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Segment 5:
The essence of this segment is a philosophical, instructive, and graceful return to the soul of this work.
We will tell stories, and find new ways to illustrate what we have already learned.

There will be no “new” information shared in this segment. Rather this segment is a rediscovery of everything that has
been explored in segment 4, just addressed in a way that will allow for a further integration of the material.

Part 1 explores the Pluto and Nodes relationship in a new way.

Part 2 provides a detailed chart interpretation that exemplifies everything we have learned thus.


Why past lives?

I am often asked, "Why do you have to look at past lives to talk about the present? Can't you just talk about what
lessons there are for a soul?"

It's true. One need not talk about past lives to interpret a chart from an evolutionary point of view. However, for now at
least, there's a good reason why that methodology resonates with me.

Exploring the patterns of a soul's past life isn't meaningful as far as knowing "oh I was this and this- and this and this
happened." Most of us have been killed at some point. Ok no biggie. Knowing what happened in the past isn't
important. However understanding that we have each made certain decisions and agreements with LIFE as
a result of what has happened is important.

When it comes to the present moment, we are actually living our past right now. We relive our past every instance in
which we allow our minds to revert to old familiar ways of thinking, when we continuously allow the same emotional
triggers to influence our perception.

Reading a chart from a reincarnation point of view allows us to see the patterns that we have played out in the past
and, for the most part, are still playing out.

The nodes and insanity:

This is why the nodal axis of the moon provides so much clarity. Moment to moment, most souls are projecting a
reality as signified by the south node of the Moon. It is an insane belief that if we keep on thinking the same thoughts,
or acting the same actions- that we will get better! Of course, we are all insane aren't we?

The north node of the Moon tells us what our life begins to look like as a natural consequence of awareness. To
become more aware implies a willingness to not remain in the familiar and the safe (south node of the Moon).

Every moment is a complete reincarnation of the totality of our past. We are right now, who we have created
ourselves to be. It happens also, that right now we have the opportunity to notice this.

Bliss bunny:
If I have an image of myself as being “strong, happy, confident, kind, loving and healed” then of course I will relate to
my entire reality (trees, people, the local food store, food, my computer) through the filter of my self-image. Bliss
bunny, no? There will naturally come a point however, in which someone, in virtue of this person simply being who
they are, will really piss me off. At which point, my previously established self-image will be challenged.

This is a very threatening experience. The threat isn’t because someone is pissing me off- the threat is because what
I am internally experiencing does not line up with the image that I have of myself. Who I know myself to be, the very
foundation for my sense of self, is being challenged. I have absolutely no way of integrating this new information
about my self as I do not yet accept that I am capable of this experience. This is a deeply existential crisis! I am on
the verge of non-existence. Can you feel how palpably real this is? What I am actually experiencing myself to be is
not contained within my image of who I think I am.

“Pluto and the Lunar Nodes”


In this situation I may force myself to be who I have previously pictured myself to be: kind compassionate forgiving
etc. I may do this by praying, reciting an affirmation, ignore my feelings, fake [kindness] till I make it, or anything that
can as quickly as possible take me back to “the known” self image.

After this interaction I may notice feelings of insecurity or anger. Gradually I will notice that what was light and bliss
just an hour ago, is now empty and void. I may fall into a depressed state of loathing and self-hatred. I may eat just to
numb the pain, I may stop taking care of my body, I may ignore emails and phone calls, I may let myself get sick etc.
At this point the image I have of myself is as being “closed, back to where I was years ago, fearful, not present,
incapable of relating to others.” Therefore I will relate to my entire realty according the projection of my self-image.

All that works until that cute girl smiles at me. I suddenly feel like a million bucks again. And in soon time, I may likely
go through the same exact emotional process... the same exact one that I have been going through all my life, and all
the other ones too.

My self-image changes all the time. She smiles at me= I am attractive and liked. She doesn’t smile at me= I am
unattractive and unliked.

