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E a s t L o n d o n • K i n g W i l l i a m ’ s To w n • B h i s h o

BUFFALO CITY Vol Nº 9: Monthly coverage of news and events in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality

Executive Mayor
opens cattle dipping tank
in Altile Village By Samkelo Gqeba and Xolile Bengeza

n a bid to enhance rural economic Provincial Department of Agriculture decided
development, Buffalo City Metro in to implement various projects to uplift
partnership with the Provincial Department emerging farmers of the area. Amongst the
of Agriculture handed over a newly built projects being implemented, includes a R270
cattle dipping tank to Altile farmers and the 000 for fencing off eroded camps, R260
community, on September 27. 263 for control erosion in the grazing land
The Executive Mayor Zukiswa and R500 000 for a cattle dipping tank
Ncitha officially opened the dipping project,” said Nqodi.
tank, including other agricultural Provincial Agriculture Regional Director
development projects such as in the Amathole and Buffalo City Metro
land care, fencing of arable land area, Kenneth Mafu said his department
and camps in the Altile village. has committed R1.9-million to implement
According to BCMM Head of key agricultural projects in Altile Village.
Agriculture and Rural Development “With these projects, we want to create
Thembakazi Nqodi Altile job opportunities for local people and
Village is highly suitable promote agriculture as a way of opportunities available. They told us that they
for livestock production, making sustainable income in are interested to invest in beef cattle so you
maize and vegetable. this area.” must ensure that when they arrive, you are
Nqodi said the Metro Addressing residents of ready,” Ncitha told the village residents.
in partnership with the Altile, BCMM Executive The Executive Mayor urged residents to take
Provincial Agricultural Mayor, Zukiswa Ncitha said ownership of the dipping tank to ensure that it
Department is they must use their land to is not vandalised and is well maintained, so
providing support economically benefit them. that it can benefit all farmers.
to Altile small “In the Eastern Cape we One community member James Matros
farmers through don’t have mines but welcomed the tank saying it will make their
its Agricultural what we have is land, lives much easy. “I am glad that this dipping
S u p p o r t so we must use the tank has been done because we have had
programmes land to economically to travel long distances to reach nearest
dedicated benefit us. A dipping tanks in the past. I want to thank
towards Emerging delegation from China the Municipality for building this tank and
Farmers. recently visited our we hope that our additional request will be
“BCMM and the city to explore various attended to,” he said.
agricultural investment Cattle dipping tanks play a pivotal role in
curbing live stock diseases, like foot and
mouth diseases which can have disastrous
effect on emerging farmers.
BCMM Executive Mayor, Zukiswa Ncitha cutting a
ribbon to officially open a dipping tank in Altile.
VISIT US ON: www.buffalocity.gov.za BCMM September • Vol 9

Minister Gigaba urges
BCMM residents to

Minister of Public Enterprises, Malusi Gigaba

during the 49M drive
By: Samkelo Gqeba

If you don’t use electricity appliances
switch them off.” This was the messages
Public Enterprises Minister Malusi Gigaba
delivered when he visited Mdantsane as
part of the 49M National electricity saving
road-show on September 29.
Minister Gigaba was addressing more than
2500 crowd members, who gathered at
the Sisa Dukashe Stadium in Mdantsane
to learn more about 49M, South Africa’s
Energy Efficiency Campaign.
As part of the campaign, the Minister visited
three houses where he exchanged old light
bulbs with the new energy efficient light
bulbs, supplied by Eskom.
During the visit to the houses, the Minister
was accompanied by BCMM Portfolio
Head of Engineering Services, Councillor
Zukisa Faku, local ward councillors, Eskom
Chief Executive Officer Brian Dames and
senior officials from the Department Public
In his address, Gigaba called on residents
to support the call by 49M to create an
energy efficient South Africa. Portfolio Head of Engineering Services
“The behavioural change in the way Councillor Faku, signing a pledge
South Africans were using electricity will committing to save electricity while the
Minister is witnessing the proceedings
contribute towards efforts by Eskom to

Page 2
BCMM September • Vol 8
reduce constraints on the country’s power
system. I am urging you to follow simple

electricity saving tips such as switching to
energy-saving light bulbs and switching off
appliances that are not in use instead of

leaving them on standby.”
The Minister added that: “When using

electricity between five and nine in the
evenings, this is time when the country uses

the most electricity. This puts a strain to the
power system as all these activities happen
simultaneously. But if we start becoming

mindful of how we use electricity when we
get home, it will bring relief to the grid and
in return residents will see reductions in
electricity bills”, he said.

Minister Gigaba concluded his speech by

urging residents to report illegal connections
and cable theft.
Speaking at the event BCMM Portfolio

am e
Head of Engineering Services, Councillor

Zukisa Faku concured with the Minister’s
call for residents to report illegal connections
and cable theft.

