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The Associations of Floppy Eyelid

Syndrome: A Case Control Study

Daniel G. Ezra, MA, MRCOphth,1,2,3 Michèle Beaconsfield, FRCS, FRCOphth,2 Mano Sira, MRCOphth,4
Catey Bunce, DSc,2 Richard Wormald, FRCS, FRCOphth,2 Richard Collin, FRCS, FRCOphth2

Objective: To describe the demographic features of a large series of patients with floppy eyelid syndrome
(FES) and to investigate the associations of the condition with keratoconus, obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea
syndrome (OSAHS), and a variety of upper and lower eyelid features.
Design: Case control study.
Participants: The test group comprised 102 patients with FES. A control group of 102 patients were
recruited from a diabetic retinopathy clinic and matched on a 1:1 basis on age, gender, and body mass index
Methods: A full medical and ophthalmic history was taken. Patients also underwent a full ocular examina-
tion, including an assessment of upper and lower lid laxity and upper lid levator function. Keratoconus grading
was made using the Oculus Instruments Pentacam imaging system (Oculus Optikgerate GmbH, Wetzlar,
Germany). Patients were screened for OSAHS using the Epworth daytime somnolence score. Matched statistical
analysis of dichotomous data was made using Mantel–Haenszel methods for odds ratios and McNemar’s test.
Analysis of continuous data was performed using a matched t test and tests for symmetry of larger tables were
made using the McNemar–Bowker test.
Main Outcome Measures: The significance of association of FES with keratoconus, OSAHS, smoking
history, medial and lateral canthal laxity of the upper and lower lids, levator function, lash ptosis, and
Results: Significant associations were found between FES and OSAHS (P ⫽ 0.0008), keratoconus
(P⬍0.0001), lash ptosis (P⬍0.0001), dermatochalasis (P ⫽ 0.02), upper lid medial canthal laxity (P ⫽ 0.02), upper
lid distraction (P ⫽ 0.001), palpebral aperture (P ⫽ 0.004), and levator function (P ⫽ 0.005).
Conclusions: Floppy eyelid syndrome seems to be a condition strongly associated with OSAHS and
keratoconus. As well as providing a platform for an etiologic hypothesis for the condition, these findings should
also encourage clinicians to be aware of these associations and to direct further treatment.
Financial Disclosure(s): The author(s) have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed
in this article. Ophthalmology 2010;117:831– 838 © 2010 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Floppy eyelid syndrome (FES) was first described by Cul- ciation of the condition is keratoconus. This was first noted
bertson and Ostler1 in 1981. This condition was character- in a brief meeting communication from the Ocular Micro-
ized by very elastic upper lids that became easily distorted biology and Immunology Group meeting in 1981 in Atlanta,
and everted with minimal lateral traction. The tarsal plate Georgia (Am J Ophthalmol 1982;93:245–9), and there have
was found to be pliant and “rubbery,” with a loss of been several subsequent reports.26 –28
intrinsic rigidity allowing it to be folded over itself with One of the most consistently reported associations is that
ease. A marked papillary conjunctivitis was also found to of obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS).
be present. This was first noted incidentally,5,29 but Woog,12 in a small
There have been a growing number of reports of the con- series of 3 patients, was the first to specifically identify this
dition highlighting associations with an ever increasing range as an important association. This proposed link was further
of ocular and systemic conditions. Although some of these reinforced in a series by McNab,6 in which 26 of 27 patients
reported associations have been sporadic, others have been were found to have OSAHS.30 However, he also found that
described more consistently. These associations have included when assessing a random cohort of 20 patients from a sleep
eyelid disorders, such as dermatochalasis,1–3 blepharitis and studies clinic, only 1 patient had FES. Many other series
tear film abnormalities,4 –11 blepharoptosis,6,12–16 and upper lid have reported the association of FES with OSAHS.3,4,31
lash ptosis.3,4,6,15 A range of corneal pathologies, including Other reports of the prevalence of FES in the OSAHS
superficial punctate keratopaty,9 scarring and neovascularisa- population have varied from 2%32,33 to 32%.34
tion,1,17–21 thinning,22,23 microbial keratitis,9,15,19,21,24,25 and The assumption of a clinical association between FES
even corneal perforation,9,18,20,23 have also been reported. and OSAHS on the basis of numerous case reports must be
Although all of these corneal associations seem to be the questioned. The independent association of both FES and
result of chronic exposure keratopathy, one intriguing asso- OSAHS with obesity and the male gender raises concern