We are walking around all of our life, moment to moment, with a very well developed story of who we are, who we
aren’t, and thus what reality is and what reality isn’t.

This is why anything can ever bother us so much. We truly cannot accept what isn’t included in our filter. In the first
example I gave, while I am being pissed off, who I actually am is not in alignment with the image I am trying to
maintain of myself.

The astrology of it all:

The south node of the Moon is what dictates the nature of our self image, coming from many many many experiences
in the past through which we have chosen, time and time again to picture our self, and thus reality, in a particular
way- thus attracting more of the same experiences and so on.

In the two examples I spoke of above, notice that my self-image fluctuates from one extreme to the next. This is what
modern culture would call “bi-polar”. However we are all bi-polar in our own, absolutely insane, and quite human way.
This is the nature of “self image” it lacks objectivity.

In our charts, this dynamic is exemplified via the natural polarity of the Moon’s nodes. The south node has a natural
resonance with who we have come to think we are. Therefore, the north node has a natural resonance with literally,
the opposite of who we have come to think we are. The duality that every soul experiences is based on the addiction
to the self image implied by the south node, and thus the confrontation it faces within itself as a result of excluding the
north node.

So who are we?

The word “ego” as I use it is the same thing as the term “self image”. A lot of people of the spiritual path think that the
goal is to “eradicate the ego”.

One’s self-image however, cannot go away. It can only become more and more REAL. As a soul becomes more
aware, its self image shifts from the “the seeming human identity” to “soul” itself.

Astrologically, a soul becomes more and more identified with its self as an aspect of the Oneness, as it embraces the
polarity of its south node, which is the north node. In so doing, it is transcending the duality of opposites that is
created through the adherence to a particular self-image.

The north node symbolizes an ever-unfolding polarity to who we have come to know ourselves as. We do not
“achieve” the north node, just as much as we never “achieved” the south node. The north node becomes realized as
an ever-unfolding image of ourselves.

As this realization happens, our self-image becomes less and less restrained by perceived dualities. Foreign/unsafe
starts to merge with known/familiar.

When a soul’s self-image evolves to become more inclusive, it starts to see EVERYTHING through a new, more
inclusive filter. It is then possible for the soul to evolve beyond its pre-existing limitations, as it is no longer projecting
the same self-image (south node of Moon) that has kept it in a perpetual state of resisting change (Pluto).

“Pluto and the Lunar Nodes”


When the entire nodal axis is process of being adopted, there exists a developing container for evolution that
embraces the contradiction of opposites. No matter which axis the nodes are in, just in virtue of it being an axis,
challenges the soul to question its ideas of itself. This keeps a soul in a constant state of evolution.

Evolution happens through the emotional body:

Ever hear the same truth over and over again? You knew it to be true on an intellectual level. One day, for whatever
reason, you heard it once more, and this time you got it. This time, you internalized the words; they have become
your own.

In such a situation, your self-image is shifting. Something is giving way to something that is more spacious and
inclusive. This is an evolutionary moment for you. In order for you to have reached that particular moment of “getting
it” your ego (self identity) needed to be gradually, and gently chipped away at to the point where it was simply ready
to crack open enough to let this new information finally come in.

This all implies that there needs to be an emotional readiness in order for any kind of shift in consciousness to take
place. This is the very essence of the relationship between Pluto and the nodes. “The soul creates an identity that
serves as a vehicle for its evolution”= “evolution happens through the emotional body”.

When we consider all the various ways in which evolution takes place (through slow and gradual change, cataclysmic
events, sudden gifts or opportunities etc) what always remains the same is that based on a new awareness of self,
the soul eventually releases that which is no longer necessary for its emotional security. Of course in the case of a
cataclysmic evolutionary catalyst, the emotional shock of the experience(s) has the purpose of forcing a soul deeper
into itself, after the event, in order to experience an emotional shift.

