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Abdominal aortic aneurysms

Natzi Sakalihasan1,2*, Jean-​Baptiste Michel3, Athanasios Katsargyris4, Helena Kuivaniemi5,
Jean-​Olivier Defraigne1,2, Alain Nchimi2,6, Janet T. Powell7, Koichi Yoshimura8,9 and
Rebecka Hultgren10,11
Abstract | An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a localized dilatation of the infrarenal aorta.
AAA is a multifactorial disease, and genetic and environmental factors play a part; smoking,
male sex and a positive family history are the most important risk factors, and AAA is most
common in men >65 years of age. AAA results from changes in the aortic wall structure, including
thinning of the media and adventitia due to the loss of vascular smooth muscle cells and
degradation of the extracellular matrix. If the mechanical stress of the blood pressure acting on
the wall exceeds the wall strength, the AAA ruptures, causing life-​threatening intra-​abdominal
haemorrhage — the mortality for patients with ruptured AAA is 65–85%. Although AAAs of
any size can rupture, the risk of rupture increases with diameter. Intact AAAs are typically
asymptomatic, and in settings where screening programmes with ultrasonography are not
implemented, most cases are diagnosed incidentally. Modern functional imaging techniques
(PET, CT and MRI) may help to assess rupture risk. Elective repair of AAA with open surgery or
endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) should be considered to prevent AAA rupture, although the
morbidity and mortality associated with both techniques remain non-​negligible.

An aneurysm is a permanent and irreversible local­ practice, the infrarenal aorta is considered aneurysmal
ized dilatation of an artery. This abnormal dilatation if the diameter is ≥30 mm (ref.3), but this definition
involves all three layers of the vascular wall: the intima might not be appropriate for women, who have smaller
(which faces the lumen of the vessel), the media and diameter arteries than men4, and for individuals with
the adventitia (Fig. 1). By contrast, a false aneurysm or arteriomegaly, a condition of generalized arterial dilata­
pseudoaneurysm is a dilatation secondary to arterial tion. When reporting a dilatation of the diameter of the
injury, in which the outer wall is made of a fibrous infrarenal aorta in a patient, the diameter of the undila­
material devoid of any organized vascular structure. ted adjacent aorta should be taken into consideration,
A false aneurysm can also be created by the infiltration although this is not always feasible in clinical practice5.
of blood through a dissection (longitudinal cleavage) of Thus, AAA should be diagnosed when the ratio of the
the arterial wall at the level of the media, with a sub­ diameters of the infrarenal and undilated suprarenal
sequent enlargement of the external dimensions of the aorta is ≥1.5. On the basis of the diameter of the aorta,
artery. Morphologically1, aneurysms can be fusiform, AAA can be classified as small (not considered for repair,
when the dilatation involves the whole circumference <55 mm) or large (≥55 mm), when surgical repair can
of the artery, or saccular, when only a part of the circum­ be considered6.
ference is involved (Fig. 1). Most aneurysms are fusiform, Aneurysms result from progressive changes in the
even though the dilatation of the dorsal side of the aorta arterial wall in response to multifactorial causes;
is often limited by the presence of the spine. the resultant changes in wall structure and arterial pres­
Aneurysms that form in the abdominal aorta dis­ sure lead to thinning of the wall, with the degradation of
tal to the renal arteries (the infrarenal aorta, the most extracellular matrix (ECM) in the adventitia and loss
common site for aortic aneurysm development) are of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in the media
called abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). There increasing the susceptibility to rupture7. Theoretically,
is no consensus on the definition of AAA. In 1991, if an AAA is left untreated, its diameter increases grad­
the Society for Vascular Surgery and the International ually; large AAAs are at increased risk of rupture. AAA
Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Ad Hoc Committee ruptures can occur intraperitoneally, retroperitoneally
*e-​mail: nsaka@ on Standards in Reporting proposed that a dilatation is or, rarely, in other organs such as the duodenum or the an AAA if the diameter of the infrarenal aorta is 1.5 times inferior vena cava. Rupture usually leads to sudden-​
s41572-018-0030-7 the expected normal diameter2. However, in clinical onset abdominal or back pain and haemorrhagic shock.

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34 1


The severity of shock varies with the location and extent countries. The variations in prevalence for men in devel­
of the rupture. This condition, if left untreated, results in oped countries are best observed in population-​based
almost 100% mortality6. In very rare cases, AAA rupture screening programmes10–12.
causes a small loss of blood in the retroperitoneal space, The most recent ultrasonography-​based screening
where it can become contained, causing pain but no studies diagnose AAA in 1–2% of all 65-year-​old men
haemodynamic instability. As most patients with intact and in 0.5% of 70-year-​old women9–12. However, some
AAA are asymptomatic, AAA is commonly an undiag­ persons are diagnosed outside of these programmes, are
nosed condition. Incidental or systematic screening of treated before 65 years of age or are non-​participants,
at-​risk groups is the most effective approach to prevent and all these situations would slightly increase the true
AAA-​related death. Because of the high mortality asso­ prevalence in the general population10,12. In Denmark,
ciated with AAA rupture, most patients diagnosed with the AAA prevalence is slightly higher, at 2.6% in
large AAAs are offered either open repair surgery (to 65-year-​old men and 0.9% in 71-year-​old women13.
support the aneurysmal infrarenal aorta with inlay tube-​ A recent population-​based report from Sweden includ­
shaped or bifurcated prosthetic vascular grafts sewn into ing untreated and treated women and men showed a
the aorta) or endovascular aortic repair (EVAR), where slight increase in individuals diagnosed with intact AAA
a stent graft is introduced and placed inside the aneu­ over time (from 46 per 100,000 people of >45 years of
rysm via the iliac arteries. The success of EVAR depends age in 2001 to 51 per 100,000 people in 2015, with a peak
on the morphology of the aorta and associated arteries; at 73 per 100,000 people in 2011)14. This increase is likely
EVAR can be accomplished safely in those >80 years due to the introduction of screening in men rather than
of age8. a true general increase in the incidence of AAA in the
This Primer provides a contemporary overview of population. The decline in cases of ruptured AAA from
the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and outcome 22 per 100,000 people to 12 per 100,000 people during
of patients with AAA, focusing on fusiform AAA. the same time period could confirm this assertion14.
There has been a decline in the number of male smokers,
Epidemiology which could contribute to the decline in both the AAA
Disease burden prevalence and rupture15.
Incidence and prevalence. Globally and in developed
countries, the prevalence and incidence of AAA have Morbidity and mortality. During the past decade,
decreased during the past two decades, but in some areas, AAA-​related death has been the 12–15th leading cause
such as Latin America and high-income Asian–Pacific of death in persons of >55 years of age in the United
countries, the prevalence is possibly increasing9. The States, the United Kingdom and several European coun­
prevalence also varies worldwide between ethnic groups tries, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control
and between sexes9. Of note, overall, there is a lack of and Prevention’s Web-​based Injury Statistics Query and
solid knowledge on the true prevalence of AAA world­ Reporting System (CDC WISQARS; see Related links),
wide, as reports on the prevalence of AAA detected via the UK Office for National Statistics (UK Office for
ultrasonography screening programmes in women and National Statistics; see Related links) and the Swedish
men are available  from only a few countries (see below). National Board of Health and Welfare (Swedish National
Most reports show regional variations in treatment rates, Board of Health and Welfare; see Related links). The
which might reflect a selection bias, as access to afford­ overall mortality in patients with AAA is high, in both
able health care varies greatly in different populations. treated and untreated patient groups, when compared
Finally, temporal variations in prevalence trends might with the general population, best shown by the excess in
actually reflect changes in sociodemographics in some observed mortality (standardized mortality rate (SMR)
1.71 for patients with AAA who have been treated),
mainly owing to the high co-​occurrence of atheroscle­
Author addresses rotic disease, mostly cardiovascular disease13,16,17. Besides
cardiovascular causes of death, cancer is a common
Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, CHU Liège, University of Liège,
cause of death in patients with AAA11,16–18. The true inci­
Liège, Belgium.
Surgical Research Center, GIGA-​Cardiovascular Science Unit, University of Liège, dence of deaths associated with ruptured AAA outside
Liège, Belgium. of health-​care institutions is difficult to determine given
UMR 1148, INSERM Paris 7, Denis Diderot University, Xavier Bichat Hospital, Paris, France. the decline in autopsy rates, but 50% of patients with
Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Paracelsus Medical University, ruptured AAA have been reported to die before they can
Nuremberg, Germany. be admitted to hospital19.
Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Although women are under-​represented in most
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Tygerberg, South Africa. AAA studies, their outcomes are often reported to be
Department of Medical Imaging, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, worse than those in men, including a higher rupture
risk of small aneurysms and more-​complicated aneu­
Vascular Surgery Research Group, Imperial College London, London, UK.
rysm morphology, which makes the AAA more difficult
Graduate School of Health and Welfare, Yamaguchi Prefectural University, Yamaguchi,
Japan. to treat with standard surgical care20–22. Women with
Department of Surgery and Clinical Science, Yamaguchi University Graduate School AAA also seem to have a worse prognosis than men.
of Medicine, Ube, Japan. A 2017 meta-​analysis comparing the outcomes of AAA
Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. repair (EVAR and open repair surgery) between men
Department of Vascular Surgery, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden. and women showed that 30-day mortality was higher

2 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34


a b True aneurysms
Right carotid artery Saccular Fusiform False aneurysm
Subclavian Left carotid artery Anterior–posterior
Aortic arch Adventitia diameter
Ascending aorta

Intima diameter
thoracic aorta A

Aortic annulus

muscle cell C D
Abdominal aorta

Coeliac trunk
Left renal cell
Superior artery
mesenteric Infrarenal aorta
artery B
mesenteric Vertebra
Right common
iliac artery
Intima Media Adventitia
Right external Left internal
iliac artery iliac artery Internal elastic membrane External elastic membrane

Fig. 1 | AAAs. a | Schematic of aortic anatomy. The descending thoracic aorta spans from distal to the origin of the left
subclavian artery to the diaphragm; the infrarenal aorta is the site where abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) develop.
The average diameter of a normal, healthy infrarenal aorta is 1.80 ± 0.24 (s.d.) cm in men and 1.55 ± 0.19 (s.d.) cm in women226.
b | Morphological classification of aneurysms; inset shows details of the normal aortic wall. Regardless of the imaging
method, the dilatation of the aorta should be measured in both anterior–posterior and transverse directions. Measurement
could be based on inner-​to-inner, leading edge-​to-leading edge or outer-​to-outer boundaries; outer-to-outer boundary
measurements indicate the maximal diameter. Part a adapted from ref.227, Springer Nature Limited.