Illegal connection and cable

o n
theft impact negatively on the
ability of the municipality to
render effective and efficient
electricity services to residents.
We are calling on residents
to report Izinyoka to relevant
authorities. - Cllr. Zukisa Faku

The Minister, Portfolio Head of Engineering

Services; Councillor Faku, Local Ward
Councillor all signed a pledge committing to
save electricity within the Metro.
After the formalities the crowd were
entertained by 49 m campaign ambassadors,
award-winning DJ Oskido and television
presenter Zizo Beda.

Minister of Public Enterprises, Malusi Gigaba leading

Councillors and Officials during a door to door campaign
as part of the 49M drive held in Mdantsane

Page 3
BCMM September • Vol 9
A City Growing With You
Bhisho massacre
victims remembered
By Portia Jola

EC Premier, Noxolo Kiviet, flanked by MEC of Sports Arts and Culture, Xoliswa Tom
and Minister of Arts and Culture, Paul Mashatile during the
Bhisho Massacre Commemoration

Head for Integrated Development Plan

and Budget Councillor Mteteleli Sam said:
“Today we honour some of the brave people
of this province.”
He added that the day has been set aside
to celebrate the lives and sacrifice made by
the men and women who were at the march
on 7 September in 1992.
The Minister of Arts and Culture, Paul
Mashatile said that the Bhisho Massacre
Memorial is part of the country’s Liberation
Heritage Route.
Mashatile said that the route will be used
to tell stories of the struggle, stimulate local
economic development in centres where the
history of each heritage site will be told.
“Through the liberation route, the
department will ensure that all the
government departments play their roles
in developing all the sites which form part
of the route. “Our ultimate goal is to ensure
Minister of Arts and Culture, Paul Mashatile officiating the construction of a Bhisho Massacre interpretative Centre these sites are sustainable and bring change
in communities.”
Mashatile announced that the Bhisho

n their quest to fight for freedom, our adds. Massacre site, which will also have an
brothers and sisters were brutally killed “The march was peaceful, we never carried Interpretation Centre.
He said, that the centre will have a library,
by the Ciskei Defence Force under the any weapons and dangerous things with us,
an auditorium and a conference centre.
command of Brigadier Oupa Gqozo on the all we wanted was the government to make
“This is going to be a three-storey building,
14th of September in 1992. Ciskei part of the Republic of South Africa as
which wil utilise green energy, which we are
These were the words of apartheid it was a homeland,” he said.
planning to open in September next year,”
struggle stalwart, Ronnie Kasrils at the 20th Speaking at the event, the MEC for Sport, he said. “In the centre we will have videos
anniversary of Bhisho Massacre anniversary Arts, Culture and Recreation Xoliswa Tom telling a story of that day, books and other
held at Bhisho Stadium on September 7. said she was grateful by the role played by important material about Bhisho Massacre.”
Kasrils who was part of the march narrated Bhisho Massacre victims in the fight against Speaking on behalf of the families of those
the events of that painful day with tears apartheid. who died on the day Boyce Nqolo said: “We
rolling down his eyes. “Today we are reaping the fruits of that day, are glad that you recognise this day as one of
“I remember very well that we had as we are free and living in a democratic the most important in the country’s calendar.
permission for the sit-in at the Bhisho country, because of those brave men We miss our brothers and sisters who died
Stadium that day, but we all don’t know what and women who sacrificed their lives our that day but through your support, today we
happened. We heard gun shots fired just as freedom.” are hopeful that we will never suffer like we
we were crossing the border of Ciskei,” he Welcoming guests at the event, Portfolio did during the apartheid era.”

Page 4
BCMM September • Vol 9
A City Growing With You
is a
By Tabisa Mntengwana
t was all glitz and glamour in Buffalo has made it possible for the grand prize Grand prize winner Luyolo Fusa was
City Metro, at the inaugural East London winner to showcase their work at the South delighted when his name was called. “This
Fashion Fair as young fashion designers African Encounters Initiative in Oldenburg, is one of the best times of my life. I had
showcased their latest trends, with the iconic Germany.” never thought that this day would come.”
shweshwe print, the star of the designs. Marketing director of Da Gama Textiles Fusa won a R1 000 voucher, an industrial
There were 36 young designers at the Helen Bester said: “I was absolutely blown iron, an industrial machine and an industrial
inaugural East London Fashion Fair, which away. I am so happy with the designs and overlocker. Second prize winner Nomalungisa
took place at the East London City Hall interpretation at the event. Our idea of getting Vezi and third prize winner Thembalethu
on Friday, 31 August. The show was a all these young designers involved worked so Mtshungwana received R500 and R250
collaboration between Buffalo City Metro, well and we are pleased with the outcome.” vouchers, respectively.
Walter Sisulu University, the Eastern
Cape Development Corporation, Da
Gama Textiles, the Department of Sports,
Recreation, Arts and Culture, and Eastern
Cape’s arts and culture.
The theme was Africa Meets West. Among
the designers were three Walter Sisulu
University alumni.
Speaking at the show, Executive Mayor
Zukiswa Ncitha said: “The fair is aimed at
showcasing the famous shweshwe print
which is synonymous with the Eastern Cape
and Xhosa culture.
“It is an opportunity to utilise the fair to not
only showcase shweshwe print but also to
showcase local fashion designers from the
city.” It would allow local designers to be
recognised locally and internationally. Ncitha Winner of the East London Fashion Fair, Luyolo Fusa (in the middle wearing white shirt) With him were
also commended the City’s partnership with (from left) the marketing executive of Da Gama, Helen Bester, Department of Sport Recreations, Arts and
Culture MEC Xoliswa Tom, Luyolo Fusa, a model, and BCM Executive Mayor, Zukiswa Ncitha.
the various stakeholders. “The partnership

