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Section A

Q.3 Prepare a diagnostic test for a class of students you are about to take over. You
should specify the age and approximate suspected level of the students. Briefly explain
the purpose of each section of the test. State any time limits imposed; if none, state the
expected duration.

Learners Backgrounds
This diagnostic test consist of 3 sections
Age - 15 years
Competency Level – Intermediate
Duration - 2 hours
Purpose of each section :-
Section A – 30 multiple choice questions on the various from of grammar knowledge and
vocabulary. In this section students will understand of the usage of grammar and vocabulary.

Section B – 6 question regarding a given Poem. This section is to gauge on the student’s
level of reading and comprehension, also to test on the student’s ability to answer questions
grammatically accurate.

Section C - Selection of 4 topics for essay is given. Purpose of this section is to gauge the
student’s writing ability in terms of the fluency of the language, sentence formation and
grammatical awareness when writing.

Section A

1)He’s _____ children’s doctor.

a. one
b. the
c. a
d. an

2)______ Nimal watch TV on Sunday?

a. Do 
b. Has
 c. Is 
d. Does
3)The boy ______magazines.
a. is reads
b. reads 
c. read 
d. reading 

4)_______ pen is this?

a. Which
b. Who’s
c. Whose 
d. What

5)_______ tell his mother next time.

a. They’re
b. They
c. They’ll
d. They do

6)My friend _________to visit his grandfather last week.

a. has gone 
b. goes 
c. went 
d. has been

7) My brother ______ very hard today.

a. is studying
b. has been studying
c. studies 
d. study

8) Their schoolbags are________ than ours.

a. gooder
b. most good 
c. better 
d. more good 

9) My parents ______ work every day at 8:00 AM.

a. have starting 
b. starts 
c. are starting 
d. start
10) The teacher is ______ the classroom.
b. in 
c. on
d. into

11) The sailors cannot see the boat. It ______ earlier.

a. sink 
b. is sinking 
c. sank 
d. sinked

12) Would you like to have _______ cake?

a. few
b. any 
c. all
d. some 

13) _____ shirt is that? John’s.

a. Which
b. What 
c. Whose 
d. Who’s

14) Where_____ you use to spend your holiday when you were small?
a. did
b. have 
c. do
d. are

15) Look, my daughters_____ got new dolls.

a. gets
b. got
c. have get
d. have got 

16) He’s seeing me _____9 o’clock ______ Sunday.

a. at, on 
b. with, on 
c. on, at 
d. at, in

17) _______ in China before?

a. Went you
b. Be you 
c. Are you 
d. Have you been 

18) You sometimes eat too______.

a. hard
b. fast 
c. quick 
d. fastly 

19) ______ you go to the movies yesterday?

a. Are
b. Did
c. Could
d. Does

20) My friend would buy a BYD, if he ________ a million Chinese yuan.

a. have 
b. had 
c. will have
d. would have

21) It is August in November I ________finish my tests.

a. have 
b. will have 
c.  has
d. am going to

22) Today is my mother’s birthday. It’s the sixteenth ______ May.

a. of 
b. from
c. in
d. at

23) When I saw Aisha last Monday she was tired, she ______the hospital the night before.
a. had been to
b. was to
c. has been to
d. I don’t know
24) Mala is the aunt of ______.
a. myself
b. mine
c. jog
d. I don’t know

25) If it rains, you_______ take the bus.

a. I don’t know
b. would 
c. should
d. will 

26) ______ is not just her sport it’s also her hobby.
 a. To skate 
b. I don’t know
c. Skate
d. Skating 

27) My sister said that her friend _______ sightseeing. gone 
b. be gone 
c. had gone 
d. was gone

28) She has been married to him _____1995.

a. for 
b. since
c. now
d. I don’t know

29) Where shall we meet _______at the cinema?

a. I don’t know
b. each other 
c. ourselves
d. us 

30) “_____ you swim 200 m?” “Yes but I haven’t for a long time.”
a. Will 
b. Can 
c. Could
d. I don’t know
Section B

1. Answer all questions.

What Will You Be

What will you be when you grow up?
A dancer? or A doctor?
A teacher? Or A cricketer?
There are so many careers you can    
choose to do
It's very very hard to decide you know
Sometimes you may keep on thinking
Doing many jobs and never deciding.
Monday you will be a street keeper
Wednesday you will chart the skies with 
the navy
Thursday you will go for the war with 
the army
Friday you will be happy on sea, as a sailor
Saturday you are back to be a tailor
And on Sunday again you will 
keep wondering
What the years that lie ahead will 
likely bring
By, Dennis Lee

1. List the jobs mentioned in this poem?

2. On which day will you not wonder about any job?
3. What can you do if you join the army?
4. Which lines say that you are still not old enough to do any job?
5. Find similar words from the poem for the following words.
      a) jobs - .................
      b) difficult - ............
6. Find two rhyming pairs from the poem.
     a) ......................... b) .........................
Section C
Write an essay of 250 words with one of the following topics

1. An Essay on “Corona Virus/ Covid 19”

a. What is Corona Virus
b. The way of spreading and symptoms
c. Impact of Corona virus
d. How to control it?
2. Essay on Environmental pollution
a. A description of the environment
b. The ways the environment getting polluted
c. Impact of the environmental pollutions
d. The ways of control the environmental pollution
3. Let’s keep the public properties without harming them
a. What are public properties?
b. The consequences of harming or destroying the public properties
c. The reasons of destroying the public properties
d. How to protect the public properties.
4. Write an article to newspaper on “The advantage and disadvantage of internet”.
a. How internet helps in our day to day life
b. How internet contributes to the studies
c. Disadvantages of internet

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