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Subject: Constitution Law

Course: LLB
Sl. No. Topic

1 Meaning & Definition of Constitution and Kinds of Constitution

2 Constitutionalism & Salient features of Indian Constitution

Whether Preamble is a part of Indian Constitution? Explain with the help of decided

4 What are the modes of acquiring and terminating citizenship in India?

5 Explain the definition of State as given under Art.12 of the Indian Constitution

Enumerate the recent judicial trends on the concept of State action with the help of
decided cases.

7 Explain the various doctrines envisaged as per Art.13 of the Indian Constitution.

Explain the meaning of law as given under the Indian Constitution. Write a brief note on
8 the effect of retrospective laws.

9 Examine the conditions to be fulfilled to nake classification reasonable under Art.14.

10 The Indian Constitution is neither federal nor quasi but a combination of both. Explain

No person shall be deprived of his personal life or liberty except according to procedure
established by law. Explaint with the help of decided cases.

12 Can the Preamble be amended? Explain with the help of decided cases.

13 Explain the scope of Freedom of Religion under the Indian Constituion.

14 In the light of decided cases, explain the importance of Directive principal of State policy.

15 Art.14 permits classification but prohibits class legislation. Explain

Can the State impose restrictions on the institutions established and managed by
Minoritites. Explain

Explain the relationship between fundamental rights and directive principles of State
policy in the light of decided cases.

18 Write an explanatory note on Uniform Civil Code.

19 Explain the right to privacy under as created under the umbrella of Art.21.

20 Directive Principles have no more reamined as directions.Comment.

21 State the significance of Fundamental Duties.

22 Discuss the rights of minoritites to establish and manage educational institutions.

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Sl. No. Topic
22 Discuss the rights of minoritites to establish and manage educational institutions.

Every exercise of arbitrary power is a negation of equality is considered to be a new

23 doctirne of comparison with traditional judicial formula of classification of test
of equality. Explain.

Trace the emerging regime of new rights and remedies as a result of reading directive
principles of state policy into fundamental rights. Refer cases.

Enumerate the various implied fundamental rights that have been recognised by the
Supreme Court as part and parcel of Article.21.

26 Enumerat the importance and scope of ex-post facto laws.

27 Write explanatory notes on Double jeopardy.

What are the various rights provided for the Accused persons? Explain them with the
help of decided cases.

Explain the constitutional remedies under the Indian constitution available for the
infringemenet of fundamental rights.

30 Explain the various doctrines envisaged as per Art.13 of the Indian Constitution.

31 In the light of decided cases, explain the importance of Directive principal of State policy.

32 What is a Writ? Explain the various types of writs.

Can the State impose restrictions on the institutions established and managed by
Minoritites. Explain

Explain the status of right to property prior to 1978 and breifly explain the present
condition as to why a fundamental right converted to a constitutional right.

Explain the reasonable restrictions putforth on the freedom of religion in the light of
decided case.

Enumerate the recent judicial trends on the concept of State action with the help of
decided cases.

Explain the safeguards available against arbitrary arrest and detention under Art.22 of
the indian Constitution.

Explain the nature and scope of freedom of speech and expression with special reference
to Silence, press, media advertisement and information.

39 Examine the conditions to be fulfilled to make classification reasonable under Art.14.

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Sl. No. Topic
Explain the judicial parameters established by the Supreme Court to peruse the collective
freedom of religion under Art.26 with the help of decided case laws.

41 Discuss the freedom of speech and expression in the light of decided cases.

42 Write an explanatory note on Preventive Detention Laws.

Can the Court declare any law as void on the ground that it contravenes the Directive
principles? Answer with the help of decided cases.

44 What are the characteristics of Parliamentary form of Government?

45 Justify the basic Structure theory.

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