This impulse to evolve is entirely unconscious. The soul is not aware of itself in this way. In order to evolve, a deep
desire to die to oneself needs to emerge. In other words, the unconscious impulses of the soul are filtered and
experienced in a highly subjective way through the emotional body. At a certain point the emotional information that a
soul experiences leads to a new conscious awareness of its own dynamics. This awareness having previously been
primarily unconscious.

The emotions give us all the pertinent information we can ever know about ourselves in any moment.

A soul has to become consciously aware of itself in such a way that it can evolve beyond its addictions, resistance,
obsessions etc. This is what happens through the north node of the Moon. If a soul is only aware of itself through the
filter of the south node of the Moon, then there is no self awareness that can possible include any information that
would enable change from within (Pluto via its polarity point).

If we understand that evolution is an emotional process, we will accept that there is absolutely no way to “rush” our
emotional body. Time is a natural factor in the evolutionary journey of the soul because it is through time that a soul
will gradually develop more and more self awareness through its emotional experience of life. All souls tend to relive
the same experiences, addictions and behaviors over and over again until, after enough time, it no longer wishes to
operate on that level of consciousness.

Further thoughts about Pluto:

Whether a soul consciously thinks they are ready to challenge their own security or not, when they are ready, they
will naturally face whatever confrontations are appropriate for the transmutation that wishes to take place at that time.
The pain of an evolutionary process is that the power being “taken” from a soul, is literally what the soul has come to
unconsciously link with as a source of core security. These losses can be quite traumatic and in some cases catalyze
life-long emotional shocks. The natural law of evolution has one goal in mind, which is for every soul to realize its
oneness with Source. How long that takes, and how challenging it is, depends entirely upon each soul’s natural
capacity for free will.

In the end, the ultimate truth is nothing can ever be taken from us because nothing is truly ours. Furthermore, the only
truth that is unchangeable is the true identity of each soul as One. Each soul is subtly, and sometimes not so subtly
urged to let go of that which was never its own… and in exchange, to seek deeper within itself for something that
cannot be given or taken.


At this point I will provide a chart example interpreting Pluto, the nodes and its rulers in the methodological ways
described in Part III of segment 4.

“Pluto and the Lunar Nodes”


I will address the psychological realties implied in each chart, focusing on the emotional nature of the soul, the self
image of the soul, and how that needs to gradually change in order to enable evolution to take place.

Remember that to evolve means to experience a complete and utter transmutation of consciousness. The soul’s self
awareness has shifted because it is no longer vibrating at the same frequency.

The soul creates the entire human experience for itself as a vehicle to evolve. This comes down the the very DNA
(Pluto rules DNA). During an evolutionary process, a soul’s physical body may change, death may be prevalent in
someone’s life, or sickness etc. Evolution is a completely and all encompassing shift from one state to another.

As stated, whenever something happens to a soul, it means that the soul is ready for that. The soul may not seem
ready (i.e. it may not seem ready to lose a loved one, to get sick, or to get fired) however from the perspective of the
soul (not the conscious emotional body of the soul- that is, the human identity-) everything that happens is always just
right and on time. Over time, as the emotional body integrates the experience, it is possible to understand why the
experience in the first place. This understanding may or may not be achieved in the same lifetime. The role of a soul-
focused astrologer is in fact to understand that why.

Practice chart 1 (see below):

Evolutionary state: third stage individuated.

Step 1: Pluto by house and sign. This will identify for us the core evolutionary desires that have been present for this
soul prior to this life. It implies a very deep and old process of evolution that has occurred through various
experiences and possibilities.

Step 2: The south node of the Moon by house and sign. This will identify for us the nature of the self image that a soul
has created that has facilitated its evolutionary journey. This describes how the soul has come to know itself. Who it
has been.

