Work Organization Job Insecurity and Occupactional Health Disparities

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Review Article

Work Organization, Job Insecurity, and

Occupational Health Disparities

Paul A. Landsbergis, PhD, MPH,1 Joseph G. Grzywacz, PhD,

Anthony D. LaMontagne, ScD, MA, MEd3

Background Changes in employment conditions in the global economy over the past
30 years have led to increased job insecurity and other work organization hazards.
These hazards may play a role in creating and sustaining occupational health dispar-
ities by socioeconomic position, gender, race, ethnicity, and immigration status.
Methods A conceptual model was developed to guide the review of 103 relevant
articles or chapters on the role of work organization and occupational health dispar-
ities identified through a comprehensive search conducted by NIOSH. A second review
was conducted of employment and workplace policies and programs designed to reduce
the health and safety risks due to job insecurity and other work organization hazards.
Results There is consistent evidence that workers in lower socioeconomic or social
class positions are exposed to greater job insecurity and other work organization
hazards than workers in higher socioeconomic positions. Likewise, racial and ethnic
minorities and immigrants are exposed to greater job insecurity. Limited research ex-
amining the effects of interventions targeting work organization hazards on disparities
has been conducted; nonetheless, intervention strategies are available and evidence
suggests they are effective.
Conclusions Job insecurity and work organization hazards play a role in creating and
sustaining occupational health disparities. Employment and workplace policies and
programs have the potential to reduce these hazards, and to reduce disparities. Am. J.
Ind. Med. 57:495–515, 2014. ß 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
KEY WORDS: work organization; job stress; job insecurity; health disparities;
occupational health disparities

State University of NewYork-Downstate School of Public Health, Brooklyn, NewYork Disclosure Statement: The authors report no substantive conflicts of interest. The only
Oklahoma State University College of Human Sciences,Tulsa, Oklahoma funding they received for the preparation of this manuscript were travel expenses paid
Melbourne School of Population Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to attend a NIOSH-
Australia sponsored conference on this topic in 2011and to present an earlier version of this paper at
Contract grant sponsor: Australian National Health & Medical Research Council; Contract the conference.
grant number: 375196. *Correspondence to: Paul A. Landsbergis, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor, Department
With contributions by: Carles Muntaner, University of Toronto Dalla Lana School of Public of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Room BSB
Health; Joan Benach, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Grup de Recerca en Desigual- 5-95, State University of New York-Downstate Medical Center, Box 43 450, Clarkson Ave.,
tats en Salut; Jane Lipscomb, University of Maryland School of Nursing, Baltimore; Jeffrey Brooklyn, NY11203. E-mail:
Johnson, University of Maryland School of Nursing, Baltimore; Peter Schnall, University of
California, Irvine, Center for Occupational & Environmental Health; Kevin Riley, University Accepted 7 September 2012
of California, Los Angeles, Labor Occupational Safety & Health Program; Ellen Rosskam, DOI10.1002/ajim.22126. Published online16 October 2012 in Wiley Online Library
Rosskam International Development Consulting, Geneva; Jennifer Zelnick, Touro College (
Graduate School of Social Work, NewYork.

ß 2012 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.

496 Landsbergis et al.

INTRODUCTION occupational health disparities. A more detailed and

expansive version of this review is available on-line
The labor market and nature of work has changed [Landsbergis et al., 2011a],
substantially in the past 30 years, as employers seek conferences/healthdisparities/.
to compete in the global economy [NIOSH, 2002]. Key
manifestations of these trends include increases in ‘‘pre- Conceptual Overview
carious’’ employment [Benach and Muntaner, 2007; Ferrie
et al., 2008], new production systems (e.g., lean produc- The conceptual foundation for thinking about job in-
tion), downsizing, outsourcing, privatization of public ser- security, work organization, and occupational health dis-
vices, and new occupations (e.g., information processing parities is complex. Like the model developed by NIOSH
and call center work) enabled by technological innovation [NIOSH, 2002], our framework (Fig. 1) views the organi-
[Landsbergis et al., 2011b]. The proportion of U.S. work- zation of work as nested: job-specific factors serve an in-
ers belonging to unions has declined [Kwon and Pontus- tervening role between organization-level factors and
son, 2006], and sweatshop work is reemerging [Bonacich occupational health outcomes. Likewise, organizational
and Appelbaum, 2005]. These and other employment and factors (and subsequent job-specific factors) serve an inter-
labor market conditions, and the way work is organized, vening role between external factors (employment condi-
increase job insecurity and other psychosocial job stres- tions) and occupational health outcomes.
sors, and the risk of occupational injuries and illnesses Labor stratification, the division of the workforce into
[NIOSH, 2002]. Employment conditions, the organization groups with varying degrees of power, contributes to the
of work, and job insecurity can also create and exacerbate development and perpetuation of occupational health dis-
occupational health disparities (inequalities) by socioeco- parities through two main processes. First, labor stratifica-
nomic position or status (SES) and gender, as well as by tion contributes to differential exposure to job insecurity
race, ethnicity, and immigration status [Ferrie et al., 2008; and other work organization hazards. Relative to managers
Benach et al., 2010c; Siegrist et al., 2011]. and professionals, worker groups with more limited
This review synthesizes what is known about the role power have less opportunity to influence macro-level
work organization plays in creating and exacerbating employment policies, organization-specific employment
occupational health disparities, and evaluates the effective- practices or job characteristics, thereby contributing to
ness of interventions that address work organization and greater exposure among the more powerless. Differential
thus may reduce occupational health disparities. Job inse- exposure is represented in the model by the direct
curity is a primary focus because it is a sentinel indicator lines from Labor Stratification to each box reflecting dis-
of the health and safety impact of current and future crete levels of work organization. Labor stratification also
trends in employment conditions and the way work is contributes to differential vulnerability; that is, the health
organized. For this reason, NIOSH had requested that the and safety effects of job insecurity and work organization
authors of this article specifically review work organiza- differ across groups of workers. Differential vulnerability
tion, job insecurity and occupational health disparities, as is represented in the model by dashed lines and arrows
one of five articles to be presented at a NIOSH conference from Labor Stratification to the linkages among the dis-
on occupational health disparities: http://www.aoecdata. crete levels of work organization and health outcomes:
org/conferences/healthdisparities/index.html. Separate reviews these dashed lines suggest that each linkage depends
of discrete domains (e.g., discrimination, harassment, on where workers lie in the labor and socioeconomic
abuse, and bullying) were commissioned and prepared for hierarchy.
the conference. Thus, the current review did not address Our conceptual framework considers occupational
those features of work organization. health to be a multidimensional outcome incorporating
A comprehensive review of the voluminous literature both positive (e.g., engagement, vitality) and negative
on work organization (including job insecurity) and health (e.g., illness, injury) manifestations. The model also posits
is beyond the scope of a single article. The foundations three primary mechanisms by which work organization
for this review include books [Schnall et al., 2009; Benach can affect occupational health outcomes: physiological
and Muntaner, 2010], major reports [Marmot, 2010], (e.g., sympathetic and parasympathetic responses to stress-
and review articles, for example [Lipscomb et al., 2006; or exposure), psychological (e.g., feelings of fear, help-
Cummings and Kreiss, 2008; Ferrie et al., 2008; Quinlan lessness, or exhaustion), and behavioral (e.g., supervisory
and Bohle, 2009; Clougherty et al., 2010; Benach safety practices, compliance with safety protocols, or life-
et al., 2010b; Muntaner et al., 2010b; Siegrist et al., 2011; style factors such as physical activity and smoking). Final-
Landsbergis et al., 2011b]. This review complements ly, our model highlights modifying factors based on
existing reviews by focusing on the role of job insecurity industry or occupational sector (e.g., explicit exemptions
and work organization in creating or exacerbating for agricultural workers to protections provided by the
Work Organization and Occupational Health Disparities 497

FIGURE 1. Conceptual overview of the role of work organization in the creation of occupational health disparities.