© 2010 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology ISSN 0161-6420/10/$–see front matter 831
Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.ophtha.2009.09.029
Ophthalmology Volume 117, Number 4, April 2010

that obesity per se may be a confounding factor. The asso- or absent. A standardized grading system for assessing lower lid
ciation between FES and OSAHS is particularly important laxity39 was used and dichotomized for the purposes of analysis
to determine because OSAHS has been suggested as a into those scoring grade 0 and those scoring more than grade 0.
possible cause for FES, and this hypothesis is strengthened
by a report of FES resolving simply with the use of a Assessment of the Upper Lid
continuous positive airway pressure mask.35 Furthermore,
Assessment of the upper lid medial and lateral canthal laxity was
elucidating this association may provide awareness for the
made in accordance with the same methods used for the lower lid
ophthalmologist to facilitate further management. This is outlined above. Horizontal distraction from the globe was assessed
important because in addition to daytime somnolence, OSAHS as described by Iyengar and Khan40 and measured in millimeters.
carries significant morbidity with a higher reported inci- Upper lid levator function and vertical palpebral aperture length
dence of cardiovascular and cerebral sequelae.36 were measured in millimeters, a technique demonstrated to have
A case control study was chosen to allow for investiga- good reproducibility and repeatability.41 Only patients who had
tion of associations of FES while controlling for possible not undergone upper lid surgery were entered into this analysis
confounding factors such as body mass index (BMI), age, because FES corrective surgery involves significant structural
and gender. The primary aims of this study are to describe changes to the upper lid and may bias the comparison.
the characteristics of a large group of patients with FES and
to determine the relationships of FES with keratoconus and Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome
OSAHS. The secondary aims are to identify whether a Assessment
variety of upper and lower lid features are associated with
FES. Different grading systems for OSAHS exist, and important mea-
sures of the severity of the condition are the respiratory distur-
bance index and apnea-hypopnea index. Because respiratory dis-
turbance index and apnea-hypopnea index information was not
Materials and Methods available in most cases, the presence of OSAHS was defined in a
dichotomous fashion on the basis of whether or not the patient was
Local and regional ethics committee approval was granted to this
recommended continuous positive airway pressure respiratory sup-
study. All patients attending Moorfields Eye hospital with a diag-
port at night. Patients were screened for undetected OSAHS using
nosis of FES made by an oculoplastics consultant over a 13-year
the Epworth daytime somnolence score.42 The Epworth daytime
period since 1995 were identified from surgical and computer-
somnolence score is widely used as a simple screening test for
based log records and through the tracking of histopathology
OSAHS at a cutoff of 10 points.43,44 Any patient scoring more
samples. Patient tracing was performed through the National
than 10 was referred to a respiratory physician for sleep studies.
Health Service strategic tracing service.37 The National Health
Service strategic tracing service provides a secured access national
database of patient tracing information, including the identity and Keratoconus Assessment
location of their current registered general practitioner. All patient
general practitioners were contacted to confirm the patients’ con- Objective assessment of keratoconus was made using the Oculus
tact details, and a letter of invitation and consent form for partic- Instruments Pentacam Shiempflug photographic camera system
ipation were sent. All patients who returned a consent form were (Oculus Optikgerate GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany). This system mea-
invited to attend for examination. There were no exclusion criteria. sures several aspects of the corneal morphology and provides a
A control group was identified from a series of diabetic reti- standardized score of keratoconus from absent to grades KC1 to
nopathy clinics at Moorfields Eye Hospital. All patients attending KC445 in accordance with the Amsler–Krumeich keratoconus clas-
these clinics were screened for BMI, age, and gender. Control sification system, which is widely used in the objective assessment
subjects were matched to the test group on the basis of these 3 of keratoconus.46 For the purposes of analysis, the scale was
characteristics. The inclusion criteria for the control group were dichotomized with a demarcation at grade 1 and above.
potentially all patients attending a variety of medical retina clinics
and who matched the appropriate demographic characteristics of Statistical Analysis
individuals in the test group. Any patients who underwent any
surgical procedures to the eyelid or who had suffered from any Matched analysis was performed on the basis of patient matching
ocular abnormality that may affect eyelid function (e.g., phthisis rather than by matching eyes affected. This is as a result of the need
bulbi) were excluded from the study, as were any control group for consistency between the matching process (patients were
patients found to have FES. matched rather than eyes) and the subsequent analysis. Where
All subjects in both groups underwent an identical assessment patients had bilateral disease, 1 eye was chosen at random for the
consisting of a full medical and ophthalmic history that included analysis. A computer-generated random sequence was created for
details on the patients’ preferred sleep side. Patients also under- this purpose. In addition, where possible, a sensitivity analysis
went a full ocular examination, and this included the following excluding all cases of bilateral disease was performed to control
parameters. for the possible effect of FES being more severe in patients where
bilateral disease was present.
Dichotomous variables between the groups were compared
Assessment of the Lower Lid using Mantel–Haenszel methods for matched concordant and dis-
The lower lid was assessed in terms of medial and lateral canthal cordant pairs. Odds ratios and confidence intervals were calcu-
laxity and horizontal laxity. Medial canthal laxity was graded lated, and McNemar’s test was used as a test for significance.
according to a scale developed by Olver et al,38 measuring medial Continuous variables were compared using a matched t test for
canthal laxity from 0 to 6. The grading scores were dichotomized significance. Co-laterality of FES with keratoconus and of FES
for the purpose of analysis to those scoring ⬍2 and those scoring with preferred sleeping position was explored using McNemar–
ⱖ2. Lateral canthal laxity was defined clinically as either present Bowker matching tests for larger 3⫻3 datasets.47