BCMM Executive Mayor, Zukiswa Ncitha officially

opening the revamped East London Foshini store
located in Oxford Street.

In 2011, the store was effected by a flash fire, and

it was temporarly closed due to renovations.

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BCMM September • Vol 9
A City Growing With You
BCMM Casual Day drive a

CMM staff members heeded the call
to contribute to a worthy cause by
purchasing a total of 300 stickers for
causal day. The proceeds from sticker sales
which amount to R3000 will go towards
projects benefiting persons with disabilities.
The project organiser, Valda van Heerden
from Human Resource department thanked
the staff involved in the sticker sales team
for their hard work and dedication. She also Community Services
thanked Buffalo City Metro employees for
their heartfelt financial contribution towards
Human Resource Management
the needy, in our society.
Highest ticket sales go to Candice
Bahlmann and the best picture to Traffic

Traffic Services

City Planning

Best picture goes to BCMM Traffic Department

City Planning
Licensing Department

Electricity Department

Page 6
A City Growing With You
Mdantsane Disabled woman get
solar geyser
By: Portia Jola

dantsane Disabled woman will now
have warm water after a solar geyser
was installed in her home, thanks to
Ward 11 Councillor Sakhumzi Caga initiative
of reaching out to communities.
Nosiphiwo Madzidzela from unit 2 in
Mdantsane could not begin to express the
joy she had about having hot water in her
home. “When I saw the Dako Salor Geyser
Company arrive this morning and I was so
happy, now I am looking at buying myself a
bath basin to enjoy the hot water,” she said.
This was part of Ward 11 local Councilor
Sakhumzi Caga’s recent initiative aimed at
bringing services closer to the people.
Councilor Caga invited various government
departments and agencies to talk about
their services and also to afford residents an
opportunity to raise their concerns regarding
government services.
The meeting held at Nu2 Rent offices was
attended by municipal and government
officials and residents of ward 11. BCMM Councillor Sakhumzi Caga (Right) during the handover of the solar geyser to Mdantsane disabled woman
About 50 blankets were donated to elderly
people and a Women’s Sewing Project
also benefited when they received new to better understand the needs of our spoke about various services offered by the
sewing machines and two solar geysers communities and be able to respond to centre to young people. “The youth centre
were installed in the N.U.5 clinic and into a them,” said Caga. He told the gathering assists young people with advice and
disabled woman’s house. that the Municipality was planning to install information on how to choose a right career
“You are our primary mandates, if we solar geyser in each and every household in
Mdantsane in an effort to change the lives and getting a job. We urge young people to
continue to arrange meetings like these
as councillors in our community, we can of people for the better. Giving advice to the visit our centre and use its facilities such as
be able to fight poverty and crime. These Youth, Nkosinathi Mbuthuma from BCMM a computer lab with free access to internet,”
meetings afford councillors an opportunity Youth Advisory Centre based in Mdantsane said Mbuthuma.

BCMM Councillor Sakhumzi Caga with members of the Womans Sewing Project

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BCMM September • Vol 9
A City Growing With You
Metro bid farewell to
By: Xolile Bengeza

uffalo City Metro Councillors, The BCMM Director of Health and Public role in the well-being of the community they
Management and Officials came in Safety, Vuyani Lwana wished the nursing serve.
numbers to bid farewell to the primary staff well in their move to the Provincial “Provision of quality Health services is one
health nursing staff members that have Health Department. of the national priorities and without you, we
been transferred to the Provincial Health “It’s very hard to say goodbye to people cannot achieve this. As decision-makers, we
Department. that you have work with over the years, but want to make sure that the conditions you
are working under are conducive so that
The Metro’s Health and Public Safety it was a privilege to work with the nursing
you can continue to provide this important
hosted a farewell at the East London Zoo on department. I am happy that some of the
service to our people.”
the 1st of September. issues that you were not happy with when
The primary health nursing staff members you were part of the municipality such as;
were part of the Metro’s Health and Public uniform allowance, I managed to solve
Safety directorate. The staff members them. You must share the knowledge and
were moved after the Provincial Health experience you gained in Buffalo City with
Department decided to take over all primary your new colleagues. I want you to set new
health services, which were offered by standards and be a good example,” said
Municipalities in the province. Lwana.
The transfer was implemented on the 1st of Addressing the nurses Councillor Mzwandile
July this year. Vaaibom said they play a very important