National Fair Labor Standards Act [Runyan, 2000]) that perceived or subjective job insecurity as well as through
bear on occupational health. other pathways. The U.S. Department of Labor defines
‘‘contingent’’ workers as those who do not expect their
Definitions and Inter-Relationships jobs to last, and defines a separate category of workers in
‘‘alternative work arrangements,’’ such as independent
Job insecurity contractors, on-call workers, temporary agency, and con-
tract firm workers [Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2005].
Job insecurity has been defined in various subjective Research on health and safety effects of job insecurity
and objective ways, and at various levels of Figure 1. It has focused on three types of factors, which can be
can be defined as a psychosocial stressor at the job level, considered ‘‘overlapping facets of the new flexible labor
caused by employment conditions and work organization, market’’ [Ferrie et al., 2008, p. 105]: (1) temporary em-
and reflecting a worker’s perceptions of fear of job loss or ployment; (2) job instability (objective conditions, i.e.,
job instability. ‘‘Precarious’’ or ‘‘contingent’’ employment workforce reductions or workplace closure is expected or
conditions provide the clearest illustration of an objective occurring) and job insecurity (a worker’s perceptions of
measure of job insecurity. ‘‘Precarious’’ employment rep- fear of job loss or job instability) [Probst, 2005]; and (3)
resents the explicit or implicit absence of a permanent or downsizing, restructuring and outsourcing, including pri-
enduring employment contract. Workers in precarious vatization of public services [Ferrie et al., 2008; Siegrist
jobs face employment uncertainty; they generally lack et al., 2011].
control over future work and income opportunities, and Downsizing research has focused on workers who re-
they have fewer rights [Benach and Muntaner, 2007]. main with their employer rather than those who have lost
While a number of measures of precarious employment jobs [Ferrie et al., 2008]. Downsizing can result in in-
and job insecurity exist, the most comprehensive measure creased workload, job insecurity, and physical hazards
is the Employment Precariousness Scale, which assesses [Kivimaki et al., 2000; Ferrie et al., 2007] and reduced job
six aspects of precarious work: temporariness, disempow- control [Kivimaki et al., 2000; Rugulies et al., 2006] for
erment, vulnerability, wages, rights (to benefits, such as those who remain on the job.
paid holidays, family leave, pension), and exercising rights ‘‘Temporary work’’ may benefit workers when it
[Vives et al., 2010]. This measure highlights that objec- allows them to control their work time, sample job experi-
tively insecure work can be harmful to health through ences, use it as a ‘‘stepping stone’’ into permanent
498 Landsbergis et al.

employment [Ferrie et al., 2008] or supplement retirement STATE OF THE EVIDENCE

income after benefitting from earlier career standard
employment [Clarke et al., 2007]. However, temporary Job Insecurity and Health and Safety
workers are more likely to work at high speed,
make repetitive movements, have no control over the Temporary employment has been associated with psy-
pace of work, and have less training [Paoli and chological distress [Virtanen et al., 2005] although null
Merllié, 2001]. Whatever task control they may have is studies also exist [Ferrie et al., 2008]. Studies of physical
likely reduced when economic pressures force them health outcomes have produced mixed results, with associ-
to work harder and longer [Quinlan et al., 2001]. ations seen with occupational injuries [Silverstein et al.,
Temporary workers have fewer opportunities for the 1998; Mayhew and Quinlan, 1999; Meyer and Muntaner,
informal social networking and support at work that 1999; Virtanen et al., 2005; Benavides et al., 2006; Ferrie
enhance collective efforts to improve working conditions et al., 2008], including needlestick injuries [Aiken et al.,
[Richardson, 2008]. To the extent that temporary 1997], absenteeism, fatigue [Benach et al., 2004; Ferrie
workers are desperate to achieve targets that would et al., 2008], mortality [Kivimaki et al., 2003] and muscu-
secure future work or permanent employment, their grow- loskeletal disorders [Silverstein et al., 2002; Benach et al.,
ing prevalence can undermine the resistance of permanent 2004]. However, temporary work is sometimes related to
workers to work intensification [Quinlan et al., 2001]. better health [Virtanen et al., 2003], perhaps reflecting dif-
Many temporary workers are not protected by laws fering national regulatory and social welfare systems, the
designed to ensure proper pay and safe, healthful and variety of circumstances which lead people to take on
non-discriminatory workplaces, and many are not covered temporary work [Siegrist et al., 2011] or the ‘‘healthy
by workers compensation [GAO, 2006]. In addition, the worker effect’’ (most temporary workers are not entitled
development of extended national and international con- to paid sick leave) [Ferrie et al., 2008].
tracting networks (supply chains) diffuse employer respon- Job instability and job insecurity have shown consis-
sibility and pose a serious threat to occupational health tent associations with psychological ill health, but weaker
and safety of temporary workers, many of whom are low- evidence of association in cross-sectional studies of
wage, ethnic minority, and immigrant workers [Quinlan physical health [Sverke et al., 2002; Ferrie et al., 2008].
and Sokas, 2009]. However, chronic job insecurity appears to have a
dose–response relationship with self-reported health and
Work Organization and Job physical symptoms, and increases the risk of minor psy-
Characteristics chiatric morbidity [Heaney et al., 1994; Dekker and
Schaufeli, 1995; Marmot et al., 2001; Ferrie et al., 2002;
Work organization research has focused primarily Muntaner et al., 2008]. Some studies have shown associa-
on work schedule factors such as long work hours tions with occupational injuries [Probst and Brubaker,
[Johnson and Lipscomb, 2006] and evening or night 2001; Probst, 2002] and with poor self-rated health
shift work [Bambra et al., 2008], and psychosocial job [Laszlo et al., 2010]. A good organizational safety climate
stressors, such as job strain (high demand-low control may attenuate the relationship between job insecurity and
work) [Karasek and Theorell, 1990; Belkic et al., 2004], injuries [Probst, 2004].
lack of social support [Johnson, 1989; Richardson, 2008], Downsizing and restructuring: Downsizing ‘‘survi-
effort–reward imbalance (high efforts combined with vors’’ have increased rates of sickness absence, musculo-
low rewards at work) [Siegrist et al., 2004], and job skeletal disorders, medical symptoms, psychological
insecurity [Ferrie et al., 2008]. Newer research has distress, sleeping problems [Ferrie et al., 2008; Siegrist
examined organizational injustice, particularly, the et al., 2011], use of prescription psychotropic drugs
health effects of ‘‘procedural and relational injustice’’ [Kivimaki et al., 2007], injury [Kelsh et al., 2004], and
[Elovainio et al., 2002, 2006], and workplace incivility exposure to workplace violence [Flannery et al., 1997].
[Lim et al., 2008; Lim and Lee, 2011]. Additional One study of Finnish public employees showed elevated
research has focused on threat-avoidant vigilant work, cardiovascular mortality [Vahtera et al., 2004] among
which involves continuously maintaining a high level downsizing survivors. However, another study of a long-
of vigilance in order to avoid disaster, such as loss of term follow-up of downsizing survivors in Finland did
human life. Very little health research has studied produc- not show increased mortality [Martikainen et al., 2008],
tion and management systems, such as lean production suggesting that long-term job stability may compensate
[Landsbergis et al., 1999], new public management for the more temporary stress of downsizing [Siegrist
[Besosa, 2007], piece rate pay systems [Brisson et al., et al., 2011].
1989], or electronic performance monitoring [Smith et al., Privatization: One study of British civil servants,
1992]. whose agency was privatized, showed a 90% elevated risk
Work Organization and Occupational Health Disparities 499

