Building Energy Efficient LR-PON For Desert Terrain of Saudi Arabia

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Building Energy Efficient LR-PON For Desert

Terrain of Saudi Arabia

Mohammad Siraj1, Amanullah Fatehmulla2, Saleh Alshebeili3, Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar4
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems , University Technologi Malaysia
Department of Physics, College of Science P.O. Box 2455,King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
PSATRI/STC-Chair, College of Engineering, King Saud University, P.O. Box 800, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Abstract— With the increase of bandwidth demands, an consumption have become an environmental issue and
increasing concern prevails among researchers towards energy therefore social and political issue. So to make our planet
consumption in next generation access networks. Attempts have Green, carbon footprint has to be reduced. We have to tackle
been made by researchers with an overview of techniques and this issue by designing efficient energy schemes for future
architectures for energy consumption minimization in core telecommunication networks. Through these efficient energy
networks. Growing concern equally exists essentially to reduce schemes in future access networks, the energy cost will come
Green House Gases (GHG) emissions from computers and not only down but also we will be moving towards making our
network equipments. In the present paper, we focus on planet green.
renewable energy utilization at access level as well with a view to
build energy efficient long range passive optical networks (LR- There are various access technologies available in the market.
PON) for desert terrain of Saudi Arabia. In this paper we have DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), FTTH (Fiber to the Home),
presented LR-PON model between Riyadh and Al-Kharj with an Wireless and Cellular Networks, WOBAN (Wireless Optical
admission control algorithm for efficient performance of LR- Broadband Access Networks) are the present day technologies.
PON. Also, in this paper we have shown how to reduce network Currently, in access networks, there is a trend towards FTTH
complexities and provide a cost effective solution by greening the because of requirement of high data rates. FTTH are being
network at the access level by using solar energy which is preferred because they have low attenuation and provide higher
renewable and clean. bandwidth. The higher data rate demand is coming from
applications such as video on demand, HDTV, online games
Keywords- LR-PON, telecom network, access network, solar
energy, admission control
etc. After the deployment of Fiber in FTTH access networks
the network is simplified and the total cost of ownership (TOC)
comes down [7]. Thus consolidation of the networks cuts the
I. INTRODUCTION energy costs. It is widely seen that electricity is lost
Energy conservation has become one of the most sought considerably in access network equipments. This is due to
topics of the present era. Research directions are being various reasons. Firstly poor network design is a cause of
explored to address this situation. This motivation is driven electricity loss. Secondly idle elements [8] in the network
mainly because of two reasons. The primary reason is that consume significant energy. It is estimated that networking
hydrocarbon energy, which is not renewable, ultimately will be equipments are utilized not more than 15% [9]. So there is a
consumed in the distant future. The second reason is to reduce need that network is utilized properly to reduce the energy
the carbon footprint. Information and Communication consumption of these idle elements. The energy consumption
Technology (ICT), which is a rapidly growing technology, is of the network components such as routers, switches, Optical
one of the major consumers of energy. In fact, as per the data Cross-Connect, optoelectronic Switch etc. is quite high. For
of 2009, ICT consumes about 8% of the total electricity e.g. Cisco CRS-1 Core Router whose capacity is 92 Tbps
consumption of the world [1]. In this paper we focus on energy consumes 1020 kW [10].Alcatel-Lucent 1675 Optoelectronic
efficiency of access network which is the last part of Switch whose capacity is 1.2 Tbps consumes 2.5 kW [11].
telecommunication networks. The access network connects the Researchers are working on two directions to reduce the
telecom Central Office to the business and residential consumption of energy in these idle elements. The two
consumers. Our focus is on access networks, as the access approaches are: a) energy saving protocol design [12],b)
network consumes around 70 % of telecommunication network energy saving network design.
energy consumption. This number will grow in the coming
In this paper we have proposed an architecture for deploying
years with the rapid increase in number of subscribers and the
LR-PON in the desert terrain of Saudi Arabia between Riyadh
broadband network demand [2]. This consumption in access
and Al Kharj and the distance between them 90 kilometers.
network is due to the presence of large number of active
Also in this paper we have proposed solar energy to power our
elements [3]. Due to the continuous growth of bandwidth
network elements of access networks which is clean and
requirement, the energy consumption of computers and
renewable. We have presented an admission control algorithm
network devices have risen [4], [5], [6]. Consciousness on
for LR-PON for efficient performance.
energy consumption is rising nowadays in the Information and
Communication Technology. In the present era energy

