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What does the plus in 'LGBT+'

Students and faculty at ASU say the '+' can cause erasure
and disconnect in the queer community

Photo by Sam Deadrick | The State Press

"ASU LGBT+ groups do not feel like students have a clear
understanding of their community and want to create visibility
for the +." Illustration published on Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2018.

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By Jacob Benevento | 10/23/2018 9:31pm

LGBT+ is a common acronym used to describe communities

outside of heteronormative and cisgender identities, but many
people may not know what is included in the "+," and some ASU
students and faculty feel like this can lead to
underrepresentation and erasure.

LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender — but

the plus that is usually included after the acronym
encompasses a list of other identities that fall under the queer
umbrella. The "+" aims to include those who identify as queer,
intersex, asexual, demisexual, non-binary, gender fluid,
pansexual, polyamorous, questioning and many more.

Michelle Gohr, an ASU instructor and the faculty advisor for

the LGBT+ club Spectrum, said the practice of simplifying all of
these preferences and identities into LGBT+ is just more
efficient since every sexuality and gender wouldn't be able to
fit into one abbreviation.

However, she said lumping the extra initials together could

cause people who aren’t familiar with the queer community to
be less knowledgeable about orientations and identities that
fall under the "+."

“On one hand, the fact that the plus is included is extremely
important because it still acknowledges, ‘Hey, this is a very,
very large acronym, and we are going to list out these first few
ones, but there are more and we recognize you,’” she said.

Gohr said that, on the other hand, the ambiguity of the plus can
create a sort of invisibility for those within the plus category,
which can lead to underrepresentation.

“Not specifically stating a name or making space for something

means that it is, in a sense, getting erased, whether that's
intentional or unintentional,” she said.

Erasure can be an issue for those within the LGBT+ community,

Gohr said, specifically in the case of bisexual erasure, which is
when bisexuality is doubted or rejected by people outside of
and within the LGBT+ community.

Gohr said she identifies as bisexual rather than pansexual,

which she said she technically is, as a form of political activism
to address bisexual erasure.

She said another reason she identifies as bisexual to others is

because it’s easier for people to understand.

What Is LGBTQA+?

Kat Francke, a sophomore studying interdisciplinary arts and

sciences and the public relations officer for Spectrum, said they
believe many of the sexualities and genders within the plus
category seem new to people because they aren’t represented.

Francke, who identifies as non-binary and exists in the asexual

and aromantic spectrum, said they think people within the plus
category feel a need to identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or
transgender to be better understood.

“I don't really feel like there's a lot of people attacking the plus
side of it, but at the same time, there's not really a lot of people
who talk about it,” they said.

Francke said they have even noticed a lack of specific asexual

representation at ASU.

“ASU does a pretty good job of advertising for things like

National Coming Out Day, bisexual awareness week and all
those things,” Francke said. “But there's not really anything
specific to non-binary, asexuality and all of the other identities
that don't really fall under LGBTQ.”

However, Francke said they have noticed many professors use

gender-neutral language that creates a more inclusive
environment for students who belong in the plus category, and
while it doesn't completely acknowledge other identities, it can
make students feel more comfortable.

Sage Wright, a freshman majoring in history and a former

member of Spectrum, said he identifies as demisexual.

For him, demisexuality means he only becomes attracted to

people once he gets to know them, becomes their friend and
falls for their personality.

Wright said he had never heard of demisexuality until he

discovered it online.

“It wasn't until a while ago when I looked on Google, and I saw
the Asexual Visibility and Education Network and saw about
demisexuality and thought, ‘That's literally me!” he said.

Wright said that as he grew up, he felt different from his peers
who were not demisexual because they easily developed
attraction while he took time to feel those same things. Today,
he said he feels a similar disconnect with the LGBT+

“It's kind of hard because it's not something that really affects
my life,” he said. “I guess I don’t really fit into the LGBT
community, but maybe that's just me. I don’t really feel like I fit
in with other queer people.”

Reach the reporter at and follow

@JacobBenevento on Twitter.

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