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1. Certification
1.1. Acknowlegement
1.2. Learning Objectives
1.3. List of abbreviations
i. General Introduction
ii. Motivation for the topic
iii. Objectives
3.Overview of the company
3.1.Objectives and Goals of the company
3.2.Company's Organigram and location
4.Weekly Overview of Internship Activities
4.1. Week one
4.2.Week two
4.3. Week three
4.4. Week four
4.5. Week five
4.6. Week six
4.7. Week seven
4.8. Week eight

5.Presentation of findings and discusion

5.1. Design and implementation
5.2. Reflections on the internship
6. Conclusions
6.1. References
6.2. Appendices

First i would like to thank Mr. Ekombe Frankline Mbua the founder of
PEFSCOM SYSTEM for giving me the opportunity to do an internship
within his organisation.
It is indeed with great sense of pleasure that i acknowledge the help of
this individual.
I will like to thank Mr. Megoze Hilatire for all his time that he used to
teach and mentor me.
I am extremely thankfull to all my colleagues (friends) who gave me a
helping hand in successful completion of the internship.



I. Become familiar with the practice and terminology of information
system (IS).
II. Understand the role of IT in organizations and its impact on the
intergrationof business process within an organization and among
different organizations.
III.Understand the flow and intergrfatiobn of business processes in a
typical in a typical business by carrying out common business
IV.Become familiar with the techniques neccessary to access,
structure,manipulate and present data that might typically be
found in an IS using databasemanagement systems(DBMS).
V. Gain skills and comfort in exploring and using new software
VI. Develope collaboration skills by working together on group
VII. Gain skills and experience in setting and hosting of wep
pages and web applications.
VIII. Gain hands-on experience in project management.
IX.Gain practical experience in planning and designing information

• PEFSCOM SYSTEM (Premium Enterprise for Software Configuration of Manual System)

• IS (Information Systems)

• DBMS (Data base management systems)

• VSC (Visual Studio Code)

• HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language)

• CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

• JS (Javascript)

• MVC (Model, View, and Controller )

• AVITEC (Advanced voccational training institute of computer and information
• HICIT (Higher Institute of Computer and Information Technolology )

WEBSITE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT were the main objectives of this internship. To develope
a web-based application,softwares,websites, there are several programming languages that we
can use. Some of them are only used in Frontend and Backend development, example
HTML5,CSS,JS Framework. there are also some programming languages used for dynamic
functions such as Python, java,PHP. Frameworks are ususally structured programming by using
Model, View, and Controller (MVC). If we develope web-based applications that is very useful
for us because we can access it fron anywhere accross the globe, it will be very helpful to our
soceity.That is why i chose to do "Frontend and Backend" as the main subject of my report.
Working at PEFSCOM SYSTEM added huge experience in my dream career field of studies.
Solving real life problems was another issue.
I. Learning about professionalism, and leadership.
II. Relating theory with hand-on practical learning.
III. Mastering technical skills.
IV. Gaining essential background knowledge.
V. Perfecting interpersonal skills(Soft skills).
VI. Building a network of contacts.
VII. Relating passion to career.
VIII. Turning current skills through practicing.
IX. Following SEO best practices.
X. Learning from colleagues and other proffesionals.
XI. Entering to a particular job/proffesion/industry.
XII. Fixing bugs and testing for usability.


I am enthusiastic about supporting the work of (PEFSCOM SYSTEM) and gaining the experience
that this internship provides in Full Stack Frontend And Backend web development. Its science
and also technology, which makes me love it, and it is so easy build and create projects withs
the full knowledge of HTML,JS,CSS,PHP.


Goals, Objectives:
PEFSCOM SYSTEM is a company that was created in june 2014 as PEFSCOM-SYS, in Tiko Sub-
division. In October 2017 it was re-registered as PEFSCOM SYSTEM, permiting her to carry out
education(Advanced voccational training institute of computer and information technology
AVITEC) and Higher Institute of Computer and Information Technolology (HICIT),Banking
activities and supply of computer gadget,televission service providing.
Also PEFSCOM provides services like ;
Software Development: They develope software on the following languages C+,C#,PHP,HTML,
android, also build and rebost platforms from desktop applications, web-based, and android.
National Examination Management Systems(NEMS): This involves grade
management,registration, result publication,result slip management,marking and processing of
results, from basic level to complex level.(production of frequency curved and graph)
Biometric Voting Systems(BVS): some of their products also include BVS- biometric voting
system, design for a one to one voting system and instamt result publication for the registered
voters, and any person can vote in any area of the country provided he/she is registerd in the
Head Office
Address: Tarred Malingo Street,After Green Court. Buea ,SWR
Email/Contact: (+237)671984477, 233324413.

