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Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 22(2) 2012, pp 148–159

Clinical Practice Review doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00720.x

Updates in the American Heart Association

guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation
and potential applications to veterinary
Barbara L. Maton, DVM and Sean D. Smarick, VMD, DACVECC


Objective – To review the updates in the American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines for cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) and identify potential applications to veterinary patients.
Etiology – Cardiopulmonary arrest is common in veterinary emergency and critical care, and consensus guide-
lines are lacking. Human resuscitation guidelines are continually evolving as new clinical and experimental
studies support updated recommendations. Synthesis of human, experimental animal model, and veterinary
literature support the potential for updates and advancement in veterinary CPR practices.
Therapy – This review serves to highlight updates in the AHA guidelines for CPR and evaluate their application
to small animal veterinary patients. Interventions identified will be evaluated for trans-species potential, raise
questions regarding best resuscitation recommendations, and offer opportunities for further research to continue
to advance veterinary CPR.
Prognosis – The prognosis for any patient undergoing cardiopulmonary arrest remains guarded.

(J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2012; 22(2): 148–159) doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00720.x

Keywords: consensus, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, emergency techniques, monitoring

ILCOR International Liason Committee on Resus-

Abbreviations citation (ILCOR)
ABC airway; breathing; compression IAHF InterAmerican Heart Foundation
AHA Americal Heart Association MAP mean arterial pressure
AED automated external defibrillators NDS neurological deficit scores
ANZCOR Australian and New Zealand Council on OPC overall performance categories
Resuscitation PETCO2 partial pressure of end-tidal CO2
CAB compression, airway, breathing PEA pulseless electrical activity
CPA cardiopulmonary arrest PaCO2 partial pressure of arterial CO2
CPP coronary perfusion pressure RCA Resuscitation Council of Asia
DAP diastolic arterial pressure RCSA Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa
ERC European Resuscitation Council ROSC return of spontaneous circulation
HSFC Heart and Stroke Foundations of Canada SCVO2 central venous oxygen saturation
ITD impedance threshold device SpO2 oxygen saturation
Sv̄O2 mixed venous oxygen saturation
SAP systolic arterial pressure

From AVETS, Monroeville, PA, 15146.

The authors declare no conflict of interests. Introduction

Address correspondence and reprint requests to
Dr. Barbara L. Maton, AVETS, 4224 Northern Pike, Monroeville, PA, 15146, The release of the 2010 American Heart Association
USA. (AHA) guidelines1 for cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Submitted September 15, 2011; Accepted January 28, 2012.
(CPR) and emergency cardiovascular care coincided
with the 50th anniversary of the modern practice of

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012
Updates in AHA guidelines for CPR and veterinary applications

human CPR. In 1992, the International Liaison Commit- In evaluating laboratory animal models of CPA, in-
tee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) was formed to develop cluding dogs, pig, sheep, and rats, it is important to
consensus recommendations for human CPR. ILCOR is consider the model animal’s anatomy, potential recep-
a committee of 8 organizations including the AHA, Eu- tor variations, and normal vital signs. Despite most lab-
ropean Resuscitation Council (ERC), Heart and Stroke oratory animals having a laterally compressed thorax,
Foundation of Canada (HSFC), Resuscitation Council of many experimental CPR models are performed deliver-
Asia (RCA), Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa ing compressions in a ventrodorsal manner, contrary to
(RCSA), the Australia and New Zealand Council on how canine and feline CPR is often performed in clinical
Resuscitation (ANZCOR), and the InterAmerican Heart practice.5, 9, 29 In people, adenosine is recommended to
Foundation (IAHF). This committee meets twice yearly treat regular monomorphic tachyarrhythmias,30 and has
and serves to provide a mechanism for review of research been studied in swine models of arrest.31 However, there
to help develop and disseminate consensus guidelines is some information to suggest a different adenosine re-
for human CPR, as well as foster research in areas of ceptor subtype in canine hearts (eg, dogs have predom-
CPR where evidence may be lacking.1 ILCOR, in collab- inantly A2 receptor subtypes in the myocardium rather
oration with AHA, has published updated CPR guide- than A1 ), which may limit the utility of adenosine for ar-
lines every 5 years since 2000.2–4 The 2010 AHA CPR rhythmias in dogs.32 Canine models have been utilized
Guidelines are qualified by class of recommendation (I, to study therapeutic hypothermia; however, the target
IIa, IIb, III based on risk-benefit ratio) and levels of evi- temperatures are more often determined relative to nor-
dence (A, B, or C based on type of research, populations mal human body temperature, rather than taking into ac-
analyzed, and the number of cases).1 This mechanism count normal canine temperature (ie, 1–2◦ C [1.8–3.6◦ F])
for the development of human recommendations helps higher than people). Therapeutic hypothermia models
to organize the effort to deliver recommendations that and temperature recommendations must therefore be in-
are evidence-driven, peer-reviewed, and continuously terpreted with caution.33, 34 Differences in anatomy, the
advancing. model species, and study design must be carefully eval-
In comparison, veterinary CPR recommendations uated in making correlations to small animal veterinary
have been limited to review articles, retrospective patients.
studies, and cross-sectional studies published in peer- The method of induction of CPA and timing of inter-
reviewed veterinary journals.5–21 These recommenda- ventions are experimental considerations that may not
tions have often been extrapolated from the recommen- translate to veterinary patients. Many of the experimen-
dations for people, and despite being well referenced, tal animal models method of CPA induction do not mir-
they do not have the benefit of consensus agreement as ror clinical veterinary patients. For example, induced
is done when generating human guidelines. For veteri- ventricular fibrillation35–37 is often utilized as a model
nary CPR, the next logical step is to emulate the pro- of CPA. While this is the most common arrest rhythm
cess of the development of CPR guidelines for people in people,38 this is not the most common arrest rhythm
and develop consensus guidelines for use in veterinary for veterinary patients.7, 11 Models that utilize asphyxial
patients.22 arrest23, 24 have some applicability to veterinary patients
One of the challenges for the development of such that experience upper airway obstruction, however, this
guidelines involves determining the appropriateness of population may be small in the clinical setting, and the
applying experimental models and human prospective true incidence of airway obstruction in veterinary pa-
studies to clinical veterinary patients. Many experimen- tients remains unknown.11, 14 Timing of interventions in
tal models of induced CPA (cardiopulmonary arrest) experimental models may be geared toward what is ex-
utilize rodent or swine models, with questionable trans- perienced in human CPA, with availability of prearrest
lation to canine and feline patients.23–26 Canine models care and the paradigm of basic versus advanced life
have been used to study resuscitation medicine since support. For example, models may be designed with
the early 1900s.27, 28 When considering guidelines for use an interval following induced CPA of no intervention
in dogs, recommendations derived from these studies (ie, out-of-hospital CPA), followed by a period of ba-
may be stronger than those derived from human stud- sic life support (BLS, ie, bystander rescue), followed by
ies; however, subjects are often young healthy animals, advanced life support (ALS, ie, paramedic support). Peo-
under anesthesia, with induced mechanisms of CPA dis- ple may receive more advanced therapy in the form of
similar to clinical patients. In considering these studies, fluid resuscitation, ventilation, drug administration, and
the model utilized, timing of interventions, type of inter- therapeutic hypothermia in transit to the hospital.29, 38 In
ventions, and study endpoints must be critically evalu- contrast, most veterinary patients with out-of-hospital
ated prior to drawing parallels with clinical veterinary arrest receive minimal if any life support prior to ar-
patients. rival at a veterinary facility. In people, the provision of

