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1. A technology that enables consumers, developers, and businesses to
communicate and collaborate by accessing software applications, data storage,
and computing processing capacity over the Internet.
A. Cloud Computing C. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
B. Internet of All D. Big Data

2. Enables businesses to shift the burden of managing and maintaining computer

hardware from their own staff to providers whose business specialize on these
A. Cloud Computing C. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
B. Internet of All D. Big Data

3. Enables both casual internet user and the specialized programming developer to
access information from around the world almost instantaneously.
A. Cloud Computing C. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
B. Internet of All D. Big Data

4. Vast amount of information that computer users can access via the World Wide
Web without the need for purchasing and installing specialized programs on their
A. Cloud C. Stars
B. Sun D. Moon

5. Statement 1: Working in the cloud enables users to avoid storing information,

programs, or files, on their hard drive.
Statement 2: Part of the trends in the Fourth industrial Revolution or also called
as “Industry 4.0” are 3d Printing, Internet of all things, Augmented reality, Cloud
computing, etc.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

6. Statement 1: Data centers were later forms of clouds.

Statement 2: Users adopted the cloud symbol to designate storage facilitates that
were not a PC’s local, or internal, hard drive.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. B. Only statement 2 is correctt D. Both statements are incorrect

7. There are number of applications that use cloud computing. Which of the
following is not?
A. Google C. Microsoft Office 2019
B. Facebook D. Instagram

8. Which among the following accounting application software are cloud-based?

A. Xero C. Quickbooks
B. SAP D. All of the other choices

9. The core value of this type of service is providing access to, and management of,
a commercially available application
A. Software as a Service (SaaS) C. Platform as a Service (SaaS)
B. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) D. Funeral Service (FS)

10. It refers to the foundation of the cloud-based server upon which a computer
developer can construct a system to meet the particular need.
A. Software as a Service (SaaS) C. Platform as a Service (SaaS)
B. Infrastructure as a Service D. Secret Service (SS)

11. One advantage of this type of service is that it provides a common environment
upon which a single developer or a team of developers can build.
A. Software as a Service (SaaS) C. Platform as a Service (SaaS)
B. Infrastructure as a Service D. Service Water (SW)

12. All services, including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, are outside the network’s firewall
A. Public Cloud C. Hybrid Cloud
B. Private Cloud D. Cloud Nine

13. Functions like a private cloud but is within a public cloud.

A. Public Cloud C. Hybrid Cloud
B. Private Cloud D. Virtual Private Cloud

14. It is the most secure type of

cloud. C. Hybrid Cloud
A. Public Cloud D. Virtual Private Cloud
B. Private Cloud

15. In this type of cloud, an organization rents physical server space, or uses its own
infrastructure, and rents virtual servers on demand on an as-needed basis
A. Public Cloud C. Hybrid Cloud
B. Private Cloud D. Cloud Nine

16. Statement 1: In Software as a Service (SaaS), other parties manage the

applications, data, runtime, middleware, O/S, virtualization, servers, storage, and
Statement 2: In Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), other parties manage the
applications, data, runtime, and middleware while the company manages the
O/S, virtualization, servers, storage, and networking.

A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct

B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

17. Statement 1: In Platform as a Service (PaaS), other parties manage the

applications, data, and runtime while the company manages the middleware,
O/S, virtualization, servers, storage, and networking.
Statement 2: In Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), other parties manage the
applications, data, runtime, and middleware while the company manages the
O/S, virtualization, servers, storage, and networking.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

18. Xero caters more of the:

A. Large-scale Businesses
B. Micro-sized Businesses
C. Small and Medium-sized Businesses
D. Monkey Businesses

19. Where did Xero started?

A. Wellington, New Zealand C. Melbourne, New Zealand
B. Wellington, Australia D. Melbourne, Australia

20. Xero is based from what type of

A. Software as a Service (SaaS) C. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
B. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) D. School Service (SchS)

21. Who are the founders of Xero?

A. Rod Drury and Hamish Edwards C. Rod Drury and Hamich Edwards
B. Rob Drury and Hamish Edwards D. Ben and Ben

22. What is the original name of Xero?

C. Accounting Version 2.0
A. Accounting 2.0
D. Accounting Version 2.00
B. Accounting 2.00

23. What is the corporate name of Xero?

A. Xero Limited C. Xero Corporation
B. Xero Incorporated D. Xero

24. Xero has offices around Australia, which is not?

A. Melbourne C. Adelaid
B. Sydney D.Auckland

25. As of today, how may subscribers does Xero have globally? Choose the best
A. One million+ subscribers C. Three million+ subscribers
B. Two million+ subscribers D. Four million+ subscribers


