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SWAMI KESHVANAND INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MANGEMET & GRAMOTHAN, JAIPUR Rajasthan Technical University, Kota PROJECT REPORT ON Name of Title (Times New Roman Bold Font Size 12) Submitted in partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for the award of degree of BACHLOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN ‘Submitted by Name:_ Ashish verma Roll no -_( 20ESKCE202) Under the esteemed guidance of Vikas Vyas Assistant Professor ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I express my deep sense of gratitude and great regards to my guide, ( (Vikas vyas") Assistant Professor, for his valuable guidance and support. His profound experience and incomparable expertise combined with his kind supportive nature has been a substantial asset for us throughout our learning experience. He spared no efforts to provide us the needed impetus, I would also like to thank my co-guide(" Vikas vyas") Associate Professor for his support and suggestions during our project. | feel immensely gratified in presenting the Dissertation report. Ithankallourdearfriendsfortheirmoralsupportandenthusiasm.lthankour parents for their blessings and prayers. Ashish Verma STUDENT NAME, (20ESKCE202) (Roll. NO) Vikas Vyas Assistant Professor WAMI KESHVANAND INS MANGEMET & GRAMOTHAN, TUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IPUR ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DECLARATION( I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the Dissertation report *\¢ ADR ”, mn Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bacholr of Technology and ‘submitted in the Department of Civil Engineering of the Swami Keshvanand Institue of ‘Technology Jaipur is an authentic record of my own work carried out during a period from , (11015, september 2021) under the supervision ofiny guide(Vikas Vyas") Assistant Professor and my co-guide(" Vikas vyas") «Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology Jaipur, India, 4 Ashish Verma (Name of Student) ‘20ESKCE202 (Roll No) This isto certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my knowledge. DEPARTMENT CIVIL ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE ‘This is to certify that the project work ented “ADR whichis being submited by AShish Verma Rall ng (20 ESKCE202) in partial flfiliment forthe award of the degree of Buahlor of Technology in Civil Engineering, SKIT, JAIPUR is « bonfire work done by him under our ‘guidance and supervision. Vikas Vyas Assistant Professor place: PWD Site, jaipur ADR Centre, collecrate circle shivarg jaipur Date: 1_9_2021 to 20_9_2021 GOVERMIVENG OF RADASGCHAN TRENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR' RAJASTHAN, JAIPUR YRBINING CERTIFICATE 70 WHOM IN MAY CONCERN This is certified that Mr--Ashich Vexme. ————— foe 5 . 2 successfully completed the practical training from ghet 204 at PWD side Jaipur. During this tenure, we found him sincere diligent & excellent in his work. We wish him all the best for his future career. DATE OF ISSUE Table of Contents Sr.No. | Topic Pg. No. le Title Page 1-2 2. Certificate 3 a Introduction 6 4. Introduction of Project 6 5. ADR Center 7 6. Green Building 8 7. Progress of Project 9 8. Structural details of Project 12-19 9. Provisions 20 10. Finishing 21-24 i. Work Done on Site till Last day 25-28 Scanned by TapScanner Lists of Figures Sr. No. Title Pg. No. 1 Front View of ADR Center 9 2 Detailed Estimation and Costing of Project 10 3. Processes Involved in Construction i 4. Foundation Plan of Building 12 3. Slab plans of Building B 6. Column Plans of Building 14 1 Stairs Plan of Building 15 8. Basement plan 16 % Stint Floor plan 17 10. First Floor plan 18 i. Second Floor plan. 19 2. ‘Types of Finishes in Construction 2 13. Finishing work done in Great hall 25 i. Front view of ADR center on last day of internship | 28 Scanned by TapScanner Introduction As per instruction provided by RTU of doing training of 30 days . I did my training from PWD Jaipur under AEN Monika Doria . I reported to her on 6" August 2021 at PWD office near Collectrate . She directed me to report on the site . She was the site incharge also. Work being done on site was of an ADR center being constructed. When i reported most of the construction work was done . Foundation work , Construction of six floors all were nearly done Mostly finishing work was in process Introduction of Project An ADR center was constructed on Site in which thermal