of work disability over 8 years of follow-up [Virtanen part time OR part-time OR temporary OR Labor Unions)
et al., 2010]. Another study showed increases in body OR (Piece rate OR Piece-rate OR lean production OR
mass index, ischemia, cholesterol, and, for women, blood long work hours OR long working hours OR forced
pressure, but little change in health behaviors over 5 years overtime OR effort reward imbalance OR effort–reward
of follow-up, compared to those who remained in the civil imbalance OR job strain OR job control OR Social
service [Ferrie et al., 1998]. A systematic review of 11 Isolation OR Social Support)). A total of 240 articles
studies found some evidence of increases in stress-related were identified. The authors examined these articles
ill health, but little evidence of increased injury rates and 103 publications were found to meet inclusion criteria
[Egan et al., 2007b]. A thorough review of research on the for the current review; that is, studies of associations be-
health and safety implications of privatization and other tween job insecurity, work organization and health and
manifestations of job insecurity is beyond the scope of safety which provide information on differential exposures
this article. or differential vulnerability among groups at high risk
of disparities. Relevant data from the articles were abstract-
Work Organization and Health and Safety ed and coded by the authors. In addition, we included in-
formation from recent review articles which addressed
A substantial body of research exists linking long work organization, job insecurity, and occupational health
work hours, shiftwork, job strain, effort–reward imbal- disparities.
ance, and threat-avoidant vigilance at work with illnesses
and injuries. More limited data are available suggesting Socioeconomic Position (SEP)
health and safety impacts of low workplace social
support, social isolation, organizational injustice, lean Socioeconomic status (SES) refers to an individual’s
production, piece rate pay systems, and electronic perfor- ability to produce and consume resources and is frequently
mance monitoring [Schnall et al., 2000, 2009; Siegrist measured in terms of location along a continuum of
and Rodel, 2006; Landsbergis et al., 2011b]. Typical out- several attributes (e.g., income, educational level, occupa-
comes examined in these studies include cardiovascular tional status). An alternative approach is to define a per-
disease, hypertension, psychological disorders, musculo- son’s social class, their relationship to the production
skeletal disorders, sickness absence, unhealthy behaviors, of goods and services (e.g., an owner, self-employed,
and acute injuries. A thorough review of research on worker, manager, supervisor, non-managerial employee).
work organization and health and safety is beyond the These alternatives may show different associations with
scope of this article; readers are encouraged to consult health outcomes [Muntaner et al., 1998a]. Since research
more comprehensive reviews [Lipscomb et al., 2006; contrasting such alternatives is beyond the scope of this
Cummings and Kreiss, 2008; Ferrie et al., 2008; article, we primarily use the term ‘‘socioeconomic position
Quinlan and Bohle, 2009; Clougherty et al., 2010; Benach (SEP)’’ as a general term that includes both SES and
et al., 2010b; Muntaner et al., 2010b; Siegrist et al., 2011; social class definitions [Muntaner et al., 2003, 2004].
Landsbergis et al., 2011b]. Differential Exposure: Lower SEP is consistently
associated with job insecurity. Studies in Spain [Borrell
Work Organization, Job Insecurity, and et al., 2004], France [Niedhammer et al., 2011],
Occupational Health Disparities Australia [Louie et al., 2006], and the U.S. [Hipple, 2001;
Robertson et al., 2006] report that temporary work con-
NIOSH conducted a literature search in February tracts are more common among workers in lower than
2011 in the following databases (PubMed, ABI/Inform, in higher occupational positions. Blue-collar workers
Embase, Ergonomics Abstracts, Health & Safety Science have less work predictability than white-collar workers
Abstracts, NIOSHTIC-2, Web of Science, and PsycNET) [Vaananen et al., 2008]. Perceived job insecurity is more
for all studies published in English between 1990 and common among individuals with a high school education
2010 using the following search terms: (Workplace OR or less compared to those with greater than a high school
Occupational Health OR Accidents OR Occupational education [Burgard et al., 2009], and more prevalent in
Diseases OR Occupational Exposure OR occupational lower SES groups [Parslow et al., 2004; Vanroelen et al.,
injury OR occupational injuries OR occupational illness) 2009; Moncada et al., 2010; Virtanen et al., 2011].
AND (Health Disparities OR Minority OR minorities Workers in lower SEP are also disproportionately ex-
OR Emigrants OR Immigrants OR Transients OR Migrants posed to other work organization hazards. Low job control
OR Hispanic or Hispanics OR Asian Americans OR is inversely associated with educational level [Hintsa
Race Relations OR Socioeconomic Factors) AND ((job et al., 2006; Huisman et al., 2008; Smith et al., 2008], and
insecurity OR job instability OR Downsizing OR restruc- is less common among workers in managerial and profes-
turing OR contingent OR precarious OR contracting OR sional occupations relative to those in service or blue
500 Landsbergis et al.