Day 1-3: The CEO and founder of PEFSCOM spoke to us about the rules and regulations of how
the interns are to behave,and also we were given several assignments to do research on
variouse social media platforms and their websites, and also the objectives to learn HTML and
CSS which we used through out the internship.
Day 1-5: The internship coordinator talked to us about how we will be graded, which he
mentioned some points like
• According to needness.
• according to attendance
• According to activeness in class, that is answering of questions and completing of

Day 1-2: Using Macromedia Fireworks for graphic designing.
Day3-4: During this period, we were being given a task to create Static Flyer designs using
Day 5: After the completion of creating the flyer, we could also add it into a webpage.
Day 1-3: We had introduction to Visual Studio Pro2012, this software is used to develope
computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. VSP uses
microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows
Presentation Foundation, Window store and Microsoft Silverlight.
Day 4-5: We introduced C#, which we used to create a number of different programs and
applications: mobile apps ,desktop apps, website enterprise software and games.
Day 1-3: We created basic forms and blogs using C# in Visual Studio pro2012.
Day 4-5: Creating database, tables and linking them to variouse forms using Visual Studio pro.
Day 1-2: Using conditional statements in C# (if & else) . Through the use of Nodepad and Visual
Studio Code(VSC)
Day 3-5: Using php, to create a school database management system in other to access a
student's name,year of birth,marks, level, faculty,courses,grades, and also matricule number.A
shop management system to know the various products available in the shop, their unit prices
and quantities. Using VSC in typing then code.
Day 1-5: Using XAMP, mysqli_connect (localhost","root") to include the PHP database
information into an HTML and CSS code via VSC for it to be run on a web browser. (web pages)
Day 1-6:
This week, a project was given to us the intern to work on individually.
my Project was to create a virus which could have an effect on a computer device. And also
create an Antivirus to clear the virus from the Computer.


During this period of internship,i learned so many things with regards to my field of
study. But not withstanding, i also faced so many challenges due to the fact that so many field
which i never had ideas on were mostly tested to me. I faced so many problems when carrying
out projects and excercise.
During this period, i gained some skills which will help me in every day to day project am
to do in my career. These skills are as follows;
• JavaScript
• implementing CSS and HTML
• Responsiveness of a wepsite
• Using XAMP
• JQuery
• Delivery and completing a project within the given time interval
• Confidence in my decisions
• Team working experience in a professional environment

1. Clearly defining your goals.
Clearly defining your goals and requirements will make or break your web app. It all starts with
your vision for your app. That affects everything that follows, the key requirements for an
organization-level collaborative app are different than the requirements for a fitness app or a
There are few key considerations in any development process:
• Who are your intended users?
• What experince do you want to give them?
• What are your must-have design features?
• What are your technical requirements?
Once you have defined all of these things, you can start to address them.
2. UX

User experience (UX) encapsulates the reactions, perceptions, and feelings your users
experience while engaged in your application. It’s the feeling of ease and simplicity that you get
from great design. It’s also the frustration that you feel when interacting with poor design.

That’s why it’s important to think about the overall impression you want to leave on your users
before you start making detailed decisions about how to build it.
If you deliver effectively to the deeper needs of all your users providing pleasure, engagement,
and an overall emotional appeal your application can become a central part of your users’ day-
to-day lives and deliver to your business goals.

3. UI & simplistic design

User Interface (UI) design includes all the visual elements your users interact with on your web
application. It is everything that your users see on their screens and everything they click on to
guide them through the experience.

Great UI design certainly makes your application visually appealing, but it goes beyond just
simple aesthetics. The goal is to make the actual user experience simple and accessible and
usable. This means using only a targeted, purposeful selection of copy and content, making
clear the options your users have throughout the experience and ensuring information is readily
available at each step.

Intuitive UI typically involves:

Clear navigation
Engaging visuals
Easy-to-read typography
Here’s a succinct way to think about the relationship between UX design and UI design: great UI
makes it easy for your users while great UX makes it meaningful.