in women than in men both for EVAR (2.3% and 1.4%, These factors include different access to high-​quality
respectively, OR 1.67, 95% CI 1.38–2.04) and open repair health-​c are centres (for example, Afro-​C aribbean
surgery (5.4% and 2.8%, respectively, OR 1.76, 95% CI patients are treated more often than other ethnic groups
1.35–2.30)22. Women were also less likely to be mor­ in low-​volume centres); differences in the anatomical
phologically eligible for EVAR and were less frequently extent of the AAA (for example, Afro-​Caribbean and
offered prophylactic repair than men. The authors Asian patients seem to have concomitant iliac artery
suggested that a smaller threshold for intervention for aneurysms requiring more-​complex procedures more
women improves outcomes, as women have smaller aor­ often than patients in other ethnic groups); and differ­
tas than men4. However, the benefit of such a measure ences in preoperative comorbidities (for example, black
could be hindered by the fact that women are reported patients have a higher incidence of hypertension than
to have smaller general vascular dimensions and more non-​black patients).
challenging morphology, both of which can complicate
all elective repair procedures. Risk factors
Differences in outcomes following AAA repair The common fusiform AAA is a complex, multifactor­
between different ethnicities have also been demon­ ial disease with both genetic and environmental risk
strated, with specific ethnic groups having worse short-​ factors that usually manifests at late age. The abdomi­
term and mid-​term prognoses than others. Maori nal infrarenal aorta is a common site for atherosclerotic
patients in New Zealand had inferior mid-​term survival non-​aneurysmal occlusive disease, and AAA is often
after EVAR and open repair surgery compared with all associated with atherosclerosis. AAAs and occlusive
other ethnic groups in New Zealand23. Analysis of data atherothrombotic disease share several risk factors,
from the Vascular Quality Initiative demonstrated that including smoking, older age, a positive family history
black patients in the United States have a higher risk of and male sex6,12,27–29.
developing postoperative renal failure and returning However, current evidence based on molecular stud­
to the operating room than white and Asian patients24. ies has demonstrated that atherosclerosis and AAA are
Asian patients were more likely to experience post­ distinct disease entities30. Several at-​risk groups have a
operative myocardial infarction than African-​American very high prevalence of AAA, such as smokers, persons
and white patients24. Other studies have shown that with a family history of AAA and patients with coro­
Hispanic individuals in the United States have higher nary heart disease, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension and
perioperative morbidity rates and mortality following chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)15,18,31,32.
both EVAR and open repair surgery than other ethnic The prevalence of AAA among individuals with diabe­
groups25,26. Different factors have been suggested to tes mellitus is lower than in the general population, in
explain these differences in outcomes between ethnicities. contrast to the prevalence in individuals with occlusive

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34 3


Table 1 | Genetic loci associated with abdominal aortic aneurysms

SNP Chromosome Nearest gene(s) Possible biological function MAF OR (95% CI) P value
rs602633 1 PSRC1, CELSR2 Mitosis (PSRC1), plasma membrane protein, 0.200 0.879 (0.842–0.918) 6.58 × 10−9
and SORT1 possibly a receptor (CELSR2), and lipid metabolism
rs4129267 1 IL6R Inflammation 0.370 0.876 (0.846–0.908) 4.76 × 10-13
rs1795061 1 SMYD2 Gene regulation 0.333 1.131 (1.090–1.174) 8.80 × 10−11
rs10757274 9 CDKN2BAS1 Unknown, but a risk locus for many other diseases 0.457 0.806 (0.778–0.834) 1.54 × 10−33
including coronary artery disease, intracranial
aneurysms, several cancers, periodontitis,
Alzheimer disease, endometriosis, frailty in elderly
people and glaucoma
rs10985349 9 DAB2IP Tumour suppressor 0.193 1.171 (1.118–1.226) 2.40 × 10−11
rs9316871 13 LINC00540 Unknown 0.204 0.873 (0.837–0.911) 4.75 × 10−10
rs6511720 19 LDLR Lipid metabolism 0.097 0.804 (0.759–0.851) 7.90 × 10−14
rs3827066 20 PCIF1, ZNF335 Gene regulation (PCIF1 and ZNF335) 0.184 1.223 (1.168–1.281) 2.13 × 10−17
and MMP9 and protease (MMP9)
rs2836411 21 ERG Gene regulation 0.367 1.113 (1.074–1.154) 5.80 × 10−9
The table summarizes the genome-​wide significant (P < 5 × 10 ) and validated associations. CDKN2BAS1, CDKN2B antisense RNA 1, also known as ANRIL; CELSR2,
cadherin EGF LAG seven-​pass G-​type receptor 2; DAB2IP, DAB2 interacting protein; ERG, v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homologue; IL6R, IL-6
receptor; LDLR, low-​density lipoprotein receptor; LINC00540, long intergenic non-​protein coding RNA 540; MAF, minor allele frequency (a measure of how
common the variant is in the population); MMP9, matrix metalloproteinase 9; PCIF1, PDX1 (pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1) C-​terminal inhibiting factor 1;
PSRC1, proline and serine rich coiled-​coil 1; SMYD2, SET and MYND domain-​containing 2 (SET domain-​containing proteins, such as SMYD2, catalyse lysine
methylation); SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; SORT1, sortilin 1; ZNF335, zinc-​finger protein 335. Data from ref.49.

atherothrombotic disease33. The AAA growth rate is also factor (OR 1.96, 95% CI 1.68–2.28) for the person to
slower in patients with diabetes mellitus. The possibility develop an AAA28. A positive family history for AAA has
that metformin, a commonly used drug used to manage been suggested to have clinical implications, as familial
type 2 diabetes mellitus, inhibits AAA growth has been AAA cases are reported to have increased growth rate44
addressed in several recent reports34,35. or higher rupture risk29 than sporadic cases and possibly
The lower prevalence and later development of dis­ also worse outcomes after EVAR45,46.
ease in women may be partly explained by sex-hormone- Family-​b ased genetic studies 47 are difficult to
related protection, equivalent to that observed in other carry out for AAA because it typically manifests at an
manifestations of cardiovascular disease20. The possible advanced age and is often a deadly disease; these factors
protective effects of exogenous or endogenous female limit the number of patients available for such studies.
sex hormones (such as oestrogen) on AAA develop­ AAA is also usually asymptomatic, and ultrasonography
ment have been investigated in some registry-​based screening is required to detect AAA in family members.
and questionnaire-​based studies, showing conflicting Genetic association studies using cases and controls
results20. It is highly probable that smoking is a more have become the preferred method to identify genetic
detrimental risk factor in women than in men, perhaps risk factors for AAA48. The largest genome-​wide associ­
modulated by the effect of smoking on reproductive func­ ation study (GWAS) for AAA included 4,972 AAA cases
tion in women, such as premature menopause, and the and 99,858 controls in the discovery phase, followed
negative effects on lipid levels, lowering high-​density by genotyping in independent validation cohorts with
lipoprotein (HDL) and increasing triglycerides15,20,36,37. 5,232 AAA cases and 7,908 controls49. The combined
analyses with the discovery and validation data sets iden­
Genetic risk factors for AAA. Aortic aneurysms can tified nine AAA risk loci (Table 1), five of which were
be found in patients with rare genetic diseases, such as previously known and four of which were new loci.
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome type IV (also known as the Despite their highly significant associations with
vascular type), Marfan syndrome, Loeys–Dietz syn­ AAA (Table 1), these nine genetic loci explain only a small
drome and fibromuscular dysplasia38. Most patients with proportion of the heritability of AAA. Furthermore, the
AAAs do not, however, have any of these rare genetic biology underlying these genetic associations still needs
diseases. Approximately 10–20% of patients with AAA to be defined. One study used VSMCs isolated from
have at least one relative with this condition29,39, and patients with AAA and controls to assess DNA methyl­
formal segregation analyses indicate that genetic mod­ ation in the genes found within the nine associated loci50.
els explain this familial aggregation40,41. On the basis of Altered DNA methylation levels were found in three
two large twin studies from Sweden42 and Denmark43, genes (v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene
the phenotypic variance determined by genetics is esti­ homologue (ERG), IL-6 receptor (IL6R) and SET and
mated to be 70–80%, whereas non-​shared environmen­ MYND domain-containing 2 (SMYD2)), suggesting
tal effects (such as smoking, infections or occupational that epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation
exposure) contribute to the remaining 20–30%. Having are implicated in AAA development. The proteins ERG
a first-​degree relative with an AAA is a significant risk and SMYD2 are transcriptional regulators controlling