BCMM Director of Health and Public Safety,

Vuyani Lwana speaking during the farewell

One of the old serving nursing staff member

Ntombesine Zitha who started to work for the
Municipality in 1989 had this to say about
her move to the Province: “What makes
me happy about the move is that there are
no changes on our operations; we will be
continuing to work with the community that
we were serving before,” said Zitha.
Primary Health staff members during the farewell at the East London Zoo

Right, Councillor Mzwandile Vaaibom with the dignitaries during the farewell of primary health staff

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BCMM September
June • Vol 1• Vol 9
A City Growing With You
Workshop held to discuss
employee performance
management system
By Portia Jola

n an effort to unpack the role of Performance attraction and retention of staff in the Buffalo Adding on the employee’s performance
Management System (PMS) in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality. management system, Dr Mkhululi Nkohla
City Metro, the Provincial Department of “The policy is applicable to all positions in said it intends to align individual goals to
Local Government and Traditional Affairs Buffalo City Municipality, both internal and institutionalise goals.
recently hosted a consultative session at external and to all the councillors, managers He said it seeks to ensure that the employee
Latimas landing in East London. and employees involved in recruitment, are capacitated so that they can perform
The workshop was attended by Councillors, selection and assessment of applicants”. their functions efficiently and effectively.
Human Resource Management and union’s
representative from IMATU and SAMWU.
The main objective of the session was
to discuss ways to implement employee
performance management system in Buffalo
City Metro.
According to the Department of Local
Government and Traditional Affairs, PMS
briefly reflect on the phases of individual
performance management and highlighting
potential benefits of employee performance
management to the Municipality.
The Department said PMS provide
mechanism for monitoring performance
of departments and municipal officials,
rewarding good performance and correcting
under performance.
Speaking about BCMM Employee Second from left: BCMM Acting Director of
Provisioning Policy, Acting Director of Corporate Services, Louis Wulff with BCMM
Corporate Services Louis Wulff said the Human Resource staff during the PMS workshop
policy is designed specifically to support the

IT college Microsoft 2007 Learning Resources and

Web Development.
that they are looking at donating computers
in their next charity projects.

Senzo Luthuli from CCS IT Training Chief Librarian at the Mdantsane library
said the Book Donation was part of their Bulelwa Mtenjwa, said she was excited
initiative to give back to the community. about the donations because it will go a
“It’s very exciting for us that we are taking
long way in assisting students with their
part in the National Book Week celebration

books to
assignment and projects.
that is happening around the country. The
Mdantsane Library has a very small section National Book Week held during September,
is an annual premier platform through which

for IT and Computer Books, and we hope
this donation will go a long way as there government, the book sector; media and
is going to be more awareness about IT & civil society establish dynamic partnerships

Computer Literacy,” said Luthuli. He added for the promotion of the culture of reading.

By: Samkelo Gqeba

n East London based college, CCS IT
Training, donated 150 IT & Computer
Books to Mdantsane Library as part
of this year National Book Week.
CCS has been information technology
training provider for over 13 years for
corporate companies, government and the
general public.
Amongst the books donated by the
institution to the Mdantsane library included
Mdantsane’s Chief Librarian, Bulelwa Mtenjwa (Right) with the representitives from the CSS IT department
CompTIA A+, Network+, Server+, Security+,

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BCMM September • Vol 9
A City Growing With You
By Xolile Bengeza

s we approach summer holidays,
Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
Tourism Department is calling on staff
members and citizen’s in general to travel
within their own city and explore its tourist
attraction points.
The Metro Tourism Department recently
embarked on a fact finding mission to gather
information about various tourist attraction
points around the City.
The tour was an information gathering
exercise which seeks amongst other things
to foster good working relationship with the
tourism industry players.
As September is national Tourism Month,
South Africans are encouraged to travel
within their own country and to get a better
understanding of the affordable and exciting
attractions available to them on their own
Tourism Month is aimed at encouraging
more people to embark on leisure activities
and, in so doing, to increase the number of
domestic holiday trips and tourism spend
in all nine provinces, while contributing to a
critical sector of the country’s economy.
The team tour kick-started with a visit to
Mpongo Park where they saw wild animals
such as lions and tigers, and they viewed
the facilities on offer.
The next stop was to the Lion Park where
they saw different species like crocodiles,
lion curbs and peacock.
Their last stop was at the Arena Riverside
Resort where they experience the quad
biking and canoeing in the Kwelerha River.
Talking about the visit, BCMM Tourism
Officer Thandiswa George said:” This
exercise gave us a better knowledge of the
tourism products available within the BCMM
area. It will then be easier for the tourism
unit staff to answer any tourism-related
queries which could be asked. The tourism
unit staff will also be able to market their
City with pride as they have experience the
tourism products first hand.”
George added that the unit will share the
information with the BCMM employees in
order for them to be tourists in their own city
as well as to spread the word of mouth.