Step 3: The planetary ruler of the south node of the Moon by house and sign. This will identify for us, with even more
detail, how the soul has come to know itself. The planetary ruler has been the facilitator for the development of the
ego, it thus provides more definition and context for the soul’s evolutionary journey.
- Now synthesize all of that together! Attempt to see how the desires of Pluto have been played out and
actualized through the south node and its ruler. And then understand how this could possibly manifest in this

Step 4: The north node of the Moon by house and sign indicates the potential for this soul to evolve its own conscious
self awareness. Thus it is who the soul is destined to become.

Step 5: The planetary ruler of the north node of the Moon, by house and sign indicates the tools that the soul will use
as it comes to know itself in a new way. It provides more information for the dharma, the purpose of the soul.

Step 6: The polarity point of Pluto. This provides for us a deep understanding of what the soul has resisted prior to
this life (opposite point of Pluto= point of greatest resistance to known security). Through the north node and its ruler,
the polarity point is integrated, thus allowing an evolution to occur relative to the house and sign position of natal

**Please note: to fully understand this souls karmic and evolutionary story with the signatures I am providing here, it
is also necessary to properly interpret the geometric relationship (aspects) that that the various planets and nodes
create with one another. We will learn about aspects in the next segment.

Chart 1:
Female, third individuated.

“Pluto and the Lunar Nodes”


Step 1: Pluto
The soul’s underlying desire prior to this life has been to experience itself as the center (Leo) of transmutation (8
house). This implies that the soul has deeply desired to cut to the core of its own psychology and release (Pluto, 8
house) anything that prevents in a complete actualization of its creative uniqueness (Leo). This soul has naturally
been highly self focused in the past based on the need to look deeply within itself in order to find a greater power
from within.

As always, Pluto, as an unconscious desire, often translates itself through confrontation. A soul with Pluto in Leo in
the 8 house would naturally experience various sexual and emotional confrontations with other souls on a cyclic
basis- the nature of these confrontations being about the sharing of sexual energy and the power games that arise
from that. With Leo as the sign, it implies this soul will have attracted other souls who are also highly self focused,
with whom confrontation would be necessarily experienced as a means to enact further evolution.

For now, before we look at the south node and its ruler. We simply know that intensity, confrontation, pushing the
limits of its comfort zone, and a highly pressurized desire to access a higher level of creative actualization have been
key aspects of this soul’s evolutionary journey in the past.

Step 2: The south node of the Moon

As a facilitator for the desires of the soul, this soul has created an identity whereby it has consciously known itself
through the reflection, validation, encouragement and attention received from others. Leo in the 7 house implies that
this soul has enacted relationships with all kinds of other souls as a way to discover its own uniqueness, its own
creative essence. This can imply that the soul has learned to depend on others (7 house) for its own sense of
specialness (Leo). There are many possible ways these signatures have manifested. I will explore various

From one perspective, this soul has desired to experience the depths of its own being by way of literally forming
relationships with other souls whom this soul has perceived to hold some sort of power and specialness that she did
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not consider herself to have. By forming these relationships (7 house) she then had the opportunity to osmose (8
house Pluto) with the other soul to the point of finding whatever power she was seeking within herself. The problem
with that of course is that she fundamentally considered herself to not already have what she was seeking. Thus, this
has set up power struggles between her and various other souls. As soon as she “got” what she wanted, she would

“Pluto and the Lunar Nodes”


leave one partner for the next. Also, her need to be validated by another for her own specialness has lead her to
easily form relationships with anyone who “made her” feel special.
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This is the very nature of a south node in the 7 house that facilitates a Pluto in the 8 house. This soul’s core
security structure has been built entirely around other people and the osmosing with these other people. With Leo as
the sign involved for both the south node and Pluto it obviously implies a very strong, self focused soul that can take
things very personally based on what other people think about her.

From another perspective, these signatures implies that this soul may have a depth of psychological knowledge of
human behavior and motivation. She may have developed a strong ability to see the essence of another human
being by truly appreciating the uniqueness and value of each soul. This soul will be very capable and ready to “tune
in” to a client’s reality, or a friend who needs deep emotional support. In the third stage individuated, this soul has
already developed a very sophisticated understanding of human motivation and may be a counselor, or soul worker
of sorts who helps other soul’s deal with trauma or abuse. She may also have worked with children in the past (Leo=
children) in such a way.

