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Daniel Fabian Castillo Valera
Eva Raquel Jimenez Coronado
Ismelda Alejandra De La Hoz Guerra
Zully Caterine Moreno Niño
2. AGES:

3. Please, write three touristic places you have visited in your country.


FRANCE Eiffel Tower Vendomeredee Louvre Museum
JAPAN the blue pond mount koya mount koya

BRAZIL Christ the Iguazu Falls Sugar Loaf


COLOMBIA The hill of Girardot Kualamelgar de

Monserrate in cathedral Melgar Ecopark

4. Name “Faux pas” (cultural rules) and traditions foreigners should keep in mind
when visiting your country.

Japan: you should not wear shoes Brazil: you should walk around with France: you shouldsay “hello” to
inside a house. Kleenex/paper tissues on your bag to sneeze strangers by shaking hands.
your nose in public.

1. do not shout or raise 1. The carnival of Rio de Janeiro. 1. Weekends are dedicated to
your voice In which you learn to dance social life. Visits are never made
2. when you are making a Samba because it is contagious. without prior notice.
line do not sneak 2. In the city of Sao Pablo the only
3. smoking is prohibited greet each other with a kiss, the 2. Family meals are respected,
left cheek. Rio de Janeiro three
especially dinner.
kisses and mina Gerais three
3. To greet the new year they go 3. In social interaction,
to the beaches, in white dresses, excessive familiarity is not
the do rituals in from of the sea shown, even among friends.
with candles.
Colombia: Foreigners who visit my country
must take care and respect its culture,
traditions, architecture, but above all, enjoy
each space traveled.

1. The pot walk, which is a trip that a

family or a group of friends make
to any place that is far from the
city, especially if it is next to a
2. Drink coffee, coffee is the favorite
drink of most if not all
3. Christmas, in Colombia Christmas
is one of the most important
traditions and it is very common
that if you visit Colombia in
December someone invites you to
see the lights, a tour either by car
or walking through various places
in the city to see their Christmas

5. Answer the following question:

How long have you been learning English?

Pen pal from Japan's answer: Well here in Japan you have several bilingual universities
and I have been learning English for 3 years

Pen pal from Brazil's answer: I have been learning English with the Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro for over a year.

Pen pal from France's answer: Well I have been learning English in a very good school here
in France I have already 5 months.

Pen pal of Colombia's response: I have been studying English for three months at the
Centro Cultural Colombo Americano school in Barranquilla.
6. Write a list of five activities your group has done to learn English.

Example: We have watched English movies with closed caption in English.

A. listen to music in english

B. we have applications in english
C. we change the language on our cell phone to English
D. between ourselves we try to converse in English
E. We have friends from the United States who are correcting us

7. As a group, write about the reasons why it is important for you to learn English.

Daniel: Example: We want to learn English because we want to study abroad, learn many
things about other cultures and enjoy the advantages of communicating with new people
around the world.

Eva Jimenez: For me it is very important to learn English since in my accounting career
many proposals are being implemented that are based and are written in English

For us the most important reasons to learn English is that it opens many work doors

Ismelda: It is important for us to learn English as it helps us to communicate when we visit

places where this language is spoken. It also helps us find new professional opportunities
and learn about other cultures...

Zully: English is the universal language and for our careers it is more than basic, becoming
the language of international communication, commerce and finance.

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