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5, 6 e 7 de Agosto de 2010

ISSN 1984-9354


L. Schebek (Darmstadt)
J. A. A. Peixoto (SAGE/COPPE/UFRJ)

A significant number of German companies are installed in Brazil,

many of which are in the automotive assembly or automotive parts
supply sectors. Information about the economic, environmental and
social performance of major companies in thhese sectors can be
obtained from sustainability reports, which are published as printed
reports distributed by their head offices or as files for download on
corporate websites. This paper gives a brief review of corporate
sustainability and the results of a study carried out of the sustainability
reports of three companies with head offices (or, in one case, a
relatively independent subsidiary) in Germany and subsidiaries in
Brazil. The results show that although the sustainability reports of the
analyzed companies contain relevant information, they do not allow for
any sustainability benchmarking that might distinguish between better
or worse environmental and social performances. The reports also fail
to provide the kind of information required to compare the
environmental and social performance of plants in the European Union
(e.g. Germany) with that of plants in Mercosur (e.g. Brazil).
Nevertheless, they give some evidence of efforts to align themselves
with the principles of the Global Compact.

Palavras-chaves: corporate sustainability, sustainability report,

corporate social responsibility
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Niterói, RJ, Brasil, 5, 6 e 7 de agosto de 2010

1. Introduction

Since the Earth Summit (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development)
was held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 the idea of sustainable development has increasingly
gained in strength. It is founded on the idea that no healthy society or economy can exist in a
world with so much poverty and pollution. As traditional conceptions of economic and social
development fail to take account of the importance of the environment, the aim now is to meet
people‟s basic requirements while striving to assure the health of the environment and
economic prosperity for all people. This cannot be achieved by one country in isolation; a
world partnership is needed if sustainable development is to work. Sustainable development
seeks to take account of and integrate the economy, ecology and society in order to preserve
the world‟s environmental and cultural resources for future generations while also respecting
diversity and reducing social inequality.
Germany is one of Brazil‟s most important international economic partners. A
significant number of German companies are operating in Brazil, many of which are in the
automotive and automotive supplier sectors. Germany is one of the leading auto production
countries in the world, but the industry is actually of great importance to both countries. In
2006, 5.8 million vehicles were produced and 750,000 people were employed in the industry
(around 391,000 direct jobs in auto companies and 429,000 jobs in the automotive supplier
sector) [1]. In the same year 2.2 million vehicles were produced at Brazil‟s thirty car
manufacturing plants, employing 106,000 people directly. These plants were connected to 500
main suppliers and 3,000 dealerships [2]. In 2006 Germany‟s automotive industry was
responsible for 19% of the country‟s industrial GDP (Gross Domestic Product) [1]. The same
industry accounted for around 14.5 % of Brazil‟s GDP [2].
The increasingly strict legislation pertaining to the industry and rising consumer
awareness has compelled the automobile sector to make continuous improvements to its
environmental performance. The environmental concerns tend to be associated with either the
products themselves (their use or post-use impacts) or their production process

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(environmental impacts of manufacturing processes and logistics). The former concerns

include not only gas emissions, but also the appropriate destination of replaced materials
(parts and fluids) during a vehicle‟s working life and its body and parts at the end of its
working life. The latter concerns include minimizing the use of raw materials, chemicals,
energy and water, as well as reducing effluents, waste and atmospheric emissions.
In addition to environmental issues, the auto industry also has a wide range of social
and economic impacts, such as its best practices in management, processes, product
development, and worker and customer relations. Its activities have a direct effect on the
employment and welfare levels in its associated industries (i.e. suppliers and dealerships).
Many of the main car makers have joined the United Nations Global Compact (in
chronological order: Daimler, BMW, Renault, Volvo, Volkswagen, PSA, Nissan, Ford,
Hyundai and KIA). The UN Global Compact [3] sees itself as “a strategic policy initiative for
businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally
accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. By
doing so, business, as a primary agent driving globalization, can help ensure that markets,
commerce, technology and finance advance in ways that benefit economies and societies
everywhere.” Companies are called on to:
1. support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;
2. make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses;
3. uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to
collective bargaining;
4. eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
5. commit themselves to the effective abolition of child labour;
6. eliminate employment discrimination;
7. support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
8. undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility;
9. encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly
technologies; and
10. work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
The purpose of this paper is to report on the outcome of a study of the sustainability
performance of three companies with headquarters (or, in one case, a relatively independent