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00720.x 149
B.L. Maton & S.D. Smarick

compressions and breathing (eg, mouth-to-mouth or Palpation for pulses can be challenging and unreliable,
bag-mask ventilation) is considered BLS, and the place- even for trained healthcare providers.39, 46 Palpation for
ment of an advanced airway and drug delivery consti- pulses often leads to delays in initiation of CPR. In in-
tutes ALS. In contrast, veterinary CPR generally takes stances where the healthcare provider performs a pulse
place in a hospital setting and an advanced airway is check, AHA recommends the assessment be kept under
obtained at the recognition of the CPA with drugs avail- 10 seconds.39 In a study evaluating bystander CPR initi-
able shortly thereafter. Some studies evaluate an inter- ated in 247 human patients that were not in CPA, the risk
vention prior to the induction of CPA,40, 41 which should of rib fracture was found to be 2%, with no documented
also be taken into account when attempting to apply the visceral organ injuries, whereas only 12% of patients ex-
intervention to veterinary patients. Despite deviations perienced discomfort from the intervention.47 Therefore,
of these models from CPA scenarios in clinical patients, with a suggested low-risk of adverse effects from CPR
when canine and feline experimental animal models are administered to patients not in arrest, and given the ben-
utilized, the animal model should be considered as the efit of early institution of CPR in arrested patients,11, 39, 48
species of interest. it is recommended to defer palpation of pulses in the pa-
Another important aspect to consider is the end- tient with signs of CPA, and when pursued, to limit the
point of experimental animal and human CPR stud- time invested to less than 10 seconds. This recommenda-
ies. Endpoints utilized may include time to return of tion may be considered in veterinary patients; however,
spontaneous circulation (ROSC), short-term survival (ie, the complication rate of CPR in veterinary patients that
12–96 hours), long-term survival (ie, 30-day survival), are not in a state of arrest is unknown.
or survival to hospital discharge. Beyond survival, at-
tempts to measure quality of life with neurologic deficit
Initiation: ABC versus CAB
scores (NDS), overall performance categories (OPC), and
whether human survivors function independently ver- In the AHA 2010 human recommendations, the tra-
sus as permanent dependents are now often applied. ditional order of CPR initiation of airway, breathing,
This focus on improved neurologic outcomes and ex- compressions (ABC) has now formally been updated to
tension of BLS to ALS with postarrest care was the ba- recommend initiation of CPR with compressions for out-
sis of Peter Safar, MD, proposing and advocating the of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest, followed by airway
term cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation (CPCR) since and breathing (CAB), and abandoning the administra-
the 1960s.28, 42 This term can still be found in the litera- tion of 2 rescue breaths for the immediate initiation
ture; however, the AHA 2010 Guidelines and current hu- of chest compressions.39 Perfusion during cardiac ar-
man literature predominantly use the term CPR which rest is dependent on effective chest compressions; there-
includes the goal of an intact neurological patient.10, 43 fore it is advised to avoid any delays in the deliv-
As the recommendations in human medicine are re- ery of chest compressions.36, 39 In the early phases of
evaluated, further research in experimental animal mod- cardiac arrest, oxygen delivery is flow dependent.39, 49
els and clinical studies may offer benefit to our clinical Multiple studies in humans have found no change in
small animal patients. However, the results of such stud- outcome for patients with out-of-hospital arrest treated
ies and the recommendations gleaned from them must with compression-only CPR compared to traditional
be critically evaluated prior to accepting them as the CPR with compressions and ventilation.50–53 One study
standard of care. identified improved neurologic outcome (30 days postar-
rest) for patients treated with compression-only CPR,
even when the cause of arrest was apnea.54 In a study
Changes in the AHA Guidelines for CPR and poten-
of human in-hospital arrests, shorter time to advanced
tial application to veterinary patients
airway placement was not associated with improved
Assessment and Recognition of CPA ROSC, although these patients received bag-valve-mask
The first step in CPR is recognition of an arrested state in ventilation during initial CPR.55 One limitation of these
the patient. Traditionally, this has been accomplished by studies is that in bystander-administered CPR in out-of-
a “look, listen, and feel” approach, in which we recog- hospital arrests, the efficacy of chest compressions can-
nize an unresponsive patient that is not breathing, listen not be standardized for comparison. One of the goals
for a heartbeat, and palpate for pulses.5, 44 The 2010 AHA in investigating this alternative rescue method was to
Guidelines advocate abandoning this approach and pur- improve bystander compliance in administering CPR,
suing compressions in patients that are unresponsive, given many lay people have hesitation in performing
apneic, or patients that are gasping.45 In people, the “mouth-to-mouth” resuscitation.
presence of gasping (recognized in veterinary patients as There are several thoughts as to why out-of-hospital
agonal5 or terminal breathing) often confuses the rescuer. arrest patients may have similar or improved outcomes