978-1-4577-0069-9/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

The paper is organized as follows. The following section PON equipments [17]. Handshaking protocol for coordinated
discusses related work. Section III describes about the Network sleeping mechanism [18], shedding power in user network
Structure. In section IV and V we describe about our Network interface (UNI) and access network interface (ANI) [19] etc.
Model and Energy Model. Section VI discusses Analytical Hybrid Wireless Optical Broadband Access Network
Model .Finally section VII concludes this work. (WOBAN) [20] which is a combination of Passive Optical
Network (PON) and WiMAX has also been proposed towards
II. RELATED WORK energy efficient design. Some researchers have focused energy
efficiency in access networks [3] [21].Once these suggestions
In recent years researchers have published works related to are implemented energy can be saved.
energy consumption of telecom networks and how to improve
energy efficiency in light of growing broadband demand and Despite all these efforts, there remains a significant
increase usage of internet. For example, the power challenge to deploy energy efficient design in access networks.
consumption distribution in networks has been estimated [13],
as well as the energy consumption of the internet [14]. An III. NETWORK STRUCTURE
overall energy forecast for Telecommunication network during
the operation phase when delivering broadband services In recent years researchers have published works related to
delivery has been done [15] Wireless networking community energy consumption of telecom networks and how to improve
have designed energy efficient protocols [16]. They have done efficiency in telecom network. A Telecom Network can
the comparison between different emerging technologies such logically be divided into three main domains-the core network,
as passive optical network (PON), fiber to the node (FTTN), the metropolitan network and access network as shown in fig.1
Point to Point Optical network (PtP) and WiMAX. There have below
been several proposal and recommendation for energy efficient
PON’s. There have been proposal for low power (sleep) for

Figure1. Schematic Diagram of a Telecom Network with different access network options
In this section we describe about these three domains and Metropolitan Network:
discuss essential network elements.
The metro network serves as an interface between core and the
Core Network: access network. Typically they cover metropolitan region. The
essential components are Ethernet switches, broadband
The term core network is referred to the backbone of the network gateways, edge routers etc. The edge switch typically
telecom network. They connect cities and spans continental connects an end user's LAN to an ISP's network or backbone.
distances. The core network comprises of large routers to Sometimes an edge switch is also called an access node or a
perform all the necessary routing. Generally the core routers service node. Generally their capacity is from 2.5 to 480 Gbps.
are connected in mesh architecture. In the core network, optical An edge router is sometimes referred to as a boundary router.
technologies are widely used to support the physical They are designed to support high traffic volumes. Broadband
infrastructure to achieve high speed, high capacity etc. High network gateways perform IP routing, secure admission
Capacity Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) fiber control, protection from malicious attacks (DDOS), secure
links are used to interconnect these routers and to connect to Internet tunneling and connect to other edge routers. The edge
other network operators. Network architectures based on IP switches and routers are designed to improve performance by
over SONET/SDH over WDM or IP over WDM have been providing scalability, reliability and security for small and large
deployed. Typically WDM links in today’s networks comprises networks. OADMs (Optical Add Drop Multiplexer), SONET
of 10 Gb/s Packet over SONET (PoS), or 10 Gb Ethernet, or 40
Gb/s PoS.
ADM (Add Drop Multiplexer) form part of Metro Optical symmetric transmission rate for upstream and downstream
Network. directions. The core exchange would be placed in Riyadh and
local exchange at Al Kharj. A single fiber would run from the
IV. NETWORK MODEL local exchange on the access network to a location close to the
In this section we discuss our model of the access network: customer premises. It is shared to 1024 users by a 1024 split.
This 1024 split is made up of a cascade of two N: 16 and one
Long reach Passive Optical Network (LR- PON): LR-PON is N: 4 splits [23]. The distribution section is divided into three
a novel technology aimed at replacing the current copper parts each containing a length of fibre (3km, 3km and 4km)
access network with a shared fibre network offering much making 10 km. Though increasing the data rate to 10 Gbps will
greater capacity and is proposed as a cost effective solution for need an expensive high speed transmitter for each ONU but the
future broadband optical networks. LR-PON use Optical cost is compensated as the OLT is shared by 1024 users. The
amplifiers (OA). LR-PON single segment coverage area is 100 reason why we have chosen LR-PON is because a) it has
km. It can be extended beyond 100km by utilizing Wavelength passive elements b) of its reach many remote locations can be
dense multiplexing (WDM) technology. In our model fig.2, we combined, thereby reducing energy consumption in access
consider 1024 way split 100 km LR PON with 10 Gbps network.