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BCMM September • Vol 9
A City Growing With You
BCMM goes green to celebrate

Arbor Week By Samkelo Gqeba

undreds of rare and common
indigenous trees were planted at
schools around Buffalo City metro to
mark the National Arbor Week.
Every year, South Africa celebrates Arbor
Week from 1 to 7 September to raise
awareness about the importance and value
of trees in our lives. The theme for this year’s
campaign is “Our Forests - Our Future”.
Speaking about this year’s Arbour Week,
BCMM Manager of Integrated Environmental
Management, Kamva Qwede, said that
the municipality planted trees in various
schools to educate primary and high school
children about the importance of trees to the
“People have depended on trees through
the ages. They offer shelter and shade, are
a source of food, fuel, medicine, timber, and
also have numerous other uses. They are
essential for replenishing our oxygen supply
and taking in the atmosphere’s carbon
dioxide, a contributor to the greenhouse
BCMM officials planting trees and educating learners on the importance of trees during Arbour Week
effect,” said Qwede.
He added that: “By planting trees in
communities we are also helping to mitigate Songeza Primary in Mdantsane. set aside for the planting and caring of trees.
the effects of global warming and climate Indigenous trees planted by Buffalo City Arbor Day originated in Switzerland during
change. Trees can beautify the community metro were Loxostylis alata and Syzigium the 15th century to raise awareness amongst
and promote biodiversity by providing diverse cordatum. people about the importance of trees.
habitats.” According to the Integrated Environmental In South Africa, Arbor Day started in 1983
Some of the schools that have taken part Management Department some of the trees and in 1997 it was extended to a National
in the tree planting are Stirling High school, planted are very rare species. Arbor Week. In South Africa, Arbor Week falls
Zabalaza Primary in King Williams Town and Arbor Week is a special week that has been in the first week of September.

waste is my business.” The solid waste to do in order to adhere to the waste
official’s visited various businesses in management by-law.”
King Williams Town, Mdantsane and East Msomi said businesses owner welcomed

London to educate and handout brochures the campaign and they promised to adhere
and refuse collection days. to the waste by-law.
Nomgcobo Msomi from Waste Minimization “If they adhere to the by-law this will make
Section said they discovered that some of our job easily as Solid Waste Management

businesses the businesses were not registered with the

department and this was illegal in terms of
the waste by-law.
and this will go a long way in ensuring
that our city is clean. BCMM Solid Waste

on waste
Manager Nosifundo Skweyiya said:” after
“If a business owner is not registered with this campaign we are expecting businesses
us, that means we don’t collect his or her owners to comply because they know what
waste and this leads to illegal dumping is required from them in terms of the by-

which cause our city to be dirty. law .Our next step as the department is
During the campaign we gave out to enforce the by-law by issuing out fines
information material containing refuse to those who continue to violate it,” said
collection days and what the owner needs Skweyiya.
By Samkelo Gqeba

s part of the National Cleanup
Week, Buffalo City Metro Solid
Waste Department, embarked
on an information campaign to educate
businesses about the municipal waste
management by-law.
The Department noticed a disturbing trend
where business owners do not adhere to
the municipal regulations and dump refuse
BCMM Solid Waste Officials ready to inspect
illegally. and educate businesses within the Metro
The theme for this campaign was: “your

Page 11
BCMM September • Vol 9
A City Growing With You
Metro Aids Council
launch awareness campaign
By: Xolile Bengeza

uffalo City Metro Aids Council (MAC) early sexual debut is linked to youth being and infected negatively by the impact of HIV
recently launched an HIV and AIDS less likely to use contraceptives leading to and AIDS is also engaged in high risk behavior
pilot project called school behavioural unplanned pregnancies. such as substance abuse,” she said.
change programme at Sakhisizwe High “It is evident from the recent picture published Makalima said they will roll out the programme
School in Nompumelelo Township. on a popular social network that the very same to other parts of the Metro, targeting school
The pilot seeks to raise awareness on
high population (youth) which is highly affected children.
substance abuse, HIV and Aids and teenage
The campaign was organised by the Metro
Special Programmes Unit, in which the MAC
falls under.
The objective of this programme is to
encourage learners resist peer pressure, delay
sexual interactions and also reduce new HIV
and AIDs infections among school children.
In the Eastern Cape Province the National
household survey showed that on average
2.5 % of children below the age of 18 years
are HIV positive.10.8% of children between
the ages of 12 – 14 years old have engaged
in sexual activities in the past twelve months
and 26 % of females between the ages of 12
– 18 years have a sexual partner which is five
years older than them.
BCMM Special Programmers Unit HIV and
Learners of Sakhisizwe High School in Nompumelelo Township listening during the AIDS campaign
AIDS coordinator Kholeka Makalima said The

