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I n d u s t r i a l M e a s u r i n g Te c h n o l o g y f r o m C a r l Z e i s s

Measurement made easy.

Calypso. The fast and reliable
way from CAD model to
finished measuring program.

Calypso under Windows NT. Calypso provides reliable

measuring runs and correct
Calypso imports CAD data results with high system
and instantly creates error- intelligence.
free measuring programs.
Calypso is user-friendly,
Calypso “thinks” like a metro- intuitive, dialog- and graphics-
logist. The flexible inspection oriented.
plan replaces programming in

Direct import of CAD data. The

fastest way to your measuring

Calypso has a direct interface to all major

CAD formats. This means that 3D models are
transferred directly from the finished design to
your measuring programs. In addition, DMIS
data can also be imported and processed. All
operations are performed in just one system
and programming times are drastically reduced.
The need for manual input of nominals or learn
programming is eliminated – and errors are
practically eliminated. Multiple conversions and
intermediate steps, which in the past frequently
lead to tolerance problems, are a thing of the

One system environment.

From design and production ...
The interface minimizes transfer For all applications
Using Calypso, there is virtually no metrology
The interpreter understands the standard demand you can't meet. Even complex measur-
data formats and their languages. Calypso redu- ing tasks such as
ces transfer errors based on language problems · statistical evaluation (only possible with
to just a few exceptions. This saves the time that Provacs)
would normally be required for editing the work- · surface measurement (HOLOS NT)
piece geometries. Calypso also offers convenient · reverse surface engineering (DIMENSION) etc.,
functions permitting fast and easy correction of can easily be accomplished.
design errors.

Efficient process planning.

With Calypso, the complete programming

process takes place in the process planning
department. In other words, the quality assur-
ance department can use its coordinate measur-
ing machine and all production facilities to full

The measuring program can be compiled and

modified just as quickly on the basis of existing
CAD data when programming directly at the
CMM. quality management.

Calypso. Scanning Unlimited.

This is synonymous with the

basic idea of Calypso. Contrary
to measuring software which
supports only single-point prob-
ing, Calypso processes point
quantities of unrestricted density
– the only way of precisely
illustrating form deviations.

Forms verified by high-speed


Calypso was developed specifically with high-

speed scanning in mind. Its object-oriented
modular structure, the internal data structures
and the constant refinement of proven algo-
rithms are the basis for fast scanning. Where
conventional software packages can only illustra-
te a contour in the form of a mathematical best
fit, Calypso determines the actual curve. This
applies to form verification of standard geo-
metries just as well as to the digitization of
design models.

Function-oriented measurement Intelligent filter technology for
instead of checking tolerances highest precision

To meet workpieces mating requirements, Due to the low mechanical probing uncer-
very narrow tolerances need to be observed tainty, only very weak smoothing filters are
when establishing the functional dimensions in required in Calypso for the presentation of
single-point probing. The complete capture of smoothed contours.
the surface in the scanning mode permits highly
precise illustration and evaluation of the form Outliers caused by scratches or dirt are elim-
deviation. Mating components can be matched inated using a highly intelligent optimization fil-
and tolerances utilized. ter. This system intelligence removes the need to
trace errors, for example after the 3 rd shift. In
addition to these two filters, Calypso provides all
standard form-testing filters available in classical
form testers.

Calypso measures the actual contour in

the scanning mode and then determines
form deviations in accordance with the
standard minimum conditions and the
minimum circumscribed and maximum
inscribed circles (ISO 1101). This is the
only way of efficiently checking toleran-
ces of components with a mating quality.
Outliers are eliminated by a highly
intelligent optimization filter.

■ Minimum circumscribed circle

determined from scanning data
■ Maximum inscribed circle
determined from scanning data
Form evaluation
Difference in mid-point
coordinates of the two circles

The next generation in
CAD-based CMM Software.

Calypso gives you the freedom to Just select what you want to
focus on dimensional analysis of measure, in any order, and
your parts. Create measuring pro- Calypso does the rest. Calypso
grams to meet your inspection has intelligant tools that make
requirements. No more sequential part programming simple and
inspection plans, structured pro- accurate.
gramming or messy code.

Not necessary in USA,

because common.
From the metrology room to the production floor –
anyone can use Calypso.

Always on the leading edge of Modern software architecture

The object-oriented design of Calypso pro-
Hardware and software are evolving at a vides maintenance and simplifies software sup-
rapid speed. Only those who are open to tech- port. The modern programming structure makes
nological innovations can keep up with their it possible to incorporate specific adaptations
competitors. For your investment to be pro- and customized applications.
tected in coordinate measuring technology, you
need a highly efficient platform. This permits
fast reaction times to market changes. Maximum
flexibility both in hardware and software is the
result. The possibilities are endless.


With Calypso, you are using the same indus-

trial standards as your customers. You can use
the result files, but also the convenience of
current PC environments for powerful documen-
tation in your production. Measured data and
illustrations are transferred in table, presentation
or graphics programs so that all standards of
multi media applications can be used.

Flexible inspection plan instead
of sequential programming.

