If Done Within The Holy Mass, Commissioning Is Done After The Homily

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Part I

Celebration of the Eucharist

Part II

(If done within the holy mass, commissioning is done after the homily)

Spiritual Director : Rev. Fr. Jenny “John” B. Capindo

Asst. Parish Priest
Commissioning Officer : Mr. Ramona Bayesa
MBG President Prelature of Batanes

1. Presentation of New Members

2. Pin Ceremony
3. Candle Ceremony

1.Presentation of the New members

Sis. Ramona :

Your Reverence, as the President of the Mother Butler Guild of the Prelature of Batanes, I am
presenting the following new members of this unit of Sto. Domingo de Guzman Parish for
commissioning and petition that your reverence admits them and Proclaim them as such.

(The new members are called )

Fr. John : Members of the Mother Butler’s Guild of Sto. Domingo de Guzman Parish. Do you promise to
lead a truly catholic life?

New Members : Yes, we promise to lead a truly catholic life.

Fr. John: Do you promise to uphold the faith and promote fidelity to the statutes of the Mother Butler’s

New Members : Yes, we promise.

Fr. John : Then by virtue of the authority conferred upon me as the spiritual director of the Mother
Butler Guild in this Parish, I hereby admit you and proclaim you as a members of the Mother Butlers
Guild with the duties and prerogatives as such.

Sis. Ramona :

(While holding the tray containing the MBG pins, addresses the members for commissioning)

The pin is the badge of a Mother Butler Guild member. It is the symbol of your commitment and pledge
to serve as handmaids of the altar. The giving it to you symbolizes the unity that binds all officers and
members together.

(She now presents the tray with the pins to the spiritual director for blessing)

Fr. John : Our help is in the name of the Lord

All : Who made heaven and earth

Fr. John : The Lord be with you

All: and with your spirit

Fr. John: Let us pray

Lord God, heavenly Father, your immense love for mankind moved you to give us your beloved Son as
the saving victim on our altars. Bless this pins, we entreat you, so that your handmaids wearing them
close to their hearts while serving Jesus Christ, you Son, may always be filled with his love, his humility,
his generosity. With your grace, may these pins encourage your handmaids to be faithful to their
commitment and to your word; so that we may all merit eternal reward in your kingdom. Through Christ
our Lord.

Commissioned members: Amen

(Fr. John blesses the pins. Sis. Ramona pins the badge on the left lapel of the uniform of each member)

2. Candle Ceremony

Fr. John lights the candle of Sis. Ramona saying :

I light this candle that the love of God may ever be the spirit behind all your works in the organization.

The candles of the members are lighted while sis. Ramona says the following :

This is the candle ceremony symbolizing that the Mother Butler Guild being a mandated organization of
the Episcopal Commission of the Lay Apostolate of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines,
works in close collaboration with the hierarchy. The light that shall be passed on to you symbolizes the
love ever on fire which shall burn for our God and Church, the flame which warms us in our mutual work
and which you are to keep ablaze in the hearts and the works of the Mother Butler Guild members.
3.The Pledge

Sis Ramona :

I (state your name), freely and joyfully/join the ranks of the Mother Butlert
Guild//convinced that I am answering the call of Christ/and trusting in the help of
His grace/I hereby pledge myself/to be an apostle in my family/in my section/in
my social sphere/by prayers/by work and example and by living a truly catholic
life/May God and our Blessed Mother/help me to keep my pledge.
Fr. John : addresses the new members and gives them his blessing, saying : New members of the Mother
Butler Guild Unit of Sto Domingo Parish, be faithful to your solemn pledge. May Christ, our supreme
leader and our Blessed Mother enlighten, help and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit.

All : AMEN

Sis. Ramona :

On behalf of our National President, Amb. Tita de Villa, we are officially welcoming all of you to the
sisterhood of the Mother Butler Guild.

(The MBG members blow their candles , turn to face the people, then return to their seats and join the
community in reciting the apostles creed)

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