EL Zoo gets new

4x 4 Bakkie
By Portia Jola

new state-of the-art 4x4 Bakkie was
handed over to the Zoo Department by
the Metro Fleet Management to assist
in the transportation of cows from farmers to
the Zoo.
The Zoo department was using a normal
Bakkie and they were struggling to transport
cows because they need more man power to
load and unload the cows.
The driver at the EL Zoo, Oyama Sibaya said
they won’t need man power when transporting
cows to the Zoo because the new Bakkie has
machine to load and unload the cows.
“This 4 X 4 Bakkie could not have come at a
better time, we are hoping for great productivity BCMM Officials of the Fleet Management Section, present Community Service Directorate with the new Bakkie
hence the new automated Bakkie which will
only require one or two people, as this will be he was impressed with the capabilities of a cow, I know now there are pulling winches
done by the machines installed in the Bakkie” the new bakkie. “From today onwards, I will
to help pull the cow straight into the Bakkie,”
BCMM General Manager of Amenities and stop worrying about the possibility of one of
Environmental Services Kholekile Tapile said my collegues getting injured trying to pull off he said.

Page 12
BCMM September • Vol 9
A City Growing With You
IDP session
held to
By: Xolile Bengeza
BCMM Officials and Government Department representitives during an IDP IGR session

mproving the delivery of services to provincial government departments. said the session need to come up with bold
the people, was on the agenda when The IGR session is part of the metro decision that will ensure that the metro is
Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality IDP and Budget stakeholder consultation developed.
recently met with representatives from programmes which aims to enhance “We need to change the face of this
various government institutions. Service Delivery and encourage citizen municipality by taking decisions that
The intergovernmental relations (IGR) involvement in local government. Key will promote development. In order to
session was organised by the Metro amongst the objective of the session was achieve this goal, we need participation
IDP and Budget Integration Department to improve relations and joint planning of each and every stakeholder. We need
and it was held at the Regent Hotel in between the metro and various government to take serious decisions about proposed
East London. Attending the session departments. developmental nodes like the Mount Ruth
were representatives from national and BCMM Municipal Manager Andile Fani Nodal Precinct.”

Workshop held to
update Councillors on
Land Audit
By: Portia Jola

he Metro Directorate of Development
Planning and Local Economic
Development organised a workshop
to update councillors on the land audit
The South African Local Government
Association (SALGA) appealed to all
Municipalities to conduct a Land Audit to
identify Municipal-owned land in order to
lease it as per regulations.
Speaking to BCMM Monthly about the
workshop General Manager of Development
Planning, Andile Mshumpela said they
wanted to reflect on the issues raised by
Councillors on their last gathering in Mpongo
“In this workshop we want to explain some Left: Siphiwo Bam, Manager Land Administration, Middle: Andile Mshumpela General Manager,
of the issues raised by councillors regarding Development Planning, Right: Portfolio Head for IDP and Development Planning, Councillor Mteteleli Sam
the land audit process. The discussions also
included land that has been set aside in the land lease register will be available for is leased to foreigners and the duration of
Metro for business purposes. Portfolio head councillors to check it. “As the department the lease. The Metro GIS demonstrated to
for the IDP and Development Planning, we are going to issue a lease register so that Councillors ways to view land in their areas
Coucillor Mteteleli Sam, said the municipal councillors can be aware of the land that using intranet.

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BCMM September • Vol 9
A City Growing With You
Disability issues
under spotlight
By Xolike Bengeza