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subsidiary) in Germany and subsidiaries in Brazil. Only the two companies with headquarters
in Germany are participants of the UN Global Compact. The research had three main
a) To evaluate the sustainability performance of each of the companies. Are their
activities compatible with the principles of the Global Compact? Is there a relevant
sustainability performance difference between companies with and without a
commitment to the Global Compact?
b) To compare their sustainability performances (benchmarking);
c) To verify whether the automotive multinationals have comparable environmental
and social performances between their plants in the European Union (e.g. Germany)
and in Mercosur (e.g. Brazil) or, at least, whether they do in fact implement their
environmental and social principles in a similar way in both countries.
In order to achieve objective a, the sustainability reports of the companies were
analyzed in order to verify whether their reported actions cover the principles of the Global
As the Global Compact provides no indicators for sustainability performance evaluation,
it recommends the use of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines [3]. Therefore, for
objective b, the companies‟ sustainability reports were checked against the 97 economic,
environmental and social indicators in the second version of the GRI Guidelines.
For objective c, data on the German and Brazilian factories were compared, for which
purpose information on the companies‟ sustainability performance was gathered from their
corporate websites and in interviews. The information was subsequently arranged in matrices.

2. Sustainable Business Management and Benchmarking

Business first became involved in social issues in the early twentieth century through
means of philanthropy, but as Tenorio [4] states, the exhaustion of the industrial model and
the development of post-industrial society have built up new concepts that go far beyond the
scope of philanthropy. Now, companies‟ business plans should embrace the point of view of

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their related social agents (mainly trade unions, NGOs and government agencies), which
means promoting transparency in all interactions between management and stakeholders.
This has given rise to new concepts like business volunteers, corporate citizenship,
corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. The latter induces companies to
set business goals that are compatible with the sustainable development of society. In fact,
numerous standards, regulations, benchmarks and guidelines have been proposed to help
guide business practices towards this goal, often through the combined efforts of multiple
social agents. Table 1 lists the main international references businesses use to align
themselves with sustainable development, as well as some Brazilian initiatives, including the
seminal Balanço Social (Social Balance Sheet) proposed by IBASE (Brazilian Institute for
Social and Economic Analyses).


OECD guidelines, Agenda 21, Principles of the Global Compact,
Global initiatives Millennium Development Goals (MDG), Earth Charter, UN
Convention against Corruption
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Norms on the
Human rights Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business
Enterprises with regard to Human Rights
Guide to International Labour Standards, SA 8000 (Social
Accountability 8000), Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
Labour and their Follow-up, OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health Safety
Assessment Series), Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health
Management Systems (ILO-OSH 2001)
Protection of consumer
UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection
The Natural Step (TNS), Convention on Biological Diversity
Environment (CDB), Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, FSC
Principles (Forest Stewardship Council), ISO 14000 series, UN

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Framework Convention on Climate Change, Vienna Convention for

the Protection of the Ozone Layer,
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, IBGC (Brazilian
Institute of Corporate Governance) Code of Best Practices in
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance, CVM (Brazilian Securities & Exchange
Commission) Recommendations on Corporate Governance
Financial organizations The Equator Principles
Accountability Standard AA1000 (AccountAbility), Brazilian
Association of Private Pension Funds (Abrapp) and Ethos Basic
Corporate Social
Principles of Social Responsibility, ABNT NBR 16001: 2004
(Brazilian Standard: Social Responsibility Management System –
IBASE Social Report, Ethos Indicators, Bovespa (São Paulo Stock
Sustainability reporting Exchange) Business Sustainability Index (ISE), Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI)

Table 1: International and Brazilian Sustainability References

As already mentioned, the research described in this article used the GRI sustainability
reports of three automotive companies to benchmark their sustainability performance.
Benchmarking is a widely-used strategic management technique for comparing specific
aspects of an organization‟s performance against its competitors in order to evaluate the
adoption of industry best practice [5]. Lately, benchmarking has been used to rank the
sustainability performance of banks [6], socially responsible investments [7] and other
Hertin et al. [8] discuss the feasibility of sustainability benchmarking serving as an
instrument to support governance for corporate sustainability. Sustainability benchmarking is
defined as “quantitative or semi-quantitative comparisons of individual companies on
environmental and or social criteria with the aim of distinguishing between better and poorer