4 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34


the expression of other genes, and IL6R is the receptor influencing the risk could also be considered. The accu­
for the inflammatory marker IL-6. Additional functional racy of predicting the risk of AAA rupture on the basis
studies will help to dissect the pathobiology leading to of AAA diameter holds some weaknesses because in a
AAA development, growth and rupture. Future studies few patients, the AAA will rupture at <55 mm diameter
need to take into account these different stages of the even under surveillance at a vascular clinic34. One of the
AAA disease, as the molecular mechanisms and genetic larger meta-​analyses in the field confirmed the higher
factors probably differ in the initiation, growth and rupture risk in women than in men and an increased
rupture of AAA51. risk in current smokers and those with untreated hyper­
Another important genetic finding for AAA comes tension20,34,61. Thus, precision medicine options to iden­
from a study that demonstrated that longer overall telo­ tify more patient-​specific rupture risk predictors are
mere length was associated with reduced risk (OR 0.63, under investigation, using factors such as aneurysm
95% CI 0.49–0.81) of AAA when compared with indi­ volume, aortic size index (the association between
viduals without AAA. Interestingly, in the same meta-​ aortic width and body surface area), family history of
analysis, longer telomere length was associated with an AAA, presence of diabetes mellitus and biomarkers,
increased risk of several types of cancer52. such as circulating matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)
Finally, AAAs seem to differ genetically from thor­ or microRNAs22,63–69. The increased rupture risk reported
acic aortic aneurysms and dissections, and these con­ for women could be associated with the relatively larger
ditions do not usually co-​occur in the same family53. aortic size compared with the expected aortic diam­
The overlap between the genetic loci currently known eter; thus, the aortic size index could be a future tool
to be associated with thoracic aortic aneurysms and dis­ to consider for optimized individualized surveillance
sections and those associated with AAA is limited54,55, of women69. Some registry-​based reports suggest that
suggesting that the pathobiology in the two aneurys­ the use of fluoroquinolones causes collagen breakdown
mal diseases is distinct. For example, none of the nine in the aortic wall, which could increase the risk of hos­
AAA loci have been associated with thoracic aortic pital care or death from aortic disease (thoracic aortic
aneurysms and dissections, but interestingly, one of aneurysms, dissection or AAA)70.
them (rs10757274) has been associated with intracranial The reported rupture risk, which varies as a function
aneurysms56. It is also worth noting that the embryolog­ of diameter, has been derived from studies of patients
ical origin of VSMCs in the abdominal aorta is splanch­ with AAA who did not receive preventive repair surgery
nic mesoderm, whereas VSMCs in the thoracic region owing to the presence of comorbidities62. However, the
originate from neural crest54. VSMCs with different 2018 North American guidelines indicate that the rupture
embryo­logical origins respond differently to biolog­ risk, based on diameter alone, may be lower than previ­
ical stimuli such as cytokines and growth factors. The ously reported62. Previously reported annual rupture risks
best studied example is the response to transforming for patients with AAAs were negligible for AAA <40 mm,
growth factor-​β (TGFβ). TGFβ treatment of neural crest 0.7–1.0 per 100 person-​years for AAA 40–54 mm, 9 per
VSMCs demonstrated increased DNA synthesis and 100 person-​years for AAA 55–59 mm, 10 per 100 person-​
collagen production, whereas mesodermal VSMCs did years for AAA 60–69 mm and 33 per 100 person-​years
not respond57. for AAA >70 mm (refs62,71). A contemporary pooled
analysis indicates that the annual rupture risk would
Growth and rupture risk of AAA be 5.3 per 100 person-​years for AAA 55–70 mm and
In the literature and in clinical practice, the continuous 6.3 per 100 person-​years for AAA >70 mm; this reduction
enlargement of an AAA due to a degenerative weaken­ might be associated with the declining number of current
ing of the wall is called ‘growth’ of the AAA. The mean smokers among patients with AAA. Women with small
growth rate is 2.5 mm per year in AAAs (39–49 mm in AAAs seem to have a higher rupture risk than men60,61.
diameter) and is 20–25% faster in current smokers and
25% slower in patients with diabetes mellitus, possibly Mechanisms/pathophysiology
due to metformin treatment or to alterations in ECM Our knowledge of AAA pathobiology is mostly based
turnover34,58,59. A minority of patients diagnosed with on histological and molecular evaluation of tissue sam­
AAA do not have a detectable enlargement of their ples of the abdominal aorta removed during open repair
AAA60. The majority of aneurysms enlarge over time in surgery, mostly of large AAAs, compared with aortas
a nonlinear mode, and the measurement methodology with occlusive disease and healthy aortas, although ani­
influences the accuracy. Other factors that have been mal models are available (Box 1). AAA is characterized
inconsistently reported to be associated with increased by proteolytic fragmentation of the ECM, VSMC death,
growth are hypertension, female sex and COPD34,60,61. immune cell infiltration of the adventitia and increased
Individuals with an undiagnosed AAA who are not oxidative stress in the aortic wall. Molecular studies
under surveillance are at risk of AAA rupture, which using high-​throughput microarray-​based genome-​wide
can lead to sudden death from massive intra-​abdominal analyses have demonstrated that AAAs are character­
bleeding. Thus, patients diagnosed with AAA should be ized by a more important adaptive immune response
surveyed. The most commonly reported factor influenc­ than occlusive atherothrombotic aortic disease 30.
ing the risk of rupture is the size of the aneurysm. Size Aneurysms are characterized by a more important
is, therefore, the basis for all surveillance protocols of medial injury than intimal atheroma, mainly caused by
patients with AAA6,62; however, contemporary reports proteolysis and oxidative processes72. The ECM, with
show that other factors (such as AAA morphology) its main fibrillar insoluble components, elastin and

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34 5


Box 1 | Animal models of AAA contributes to the understanding of the different risks of
ILT at low blood pressure (embolic risk) or high blood
A recent review summarized numerous publications on the experimental animal models pressure (arterial wall degradation and rupture risk,
of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)184. In animal models, only pharmacological embolic risk not completely excluded). In the aorta,
approaches that both degrade the arterial wall and maintain intraluminal thrombus (ILT) where the blood pressure is high, radial convection (out­
biological activity would perpetuate the aortic injury212, thereby enhancing the
ward mass transport through the wall generated by the
dilatation and possible subsequent rupture97. In this context, bacterial contamination of
the ILT by weak pathogens, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, mainly from dental and pressure gradient between the luminal blood pressure
periodontal origin, in animals as well as in humans, may promote the progression of (100 mmHg) and the interstitial pressure in the adventi­
AAAs97 via neutrophil recruitment and activation213. One of the common features tia (10 mmHg)) pushes the ILT components within the
of experimental animal models is that the progression of the dilatation stops with the wall, which may contribute to progressive dilatation and
cessation of the initial stimulus (elastase, angiotensin II or calcium chloride), initiating a risk of rupture76. In particular, changes in haemodynam­
process of healing by mesenchymal cells (mainly vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs)). ics within the ILT (bleeding within the ILT, the so-called
This observation could suggest that, in human disease, the stimuli do not cease, as AAAs attenuating crescent sign) may indicate urgent appraisal
progressively enlarge. It also supports the staccato evolution of AAA in humans, in which for intervention77. Thus, despite the ability of the ILT to
latent (healing) phases are present between evolutionary phases (stimuli)214. However, limit biomechanical wall stress owing to the increased
such comparisons between human and experimental models are confounded by three
full thickness of the wall78, the outward convection of
important stimuli not found in most animal models: smoking, ageing and hypertension.
proteolytic and oxidative activities from the ILT to the
wall outweighs its biomechanical protective advantage.
collagen, supports the haemodynamic load of the aortic
wall. The action of proteases that progressively degrade The role of the intraluminal thrombus during the devel-
the ECM is considered the most influential mechanism opment of AAAs. The structure of AAAs is composed
for the development and progression of AAAs (Fig. 2). of, starting from the aorta lumen, a multilayered ILT (in
the majority of cases); a thin, degraded media, with few
Atherothrombosis and haemodynamics VSMCs and elastic components; and an inflammatory
Although AAA is a different disease entity from occlu­ and/or fibrotic adventitia, which can be thicker than nor­
sive atherothrombotic diseases, these two conditions mal owing to inflammation and oedema. However, the
share common initial pathophysiological mechanisms. ILTs associated with AAAs have different features than
In occlusive atherothrombotic diseases, the disruption the ILTs that form in occlusive atherothrombotic disease
to the blood flow caused by atherosclerotic lesions (see below). Permanently renewed by circulating blood,
(also called atherosclerotic plaques or atheroma, that the ILT is a highly proteolytic and oxidative environ­
is, subendothelial accumulations of fat (lipids including ment, and no cells (endothelial cells, SMCs or mesen­
low-​density lipoprotein (LDL)) is compounded by the chymal progenitors) can spread and pro­liferate in close
formation of a superimposed intraluminal thrombus contact with the ILT. Thus, owing to the presence of the
(ILT), a blood clot. ILT, there is neither endothelium nor intima in AAAs.
Atheroma begins with an outward convection of The role of the ILT is linked to its biological activities,
plasma lipoproteins, mainly LDL, through the wall. which are continuously renewed at the luminal inter­
These initial fatty streaks evolve towards the forma­ face with blood. In AAAs, the ILT is a spatiotemporally
tion of a plaque, and luminal intraparietal haemor­ dynamic neo-​tissue that is able to degrade the underlying
rhage can lead to the formation of intraplaque and/or aortic wall through one mechanism. First, the ILT tem­
luminal clots, forming the pathological substrate for porally recruits fibrinogen, circulating cellular elements
both occlusive atherothrombotic disease and AAA73. such as polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes, includ­
Atherothrombotic diseases are specific to arteries, ing neutrophils, platelets79 and red blood cells (RBCs)80,
with atheroma localizing preferentially to specific sites, and macromolecules such as HDL81, and it could thereby
including those proximal to branching and bifurcations, deplete these elements from the circulation. Second, the
such as the infrarenal aorta. enzymes and other components released by the cells that
The propensity of the infrarenal aorta for dilatation aggregate at the ILT and by fibrin (plasmin), spatially
associated with atherothrombotic disease is due to spe­ convected outwardly through the wall, contribute to
cific haemodynamic conditions associated with the iliac ECM degradation and the adventitial immune response.
bifurcation; these conditions promote pressure-​reflective Of note, ILT development is also enhanced by trapped
waves, owing to the impact of blood flow on a bifurca­ bacteria (see below).
tion. Pressure-​reflective waves within the blood trans­ Rarely, patients with AAAs also develop (as a con­
form kinetic energy into potential energy. This physical sequence of ILT activities) consumptive coagulopathy.
phenomenon increases the outward radial transporta­ These patients have increased risk of systemic bleeding,
tion of plasma molecules and microparticles74 through owing to decreased platelet counts and plasma fibrino­
the wall and collisions of circulating cells between one gen levels and associated increases in plasma D-​dimers
another and the aortic wall (Fig. 2). A study in the 1980s (a product of fibrin degradation)82. D-​dimers are the
showed that AAA was more frequent in men with above-​ hallmark of fibrinolysis and plasmin activation, which
knee amputation, and a greater curvature of the aorta have a major role in proteolytic injury of the wall. The
developed on the opposite side of the non-​amputated usual physiological healing response to this injury may
leg75, suggesting that reflection waves on the remaining include the recruitment of stromal cells, VSMCs and cir­
limb bifurcation play an important part in the develop­ culating mesenchymal cell progenitors to the damaged
ment and lateralization of AAAs. Haemodynamics also tissue. However, the consumption of RBCs, neutrophils

6 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34


and fibrinogen by the ILT could hamper such cellular The degradation of the ECM is largely due to out­
responses83. These biological activities are not dependent wardly convected proteases85. Because of pressure gradi­
on the ILT volume but on its age: the fresher the ILT, the ent between the circulating blood (≥80–120 mmHg in
more biologically active it is, particularly at the edges. older persons) and the interstitial pressure in the adven­
titia (10 mmHg), proteases released by neutrophils, or
Extracellular matrix directly plasma-​borne zymogens, are outwardly con­
The blood-​containing function of the arterial wall vected through the wall, provoking ECM degradation
mainly depends on the ECM, whose components are and progressive dilatation.
synthesized by SMCs and processed by VSMCs. Lysyl Elastin damage was preferentially associated with
oxidase, synthesized and secreted by VSMCs, is the main progressive dilatation, whereas collagen damage led
enzyme involved in the maturation of fibrillar struc­ to rupture84. Two protease families are predominantly
tures (elastin and collagen), possibly rendering them linked to AAA progression: serine proteases, which
inso­luble. The ECM is constituted of macrofibrillar degrade the ECM directly or indirectly, by degrading
and microfibrillar structures of crosslinked proteins adhesive proteins (such as fibronectin and fibrillin)
(macro: elastin and collagen; micro: fibronectin, fibril­ that are more sensitive to proteolysis than the macro­
lin, and so on). In this context, elastin is reputed to resist molecular components, and activated MMPs67, which
dilatation and collagen to resist rupture84. can directly degrade the ECM (Fig. 2). Of note, these