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00720.x
Updates in AHA guidelines for CPR and veterinary applications

when patients are only provided compressions. In a wit- ated with ventricular fibrillation and cessation of blood
nessed cardiac arrest, during the first few minutes, oxy- flow. This has also been developed to simplify layperson
genated blood remains in the system despite cessation CPR and reduce the delay to first compression deliv-
of flow. In a canine model of induced ventricular fib- ery. Conversely, PEA (pulseless electrical activity) and
rillation with compression-only resuscitation adminis- asystole are more common arrest rhythms in veterinary
tered within 1 minute of arrest, (with room air ventila- patients, and underlying respiratory pathology are com-
tion prior to induction of ventricular fibrillation), dogs mon causes of arrest in veterinary patients.11, 18, 60 In a
maintained arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2 ) of 93.9 ± swine model of ventricular fibrillation arrest in the pres-
3% for 4 minutes and the partial pressure of arterial CO2 ence of an obstructed airway, compression-only CPR was
pressure (PaCO2 ) did not rise above 35 mm Hg until af- inadequate to maintain arterial oxygen saturation, and
ter 8 minutes.56 Additionally, gasping or agonal breaths within 1.5–2 minutes of compression only CPR, there
are common, and may provide some ventilation.57, 58 In was no arteriovenous difference in oxygen saturations.25
a swine model of induced ventricular fibrillation, pre- Although many critically ill veterinary patients have a
cordial compressions with gasping (and no mechanical witnessed arrest, there are many veterinary patients that
ventilation) produced minute volumes of 3 L, compared present with out-of-hospital arrest that have been in an
to the mechanically ventilated group that had minute arrested state for a prolonged period, at which point ven-
volumes of 1 L. In this study, there was no significant tilation is also integral to CPR. In veterinary medicine, at
difference in PaCO2 for the first 2 minutes (maintained the time of initiation of CPR, we often have more than 1
under 40 mm Hg) between the groups, however, after 8 person available to assist in the resuscitation, and we less
minutes, the positive pressure ventilation group had an frequently encounter the “lone-rescuer, layperson” effort
average PaCO2 of 28 mm Hg compared to 48 mm Hg in that commonly occurs in human out-of-hospital arrests.
the non-mechanically ventilated group.58 In the study by In many of the lab animal models and human observa-
Bobrow et al57 evaluating out-of-hospital arrest in peo- tional studies, the model involves cessation of compres-
ple, gasping was found to occur in 39% of arrests and sions to deliver ventilations to mimic the lone-rescuer
was associated with significantly higher survival to dis- BLS administration.37, 52, 54 In contrast, for veterinary pa-
charge (39%) compared to those who did not gasp (9%).57 tients a resuscitation team pursuing compressions does
Passive recoil during chest compressions may also pro- not necessarily do so at the exclusion of obtaining an
vide ventilation.56 Another argument is that during ar- airway and starting positive pressure ventilation.
rested states, there are lower ventilatory needs to remove In the veterinary setting, while it is recognized that
CO2 given the reduced cardiac output (CO) and venous veterinary patients commonly arrest from respiratory
return (only 10–15% of normal values) of the arrested causes (eg, pulmonary disease, pleural space disease,
state.39, 56 airway obstruction), there is a population of patients
In human bystander CPR, there is often a delay or that arrest with normal respiratory function. In these pa-
reluctance in initiation of CPR because of hesitation to tients, the CAB approach can be considered. Similar to
perform “mouth-to-mouth” ventilation due to a concern human patients, veterinary patients with agonal breath-
for infectious diseases. For all of these reasons, AHA ing may be delayed in administration of CPR as they
no longer recommends 2 rescue breaths in initiation of still appear to have breathing, and an airway may not
CPR, and chest compressions are advocated first, min- be obtained due to jaw tone. From the moment agonal
imizing the delay of first compression. In lone-rescuer breathing is recognized, chest compressions may be ad-
untrained bystander CPR, “hands-only” CPR is recom- ministered until the airway may be instrumented. In the
mended until further help is available. In trained res- instance of a cardiovascular arrest and a lone veterinary
cuer and healthcare provider CPR, compression: venti- rescuer, hands-only CPR may be considered.
lation ratios of 30:2 are recommended, initiating with Agonal breathing or gasping has gained attention in
compressions.39 Even in pediatric and infant arrests, the human literature as studies have shown this to be an
where ventricular fibrillation is less common and as- effective form of ventilation and self-resuscitation, and
phyxia is the predominant cause of arrest, AHA recom- associated with improved CPR outcomes.61, 62 Agonal
mends initiating with compressions; however bystander breathing is a preterminal form of respiration charac-
integration of compressions with ventilations in a 30:2 terized by an acute deep inspiration that results from
ratio is recommended.59 decreased oxygen delivery to the pneumotaxic and ap-
There are several considerations in the application of neustic breathing centers in the pons leading to stim-
the CAB sequence recommendation for veterinary pa- ulation of respiratory pacemaker-like neurons in the
tients. These recommendations have been developed for medulla.26, 63, 64 Laboratory studies in pigs and rats have
human patients with sudden-onset, witnessed out-of- demonstrated that agonal breaths lead to significantly
hospital cardiac arrest, which is most commonly associ- increased CO and ventilation, and increases in CO of

