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TEST REPORT IPTV Operator Software System – Part 1

NetUP IPTV Combine 4x

& Amino AmiNET130M
Professional software for
IPTV operators
Thomas Haring

• After having discussed the streaming function of the NetUP IPTV

Combine 4x in TELE-satellite issue 10-11/2010 it is now time to have
a closer look at all the features required to create a user-friendly
OSD (on-screen display) for customers and to help them use all IPTV
functions on the one
hand, as well as to assist
operators in maintaining
full control over what
type of content is
available to end users,
and what price they
have to pay.

■ The IPTV Combine 4x was the focus of an in-depth test report in TELE-satellite
issue 10-11/2010.

■ IPTV Combine 4x from NetUP – the core of

the IPTV network presented in this report.

26 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 —


Basic configuration of the IPTV Combine 4x

Middleware – channels find their way into
the channel list, it creates a
interface between user-friendly EPG (electronic
1. The United Control Center is an integrated feature of the IPTV Combine
4x server and can be directly downloaded from there
end user and program guide) and – last 2. All IPTV receivers in the network can be provided with software updates
from the central firmware update server
IPTV network but by no means least – it 3. Various OSD themes (skins) can be created, edited and saved on the
packages all information into IPTV server
Middleware is a software
4. IPTV operators can decide to have OSD texts translated into any
solution which takes care of a neat OSD system on the
required language
presenting IPTV content in IPTV receiver. 5. A web interface is available to launch, quit and adjust all IPTV Combine
a visually pleasing way to 4x services

Generally, there are two 6. The IPTV Combine 4x boasts 1TB of internal hard disk capacity to store
customers of IPTV opera-
VOD and nVOD content
tors. It makes sure the right types of middleware that can — 02-03/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 27


be used: The more simple trol as well as marketing. there is the server end (IPTV
version consists of the web Every time an IPTV network Combine 4x Server) which
server which creates and is set up to make money you provides all required infor-
provides HTML pages and need extended middleware, mation. And then there is the
JavaScript applications, such as the IPTV Combine client end (IPTV receiver)
which in turn are made 4x from Russian company which receives this infor-
available to IPTV receivers NetUP. The receiver compo- mation, processes all data
which then display all cor- nent of the NetUP middle- and creates a graphic user-
responding information on ware is written in C++, runs interface. As these two com-
the end users‘ screens. In directly on the IPTV receiver ponents need to work very
such a system the middle- and therefore allows lag-free closely with each other all
ware takes over the role of use of all features, even in of the time, middleware and
Main menu of the
NetUP middleware
1. United Control Center main
2. Thanks to a DNS server all
services within an IPTV network
can be addressed by name. While
IP addresses can be used as well,
they are no prerequisite.
3. List of existing TV and radio
channels in the middleware
4. Adding a new TV channel
complete with logo and station

web server, while the IPTV

box at the client end acts as
web browser. While this is a
system that can be set up
and implemented easily, it
does not serve any commer-
cial purpose, as IPTV opera-
tors have no billing option
and no way of controlling
access to content.

The second middleware

category is more complex,
but at the same time more connection with a high-def- IPTV box must be compatible Combine 4x are partly con-
versatile and much more for inition on-screen display, with each other. If the NetUP trolled via a web interface
useful as a business appli- which is an important aspect IPTV Combine 4x is the mid- which is used to launch,
cation. It is based on IPTV these days and – in particu- dleware of choice operators activate, deactivate and set
boxes that are not only capa- lar – in future. can choose from a number up individual services such
ble of displaying received of compatible IPTV boxes. as streaming, middleware,
information, but can also For the purpose of this test VOD, etc. More detailed set-
communicate with the mid- Middleware report we have selected the tings of the middleware,
dleware so that they cannot Strictly speaking, the AmiNET130M from Amino. the billing system and the
only create a nice OSD for NetUP Combine 4x middle- video-on-demand system
end users, but also assist in ware consists of two dis- All features and configu- are accessed through the so-
billing, content and cost con- tinct components: For one, rations of the NetUP IPTV called United Control Center.

