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1st TERM 1st WRITTEN EXAM for 12G

A) CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION (4p.each) c) an active volcano is so impressive that some people
From the soaring eagle to the tiny hummingbird, love watching it.
modern birds share a common ancestor that lived d) a number of people consider an active volcano as
about 95 million years ago in South America. That not only dangerous but also impressive.
feathery common ancestor laid the groundwork for its
innumerable descendants. When an asteroid hit the 5. You have an assignment to be handed in two days’
Yucatan Peninsula about 66 million years ago, it killed time. While you have completed yours, one of your
off the nonavian dinosaurs. So-called modern birds in friends says that he even didn’t start as he had a cold
South America survived and rapidly diversified. These for a few days. He seems so panicked that you try to
modern South American birds then moved to other calm him down and say:
parts of the world via land bridges, diversifying during a) It’s not an excuse. Why don’t you tell me the
periods of global cooling. Modern birds are the most truth?
diverse group of terrestrial species in terms of richness b) Don’t worry; you still have time to do it.
and global distribution, but their large-scale c) Take it easy. You can have the same lesson next
evolutionary history can’t fully understood yet. year again.
1. According to the passage ---- d) I recommend you to focus on other lessons now
a) the hummingbird and soaring eagles lived 95 million that you have failed this one.
years ago
b) the ancestor of modern species was common 6. China is the largest country in East Asia and the
c) the origin of modern birds has yet to be discovered most ----- in the world with over 1.28 billion
d) the ancestor of modern birds gave rise to few people.
species a) sensible b) isolated
e) the South America is the place where nonavian c) impractical d) populous
dinosaurs originated.
7. ----- at first many countries in the United States
2. It can be inferred from the passage that --- - allowed employees to wear casual clothes on one
a) modern birds took their final shape after the hit of day of the week, Friday. Friday became ‘Casual
the asteroid. Friday’ or ‘dress Down Friday’ today. However
b) the hit of an asteroid took place in South America 95 many companies are allowing their employees to
million years ago wear casual clothes every day of the week.
c) birds couldn’t reproduce in the periods of cooling. a) the change to casual work clothes began in
d) the ancestors of the modern birds survived the hit of 1990s
an asteroid b) a casual dress code can also cause problems.
e) it took modern birds so long to diversify c) pilot or police officers do not have to make
decisions about their work clothes
3. This passage, as a whole, informs the readers about d) sometimes employees think they should wear
---- anything they like to wear.
a) the asteroid hit in Yucatan peninsula
b) the migration of birds from South America 8. ---- who want to attend the seminar must fill
c) the origins of modern birds out the application form that can be printed from
d) the features of soaring eagle and tiny the website.
hummingbird a) Other b) Those
e) the extinction of nonavian dinosaurs c) Them d) That of
9. When I ---- a university student, I --- in a cafe
4. Some people believe that nothing else in the world because I didn’t have enough Money to get by.
is so impressive as an active volcano. a) have been / worked
a) an active volcano is the most interesting thing in the b) am / will have worked
world according to some people. c) was / worked
b) what some people think is that if you want to see d) had been / was going to work
something impressive, you must visit an active volcano.
1st TERM 1st WRITTEN EXAM for 12G

10. Your car doesn’t seem to be in good condition, smoking during pregnancy include premature
so I think you should hire a mechanic to --- it ---- birth, certain birth defects and infant death.
a) get / to maintain A) I b) II c) III d) IV
b) make / maintain
c) have / maintained B) COMPLETE THE SENTENCES (4p.)
d) get/ being maintained Bravely - attitude- ability - convenient –
debate- defective –ceaseless-colleague-detest-
dizziness- fake – feasible -essence
11. Since ancient times, many dog breeds ---for
specific tasks such as hunting, herding, or guarding 1) Because of the poor quality of the
but today most dogs --- chiefly for companionship. soil ,agriculture isn’t ……………in many parts of the
a) have been developed/ are kept country.
b) have developed/ have been keeping 2) It had been months before they discovered that
c) are being developed / are keeping the doctor had a…………diploma and he was
d) were developing / have been kept actually a lawyer.
3)On her first day at work, her ………took her out
12. The area is still so sparsely inhabited --- for dinner to make her feel welcome.
a) which are explained by the economical 4) The little girl walked………up onto the
advantages stage ,and then began to sing. She was very
b) that one can travel for days without meeting confident in herself.
other people.
c) as it was the fastest growing region in the 5)We held a ………in class about the causes and
country effects of the global warming.
d) even if there are too few people around.
6)If you are experiencing ……….,you shouldn’t
13. Pamela was very upset when she ---- that her drive ,operate machinery or work high above the
kitten --- by a car in the street. ground.
a) discovered / had been hit
b) had discovered / hit 7)The police officers continue their……….fight
c) has discovered / has been hit against crime throughout the city.
d) was discovered / was hit
8)We can not wait for a ………time.That is urgent.
14. Sally: ---
Chloe: More than two months. 9)She has a natural ……… sports,and seems to
Sally: I really can’t understand how one can be so do well in any sport she tries.
careless about his health. You should have started
the treatment ages ago. 10)Prejudice is negative ………or feelings about a
Chloe: You’re probably right. person’s entire character based on only one
a) Do you remember how long she stayed with us? feature.
b) When did you last get your lungs X-rayed?
c) I was wondering if you could tell me why you
were there.
d) How long have you had this terrible cough?

15. (I) Most people know that smoking causes Yasemin K.HARMAN
cancer, heart disease, and major health problems. ELT
(II) She thinks it is safe to start smoking again. (III)
But women who smoke during pregnancy put
themselves and their unborn babies at risk for
other health problems. (IV) The dangers of
1st TERM 1st WRITTEN EXAM for 12G

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