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00720.x 151
B.L. Maton & S.D. Smarick

up to 60% of baseline prefibrillation measurements are Breathing

obtained during agonal inspiration.65, 66 Experimental
In lone-rescuer trained bystander CPR, the recommen-
and observational studies have also shown that the pres-
dation is to begin with compressions in a 30:2 ratio
ence and frequency of gasping is correlated with im-
of compressions:ventilation. The AHA 2010 Guidelines
proved outcome in CPR.26, 62 Further prospective studies
continue to emphasize the importance of avoiding hy-
would be necessary to determine if there is an association
perventilation, with the recommendation of ventilation
with gasping and outcome in clinical veterinary patients
delivery of 8–10 breaths per minute (one breath every 6–8
with CPA. Based on available data, one may consider a
seconds).30 The recommendations for ventilation deliv-
rapid CAB approach in patients with agonal breathing.
ery are unchanged. The AHA 2010 guidelines still rec-
The ABC approach would still be recommended in
ommend the delivery of a breath over 1 second, with
patients with a respiratory cause of arrest or patients
a 1:1 I:E ratio and a tidal volume sufficient to result in
with hypoxemia as a contributing cause of arrest.67 These
a visible chest rise.29 The rescuer does not need to syn-
patients may have reversible pathology and CPR may
chronize breaths with compressions, and compressions
be more effective with efforts to reverse the underlying
should not be paused for ventilation.30, 70 The delivery of
cause of the arrest. Also, patients with prolonged CPA
100% oxygen during CPR until ROSC is obtained is still
prior to arrival to the hospital may benefit from the ABC
approach as they are less likely to have oxygenated blood
Impedance threshold devices (ITDs) have been found
in the circulatory system and more likely to have a sig-
to improve short-term outcomes in people (eg, survival
nificant component of respiratory acidosis which may
to hospital admit, short-term survival), but thus far have
affect vasopressor function.
not proven effect on long-term outcome measures (eg,
These updated recommendations in the initiation of
neurologic outcome, long-term survival).71 ITDs have
CPR in human patients may have some translation to
been evaluated in dogs with isoflurane-induced hy-
veterinary patients, and raise many questions regard-
potension, and were found to improve SAP (systolic
ing the application of a CAB approach in veterinary
arterial pressure) and cardiac index, however this study
found no significant improvement in DAP (diastolic arte-
rial pressure) and MAP (mean arterial pressure).72 ITDs
Airway have also been evaluated in canine hemorrhagic shock
models, and found to increase SAP, MAP, and CO, with-
The AHA 2010 guidelines now recommend utilizing
out increasing DAP.73 Increased DAP is of importance
the partial pressure of end-tidal CO2 (PETCO2 ) to con-
as it is correlated to coronary perfusion pressure and
firm and monitor endotracheal tube positioning in early
ROSC.30 In both models, ITDs were found to decrease
CPA.30 Human endotracheal intubation is challenging,
pulmonary compliance.72, 73 The use of ITD in veteri-
particularly for inexperienced rescuers, and is associ-
nary patients with CPA requires further investigation.
ated with complications including trauma, tube dis-
Due to known potential adverse effects, they should not
placement, and obstruction.30 In contrast, the majority of
be used in patients with pulmonary disease, congestive
veterinary patients can be readily intubated using an en-
heart failure, small patients <10 kg, or patients with a
dotracheal tube, and the variation in veterinary patients’
compromised chest wall.72, 74
muzzle anatomy may make the application of many of
the human options such as the bag valve mask more
The use of PETCO2 may still be helpful in veterinary
patients to help confirm an initial difficult intubation, The 2010 AHA Guidelines offer several updates in rec-
as well as assessing maintenance of proper endotracheal ommendations in the delivery of chest compressions,
tube positioning. In a canine model of induced ventricu- including increased frequency of compressions and in-
lar fibrillation, a median PETCO2 of 20 mm Hg was associ- creased depth of compressions. Previously, the 2005
ated with tracheal intubation, while a median PETCO2 of AHA Guidelines had recommended the delivery of
3 mm Hg was associated with esophageal intubation.68 about 100 compressions per minute, with a compression
Another study found consistent PETCO2 readings of 0 depth of 3.81–5 cm (1.5–2 inches), and at least 1/3 the
mm Hg from the esophagus and the stomach in sedated anterior-posterior chest dimension in children.3, 59 The
and anesthetized dogs.69 It is important to recognize 2010 AHA Guidelines recommend delivery of at least
that PETCO2 is not reliable in patients with prolonged ar- 100 compressions per minute and a compression depth
rest, massive pulmonary thromboembolism, severe pul- of at least 5 cm (2 inches).39 A duty cycle (ie, time spent in
monary edema, or colorimetric detector contamination compression to relaxation) of 50% is still recommended,
with secretions.30 as well as allowing full thoracic wall recoil.39 It is also