insulation was done by using techniques of green buildings. The building was being constructed be taking care of all necessary precautions and all necessary tests were also done before construction of building started. Building which was constructed had 6 floors with floor height being arould 12 feets. All the floors had nearly same design and all had complete thermal insulation according the requirements of the floor. Scanned by TapScanner ADR Center ‘The Altemative Dispute Resolution(ADR) mechanisms are largely out of court settlements aimed at settling disputes in an amicable manner, which are free from strict procedural formalities and are cost effective. ADR mechanisms have been mooted as a guiding light or to a large extent a panacea for all evils affecting the legal system. Different froms of ADR | Arbitration 2.Concilation 3.Mediation ‘The ADR Mechanisms are legally valid and accepted by courts. The Courts have now been encouraging the use of ADR in cases where compromise is possible. The effect of an Arbitration Award which is similar to decision by a Court has the same effect of a decree ant is final, binding and non-challengeable. An ADR center is avery important building used to resolve dispute and is very important from that view. Now it is being constructed on Shiv Marg near Collectrate in Jaipur and will surely help common people in resolving their disputes withous any worry. Scanned by TapScanner A ‘green’ building is a building that, in its design, construction or operation, reduces or eliminates negative impacts, and can create positive impacts, on our climate and natural environment. Green buildings preserve precious natural resources and improve our quality of life ‘There are a number of features which can make a building ‘green’. These include Efficient use of energy, water and other resources Use of renewable energy, such as solar energy Pollution and waste reduction measures, and the enabling of re-use and recycling, Good indoor environmental air quality Use of materials that are non-toxic, ethical and sustainable Consideration of the environment in design, construction and operation Consideration of the quality of life of occupants in design, construction and operation ‘A design that enables adaptation to a changing environment Some materials used for Thermal Insulation in Green Building are | Natural Fibre for Concrete Reinforcement 2.Recycled waste construction material 3.Natural Insulating material 4.Electrochronic and Thermochronic Material Scanned by TapScanner Progress of Project on 6" August Fig: Front view of ADR center under Construction © All the floors are constructed ‘© Finshing work is in progress ‘© Building isin final stage of Construction, Scanned by TapScanner Detailed Estimation and Costing Of Project Estimate and tender-Detal estate was prepeedin which following provisions have been taken. 8. ie tem ‘Amount | Pat: A Cl work % STANTIAL 7 | Part: Making Barr Fee (Non BSR) BS. 263414600 3 | Pat: Ofer works (0 | Constucton of Fre hySrant tank and pump house (100000 Lt. [RS 20000000, Capacty) (W_| Moog hal sound Proofing fae oaing wih wal pending | Rs 95000000, (Wi) [Meeting fall Conference table wih chars (125 Persons [Rs €50000.00 Capacity) Total:=| Rs. 62676278.00 Provision for Sanitary work @) 14% RS, 0253.00 Prowson for Elec work @ 12.0% RS. 754 10.00 Prouson for SITC of Passenger If nduding eecine work | Rs. 960000.00 Proviso for SIC of re fing, fre alarm system complete | Rs. 7050000.00 asrequred Provisin for STC of Suvelance System by camer secunty [Rs TESOOOO sytem wth equired hardware and software's Proisin for SITC of Transfomer, HT ine pan, earthing [Rs *rO0000 00 compet wih HT ACB 2 Nos. Provisin for SITC of Ar coniboning system compete wih [Rs ao cafdor and indoor unt, stabier ete for honble Judges chambers, meeting hall ec Provision for SITC of Epbax, Telephone, ifeme wing | Rs 200000000 Swichers and PA system et. required Provision for Front Eevaton| RS ToOOOO0 0 Total=| Rs. 9396728.00 ‘Ad 25 for Contingency Charges = [Rs 73468. 