26. It your home page where you can view basic information about your business at a
A. Dashboard C. Accounting
B. Business D. Contacts

27. You can view the list of your inventories on this page.
A. Dashboard C. Accounting
B. Business D. Contacts

28. If you want to see the reports of your day to day operation, you can go to this menu
A. Dashboard C. Accounting
B. Business D. Contacts

29. You can add details about your supplier on this menu.
A. Dashboard C. Accounting
B. Business D. Contacts

30. In the organization settings tab there are two portions the “General” and
“Features”, which of the following is located under the “General” portion:
I. Organization details VI. Invoice settings
II. Users VII. Payment services
III. Currencies VIII. Email settings
IV. Connected Apps IX. Pay runs
V. Subscription X. Xero to Xero
and billing XI. Custom contact links
A. I, II, V, VII, X C. I, VI, IX, X
B. I, II, III, IV, V D. All of the following given.

31. In the organization settings tab there are two portions the “General” and
“Features”, which of the following items is located under the “Features” portion?
I. Organization details VI. Invoice settings
II. Users VII. Payment services
III. Currencies VIII. Email settings
IV. Connected Apps IX. Pay runs
V. Subscription X. Xero to Xero
and billing XI. Custom contact links


B. I, II, III, IV, V, VI D. All of the following given

32. The following are the items located under

Business tab VI. Purchase Overview
I. Invoices VII. Expense Claims
II. Quotes VIII. Products and Services
III. Sales Overview IX. Payrun
IV. Bills to Pay
V. Purchase Order
B. I, II, III, IV, V, VI D. None of the other choices

33. The following are the items located under

Accounting tab V. Purchase Overview
I. Quotes VI. Expense Claims
II. Sales Overview VII. Products and Services
III. Bills to Pay VIII. Payrun
IV. Purchase Order
B. I, II, III, IV, V, VI D. D. None of the other choices

34. The following are items located under

Contacts tab III. Partners
I. All Contacts IV. Suppliers
II. Customers
B. I, II, IV D. None of the other choices

35. Advanced accounting have to portions the “Advanced Features” and “Advanced
Settings”. Which of the following belongs under the “Advanced Settings” portion?
I. Find and recode IV. Assurance dashboard
II. Manual journals V. Export accounting data
III. Fixed assets VI. History and notes

A. I, II, III, IV C. None of the following given

B. I, II, III, IV, V D. All of the following given

36. Advanced accounting have to portions the “Advanced Features” and “Advanced
Settings”. Which of the following belongs under the “Advanced Feautures”
I. Find and recode IV. Assurance dashboard
II. Manual journals V. Export accounting
III. Fixed assets VI. History and notes

A. I, II, III, IV C. None of the following given

B. I, II, III, IV, V D. All of the following given

37. Default items featured in the

I. Bank Balances IV. Invoices owed to you
II. Total Cashflow V. Bills to pay
III. Salaries Expense VI. Depreciation

A. I, II, III C. I. II, IV, V

B. I, II, IV, VI D. All of the following given

38. Where you can directly work with general

A. Financial settings C. Export accounting data
B. Manual journals D. Chart of accounts

39. Where you can monitor the accuracy of financial data within your organization
A. Manual journals C. Assurance dashboard
B. Chart of accounts D. Tracking categories

40. Where you can view a summary of the actions made by all users to your
A. Assurance dashboard C. Conversion Balances
B. History and notes D. Tracking Categories


41. Where you can manage tracking items for more powerful reporting
A. Tax rates C. Tracking categories
B. Fixed assets settings D. Conversion balances

42. Where you can update balances from previous accounting systems
A. Tax rates C. Tracking categorical
B. Fixed assets settings D. Conversion balances

43. Where you can edit/input the company address, logo and basic financial
A. Organization details
B. Users
C. Currencies
D. Connected Apps
E. Subscription and billing

44. Where you can change plan and update credit card details.
A. Organization details
B. Users
C. Currencies
D. Connected Apps
E. Subscription and billing

45. Where you can add, remove or modify users of this organization
A. Organization
B. Users
C. Currencies
D. Connected Apps
E. Subscription and billing