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00720.x
Updates in AHA guidelines for CPR and veterinary applications

recommended to rotate the compressor every 2 minutes, Another emphasis in the delivery of chest compres-
especially with higher compression rates as fatigue de- sions is allowing full thoracic wall recoil.39 Incomplete
creases efficacy of compressions, and may occur sooner thoracic recoil leads to increased intrathoracic pressure,
with increased compression frequency.75 In human CPR, increased right atrial pressure, decreased coronary per-
rescuer fatigue occurs within 1 minute however may not fusion pressure, decreased cardiac index, and decreased
be recognized until as late as 5 minutes.39, 76, 77 cerebral perfusion pressure.81, 82 It is common to lean
The concept of “push hard, push fast” was empha- during CPR, especially when one becomes fatigued, and
sized with the updated recommendation of at least this may not be recognized by the compressor. In a study
100 compressions per minute in the 2010 AHA recom- evaluating pediatric arrests, leaning was found to occur
mendations. Several human studies have shown im- in 89% of the compressions delivered.83 In people, real-
proved ROSC and survival with higher compressions time automated feedback devices may be utilized to de-
per minute.39, 78, 79 Compression rate is differentiated crease the frequency of leaning, however have not been
from compressions per minute (which is affected by com- found to completely eliminate leaning.83 Manikin stud-
pression rate and frequency and duration of pauses). In a ies suggest that allowing the heel of the hand to come
30-minute manual CPR model of dogs in ventricular fib- slightly off the chest helps to improve thoracic recoil.84
rillation, compressions delivered at 120/minute led to It is likely that this concept also applies to veterinary
successful defibrillation in 12/13 dogs while compres- patients.
sions delivered at 60/minute led to successful defibril- Perfusion is dependent on effective chest compres-
lation in only 2/13 dogs.80 To the authors’ knowledge, sions during CPR, yet it is common for pauses to oc-
there are no recent prospective studies of compression cur during CPR for instrumentation, defibrillation, ro-
rate in dogs and cats, and further information is needed tation of compressor, and assessment for ROSC. Chest
in guiding the recommendations in dogs and cats. In peo- compression fraction, defined as “the proportion of time
ple, greater than 120 compressions/minute is considered spent delivering chest compressions” was determined to
high frequency compressions, and there is insufficient be an independent predictor of survival in humans with
evidence to recommend this for human patients.71 One ventricular fibrillation, with higher compression frac-
must take into account the wide variations in individual tions significantly associated with increased survival.79
veterinary patients’ normal heart rates, and incorporate It is recommended to try to completely minimize any
this into the CPR strategy. While further research is nec- pauses in chest compressions, and when necessary, to
essary to determine specific recommendations for com- keep the pause to under 10 seconds and synchronize the
pression rates in veterinary patients, faster rates may be pause with other adjustments that may require a pause
considered. (ie, compressor rotation with defibrillation)39 A human
Due to anatomical differences in chest wall configu- observational study of defibrillation success (in both in
ration, it is unknown if the recommendation of a com- and out-of-hospital arrests) found that longer preshock
pression depth of 2 inches is appropriate or adequate for pauses (time from last compression to shock delivery)
dogs and cats. However, CO was found to be linearly were independently and significantly associated with
correlated with chest compression depth in dogs, and defibrillation failure.85 Similarly, a swine model of in-
for depths of 2.5 cm and greater, modest increases in duced ventricular fibrillation demonstrated improved
compression depth lead to relatively larger increases in success of defibrillation when preshock pauses were
CO.29 This study found wide variations in CO related to minimized to 3 seconds, and found significantly re-
dog size when compression depth was used as a target, duced ROSC and increased myocardial dysfunction
and suggested that the use of esophageal pressure mea- when preshock pauses were 15 seconds or longer.86
surements (with a target of 50 mm Hg) may be a more These considerations likely have application to veteri-
reliable indicator of the compression depth required for nary patients however require further study in canine
effective generation of CO. This study must be inter- and feline populations.
preted with caution as the compression model involved
sternal ventral-dorsal chest compression delivery.29 Cur-
rent veterinary recommendations are to compress 30%
of the chest wall diameter,5 and while there is not Atropine is no longer recommended for routine use
enough information to recommend deeper compres- for PEA or asystole in human CPR according to the
sion, the authors emphasize attention to compression 2010 AHA Guidelines.30 In people, atropine use in
depth in performing effective CPR. Ideal compression PEA was associated with significantly decreased 30-
depths in small animal veterinary patients still need to be day survival.87 However, atropine is still recognized as
determined. the treatment of choice for symptomatic bradycardia in

