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I )ep rrty Di rector -Curl- Licensing Authori ty'

l)i rectolatc: ol' A YIJ S Il. Flaryana.
N-ear Youtlr lktstel. Sector-i. Panchl<ula.
\'/lli r. 1,,\-\l ed icca(l nd ia) Pvr. t.t(1.
l'}lot No-16f1, Sector - 7, IM'l-,
Manesar, Gurgaon ( Ilaryana)

Memcr No. ;1.5/22

8lDrug-II/A YiUIt/20 I 0/
l*8 (L
I l, { /O
Suh.ject: Renerval of Manufacturing License No. 13 -lSM(III{) of Ayurveda/ [Jnanii Sidhn

Ret-erence your application No.LM- 100-03- I 0-01 clated 25-03-201 0 on rhe strhiccr
rroted abor,'c.

Yottr ntanul'actrrring L.icense N0- li- ISM(flR.) of A1'Lrn,ecia i LJnani / Sidha I)nrgs is
ht:t'cb,v renewccJ vide enclosed certiflcate fbr the period of three .v-eals with eil-ect ll'orn l6-01-2010 l()
I -5-01 -201 3 sub.lcct to the lbllowing

I ' l'lraf tlre licertsee sltall nraintain tlre propet' recurcls of cll clrtrgs ancl their tcsts.
carried ttttt br, qLraiil'rcd persolr fbr the rau rrraterials and flrrislred prorlLrcts.
2- hat the l,icensee shall allow an llrspcctot appointed uncler thc DrLrqs and Cosrnetics Act arrrl

l-icense and anr'' certifrcate of- r'enew'al in fbrce shall be kept on tlie apprrrr,'ecl prerrrises ar-rcl shall bc
producecl at the rcclr-rcst olan Inspector.
-1 . the licertsee slratll lttairttaitt an lnspection l]ook in to r.nablc arr lrrspeclor lo l'cuort]
Iris irnpressions arrcl the def'ects rroticcd.

4. 'flrilt yoLr sltould Irtanuf-acture onlr. those drLrgs o1' ISM which hale allcadv Llcerr appror ecl iri

A rrtlroritv

'I'ltat.r'ott have
-;. to ettsure that,ror-rr;latent/proprietary prodLrc{s rlo ntrt rcserlble llillr tlre rrarrrr'.
pacl.irtu.desigrr . and colour or strips o1'the prodLrcts ol arrl,otlrer lirnt vvorliing in tlre cciurrtr-r.

6. Any change in the technical staff nanted in the liccnse shirll he reporlt:ci tirrtlrrvitlr lo the
L.icensi rrg Autholifv.

1. Tlrc licertsee slrall intorm the licensing authoritr,' irr rvriting in tlre event cif' arrv charrgc in tlrc
corrstitL.rlion of ihe flrrl operatine Lrnder license.

B. I'lrat the licettsee shell cornpll' rvith all rrorurs as prescribecl in scheclrrle'-l 'o1'G.M.1,.( Scc
rtrle 157 clf' I)t'r-rgs attd (lttstretics RLrles, 1945.1.and hall'yearl,r, l corlpliance rr.port of' schcdulc 'l' slrrrll bc
sr-r brrr i tted to I icerr si nq A Lrthoritv positive ly.

9. 't'he licensee shall mairrtaitr the recold of tcsting ol

lirrishccl clrugs arrcl rau,rnatelials li:;
plescril"rcd ilt ,{r'ttt'vedic Pltarnracopoeia.'['he necessarv tests ol r-aw llatelizrls ancl lrrrishecl rirLrg coir lrl b,
ilotlducted [r," the llrnr in ltouse laboratory or it tnay be got lested fionr Govt. ap;lrovercl laboratorr'.

Deprrtl- Di
I) irectoratc

No. :1.5,r228,11 )rLrg-l I/A Y/i l lti20 I 0/ Dared.

copy' is lirru,arded to thc I)istt. A-vun'eilic: Ol'flccr/l)n.rg Inspector. (iargaon rr itlr
rc'lt.'rcncc to thcir letter No. i79 clateci 0:l 06 l() l0 lor irrtuntraticin ancl nccessalv action.
(See rule 155)

Certificate for renewal of Liccnse to manufacture firr sale of

Ayurvedic/Unani or Siddha Drugs.

Certified that license No.13-lSM (HR) Granted on the 16-01 -2007 to M/s. l,A-

Mcdicca (lndia) Pvt. Ltd, for the manufacture of Ayurvedic/ Unani/ Siddha drugs at

premises situated at Plot No-I68, Sector- 7, IM'I', Manesar, (iurgaon ( llaryana)has

been renewed from 1S-01 -2010 to 15-01 -2013

2. Name of the technical staff:-

l. Dr Sanjay l)ovan . B.A.M.S. (Technical Person)

2. Sh. D.K. I)anday M.Sc. (QLrality Clontrol)

3. Sh. It.C. Mithal B.Pharrna (Quality Control)

-1. Name of drugs (each item to be separately specified)

I-ist of itenrs alreacly approved.

Dated. 06-07-201 0
Pancl.rkula. o i Qhrptnra tfi' pf \FiISNItil 6{fana..
Sqct.rr 3. PANCHKIII,A

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