00 Total:-| Rs. 95721908.00 ‘a Toor Prova Charges = [R. 123848 0 GTota:=| RS. 108168757.00 ‘Say Rs. 1081.65 acs. Detailed estimation of project was done before starting of construction of building procedure. Fig 2: Detailed Estimation and Costing of Project as per Scanned by TapScanner Steps Involved in Construction of Building Building Construction Process During Building Construction Steps Pre-construction Steps Design Process | Building Approach Foundation | Superstructure Permits a Builder ‘Prepare Estimation)” _and Budgets ‘Seek Tecnica! Consultant Bung | fxcaatin Pinth eam Masonry Maran rod | | Durindow fain) etic and | Woodwork] Woodworkand He Over Door | Flor Slab or Roof and Fiations Window Gaps ] Structure Plastering Painting in Fig 3: Processes involved in Construction of Building Scanned by TapScanner Structural Details of ADR Center Foundation Foundation provided in the building is Raft Foundation with Raft Thickness as 2°6”. Tt was used because it helps in transferring large loads of various floor safely to ground. Fig 4: Foundation Plan of Building Scanned by TapScanner Slabs ‘These are the horizontal members in a building used for transferring loads safely in building Dimensions of Slabs used in building are given in figure below a ALL SLAB 6" THK. Fig S: Slab plan of building Scanned by TapScanner Columns Vertical Components of building which carry loads throughout the building and safely transfer it to the foundation so that no harm is caused to the building Al details of columns used in building is in figure below Fig 6: Column plans of Building Scanned by TapScanner Stairs This is a component used to connect 2 adjacent floors of a multi-storey building. Structural details of stair is given below. Segoe ogee asteucat a elyce TROUT aaa secon are page . Hm pageae/e ene Four fuset somo at Srmn secnowee Fig 7: Stair plans of Building Scanned by TapScanner Plans of various floor of ADR Center Plan drawings are specific drawings used by engg. and architectures in construction of building. It has details of every part and component of that specific floor or part. F i} I I I i] I i} I I 6.00 MTR WIDE ROAD Fig 8: Basement plan of building Scanned by TapScanner ee u iH oF 2 e 15.00 MTR WIDE SHIV MARG STILT FLOOR PLAN ore stmerae sso Fig: Stilt Floor plans Scanned by TapScanner — ————— 1 1 5 er er BUILT UP AREA -6620.00 SOFT Fig 10: First Floor Plans Scanned by TapScanner i if 1 i i i 4 ‘HIRO FLOOR PLAN (Fore rroroda IF ii HEIGHT 1S PERMITTED MORE. || boii oad i i THAN 15.0 TR) BUILT UP AREA -6620.00 SOFT Fig 11: Second floor plans Rest of the floors are constructed on same plan with slight variations. Scanned by TapScanner Provisions Provisions of basement , stilt parking and G+3 floor has been taken rovisions- Provision for basemen, sti parking and G+3 bulking has been taken {Q Basement uit up area 6360.0 Saft}: Hall of size 73'x 52 6, Sine of size 206° x 14 71", Tol, 2No. ft wel, stars and moving space is tobe constructed, w w Ground (2 Nos Lok Ada 02 Nos Judges Chamber with toilet, 02 Nos Staff Room , Electric Room, Consultancy Room, Mother Care Child Room, General Tolet Ladies and Gens, Lit wel, sas and moving spa to be constutd ‘provision for parking of Two Wheelers and Four Wheelers vehicle in back side and right hand side has ‘been taken on ground. Compound wall is to be constructed with 2 No. entry gate (front and nght hand se) (il) Ground for (Now Fst Floor (bull up ares 6520.00 Soft Meting hal of se 27H x36 6,5 No. rom and fe, tlt lock, wang hal, 2 No. lt wel, stars and moving space & to be const {l) Fist tor Now Second Floor (oul up ares 6620.0 Saft VC Reem wih meeting Room, Meeting Room, 02 Nos Hote Member Lounge, 02 Nos Secretary DLSA Room, Chaiman DLSA Lounge, (2 Nos Saf Room, Genera ot or mae and feral, wan ae, 2 Not wel, sas and mong space ob construc. (©) Second floor (Now Third Floor) (bul up area 6520.00 Saf}: Veo conferencing hal, 16 No ‘meditation room, 2 No. staff room, general toilet for male and female, waiting area, 2 No. lift well, stars and moving space fob conse. (ul) Thi foo Now Fourth Foor (bul up are 6620.00 Saft} = Autorun, Green Room, VIP room induding tached oe nd ess, general fll fr male and female, wang are, 2 No. wel, tars and moving spaces o be conse. Scanned by TapScanner Finishing Processes in Building Group of construction operations relating to the exterior and interior finishing of buildings and structures to enhance their service and aesthetic qualities. Finishing work is the con cluding stage of construction, In many cases, the overall quality of a building or structure ing put into service depends on the quality of its execution. The main types of finishing work include facing.plastering, flooring (and parquetry), painting, wallpapering and glazing. Machines used in Finishing Finishing work is carried out at construction s {es by means of various types of mechanized equip ‘ment (movable plastering and painting equipment, units for installing floors made of polymeric