Ezra et al 䡠 Floppy Eyelid Syndrome

Table 1. Demographics of Patients Recruited Table 2. Frequency of Associated Medical Conditions

N Gender M:F Age, yrs BMI Medical Problems Frequency

FES group 102 85:17 50.4 (13.6) 37.8 (8.7) Hypertension 42 (41.2%)
Control group 102 85:17 53.6 (14.1) 37.0 (8.6) NIDDM 15 (14.7%)
Ischemic heart disease 15 (14.7%)
Hypercholesterolemia 11 (10.8%)
BMI ⫽ body mass index; FES ⫽ floppy eyelid syndrome.
Osteoarthritis 6 (5.9%)
Asthma 6 (5.9%)
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 4 (3.9%)
Results Chronic renal failure 4 (3.9%)
Schizophrenia 4 (3.9%)
Test Group Hypothyroid 4 (3.9%)
Epilepsy 3 (3.9%)
In total, 168 patients with FES were identified by the tracing methods Eczema 2 (2.0%)
outlined. At the time of recruitment, 14 patients were deceased and the IDDM 1 (1.0%)
remaining 154 patients were invited to participate in the study. Forty- Bowel carcinoma 1 (1.0%)
seven patients declined to participate or did not respond to an invita- Renal stones 1 (1.0%)
tion, and a further 5 patients were excluded from the analysis because Cerebral palsy 1 (1.0%)
their notes were unobtainable; therefore, the total number of patients Gout 1 (1.0%)
recruited was 102. Seventy-one patients were identified as having Depression 1 (1.0%)
undergone upper lid-tightening surgery. Thirty-one patients had not Stomach stapling 1 (1.0%)
Ankylosing spondylitis 1 (1.0%)
undergone surgery, and of these, 29 had declined surgery and 2 were
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia 1 (1.0%)
on the waiting list for surgical treatment.
Testicular teratoma 1 (1.0%)
Ewing sarcoma 1 (1.0%)
Control Group Rheumatoid arthritis 1 (1.0%)
Klinefelter’s 1 (1.0%)
An equal number of patients were selected as controls from a Sarcoidosis 1 (1.0%)
diabetic retinopathy clinic. Patients attending the clinic were Transient ischemic attacks 1 (1.0%)
screened for appropriate matching characteristics and invited to Spina bifida 1 (1.0%)
participate. The controls were matched to a ratio of 1:1 with Prostate carcinoma 1 (1.0%)
individuals in the test group on the basis of BMI, age, and gender. Spinal tuberculosis 1 (1.0%)
The demographic data of these groups are summarized in Table 1. Benign prostatic hypertrophy 1 (1.0%)
Patients had a mean age of approximately 50 years and a mean
BMI in the high 30s. This is consistent with the phenotype de- IDDM ⫽ insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; NIDDM ⫽ non–insulin-
scribed by the previous studies that we have outlined. A scatter dependent diabetes mellitus.
plot demonstrating the distribution of age, gender, and weight is
demonstrated in Figure 1.
The median time from the initial presentation to an ophthal-
mologist until the correct diagnosis was made was 17 months A frequency table of all associated medical conditions in the
(range 0 –192 months). Several patients had waited more than 15 test group is included in Table 2. Table 2 demonstrates that the
years for a correct diagnosis, highlighting the nonspecific nature of associations of FES seem to be dominated by conditions that are
these symptoms and a poor awareness of the condition. associated with obesity, such as non–insulin-dependent diabetes
mellitus and hypertension.
All 102 patients of the test group were used in the matching
analysis for keratoconus, OSAHS, smoking history, and lower lid
factor parameters. The results of this analysis are summarized in
Table 3. No significant association between FES and lower lid
laxity was identified, indicating that this condition is confined to
changes of the upper lid. In addition, no association with an
increased history of smoking, which can lead to extracellular
matrix changes, was identified.
Despite correcting for weight, a strong association with
OSAHS was identified (odds ratio ⫽ 12.5). In total, 32 cases of
OSAHS were identified in the FES group; 28 patients had an
established diagnosis of OSAHS and 5 patients were referred to a
respiratory physician for sleep studies on the basis of a high
Epworth score screening test. Four patients were positive for
OSAHS, making 32 positive cases in total. Nine patients in the
control group were positive for OSAHS. Six patients had an estab-
lished diagnosis and 3 patients were referred to a sleep physician on
the basis of a high Epworth score, and all were found to be positive
for the condition, making a total of 9 cases. A statistically significant
Figure 1. Distribution of age and BMI for both men and women in the association between OSAHS and FES was also found in a sensitivity
FES group. This scatterplot demonstrates no demarcation of any subgroup analysis in which all bilateral FES cases were excluded and only
on the basis of age, BMI, or gender. BMI ⫽ body mass index. patients with unilateral disease were analyzed. The observation of