46. Where you can add and manage third party connections to Xero
A. Organization details
B. Users
C. Currencies
D. Connected Apps
E. Subscription and billing

47. Where you can create branding themes for documents, add payment services
and auto reminders for invoices
A. Invoice settings D. Pay runs
B. Payment services E. Xero to Xero
C. Email settings F. Custom contact links

48. Where you can manage your pay run settings

A. Invoice settings D. Pay runs
B. Payment services E. Xero to Xero
C. Email settings F. Custom contact links

49. Where you can add and manage online payment options for your sales invoices
A. Invoice settings D. Pay runs
B. Payment services E. Xero to Xero
C. Email settings F. Custom contact links

50. Where you can set a reply-to email address and email template content
A. Invoice settings C. Email settings
B. Payment services D. Pay runs

E. Xero to Xero F. Custom contact links

51. You’re creating a new email template for the organisation. To help save time
manually entering information in the future, what should you include in the email
A. The template type C. Placeholders
B. A custom message D. Quick links

52. There are key things to remember when using Xero’s branding themes to create
a document. Terms and payment advice for invoices and statements are set
A. Inside the template
B. Manually in the email accompanying the document
C. Individually on each document
D. None of the above

53. There are key things to remember when using Xero’s branding themes to create
a document. You can attach a new logo to a branding theme template
A. In the branding theme template
B. After you save the new branding theme template
C. Before you edit the template
D. None of the other choices

54. Under the organization details, Xero will let you choose the organization type
from a dropdown list box. Which of the following is not included?
A. Sole Proprietorship C. Charity
B. Partnership D. Club or Society

55. In the organization details, what is the maximum limit for the characters that you
can type in the organization description?
A. 150 C. 250
B. 200 D. 300

56. Statement 1: There are 8 default templates in the email settings.

Statement 2: As you are logged in user, emails are sent using the email address of
Xero with replies going to your invitation email.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

57. The base currency for the organization of Blank Slate Limited is?
A. New Zealand Dollar C. HUF Hungarian Forint
B. US Dollar D. Philippine Peso

58. Statement 1: The two types of lock date are based on user role. One lock date
stops users who are not Advisers changing data. The other lock date stops all
users, including Advisers.
Statement 2: Lock dates are typically used to prevent data editing when your
accountant or bookkeeper is preparing your financial records for the year, or at
the end of a sales tax period.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

59. When you are adding an account, which of the following field is optional to fill-in?
A. Account C. Description
Type D. Tax
B. Code

60. Statement 1: Under the Account type, you can choose depreciation, direct costs,
expense, and overhead if the account you are adding is an expenses.
Statement 2: Under the Account type, you can choose current liability, liability, and
non- current liability if the account you are adding is an asset.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

61. Under the dashboard watchlist, what ais/are the balance/s shown on the
A. This Month Balance only
B. YTD Balance only
C. Daily Balance only
D. Both This Month Balance and YTD Balance
E. Both This Month Balance and Daily Balance
F. Both YTD Balance and Daily Balance

62. Statement 1: You can delete an account you’ve used in a transaction, even if you
later changed the account used by the transaction or removed the transaction
altogether. Statement 2: Archiving doesn’t impact transactions already entered or
your ability to report on the account.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

63. They are set by Xero. They're used for specific reporting or accounting purposes.
You won't see all these accounts on your chart of accounts as some are used on
reports or in the background by Xero.
A. System Accounts C. Padlock Accounts
B. Locked Accounts D. Archived Accounts

64. Statement 1: It’s very important not to change the column headings. Renaming,
deleting, or changing the order of the rows along the top will cause the import to
Statement 2: Anytime you see the star next to something on the Settings page
(or elsewhere in Xero), you are able to click on this star to favourite it, or click again
to remove the favourite.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

65. When adding a bank, what are the two account

A. Credit Card and Other
B. Debit Card and Credit Card
C. Savings Account and Current Account
D. Deposit Account and Savings Account

66. When adding a credit card number, what and how many digits would Xero
A. Last 4 digits of your credit card number
B. First 4 digits of your credit card number
C. Last 5 digits of your credit card number
D. First 5 digits of your credit card number