Cyclic stretching
Blood flow

Mast cell

Fibrinogen Antibody
Plasminogen TLO
Fe ++

Oxidation Adventitia

Pro-MMPs MMP8 Elastin and collagens


RBC Plasmin Adhesive glycoproteins

Activated u-PA
Leukocyte elastase Elastin

Proteolysis VSMC disappearance ECM breakdown
Inward injuries
• Cell collision
• Plasma protein convection

Media Adventitia
Internal elastic membrane External elastic membrane
Fig. 2 | A speculative model of AAA progression. As in the progression of other forms of atherothrombosis, interactions
with various blood components, soluble plasma molecules and circulating cells can possibly result in an injury in the aortic
wall. These interactions promote the formation of an intraluminal thrombus (ILT) that has proteolytic and oxidative
activities. These processes facilitate breakdown of the extracellular matrix (ECM), apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle
cells (VSMCs) and activation of immune responses80. Leukocyte elastase (a serine protease) can degrade the fibrillar ECM.
Plasmin (another serine protease) can degrade the intermediate adhesive proteins, provoking VSMC detachment and
apoptosis228, and activate the pro-​matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs; the inactive precursors of MMPs). Plasminogen is
activated into plasmin on ILT fibrin by tissue-​type or urokinase-​type plasminogen activator (t-​PA or u-​PA, respectively,
both serine proteases). u-​PA and leukocyte elastase are released by neutrophils. Elastase is also able to degrade fibrin,
generating fibrinopeptides differing from D-​dimers, which could serve as biomarkers in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
evolution229. MMP9 is released in association with neutrophil gelatinase-​associated lipocalin (NGAL) by neutrophil
activation and death230, and acts directly on elastin. MMPs are synthesized as inactive precursors and must be locally
activated by partial plasmin proteolysis and/or by reactive oxygen species. The adventitia of AAAs is also enriched by mast
cells containing tryptase and chymase in relation to adventitial neoangiogenesis231. Mast cells are activated by IgE binding
and clustering, which triggers degranulation, releasing different vasoactive factors (serotonin, histamine, heparin, tumour
necrosis factor and prostaglandins). RBC, red blood cell; TLO, tertiary lymphoid organ.

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34 7


proteolytic mechanisms potentially underlie the oppo­ Sources of inorganic phosphates in arterial tissue are
site effects that smoking and diabetes mellitus have intracellular energy metabolism (ATP recycling), extra­
on AAA expansion, as smoking is associated with cellular lipoproteins, cell membrane phospholipids, free
increased proteolytic activity, whereas diabetes mellitus extracellular DNA (via the backbone phosphates) and
is associated with reduced sensitivity to proteolysis due the products of alkaline phosphatase. Calcification has
to glycation crosslinking of the ECM macromolecules been observed in the AAA wall, potentially associated
and microfibrils. with VSMC death and release of free DNA92. There is
The partial disappearance of VSMCs is mainly due conflicting evidence regarding the role of aneurysmal
to the proteolytic and oxidative environment in the aor­ aortic wall calcification in disease progression93,94.
tic wall. The serine proteases plasmin and elastase can
provoke VSMC detachment and death86,87. In parallel, Innate and adaptive immunity
intense oxidative stress can also provoke VSMC death. AAA progression involves both innate and adaptive
For instance, ceroids (yellow-​brown polymers com­ immunity. Under physiological conditions, the media
posed of oxidized lipids and proteins) are a hallmark of of the infrarenal aorta is an avascular tissue and an
oxidation, are highly toxic for VSMCs and are present immune-​privileged site devoid of capillaries. Thus,
in the AAA wall87,88. the diapedesis (the passage of blood cells through the
All these proteases are regenerated and activated in intact walls of the capillaries) of circulating leukocytes
the most luminal layer of the ILT and are then outwardly to the media depends on neoangiogenesis95. By con­
convected and percolate through the wall, provoking trast, the external adventitia of the aorta is fully vas­
ECM degradation and VSMC loss89. The proteolytic cularized, enabling leukocyte diapedesis, innate and
injuries are partly limited by antiproteases, including adaptive immunity and inward sprouting of new ves­
tissue serpins and tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs). sels in response to growth factors. The inner layer of
Thus, such plasma protease–antiprotease complexes the adventitia is the preferred, and commonly the only,
could hypothetically serve as circulating markers of site for the development of intense neoangiogenesis. In
AAA progression, but the evidence for their use in the AAA context, relative hypoxia and phospholipid
clinical practice has not been substantiated. The most metabolism producing eicosanoids could trigger neo­
sensitive and accessible biomarkers for measurement angiogenesis by induction of vascular endothelial growth
would potentially be plasma MMP9 (ref.90), leukocyte factor (VEGF) overexpression in macrophages and
elastase–antitrypsin complexes, D-​dimers91 and ECM VSMCs. This neo­angiogenesis includes dense arterioles,
degradation products. capillaries, venules and lymphatic vessels96.
Innate immune activities involve the diapedesis of
Calcification. Calcification (precipitation of ionized PMN leukocytes in the ILT, mainly by interaction with
calcium in soft tissue) appears very early in the evolu­ activated platelets, exposing P-​selectin, which binds
tion of aortic atherothrombosis and AAAs. Calcification to PSGL1 expressed on neutrophils and macrophages
depends on the presence of inorganic phosphates. in the adventitia. PMN leukocyte activation and
death result in a release of granule contents, including
Box 2 | Mycotic AAA
proteases, oxidant peptides, myeloperoxidase and pro-​
inflammatory mediators such as IL-8. The outward
Mycotic abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is not entirely an accurate term, as fungal radial convection of degradation products and medi­
infections rarely cause or contribute to aneurysms, and mycotic (or rather infectious) ators results in endocytosis, whereas phagocytosis mainly
aneurysms are predominantly caused by bacteria. It is more common in Asian takes place in the inner adventitia, where macrophages
populations than in Western populations215. A mycotic AAA occurs as commonly in
predominate. The principal endocytic and/or phago­
the thoracic as in the infrarenal aorta and is more often saccular than fusiform. The
pathogenesis of mycotic AAA is not completely understood; there might be an
cytic activity detected is the storage of ferric iron (the
underlying vulnerable lesion or plaque in the aortic wall that makes the wall susceptible storage and recycling of the redox-​active ferrous iron
to colonization by circulating bacteria (for example, from endocarditis or urinary tract from haem) from RBCs within CD68+ cells (CD68 is
infections216,217), which triggers AAA development. The type of bacterium differs based a marker of phagocytic functions but not of a specific
on geographical location, with a more diverse pattern in Europe and the United States cell lineage), including macrophages and fibroblasts.
(30% Staphylococcus spp., 11% Streptococcus spp. and 7–10% Escherichia coli) than in Ferric iron deposits can also be observed in periaortic
Asia (60% Salmonella spp.)218–222. In 20–30% of patients, the pathogen has not been lymph nodes7.
determined218,219. The patients are often elderly and have several other comorbidities, Bacteria circulating in vessels have a high affinity for
such as diabetes mellitus, renal insufficiency or HIV infection219–222. Patients with thrombi. In AAAs, the ILT fosters compartmentaliza­
mycotic AAA have a high mortality, and they can develop a fistula, an erosive process
tion of pathogens and promotes local innate immunity97.
between their aorta and bowel (aortoenteric fistula) that commonly causes
gastrointestinal bleeding, anaemia and an extremely poor prognosis223.
In response to bacterial infiltration, neutrophils are
The only curative treatment for mycotic AAAs is surgical, by local resection of the recruited to the ILT and release neutrophil extracellu­
aneurysm, and commonly an extra-​anatomical bypass. Antibiotic therapy is important lar traps (NETs); NETs are highly charged networks of
preoperatively and postoperatively, but there are few reports on this as a sole curative chromatin (DNA and histones) able to retain proteases
treatment222,224. A 6–12-month period of antibiotic therapy is recommended in patients and oxidant molecules in the ILT milieu, potentially
successfully treated with open repair surgery. In a large multicentre series, 132 patients promoting aneurysmal growth and risk of rupture.
were treated for mycotic AAA over 20 years, with 30-day and 1-year survival of 86% and Thus, viral and bacterial breakdown products further
79%, respectively225. The increasing use of endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) in patients trigger innate and adaptive immunity, contributing to
with mycotic AAA is debated and should probably be accompanied by a longer AAA pathogenesis. Bacterial infection can also cause a
preoperative and postoperative use of antibiotics219–221.
subtype of AAA, called mycotic AAA (Box 2).

8 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34


a Ultrasonography b CT c MRI


Fig. 3 | Conventional imaging of AAA. a | Ultrasonography sagittal section of an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm
(AAA; indicated by arrows) with parietal thrombus (asterisk) in a man. b | CT sagittal image of the AAA (arrows) with
parietal thrombus (asterisk) in the same patient. c | 2D T1-weighted post-​contrast MRI sagittal image in the same patient.
Images courtesy of N. Sakalihasan, University of Liège, Belgium.