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performers”. They distinguish basically two types of initiatives for sustainability

- Evaluatory sustainability assessments, which provide an overall appraisal of the
sustainability performance of companies presented in a highly aggregated and
simplified format, examples being: Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, FTSE4Good,
SAM, ISE/BOVESPA (Brazilian corporate sustainability index) and other rating
- Diagnostic sustainability benchmarking, which is relevant for stakeholders that require
detailed information about companies‟ sustainability performance. This is often
conducted by consulting firms, fund managers, research institutes, trade associations,
regulatory agencies and companies themselves. Disclosure of the findings is often
limited [8].
It was decided that this second type of benchmarking would be more suitable for the
purpose of the research.
Morhardt et al. [9] benchmarked the 1999 reports of 40 of the largest manufacturing
companies in the world. They found that many of the reports scored highly when evaluated
against three pioneering sustainability benchmarking models, but not so well when evaluated
against scoring models derived from the ISO 14031 environmental performance evaluation
standard and from the GRI 2000 Guidelines, which are much more detailed and

3. Sustainability Reports and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Information about the sustainability record of companies can be gleaned from a wide
range of potential sources, such as media reports, corporate environmental and sustainability
reports, studies by consulting firms or research institutes and ratings [8]. As Blanke et al. [11]
state: “communication has become a strategic success factor for companies. Companies have
presently not only the classic product competition, but also communication competition.
Therefore they succeed - by continuously growing the information provided – in achieving the
most dialogue with society”.

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The development of the Internet has changed the way information is conveyed to the
public. Indeed, communication managers must now address this and other technology
developments in the communication strategies they develop. Blanke et al. [11] note that: “new
public relations have been formed in a virtual environment (…). Besides these new structural
requirements of corporate communication, the concept of sustainability has become more
important for businesses.”
Many businesses are now using the Internet to provide information about their products,
services and corporate data. Sustainability reports can be found in the websites of most
multinational companies. The German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) [12]
affirms that: “over the past few years corporate sustainability reporting has undergone rapid
evolution. More and more companies have begun to inform their stakeholders about the
corporate environmental and social performance in addition to financial disclosures.
Associations, consulting companies, academia and technical literature are driving the agenda
of sustainability.”
According to Dwyer and Owen [13], “the most consistent reports have predominantly,
but not exclusively, been large companies operating in „sensitive‟ industrial sectors. These
companies primarily produce a substantial stand-alone paper and/or web based report.”
Sustainability reports can provide important information that is normally not found in
financial reports but can contribute to an evaluation of the business. This may include
corporate human capital, corporate governance, risk management, environmental liabilities
and innovation capacity [14] [15].
One of the reflections of this progress in sustainability reporting is the growing number
of guidance documents on sustainability and sustainability reporting, such as the GRI (Global
Reporting Initiative) guidelines, ISO 14063 (international standard for environmental
communication), AA1000 (assurance standard for social and sustainable reporting by
AccountAbility, an American non-profit organization), BS 8900 (British standard guidance
for managing sustainable development) and NBR 16001 (Brazilian standard for socially
responsible management systems).
Even so, environmental and sustainability reports have received scant attention from
some target stakeholders. The possible causes of this may be insufficient comparable data,
unreliable audit procedures, the difficulty of validating data and an unclear definition of target