67. Which of the following given tax rates are being locked by Xero at default?
I. Tax Exempt
II. Tax on Purchases
III. VAT on Purchases (Goods)
IV. Tax on Sales
V. Sales Tax on Imports
VI. VAT on Sales (Services)
A. I, II, IV, and V C. II, III, IV, and VI
B. I, III, V, and VI D. III, IV, V, and VI

68. Statement 1: Users with the standard user role can remove lock dates
temporarily to allow changes to transactions.
Statement 2: Lock dates stop data from being changed for a specific period. You
cannot change these anytime.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

69. What is the maximum limit of the tracking categories?

A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4

70. You can use different depreciation method in Xero. Which is not?
A. No Depreciation C. Sum of Years Digit
B. Straight Line D. Declining Balance (200%)

71. Statement 1: After creating a contact, you can raise a sales invoices but you
cannot raise anymore of a purchase transactions. Hence, you should create a
separate contacts for sales invoices and purchase transactions.
Statement 2: You can view a detailed history of the transactions recorded for each
contact under their contact entry.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

72. There can multiple ways on how to add a contacts in Xero. Which is not?
A. You can go to Contacts > All Contacts > Add Contact
B. You can go to Business > Invoices > New Invoices > To
C. You can go to Contacts > All Contacts > Import
D. None of the other choices

73. When it comes to the contacts.csv, which of the following headings is a mandatory to
fill- up to complete the process of importing contacts?
A. ContactName
B. AccountNumber
C. EmailAddress
D. AccountsReceivableTaxCodeName

74. What type of files can be used to import the contacts of the company into Xero?
A. Comma-separated Value (.csv) only
B. Text Files (.txt) only
C. Both Comma-separated Value (.csv) and Text Files (.txt)
D. None of the other choices

75. When it comes to merging contacts,

A. The first contact you choose will be archived while the second will remain.
B. The first contact you choose will remain while the second will be archived.
C. Both first and second contact will be archived.
D. Both first and second contact will remain.

76. You can sort the contacts by different ways. Which is not?
A. Name B. They owe

C. Email D. Contact number

77. Statement 1: When it comes to adding a contact manually, you can input two or
more contact persons.
Statement 2: Postal address and Street address can be the same in contacts.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

78. When inputting information about Phone number of the contacts, use to
separate country code, area code and the number.
A. Space C. Backslash
B. Dash D. Underscore

79. Statement 1: If you want to update details for existing contacts using the file, don't
make any changes to the Account number, as this creates a new contact in Xero
instead. Statement 2: If you've added bank account details to a contact record,
make sure the numbers are in the correct format.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

80. Upon default, the contacts page will show you the contact information. Which is
A. Contact C. You Owe Them
B. Email D. Contact Person

81. Statement 1: You can also see the part of history and notes specifically on the
contacts upon clicking its name.
Statement 2: At default, Xero will also show you a graphical presentation of the
contacts’ money over last 12 months.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

82. On the Contacts’ page, what documents can you create when you are viewing a
specific contact.
A. Sales Invoice C. Repeating Bill
B. Purchase Order D. All of the other choices

83. What is the main reason on archiving the contacts?

A. You no longer do business with the supplier or customer
B. You have a very bad relationship with your supplier or customer
C. You don’t like your supplier or customer
D. You have a past relationship with the contact person of your supplier or

84. Statement 1: You can restore archived contacts individually or

in bulk. Statement 2: You can delete a contact from Xero.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

85. What are the two types of classification of Contacts in Xero?

A. Customers and Suppliers C. Consumer and Suppliers
B. Customers and Vendors D. Consumer and Vendors

86. When you track an inventory item, you’ll need to specific the:
A. Inventory asset account
B. Cost of goods sold account
C. Both Inventory asset account and cost of goods sold account
D. Neither Inventory asset account nor cost of goods sold account

87. You're adding your first tracked inventory item in Xero and you can’t select an
inventory asset account. How can you resolve this issue?
A. Create a new account with Current Asset as the account type and use this as
the inventory asset account.
B. Create a new account with non-current asset as the account type and call it
C. Change the account type of the existing account to inventory and use it as the
inventory asset account.
D. Create a new account with Inventory as the account type and use this as
the inventory asset account.