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00720.x 153
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people.30 Similarly, in a canine model of PEA arrest in- also statistically higher than the biphasic group), pre-
duced by asphyxia, atropine (0.04, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 mg/kg mature ventricular contractions and ventricular arrhyth-
IV) and epinephrine did not improve ROSC over dogs mias, and decreased left ventricular shortening fraction
that received epinephrine alone, and higher doses of at- compared to the biphasic group, in which biomarkers
ropine were associated with decreased ROSC.88 Many returned to normal within 2 days, no malignant ECG
veterinary practitioners may not have ready access to an changes were noted, and shortening fraction was sig-
ECG monitor43 , and given a relatively high incidence of nificantly less affected. The authors concluded that a
bradycardia associated with high vagal tone in veteri- biphasic defibrillator shock energy of 2–4 J/kg is ac-
nary arrest patients (23% of dogs and 21% of cats in a ceptable for toy-breed dogs.92 Biphasic defibrillation has
prospective study)11 , routine use of atropine in the ab- been used in the clinical setting with success for defib-
sence of an ECG may still be considered. However, due rillation in a dog with refractory ventricular fibrillation
to the variety of potential arrest rhythms and differences after a pacemaker implantation.93 The dog was admin-
in their respective treatments, therapy should be guided istered CPR with 4 escalating monophasic shocks (up
by the use of an ECG. The efficacy of atropine in arrest to 9.9 J/kg) that were unsuccessful in conversion, 12
rhythms other than severe sinus bradycardia in clinical minutes after the onset of ventricular fibrillation, a sin-
patients requires further investigation. gle biphasic shock (9.9 J/kg) was able to convert the
Stable paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and dog and the dog survived to discharge with no adverse
now monomorphic wide complex supraventricular effects.93
tachycardia are initially managed with vagal maneuvers Because biphasic defibrillators use one of several dif-
and adenosine in people.30 However, adenosine is not ferent waveforms, as well as fixed or escalating energy
commonly used in dogs and cats, and there is some evi- levels, no standardized recommendation for shock en-
dence to suggest that dogs do not have the same cardiac ergy dose is given, and it is advised to use the defib-
adenosine receptors as humans.32 The use of adenosine rillator manufacturer’s recommendations.38 Subsequent
in dogs requires further experimental and clinical explo- shocks should be delivered at the same energy level
ration. and higher energy levels may also be considered.38 The
recommendations available for veterinary patients is
to administer 2–5 J/kg up to 10 J/kg for monophasic
defibrillation,5 and as discussed previously, for biphasic
Fibrillation Treatment
defibrillation, 2–4 J/kg may be considered but higher
The 2010 AHA Guidelines now recommend the use of a dosages acceptable.92, 93 Biphasic defibrillation has been
biphasic defibrillator, and a monophasic defibrillator can used clinically in dogs however considerations remain
be used if a biphasic defibrillator is not available.38 Clin- for standardization of shock doses.
ical trials in people have found biphasic defibrillators It should be emphasized that electrical defibrillation
to have higher success rates in defibrillation compared is the only proven effective treatment for ventricular
to monophasic defibrillators.89, 90 The lower energy of fibrillation.5, 7, 30 In people, amiodarone is considered for
biphasic and other multiphasic defibrillators may induce ventricular fibrillation refractory to defibrillation, CPR,
less postshock myocardial dysfunction.38 Biphasic defib- and vasopressors; and this is unchanged from the 2005
rillators are used in almost all of the automated external AHA Guidelines.3, 30
defibrillators (AEDs) and manual defibrillators now be-
ing manufactured.38
Gauging Response
In a canine model of ventricular fibrillation, bipha-
sic defibrillation was associated with less injury to The 2010 AHA Guidelines now recommend the use of
the myocardium as assessed by the affect on my- PETCO2 for monitoring CPR efficacy. In people, it is rec-
ocardial oxidative metabolism compared to monopha- ommended that a PETCO2 of <10 mm Hg should prompt
sic defibrillation.91 In a study of biphasic compared adjustment in techniques to try to further enhance CPR
to monophasic defibrillation in toy-breed dogs with delivery, while a normal PETCO2 of 35–40 mm Hg may
induced ventricular fibrillation, biphasic defibrillation indicate ROSC.30 It is important to recognize that PETCO2
was found to require 30% less energy than monopha- is not a reliable indicator of ROSC in asphyxial arrests.94
sic defibrillation, with less myocardial injury (as as- In a cross-sectional study of dogs and cats that under-
sessed by cardiac biomarkers, ECG changes, and left went CPA and had PETCO2 monitoring, 94% of dogs
ventricular cardiac performance).92 Dogs that were with a PETCO2 of <15 mm Hg were NOT successfully
defibrillated with monophasic waveform defibrillators resuscitated, while 86% of dogs with a PETCO2 of ≥15
developed increases in cardiac biomarker concentration mm Hg were successfully resuscitated.11 In the same
for 5 days (the increase in marker concentration was study, 90% of cats with a PETCO2 ≥20 mm Hg were