28 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 —


5. Individual channels and their IP

data within the IPTV network
6. Various packages with differing
7. User account administration

We already dealt with the

web interface in our first test
report in TELE-satellite issue
10-11/2010, and now we take
a closer look at the United
Control Center. It is basically
a Java application which –
thanks to this universal pro-
gramming language – can be
run on different platforms
such as MS Windows, Linux
or Apple, where it is used
to control the entire con-
tent management system.
The United Control Center
main menu is made up of
four elements: billing, mid-
video-on-demand content) as well. IPTV is different in TV and radio channels by
dleware, nVOD (near video-
into packages. This allows a fundamental way: Thanks letting the system know the
on-demand)/VOD and DRM
creating a starter package, to direct communication corresponding IP addresses
(digital rights management).
for example, which includes between end user and IPTV and ports – after we have
The last two elements, TVOD only limited content, or an operator, complete with configured them via the web
(TV-on-demand) and DRM extended package with full- return channel, it would be interface of the streaming
are proprietary solutions of range content. a total waste of resources component of the IPTV Com-
NetUP, which were not part to send all content to all bine 4x.
of our test system and which In order to grasp the customers all of the time in
therefore cannot be evalu- underlying logics of the the first place, only to then In order to simulate a real-
ated in this report. NetUP IPTV system we have grant or restrict access (as is world scenario we design
to put ourselves in the role the case with terrestrial and a package with three HD
With a simple click on of an IPTV operator. This satellite TV). Instead, IPTV channels, three SD channels
the middleware icon the begins with starting to think operators create individual as well as two radio chan-
NetUP United Control Center and act like a commercial packages for a single cus- nels from two different sat-
(UCC) opens up access to operation. As most of us tomer or a certain group of ellites. The IPTV Combine
media groups, media con- come from terrestrial or sat- customers. Let‘s take a hotel 4x is equipped with a total
tent and media streams. All ellite reception we are used as an example: The hotel of four DVB/S2 tuners (see
three items are intended to the fact that all content is owner makes a certain range test report in TELE-satellite
to add, remove or com- always available to all users. of basic TV and radio chan- 10-11/2010) and so we are at
bine media content. With Even if we‘re talking about nels available to all guests, liberty to select content from
media groups it is possible subscription TV we simply the price of which is included up to four different transpon-
to group together different obtain a smartcard and all in the room rate. Therefore, ders or satellite positions.
media content (such as TV of a sudden encrypted con- we use the middleware to
channels, radio channels or tent is available on screen group together all required We then bundle these

30 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 —


8. Different rate plans can be

activated and deactivated for
each single customer


9. Setting up and editing rate

10. Customers are able to get
access to individual channels at
a set price
11. A currency converter can
be used to display amounts in
different currencies with the IPTV
set-top box

eight channels into a pack-

age labelled ‚Basic‘. Next, it
is time to think about making
money. To that end, we decide
to create two additional
packages, one with current
movies, and the second with
live sports coverage. The
procedure is the same as
for the ‚Basic‘ package, with
configuring the individual
TV channels using the web
interface of the streaming
server, before determining ried out intuitively thanks to more or less self-explan- nel’s logo and short station
their IP addresses and ports the excellent user interface atory, so that it‘s almost description apart from the
using the UCC. of the United Control Center impossible to go wrong when channel name, which offers
and the web interface. All setting up the system. It‘s added value to end cus-
All these steps can be car- options and functions are even possible to add a chan- tomers who are able to find — 02-03/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 31

More on This Manufacturer
Read TELE-satellite’s Company Report:

their preferred channel more Combine 4x middleware also

IPTV Software and Hardware Producer, Russia
quickly. allows adding EPG data man-
ually for each channel. When
It goes without saying that we tried out both features
the same is true for radio in our test every nook and
channels as well, and for cranny seemed to work as
video-on-demand content intended and as smoothly as
which can be stored on the possible.
IPTV Combine 4x‘s internal
hard disk. Several hundred Now that we have set up all
hours of video fit easily on basic functions of our virtual
the built-in 1TB hard disk. IPTV network we continue
Stored content can be added with looking at an appropri-
to any package in the same ate billing system for our
way as a TV channel through offering. Simply click on the
the middleware. During spe- ‚Billing‘ icon in the United
cial events (for example Control Center main menu
Olympic Games and the like) and you‘re right where you
individual channels can be need to be.
as on-demand content are even possible to unlock all
added for all to enjoy for a
available to this guest until channels for 24 hours after
pre-set period of time, after
which they will automatically
Billing all credit has been used up. the guest‘s arrival and then
For the sake of simplic- The IPTV Combine 4x even lock extended channels
disappear from the channel
ity, let‘s stick to our idea of does currency conversions again – hoping guests will
list again. This allows plan-
a major sports event that so that guests can be shown want to keep watching the
ning ahead so that hotel staff
should be made available at the current account credit full range and pay for the
(in our example) does not
a hotel through IPTV. Obvi- in their own currency, if the service accordingly. If guests
have to deal with technical
ously, all IPTV receivers need hotel decides to implement now choose to watch con-
changes and system mainte-
to be hooked up to the IPTV this feature. tent that is not available with
nance under pressure.
server for such a distribution the free ‚Basic‘ service they
network to work. This means The final step is custom- may simply use their remote
In our test scenario we
are looking at a professional that in theory each receiver ising the IPTV receiver in control to select and acti-
IPTV system in a commer- has access to all of content, the guest‘s room, so that it vate additional content using
cial framework, so that each unless access is restricted actually offers and displays the in-room IPTV receiver,
IPTV channel also has to by making use of the return all content the guest has provided they have bought
feature program informa- channel capability. The IPTV paid for and/or is autho- enough credit at recep-
tion. After all, if hotel guests Combine 4x billing feature is rised to watch. The obvious tion beforehand. Any credit
turn on their TV they want to based on the assumption that way would be using the indi- used up for such extended
know right away which event each customer is entered in vidual box‘s MAC address content is automatically
they are currently watching the system with his or her or serial number, but once deducted from their account,
and whether or not there is full name and has an individ- again NetUP has gone the with reception being able to
anything on they would be ual customer account which extra mile and offers a bril- monitor all transactions or
interested in later that day. can be used to activate and liant feature for generating even assist guests who might
In order to implement this deactivate access to cer- an activation key for each prefer to order content via
feature the NetUP IPTV Com- tain content on an individual client on the IPTV Combine phone rather than working
bine 4x offer two options. level. In our hotel setting, for 4x server. This activation key with the IPTV receiver.
First, it is possible to take example, the ‚Basic‘ pack- has to be entered in the IPTV
over program information age would be available to all receiver to obtain access to As far as the NetUP bill-
for streamed channels right guests without extra charge. the IPTV network in the first ing system is concerned, we
from the original provider via If hotel guests then decide place. At the same time, with were just as impressed with
satellite, cable or DVB-T. This to watch additional channels this key the IPTV becomes all its features and ease of
will also be the most reason- or content, they are able to an individually addressable use as with the middleware
able and practical way to go top up their personal account and controllable IPTV recep- options. Obviously, it takes a
in most situations. at reception with an amount tion point, no matter where little time until you are able
of their choosing, let‘s say in the hotel it is located. to use all tools to the fullest,
In addition, no additional USD 50. Reception staff uses This way the IPTV receiver but after only a short while
costs occur. If, however, a the NetUP IPTV Combine 4x is sent information about the everything seems as to be
TV or radio channel that is billing system to add that current guest, the length of easy as ABC and in everyday
streamed over the IPTV net- amount to the correspond- his or her stay at the hotel, use you‘ll most probably be
work does not supply pro- ing guest account so that and any available credit the in awe at how smoothly the
gram information, the IPTV additional channels as well guest has available. It is system works.

32 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 —


12. Every single IPTV receiver

across the entire network can
be individually addressed and
customised as required
13. An activation code is required
so that an IPTV box can become a
fully authorised member of the IPTV
14. nVOD content can be easily
organised and made available via
the UCC OSD of the IPTV receiver

VOD – Video On
Demand and
nVOD – near
Video on Demand
In our first NetUP IPTV
Combine 4x test report we
mentioned that the server is
equipped with a 1TB internal
hard disk with enough capac-
ity to store several hundred
hours of video content. The
files need to be in transport
stream format (MPEG-2 or
H.264) in SD or HD reso-
lutions and can be added
to packages much like TV
channels. If required, differ-
ent on-demand content can
even be offered at differ-
ent prices. The middleware
menu of the UCC is used