collar occupations [Marmot et al., 1997; Gisselmann and temporary jobs [Kouvonen et al., 2006] or downsizing
Hemstrom, 2008; Huisman et al., 2008; Vaananen et al., [Dragano et al., 2005]. However, others found greater ex-
2008; Fujishiro et al., 2010]. Lower social class groups posure among women to job insecurity [Wang et al.,
have less job control [Borrell et al., 2004; Parslow et al., 2008], temporary work [Borrell et al., 2004], non-standard
2004; Sekine et al., 2009; Vanroelen et al., 2009]. Expo- work [Kim et al., 2008], downsizing [Kivimaki et al.,
sure to high psychological job demands tends to be great- 2007], or contingent work [Hipple, 2001].
est among workers with higher SEP [Kuper and Marmot, Turning to other work organization hazards, long paid
2003; Borrell et al., 2004; Sekine et al., 2009; Niedham- work hours are consistently more common in men
mer et al., 2011], although null associations have been [McCurdy et al., 2003; Grosch et al., 2006; Louie et al.,
reported [Hintsa et al., 2006]. Job strain is more common 2006; Ostry et al., 2007; Artazcoz et al., 2009; Inoue
among workers in lower SEPs in some studies [Bosma et al., 2010; Thomas and Power, 2010], while longer do-
et al., 1998; Malinauskiene et al., 2004; Hintsa et al., mestic work hours are more common in women [Blau
2006; LaMontagne et al., 2008], but not in others [Choi, et al., 2002; Borrell et al., 2004; Artazcoz et al., 2009].
2006; Choi et al., 2008 (Suppl. 6)]. Lower SEP workers Women also face a higher prevalence of job strain
report lower social support [Borrell et al., 2004; Moncada [D’Souza et al., 2003; Ostry et al., 2007; Suominen et al.,
et al., 2010; Niedhammer et al., 2011], and greater expo- 2007; LaMontagne et al., 2008; Rostila, 2008; Wang
sure to effort–reward imbalance [Marmot et al., 1997; et al., 2008, 2009; Inoue et al., 2010; Lopes et al., 2010],
Bosma et al., 1998; Kuper et al., 2002], organizational in- low job control [Hemstrom, 1999; Kuper and Marmot,
justice [Kivimaki et al., 2005], threat-avoidant vigilant 2003; Vaananen et al., 2008; Gadinger et al., 2010;
work [Belkic et al., 1998], and shiftwork [Steenland, Inoue et al., 2010; Thomas and Power, 2010], low job va-
2000; Karlsson et al., 2003]. riety [Matthews et al., 1998; Borrell et al., 2004], fewer
Two Scandinavian studies [Gisselmann and Hem- learning opportunities [Matthews et al., 1998], fewer
strom, 2008; Lahelma et al., 2009] and one British study promotions [Adarga et al., 2010], access to flexible
[Marmot et al., 1997] suggest that 20–60% of SEP health work schedules [Golden, 2008], and workplace incivility
disparities can be accounted for by work organization haz- [Cortina et al., 2001]. However, four studies found compa-
ards. Others report that work organization hazards are as- rable levels of job strain [Greenlund et al., 2010], job con-
sociated with poor health but they contribute little, if any, trol [Pikhart et al., 2004], job autonomy [Borrell et al.,
explanatory power for understanding SEP disparities in 2004], or lack of control of pace or inflexible break times
health [Huisman et al., 2008; Fujishiro et al., 2010]. [Matthews et al., 1998] for women and men.
Differential Vulnerability: Some evidence suggests Research focused on gender differences in other work
that employees in manual (blue-collar) jobs experience organization factors is mixed. Studies of psychological
greater strain due to perceived threats of unemployment workload demands find that, in some cases, men are
compared to employees in non-manual (white-collar) jobs exposed to greater demands than women [Kuper and
[Lynch et al., 1997; De Witte, 1999]. A study of Swedish Marmot, 2003; Inoue et al., 2010], whereas others find
men found that high demand-low control work increased greater demands among women [Gadinger et al., 2010],
risk for myocardial infarction, and that this risk was much and still others report no gender differences [Hemstrom,
greater in manual than non-manual workers [Hallqvist 1999; Borrell et al., 2004; Thomas and Power, 2010].
et al., 1998]. A stronger association among lower status Likewise, studies of workplace social support sometimes
than higher status workers was also seen for effort–reward find that women have lower support than men [Hemstrom,
imbalance and risk of heart disease [Kuper et al., 2002], 1999; Gadinger et al., 2010], whereas others find no gen-
job strain and heart disease [Johnson and Hall, 1988; der differences in support [Inoue et al., 2010] or working
Johnson et al., 1989], effort–reward imbalance and depres- alone [Borrell et al., 2004]. Effort–reward imbalance is
sion [Wege et al., 2008], and job strain and blood pressure frequently found to be comparable among men and wom-
during working hours [Landsbergis et al., 2003]. However, en [Pikhart et al., 2004; Dragano et al., 2005; Ostry et al.,
some studies have failed to find such interactions [Wege 2007; Inoue et al., 2010]. However, some European sur-
et al., 2008] and, other studies suggest that higher status veys showed higher efforts and higher rewards among
individuals are more affected by job strain [Laflamme men [Siegrist et al., 2004]. Other studies showed no gen-
et al., 1998; Virtanen et al., 2007]. der differences in levels of organizational justice [Inoue
et al., 2010] and shiftwork [Ostry et al., 2007].
Gender Differential vulnerability: The magnitude of associa-
tions between job insecurity and health and safety out-
Differential exposure: Several studies reported similar comes tends to be similar for men and women [Dragano
levels of exposure among men and women to measures of et al., 2005; Ferrie et al., 2005; Virtanen et al., 2005; Kim
job insecurity [D’Souza et al., 2003; Burgard et al., 2009], et al., 2008; Sousa et al., 2010]. However, stronger
Work Organization and Occupational Health Disparities 501

associations for men than women between job insecurity injury severity (controlling for job tasks) [Pollack et al.,
and mortality [Niedhammer et al., 2011], poor self- 2007], and longer time to return to work after illness and
reported health [Borrell et al., 2004], psychotropic pre- absenteeism [Hill et al., 2008] than blue-collar men.
scription use [Kivimaki et al., 2007], depression [Wang However, Framingham, MA women in high demand-
et al., 2008], psychological distress [De Witte, 1999], and high control (high SEP) jobs had a higher risk of heart
musculoskeletal disorders [Kim et al., 2008] have been disease than women in high strain (high demand-low
documented. Other studies found stronger associations of control) jobs. With baseline data collected from 1984 to
job insecurity with systolic blood pressure, smoking, BMI 1987, this finding may reflect a period of changing social
[Muntaner et al., 1998b], and poor mental health [Kim roles—increasing labor force participation among women,
et al., 2008] among women than men. Still other studies including higher SEP jobs—yet with residual discrimina-
find no differential effects by gender in associations of job tion, de facto limited authority and wage disparities [Eaker
insecurity with longstanding illness [Ferrie et al., 2005], et al., 2004].
atherosclerosis (after risk factor adjustment) [Muntaner An Australian study found that, among men, depres-
et al., 1998b], cardiovascular disease [Kim et al., 2008], or sion attributed to job strain decreases step-wise as SEP
total mortality [Martikainen et al., 2008]. increases, whereas for women, job strain-attributable de-
Research frequently finds differential effects of other pression did not vary consistently by SEP [LaMontagne
work organization factors on health outcomes by gender, et al., 2008]. Work organization factors and job insecurity
but the overall pattern is ambiguous. Stronger associations explained a larger proportion of socioeconomic inequal-
were seen in men than women for job strain and sickness ities in health among men than women in three studies
absence [Suominen et al., 2007; Virtanen et al., 2007], [Borrell et al., 2004; Sekine et al., 2009; Niedhammer
smoking [Radi et al., 2007] and psychological disorders et al., 2011]. In one of these studies, material well-being
[Wang et al., 2008], for low job control and heart disease at home and amount of household labor played a larger
[Kuper and Marmot, 2003], and for low skill discretion role in women’s class differences in health [Borrell et al.,
and work injuries [Salminen et al., 2003]. Stronger associ- 2004] Thus, further research is needed on the moderating
ations were observed in women than men for low job con- role of gender in assessing the role of work organization
trol and systolic blood pressure, smoking, BMI [Muntaner hazards in socioeconomic inequalities in health.
et al., 1998b], and psychosomatic complaints [Gadinger
et al., 2010], for workload and injuries [Salminen et al., Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Status
2003] and for job demands and psychosomatic complaints
[Gadinger et al., 2010]. Nevertheless, gender comparable Differential Exposure: Job insecurity varies by race,
health effects have been documented for long work ethnicity, and immigration status. In two nationally
hours [Borrell et al., 2004; Ostry et al., 2007; Artazcoz representative U.S. samples, more Blacks than non-Blacks
et al., 2009], job strain [Rostila, 2008; Wang et al., 2009; experienced perceived job insecurity [Burgard et al.,
Lopes et al., 2010], low job control [Bosma et al., 1997; 2009]. Contingent workers in the U.S. are more likely to
Westerberg and Theorell, 1997; Salminen et al., 2003; be Black or Hispanic [Hipple, 2001]. Other research indi-
Kouvonen et al., 2005], and job demands [Westerberg and cates that concern about possible job loss is greater among
Theorell, 1997; Kuper and Marmot, 2003; Kouvonen Hispanics than Blacks and Whites [Delp et al., 2010] and
et al., 2005]. that Blacks have greater perceived insecurity than non-
Blacks [Wilson et al., 2006]. Evidence from the National
Gender and Socioeconomic Position Longitudinal Study of Youth indicated that minority work-
ers are more likely than non-minority workers to experi-
Some evidence suggests ‘‘greater health differentials ence an involuntary job loss [Park and Sandefur, 2003].
associated with blue-collar (relative to white-collar) work Immigrant women in Sweden were more likely work in
for women than men’’ [Clougherty et al., 2010, p. 116]. temporary jobs than native born women [Akhavan et al.,
For example, among U.S. aluminum manufacturing 2007].
employees ‘‘Women in hourly jobs tended to be from Some research provides direct evidence that exposure
lower SES backgrounds, have greater financial need (e.g., to work organization hazards systemically vary by race,
single mothers), and were more likely to hold lower-grade ethnicity, and immigration status. Workplace discrimina-
(e.g., lower-skilled) hourly jobs, than were hourly men’’ tion occurs more frequently for racial and ethnic minority
[Clougherty et al., 2010, p. 116]. Hourly work was associ- workers [Krieger et al., 2006], although ‘‘incivility’’ in the
ated with a greater risk of hypertension among women workplace, defined as subtle mistreatment by customers,
than men, adjusted for demographics. Blue-collar women may not differ by race or ethnicity [Kern and Grandey,
are also more likely to experience harassment and discrim- 2009]. However, cultural variation in what is perceived as
ination [Clougherty et al., 2010], higher injury rates and allowable customer behavior may mask real variation in
502 Landsbergis et al.