Step 3: The ruler of the south node of the Moon

The ruler of the south node of the Moon completes the basic trinity of the past. This tells us, with great detail, how the
identity played out, which itself served as a vehicle for the soul’s evolutionary desires.
th th
The ruler here is the Sun. The Sun is in Virgo in the 8 house. Again, we are back to the 8 house. This soul has
clearly had a very intensely focused past whereby she has been learning, training, apprenticing, and developing
various skills that have had the intent and purpose to assist other souls in transmuting beyond their own limitations
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(Virgo= training/working, 8 house= transmuting, and as ruler of the sn in the 7 house= counselor).

This soul has possibly experienced a sense of lack (Virgo) in perceiving itself as incapable of knowing enough or
being ready enough to do its job well. Thus she has learned to cultivate patience and persistence in her training work.
A shadow expression of this signature may have easily manifested as needing intense and possibly painful sexual
stimulation as a means to “purge” her own inner sense of not being good enough. As a facilitator for the sn in Leo in
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the 7 house, relative to the 8 house Pluto, this would have happened by way of becoming attractive to, and
likewise, attracting partners with whom she could unite in order to release whatever isn’t necessary for her, and “pick
up” whatever power was perceived in the other. As stated above, based on the highly narcissistic self focused nature
of the soul, she would have attracted partners with similar dynamics to herself, who may have been abusive. On the
other end of the spectrum, she herself may have been abusive as a means to regain power.

The 8th house (as well as Scorpio and Pluto) also correlates to commitment. Why? Because through commitment,
such as marriage, two souls can unite together and become more than they were previous to the commitment. This is
why sexuality via Scorpio is A LOT MORE serious and intense than sexuality via Taurus. It’s clear that this soul has
known various other souls with whom she has formed a sexual union with via what we may call marriage. Within the
context of these marriages are all of the above stated dynamics. However the Virgo Sun implies that this soul has
been naturally very interested in learning sexual techniques (Virgo loves technique) that assist in the transmutation of
consciousness. Thus in the third stage individuated, this soul may very likely be exposed to various tantric practices,
yoga, and various philosophies that address sexuality from an instructional and evolutionary point of view.

Adding to the possibility of having strongly developed in counseling and psychological knowledge, this soul may also
have been a sex (8 house, Pluto) worker (Virgo) of sorts. In such a case, she would have learned a lot, and also
provided great empowerment for other souls by way of her work. This also would have been a way for her to make
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money (Again another interesting Taurus/Scorpio or 2 house 8 house distinction. Taurus/Venus/Second house
correlates to self esteem that leads to living a life according to one’s own inner knowing of what makes one’s own life
worth living. 8 house/Scorpio/Pluto correlates to the objective reality of impermanence. Nothing is really ever
“owned”, and so the Scorpio archetype teaches a need to constantly release and let go of what is not truly ours. Thus
it also implies the natural flow of energy from one state to another. “Absorbing” other people’s energy, such as
money, is a form of sex). She would have made money through her work, and thus also faced the possibility of
having been manipulative and dishonest in order to gain the money (or power, same thing) she was seeking from
others. A cyclic issue would arise: getting “too” involved in other people’s lives for the sake of her own personal power
and gain.

It’s important to remember that in the end, Pluto is the bottom line. The south node and its ruler have to ultimately be
understood in the overarching context of Pluto. This entire stage has been set up for her to transmute beyond prior
limitations in order to actualize her core uniqueness (Leo in the 8 ).

“Pluto and the Lunar Nodes”


Whatever manipulation and unconscious behaviors have manifested, at her level of evolution, she is capable of being
aware of these dynamics to the point of objectifying them. Thus, she has the potential to look within herself and
understand what she has attracted into her life, and why she has attracted it.