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stakeholders, which would give the information the wrong focus, with too many or too few
indicators, data and explanations.
The BMU [12] states that: “in order to achieve a minimum of quality and to reduce data
uncertainties standardized core indicators could be useful. However, experts underscored that
a standardization of essential content elements and the definition of core indicators are not
enough to improve the information quality sufficiently. To achieve comparability and
credibility high-quality accounting methods measuring corporate sustainable performance are
a must. Sufficient freedom to choose and develop new reporting methods and communication
channels should be secure to spur innovation and progress.”
The GRI [14] claims to be “an independent institution whose mission is to develop and
disseminate globally-applicable Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. The guidelines are for
voluntary use by organizations for reporting on the economic, environmental, and social
dimensions of their activities, products and services.” The GRI has representatives from
business, accountancy, investment, environmental, human rights, research and labour
organizations worldwide. It became independent in 2002 and is an official collaborating
centre of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), working in conjunction with
the Global Compact [10] [14].
The GRI [10] describes reporting as follows: “the GRI Reporting Framework provides
guidance on how organizations can disclose their sustainability performance. Report makers
choose the guidance and indicators contained in the various framework components to suit
their needs and their stakeholders‟ interests. The framework is applicable to organizations of
any size, type or location.” Table 2, based on the second edition of the GRI guidelines [10],
presents the items that sustainability reports should contain: (a) strategy and analysis; (b)
organizational profile; (c) report parameters; (d) governance, commitments and engagement;
and (e) management approach and performance indicators (both core and additional).
A pilot version of the GRI Automotive Sector Supplement was released in 2004, with
specific economic, environmental and social performance indicators.
Since then, the third version of the GRI guidelines (G3 2006) was brought out in
October 2006. The new guidelines are very similar to the previous ones, containing 121
elements (21 less than in the GRI 2002), of which 49 are core indicators and 30 are additional
indicators. The publication of the third version is recent, so most of the reports registered in

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the GRI in May 2007 were still following the second version (GRI 2002). One of the three
companies analyzed in this study had still not published a G3 sustainability report by the end
of 2008, hindering the comparison update intended in this work.


1. Vision and Strategy 2
2. Profile 22
3. Governance Structure and Management
4. GRI Content Index 1
INDICATORS Core Additional Total
5. Performance indicators
5.1. Economic Performance Indicators 10 3 13
5.2. Environmental Performance Indicators 16 19 35
5.3. Social Performance Indicators
5.3.1. Labour Practices and Decent Work 11 6 17
5.3.2. Human Rights 7 7 14
5.3.3. Social Performance Indicators: Society 3 4 7
5.3.4. Product Responsibility 3 8 11
Total Social Indicators 24 25 49
Total number of elements 142
Total number of core indicators 50
Total number of additional indicators 47
Total number of indicators (core + additional) 97
Total number of elements (without additional) 95

Table 2: GRI 2002 (Summary): Report Contents

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The GRI puts particular emphasis on the possibility of using the reports for
benchmarking, as well as for checking performance against laws, regulations, codes or
performance standards, and for comparing performance within and between organization over
periods of time [10] [14].

4. Summary of Alignment between Global Compact Elements and GRI


The United Nations Global Compact Office recommends that the GRI guidelines be
used for communicating progress against the principles of the Global Compact [16]. Table 3
presents an alignment between the Global Compact Communication on Progress (COP) and
the G3 guidelines.
The United Nations [16] states: “the COP is a description of actions taken by the
participants in support of the Global Compact and is intended to demonstrate commitment to
the Global Compact and progress in implementing the ten principles.”


A statement of continuing
Strategy and analysis

Policies, commitments and Governance, commitments, engagement

systems Disclosure on management approach (DMA)

Description of practical Disclosure on management approach (DMA) and

actions selected performance indicators

Measurement of outcomes Performance indicators

Table 3: Alignment between Global Compact elements and GRI guidelines

In April 2008 around 2,900 businesses from more than 100 countries were signatories to
the Global Compact. Companies A and B have both submitted COPs. [16]

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5. GRI and the Automotive Industry: analysis of available GRI