incivility [Gong et al., 2009]. Immigrants tend to find found that Latinos are more likely to have moderate or
themselves in jobs that have less opportunity to use severe occupational injuries, they are less likely to have
high-level skills [Fischbacher et al., 2005] than non- insurance to cover care for that injury, and they have
immigrants, although differences by immigration status greater difficulty than whites resolving workers’ compen-
in other work organization factors such as psychological sation claims [Nicholson et al., 2008].
demand, control, or social support are reported to be mod-
est [Sundquist et al., 2003]. Immigrant day laborers are Summary of Findings
exposed to more occupational hazards than non-immigrant
day laborers [Seixas et al., 2008]. Table I provides a summary of the state of the
Other studies provide indirect evidence of variation in evidence regarding differential exposure and differential
work organization factors by race, ethnicity or immigra- vulnerability to job insecurity and other work organization
tion status. Hispanics are disproportionately employed hazards by SEP, gender, race, ethnicity, and immigration
in dangerous sectors like agriculture [Carroll et al., status. Our review finds consistent evidence that job inse-
2005] and construction [Brunette, 2004; Bureau of Labor curity is more common among workers in lower SEPs,
Statistics, 2010]. Black and Hispanic workers and immi- racial and ethnic minorities, and immigrants. Further, five
grants are increasingly concentrated in poultry processing of the nine reviewed studies found women to be more
jobs [Government Accountability Office, 2005]; these are exposed to job insecurity. Thus, there is good evidence of
jobs with low social support and decision authority, high differential exposure to job insecurity.
job strain, and elevated isometric load [Grzywacz et al., There is general consistency that individuals with
2007; Lipscomb et al., 2007]. Three-quarters of Latino lower SEPs are more likely to be exposed to work organi-
poultry processing workers report that their employer has zation hazards. There is no discernible pattern of effects
minimal concern for employee safety, and is primarily in- for gender internationally. The small amount of research
terested in getting the job done as cheaply as possible on differential exposure by race/ethnicity and immigration
[Quandt et al., 2006]. Consistent with these observations, status does not allow firm conclusions. Limited research
Toh and Quinlan [2009] argue that immigrant workers suggests that work organization hazards have a greater
have substantially greater difficulty accessing occupational impact on the health of lower (vs. higher) SEP workers.
safety and health rights and entitlements [Chibnall and However, there is no clear pattern of results to conclude
Tait, 2005]. that other groups of workers are systematically more
Differential Vulnerability: There is some evidence that vulnerable to the health effects of job insecurity or other
perceived job insecurity is associated with greater thick- work organization hazards.
ness of plaque in the carotid artery for Blacks than for
Whites, but these associations may be attributed to racial STATE OF THE EVIDENCE—
variation in clinical cardiovascular disease risk factors INTERVENTIONS TO REDUCE
[Muntaner et al., 1998b]. Muntaner et al. [1998b] conclud- OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH DISPARITIES
ed that the putative explanatory value of work organiza-
tion factors for cardiovascular disease may be stronger for Interventions to reduce occupational health disparities
Whites than for Blacks, due to racial discrimination. Other can be directed towards reducing differential exposure, re-
data suggest that, if an occupational injury occurs, Latinos ducing differential vulnerability, or both (Table II). A wide
may experience worse outcomes. Specifically, one study range of macro- and micro-level strategies can be applied

TABLE I. Summary of Research on Job Insecurity and Work Organization Hazards Contributing to Variation in Health and Safety Outcomes by Various
Bases of Labor Stratification

Lower socioeconomic position Female gender Racial and ethnic minorities/immigrants

Differential exposure
Job insecurity þ þ þ
Workorganization þ  þ
Differential vulnerability
Job insecurity þ  
Workorganization þ  

The symbols refer to consistency (þ) or inconsistency () of findings.

Shaded areas represent areas of limited research inquiry (four or fewer studies).
TABLE II. Intervention Strategies for Reducing Occupational Health Disparities ArisingThrough Work Organization and Job Insecurity

Goal Objective/targets Micro-level intervention strategies (examples) Macro-level intervention strategies (examples)
Reduce differential exposure topoor Reduce exposure to poor workorganization/improve Awareness-raisingeducationalinterventionsatpopulation, OH&S regulatory intervention
psychosocial working conditions psychosocial job quality (primaryprevention). . . industry,organizational,or workgroup levels
. . .differentially prioritizing at risk workgroups and Union advocacy & education programs Voluntary OH&S policy intervention
Workers in lower socioeconomic positions Environment-directed interventions (e.g.,work time, Strengtheninglabor standards,includingraising minimum
organizational context) employment conditions,unfairdismissal provisions,job
security, and job quality standards
Workingwomen Task-directed interventions (e.g.,workload,job autonomy) National/local/organization-level job skills training
Immigrant workers Social relationship-directed (e.g.,communication,social Legislatingwage premiums (higher pay) on temporary or
support) precarious jobs
Racial and ethnic minority workers Management trainingprograms Creatingfederalrecommendationsonthereductionofwork
organization hazards,with incorporation into national
public health initiatives such as‘‘Healthy People’’
Precariously employed workers Tax-based intervention structured either as‘‘carrots’’ (e.g.,
multi-year taxcredits) or ‘‘sticks’’ (e.g.,penalties) to
incentivize employers to build theircorps ofpermanent
employees while reducingreliance on temporary
toreducediscrimination based onrace,gender,age,etc.)
Reduce differential vulnerability to Strengthen worker ability towithstand stressors Integrated workplace health promotion programs (addres- Strengtheningworkers’compensationsystems,including
health impacts ofpoorpsychosocial (secondary prevention) and . . . singboth health behaviors and working conditions) anti-poverty support for injured or ill workers and their
working conditions dependents
Effective treatment,rehabilitation and return to workof Time management,coping skills development trainingto Universal healthcare coverage
workers adversely affectedbypoor workorganization strengthen workercapacity towithstand stressors
(tertiary prevention). . .
. . .differentially prioritizing at risk workgroups and Special retrainingprograms atorganizationallevel to assist Special retrainingprograms at national/state policy level to
contexts,including: returnto work from injuryor illness,or to assist assist return to work frominjuryor illness,or to assist
employment reentry from disability employment reentry from disability
Workers in lower socioeconomic positions Raising minimum wages (toreduce the proportion of
Workingwomen Improved accessto public transport
Work Organization and Occupational Health Disparities

