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Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi

Course No : ELL - 769 (Electrical Systems for Construction Industries)

Semester : Feb. 2021 - May, 2021
Date : 10th May. 2021
Max. Marks : 60 Marks
Time : 60 mins (2 pm to 3 pm)
Note : Answer copies to be scanned, and sent by email latest by 3.10 pm.


1. When a DC generator is being driven at 1,200 rpm, the generated emf is 125 volts.
Determine the generated emf
(a) if the field flux is decreased by 10 percent with the speed remaining unchanged, and
(b) if the speed is reduced to 1,100 rpm, the field flux remaining unchanged.
( 4 Marks)

2. A 220–volt, 60–hertz, 10–hp, single-phase induction motor operates at an efficiency of

86% and a power factor of 90%. What is the value of capacitor that should be placed in
parallel with the motor so that the feeder supplying the motor will operate at unity power
factor? ( 4 Marks)

3. (a) Calculate the synchronous speed of an eight–pole induction motor when supplied with
power from a 60–cycle source.
(b) The rotor speed of a six–pole 50–cycle induction motor is 960 rpm. Calculate the
percent slip.
(c) Calculate the speed of a 60–cycle,14–pole motor if the slip s is 0.05.
( 6 Marks)

4. What must be the value of resistance R in circuit shown in Fig.1. ( 2 Marks)


5. Give ix = 1 Amps, in the circuit of Fig.2. find value of source current i and voltage vs ?
( 4 Marks)

6. The variation of current through an 20 milliHenry inductor as a function of time as shown

in fig. 3. Find the inductor voltage at t = (a) 0.5 msec (b) 2.7 msec (c) 4.01 msec.
( 6 Marks)


7. Transform each of the following currents into time-domain

(a) 6 - j8 (b) -6 + j8 and (c) -10j. ( 3 Marks)

8. Add the following currents waves ( 4 Marks)

i1 (t) = 5 sin (wt)
i2 (t) = 10 sin (wt + 60o)

9. Deter the power being dissipated in fig. 4. ( 4 Marks)

Fig .4.
10. Determine the power factor (p.f.) associated with a load that:
(a) consists of a 6.25 µF capacitor in parallel with the series combination of 400 Ω
resistance and 1 H at ω = 400 rad/s;
(b) is inductive and draws 33 A rms and 6.9 kW at 230V rms;
(c) is composed of parallel loads, one of which draws 10 kVA at 0.8 p.f. lagging and the
other 8 kVA at 0.9 p.f. leading.
( 9 Marks)

11. A circuit draws 4A at 25 Vrms, and dissipates 50 W. Find: ( 8 Marks)

(a) apparent power;
(b) reactive power;
(c) power factor and phase angle; and
(d) impedance in both polar and rectangular forms.

12. For the circuit shown in Fig. 5, find i and v as functions of time for t > 0 . ( 6 Marks)

Fig. 5.

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