Visual image to display the various web application challenges

4. Performance and speed

No user likes slow load times. And they can have real consequences for your business. If your
application is slow, users won’t wait. They’ll leave. This is the reality of web application
development issues today. You may only get a single chance to hook a user on your product.
So, if you know that you’re building an application with a lot of content (e.g. videos), you should
outline that upfront so your developers can build a more robust application to ensure
performance. Likewise, be clear about any intentions you have to scale your application rapidly.
You don’t want your application to slow down if it makes a splash in the market or you see
periodic surges in traffic.

This kind of planning for the future will ensure your initial app launch can deliver the kind of
speed and performance you want for your early, often-critical, users. It will also mean that your
initial build will provide the foundation you need for future business growth.

5. Scalability

The challenge of scalability relates to how you want your application to develop over time. If
you want your application built right today, you’ll need to know as much as possible about what
you need it to do in the future.

Your application might include fairly lean content at launch but, a year or two in, you could be
planning a detailed, expansive content-rich experience. This is where extensibility comes in.
Extensibility is when an application is initially designed to incorporate new capabilities and
functionality in the future. This can be integrated right from the start of the development
process. If you can articulate a long-term vision for your app, it can be built to grow and evolve
over time.

Planning for scalability helps you manage different user types, handle increased traffic, and an
expansion of, for example, an ecommerce shop. Overall, it’s valuable to prioritize scalability
because it can improve your user experience, fulfill your business goals and extend the lifespan
of your application.

6. Web security threats

There are a number of things to prioritize so your application and your users are secure.

Choosing the right development infrastructure is one. Make sure that the infrastructure you
build on has enough security services and options so your developers can implement the proper
security measures for your application.
SSL certificates are a global standard security technology that enables encrypted
communication between your web browser and server. When integrated in your app, they
enhance its security and eliminate the chance it is flagged as unsecure by web browsers. SSL
certificates also help protect credit-card numbers in ecommerce transactions and other
sensitive user information like usernames, passwords and email addresses. In essence, SSL
allows for a private “conversation” just between the two intended parties and hides sensitive
information from hackers and identity thieves.

Creating robust password requirements and multi-factor authentication for your users are also
effective security measures. More complex passwords are less likely to be hacked. Multi-factor
authentication, where your users take multiple steps to confirm their identities, also gives your
application an added layer of protection.

There are a ton of challenges in web application design and development that you’re bound to
face with anything you build. You don’t need to have command of all this right now but there
are a few key things to keep in mind as you take your next steps:

Planning strategically, and in detail, will mitigate your toughest development challenges. This is
where you should always start. Set business goals. Then ensure everything that follows is in
service to them.
Always remember that your web application will feature a blend of design elements and build
(technical) elements. It needs to deliver to both if you want to meet your business goals. You
can’t overcome bad design with a good build, or the reverse.
Your application is for your users. Remember you are serving your own business goals by serving
your users first, last and always.
Finally, a few words about collaboration.

Make sure any partner you choose to work with on your web application can address all the
challenges we’ve noted in this article. They should be able to answer all your questions before
you sign a contract. They should have relevant expertise in house and a proven track record.
Work only with a team that understands your vision and will fully commit to bringing it to life.
Overall internship is a really good program and recommended to my fellow friends. It
helps to enhance and develope my skills, abilities,and knowledge. It was a good experience and
memories as not only i have gained experience,but also new friends and knowledge. PEFSCOM
also is a good place to do internship since it provides numerouse benefits and advantages to
thre practical trainers.The treatment by the company was just, equitable and professional. I've
learnt from different units and people. I am greatful and thankful to my supervisor, Mr.
Ekombe Frankline Mbua and all my colleagues for the experiences and tutoring. They
also help me to handle some of my weaknesses and provided guidiance to me whenever i am in
need.I wish the internship program will be make as a core subject and i am encouraging for the
students of Software Development and Full Stack web development to grab the opportunity to
do internship as it will help us to identify your strenght abilities, weaknesses and more.
“The public is more familiar with bad design than good design. It is, in
effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives
with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring.” Paul Rand. so
this is to say we should become familiar with the practice and terminology of information
system, learn how to become familiar with the techniques neccessary to access,
structure,manipulate and present data that might typically be found in an IS using
databasemanagement systems(DBMS).

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