Ophthalmology Volume 117, Number 4, April 2010

Table 3. Whole Group Comparisons of Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome, Keratoconus,

Smoking History, and Lower Lid Parameters

Test Data Matched Data Statistic

All patients with FES 102 102
Unilateral cases 61 —
Bilateral cases 41 —
Total No. of eyes affected 144 144
Age/yrs 50.4 (13.6) 53.6 (14.1)
Gender/M:F 85:17 85:17
BMI 37.8 (8.7) 37.0 (8.6)
Median time until diagnosis/mos 17 (range 0–192) —
All patients 32 9 OR ⫽ 12.5* 95% CI, 3.1–108.9 P⬍0.0001†
Unilateral cases only 23 6 OR ⫽ 8.7* 95% CI, 2.7–44.7 P ⫽ 0.0008†
All patients 61 6 OR ⫽ 19.3* 95% CI, 6.3–96.4 P⬍0.0001†
Unilateral cases only 36 2 OR ⫽ 35.0* 95% CI, 5.9–1421.4 P⬍0.0001
Smoking/pack yrs
Unilateral cases 12.5 (16.0) 9.2 (16.1) P ⫽ 0.72‡
All patients 12.5 (17.4) 12.2 (16.8) P ⫽ 0.98‡
Lower lid ectropion
All patients 7 4 OR ⫽ 2.0* 95% CI, 0.43–12.4 P ⫽ 0.5†
Unilateral cases 2 2 OR ⫽ 1.0* 95% CI, 0.07–13.8 P ⫽ 0.61†
Lower lid LC laxity
All patients 6 5 OR ⫽ 1.25* 95% CI, 0.27–6.3 P ⫽ 1.0†
Unilateral cases 3 2 OR ⫽ 1.5* 95% CI, 0.17–18.0 P ⫽ 1†
Lower lid MC laxity
All patients 6 6 OR ⫽ 1.0* 95% CI, 0.23–4.3 P ⫽ 0.75†
Unilateral cases 2 3 OR ⫽ 0.66* 95% CI, 0.06–5.8 P ⫽ 1.0†
Microbial keratitis
All patients 4 (1 PK) 0 —
Unilateral cases 1 0 —

BMI ⫽ body mass index; CI ⫽ confidence interval; FES ⫽ floppy eyelid syndrome; LC ⫽ lateral canthus; MC ⫽
medial canthus; OR ⫽ odds ratio; OSAHS ⫽ obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome; PK ⫽ penetrating
*Odds ratios using Mantel–Haenszel methods for concordant/discordant pairs matched data.