Immigrants workers Increasingthe availability ofaffordable housing

Racial and ethnic minority workers Food security programs
Precariously employed workers
504 Landsbergis et al.

to this end, drawing upon political economy, health among employers and other stakeholders in the UK and,
inequalities, and other macro-structural perspectives as a consequence, increased organizational policies and
[Commission on Social Determinants of Health, 2008; procedures to deal with these issues [Broughton et al.,
Marmot, 2010; Muntaner et al., 2010a; Siegrist et al., 2009].
2011] and including primary, secondary, and tertiary pre- While there are relatively few examples of regulatory
vention at the micro-structural-level—drawing in particu- standards on psychosocial hazards to date, there are a
lar from occupational and public health perspectives growing number of regulatory responses to temporary or
[LaMontagne et al., 2007b; Landsbergis, 2009; Benach precarious employment. For example, in the Australian
et al., 2010c]. state of New South Wales, under a 2001 law, home-
Most available evidence for addressing occupational based clothing workers, a highly exploited primarily
health disparities arising from work organization and immigrant workforce, were deemed employees, and thus
job insecurity pertains to improving psychosocial working brought under labor regulations [Quinlan and Sokas,
conditions and reducing associated illness and other 2009]. Similarly, a 2011 California law prohibits the
burdens in an absolute sense; thus, where explicit evidence ‘‘willful misclassification’’ of employees as independent
is lacking on how interventions affect disparities, the contractors [Yamauchi and Allen, 2011].
available evidence requires extrapolation to how these An example of a voluntary macro-level intervention
strategies can reduce disparities. Population-level interven- is a recent standard on workplace psychosocial risk
tions that improve population health on average, however, management issued by the British Standards Institution,
can at the same time potentially exacerbate health inequal- the ‘‘PAS1010’’ [Leka et al., 2011]. The guidance and
ities in a phenomenon termed the ‘‘inequality paradox’’ recommendations in PAS1010 grew out of the European
[Frohlich and Potvin, 2008]. This can arise when disad- Framework for Psychosocial Risk Management (PRIMA-
vantaged groups have less capacity to transform public EF) initiative [Leka and Cox, 2008]. Labor-management
health interventions into health improvements. This has voluntary agreements are an example of macro-level
been observed, for example, in the context of smoking policy intervention at the industry or sector level. A 2004
cessation and tobacco control initiatives in the UK and joint labor/industry European framework agreement on
Australia, where population smoking prevalence steadily work stress aimed to increase the awareness and
declined over time but disparities in smoking prevalence understanding of work stress and ‘‘best practice’’ interven-
by SES widened [Baum, 2007; Frohlich and Potvin, tions among employers, workers and their representatives
2008]. This is not to deny the value of population [European Trade Union Confederation et al., 2004].
approaches, but rather to highlight the need to monitor Awareness-raising and policy advocacy can also be ad-
disparities in intervention impacts as well as absolute vanced by individual stakeholder groups. For example, in
changes, to prioritize disadvantaged work groups and con- September 2011, the Australian Council of Trades Unions
texts in population approaches, and to implement tailored launched a national campaign titled ‘‘Secure Jobs—Better
intervention strategies for disadvantaged work groups and Future’’ (, highlighting the elevat-
contexts to complement population approaches (Table II). ed percentage of workers in insecure jobs (27% of work-
force in casual/temporary jobs, second only to Spain in
Macro-Structural Interventions the OECD), the impacts and inequities of insecure work,
and the need for policy and practice reforms.
The evidence base on the impacts of macro-level Some macro-level interventions may require further
interventions on work organization is underdeveloped, be- research to determine appropriate intervention targets and
cause it is a relatively new policy area and due to method- strategies. For example, social class and gender disparities
ological challenges. Nevertheless, it is becoming an active in job control exist across OECD countries (differential
area of investigation [Quinlan et al., 2010; Benach et al., exposure). However, there are wider social class inequal-
2010a; Muntaner et al., 2010c]. Macro-level policy and ities in low job control (and other work organization
other interventions can be conducted at various levels hazards) in Spain compared to Denmark, which has a
ranging from international to national to industry/sector. more developed welfare state [Moncada et al., 2010]. Pre-
They can further be divided into regulatory versus volun- ventive strategies to reduce social inequalities in working
tary approaches. The UK Health & Safety Executive conditions need to consider economic and labor market
(HSE) 2004 Management Standards provide a regulatory structures, education and training policy, labor relations
example. The Management Standards cover six key areas regulations, unionization, and other macro-level policies.
of work organization: demand, control, managerial sup- For example, in a cohort of the Australian working popu-
port, peer support, role relationships, and change. Formal lation, working women reported significantly lower job
evaluations suggest the Management Standards have sub- control than men, and this disparity persisted over eight
stantially increased the focus on the prevention of stress annual waves of observation (2001–2008) [LaMontagne
Work Organization and Occupational Health Disparities 505