In the end, while she has likely cultivated a very intense, thorough, and well trained understanding of human
psychology, is a good listener, and can validate and serve another soul’s purpose- as implied by the heavy 7 house
8 house focus, she lacks self reliance. Her soul’s evolution, for lifetimes, has taken place via the cultivation of
intimacy, and evolving through the intensity of human connections in all different kinds of ways. This soul has only
come to know itself through others.

Important note: I want to emphasize that all of the statements I have made about this soul are speculative based on 2
unknown factors:
- One, we don’t know the rest of the chart.
- Two, we have to observe the soul to see how aware they are of their own evolutionary dynamics. (Recall,
the 3 possible conditions of the south node that can manifest for any soul at any evolutionary state: relive,
fruition, and a combination of both. See segment 5, part II).

Step 4: The north node of the Moon

The north node of the Moon is in Aquarius in the 1 house. What is the opposite of open hearted love, an avid
communicator, deep interest in other people, a playful, joyful and highly sexual soul? Dry and boring, a loner, a soul
only interested in wacky pursuits that involve something totally intangible to other human beings?
Of course I’m just being silly. Aquarius in the 1 correlates to the evolutionary possibility for this soul to develop more
detachment (Aquarius) such that it is not always depending on other people in order to know itself (independence=1
house). Thus learning how to move forward in her own way, in a way that does not involve other people’s approval
and acceptance, sexual energy, and even money (sn ruler in 8 house).

This soul will progressively become interested in broadening its own horizons to think about ways that it can access
its core uniqueness and individuality. It wants to reinvent itself by way of finding out who it is as it goes (the
“unknown” of Aquarius placed in the 1 house of constant motion). This soul needs to develop more intimacy with
itself by becoming more impendent, strong willed, and uninterested in other people’s opinions.

I wrote in segment 2, while describing the 12 astrological archetypes, that one archetype, in its distorted expression,
can easily look like its polarity. In this example, this soul will easily have the appearance of being impendent, unique
and uninterested in what other people think to the point of being cold, detached and unaffectionate towards other
human beings. These are all Aquarius shadow characteristics. However they are also an example of Leo protecting
itself by way of “getting back” at those whom she wants attention from. In this case the distorted Leo psychology
would express itself as “I’m not going to give you any attention so that, in so doing, I draw your attention to me”. That
apparent aloofness looks very Aquarian doesn’t it?

Now let’s take a look at how this soul can develop more self confidence, independence, and a radical openness to
discover new ways of being herself, on her own terms.

Step 5: The planetary ruler of the north node of the Moon.

The planetary ruler is Uranus in Cancer in the 7 house. What is the first interesting fact that pops out at you? It may
be the fact that we are BACK to the 7 house! This has a general correlation that this soul is meant to go back to a
familiar area (relationships) and to do it in a completely new way that leads to a unique self direct path (1 house,
Before I interpret Uranus in cancer in the 7 as the planetary ruler of the north node, I want to make an important
point. Uranus, as the ruler of the north node, correlates to the evolving identity structure which serves the soul’s
evolutionary desires in the current life. A subtle thing to understand is that in virtue of Uranus being on the chart to
begin with, means that there has been some sort of context that has lead this soul to have Uranus where it is. In other
words, just because Uranus is the ruler of the north node doesn’t mean that in a prior life Uranus wasn’t in her chart!
Therefore, it’s important to understand that the dynamics of her Uranus (and in any chart, the planetary ruler of the
north node) has obvious past life relevance as well.

Uranus correlates to the impulse of each soul to liberate from the known. It thus implies the need to detach from the
immediacy of one’s reality in order to develop a more sophisticated and evolved approach to being a human. This
soul is meant to liberate herself from any relationships and relationship patterns that have been sustained on the
basis of co-dependency and holding onto the safe and familiar.