Measuring programs need to be Programming according to

created with precision. With inspection plan. In a matter of
Calypso, programming is per- minutes.
formed within a specified test
schedule. The system performs With conventional systems, many program-
plausibility checks and allows you ming steps need to be entered in sequences.
to continue with your measure- Calypso only requires the geometry, test feature
ment only if absolutely all infor- and stylus combination to be entered, e.g. bore
mation required for inspection is 2, diameter 30, stylus 4. From the combination
available. of this information Calypso creates objects and
automatically generates the measuring strategy.
The inspection plan merges these objects, the
sum of which represents the complete CNC
program. Another advantage is the fact that the
structuring of the program into individual ob-
jects allows new programs to be created by
means of simple editing functions.
Fast and reliable programming
within the inspection plan

Variable inspection scope saves Flexible program library reduces

time. programming work.

In practice, it is not always necessary to When measuring part families, you can work
measure every geometric element. With Calypso with an existing pool of master programs, in
you define a flexible inspection plan and sequen- which not absolute nominal values, but para-
ce by simply varying the inspection plan once meters are defined. For the creation of the actual
created. This means that you only get the results measuring program the nominal values are
which are actually needed. imported from the parameter modules. Then you
can quickly and easily generate a new measuring
program. Corrections are also easy to perform.

High level of automation for
higher speed and reliability.

Calypso automatically generates Probe paths generated

many processes like the defini- automatically.
tion of travel routes and measur-
ing strategies, for example, Take a complex part for which the probe path
which in the past had to be has to be defined by many intermediate posi-
entered manually directly at the tions. In practice, it is quite easy to forget an
machine. intermediate position and the tracing of such an
error then takes longer than the programming of
Simply program. the actual measuring job. Calypso generates the
probe path almost automatically. This means that
Calypso automatically identifies geometric collisions are virtually eliminated, as are time-
elements, generates probe paths and strategies, consuming programming sessions and inefficient
returns and travel paths between elements. troubleshooting on the machine.
Calypso also performs automatic evaluations on
the basis of general tolerances.

Calypso stores programs for CNC stylus cali-

bration which only have to be called up for
repeat calibrations. Unlike with conventional
software, only the first probing contact on the
calibration sphere needs to be performed
manually, then the automatic calibration pro-
gram takes over.

identifies all
geometric elements.

All basic steps are preset for
specific processes in Calypso.
Many sequences are automated.
For example, mathematical
alignment, measurement and
distance computation.

Dedicated access options

depending on the job and parts

The measurement of die casts and the meas-

urement of tiny gears for watches are complete-
ly different. A high degree of automation there-
fore figures only if the basic parameters can be
modified as needed and matched to the current
job and the parts to be measured. Depending on
the application, Calypso offers individual access
options such as the manual setting of interme-
diate positions on complex geometries.

Simple and reliable routine


Manual measuring plays an important role in

everyday routine work. In the past, such tasks
could only be accomplished after lengthy mathe-
matical alignment. For example, the mathe-
matical alignment is monitored by dialog-driven
routines and supported visually. In this way,
Calypso supplies the correct results interactively.
For easier measurement.

Calypso simplifies even complex See what you are measuring.

programming procedures. You
save measuring and programming You see the CAD model on screen as if you
times. The results can be used in had the actual workpiece in front of you. All
any Windows application. functions for customized views are easily acces-
sible right there on screen. The digital photo-
graph of the clamping fixture, for example, can
Easy to operate. be used as an illustration to prepare a run. The
set-up can be performed by anyone. No more
Calypso is intuitive, thoroughly functional paper work on the shopfloor. Operation contin-
and has excellent graphics. Our software is ues smoothly when the shift changes.
designed by measuring technology and commu-
nications specialists. It conforms to the latest Reliability through common dialog
ergonomic principles and is self-explanatory and menues.
The entry of measuring parameters is struc-
tured so that nothing can be forgotten. The
input menus supply default values. The few
entries that must be made manually are clearly
marked. Logical sequences, displays, questions
and feature-related plausibility checks ensure
that nothing is left out and make measuring

Reliable results,
clearly presented.

Inspection records can be designed to meet ferred to the different standard applications
your customer's specific requirements. In other within Windows. As illustrations, as tables, inte-
words, you can organize inspection criteria grated in presentation programs ... whatever
alphabetically, according to groups or deviations, your customer needs.
or have out-of-tolerances color-marked. Results
can be directly related to the appropriate geo- Dialog-driven operation,
metric elements in the graphic illustration. For self-explanatory structure,
graphics support,
presentation purposes, data files can be trans-
on-line documentation –
Calypso offers the ultimate in
ergonomic system design.
Calypso. For all applications.

Flexible manufacture of increas-

ingly complex parts calls for
equally flexible quality assurance.
For a multitude of workpieces,
measuring tasks and tolerances,
Calypso quickly supplies the
highly accurate results that you
need for in-process quality

Standard geometries Cam measurement

Calypso supports
touch-trigger and
universal 3D probes.

Bore pattern analysis Sheet metal inspection Precision-mechanical parts

60-11-050-e Printed in Germany W-TS-VII/2000 Noo
Subject to change. Printed on chlorine-free paper.
© Carl Zeiss © Text and design by: Schwenkert, Kastenhuber und Partner GmbH, München-Unterföhring.

Carl Zeiss Carl Zeiss

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