Lesson Plan Re Intel IDC Format

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Lesson Plan

Topic………………………………………………………BASIC INTELLIGENCE
Lesson Plan Number:…………………………….
Target Audience……………………………………
Training Day Number…………………………..
Time alloted………………………………………..
Instructional Method………………………….
Training Aids………………………………………Laptop, multi- media projector etc.
Trainee Requirements……………………….. noetebook, ballpen
Issue items…………………………………………handouts
Required Instructor Qualification:
----Instructor 1
----Instructor 11
----Instructor 111
----Instructor !V
----Instructor V
Training Reference Used……………….ICITAP

Lesson Goal:…………………This lesson aims to present to the participants what BASIC INTELLIGENCE is.
Learning Objectives………After the lesson, the participants will be able to:
L.O.1…………………………….define and differentiate:
a. Intelligence from Information
b. Informant from Informer
L.O.2……………………………..enumerate the Four (4) Axioms of Intelligence
L.O.3……………………………..define the categories of Intelligence
L.O. 4…………………………….enumerate the seven (7)Basic Principles of Intelligence Operation

Presentation Outline

topics Time
I. Introduction
II. Motivation Lecture/ Discussion
III. Lesson Proper Lecture /Discussion
T.P. Definition of terms &
a. Intelligence from
b. Informant from Informer
c. enumerate the 4 Axioms on

d. define the categories of

e. enumerate the 7 Basic
Principles of Intelligence

IV. Summary

Lesson Plan


I. Introduction:
1. Introduce the instructor to the trainees
a. Name
b. Designation/present unit assignment/ work experience
c. Educational background
2.The lesson is intended to inculcate in the trainees on what Basic Intelligence is
II. Motivatiion:

Instructor’s Note:

The instructor will ask the class, “Do you know something about Basic Intelligence?

Do you have an idea between the difference between Intelligence and Information? Do you have
an idea about the difference between Informant and Informer? I’m sure you are familiar with
these as police officers and could anybody give us his/her ideas about these? Have you heard
about the 4 Axioms of Intelligence or Have you any ideas about the Basic Principles of Intelligence?

The Instructor will write the answers to the questions asked and afterwards these will be the basis
of the discussion that will follow. ( this is what we call “Brain storming strategy” where the

III. Lesson Proper

1.Definition and difference of Intelligence from Information
(Please transfer here the text about this lesson from your power point presentation)

2.Definition and difference between Informant and Informer

Please transfer here the text from the pp then discuss with the participants)

3.The Four (4 ) Axioms of Intelligence

Please do the same. Include all details for discussion)
4.Purpose of Intelligence
Please copy paste all details from the ppt.)

5.The Categories of Intelligence

6.The 7 Basic Principles of Intelligence

7 The Three “I”s of Intelligence Goals and Policy Models

8.The relationship between Strategic operational and Tactical Intelligence

Summary It is of significant importance for the trainees to have a thorough knowledge and information
about what Basic Intelligence is in relation to their job to be successful in their performance and their
overall personal effectiveness.

1.Students must be able to answer the objectives of the lesson

2, They are expected to write an essay or an outline of what they have gained in the lecture.

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