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00720.x
Updates in AHA guidelines for CPR and veterinary applications

successfully resuscitated. Therefore, PETCO2 is suggested logic oxidant damage.40 Further research in veterinary
to be of benefit in monitoring the efficacy of CPR in patients is necessary to develop formal recommenda-
veterinary patients and should be considered. Coro- tions for Fi O2 during CPR. Moderate glycemic control
nary perfusion pressure (CPP) monitoring has previ- (8–10 mmol/L [144–180 mg/dL]) with the avoidance of
ously been recommended to guide CPR, and a value of hypoglycemia is recommended in the management of
≥15 mm Hg is believed to correlate with ROSC.3 CPP is human postarrest patients.96 The recommendation for
equivalent to aortic diastolic pressure minus right atrial blood glucose target in the postarrest veterinary patient
diastolic pressure, and may be determined using arterial is unknown; however, as with any critical patient, ideally
and central venous catheters. The 2010 updated AHA hypoglycemia and profound hyperglycemia should be
guidelines discuss the use of arterial diastolic pressure avoided.
as a surrogate for CPP determination, and while there The 2010 AHA Guidelines formally recommend ther-
is no specific target known for arterial diastolic pres- apeutic hypothermia (32–34◦ C, [89.6–93.2◦ F]) be insti-
sure, a pressure <20 mm Hg should prompt efforts to tuted for 12–24 hours for any patient that is comatose
improve CPR.30 Also, continuous monitoring of arterial after an out-of-hospital ventricular fibrillation arrest,
pulse pressure can detect ROSC if the pulse wave and and recommend it be considered for any other rhythm
rhythm check are in agreement. This monitoring may be including PEA and asystole.96 Also, active rewarm-
of benefit in veterinary ICU and anesthesia patients that ing should be avoided if mild hypothermia develops
already have arterial catheters in place prior to a CPA (>32◦ C, [89.6◦ F]) for 48 hours after ROSC.96 In a study
event, although similar to people, the arterial diastolic of dogs with induced ventricular fibrillation after 20
pressure target remains to be determined. minutes of CPR followed by another 20 minutes of
The use of central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2 ) CPR with targeted cooling, moderate (tympanic tem-
is now recommended to help monitor the efficacy of perature 27◦ C [80.6◦ F]) or mild (tympanic temperature
CPR, and the 2010 AHA Guidelines recommend im- 34◦ C, [93.2◦ F]) therapeutic hypothermia improved out-
proving CPR if ScvO2 is <30% (reference intervals in come assessed by survival, neurologic function, brain
people range from 60–80%).30 In a canine model of open- histology, and myocardial damage scores compared to
chest CPR, Sv̄O2 was found to not be a reliable indica- dogs with normothermia.33 In this study, therapeutic hy-
tor of Sv̄O2 (mixed venous oxygen saturation), therefore pothermia was achieved using venovenous extracorpo-
not an acceptable surrogate measurement.95 ScvO2 mea- real shunt cooling, and found to be beneficial when ini-
surement requires a central venous catheter, and either tiated during the CPR.33 In another study of dogs with
a central venous oximetric tipped catheter or cooxime- induced ventricular fibrillation for 9 minutes followed
ter. This may be of value in critically ill patients that by cold carotid arterial flush (4◦ C, [39.2◦ F]) that resulted
arrest with a central venous catheter in place, and fur- in reduction of tympanic temperatures to 34◦ C (93.2◦ F)
ther study would be necessary to develop specific target while systemic temperatures (rectal and esophageal tem-
recommendations. peratures) were maintained >35◦ C (95◦ F), dogs treated
with cold carotid arterial flush had significantly im-
proved neurologic deficit scores compared to dogs that
Postarrest Care
were maintained normothermic.97 While the recommen-
The 2010 AHA Guidelines recommend maintaining nor- dations for target temperatures in veterinary patients
motension, and while the ideal target blood pressure require further evaluation, laboratory studies support
is unknown, suggest maintaining a mean arterial pres- benefit to the use of therapeutic hypothermia in veteri-
sure ≥ 65 mm Hg and systolic pressures ≥ 90 mm nary arrest patients.
Hg.96 The ideal target postresuscitation blood pressure
for veterinary patients is unknown. The AHA Guide-
lines also recommend early titration of oxygen delivery
to the minimum supplementation necessary to maintain
arterial saturation of ≥ 94% to avoid oxygen toxicity.96 A recent cross-over study evaluating CPR in dogs and
A study of dogs with induced CPA and 9 minutes of cats (a total of 161 dogs and 43 cats) revealed that ROSC
resuscitation with hyperoxic (Fi O2 = 1.0), hyperoxic was obtained in roughly 35% of dogs and 44% of cats,
(Fi O2 = 1.0) and antioxidant, and normoxic (Fi O2 = and of all arrests, 6% of dogs and 7% of cats survived
0.21) treatment revealed the hyperoxic dogs to have to hospital discharge.11 When anesthetic arrests are con-
significantly more neurologic impairment at 12 and 24 sidered, survival to discharge improved to 47% com-
hours postresuscitation compared to normoxic dogs; this pared to 2% that did not have an anesthesia-associated
was attenuated by antioxidant treatment.40 This sug- arrest. None of the patients that had out-of-hospital ar-
gests a link between hyperoxic treatment and neuro- rest survived to discharge, and patients with multiple