et al., 2011]. However, this job control disparity was large- (OR ¼ 2.64) and the smallest in Scandinavian countries
ly eliminated by adjustment for occupational skill level (OR ¼ 1.69), suggesting that weak social protections may
and employment arrangement (permanent, precarious, magnify the health impacts of poor work organization and
etc.). These findings suggest that differential exposure to job insecurity [Dragano et al., 2011].
low job control by gender in this nationally representative In summary, evidence to date suggests that general
sample could be more systematically and effectively social protection policies, as well as occupational health
addressed by macro-level interventions to redress the seg- and safety protection policies, can mitigate both differen-
regation of women into lower quality jobs (e.g., job skills tial exposure and differential vulnerability by gender,
training and equal opportunity employment initiatives) socioeconomic position, and possibly other factors (e.g.,
over micro-level (e.g., organizational level) interventions employment arrangement).
to improve women’s job control. This is supported by the
observation of smaller gender differences in job control Micro-Structural Interventions
and other work organization hazards (as well as in physi-
cal and mental health) in Finland, where more gender The research literature on interventions to improve
equality policies exist, than in the UK or Japan [Sekine work organization is dominated by micro-/organizational/
et al., 2011]. workplace-level studies, most likely due to the greater fea-
It is also necessary to address non-work-related ‘‘so- sibility of organizational-level intervention and research.
cial determinants’’ of health in order to reduce differential Here, we focus on those work organization interventions
vulnerability to the effects of work organization hazards aiming to reduce job stressors and job stress as most
and job insecurity (Table II). Many workers in lower germane to the topic at hand.
socioeconomic positions are also at higher risk of other International research on interventions to improve
forms of disadvantage, such as low income, poor housing, work organization and to reduce job stress and stress-related
food insecurity, and lack of access to public transport. illness has been the subject of a number of systematic
While these are beyond the scope of this report and are reviews. The most comprehensive review (90 intervention
addressed in detail elsewhere [Commission on Social studies) focused on interventions wherein work organiza-
Determinants of Health, 2008], it is important to acknowl- tion factors were proactively addressed [LaMontagne
edge them as potential limiting factors of the effectiveness et al., 2007a]. This review concluded that individual-
of both macro- and micro-level interventions to address focused, low-systems approaches (e.g., coping and time
work organization and job insecurity. The UK is attempt- management skills) favorably affected individual level
ing to implement such a comprehensive approach. Follow- outcomes such as health and health behaviors, but tended
ing on from the WHO’s global recommendations to not to have favorable impacts at the organizational level
reduce health inequalities [Commission on Social (e.g., no reductions in stressor exposures, sickness absence
Determinants of Health, 2008], the 2010 UK Marmot rates). However, organizationally focused high- and mod-
Review proposed a country-specific coordinated set of pol- erate-systems approaches (addressing work organization
icies to reduce health inequalities overall, including a ma- and working conditions), were beneficial at both individu-
jor policy objective to ‘‘Create fair employment and good al and organizational levels (e.g., improvements in work-
work for all’’ alongside policy objectives for addressing ing conditions as well as health).
other social determinants [Marmot, 2010]. One of three More selective Cochrane systematic reviews (with
major arms of this policy proposal is to ‘‘Improve the more stringent inclusion and exclusion criteria) reached
quality of jobs across the social gradient’’ through: (1) en- similar conclusions. A 2007 review of organizational
hanced adherence to equality guidance and legislation, level interventions to increase job control found some
(2) implementing guidance on stress management (draw- evidence of health benefits (e.g., reductions in anxiety
ing largely on micro/organizational-level intervention re- and depression) when employee control increased or (less
search), (3) developing greater employment security and consistently) when demands decreased or support in-
flexibility through greater retirement age flexibility, and creased [Egan et al., 2007a]. They also found evidence
(4) encouraging and incentivizing employers to create or of worsening employee health from downsizing and
adapt jobs that are suitable for disadvantaged workers and restructuring [Egan et al., 2007a]. A second 2007
people with disabilities or other work limitations. Cochrane review of task restructuring interventions
Innovative approaches are being developed to investi- [Bambra et al., 2007] found that interventions that in-
gate differential vulnerability and ways of addressing it at creased control resulted in improved health. An ‘‘umbrel-
the macro-level. In a large-scale multi-country analysis, la’’ summary of systematic reviews of the effects on
the association of high work stress and depressive symp- health and health inequalities of organizational-level
toms varied according to type of welfare regime, with the changes to the psychosocial work environment was pub-
strongest association in a ‘‘neo-liberal’’ country, the UK lished in 2009 [Bambra et al., 2009]. Shift work, work
506 Landsbergis et al.

scheduling, privatization and restructuring were also et al., 2009]. Further research, as well as regulatory or
considered. Findings suggested that organizational level other intervention, is needed to develop, strengthen
changes to improve psychosocial working conditions can and support participatory mechanisms for disadvantaged
have important and beneficial effects on health. Though workers.
the evidence base was limited, findings tentatively Taken together, the available evidence base demon-
suggested that organizational level interventions on the strates that effective and feasible micro-level strategies for
psychosocial work environment also have the potential to the prevention and control of workplace psychosocial
reduce health inequalities. risks are available, but further research is needed, particu-
Participatory approaches were a consistent feature of larly in relation to their application among disadvantaged
effective micro/organizational-level interventions to reduce worker groups and their impacts on occupational health
job stress, and warrant careful consideration with respect disparities.
to the potential to reduce occupational health disparities
[LaMontagne et al., 2007a; Landsbergis, 2009]. Participa- Intervention: Promise and Practice
tion is a concrete enactment of job control, demonstrates
organizational fairness and justice, and, if properly Available research suggests that current intervention
implemented, builds mutual support among workers and practice lags far behind evidence-informed ‘‘best prac-
between workers and supervisors [LaMontagne et al., tice.’’ Despite evidence supporting systems or comprehen-
2012]. Despite the benefits that can be gained through sive approaches as most effective, prevalent practice in
participatory approaches, active employee involvement most OECD countries remains disproportionately focused
tends to be the exception rather the norm in practice. on individual-level interventions with inadequate attention
The predominant approach to developing and implement- to organizational- and higher-level interventions [Hurrell
ing organizational-level interventions is to assume and Murphy, 1996; Giga et al., 2003; LaMontagne et al.,
that employees are passive recipients of change, and to 2006; Leka et al., 2008]. Echoing this finding, a recent
adopt a top–down approach [Nielsen et al., 2010]. This is survey covering over 28,000 enterprises in 31 European
of particular concern in relation to workers with lower lev- countries revealed that even though work-related stress
els of power or influence. Concerns have been voiced re- was reported by managers as being among the key safety
garding the extent to which attempts to gain employees’ and health concerns for European enterprises, only about
insights are genuine and whether participatory processes half the establishments surveyed reported that they inform
address employees’ real issues. NIOSH states, for exam- their employees about psychosocial risks and their effects
ple, that ‘‘. . .worker participation or involvement strate- on health and safety [European Agency for Safety and
gies may often be more ceremonial than substantive, Health at Work, 2010; Siegrist et al., 2011]. This suggests
having little meaningful influence on worker empow- a need to better characterize worker and employer aware-
erment. . .’’ [NIOSH, 2002]. ness, knowledge, and attitudes towards work organization
Another factor influencing the effectiveness of partici- and job insecurity in the US, and the need to consider
patory processes is the extent to which they capture the population-level awareness-raising and educational inter-
views and ideas of all relevant stakeholders. Studies exam- ventions to set the stage for more substantive interventions
ining the effectiveness of participatory-based interventions to address psychosocial working conditions and their
indicate that the groups who are particularly vulnerable to health and social consequences at the regulatory, organiza-
experiencing high levels of work-related ill-health are tional, and other levels.
also less likely to have the opportunity to take part in par-
ticipatory processes. This includes workers in lower socio- Summary of Findings
economic positions; workers employed on a precarious/
contingent or short-term basis, particularly women; and Considering the full evidence base linking job insecu-
night-shift workers [Benach et al., 2002; Rotenberg et al., rity and work organization hazards to health outcomes
2009; Landsbergis, 2010; LaMontagne and Keegel, 2012; (not just as pertains to disparities), various micro- and
LaMontagne et al., 2012]. Low paid temporary or precari- macro-level policy and practice recommendations can be
ous/contingent employees, for example, are far less likely made, as outlined in Table II. While there has been
to be represented in consultative forums (e.g., OHS com- limited research explicitly examining the impacts of inter-
mittees) and are more likely to feel constrained by their vention on exposure or health disparities, available evi-
status with respect to complaining about work hazards dence suggests that macro- and micro-level intervention
[Benach et al., 2002; Rotenberg et al., 2009]. They strategies have the potential to improve health and poten-
are also likely to have less knowledge about their tially reduce disparities. Intervention can be implemented
working environments and experience more difficulty al- at various levels, including macro-structural (e.g., occupa-
tering working conditions [Benach et al., 2002; Rotenberg tional health and safety and employment rights legislation
Work Organization and Occupational Health Disparities 507