88. You want to import a combination of tracked and untracked inventory items using
the items template. How can you do this in Xero?
A. Import items in two separate batches and import untracked items first
B. Add inventory asset and cost of goods sold accounts for all items
C. Add inventory asset and cost of goods sold accounts for tracked items
D. Import items in two separate batches and import tracked items first

89. Statement 1: When you are adding an item name, you only have up to 50
characters. Statement 2: Adding an item code can help you find and organize
your items.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

90. What type of files can be used to import the items of the company into Xero?
A. Comma-separated Value (.csv) only

B. Text Files (.txt) only

C. Both Comma-separated Value (.csv) and Text Files (.txt)
D. None of the other choices

91. What type of files can be used to import the opening balance of the items of the
company into Xero?
A. Comma-separated Value (.csv) only
B. Text Files (.txt) only
C. Both Comma-separated Value (.csv) and Text Files (.txt)
D. None of the other choices

92. When importing items into Xero, what is the maximum number of items that you
can include per Item import?
A. 1,000 C. 3,000
B. 2,000 D. 4,000

93. At default, what information would Xero shows at the Products and Services page?
A. Cost price C. Description
B. Account D. History and Notes

94. Your manager asked you to create a new record for the item that the company will
launch next week. Complete the process. Go to Business > > + New Item.
A. Products and services C. Items
B. Inventories D. Import items

95. Statement 1: You'll need to have the Adviser or Standard user role to make
changes to your inventory items.
Statement 2: You can delete an item from Xero.
A. Only statement 1 is correct C. Both statements are correct
B. Only statement 2 is correct D. Both statements are incorrect

1. You’d like to keep an eye on spending in the staff entertainment expense account, to make sure
the team is staying within budget each month. How do you add an existing account to the Account
watchlist on the dashboard?
a. Add a new account in the chart of accounts for entertainment
b. Edit the account in the business performance dashboard
c. Go to the chart of accounts to edit the account details
d. Edit the dashboard panels to add the new account

2. You’ve started a new online store and are setting up features in the Xero organisation. You were
asked to turn on two-step authentication to secure your account. Which of the following menu
would you go?
a. Contacts Menu c. Products and Services
b. User Menu d. Accounting Menu

3. You’ve started a new online store and are setting up features in the Xero organisation. You were
asked to set up and add inventory items. Which of the following menu would you go?
a. Contacts Menu c. Products and Services
b. User Menu d. Accounting Menu

4. You’ve started a new online store and are setting up features in the Xero organisation. You were
asked to manage details for customers and suppliers. Which of the following menu would you go?
a. Contacts Menu c. Products and Services
b. User Menu d. Accounting Menu

5. You’ve started a new online store and are setting up features in the Xero organisation. You were
asked to access reports to see the store’s financials. Which of the following menu would you go?
a. Contacts Menu c. Products and Services
b. User Menu d. Accounting Menu

6. A while ago, you switched off notification popups. You’d like to turn them back on so you can be
updated on the status of the organisation's bank feeds. How do you switch notification popups
back on? Arrange the steps below into the correct order
1. Click the Settings link
2. Click Save
3. Click the bell icon
4. Select Show notification popups
a. 3, 2, 1, 4 c. 3, 1, 4, 2
b. 1, 3, 4, 2 d. 4, 1, 3, 2

7. It’s important that you enter the correct information in the organisation settings, and that you know
what Xero does with this information especially if you’ve selected to show specific items publicly
on online invoices. The is the name you’ll see in Xero.
a. Display Name c. Legal/Trading Name
b. Contact Name d. Practice Owners

8. It’s important that you enter the correct information in the organisation settings, and that you know
what Xero does with this information especially if you’ve selected to show specific items publicly
on online inchartvoices. Entering a is optional.
a. Postal Address c. Legal/Trading Name
b. Physical Address d. None of the above

9. It’s important that you enter the correct information in the organisation settings, and that you know
what Xero does with this information especially if you’ve selected to show specific items publicly
on online invoices. The can show in the footer of your online invoices.
a. Display Name c. Organisation description
b. Logo d. Organisation addres

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10. Now you’ve learned about inviting and editing user permissions, complete the following
statements. To invite or edit users in an organisation, you need to have permission in
a. Manage User c. Edit Settings
b. Adviser d. Standard

11. Now you’ve learned about inviting and editing user permissions, complete the following
statements. To give a user advanced accounting features, select the role.
a. Invoice Only c. Adviser
b. Standard d. Projects

12. Now you’ve learned about inviting and editing user permissions, complete the following
statements. To give someone access to view Xero, without the ability to add or make changes,
select the role
a. Invoice c. Read Only
Only d. Adviser
b. Standard