embers of the Buffalo City Metro
Disability Forum recently met to
discuss and share information at
a session held in Bhisho at Skenjana Roji
Hall. About 80 persons from various disability
stakeholders including ward committee
members responsible for disability, government
departments and Commissioner of Gender
and Equality attended the session.
Buffalo City Metro Disability Forum was
launched in 2005 and it aims to include
disabled people in the Metro’s development
The BCMM Disability Forum is representative
of various disability structures and external
stakeholders and engages in dialogue with
the disability sector and the Metro in order to
guide the institutionalization of disability issues
within the BCMM Integrated Development A member of BCMM disability forum raising an issue during a session held in Bhisho
Plan (IDP).
The vision of the BCMM Disability Strategy
vision is: “to create an environment which issues are not excluded from the mainstream areas are in bad state and not given priority.”
supports and enables persons with disabilities society, but are considered within the general Loyilana urged disable people to be part of
to fulfil their maximum potential.” society and have access to fundamental the municipal planning process so that they
BCMM Special Programmes Manager social, political and economic rights. can influence decisions.
Shaun Petzer said the strategy is informed Speaking at the session, a representitive “You must be involved in programmers
and guided by disability legislation and policy from the Commission of Gender Equality, like IDP and special programmes planning
frameworks. Portia Ndileka Loyilana, said it was important process because we want the Municipality to
“BCMM emphasises the importance of for disable people to be part of these sessions fund NGO’s that are looking after the interest
a paradigm shift from viewing disability so that their issues can get attention. of disabled people.”
as a medical perspective, but rather to “You need to engage with the municipality The session will be followed up with a further
address disability within a human rights about your needs, I usually conduct visits to training and capacitating to be organised
and developmental approach. The Metro government buildings to check whether they by the Commission for Gender Equality on
is committed to work with the disability are disable-friendly. I am always shocked to issues of gender, disability and vulnerability in
community in order to ensure that disability discover that most of the buildings in rural general.

Staff celebrates heritage month

eptember marks the annual Heritage
month in South Africa and the 24th
of this month was declared a public
holiday under the Public Holidays Act of
Heritage month recognises aspects of South
African culture and heritage which are both
tangible and intangible, creative expression
such as music and performances, our
historical inheritance, language, spirituality,
sacred sites, indigenous food and popular
Buffalo City Metro staff members joined the
South African communities in celebrating
the heritage month by wearing traditional
garments. The theme of this year heritage
month was:”Celebrating the Heroes and
Heroines of the liberation struggle in South
BCMM Human Resource Department staff celebrating Heritage Day

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BCMM September • Vol 9
A City Growing With You
Metro reviews Spatial Development
and Rural Settlement Plan
stakeholders Workshop was held completed. Phase
on the 30 August 2012 at the Border 3 (Formulation of
Cricket Ground to present the Spatial a Development
Development Framework (SDF) Review Strategy) and Phase
and the Rural Settlement Development 4 (Formulation of
for the Buffalo City Metro, writes Hans a Development
Schluter. Programme and
This workshop was organised by the City Budget) are nearly
Planning Division in the Directorate of completed. A detail
Planning and Economic Development and presentation on all
all BCMM Councillors, Ward Committee four phases was
Members, Officials and identified done.
Stakeholders were invited. In regard to the
Around 100 people attended the workshop way forward a final
and valuable input and comments were workshop will be held
received from the participants, of which the with all stakeholders
City Planning Division is greatly thankful. to present the final
The purpose of this workshop was to draft SDF.
present the draft proposals for these two Then it will be
important plans and receive comments and advertised for Public BCMM officials from the Developing Planning Directorate
feedback from all participants. Comments in the
This is critical as part of the consultation media and circulated
process, so that everybody can associate for final comments.
themselves with the plans and supports and Then the proposed SDF will be submitted to • Identification and protection of prime
understands them. Council for approval. productive land in the rural areas.
This is important because when both plans • Controlling the haphazard growth and
have been approved by Council, they became Rural Settlement Development Plan development, thus promoting optimal
statuary plans and policies and therefore it use and management of land in the rural
Buffalo City Metro comprises of both areas.
becomes everybody’s responsibility to assist
urban and rural settlements. Over the past • Discouraging illegal occupation of land
with the implementation of the plans.
years extensive research, planning and with due regard to the informal land
Spatial Development Framework (SDF)
development has been undertaken mainly development process.
The first SDF for BCM was approved by within the urban fabric of the municipality.
Council in 2003. Since then 11 Local SDF’s Within the context of rural settlement there The following activities are required for the
have been completed and approved by is not the same level of information or Rural Settlement Development Plan:
Council and currently the Metro has four understanding of the various communities in • Identification of the most appropriate
LSDF’s in draft format. terms of land services and housing. levels of services to be provided for the
The Spatial Development Framework is Hence the need for this study. rural settlements; and
intended amongst other things to facilitate • Identification of existing infrastructural
the social, economic and environmental The objective of the Rural Settlement Plan and social services and where the gaps
sustainability of the metro. is the following: are.
The framework also seeks to develop a set • The need to focus on rationalizing the use A detailed presentation was given on Phase
of policies and principles and an approach of land and resources in rural areas. 1 (Project Inception and Pre-planning) and
for the management of spatial development • The need to focus on what is achievable Phase 2 (Situation Analysis and Review)
and provide a clear spatial logic that in development terms and how this related which have been completed and Phase 3
would facilitate private sector decisions on to spatial and economic development (Rural Settlement Development Plan) will
investment in the built environment proposals. be finalized in the near future.
In regard to this SDF Review Phase 1 • The need to understand the urban – rural In regard to the way forward, a final
(Project Initiation) and Phase 2 (Data interface in certain parts of the study workshop will be held in November 2012
Collection and Analysis and Formulation area. with all stakeholders to present the final
of Development Perspective) has been draft Rural Settlement Plan. Then the plan
will be submitted to Council for approval.