Figure 2. Proposed Architecture for Long Reach Passive Optical Networks

V. ENERGY EFFICIENT LR-PON MODEL USING (Green) system using PV modules (36 modules each of 220 W)
can be designed. In this paper, an energy efficient LR-PON
SOLAR ENERGY: model at the access level for desert terrain habitants of Saudi
Stand-alone PV(Photovoltaic) systems have shown to be Arabia has been developed keeping in view of the expected
reliable and cost effective for various applications and have number of subscribers and their energy consumption towards
attracted the users. For a specific application with an estimated the network components (Table I)
requirement of energy consumption, a renewable energy
Table I
Power Per
LOGY PTU(kW) NTU PRN(W) NRN PCPE(W) Technology Limit Maximum AT Energy
Per Bit

ADSL 1.73[11] 1024 0 N/A 5 15 Mb/s 2 Mb/s 7.8 W 3.8μJ

PtP 4.72[25] 1024 0 N/A 4[26] 1 Gb/s 125 Mb/s 12.2 W 0.1 μJ

PON 1.24[27] 1024 0 N/A 5[28] 2.4 Gb/s 16 Mb/s 7.6 W 0.5 μJ

FTTN 1.34[27] 1024 47[29] 16[30] 10[31] 50 Mb/s 2 Mb/s 13.2 W 6.6 μJ
The per customer power consumption of all four access The energy cost in US $ --------$6117.98 /year
technologies Pa can be expressed as
In view of the above calculations and the initial cost of our
PRN 2 PTU PV system including the initial electrical installation cost
Pa PCPE   power the said LR-PON, a plot showing the comparison of the
N RN NTU (1) energy cost incurred with PV and conventional systems and
years of operation has been drawn(Fig.3 ).
where PCPE, PRN, and PTU are the powers consumed by the
customer premises equipment (i.e., the modem), the remote
node and the terminal unit at the central office, respectively. 120000 Electrical Energy Cost
NRN and NTU are the number of customers or subscribers that Cost of Solar Energy
share a remote node and the number of customers that share a
terminal unit, respectively. The last term on the right hand side 100000
of equation (1) includes a factor of 2 to account for additional
overheads such as external power supplies and cooling
requirements [24]. Table I lists the values of the parameters for

Cost in US $
each access technology. On the left-hand side of this table are
the parameters referred to in this section and on the right-hand 60000
side the parameters are normalized on a per customer basis.
The number of customers per Cisco 4503 Ethernet switch
NTU(PtP) is given by 40000

§ ª 116  LB Gb / s º ª 64  LB Gb / s º · payback period

min ¨ « » ¸¸
¨ 1Gb / s  AT » «
NTU ( PtP ) '
© ¬ ¼ ¬ 2 AT ¼¹
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Years of Operation
where the first term is due to the limit of port capacity, and the
second term is due to the limit of switching capacity. Figure 3. Cost comparison between the PV and Conventional
Total PTU= ADSLPTU + PtPPTU + PONPTU + FTTNPTU energy in operating LR-PON system