13. Your online store has customers and suppliers in several countries. Your base currency is USD
and you need to set up EUR, NZD, AUD and GBP currencies.
Sort the following items into the correct order to show the steps.
1. Go to Currencies in settings 3. Click + Add Currency
2. Repeat for NZD, EUR, GBP 4. Click the drop down list and select
a. 3, 1, 4, 2 c. 1, 3, 2, 4
b. 1, 3, 4, 2 d. 3, 1, 2, 4

14. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. Xero was founded in 2006 in an Australian studio apartment when the founders felt that
traditional desktop accounting software had become outdated and decided to create a
modern cloud-based product.
b. Xero's products are based on the platform as a service (PaaS) model and sold by
subscription, based on the type and number of company entities managed by the
c. The headquarters of Xero Limited Global is located in its home country, Australia, where it
is also listed in the Australian Stock Exchange.
d. Xero has offices in the United Kingdom, Canada, United States of America,
Singapore, Hong Kong, South Africa, and other countries.

15. Who are the founders of XERO?

a. Rod Drury and Hamish Edwards c. Rob Drury and Hamish Edward
b. Rob Drury and Hamish Edwards d. Rod Drury and Hamich Edwards

16. Which of the following is NOT a cloud-based accounting software?

a. Fresh Books c. Xero
b. Clear Books d. Fast Books

17. This innovation enables users to avoid storing information, programs, or files, on their hard drive.
This means that the storage facility is outside the PC’s local or hard drive.
a. Cloud c. Cloud Computing
b. Stack d. Public Network

18. Which of the following statements on Cloud Computing is false?

a. It enables businesses to shift the burden of managing and maintaining computer hardware
from their own staff to providers whose business specialize on these fields.
b. It enables both casual internet user and the specialized programming developer to access
information from around the world almost instantaneously.
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c. It refers to the foundation of the cloud-based server upon which a computer
developer can construct a system to meet the particular need.
d. A technology that enables consumers, developers, and businesses to communicate and
collaborate by accessing software applications, data storage, and computing processing
capacity over the Internet.

19. What was the original name of XERO?

a. Accounting 2.0 c. Accounts 2.0
b. Accountant 2.0 d. Accountants 2.0

20. A service model where all are managed by others, specifically a service provider, and is
available for all users.
a. Platform as a Service c. Infrastructure as a Service
b. Software as a Service d. Network as a Service

21. The most secure type of cloud service delivery model

a. Private Cloud c. Public Cloud
b. Virtual Private Cloud d. Hybrid Cloud

22. Inventory adjustments are sometimes required to keep inventory numbers accurate. Choose the
right kind of adjustment to use for the situations listed below.
Situation: You’ve found an extra inventory item in your warehouse, create
a. A decrease quantity adjustment c. An increase quantity adjustment
b. A revaluation adjustment d. A removal of existing inventory item

23. You’re unable to edit the inventory asset account for a tracked inventory item. What could be the
reason for this?
a. The inventory asset account is a system account
b. The inventory item has an opening balance value
c. The account has been used on a repeating template
d. The account has been used in conversion balances

24. You’re editing the chart of accounts for the organisation. Which account field must be unique?
a. Account type c. Description
b. Tax rate d. Account code

25. You’d like to upload documents to Xero Files and attach them to client invoices. There are a few
Underlying foundation or basic framework of a system or an organization.
a. Infrastructure c. Cloud
b. Stack d. Platform

26. You’re setting up two organisations on Xero and need to select the tax basis. Finish the sentences
below. Heather’s Kiosk is a business that records revenue and expenses at the end of the day
when the till is closed. Select .
a. Cash Basis c. Financial Settings
b. Accrual Basis d. None of these

27. You’re setting up two organisations on Xero and need to select the tax basis. Finish the sentences
below. Mike’s Consulting is a service based business that records revenue using the date on
approved invoices, bills and other transactions. Select .
a. Cash Basis c. Financial Settings
b. Accrual Basis d. None of the above

28. Your organisation would like to add a custom tax rate to assign as the default tax rate to certain
accounts within the chart of accounts. Sort the steps into the correct order.
1. Click New Tax Rate
2. Click Accounting and Advanced
Page 4 of 5
3. Click Save
4. Add Display Name, Tax Type and Components
5. Select Tax Rates
a. 2, 5, 1, 4, 3 c. 1, 2, 4, 5, 3
b. 5, 4, 2, 1, 3 d. 2, 1, 5, 4, 3