sustainability reports

In May 2007 we consulted the GRI reporting database and found that around 900
organizations worldwide were registered, which means that they use the GRI sustainability
reporting guidelines. Forty-five of these organizations (5%) were German, four of which were
from the automotive industry (assembly and parts) (0.5%). Worldwide, 36 of the GRI
registered organizations (4%) were from the auto industry. Twenty-five organizations (3%)
were Brazilian, but none of these were from the automotive industry [14].
In April 2008 an attempt was made to consult the GRI sustainability reports database in
order to update these figures, but the database was no longer available. We contacted the GRI
for an explanation but received no reply.
According to the May 2007 inquiry, only two of the auto companies registered with the
GRI have their headquarters in Germany and plants in Brazil (companies A and B). The third
company is based in the USA, but has a very strong presence in Germany and Brazil
(company C). These were the three companies chosen to be analyzed. Their sustainability
reports were downloaded from their corporate websites. Most of the data for this study were
collected between January and December 2007.
All three reports included an addendum intended to bring them into compliance with
the GRI‟s Automotive Sector Supplement, as recommended by the GRI Reporting
Framework. Nevertheless, none of the additional information provided was of any real
Most of the indicators provided by the three companies were expressed on a global basis
without any country or regional breakdown, with the exception of a few economic indicators.
None of the reports showed the figures for their environmental and social performance in the
different countries where they operate or per industrial plant.
Each sustainability report gives a measure of its compliance with the GRI 2002
Guidelines. Every indicator is classified as fully covered, partially covered or not covered in
relation to what is prescribed by the Guidelines. It is worth emphasizing that no external

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auditors checked the reliability or accuracy of this or any of the other information in the
reports. Although this was outside the scope of the research, an exploratory assessment was
made that showed that at least half of the social indicators the companies claimed to have
fully or partially covered were actually either not covered or only partially covered in the
sustainability reports. On some occasions detailed descriptions are given, but with no
evidence of fulfilling the requirements of the GRI Guidelines.
The GRI classifies its indicators as core (those required for every GRI report) or
additional. The analysis took into account only the coverage of core indicators because there
were so few cases in the reports where the additional indicators were mentioned. This could
either mean that the companies regarded them as not sufficiently meaningful for the
stakeholders, or that they feared this additional information could be used against them by
their competitors or pressure groups, or that they simply wanted to reduce their reporting
Table 3 shows the extent to which the sustainability reports covered the GRI 2002 core
indicators in the eyes of the companies themselves. The number of GRI core indicators fully
covered in the reports ranges from 58% to 78%. A significant number of GRI core indicators
(22% to 42%) were not covered.
Year published 2005 2006 2007
Core indicators
(1) Contents fully covered (%) 36 58 78
(2) Contents partially covered
33 - -
Average of (1) + (2) (%) 68
(3) Contents not covered (%) 31 42 22
Average of (3) 32

Table 3: Sustainability reports: results of the companies‟ coverage of the GRI 2002 core
indicators (Base date: March 2007)

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Table 4 shows the degree to which each Triple Bottom Line dimension (economic,
environmental and social) was covered in the reports.


Core indicators fully or partially covered
Economic indicators (%) 90 50 80
Environmental indicators (%) 62 63 88
Social indicators (%) 76 96 96
Core indicators not covered
Economic indicators (%) 10 50 20
Environmental indicators (%) 38 37 12
Social indicators (%) 24 4 4

Table 4: Sustainability reports: results of the companies‟ coverage of GRI 2002 indicators per
type of core indicator

The reports by companies A and C give no justification for their non- or partial coverage
of certain indicators. Company B‟s report does, but not always very convincingly. For
example, indicator EN1 (total materials use) was not provided because the company “does not
consider it relevant for its activities”, which is surely very arguable.
It can be seen that company B had the highest number of uncovered GRI indicators, but
half of these are economic indicators. Its coverage of environmental indicators is similar to
company A‟s and its social indicator coverage is much better.

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5.1. Analysis of Information relating to Economic Indicators

The GRI 2002 guidelines list thirteen economic indicators, ten of which are core and
three are additional. As can be seen in Table 4, none of the companies covered all the core
economic indicators. Indeed, company B admitted that its level of reporting was inadequate.
No data was found in any of the investigated reports on “suppliers: monetary flow
indicator”. A similar situation was found for “public sector: monetary flow indicator”.
Company C provides clear monetary data in table form on “donations to community and
civil society”, listed by type and group, for 2004 and 2005. Company A presents some of its
international social projects (such as an aid project for Tsunami victims, the fight against
HIV/AIDS in Brazil and South Africa, and humanitarian funds for former forced labourers),
but does not disclose monetary values. Instead of giving information on this indicator,
company B shows the results of its evaluation by international sustainability and CSR rating
A more detailed analysis of the economic indicators provided by the three companies
reveals that they were summed globally, without any regional or country-wide breakdown,
except for the “geographic breakdown of markets” indicator, in which two of the companies
give data on their Brazilian operations (among others).