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00720.x 155
B.L. Maton & S.D. Smarick

Table 1: Updates in the AHA Guidelines for CPR and potential applications to veterinary patients

Intervention AHA 2005 AHA 2010 Veterinary patients

Initiation Rescue breath, then pulse check for Begin compressions in any patient Does the risk of delayed
up to 10 seconds prior to unresponsive, apneic, or gasping compressions in veterinary
compressions patients outweigh the benefit of
pulse palpation?
Initiation ABC∗ versus CAB† ABC∗ CAB† Are there instances in which
veterinary patients would benefit
from a CAB† approach?
Airway PETCO2 ‡ is considered adjunct to PETCO2 ‡ should be used to confirm Can PETCO2 ‡ be used to help confirm
confirm airway placement and monitor airway placement intubation in arrested veterinary
Circulation 100 compressions per minute, depth At least 100 compressions per minute Would faster and deeper
of 3.81–5 cm (1.5–2 inches) Depth of at least 5 cm (2 inches) compressions benefit arrested
veterinary patients?
Drugs Consider atropine as routine in Do not consider atropine routine in Is atropine beneficial for routine use
PEA§ /asystole PEA§ /asystole in arrested veterinary patients?
Fibrillation Biphasic or monophasic defibrillator Recommend biphasic defibrillator Should biphasic defibrillation be
recommended over monophasic
defibrillation in veterinary
Gauging PETCO2 ‡ is a safe indicator of cardiac PETCO2 ‡ is recommended to gauge Should PETCO2 be used to gauge the
output (CO) response with a target of >10 response of resuscitative efforts
mm Hg in arrested veterinary patients? If
so, what is the target PETCO2 ‡ ?
Gauging Target CPP¶ ≥ 15 mmHg calculated Target arterial diastolic pressure >20 Is arterial diastolic pressure
from central venous and arterial mm Hg as a surrogate for CPP¶ correlated to ROSC∗∗ in arrested
pressures use pulse waveform with rhythm veterinary patients, and what
check for ROSC confirmation should be the target pressure?
Gauging Arterial blood gas to estimate Target ScvO2 †† > 30% to gauge What is the best gauge of oxygen
hypoxemia but not a reliable response and adjust efforts delivery in arrested veterinary
indicator of acidosis patients, and is there a target
ScvO2 †† ?
Post-arrest care Target blood pressure not discussed Target blood pressure MAP ≥ 65 mm What is the target blood pressure in
Hg and Systolic ≥ 90 mm Hg the postarrest veterinary patient?
Post-arrest care Target arterial oxygen saturation not Wean oxygen supplementation to the What is the safest arterial oxygen
discussed, recommend maintain minimum necessary to maintain supplementation parameter in the
normocarbia arterial saturation ≥ 94% postarrest veterinary patient?
Post-arrest care Monitor blood glucose frequently, Moderate glycemic control: blood What should be the target glycemic
treat hyperglycemia with insulin glucose target 144–180 mg/dL, regulation in postarrest veterinary
and avoid hypoglycemia [8–10 mmol/L] with the avoidance patients?
of hypoglycemia
Post-arrest care Consider therapeutic hypothermia for Recommend therapeutic Should therapeutic hypothermia be
out-of-hospital arrest (32–34◦ C, hypothermia (32–34◦ C, implemented in postarrest
[89.6–93.2◦ F]) [89.6–93.2◦ F]) for 12–24 hours veterinary patients?
for any patient comatose after
out-of-hospital ventricular
fibrillation arrest

Airway, breathing, compressions.

Compressions, airway, breathing.

Partial pressure of end tidal carbon dioxide.
§ Pulseless electrical activity.
¶ Coronary perfusion pressure.
Return of spontaneous circulation.
Central venous oxygen saturation.

disease conditions were less likely to be successfully re- survival.11 Dopamine continuous rate infusion and vaso-
suscitated. In cats, having more people involved with pressin administration improved the likelihood of ROSC
the resuscitation effort was correlated to survival, while in dogs.11 In a study evaluating veterinary survivors of
shock as a cause of arrest was correlated with decreased CPA (18 patients), most common initial arrest rhythms

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00720.x
Updates in AHA guidelines for CPR and veterinary applications

included asystole (72%), ventricular fibrillation (17%), 7. Cole SG, Otto CM, Hughes D. Cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscita-
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and pulseless electrical activity (PEA, 11%).14 Of all Crit Care 2003; 13(1):13–23.
patients in this study, 55% had an anesthetic-related 8. Crowe DT, Jr. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the dog: a review
arrest. and proposed new guidelines (Part I). Semin Vet Med Surg (Small
Anim) 1988; 3(4):321–327.
As discussed, there are veterinary reviews and recom- 9. Crowe DT, Jr. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the dog: a review
mendations available on CPR initiation, delivery, and and proposed new guidelines (Part II). Semin Vet Med Surg (Small
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10. Hackett TB. Cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation. Vet Clin North
available as a standard of care, when veterinary prac- Am Small Anim Pract 2001; 31(6):1253–1264, vii.
titioners were surveyed, it was discovered that many 11. Hofmeister EH, Brainard BM, Egger CM, et al. Prognostic indicators
of these recommendations are not being practiced.43 It for dogs and cats with cardiopulmonary arrest treated by cardiopul-
monary cerebral resuscitation at a university teaching hospital. J Am
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