ENGL115 Grammar 10-3 - Making Comparisons #2

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1. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

You may need to

change the verbs (singular / plural). When you are finished, discuss
your answers with a partner:

Answers will vary

a. Vegetables is are not as delicious as ice cream.

b. FAX is not as useful as Email .

c. Mexico is not as cold as New York .

d. Dinosaurs are not as common as horser .

e. thater doesn’t sound as good as cinema .

f. Samsung is not as expensive as iPhone .

g. movies is not as boring as virtual conferencies .

h. virtual class are not as cool as presencial class .

i. Sofa is not as comfortable as bed .

j. Cat are not as cute as dog .

2. Rewrite the sentences. Change the comparative adjectives to not +
as + adjective + as. Remember to change the order of the words:

a. I am hungrier than you.

You aren’t as hungry as me (or I am).

b. Tigers are faster than deer.

Deer are not as fast as tigers

c. My apartment is bigger than yours.

Yours apartment is not as big as mine

d. James looks more tired than Will.

Will is not as tired as james

e. English is more confusing than my language.

My language isn’t as confusing as english

f. Tokyo is more crowded than my city.

My city isn’t as crowded as Tokyo

g. Sushi tastes better than pizza.

The pizza isn't as better as sushi

h. She’s nicer than Jack.

Jack isn't as nice as her

i. My new computer is nicer than my old one.

My old computer isn't as nice as my new computer

j. My roommate’s music sounds worse than a broken dishwasher.

A broken dishwasher is not as worse as my roommate´s music
k. He is taller than me.
Me isn’t as taller as he is
l. Today is colder than yesterday.
Yesterday isn’t as cold r as today
3. Write comparisons two different ways. In your first sentence, use a
comparative adjective. In the second sentence, use not + as +
adjective + as. Use your own ideas:

Answers will vary

a. English & my language

My language is easier than English.
English is not as easy as my language.
b. My country & the USA
My country is more beautiful than USA
USA is not as beautiful as My country
c. Men & women
Men is stronger than women
Women is not as strong as men
d. Books & movies
Movies is more interesting than books
Books is not as interesting as movies
e. Basketball & tennis
Basketball is easier than tennis
Tennis is not as easy as basketball
f. Houses & apartments
Hauses is bigger than apartments
apartments is not as big as hauses
g. My best friend & me / I

h. Tea & coffee

Tea is more delicious than coffe
Coffe is not as delicious as tea
4. Look at the two pictures and write a sentence with:

● doesn’t / don’t have as much ____ as (or)

● doesn’t / don’t have as many ____ as

Use the nouns in parentheses:

a. (hair) Hank doesn’t have as much hair as Rob (does).

b. (money) ben doesn`t have as much money as scott
c. (sugar) the milk doesn`t have as much sugar as juice
d. (people) australia does`t have as many people than china
e. (cars) my family doesn`t have as many cars as my neighbours
f. (spicy food) canada does`t have as many spicy food as korea
g. (friends) christina does`t have as many as peter
h. (water) steven does`t have as much water as bill
i. (children) jen and bruce does`t have as many as wendy and phil
j. (files) my home computer does`t have as many as my work computer

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