McNemar’s test.

Paired t test.

localization of FES to sleep laterality was further investigated using a and the strength of the significance was greater for unilateral
McNemar–Bowker test that demonstrated a strong association of FES disease only. This important relationship was further investigated
to the preferred sleeping side, which was statistically significant to explore the relationship between laterality of FES and kerato-
(McNemar–Bowker, P ⫽ 0.005) (Table 4). conus. These findings are demonstrated in Table 5. Although
A strong association with keratoconus was also identified with co-laterality of keratoconus and FES is suggested by Table 5, this
an odds ratio of 19.3. A sensitivity analysis excluding patients with relationship was not found to be statistically significant (McNemar–
bilateral disease did not affect the significance of the association, Bowker, P ⫽ 0.849).

Table 4. Relationship between Sleep Laterality and Laterality

of Floppy Eyelid Syndrome Table 5. Relationship between Laterality of Floppy Eyelid
Syndrome and Keratoconus
Sleep Side
Keratoconus Laterality
Alternating Left Right
Bilateral Left Right Not Affected
FES laterality
Bilateral 37 1 3 FES laterality
Left 8 17 2 Bilateral 12 8 4 17
Right 14 1 19 Left 7 10 2 8
Right 6 1 11 16
FES ⫽ floppy eyelid syndrome.
Each cell refers to the number of patients with matching characteristics to FES ⫽ floppy eyelid syndrome.
the corresponding row and column category. This table demonstrates that No association between the laterality of keratoconus and FES was iden-
FES laterality strongly correlates to the sleep side. McNemar–Bowker test tified. McNemar–Bowker test P ⫽ 0.849. Patients not affected by kerato-
for symmetry along the diagonal of the matrix was calculated at P⫽0.005. conus were excluded from the analysis.

Ezra et al 䡠 Floppy Eyelid Syndrome

Table 6. Upper Lid Comparisons

Test Data Matched Data Statistic

Patients who did not undergo surgery 31 31
Unilateral cases 16 —
Bilateral cases 15 —
Total No. of eyes affected 46 —
Age/yrs 51.0 (12.0) 51.7 (11.6)
Gender/M:F 25:6 25:6
BMI 35.6 (7.6) 35.1 (7.5)
Lash ptosis
Unilateral cases 12 0 OR ⫽ 0, P⬍0.002b
All cases 33 1 OR ⫽ 0, P⬍0.0001b
Unilateral cases 11 4 OR ⫽ 3.3, CI, 0.86–18.9; P ⫽ 0.1b
All cases 20 9 OR ⫽ 3.75, CI, 1.2–15.5 P ⫽ 0.02b
Upper lid LC laxity
Unilateral cases 1 0 —
All cases 6 1 OR ⫽ 0, P ⫽ 0.07b
Upper lid MC laxity
Unilateral cases 2 0 OR ⫽ 0, P ⫽ 0.47b
All cases 7 0 OR ⫽ 0, P ⫽ 0.02b
Upper lid distraction/mm (SD)
Unilateral cases 18.1 (12) 5.6 (2.1) P⬍0.001a
All cases 13.7 (6.9) 5.8 (2.2) P⬍0.001a
Palpebral aperture /mm
Unilateral cases 8.7 (1.9) 10.1 (1.7) P ⫽ 0.003a
All cases 8.7 (1.8) 10.2 (1.5) P ⫽ 0.004a
Levator function/mm
Unilateral cases 16.9 (1.8) 15.0 (2.6) P ⫽ 0.001a
All cases 16.9 (1.4) 15.4 (2.2) P ⫽ 0.005a

BMI ⫽ body mass index; CI ⫽ confidence interval; LC ⫽ lateral canthus; MC ⫽ medial canthus; OR ⫽ odds ratio;
SD ⫽ standard deviation.
Paired t test.
McNemar’s test. Odds ratios based on Mantel–Haenszel methods of concordant/discordant pairs for matched data.