29. You haven’t submitted any sales tax reports for the last financial year, yet you’ve noticed there are
some draft invoices awaiting approval for that period. There’s a lock date in place preventing all
users from approving transactions. You’d like to approve the last-minute invoices. Sort the steps
into the correct order.
1. Go to Financial Settings
2. Remove the lock date and save
3. Approve the invoice
4. Reinstate the Lock date
a. 1, 3, 2, 4 c. 1, 4, 3, 2
b. 1, 2, 3, 4 d. 1, 3, 4, 2

30. You’re populating the fields in the chart of accounts import template and are considering what
information must be added.
Which of the following statements is true
1. Account Code and Account Type are Mandatory fields
2. Account Balance and Account Description are Mandatory fields.
a. Both statements are true c. Only the first statement is true
b. Both statements are false d. Only the second statement is true

31. You’ve populated the import file with unpaid invoices and would now like to import this into Xero.
What happens next? Sort each step into the correct order.
1. Approve the invoices from the draft tab
2. Click import from the invoices screen
3. Browse for the CSV template and click import
4. Review and Complete the Import
a. 4, 3, 2, 1 c. 3, 2, 4, 1
b. 2, 3, 4, 1 d. 4, 2, 3, 1

32. It’s time to add a conversion date for the organisation in order to move from the previous accounting
software, to Xero. Which of the following is a conversion date we would recommend?
a. End of the calendar year c. The start of the financial year
b. The start of the calendar year d. The middle of any month

33. There are a number of uncleared cheques at the time of conversion and you’re about to enter
conversion balances for the accounts. Sort the steps into the right order.
1. Determine total of uncleared items
2. Save
3. conversion balances
4. Add an uncleared items account
5. Enter the uncleared items conversion balance
a. 1, 3, 4, 2 c. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 1, 4, 3, 2 d. 1, 2, 4, 3

34. A layer of the stack that provides a common environment upon which a single developer or a team
of developers can build and basic features are preselected by the provider.
a. Hybrid Cloud c. Platform as a Service
b. Infrastructure as a Service d. Software as a Service

35. Xero does things differently. Identify some of the basic features that make Xero different from
traditional accounting software. Xero allows you to have users
a. Up to 100 c. Unlimited
b. Limited d. None of the above
Page 5 of 5

36. There are key things to remember when using Xero’s branding themes to create a document.
Terms and payment advice for invoices and statements are set .
a. Individual on each document
b. Inside the template
c. Manually in the email accompanying the document
d. None of the above
37. There are key things to remember when using Xero’s branding themes to create a document.
A new logo can be attached to a branding theme template .
a. In the branding theme template
b. After the new branding theme template has been saved
c. Before the template has been edited
d. None of the above

38. You're adding your first tracked inventory item in Xero, and you've found that you're unable to
select an existing account as the inventory asset account. How can you resolve this issue?
a. Change the account type of the existing account to inventory and use it as the inventory
asset account.
b. Create a new account with inventory as the account type and use this as the
inventory asset account.
c. Create a new account with non-current asset as the account type and call it inventory.
d. Create a new account with current asset as the account type and use this as the inventory
asset account.

39. You want to import a combination of tracked and untracked inventory items using the items
template file. How can you do this in Xero?
a. Add inventory asset and cost of goods sold accounts for tracked items
b. Import items in two separate batches and import untracked items first
c. Import items in two separate batches and import tracked items first
d. Add inventory asset and cost of goods sold accounts for all of the items

40. You’ve previously recorded the purchase of stock to a current asset type account. You want to
start using tracked inventory from today. What adjustment account should you use while preparing
the opening balances file?
a. The cost of goods sold account c. The purchases account
b. The current asset account 6. The inventory asset account