Adaptive immune responses to the proteolytic with an intense infiltration of lymphocytes101. In this
and/or oxidative injuries of the wall also take place in context, the IgG4 immune response could play a specific
the adventitia95. This immune response is character­ part in this inflammatory form102,103.
ized by the development of adventitial tertiary lym­
phoid organs (TLOs), which are organized lymphocytic Oxidative stress
neo-​granulomas with a germinal centre composed of Oxidative stress is present in a tissue when the free rad­
B cells and can mature the adaptive immune response ical production exceeds the capacity of the antioxidant
towards antibody production. These germinal centres defence. This imbalance leads to cell death as a conse­
are surrounded by endothelial venules, follicular den­ quence of the production of oxidized proteins, peroxides
dritic cells and T follicular helper cells, which stimulate and DNA damage73. It also activates pro-​MMP2 and pro-​
immunoglobulin switching through a specific and com­ MMP9, which degrade the collagen fibres in the arte­
plex cytokine network98. This adaptive immune response rial wall104. By modifying protein antigenicity, oxidative
depends on two main conditions: a specific inter-​T cell stress is the main determinant of the immune adaptive
and interleukin network to organize the TLO struc­ response in AAA. Interestingly, smoking potentially acts
ture and outwardly convected neo-​antigens to drive anti­ by increasing oxidative stress. The two main sources of
body maturation. Neo-​antigens are self-​molecules with oxidative stress in human AAA are oxidases from PMN
oxidative or proteolytic modifications that reveal new leukocytes (NADPH and myeloperoxidase) and redox-​
modified epitopes that could stimulate the immune sys­ active ferrous iron (Fe2+) as a catalyst of oxidase activi­
tem. TLOs produce polyspecific antibodies against these ties (Fenton reaction) released by trapped RBCs in the
neo-​antigens (Fig. 2). There is no direct retro-​diffusion luminal layer of the ILT. In this context, the trapping of
of antibodies to the media or the ILT; the antibodies RBCs by the luminal ILT could be so important that it
are released into the general circulation and reach their creates a perturbation of iron metabolism and consump­
molecular targets from the arterial circulation. tive anaemia80. Myeloperoxidase and iron metabolism
There is evidence that complement pathways are markers can be detected in patient plasma as oxidative
activated in AAA99. In humans, molecular elements stress markers produced by neutrophils and RBCs. Free
of the complement cascade predominate in the ILT99. radical production has also been correlated with clinical
Nevertheless, the exact pathophysiology of complement features and the overall mortality risk105.
activation in human AAA remains to be more clearly Circulating HDL particles are dysfunctional in
defined. Current data support the hypothesis that the patients with AAA106, and AAA growth has been asso­
adventitial immune adaptive response in AAAs might ciated with a decrease in circulating APOA1 (the major
be more an active participant than a bystander in AAA protein component of HDL) and HDL81. The decrease in
growth and rupture risk. HDL levels is directly linked to their convection through
the highly oxidative environment of the ILT, the oxi­
Inflammatory AAA. An inflammatory AAA is a clinical dation of APOA1 and the dissociation of APOA1 and
diagnosis based on thickened anterior and lateral aortic release of its lipid cargo107.
wall, including ILT observed in radiological examina­
tions and confirmed during open AAA repair surgery100. Diagnosis, screening and prevention
Inflammatory AAAs are rare and are associated with Clinical diagnosis of AAA
the exacerbation of the adventitial immune response, In countries with no population-​based screening pro­
involving oedema, porosity, phagocytosis and a fibrotic grammes, most individuals with an intact, asymptomatic
healing process. The adventitial inflammatory reaction AAA referred to vascular departments are diagnosed
creates a close adhesion between the aortic wall and the incidentally with AAA when a radiological or ultrasono­
neighbouring organs: the duodenum, small intestine, graphy examination is performed for another medical
sigmoid colon, ureters and even rectum. Pathological condition. This situation changes; where population-​
examination of these adhesions shows dense fibrosis based screening in men has been introduced, screening

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34 9


a PET with 18F-FDG b Fused PET–CT with 18F-FDG c Fused PET–CT with 18F-FDG

Fig. 4 | Functional imaging of AAA. PET coronal section (part a) showing increased 18F-​FDG uptake in the abdomen of a
man with a symptomatic but intact abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA; arrow). Fused PET–CT images (coronal section,
part b, and sagittal section, part c) show increased 18F-​FDG uptake in the anterior wall of the AAA (arrow) in the same
patient. Images courtesy of N. Sakalihasan, University of Liège, Belgium.

programmes are also reported to be associated with a patients with contraindications to iodinated CT contrast
decline in the incidence of ruptured AAA in men11,108–110. agents, such as renal insufficiency and allergy.
Only a very small fraction of patients with intact asymp­
tomatic AAA are diagnosed at a clinical examination Functional imaging
because the AAA presents as a pulsatile mass or because Functional imaging refers to the assessment of patho­
a large AAA compresses other intra-​abdominal organs. physiological pathways involved in diseases; PET is the
Patients with ruptured AAA who are admitted to the flagship method for metabolic and molecular imaging in
emergency department usually present with abdominal clinical practice. A radionuclide, also known as a tracer,
pain. However, the classic triad of clinical signs (abdom­ that often specifically tracks physiological processes or
inal or back pain, hypotension or shock, and abdominal tissues is injected, and PET produces 3D images based
pulsatile mass)111,112 does not always lead to an accurate on the tracer concentration in the tissues and organs.
diagnosis of AAA, as only 25–50% of patients with 18
F-​FDG, a glucose analogue, is one of the most widely
ruptured AAA demonstrate all signs111,112. Today, most used tracers; it enters cells and is phosphorylated to
patients admitted to the emergency room with severe 18
F-FDG-6-phosphate. As 18F-FDG-6-phosphate can
abdominal pain undergo ultrasonography (Fig. 3) to con­ neither enter the glycolytic cycle nor exit the cell, its accu­
firm or exclude the existence of an AAA; if an AAA is mulation identifies sites of increased glycolysis, such as
detected, a CT angiogram is performed. The most com­ inflammatory foci and cancer114. Some models of scanner
mon differential diagnoses include acute myocardial combine PET and CT within the same gantry, enabling
infarction, kidney stone, backpain and gastrointestinal the co-registration of PET and CT data and accurate
diseases such as perforated ulcers. anatomical localization of the tracer uptake (Fig. 4).
CT increases the specificity of the diagnosis of Imaging AAA using PET is challenging, as 18F-​FDG
rupture (to ~85%), evaluates morphological suitabil­ uptake in AAA is nonspecific115. In addition, a marked
ity for EVAR and also improves the quality of open decrease in cell density in AAAs 116 and substantial
repair surgery. background noise on PET images decrease the chance
of observing 18F-​FDG uptake117,118. Nevertheless, sev­
Conventional imaging eral studies have shown that 18F-​FDG uptake in AAA
Ultrasonography of the abdomen is generally considered is associated with inflammatory and phagocytic cell
the gold standard for AAA diagnosis and monitoring infiltrates119–123, proteolytic activity by MMPs120,124 and
in asymptomatic patients, as it has a nearly 100% diag­ cellular and molecular signalling preceding rupture125.
nostic accuracy113, and is harmless, non-​invasive and The ability of iron oxide tracers to alter the MRI
affordable, with portable scanners being widely availa­ signal provides another option for functional imaging
ble. Patients with an intact large (>55 mm) AAA or those in AAA, as iron oxides are specifically phagocytized
with a symptomatic or ruptured AAA, regardless of the by the reticulo-​endothelial system (mainly by macro­
size, usually also undergo CT imaging. CT angiograms phages)126,127. Diffusion-​weighted imaging (DWI) is a
should preferably be performed with a <0.5–1 mm slice type of MRI sequence that evaluates the movement of
thickness and with contrast in the arterial phase. CT is the water molecules in tissues; similarly to 18F-​FDG–PET,
imaging standard of reference for AAA62, can additionally DWI MRI is sensitive to cellular density and can, there­
detect possible concurrent aneurysmal disease in other fore, contribute to the functional assessment of AAA.
vessels and enables the planning of surgical intervention. The expected correlation between DWI MRI and
MRI cannot be performed in emergency situations but is 18
F-​FDG–PET has thus far been reported only once in a
important as an adjunct imaging method, specifically in patient with an aortic arch aneurysm128. MRI can also be

10 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34


used to evaluate periaortic neoangiogenesis as a marker a biomechanical relative rupture risk index, which dis­
of instability129,130. criminates symptomatic versus asymptomatic aneurysms
The relationship between functional imaging find­ better than wall stress; however, there is no prospective
ings and patient outcomes is supported by animal mod­ validation of this relative rupture risk index141.
els of AAA131,132. Nevertheless, a meta-​analysis133 found Despite the ongoing refinements of computational
conflicting results when predicting AAA growth rate or analyses, their widespread use in AAAs is limited
rupture using functional imaging. Interestingly, 18F-FDG by the availability of technical resources and concerns
uptake seemed to be an indicator of AAA growth only that the generalized assumptions on which these ana­
in subgroups of patients in whom AAA growth was lyses are based (for example, regarding haemodynam­
rapid134. Furthermore, in studies reporting rupture as ics and the structural properties of the AAA wall) may
the end point, the site of rupture almost always spatially not apply to specific cases142. Thus, the role of compu­
colocalized with increased 18F-​FDG uptake119,135. tational analyses in predicting the rupture site in AAA
is debatable143. Several investigations have reported a
Computational analyses spatial colocalization of the maximal wall stress and
3D anatomy provided by imaging techniques (CT, MRI the rupture site135,141, and areas under high wall stress
and ultrasonography, in decreasing order of relevance) exhibited histopathological features of aneurysmal wall
may offer an alternative assessment of the risk of rup­ weakening compared with areas under low wall stress
ture via finite element analysis (FEA) (Fig. 5). FEA esti­ on the same aneurysm144,145. However, the relationship
mates the pressure acting on the aortic wall (that is, the between elevated wall stress estimates and other haemo­
wall stress) and promoting dilatation and rupture risk dynamic parameters and rupture is not established.
on the basis of computational models obtained from Indeed, areas of high wall stress spatially colocal­
3D images. ize poorly with aortic wall blebs (localized bulges)146
A meta-​analysis compiled nine studies (348 patients) or inflammation, as determined by either uptake of
that retrospectively evaluated whether FEA differenti­ 18
F-​FDG on PET imaging or iron oxide contrast agent
ated between intact (or asymptomatic) and ruptured (or on MRI147,148. Thus, inflammation and wall stress may
symptomatic) aneurysms136. The maximal wall stress was represent different but complementary features of
significantly higher in ruptured or symptomatic aneu­ AAA progression.
rysms than in intact or asymptomatic aneurysms in seven
of the nine studies137,138. In addition, wall stress estimates Screening
better differentiate ruptured and intact AAAs than the Knowledge of the natural history of AAA has vastly
maximal aortic diameter. There have also been prelim­ improved from the large AAA screening and surveil­
inary studies on the association between wall stress and lance trials11,108,109. Population-​b ased screening has
AAA growth rate139,140. Wall stress estimates from images been shown to reduce AAA-​related mortality in men;
can be correlated to the wall resistance obtained from in such screening programmes have been implemen­
vitro biomechanical testing of aortic tissues to provide ted nationally in the United Kingdom and Sweden,
inviting all 65-year-​old men to a one-​time ultrasono­
graphy scan11,17,108,110. The participation rate in the United
a b Kingdom and Sweden is 75–85%, and the prevalence of
AAA in the target population was 1–2%. However, large
regional variations are often found both in prevalence
and participation rates9,11,13,17,108,110. These variations
could depend on risk factor distribution, such as smok­
ing habits, and differences in the development of AAA
exist for different ethnic groups, as, for example, white
individuals are more prone9.
The maximum aortic diameter at the latest control
will influence the surveillance interval. Structured sur­
veillance protocols are commonly used at most vascular
departments for patients with asymptomatic AAA and
also indicate when patients should be evaluated for aor­
tic repair — approximately at 55 mm, see below73 (Fig. 6).
Fig. 5 | Finite element analysis of AAA. Finite element analysis (FEA) of ruptured The majority (70%) of men who are diagnosed with AAA
(part a) and unruptured (part b) abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). These images are in screening programmes have AAAs <45 mm in diam­
computational models based on CT scans, which can analyse baseline data such as eter; thus, this patient group will be observed for a long
diameter, aortic volume and thrombus volume, as well as arterial wall strength and time with consecutive ultrasonography examinations
stress. The model includes patient-​specific data such as sex and blood pressure. before treatment is considered108–110.
The mathematical findings are presented as tables for the individual patient but also as
As the prevalence of AAA is expected to decline, the
visual interpretations of vulnerable areas or less-​vulnerable areas of the AAA. The peak
wall rupture index (PWRI) is reported to be a possible predictor of poor wall strength cost–benefit balance of AAA screening in men has been
and could be one of the future modalities for individualized surveillance protocols. re-​evaluated in several cost-​effectiveness models. If the
Part a is an FEA of a 60 mm ruptured AAA with a PWRI of 0.631; part b is a 60 mm AAA prevalence falls below 0.35–0.5% and the inciden­
non-ruptured asymptomatic AAA with a PWRI of 0.206, indicating a lower index, that tal detection rates increase further, the cost-​effectiveness
is, a stronger wall136. Images courtesy of R. Hultgren, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. will decrease, and the programmes will need to be

