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Personal LETTER

3.16 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan dari teks surat pribadi, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.23 Menangkap makna teks surat pribadi.
4.24 Menyusun teks surat pribadi, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Generic structure of a personal letter

2. "Person-to-person letters are

letters that one individual sends
to another individual that deal
with personal matters, as
opposed to business matters."

Two categories:

Based on the intended recipient:

✓ person-to-person letters
✓ person-to-business letters

Person-to-person letters

1. Character reference letter

2. Condolence letter
3. Goodbye letter
4. Letter of congratulations
5. Letter of apology
6. etc

Person-to-business letters

1. Application letter
2. Complaint letter
3. Resignation letter
4. Letter of recommendation
5. Letter of termination
6. etc
Modul X-3.16 Personal Letter
Writing a Personal Letter

Letters are ways to share messages with people.

There many reasons to write a letter.

Before you write a letter, ask yourself these

1) Whom are you writing to?
2) What is the purpose of your letter?
3) How do you want the person who gets your
letter to feel?
4) What would you like them to do?

Letters have a special format. All letters should

contain the following:
1) Date
2) Salutation or Greeting ("Dear Sam,")
3) Body (this is the main message of your letter)
4) Closing ("Sincerely, Elsa" "Your friend, John")
5) Your signature

Some letters may include a post script or "P.S." A

post script means "after having written." A "P.S." is a
little message you may want to add after you have
written the letter.
Letters should also include your address and the
address of the person you are writing to.
You can look at the letter below to see where all the
parts of a letter should be placed.
Now, it's your turn to write a letter. Be sure to
include a date, salutation, body, closing and

Read your letter over. You might even show

it to a friend or a teacher. You and your friend or
teacher should read the letter and decide:
1) Does the letter fill the purpose you set for it?
2) How do you feel when you read the letter?
3) Is it how you wanted the person receiving the
letter to feel?
Rewrite your letter so that it meets your purpose
and makes your reader feel exactly how you want
him or her to feel.
You should also edit your work by checking:
1) Spelling: make sure all words are spelled
2) Format: make sure that the date, addresses, Note:
salutation, body, closing and signature are in
the correct places on the page. Mr - for a male
Mrs - for a married female
When you are happy with your letter, you can copy Miss - for an unmarried female
it on to a fresh new piece of paper. Be sure to use Ms - for a female whose status is unknown or would prefer to
your best handwriting. It will help your reader
remain anonymous
understand your message. You might even decorate
your letter. Don't forget to send it!
Dr - for a person with the status of a doctor

Modul X-3.16 Personal Letter
Modul X-3.16 Personal Letter

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