predict
data helps predict maintenance

Illustrative chart on maintenance demand

Actual Forecast with smoothing Forecast without smoothing

This period coincides with a storm.

Inclement weather leads to about a 50%
increase in maintenance demand. When
the model factors in weather data, these
demands can be anticipated.

February March

Jorge Amar is a partner in McKinsey’s Miami office; Sohrab Rahimi is a senior expert in the New Jersey office, where
Zachary Surak is a partner; and Nicolai von Bismarck is an associate partner in the Boston office.

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8 AI-driven operations forecasting in data-light environments

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