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34 11


re-evaluated110,149,150. A summary of the first 10 years of In most modern vascular services, 75–85% of
screening programmes in Sweden confirmed the bene­ AAA repairs are performed electively for intact aneu­
fit of screening men in population-​based programmes, rysms155,156. Patients with an asymptomatic fusiform
and this benefit is similar to that reported from previous AAA ≥5.5 cm in diameter should be considered for elec­
large randomized clinical trials of AAA screening108,110. tive repair. Of note, elective repair is also recommended
The introduction of screening was associated with a for patients with a saccular AAA, which generally has
reduction in AAA-​specific mortality in men (mean: a smaller diameter than fusiform AAAs, although speci­
4.0% per year of screening; P = 0.020). After a mean of fic guidelines for saccular AAAs are lacking owing to
4 years, 29% of patients with AAA had received aortic the infrequent presentation of this type of AAA 62.
repair, with a 30-day mortality of 0.9%, which is com­ Early elective repair can occasionally be considered for
parable to the 26% of patients who had received surgery patients with AAAs of small diameter (≤5.5 cm) but
in the MASS (Multicentre Aneurysm Screening Study) rapid expansion rate and for young and healthy patients,
trial at 4 years follow-​up108,110. Screening also decreases particularly women, with AAAs 5.0–5.4 cm. By con­
all-​cause mortality in screened men compared with trast, in patients with AAAs ≥5.5 cm but of advanced
an unscreened population151. In recent years, there age or with substantial comorbidities and risk factors,
has been some debate, opposing population-​b ased elective repair may be delayed or inappropriate62.
screening programmes in general. Some groups have The management of AAAs has improved substan­
suggested that the screening programmes diagnose tially since the first resection was performed (Fig. 7). In
men who will never be treated for their AAA, thereby a modern vascular service, two treatment options are
over-​diagnosing the condition. However, the effects of available for elective repair: open surgery or EVAR.
the programmes on the decrease in aneurysm-​related Several randomized controlled trials have analysed
mortality and also on all-cause mortality are clear when the differences in long-​term outcomes between EVAR
popu­lation-​based screening programmes within 7 years and open repair surgery (see below). Several factors,
are analysed11,110,151,152. The quality of life (QOL) aspects on different levels, will influence the choice between
are discussed below. the two procedures, including reimbursement issues
There is no evidence that supports the implementa­ and factors related to the hospital, surgeon and patient.
tion of population-​based screening in women, mainly Reimbursement, mainly depending on the possibility
owing to the lower prevalence and later onset of disease of patients having their AAA repair tax-​funded or fee-​
than in men10,36. Targeted screening of patient groups for-service, can often explain the major differences in
with specific risk factors (for example, subaneurysmal the rates of EVAR and open repair surgery between
aorta (2.5–2.9 cm in diameter), smoking or family his­ countries and continents. EVAR is rarely used in
tory) could prove to be efficient and would also include most countries in Africa or Southeast Asia9. The pre­
women at risk; however, the practical implementation ferred use of certain techniques by hospitals and sur­
and cost-​effectiveness remain uncertain62. geons, or the availability of access to hybrid operating
suites and grafts can commonly influence regional dif­
Management ferences, even in countries with tax-​funded repair. The
A ruptured AAA is a surgical emergency, and immediate AAA morphology and the patient’s ability to adhere to
treatment is required. Patients who present with a symp­ postoperative radiological controls after EVAR often
tomatic but non-​ruptured AAA can also require prompt influence choices on a local or regional level. In all
treatment. Contemporary management of patients with surgical specialties, the introduction and widespread
ruptured AAAs can be performed either by EVAR or use of a new surgical technique will decrease the use
open repair surgery153–155. of the surgical technique that was previously the
standard of care and thereby the related skills of
health-​care workers; this phenomenon was reported
AAA size for open cholecystectomies (surgical removal of the
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
(cm) gall bladder), which was replaced by laparoscopy in
the 1990s. A similar development is also observed now,
Every Every
Every Every
6–12 3
Consider as open repair surgery is replaced by EVAR in many
5 years 2–3 years surgery vascular centres worldwide. This will have clinical
months months
implications for patients who require complex open
Every Every
Every Every Every
Consider aortic procedures in the future, for example, patients
Men 6–12 6 3–6
5 years 2–3 years surgery who need explantation of failing EVAR grafts or
months months months
experience graft infections.
The annual number of treated patients, as well as
Consider Follow-up
follow-up the distribution between interventions for ruptured
and intact AAAs, varies between regions and coun­
Fig. 6 | Proposed surveillance protocol for patients with AAAs. Intervention may be
considered earlier than the protocol suggests for patients with rapidly growing
tries, and the screening activity in the population will
abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs; 10 mm per year), an AAA with increased PET signals, influence the proportion of elective repair. The inter­
saccular AAAs, mycotic AAAs, inflammatory AAAs or family history of AAA rupture. If the vention rate is much higher in the United States than in
patient is not fit for surgery, the lower threshold for surgery is re-​evaluated and increased the United Kingdom or Sweden (64 per 100,000 indi­
(>6 cm). Follow-​up for AAAs 2.5–2.9 cm in diameter is debated but can be considered in viduals in the United States versus 32–42 per 100,000
women and younger patients. individuals in the United Kingdom and Sweden),

12 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34


First clinical description of an First successful resection of an AAA Emergency endovascular repair of Chimney graft for AAA
AAA by Andreas Vesalius followed by the implantation of a leaking aortic aneurysm by Brian Hopkinson
homograft by Charles Dubost Endoanchor system for
First case of ligation transmural fixation of
of the human aorta to First use of temporary polythene shunts The world’s first EVAR procedure an aortic stent graft
repair a ruptured AAA to permit occlusion, resection and for the treatment of AAA by
by Astley Cooper frozen homologous graft replacement Nicholay Volodos

1557 1719 1817 1903 1951 1953 1987 1991 1994 1999 2008 2011

Obliterative surgery and

Surgical treatment
endoaneurysmorrhaphy Endovascular graft repair of
of aneurysm by
First description by Rudolph Matas ruptured aortoiliac aneurysm
resection and Transfemoral
of the rupture restoration intraluminal graft by Takao Ohki and Frank J. Veith Sac-anchoring
of an AAA by Internal reinforcement of continuity implantation endoprosthesis
Giovanni Battista of the AAA wall by with graft by for AAA by First fenestrated and branched for aortic
Morgagni copper rods Michael De Bakey Juan Carlos Parodi stent graft implantation aneurysm repair

Fig. 7 | History of the treatment of AAA. In 1817, Astley Cooper performed the first ligation of the aorta on a ruptured
aneurysm, and in 1903, Rudolph Matas performed an obliterative surgery (ligature of the aneurysmal sac) based on
arteriorrhaphy (the opening and suturing of the aneurysmal sac to reduce its volume), but the modern history of the
treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) started on 29 March 1951, when Charles Dubost successfully carried out
the resection of an AAA followed by the implantation of a homograft232. Less than 1 month earlier, Schaffer and Harding233
performed the same intervention, but their patient died on the 29th day following the operation. In 1951, temporary
polythene shunts were used to permit occlusion, resection and frozen homologous graft replacement of vital vessel
segments. Two years later, De Bakey popularized AAA resection using a textile graft to replace the aneurysmal section
of the aorta234. Endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) was first performed in 1987 by Volodos et al.235 for the treatment of an
AAA. In 1991, Parodi et al.236 reported their initial experience with the use of stent grafts to treat AAA. Since the 2000s,
different types of stent graft have been developed. Owing to space limitiations, this is a selection of key events and not
an exhaustive list.

likely reflecting the fee-​for-service health-​care sys­ endoleak (persistent blood flow in the aneurysmal sac
tem in the United States rather than the general gov­ after deployment of the stent graft) or aneurysmal
ernmental reimbursement systems commonly used sac growth) or for the treatment of a mycotic AAA or
in Europe13,155,157. The mean aortic diameter in treated graft infection62.
patients is also a marker that reflects the diversity in
treatment regimens. There is a trend towards an increas­ EVAR
ing proportion of patients with small-​diameter AAAs EVAR consists of the implantation of a bifurcated graft
being treated in many countries, especially within via the femoral and iliac arteries; the graft is anchored
fee-​for-service systems155,157,158. with stents at the normal, non-​aneurysmal aorta at the
level of the renal and iliac arterial walls, and the aneu­
Open repair surgery rysmal sac is left in situ. EVAR aims to exclude the
Open repair surgery consists of the interposition of an AAA from the systemic circulation instead of replacing
arterial prosthesis during an open surgery. The goal is to the damaged aorta. Several factors must be considered
avoid AAA rupture by replacing the aneurysmal sac with when assessing the feasibility of EVAR. The access ves­
a vascular synthetic graft (Fig. 8). Open repair surgery sels should be of adequate quality to enable the introduc­
is usually performed with laparotomy, either through tion of the stent graft. Furthermore, to achieve complete
a long transperitoneal midline or a wide transverse sealing, healthy (non-​aneurysmal) proximal and distal
incision. Alternatively, a left retroperitoneal approach zones are required for anchoring of the stent graft. In
can be used. cases of inadequate proximal anchoring zones below the
Open AAA repair surgery continues to be used for renal arteries, the suprarenal part of the aorta can be used
patients whose vascular anatomy is not suitable for EVAR for sealing using advanced EVAR techniques, such as
(for example, with short sealing zones, multiple acces­ fenestrated grafts (stent grafts with fenestration-​holes to
sory renal arteries or no suitable access vessels) and in accommodate the renal arteries and the superior mesen­
regions or countries with limited resources for health teric artery and coeliac trunk if needed) or the chimney
care. Open repair surgery may also be offered to young technique159. Aortic morphology influences EVAR out­
and healthy individuals who are also suitable for EVAR, comes. The performance of EVAR in patients who do not
given that open repair surgery likely has better long-​term have the necessary features for this procedure is associ­
durability and a reduced need for long-​term surveil­ ated with inferior long-​term outcomes160,161. Thus, a strict
lance and reinterventions compared with EVAR. Open indication should be followed to achieve safe long-​term
repair surgery may also be required for the treatment EVAR outcomes. In cases of questionable anatomical
of complications after EVAR (for example, persistent suitability, alternative treatment strategies (for example,

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34 13


a b patients. Currently, EVAR is considered a safe alterna­

tive to open repair surgery for anatomically suitable
Renal arteries
AAAs and is actually the preferred approach in most
centres166 (Fig. 9). Table 2 summarizes the most common
complications that can occur after EVAR and open AAA
repair surgery.