= (1.73 + 4.72 + 1.24 + 0.17) kW From figure 3, it is clear that the Solar Energy and electrical
= 7.76 kW . energy costs intersect at about 5½ years of operation which is
the payback period. Since the maintenance cost is low or
Based on the above energy consumption, solar energy approximately nil, it appears that the solar energy becomes
(Renewable energy source) model has been designed to power almost free after 5½ years and it demonstrates the economic
the LR-PON at access level. effectiveness. Therefore, electrical energy will cost more than
solar energy, especially for large scale application the cost will
Cost comparison between electrical & solar energy:
increase rapidly. In addition to that the solar energy is clean
(Consumption at Access Network) and safe. Our experience of the design and development of PV
low power water pumping system with relatively low cost
Total Power needed at Access level = 7.76 kW suggests that this small scale technology can serve the purposes
Calculation of cost of solar energy needed to power LR-PON: like lifting water to 10 m head, small area irrigation especially
in remote rural areas and in deserts[32]. Also it supports our
About 36 solar modules each of 220W are enough which cost experience that by the use of renewable energies in windy and
about US$ 45000 (cost of PV system+ complete solar panel sunny areas a simple, cheap and reliable irrigation (pumping)
grid-tie systems with battery backups) or cooling (refrigerating) systems can be applied, avoiding the
The energy needed daily ------ 7.76 kWh × 18 hours = 139.68 disadvantages of the already existed diesel-powered systems
kWh/day [33]. However, photovoltaic powered Network systems have
reached a technical maturity and hence the design of power
(Note: 5- 6 hours/day excluded in charging process) consumption model at access networks using solar energy

  becomes a viable option and is characterized of a high
(Approximate value in KSA) reliability. Further, it offers clean energy free from carbon
footprint (GHG emissions) and provides the advantages of
So, the daily energy cost ------- 139.68 kWh/day × 12cents/ reduced operation and maintenance cost.
Kwh = 1676.16 cents/day
The energy cost per year -------1676.16 cents/day × 365
  Analytical Model of Admission Control:
The proposed model imposes minimum additional burden on pa 1 . If this condition is not met, then request Q +2 will be
the server and the network. i
checked and so on. If the request can’t be admitted by all the
Let the maximum number of requests that can be serviced at sections, then the request will be considered blocked and the
the server at Central Office (CO) be n. The central office (CO) server will discard the request. The flowchart for the admission
connects the core network and the access network, and control algorithm is shown below in fig.5
implements layer 2 and layer 3 functions, e.g., resource
allocation, service aggregation, management, and control. Let
Pb be the overall bandwidth and Pr is the request from the PON

If nd (3)

It means the requests can be handled by the server buffer

otherwise there is congestion. So we can say this is the
admission control test at the CO server that the server is
capable of serving maximum n requests. For efficient
performance we have assumed the servers and clients are
distributive. Let the buffer capacity at CO be C .Let us have k
service requests from different distribution segment with
      " where i=1 to k. The server capacity is
divided into many sections with each section port having Figure 5. Admission Control Flowchart
capacity Cj where j=1 to k as shown in figure below. Total
system capacity is
C ¦C j (4) This paper shows the feasibility of reducing carbon foot print
j 1 in access networks through the use of solar energy.The
calculations of the specific energy consumption costs show the
promising economic effectiveness and reliability of the
designed solar energy conversion system for LR-PON. A key
parameter that will effect growth of energy consumption of the
network is the rate at which the energy efficiency of the
network equipment in the infrastructure improves with
successive generations of new technology. The overall energy
efficiency of the network will depend on how rapidly network
operators choose to replace older equipment with newer
technology. In future work, if any impairment arises from
bursty traffic it needs to be addressed.

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