A separate subgroup analysis was performed to investigate consistently described have been keratoconus and OSAHS.
upper lid features of the condition. This analysis used only In a comprehensive assessment of corneal disorders associ-
patients with FES who had not undergone surgery for the ated with FES, Culbertson and Tseng9 described a series of
treatment of the condition. Thirty-one patients with FES were
60 patients, in whom keratoconus was identified in 11. They
analyzed with the corresponding 31 matched patients from the
control group. The demographics of these groups and the results of also determined that keratoconus was always on the pre-
comparisons are summarized in Table 6. ferred sleeping side. However, the definitions of FES for
Comparisons between test and control groups were made on a this study were not given and the definition of keratoconus
variety of upper lid features, including lash ptosis, dermatochala- was ambiguous. They described their definition of kerato-
sis, lateral and medial canthal laxity, upper lid distraction, palpe- conus as being essentially clinical, or in their words, “clin-
bral aperture, and levator function. Significant associations with ically evident by standard techniques such as slit-lamp
lash ptosis, medial canthal laxity, and upper lid distraction were examination, retinoscopy and keratometry in 6 patients.”
identified. There was also an association with blepharoptosis and a Computerized videophotokeratoscopy was performed ran-
mild reduction in levator function in patients with FES. Lateral
canthal laxity was not observed to be significant, although the P domly on 7 patients with no clinical evidence of keratoco-
value did approach significance at 0.07. Finally, a sensitivity nus. By using this technique, they defined keratoconus as
analysis excluding all bilateral cases was also determined to ac- localized steepening of ⬎2.0 diopters. This led to the iden-
count for the possible bias that may be a result of bilateral cases tification of a further 5 patients with keratoconus. The
being more severe. With the exception of dermatochalasis and identification of high proportions of patients with FES with
medial canthal laxity, bilaterality of the condition was not found to keratoconus in a small random sample size indicates that the
alter the significance of any of the other factors investigated. incidence of keratoconus may have been significantly un-
derestimated in this study.9
Similar limitations were observed in a series of 17 pa-
Discussion tients by Lee et al,48 who also attempted to characterize
corneal findings in FES. They reported that 5 of 17 patients
Floppy eyelid syndrome has been associated with a wide in the series had keratoconus. However, criteria for the
variety of ocular and systemic conditions. Two of the most definition of keratoconus and the methods used to evaluate