Comparing open repair surgery and EVAR

Aortic Several randomized and observational studies have com­
pared EVAR with open AAA repair surgery167–173. The
Vascular DREAM (Dutch Randomized Endovascular Aneurysm
graft Management) trial showed a benefit of EVAR compared
with open repair surgery with regard to 30-day mortal­
ity (1.2% and 4.6%, respectively; P = 0.10), complication
rates (11.7% and 26.4%; P < 0.001) and length of hospi­
tal stay (6 days and 13 days; P < 0.001)167. Nevertheless,
Iliac the early perioperative survival advantage of EVAR
arteries was not sustained after the first postoperative year, and
EVAR was associated with higher reintervention rates
than open repair surgery during 6 years of follow-​up
Fig. 8 | Open AAA repair surgery. a | A vascular graft (29.6% and 18.1%; P = 0.03)168,169.
from the aorta to both common iliac arteries is used to Similarly, the UK EVAR 1 (UK Endovascular
replace the aneurysmal aorta. Aortic cross-​clamping Aneurysm Repair 1) trial showed an early survival
should be performed below the renal arteries if possible. advantage for EVAR, which, however, was not sustained
If the abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) extends above the at the 4-year follow-​up170,174. At 15 years of follow-​up,
renal arteries, suprarenal clamping may be preferred, EVAR was associated with lower survival than open
which could yield an increased rate of renal dysfunction repair surgery, mainly owing to increased second­
and perioperative morbidity. b | Once the graft is in place, ary aneurysmal sac rupture but also increased cancer
the aortic wall is wrapped around the graft to protect it
mortality in the EVAR group173.
from exposure to intestines. Part a courtesy of P. Bonnet,
University of Liège, Belgium.
There have been substantial improvements in stent
graft technology that may have a positive effect on
EVAR durability171,172,175. Materials have been improved
open repair surgery or advanced EVAR with fenestrated (for example, grafts have lower permeability and stent
or chimney grafts) should be considered162. designs are more flexible), and deployment mechanisms
In 2013, endovascular aneurysm sealing (EVAS), have also been revised to enable more-​precise proximal
a new concept of endovascular AAA repair, was intro­ deployment. Consequently, the long-​term outcomes of
duced163. EVAS consists of a combination of stent grafts EVAR with current stent graft technology may improve
and polymer-​filled endobags that fill the aneurysmal sac compared with those reported in the existing studies
to minimize the risk of endoleaks. Clinical experience evalu­ating EVAR with previous-​generation stent grafts.
with EVAS to date has shown that endobags can help to The more recent trials comparing open repair surgery
reduce type II endoleaks (back bleeding in the aneurys­ and EVAR for ruptured AAAs show that EVAR has better
mal sac from lumbar arteries or other side branches of patient outcomes in up to a 3-year follow-​up, including
the aorta) and associated reinterventions. Nevertheless, cost-​effectiveness and QOL153. However, neurological
anchoring of the endobags to the aneurysmal sac may and erectile complications can rarely be observed imme­
sometimes be unstable, owing to the presence of ILTs diately and/or during the follow-​up after EVAR and open
(especially in AAAs with an increased ILT burden), and repair surgery. The incidence of spinal cord ischaemia
in very large AAAs, the small size of the endobags can after EVAR or open repair surgery has been reported to be
lead to stent graft migration owing to loose fit of the 0.21% and 0.25–0.9%, respectively176,177. A meta-​analysis
endobags in the aneurysmal sac. Migration following showed that the prevalence of postoperative erectile
EVAS proved to be a major issue that led to the revision dysfunction varies from 7.4% to 79% following open
of the instructions for use in 2016, excluding AAAs with repair surgery and from 4.7% to 82% following EVAR178.
a specific amount of sac ILT and also with a blood lumen In the long term, the higher mortality but good
diameter >70 mm (ref.164). Unfortunately, only mid-​term durability associated with open repair surgery has to be
follow-​up data are available for EVAS, and before fur­ balanced against the lower early mortality but inferior
ther widespread use is recommended, long-​term data durability of EVAR179.
must be reported165. On the basis of what we learned
from the long-​term follow-​up of the EVAR trials, the Non-​surgical treatment
long-​term durability of a treatment modality may be Without elective repair, AAAs usually continue to
more important than early technical success. enlarge, and increasing diameter also increases the risk
When it was first introduced, EVAR was considered of rupture. Medical treatment to prevent AAA progres­
only for frail patients who were not fit for open surgery. sion could substantially improve the management of
Gradually, the indications expanded to include low-​risk patients with AAA180–182.

14 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34


Non-​surgical therapy in experimental studies. The pro­ Pharmacotherapy in clinical trials. The β-adreno­
gression of an already developed AAA in small animal receptor blocker propranolol was one of the first drugs
models can be suppressed by pharmacological interven­ to inhibit the development of AAAs in animal models190.
tion182–184. Interventions to regulate pro-​inflammatory However, in a randomized trial, it was not well tolerated
mediators, the renin–angiotensin system and prostaglan­ by patients with AAAs and did not affect the growth rate
din metabolism have been demonstrated to be effective in of AAAs182.
reducing the progression of already developed AAAs182. Chlamydia pneumoniae, unlike other bacteria, has been
Interventions to inhibit inflammatory signalling path­ detected at a higher frequency in the wall of AAAs than
ways and treatments with immunosuppressive agents in the normal aortic wall from cadavers191 and is, there­
are also effective in halting AAA progression182. Notably, fore, suspected to have a pathogenic role in AAA devel­
treatment with JUN N-​terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitor opment, although this has not been formally proven180,181.
after the establishment of AAA formation resulted in Randomized clinical trials of antibiotics, including doxy­
a reduction of the aneurysmal diameter185. Abrogating cycline and azithromycin, were conducted in patients
ECM degradation using MMP inhibitors can also be with AAAs but did not clearly demonstrate an effect of
effective in preventing AAA progression186. antibiotics in reducing the AAA growth rate182,192,193.
Because of the considerable differences in the AAA Doxycycline was expected to act as an MMP inhib­
pathophysiology of humans and animal models (Box 1), itor 181 and was administered to a large number of
the effectiveness of these pharmacological interventions patients for longer periods than the first trial192 at the
has also been studied using cultures of human AAA dose expected to inhibit MMPs, but doxycycline treat­
explants. Indeed, interventions to regulate inflamma­ ment did not reduce AAA growth58. Recently, two ran­
tory responses and treatments with MMP inhibitors are domized trials with pemirolast, a mast cell inhibitor,
reported to be effective in ex vivo culture of human AAA and perindopril, an ACE inhibitor, have been reported,
tissues182. Treatment with HMG-​CoA reductase inhibi­ but neither drug reduced the AAA growth rate59,182,183.
tors (statins) or angiotensin-​converting enzyme (ACE) Several small observational studies demonstrated an
inhibitors was also effective in reducing inflammatory association between statin administration and decreased
responses in human AAA tissue culture182. AAA growth, although the beneficial effect of statins has
In addition, cell therapy has also been suggested to not been confirmed in larger clinical trials182,183,193. Thus,
be useful in preventing AAA progression. Local infu­ there is currently no strong scientific evidence that sup­
sion of bone-​marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells ports pharmacological treatment to reduce AAA growth
(BM-MSCs), endothelial cells or VSMCs, as well as sys­ in humans62,194,195.
temic injection of BM-​MSCs, was shown to be effective
in suppressing the progression of already developed Quality of life
AAAs in animal models187–189. Both the diagnosis and treatment of AAAs have an
effect on patients’ QOL. Men recently diagnosed with
a an AAA show a temporary reduction in mental QOL
during the first year, but then they tend to think pro­
Renal gressively less about their condition196. By contrast,
arteries the effect on physical QOL seems to be more perma­
nent, and men diagnosed with AAAs have a consist­
ently lower physical QOL than men without AAAs196.
Vascular surgeons and patients evaluate the success of
AAA repair differently. Traditional end points that sur­
Stent geons use to evaluate outcomes after a surgical proce­
graft dure include mortality and morbidity. Patients evaluate
thrombus the success of their operation based on QOL, physical
functioning and ability to be discharged from hospi­
Catheter tal to home and to resume their pre-​surgery lifestyle.
Indeed, there is increasing recognition that QOL and
patient satisfaction should be considered when evalu­
ating outcomes of a specific treatment197. Particularly
Iliac for AAA repair, the risks of perioperative mortality
artery and morbidity increase the relevance of evaluating
QOL198–201. Vascular surgeons should, therefore, aim to
include evaluations of QOL and to improve patient satis­
faction rather than merely measuring adverse events
Fig. 9 | Endovascular aortic repair. a | Schematic representation of the first moments of as end points202. For both AAA surveillance and repair,
the endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) procedure: a catheter is inserted through the iliac
the assessment of QOL and other patient-​focused out­
artery, the upper proximal part of the stent graft is opened and the main upper body
of the stent graft is shown in the aorta below the renal arteries, sealing the neck above comes should be evaluated in the longer term. Such
the aneurysmal bulge. b | CT image of the EVAR stent graft with the two prolonged stent longer-​term follow-​up (up to 10 years) is rare and
grafts elongating into the common iliac arteries. The part of the stent not covered might be particularly relevant for patients entering
with graft is fixed appropriately above the renal arteries. Image in part b courtesy of surveillance programmes after EVAR. Forthcoming
N. Sakalihasan, University of Liège, Belgium. guidelines from the European Society for Vascular