5.2. Analysis of Information relating to Environmental Indicators

The GRI 2002 guidelines list 35 environmental indicators, 16 of which are core and 19
are additional. As can be seen from Table 4, companies A and B admit that their sustainability
reports do not cover more than one third of the core environmental indicators, while company
C claims to cover 88% of them.
No data were found in the reports on: (i) total materials use other than water, by type;
(ii) indirect energy use; (iii) location and size of land owned, leased, or managed in
biodiversity-rich habitats; or (iv) description other major impacts on biodiversity associated
with activities and/or products and services.

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Company A provides significant data related to indicator EN15 (percentage of the

weight of products sold that is reclaimable at the end of the products‟ useful life and
percentage that is actually reclaimed), as well as the results of a Life Cycle Assessment that
compared innovative and conventional material recycling processes. The soon-to-be-
implemented innovative process would lead to a further thirty percent drop in greenhouse gas
Company B relates the CO2 emissions from its production plants to the number of
vehicles it produces (EN8 - greenhouse gas emissions). Very few figures are given about
EN10 (NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions by type), although the company states
that the introduction of water-based paints brought about a 70% reduction in its solvent
emissions compared to their 1990s levels.
Undoubtedly, the company that discloses the most significant quantitative information
about the progress of its environmental performance is company C.

5.3. Analysis of Information relating to Social Indicators

The GRI 2002 Guidelines list 49 social indicators, 24 of which are core and 25 are
additional. As can be seen from Table 4, companies B and C claim to report almost all the
core social indicators, while company A lags behind with 24% non-coverage.
Little data was found in the reports on indicators relating to human rights and society, as
follows: (i) description of policies, guideline, corporate structure, and procedures to deal with
all aspects of human rights relevant to operations, including monitoring mechanisms and
results; (ii) evidence of consideration of human rights impacts as part of investment and
procurement decisions, including selections of suppliers/contractors; and (iii) description of
policy to prevent forced and compulsory labour and extent to which this policy is visibly
stated and applied.
Companies A and B declare they have an average of 12% female employees, which
indicates they have a predominantly male workforce. Company C demonstrates a much better
situation, with 21% female employees.
Hardly any of the additional social indicators from the GRI 2002 are provided in the
reports analyzed. Examples of these indicators are: (i) description of appeal practices,

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including, but not limited to, human rights issues; and (ii) awards received relevant to social,
ethical, and environmental performance.
It is noteworthy that only company C (which is not a Global Compact participant) offers
a Social Balance Sheet (Balanço Social) report, which is the sustainability model introduced
by IBASE. Social Balance Sheet reports are more concise than GRI reports, but they have
earned a good reputation in Brazil.

5.4. Results

The information gleaned from the GRI-model reports analyzed allowed us to make an
appraisal of the efforts made by the two companies with headquarters in Germany to fulfil
their commitments to the Global Compact, as well as the third company‟s aptitude to adhere
to it. It is expected that the commitments to the Global Compact will be met by using the GRI
Guidelines for sustainability reporting as there is an explicit link between the content of both
Unfortunately, it was not possible to make an accurate quantitative comparison of the
information in the reports. Although they adopted the guidelines when preparing their GRI
sustainability reports, each company‟s method of presenting the GRI indicators was different.
This made it hard to distinguish which companies had the best or worst performance for their
economic, environmental and social criteria.
Daub [17] warns us not to forget “that the GRI guidelines, though extensive and
supporting the idea of standardized report content, do not require the company to fulfil or
handle all topics. Thus, companies are free to use the guideline in any way they choose. This
can both be seen as the strengths as well as the weaknesses of the GRI guidelines.”
Therefore, the sustainability reports of the three companies under study do not allow for
any business sustainability benchmarking. The scarce literature about sustainability reporting
tends to support this conclusion. Langer [18] notes that the “comparability of reports may be
limited by the heterogeneity of sustainability reports.” In his analysis of sustainability reports
of Austrian and multinational corporations, he found that “there are considerable differences
between the reports issued by different corporations. The sometimes hidden variations go
beyond differences that are due to the industry and the size of a company.” He concludes:

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“these concealed differences may influence the usability of sustainability reports for
benchmarking and initiatives for further standardization of sustainability reporting and
rankings of companies.” [18]
It must be stressed that G3, the 2006 release of the GRI Guidelines, intends to improve
the comparability of data across organizations [19].