“Pluto and the Lunar Nodes”


The archetype of co-dependency can be a Cancer thing, a Libra thing, and is definitely a Cancer/Libra thing. When a
soul’s identity (Cancer) becomes linked to any relationship (Libra), then co-dependency develops. The thing about
Libra, 7 house, Venus, is that a soul requires interaction with all kinds of souls in order to foster self awareness.
Furthermore, a soul learns through Libra that relationships are an active process of finding balance that is mutually
fulfilling and dynamic, as opposed to making stagnant compromises on the basis on not wanting to change the
security of the relationship. In such a relationship, neither partner fully acts upon their own personal desires in life (1
house, Aries, Mars polarity).

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Thus, relative to the core past life signatures of Pluto, the south node, and its ruler- all in the 7 and 8 houses, this
Uranus correlates to prior lifetimes by which this soul has remained in domestic relationships on the basis of gaining
whatever power and security that she gained from that. Over time, she has learned to “check out” and dissociate
(Uranus) from her partners because the life she was living with them was highly confining and uninteresting. In
particular she has learned how to “take care” of others based on filling people’s emotional needs, and creating
emotional dependencies based on that.

All of this truly adds to the possibility that this soul has developed great counseling skills as well. However, with
Uranus here as the ruler of the north node, it clearly emphasizes that this lifetime is about liberating from whatever
relationships keep her in a stagnant place of emotional dependencies that aren’t serving anyone.

Thus, this soul will likely be faced with the need to liberate herself from relationships, sometimes suddenly (Uranus
can manifest as sudden revelations about one’s essential nature, leading to a sudden break from the past). It’s very
important for her that she connects with other souls of like mind who can support her in the new self directed purpose
she is meant to find.

That is the seeming paradox of this chart. As stated earlier, she is meant to do in a new way, what she has previously
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done before. She needs the support of other souls (7 house) who provide objective feed back (Uranus in the 7
house) and support her to develop emotional clarity that enables her to feel ok with herself (Caner). She is learning to
objectify her own emotions through the support of other friends. This objectification allows her to observe her
emotional body instead of identifying with them (Uranus in Cancer).

In order to attract the right group of friends, she needs to be willing to be a “group of one” (Uranus/Aquarius key
phrase). In this case, it will manifest as risking the rejection and abandonment (Cancer, 7 house) of her partners by
way of not giving in to their “expectations” for her to act in a certain way. It will also manifest by way of her becoming
more honest with herself about the ways she has been overly concerned with being liked. As she becomes more
honest, she develops the ability to simply stop playing the same games.

Step 6: The polarity point of Pluto.

The point opposite Pluto is Aquarius in the second house. This point represents the greatest threat to this soul’s
greatest security. This implies, in essence, being thrown back upon herself as a necessary catalyst to develop more
self reliance. Self reliance will enable her to look within her own self (second house), from a more objective, observer
point of view (Aquarius), and transmute whatever has been blocking her from growth. This can be a very intense
process for her. Being alone, being self sufficient and facing her own deep emotions on her own is something she will
likely resist for the most part.

The polarity point here emphasizes that this soul is here to learn emotional self reliance- to become the crucible for its
own evolution. As stated, the polarity point is the “trigger” for actualizing the natal Pluto. And the polarity point
becomes actualized by way of the north node and its planetary ruler. Therefore, by being bold and daring in her
relationships- and ultimately seeking more objective support and feedback from other souls who want nothing from
her, other than for her to be who she is, she develops her ability to not be so obsessed and compulsively consumed
by the validation, love, power, money, respect, adoration etc that she gains from other people. And again, that
support is only possible once she learns to stop caring what other people think of her (Uranus in Cancer in the 7