Page 6 of 5

KAHOOT QUIZ # 1 13. Which is a PaaS delivery model? None

1. A technology that enables consumers to of the choices.
communicate by accessing software
application and etc. over the internet. 14. Saves enterprises the costs of buying
Cloud Computing and maintaining their own hardware.
2. Cloud computing enables businesses to
15. Data is secure in the cloud; equipment
shift burden of managing computer
failure does not result in loss of data.
software from their own staff. False
3. Amount of information that can be
16. The basic ingredients are preselected by
accessed via the World Wide Web without
the provider. PaaS
the need for purchasing programs. Cloud
17. Providers of private cloud, choose one.
4. IT Professionals often drew diagrams that
None of the choices.
described how computers were
connected to each other, using? Shaped
18. User’s data becomes stored on the
provider’s virtual servers. Public Cloud
5. Users adopted the cloud symbol to
19. Only applications can be managed by the
designate storage facilities that were not on
user under Platform as a Service. False
a PC’s local or internal hard drive. True
20. Virtualization is not included in IaaS on
6. Early forms of clouds. Data centre
which the user can manage. True
7. Which is not an accounting software?
21. The image below depicts what? SaaS
None of the choices.
22. New Zealand domiciled public
8. Layers of customizable services that can technology company, listed on the
be employed to meet the user’s American Stock Exchange. None of
demands. Stack the choices.

9. First layer of cloud computing. Software

23. Offers a cloud-based accounting
as a service
software platform for small and
medium-sized businesses. All of the
10. A service provider offers access to a cloud-
based environment in which users can build
and deliver applications. PaaS
24. Xero has three offices on which of the
following countries. None of the choices.
11. Foundation of the cloud-based server
upon which a computer developer can
25. Xero’s products are based on the software
construct a system to meet the particular
as a service (SaaS) model and sold by
need. IaaS
subscription. True
12. An organization rents physical server
26. Xero was founded in a Wellington
space and rents virtual servers on demand
studio apartment in? 2006
on an as needed basis. Hybrid Cloud
27. Founders of XERO. Rod Drury and
Hamish Edwards
28. Xero Limited Global headquarters is 43. To show All account listing on the
located in New Zealand. True dashboard, click _____. None of the
29. Original name of XERO. Accounting 2.0

30. Xero was the original name of this famous

band. None of the choices

31. Xero entered UK in 2011. False

32. In 2017, Xero surpassed one million

subscribers globally. True

33. In December 2018, Xero hits 1 million

subscribers in its home markets of
Australia and United Kingdom. False

34. Name of our company for practice

guide in XERO. Urban Tails Pet

35. Steps not included in the introduction to

XERO navigation. Organization Details

36. To formally change or edit dashboard,

click on Edit Dashboard located on the?
None of the choices.

37. To change company information, click

the company then click then
organization details. Settings

38. Line of business of the company. Urban

Tails Pet Shop

39. Organization type. Sole Proprietor

40. To add or modify general ledger accounts,

click _____ then _____ then _____.
Accounting > Advanced > Chart of

41. Tax applicable for revenues. Tax on Sales


42. Tax applicable for assets and liabilities. Tax

Exempt (0%) 43. To show All account listing
on the dashboard, click _____. None of the
13. Bills default due date update. 15 days of
1. To add a bank account or credit account. the following month
Click Accounting then then Chart of
Accounts. Advanced 14. Sales invoice default due date update. 20
days after the invoice date
2. Accounts types for credit card accounts
are: Credit card, other options. False 15. Purchase order numbering. 2000

3. Ending numbers used to appear as 16. To edit email settings, click the company
account numbers for Metro De Oro then _____ then _____. None of the above
Credit Card. 9996
17. Delete currency name from the body of the
4. XERO will first search for the bank to email in two places to prevent “USD” from
see if a bank feed doesn’t exist. False showing up on invoices. False

5. How many digits does a usual account 18. To update financial settings, click _____ then
number have? 10 _____ then _____. Accounting, Advanced,
Financial Settings
6. To edit general ledger account names, click
19. In updating financial settings, lock dates for
then then . both types of users as of December 31,
Accounting, Advanced, Chart of 2019. True
7. To enter conversion balances, click 20. Time zone = (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur,
Accounting then then__Advanced, Malaysia. False
Conversion Balances
21. To add tax rates, click Accounting then
8. Capital account used to update Advanced then _____. Tax Rates
conversion balances. Owner A Share
Capital 22. Default percentage for VAT on sales and
purchases. None of the choices
9. To edit invoice logo, click then
then . Urban Tails Pet Shop, 23. Depreciation Method for Fixed Assets.
Straight line
Settings, Invoice Settings
24. Averaging Method is based on. Actual days
10. In editing default terms, same procedure will 25. Effective life of fixed assets. 10
be done with editing invoice logo. True

11. Click and on the right of the

standard branding theme when editing
an invoice logo. Options, Change

12. To begin importing invoice logo, click .


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