6. Analysis of the Companies’ Disclosure Practices

Every GRI report must offer an e-mail or phone contact to answer queries from its
readers. In the second part of the study, we intended to use this option to fill the
aforementioned information gaps. Questionnaires were sent to the three companies with very
precise questions. Company A did not answer the questionnaire at all, though it did permit
visits to be made both to its head office in Germany and to its Brazilian subsidiary, even if
this failed to provide any information of significance to the research. Meanwhile, companies
B and C stated outright that we would be denied access to any further information. As with
company A, various contacts were made but hardly any of our questions were answered. All
three companies stated that they would not provide any data on their economic, environmental
and social performances other than what could be read in their sustainability reports.
Company A used to have a sustainability portal, where relevant information was made
available. In early 2008, after two years on the air, the portal was replaced by a small
inclusion in the corporative portal, with much less detail. Company A gave no explanation for
this decision.
From this contact experience it could be apprehended that:
- the information in the sustainability reports was basically processed at the company
headquarters, with the passive participation of the Brazilian subsidiaries;
- dialogue with stakeholders is more effective at head offices than at subsidiaries, which
demonstrates the marked centralization of corporate communication at head offices.
The Brazilian subsidiaries submit data to the head offices, but they do not have much
say in the drafting of sustainability reports. Indeed, they cannot even use the reports in their
communication with their Brazilian stakeholders, since the reports are not available in
Portuguese. The subsidiaries‟ websites make no reference to the companies‟ sustainability

Energia, Inovação, Tecnologia e Complexidade para a Gestão Sustentável
Niterói, RJ, Brasil, 5, 6 e 7 de agosto de 2010

reports, nor do they provide any quantitative information on results relating to environmental
and social responsibility (except for company C‟s Social Balance Sheet report).
This begs some questions: Do Brazilian stakeholders not exert enough pressure on the
subsidiaries for them to provide further information? Are the Brazilian stakeholders not
strategic enough in the companies‟ corporate governance?
Dwyer and Owen [13] note that many academic researchers “express concern that
reporting processes have become prone to „managerial capture‟ in that corporate management
have taken control of the entire process of production of the reports, with the result that
information is collected and disseminated only if it is deemed appropriate to advance the
corporate image, rather than seeking true transparency and accountability to stakeholders.”

7. Conclusions

The research described in this article analyzed the sustainability reports of three
automotive multinationals with head offices or a large subsidiary in Germany and industrial
plants in Brazil.
The reports demonstrate the efforts made by the two companies with headquarters in
Germany to meet their commitments to the principles of the Global Compact. They also show
that the third company, which is not a Global Compact participant, has a comparable
sustainability performance to the others and could easily join the Global Compact. In view of
the fact that few companies have a systematic mechanism for the public disclosure of
sustainability information, the three companies‟ posture is remarkable, although it is
impossible to ascertain whether there are other actions they could take beyond what is
included in their reports. This evaluation was the first objective of the research.
The second objective (to distinguish the companies with the better and worse
environmental and social performance) was less conclusive in its findings. It was not possible
to make a clear comparison between the information from the companies‟ sustainability
reports, since each one of them presented the indicators differently. It was therefore
impossible to benchmark their business sustainability levels.
It was also not possible to compare the environmental and social performance of the
companies‟ industrial facilities in Germany and Brazil (third objective), because most of the

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Niterói, RJ, Brasil, 5, 6 e 7 de agosto de 2010

indicators were given as a total, without any country-specific information being provided.
This made it impossible to draw any conclusions as to whether the multinationals adopt the
same approach to environmental and social principles in both countries. Although the GRI
principles require companies to answer readers‟ queries by e-mail or phone, none of the three
companies would provide any additional data in Germany or Brazil.
Overall, the reports only allow a skin-deep assessment of the environmental and social
performance of the companies. This finding would seem to justify a degree of scepticism as to
the benefits of the current automotive industry sustainability reports.


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