This then enables her to fully actualize herself in her own creative way. She has the potential to create very inventive
and unique community projects (Aquarius), through lots of activity, movement, and new directions (1 house) that
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allow all of her 7 and 8 house stuff to truly manifest on the level of social service. All of her natural counseling skills
and psychological knowledge can then truly serve a social purpose.
This soul’s underlying desire has been to cut to the core of her own creative potential (Pluto in Leo in the 8 ). Thus,
as she realizes that she is responsible to forge her own path, and attract the appropriate relationships that will
emotionally encourage and support that path, she is going to become interested in various techniques and practices
that enable her to penetrate deeper into whatever keeps her in her own way (Pluto on the level of “consciously

“Pluto and the Lunar Nodes”


seeking to evolve beyond existing limitations”). Generally, a soul will make new choices and embrace something that
is healthy and promotes evolution once it has become familiar with its own addictions and no longer has any interest
in being a passenger to them.

Therefore, this soul may take an interest in practices like kundalini yoga. Furthermore, she may become interested in
training in a modality of psychological knowledge, such as astrology, that will deepen what she is already naturally
familiar with. As stated earlier, her Virgo Sun implies the love of technique and practices that lead to a transmutation
of consciousness. So in the end, she is likely to develop very healthy routines (Virgo) that support her own
evolutionary journey by clearing the psychological debris created by so many addictive and unhealthy relationships.

At this point I want to focus in on the particular “Pluto” scenarios that may manifested for this soul, and the “why”
behind them.

Death of partner.
Reason: To enforce emotional self reliance.

Rape or other kinds of emotional/psychological/physical abuse:

This would be a natural consequence of the cycle of “power and disempowerment “she has played out in
relationships. Such an experience would serve the purpose of leading her to foster more awareness of how she has
been manipulative in her own relationships, with the core intent of feeling validated, and empowered by other people.
This forces her to develop further self reliance.

Such a problem with a very invasive and traumatic experience such as rape, is that it can foster a psychology of
victimization which leads to revenge, which just perpetuates the cycle. Revenge can be any kind of sexual and
psychology manipulation from subtle to gross. As is the nature of evolution, such a cycle would likely continue until
the soul finally begins to “notice” the pattern, and the suffering it generates, and cultivates a desire to look further
within herself.

Betrayal by children:
Children require immense love and attention. The Leo archetype will often express itself in association with children.
When there is unresolved karma associated with the Leo archetype (such as a constant and dire need for attention),
then a soul will often manifest conflicts with their own children. This soul has needed to be needed (7 house), and
has felt special by these attachments. A possible evolutionary catalyst for this soul is having a child, and that child not
needing her. Thus this child not “listening” (7 house) or giving her the kind of self absorbed feedback she is used to
getting from other people. This could easily set up intense power struggles between her and her child to the point of
both souls abstaining from the sharing affection with one another.

Sudden realization of inner power:

Sometimes evolutionary experiences occur by way of an opportunity or gift that enters a souls life when it is ready for
it. In such a case, this soul may be given an opportunity to help other souls to overcome their own wounds. This
opportunity will help the soul to realize its own capacity to understand its own dynamics, and evolve beyond what is
preventing further growth. Furthermore, the Scorpio, Pluto, 8 house archetype correlates to sharing. When a soul
has gone through the darkness, its own evolution is furthered by assisting other souls to move through their own
Souls who have a strong Pluto (lots of planets aspecting Pluto), lots of stuff going on in Scorpio, or in the 8 house,
are often times souls who, at some point or another, become healers, psychologists, soul workers and the likes.

Various practices and disciplines:

I already stated them, I just want to clarify that by consciously osmosing itself to a practice, group, teacher, discipline,
or philosophy, a soul creates the opportunity for itself to go deeper, in a potentially less cataclysmic way. In this
particular chart it is clear that this soul has a keen interest in moving beyond the emotional confrontations and power
dynamics of its relationships. Therefore, she may become interested in any practices, modalities, or disciplines that
assist her in clearing the heavy relationship karma of the past, focusing on her own purpose, and getting on with the
work that she is meant to do.

“Pluto and the Lunar Nodes”

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