materials, puttying apparatus, polishing machines, smoothing machines, paint sprayers, and vibra tion pumps) that substantially facilitate and accelerate the processes of finishing buildings and re duce the number of operations. However, finishing work is still very labor- intensive, and for residential construction it accounts for up to 35 percent of all labor expenditure in construction and assembly operations. ‘Types of Finishes used in Building Construction 1. Floor Finishes 2. Ceiling Finishes 3. Wall Finishes 4. Roof Finishes Scanned by TapScanner a a) me ‘roe Pont Fig 12: Types of Finishing in Construction Finishing was the process underway when I reported on site. As Explained above it avery important and conclusive step in building construction . If not done properly it can decrease the worth of building very much. It can make the building undervalued however good the ‘construction process may be. Various processes were occurring simultaneously all related to finshing only like Plumbing, Fitting of pipes , Installation of Lift , Plastering , Pointing and electrical Connections also. When my training completed it was not completed but underway only Scanned by TapScanner Finishing Provisions and Equipments used ace. to Green Building Concept (GENERAL SPECIFICATION:. (GREEN BUILDING CONCEPT) 1. PROPER ANTI TERMITE TREATMENT SHALL HAVE TO BE DONE IN EXCAVATED TRENCHES, FOUNDATION, MASONRY AND BASE LAYER OF FLOORING. 2. ALL FOUNDATION SECTIONS EITHER OF STONE WALLS, OR BRICK WALL OR RCC COLUMN (FF ANY) SHALL BE AS PER STRUCTURAL DESIGN, 3. SUPER STRUCTURE (A) THIS BUILDING SHALL BE IN FRAMED STUCTURE, FOOTING, COLUMN, BEAM AND SLAB SHALL BE AS PER STRUCTER DESIGN, (8) MASONRY WORK IN SUPER STRUCTURE SHALL BE IN BRICK OF 9° THICK AND BRICK PARTITION SHALL BE 4%" THICK MORTAR SHALL BE AS PER CODAL PROVISIONS, (©) ALL EXTERIOR WALLS ON GROUND FLOOR AND ABOVE SHALL BE HOLLOWS WALLS WITH THREE INCH GAP BETWEEN TWO SUCCESSIVE ADJOINING WALLS. HOLLOW PART SHALL BE FILLED WITH THERMAL INSULATED MATTER LE, GLASS WOOL OR EQUIVALENT. 4. PLASTER WORK ON ALL WALLS SHALL BE OF APPROPRAIATE THICKNESS & MIX AS PER IS. CODE 5. DOORSWINOOWSYENT. (A) DOORS FRAME SHALL BE OF MS PIPE SECTION 4°x2" OR MS HOLLOWS SECTION, (8) FLUSH DOOR SHUTTER SHALL BE OF IS. MARK WITH BOTH SIDE MICA COLOR AND SHADE SHALL BE APPROVED BY CHIEF ARCHITECT. PEEP HOLE SHALL BE IN DOOR AT 53° WHEREVER NECESSARY, (©) WINDOWS SHALL BE OF STANDARD UPVC SECTIONS WITH DOUBLE GLAZING HAVING ALLUMINIUM GRILL & SS WIRE GAUGE AND WITH 116" HIGH FIXED FAN LIGHT ABOVE. Scanned by TapScanner (E) FLOORING: () ENTRANCE FOYER AND CORRIDORS SHALL HAVE GRANITE FLOORING ON ALL FLOORS. (W) COURT ROOM SHALL HAVE WHITE MARBLE FLOORING AND DADO IN COURT CORRIDORILOBEY WALLS SHALL HAVE UPTO 46" (TILES SIZE 24" x 12) WITH 6° BLACK GRANITE BORDER AT TOP, (lll) JUDGE'S CHAMBER SHALL HAVE WOODEN TEXTURE VITRIFIED TILE FLOORING. ALL ATTACH TOILET SHALL HAVE STANDARD TOILET FIXTURES OF APPROVED MAKE D. 12° x 12° MAT FINISHED CERAMIC TILES NON SLPPERY, ANTLSKID IN TOILETS FLOOR & 18" x 12° GLAZED TILES UPTO 7 HIGH IN BATH & 46° HIGH IN W.C. OF APPROVED COLOUR AND PATTERN OF IARI JOHANSON OR EQUIVALENT MAKE 6 FOKTURE: (A) ELECTRICAL FIXTURE SHALL BE OF OFF WHITE AS APPROVED BY CHIEF ARCHITECT OF IS! WARK (B) TOILET FIXTURE SHALL BE OF WHITE/OFF WHITE COLOUR. THE FIXTURE SHALL BE OF CERA (OR EQUNVALENT. WASH BASIN 16" 2" OVAL SHAPED BELOW COUNTER IN WHTTEOFF WHITE COLOUR OF CERA, HINDWARE OR EQUIVALENT MAKE. 7. COUNTER TOP: COUNTER TOP FOR KITCHEN AND PANTRY SHALL BE OF BLACK GRANITE WITH MouLoIne 8. EXTERIOR FINISH: EXTERNAL FINISHES SHALL BE IN COMBINATION OF TEXTURED PAINT & \WATER PROOF PAINT OF ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY OF APPROVED MAKE & SHADE. 9. ROC STRUCTURE DESIGN SHALL BE FOR (G+5) STORES. FLOOR TO FLOOR HEIGHT SHALL BE 116 Expenditure (ncuding Prova) Financial Year 2018-19 Civ Ni Betic- Nt Expenditure (ncuding Proraa) Financial Year 2019-20 Civ 200.00 Lacs Blectic- Nt Exp. (cuting Prorata Financial Year 2020-21 (Upto. Civil 136 48 Lacs Third Qtr. ie 30-0920) including. Consuitancy wih MNIT Electic- 2.38 Lacs ‘Sabb Lacs Scanned by TapScanner Finishing Works on site till 5" September Fig 13: Finishing work done in Great Hall Scanned by TapScanner Work Done on site till 5" September 2021 Scanned by TapScanner Reference- 1. Building materials and construction By B.C. Punamia 2. Assistant Engineer Ms. Monika Doriya 3. Google, Wikipedia

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