and regulation), micro-structural (e.g., union- or employer- 1998]. Other research suggests that concepts like job de-
based job stress prevention programs) and individual mand and control have similar meaning in diverse cultural
(e.g., coping skills development training). Notably, many contexts and that items used to measure these concepts are
of the relevant interventions lie outside public health appropriate [Grzywacz et al., 2009; Fujishiro et al., 2010].
(e.g., education, employment, anti-discrimination), but are Nevertheless, it is important to remain vigilant to the issue
important targets as upstream determinants of occupation- of cross-cultural measurement equivalence.
al exposures and health disparities. The UK and some
European countries are currently implementing policy Alternative Study Designs
interventions to reduce health disparities, including work-
directed as well as other intervention strategies. These Further research is needed to better characterize the
may offer valuable policy intervention insights in the magnitude and mechanisms by which poor work organiza-
future. tion contributes to occupational health disparities. Al-
though the general work organization literature has many
RESEARCH AGENDA strengths in terms of study design and measurement,
the literature on work organization and occupational
Further research is needed in a number of methodo- health disparities remains underdeveloped. For example,
logical and substantive areas: <10% of studies of occupational health disparities
used objective indicators of either exposure (i.e., work or-
Surveillance ganization) or outcome, and <5% can rule out competing
explanations (e.g., physical demands of discrete job
A high priority area is the development of surveil- tasks) of associations between work organization factors
lance tools for monitoring key indicators of work organi- and health outcomes. Research using alternative designs
zation [Dollard et al., 2007] at the organizational level as (e.g., case-control, case-crossover designs), alternative
well as the worker level. We recommend that NIOSH con- sampling strategies to ensure adequate representation of
vene a panel of experts to identify key aspects of work ‘‘hard-to-reach’’ segments of the workforce (e.g., undocu-
organization necessary for national surveillance, create an mented immigrants), or alternative methods (e.g., propen-
assessment battery for measuring these factors, and annual sity score matching) are needed to more firmly establish
or biennial assessment of these factors through standard the specific role work organization plays in occupational
Bureau of Labor Statistics channels (e.g., Current Popula- health disparities.
tion Survey). In addition, NIOSH should publicly provide
data on trends in work organization measures from nation- Interventions
al surveys conducted in 2002, 2006, and 2010, including
trends in these risk factors by SEP, gender, race, ethnicity, Given the dearth of tested interventions focused on
and immigration status. reducing occupational health disparities, we recommend
Existing channels for work organization surveillance the creation of research funding opportunities focused on
do not adequately capture work performed by individuals systematic evaluations of micro- and macro-level interven-
in invisible segments of the labor force (e.g., immigrants). tions targeting the improvement of work organization fac-
Methodological research is needed to identify alternative tors as a means of reducing disparities in psychosocial
sampling strategies that capture workers in the full range working conditions and to alleviating the associated occu-
of occupations, or the creation of sampling strategies that pational health disparities. Such funding opportunities
otherwise ‘‘enrich’’ probability samples with disadvan- should prioritize participatory-based approaches involving
taged groups including immigrants, refugees, and mem- partnerships among worker groups, employers, community
bers of racial and ethnic minorities. advocacy groups, governmental agencies, and researchers.
The funding opportunity should emphasize process as well
Measurement as outcome evaluation, the inclusion of measures of dis-
parity, and the sustainability and scalability of the inter-
Research is needed to ensure that individuals from vention strategy being tested.
different segments of society interpret job security and
work organization questions similarly and use comparable Relationships Between Levels of
cognitive evaluations when articulating a response to those Work Organization
questions. There is some evidence that instruments fre-
quently used in this literature, such as the Job Content More research is needed on the impact of employ-
Questionnaire [Karasek and Theorell, 1990], have been ment conditions on organizational factors, as well as the
validated in several cultural contexts [Karasek et al., influence of organizational factors (e.g., downsizing,
508 Landsbergis et al.

subcontracting, production systems, staffing levels) on job risks among women? [Brisson et al., 1999; Krantz
specific factors, health and safety, and health and safety and Ostergren, 2001]
disparities. In addition, research is needed on the ways in (6) What employment policies and work organization
which these relationships might vary among different sec- policies can help workers better balance work life
tors of the workforce (Fig. 1). and family life? [Messing and Östlin, 2006]
(7) What are the economic costs and benefits of organiz-
Key Research Questions ing work in a health promotive way? In what
ways do these differ by sector and occupation?
The research reviewed in this report leads to several [LaMontagne et al., 2010]
important research questions: (8) Which intervention strategies are most effective in
reducing occupational health disparities? Table III
(1) Have changes in job insecurity and work organiza- provides illustrations of promising intervention strat-
tion contributed to increasing socioeconomic health egies awaiting systematic evaluation.
disparities in cardiovascular disease [Gonzalez et al.,
1998; Tuchsen and Endahl, 1999], hypertension, dia-
betes, and smoking [Kanjilal et al., 2006]? ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(2) Are higher exposures to job insecurity and some
work organization hazards among women, racial and We are grateful to Sherry Baron and Andrea Steege of
ethnic minorities, and immigrants primarily due to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
their lower socioeconomic position? (NIOSH) for coordinating the production of the five re-
(3) What factors explain differential vulnerability of in- view articles on occupational health disparities and the
dividuals in lower SEPs to job insecurity and work 2011 NIOSH conference on Eliminating Health and Safety
organization hazards? What role do non-work haz- Disparities at Work. We are also grateful to George
ards play in differential vulnerability to job insecuri- Koutsouras for his assistance in abstracting data from
ty and work organization hazards? reviewed articles. The only financial support received by
(4) What work organization factors may explain greater the authors from NIOSH for the preparation of this manu-
health risks among blue-collar women versus blue- script were travel expenses to attend the 2011 conference
collar men? and to present an earlier version of this article at the con-
(5) To what extent do work organization hazards and ference. The only other financial support was partial sup-
domestic responsibilities interact to increase illness port for the third author (A.D.L.) provided by project

TABLE III. Intervention Research Recommendations

Type of intervention research Specific examples

Developmental research Characterizeperceptions,knowledge, and attitudes amongworkers and employers on workorganization,jobinsecurity, and
occupational health disparities
Develop participatory strategies that are both effective and safe for workers with lowerlevels orpowerorinfluence (e.g.,lowpaid
workers,racial and ethnic minorities,immigrant workers)
Implementationresearch Disseminate evidence^based methods for risk assessment and tailored intervention development, and characterizebarriers and
facilitators ofimplementation
Participatory action and otherintervention implementationstudies to bettercharacterize successful andpotentially harmful
intervention processes and strategies
Characterizethe barriers to andrisks ofintervention participationfor workers with lowerlevels ofpowerorinfluence
Effectivenessresearch Measure andreport notonly absolute changes in exposure or health measures outcomes as keyoutcomes,but also changes in
disparities exposure or health measures;
Long-termstudies evaluatingthe impacts ofmacro-level legislative andregulatory interventions
Organizational-level effectiveness studies focusing on the particularcircumstances of worker groups with lowerlevels ofpoweror
Work Organization and Occupational Health Disparities 509

grant #375196 from the Australian National Health & Benach J, Solar O, Santana V, Castedo A, Chung H, Muntaner C.
Medical Research Council. 2010c. The role of employment relations in reducing health inequal-
ities. A micro-level model of employment relations and health
inequalities. Int J Health Services 40:223–227.
Benavides FG, Benach J, Muntaner C, Delclos GL, Catot N, Amable
M. 2006. Associations between temporary employment and occupa-
Adarga MS, Becerril LC, Champion CD. 2010. Gender, Aging, and tional injury: What are the mechanisms? Occup Environ Med 63:
Work: Aging Workers’ Strategies to Confront the Demands of 416–421.
Production in Maquiladora Plants in Nogales, Mexico. New Solut
20:479–495. Besosa M. 2007. New Public Management. Academe 93.

Aiken LH, Sloan D, Klocinski JL. 1997. Hospital nurses’ occupa- Blau F, Ferber M, Winkler A. 2002. The economics of women, men
tional exposure to blood: Prospective, retrospective, and institutional and work. Upper Saddle River, NY: Prentice Hall.
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