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34 15


Table 2 | Complications of surgical and endovascular treatment of AAA

Complication Incidence (%) Description Treatment
Access site problems 9–15 (refs168,237) Problems include haematoma, arterial Surgical revision
thrombosis, distal embolization,
pseudoaneurysm and arteriovenous fistula
Endoleaks (all types) 20–50 (ref.238) Persistent blood flow in the aneurysmal sac • Treatment is type-​specific (see below)
after deployment of the stent graft • If endovascular techniques fail, open
repair surgery is required to definitively
treat endoleaks239,240
Endoleak type I Up to 10 (ref.241) Insufficient sealing at proximal (type Ia) or Implantation of additional stent grafts
distal (type Ib) attachment sites of stent graft more proximally (for Ia) or distally (for Ib); in
cases with a limited landing zone, advanced
endovascular techniques (fenestrated and
branched stent grafts) can be used242,243
Endoleak type II 10–25 (ref.244) Backflow via lumbar arteries and patent Type II endoleaks can be treated
inferior mesenteric artery conservatively (only surveillance), but in the
case of substantial aneurysmal sac expansion
during follow-​up, embolization of the
feeding vessels should be considered245,246
Endoleak type III Up to 4 (ref.247) Separation of stent graft components Management includes the use of a bridging
stent graft248
Endoleak type IV Rare with the new-​generation Depend upon porosity in the graft material Relining with placement of a second stent
devices but can be detected graft inside the first stent graft
in low-​profile stent grafts
Stent graft migration Stent graft migration after Caudal movement of the stent graft due Management can include placement of
endovascular aneurysm repair to insufficient proximal attachment, more additional stent grafts proximally; increasing
was reported to occur in 8%, common in first-​generation and second-​ fixation of the stent graft to the aortic wall
emphasizing the importance generation devices. Can lead to proximal with the use of endoanchors can also be
of proximal fixation249 type Ia endoleak considered250
Graft limb occlusion 1.7–3.7 (ref.251) Thrombosis of the iliac graft limb Treatment includes thrombectomy with
adjunct stenting if needed; if thrombectomy
fails, blood flow can be re-​established with
an open surgical procedure (femoral–femoral
artery crossover surgical bypass)252
Stent graft infection <1 (ref.251) Infection of the implanted stent graft based Although conservative treatment with
on clinical, radiological and laboratory lifelong antibiotics has been sporadically
criteria reported to be successful, definitive
treatment requires explantation of the
infected graft253. Revascularization of
the lower limbs can be achieved with
different options: ligation of the aorta and
axillobifemoral bypass; in situ use of cryo-​
preserved aortic homografts; antibiotic-​
soaked prosthetic grafts; and autologous
reconstruction using femoral veins254,255
Sac expansion and Schanzer et al.256 reported • Sac expansion may occur during follow-​up Treatment includes a second endovascular
secondary rupture that the rate of AAA sac as a result of an endoleak repair or open surgical conversion with
expansion after EVAR may • If left untreated, sac expansion may result removal of the stent graft. Both operations
be as high as 41% at 5 years, in late AAA rupture despite previous are associated with higher morbidity rates
whereas other authors report EVAR. A recent meta-​analysis of 16,974 and mortality than with primary EVAR or
a lower incidence procedures reported a late rupture rate of open repair surgery
0.9 per 100 person-​years after EVAR257
Open repair surgery
Graft limb occlusion Up to 2 (ref.258) May cause symptoms of acute or chronic Treatment includes thrombectomy with
limb ischaemia adjunct stenting if needed; if thrombectomy
fails, blood flow can be re-​established with
an open surgical procedure (femoral–femoral
artery crossover surgical bypass)252
Para-​anastomotic Up to 3 (ref.258) Either true aneurysm due to progression Conventional treatment of para-​anastomotic
aneurysm of disease or pseudoaneurysm caused aneurysms includes surgical revision,
by destruction of the anastomosis line especially in the case of infection; if graft
between the graft and the native aorta. infection is excluded, relining and extension
Pseudoaneurysms may indicate graft of the repair with a stent graft can offer a
infection259,260 less-​invasive treatment261

16 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34


Table 2 (cont.) | Complications of surgical and endovascular treatment of AAA

Complication Incidence (%) Description Treatment
Open repair surgery (cont.)
Graft infection 0.2–1.3 (ref.258) Infection of the implanted stent graft based • As for stent graft infection
(with or without on clinical, radiological and laboratory • For concomitant aortoenteric fistula,
concomitant criteria additional reconstruction of the enteric
aortoenteric fistula) lesion is required
Incisional hernia 12.8 (ref.262), but this is often Development of the hernia at the level of the • Commonly conservative treatment if
based on ultrasonography midline laparotomy diagnosed at follow-​up
detection; many hernias are • Mesh reinforcement of fascia closure can
asymptomatic be scheduled in fit patients
Sexual dysfunction 7.4–79 (incidence of erectile Erectile and/or ejaculation problem Preventive careful dissection and
dysfunction178) management of the pelvic circulation during
repair to avoid development of sexual
dysfunction; pharmaceutical therapy can be
AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm; EVAR, endovascular aortic repair.

Surgery suggest the use of duplex ultrasonography as Outlook

the gold standard for long-​term EVAR surveillance in AAA remains an important disease, as smoking remains
patients without sac expansion or other complications, rife in developing countries, and a growing number of
rather than annual CT scans. CT is more expensive, elderly patients are diagnosed with AAA in developed
incurs radiation burden and could, in the long term, countries. This observation depends on the ageing popu­
affect QOL. lation, with AAA becoming diagnosed at older ages, while
Doubts and fears about the durability of EVAR the advent of EVAR has also extended the number of
remain and have been exacerbated by reports about low-​ patients, even elderly ones, who are eligible for elective
profile devices (in which the fabric is thinner such that AAA repair.
the device can fit in smaller delivery catheters)203. These Since 2000, there have been several developments in
fears, together with the continuing threat of reinter­ the management of AAA. Furthermore, a large body of
vention (much more common after EVAR than after research has been accumulated on the risk factors and
open repair surgery), may affect patients’ QOL as well pathophysiology of AAA and potential non-​surgical
as patient anxiety and depression (which are almost therapies. The effectiveness of minimally invasive EVAR
never assessed). One of the few examples of long-​term for both elective and emergency cases has been substan­
QOL follow-​up comes from the DREAM trial, which tiated by several randomized trials and meta-​analyses
showed that although EVAR was associated with less of these trials. These same trials, together with other
reduction in QOL in the short term (3 months) com­ evidence, have also exposed some of the weaknesses of
pared with open repair surgery204, in the longer term (up EVAR, the rather poor long-​term durability compared
to 5 years), QOL measures favoured open repair sur­ with open surgical repair, the potential need for lifelong
gery. Meta-​analysis data have shown that elective AAA surveillance and the limited applicability of this newer
repair (by either open repair surgery or EVAR) results technique to women207,208. Ongoing research and devel­
in a significant deterioration of QOL (both physical and opment programmes are addressing these issues, using
mental) that is more evident in the first 3–6 months advances in materials science, including the avoidance
after treatment205. A meta-​analysis of five randomized of metallic components in endografts. The alternative
trials for intact AAA compared QOL outcomes between approach of EVAS remains under evaluation, and as
EVAR and open AAA repair surgery206: EVAR provided new data emerge, additional morphological restric­
better QOL than open repair surgery for up to 1 year tions are being placed on the use of EVAS. Controversy
postoperatively. This advantage of EVAR was, however, is widespread concerning the operative management
lost at 2 years of follow-​up. Similar results apply after of aneurysms that extend close to or above the renal
repair of ruptured AAA, in which EVAR is associated arteries, including how endovascular techniques should
with large gains in QOL during the first year153. be modified or adapted for these complex aneurysms.
Reported QOL outcomes should be interpreted with Other problems that remain to be addressed include
caution, owing to the inherent subjectivity of patient-​ reducing the morbidity and mortality from AAA in
reported outcomes. After open AAA repair surgery, women and ethnic minorities. Patients diagnosed with
patients are more willing to accept perioperative com­ AAAs will require continuous surveillance, commonly
plications and discomfort, whereas after EVAR, patients with ultrasonography, to determine whether it is time
expect to recover quickly without major problems. Any to consider elective repair. As small AAAs are common
deviation from such preoperative expectations can bias and readily detected by non-​invasive, low-​cost ultra­
patient-​reported QOL outcomes204. However, the sur­ sonography screening, finding therapeutic agents that
gical trend towards defining core outcome data sets will prevent further AAA growth and the need for any
mandates patient participation in defining the key out­ future operative repair remains a major goal.
comes reported; thus, in the future, we can expect to see Experimental animal studies have provided many
patient-​focused outcomes more widely reported. new leads (potential targets for future pharmaceutical

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:34 17


therapies), particularly in cell signalling pathways, emphasizing the different embryological derivation of
often with very effective functional imaging modali­ the thoracic and abdominal aorta. However, AAAs are
ties and targeted treatments in these animal models. much more common than thoracic aortic aneurysms and
However, most of these studies were performed in small dissections, and the need for further genetic and basic
animal models, where AAA induction is rapid and not science research to identify pivotal cell signalling path­
dependent on smoking, in sharp contrast to the indo­ ways and to develop other effective novel therapeutic
lent course of small AAA in humans, where smoking approaches for AAA remains urgent. Pharmacological
remains the most important risk factor. In addition, therapy for AAA should not be limited to preventing
bias might have been introduced by the lack of adequate aneurysmal growth. Additional targets include prevent­
observer blinding, insufficient number of animals in ing distal and proximal aneurysmal extension following
experimental groups or use of only one of the available surgical correction and reducing the risk of aneurysmal
animal models209. rupture in those with large AAAs who are not consid­
Although GWAS and other molecular studies have ered candidates for AAA repair. In summary, present-​
identified genetic variants and genetic loci associated day interventions to prophylactically repair AAAs still
with the development of AAA, translational research have a certain early mortality (at best 1–2%), morbid­
aimed at producing effective drugs to limit AAA growth ity and consequences for long-​term health and health
is limited. New epidemiological studies have suggested costs. In developed countries, a better knowledge of the
other new therapeutic targets or drugs to limit the pro­ epidemiology of AAAs in ageing populations, the AAA
gression of AAAs, but none of these therapies has yet growth rate and the true incidence of rupture, together
been shown to be effective in properly conducted ran­ with a demonstration of genetic mechanisms and the
domized trials58,59,182,185,210,211. For AAA, the field of trans­ elucidation of the biochemical, cellular and immuno­
lational biology, together with other technologies, for logi­cal pathways involved in genetic and environmen­
example, nanotechnology (target drug release), remains tal risk factors, will provide us with a comprehensive
wide open. The success of such approaches in thoracic approach for better management of those with AAAs.
aortic aneurysms and dissections provides insight into The immuno­logical pathways may have particular
why genetic and basic science research on AAAs in relevance for the AAAs of infectious aetiology, which
humans must continue. For thoracic aortic aneurysms may be most common in developing countries. Such
and dissections, major causal genes have been identi­ knowledge will enable us to achieve better outcomes for
fied together with associated pivotal signalling pathways, AAA repair and to develop new, effective, prophylactic
which have allowed effective targeted pharmacological pharmacological therapies.
therapies to be developed and validated in randomized
trials. Monogenic disorders are rare in AAA, perhaps Published online xx xx xxxx

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