Ophthalmology Volume 117, Number 4, April 2010

this were again unclear. It seems that a mixture of keratom- arousability in OSAHS. A decrease in cortical arousability
etry and videophotokeratoscopy was used and that these in reflex responses to noxious stimuli, such as hypoxia, is
investigations were confined to the small number of patients known to be a feature of OSAHS.60 These decreased cen-
with clinically detectable keratoconus. This again suggests tral reflexes may allow these patients to tolerate extreme
that the incidence of the keratoconus, particularly in a mechanical stress to the upper lid during sleep, which
subclinical form, may be underestimated. would normally cause an unaffected individual to wake
A wide variety of systemic associations with FES have and alter their sleep position. The exposure of the upper
been proposed, with obesity being the most widely reported eyelid to recurrent supraphysiologic mechanical stress
and affecting the majority of patients. Other systemic con- may be sufficient to induce subsequent extracellular ma-
ditions have also been suggested as associations, although trix remodeling.21
these reports are sporadic. These include hyperglycin- The strength of the association between FES and both
emia,49 schizophrenia,3 pachydermoperiostosis,10 eye rub- OSAHS and keratoconus is also of clinical importance. It is
bing,15 or conditions associated with eye rubbing, such as essential that OSAHS is recognized due to its strong asso-
psoriasis,24 cocaine use,25 severe learning difficulties,4,50 –52 ciation with cerebrovascular morbidity.36 Other neurologic
epibulbar nodular fasciitis,53 and congenital cataracts facial conditions, such as epilepsy61 and psychiatric disorders, are
dysmorphism neuropathy syndrome. also strongly associated with OSAHS.62 The association
Other associations, such as hypertension, diabetes,6,9 and with keratoconus is also of clinical importance because the
increased serum leptins,31 have all been described, but their presence of keratoconus should be considered as a refractive
known close links with obesity and the failure to control for cause for reduction in vision rather than ocular surface
this means that weight is likely to be a confounding factor. disturbances commonly seen in FES.
The demographics of this series confirm that although This study also has limitations. This case control study
FES is more common in obese men in their sixth decade, sample size was not based on a power calculation. This
patients with a significant range of ages, BMI, and gender means that findings of nonsignificance must be taken with
are affected. Figure 1 demonstrates that there was no dis- caution. Furthermore, the selection of the control group may
cernable subgroup or cluster on the basis of age, gender, or have lent unwanted bias to the comparison as there is
BMI. This would not support the proposition of a distinct evidence of a weak independent association of diabetes with
entity known as “lax eyelid syndrome” based on similar OSAHS,63 although this is inconclusive.64 However, if this
clinical findings, but with a normal BMI.7,54,55 Rather, there association was warranted, it would have caused this study
is a continuum of different ages and weight distributions. to underestimate the association between FES and OSAHS.
These findings confirm that OSAHS is significantly as- In conclusion, floppy eyelid syndrome is a condition
sociated with FES even when confounding factors such as strongly associated with OSAHS and keratoconus. As well
BMI are controlled for. The definition for OSAHS used in as providing a platform for an etiologic hypothesis for the
this study was based on continuous positive airway pressure condition, these findings should encourage clinicians to be
use, but this may well have underestimated the incidence of aware of these associations and to direct further treatment.
OSAHS in the test and control groups. In addition, a strong Acknowledgment.We would like to thank Dr. Cathy Egan for
association between keratoconus and FES has also been supporting patient recruitment from diabetic retinopathy clinics.
determined. Other upper lid abnormalities, such as lash
ptosis, blepharoptosis, upper lid distraction, and dermatoch-
alasis, have also been found to be associated with FES. References
Although not typical of FES, concurrent lower lid laxity has
also been observed.2,6,16,22,29,54 However, this association 1. Culbertson WW, Ostler HB. The floppy eyelid syndrome.
was not confirmed in this study and may warrant further Am J Ophthalmol 1981;92:568 –75.
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The close relationship with OSAHS and the co-laterality Am J Ophthalmol 1985;99:557– 60.
3. Langford JD, Linberg JV. A new physical finding in floppy
of the FES and sleep side would indicate that sleep itself eyelid syndrome. Ophthalmology 1998;105:165–9.
may be an important etiologic factor. Several mechanisms 4. Valenzuela AA, Sullivan TJ. Medial upper eyelid shortening
have been proposed for this, including reperfusion isch- to correct medial eyelid laxity in floppy eyelid syndrome: a
emia9 and repeated mechanical trauma leading to matrix new surgical approach. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2005;21:
metalloproteinase expression and connective tissue re- 259 – 63.
modeling.21 5. Gonnering RS, Sonneland PR. Meibomian gland dysfunction
The mechanical stress theory is supported by the close in floppy eyelid syndrome. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 1987;
association with keratoconus, a condition well described as 3:99 –103.
being related to eye rubbing, which can lead to extracellular 6. McNab AA. Floppy eyelid syndrome and obstructive sleep
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7. van den Bosch WA, Lemij HG. The lax eyelid syndrome. Br J
the causative factor in keratoconus and possibly also FES Ophthalmol 1994;78:666 –70.
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Footnotes and Financial Disclosures

Originally received: May 11, 2009. Funded by the special trustees of Moorfields Eye Hospital. The authors
Final revision: September 12, 2009. acknowledge a proportion of their financial support from the Department of
Accepted: September 18, 2009. Health through the award made by the National Institute for Health Research
Available online: January 25, 2010. Manuscript no. 2009-630. to Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and UCL Institute of
Ophthalmology for a Specialist Biomedical Research Centre for Ophthalmol-
National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre for ogy. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not
Ophthalmology, Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Ophthalmol- necessarily those of the Department of Health.
ogy, Moorfields Eye Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.
Financial Disclosure(s):
Adnexal Department, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, The author(s) have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials
London, United Kingdom. discussed in this article.
Department of Cell Biology, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, London, Correspondence:
United Kingdom. Daniel G. Ezra, MA, MRCOphth, National Institute for Health Research
4 Biomedical Research Centre for Ophthalmology, 2nd Floor Richard Des-
Western Eye Hospital, London, United Kingdom.
mond Childrens Eye Centre, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Trust and UCL
This article forms part of a doctoral thesis submitted to Cambridge Institute of Ophthalmology, City Road, London EC1V 2PD. E-mail:


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