34 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 —

to administer on-demand client end is displayed on software optimised for use in Conclusion
content. While video-on- screen using an OSD system. such businesses. Of course With its IPTV Combine 4x
demand is a fully customised NetUP provides three OSD it, too, comes with all stan-
NetUP has in store a fully-
service that makes available skins (themes): HD, SD and dard features that are useful
fledged IPTV solution for
content individually for every simplified SD. IPTV opera- for most applications (hos-
small and medium-sized
single guest at a time of the tors can freely choose the pitals, large yachts, cruise
IPTV networks consisting of
guest‘s own choosing, nVOD skin that best fits their pur- ships, education institutions,
up to 500 reception boxes.
(near video-on-demand) is a pose and are able to adjust etc.), but also features addi-
service that repeats certain each of the three skins, if tional options focusing on
Our test revealed that only
content at pre-defined times need be. This allows offering hotels. The hotel version is
are the range of features, the
in a loop, so that guests can several OSD languages, for available as an option and
absolute ease of use and the
watch a movie, for example, example, or changing colours connects the IPTV system to
logical concept of the IPTV
every full hour. This means and display modes. The cre- frequently used hotel soft-
Combine 4x truly impres-
that with nVOD guests are ative potential of IPTV oper- ware suites such as MICROS-
sive, but it is actually real
not in a position to determine ators can be exploited to Fidelio, for example. The
fun to work with a system
the start time of an event – the max and we, too, simply following additional features
that offers everything you
as opposed to true VOD. With loved to try out various are then available:
need in everyday use and
nVOD, on the other hand, visual solutions. It has to be
is genuinely user-oriented.
several guests use the same said, though, that these set- •Individual welcome mes-
Even though we looked long
stream, using up less server tings cannot be made with sage in room via TV and IPTV
and hard there was hardly
and network capacity than the help of a graphic user receiver
•Hotel information screen any aspect worth criticising.
true VOD. It makes perfect interface but need to be pro-
via TV and IPTV receiver If there is one point we would
sense for operators to push grammed directly in the files
•Displaying all hotel like to raise it‘s the user
nVOD over VOD by offering of the selected skin. Luckily,
lower prices for nVOD, for charges via TV and IPTV manual, which we would have
the user manual explains all
example. The NetUP IPTV •Displaying messages preferred to be slightly more
relevant steps in detail, so
Combine 4x supports both from reception via TV and detailed at some stages. If
that it first looks trickier than
nVOD and VOD and the UCC IPTV receiver this is the first time you deal
it actually is.
has a dedicated menu item •Express checkout with IPTV it will be very dif-
for setting the start and end •Ordering room cleaning ficult to set up the IPTV Com-
One of the benefits of
times of nVOD events. service via IPTV receiver bine 4x server, even with the
an IPTV system is that the
help of the manual. Then
server is in direct touch with
Here, too, we were This way hotel guests are again, we can safely assume
all connected IPTV boxes at
impressed at how versatile not only provided with TV, that anyone investing a lot of
all times. This way, updates,
and user-friendly the NetUP radio and VOD content via money in the NetUP system
changes to OSD skins or any
system behaves. It didn‘t IPTV right in their room, but will also be able to afford a
other configuration adjust-
take us much longer than a the in-room TV and IPTV technician to take care of
ments that will have to be
couple of minutes to set up receiver also take over the the initial setup. Once that
made from time to time can
our in-house nVOD system role of multimedia control is completed it is virtually
be sent to all IPTV receiv-
and store a number of cur- panel for most hotel agen- child‘s play to control, ser-
ers fully automatically. The
rent movies on the IPTV NetUP IPTV Combine 4x das. vice and adjust the system.
Combine 4x‘s built-in hard does not only come with a
disk. The system can process
DHCP server for automati- DATA
up to 50 simultaneous video- cally assigning an IP address Manufacturer NetUP Olof Palme Street 1, Floor 7 resp. Postbox 87,
on-demand streams, which to each box, but also boasts 119311 Moscow Russia

means that in large set-ups a DNS server which takes Fax +7 499 143 5521

using nVOD instead of VOD care of correctly addressing


may be a wise move in order content, a time server for

Model IPTV Combine 4x

not to push IPTV network maintaining the right date

Function IPTV Gateway for DVB Signals, Middleware,
Billing, VoD, nVoD, DHCP-, Time- & DNS-Server
capacities to the limit. Inci- and time on all IPTV boxes, Tuners 4
dentally, video-on-demand and an update server for Max. simultaneous Transponders 4
content can be transferred providing new software and Max. bandwidth 240 MB/s
to the IPTV Combine 4x from updated settings to IPTV DiSEqC 1.0
any PC using an FTP client. receiver. Ethernet ports 6 x Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000 MB/s
CI Slots 4
Customising the There is actually a reason USB Connector yes (2)

IPTV receiver to why we have come up with a RS232 yes

hotel scenario for our test: Dimensions 430x44x411mm

individual NetUP offers a dedicated Power 90 ~ 264 Volt, 47 ~ 63 Hz

requirements version of its IPTV Combine Weight 11.5kg

All user information at the 4x for hotels, with optimised Consumption ~ 100W — 02-03/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 35

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