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BCMM September • Vol 9
A City Growing With You
BCMM Sport Club collected most medals
in the International Municipal
Games held in Botswana By BCMM Sports Club President

uffalo City Sport Club participated in the Southern African Inter-Municipal Sports Association (SAIMSA) games in Gaborone Botswana from
23-29 September 2012. Buffalo City Metro has been very consistant in participating in these games and in most cases it leaves behind
good memories. The interest in these games started mainly when Buffalo City hosted this event in 2006. Everyone became aware about the
importance of the games as they helped in maintaining and sustaining good working relations among Municipalities. Also through these games
relations among employees improved and healthy life style has been encouraged among all employees. The host Cities for the past few years
were as follows:
1. Buffalo City – Eastern Cape- South Africa in 2006
2. Walvis Bay – Namibia in 2007
3. Sol Plaatjie – Northen Cape – South Africa in 2008
4. Maputo – Mozambiqe in 2009
5. Tzaneen – Limpopo – South Africa in 2010
6. Manzini – Swaziland in 2011
7. Gaborone – Botswana in 2012 (Current Hosts)
Buffalo City Municipality participated in all these games and came back victorious on many occasions. Last year in Swaziland, Buffalo City
Municipality was the overall winner as it obtained most medals compared to any other Municipality that participated. This didn’t go down well with
Ethekwini Municipality as they have always dominated these games. This year in Botswana, Buffalo City Municipality was confident of defending
their title as overall winner, especially that we have included codes that never participated in these games. With the support received from
EVERYONE in Buffalo City, we were flying not only the Buffalo City flag high, but for the entire Eastern Cape Province and South Africa.
In the next BCMM Monthly Edition, we will be publishing pictures and names of the medalists


shout outs
Due to the quality of recieved
photographs, we are urging staff who
want photographs to be published with
their birthday messages to visit BCMM
To both of you
Zaza (Zanele) on 11th and Phopho Communications Department, Ground
(Phumlani) on 12th Floor, Trust Centre Building to have their
May the Almighty keep you for many more photo taken.
years to come and Bless you in abundance. For further information please contact;
From your friends:
Mumsy Zwelibanzi-Tom, Nicky Sampson & Amanda Fihla on 043 705 1749 or
Thembi Mqhele email; amandafi@buffalocity.gov.za
Many thanks Communication Department
13 September – Akhona
Happpppy bday to u…May your day be To: Lumka Stah Mbambo
filled with joy and happiness..enjoy!!!!! 27th September Happy birthday Drama Queen, I hope u
From: Sive Happy Birthday, Tshotsho, Skomo, had a fantastic day.
Matshangisa, Mhlatyama ,Rudulu, ukhule From: Mandy
Nelly - 10 September Life is a journey, Enjoy every mile. Happy
Happy birthday shlobo sam, enjoy it to the ukhokhobe, ubeneminyaka emininzi, uyeke
fullest, may God keep u for many more ukozela wakuhlutha . B-Day from Samito.
years to come. From Sindi (Pre Paid)
From Sive

Ayanda Mkumla
Bhele, Khuboni, Ndabezitha , Langa
lokulunga akamnyama xa ukhona
Happy Birthday on the 21st September
Ukhule ukhokhobe ufuze uYihlo mkhulu
From Sindi & Vv (Pre paid)

Zukiswa Mpengwane
Gebe lasekhaya Ngobe Ngaleka
Mdudumane Nkosazana “Aah
Dilizintaba” !!! To: Gavin Dovey
As you celebrate your special day on the 04
Miselwa Yoyo
Happy Birthday , Many more Happy returns Happy birthday Ayanda Mekuto October 2012 best wishes to you and have
ukhule ukhokhobe. From Nomgcobo and team a super day. HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY!
From Sindi (Mamgebe) Pre Paid Solid waste management With Love From Your Colleagues

BCMM Monthly is an initiative of Buffalo City Metro Communications Department and is distributed
primarily by e-mail. Every month we will cover news and events in Buffalo City from the previous month. News may
be contributed by any staff member electronically in MS Word format.
Articles may not exceed 300 words in length and must be e-mailed the week before the end of the month.
Photographs must also be sent electronically in JPEG format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi
and must be accompanied by captions.
Kindly contact: Samkelo Gqeba on (043) 705-1158 or e-mail samkelog@buffalocity.gov.za
We reserve the right to edit all contributions. Communications policies and terms apply.
layout and photos by: Ryan Abbott - Makinwa Media • 043 722 3312

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BCMM September • Vol 9
A City Growing With You

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