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Nama : Rizka Yuly Suswanti

Kelas : 4B/S1 Keperawatan

Nim : 201701049

A. Questions 1-8
1. What is the topic of this passage?
A. College life in Vietnam
B. Academic life of Vietnam soldiers
C. A story of a war survivor
D. Troyer‟s miserable life
2. The word “ineligible” in line 2 is closest in meaning to ….
A. Inedible
B. Uneatable
C. allowed
D. unqualified
3. When did Troyer join the armed forces?
A. When he was twenty years old.
B. In 1960s
C. When studying at a local college in Urbana
D. After completing a military course.
4. What can be inferred about US soldiers?
A. They could refuse to join the forces.
B. Most of them had parents who had been in military forces.
C. They had never got frustrated.
D. They always did what they were ordered.
5. The word “they” in line 15 refers to ….
A. American soldiers
B. dozens of men
C. Delta Company
D. Mike's comrades
6. When did Troyer come in Vietnam?
A. In July
B. In September
C. When he was twenty years old
D. In October
7. How did Troyer recognize his comrade‟s body?
A. By its face
B. By its fingerprints
C. By an image on the skin
D. By the badge on the uniform
8. The paragraph following this passage will most probably discusses ….
A. welcoming ceremony to returning soldiers
B. a returning soldier's civilian life after war
C. seeing his parents after war
D. a returning soldier who became a hero
B. Questions 9-16
9. What is the primary topic of the text?
A. Komodo National Park‟s wildlife and vegetation
B. The remarkable species in the Komodo National Park
C. Komodo National Park and the Wallacea Biogeographical Region
D. The appearance and aggressive behavior of Komodo Dragon lizards
10. In the text, the word “unparalleled” line 7 most probably means ….
A. Asymmetrical
B. Unrelated
C. Unequaled
D. Irregular
11. The typical flora in the Komodo National Park varies widely among, EXCEPT ….
A. woodland savanna
B. tropical forest
C. cloud forest
D. dry dessert
12. The Komodo lizard is of great interest for scientists because of ….
A. its appearance
B. its average growth
C. its aggressive behavior
D. its evolutionary viewpoint
13. According to the passage, the Komodo lizard is ….
A. 2 to 3 inches in length
B. aggressive in nature
C. the largest living species
D. the only species of lizards
14. The word “refuge” in line 21 is closest in meaning to ….
A. Shelter
B. Habitat
C. Citizen
D. Immigrant
15. The reefs in the Komodo National Park is so varied because ….
A. it has clear blue skies
B. it receives abundant sunlight
C. it gets nutrient-rich water from rain
D. it is located in deeper areas of the ocean
16. The word “those” in line 33 refers to ….
A. Speciesrichness
B. intense sunlight
C. fauna and flora
D. nutrient-rich water
C. Questions 17-23
17. What does the author primarily discuss in the text?
A. the history of paintball
B. the mechanism of paintball
C. the propulsion system of paintball
D. the range of paintball fire
18. According to the passage, the paint in the paintballs is ….
A. highly poisonous
B. highly insoluble
C. easily decomposed
D. extremely colorless
19. What happened to a paintball after being shot from a gun?
A. It explodes when it hits another object.
B. It releases gas into the barrel.
C. It leaves no stains in the suit.
D. It is stored in cartridges or tanks.
20. The paintball hopper is used mainly for….
A. moving paintball
B. holding the paintballs
C. pushing the paintball
D. speeding paintballs
21. The following regulations are necessary to make the paintball game safe, EXCEPT
A. the prohibition to shoot in the eyes or ears
B. the paintball speed of 91 m per second
C. the obligatory use of head protection
D. the unlimited range of paintball fire
22. For what purpose does the writer mention a bullet in the passage?
A. To show the range of the paintball fire.
B. To describe how to hit somebody at a distance.
C. To understand the top speed of the fired paintball.
D. To compare the range of two different speed projectile.
23. The word “hybrid” in line 36 could be best replaced by ….
A. Fusion
B. Nutrient
C. Substance
D. Composition
D. Questions 24-30
24. When did the Supreme Courtreiterate the constitutionality of capital punishment?
A. In 1976
B. In 1977
C. In 1978
D. In 1990s
25. The word “capital” in line 4 is closest in meaning to ….
A. City
B. Money
C. Alphabet
D. Death
26. Why did the writer mention “treason” in line 4?
A. To show that other types of criminals can also be sentenced to death.
B. To inform that everyone who commits treason will get capital punishment.
C. To describe the penalty that is given to anybody who commits treason.
D. To advise people not to commit treason.
27. It can be inferred in the passage that….
A. Stephen B. Bright is an advocate of death penalty.
B. There is no longer death penalty in this modern era.
C. There were few prisons available in the past.
D. There were many murderersin Africa and Russia.
28. The word “sentencing” in line 9 has the same meaning as .…
A. Writing
B. Murdering
C. Punishing
D. Composing
29. What is Ernest van den Haag position towards death penalty?
A. Critic
B. Pioneer
C. Heckler
D. Advocate
30. The word “him” in line 17 refers to ….
A. Simon
B. Ernest
C. Stephen
D. Criminals
E. Questions 31-37
31. The main objective of the text is to ….
A. inform the readers about a newsworthy event
B. persuade the reader to jade mining n Myanmar
C. explain how jade mine in Myanmar works
D. tell the readers how a landslide happens
32. The word “them” in line 6 refers to ….
A. Landslides
B. Bodies
C. Miners
D. Stones
33. According to the text, the number of dead bodies is going to increase because .…
A. another landslide was likely to happen
B. some victims were still missing
C. the mining collapsed into a lake
D. there was a conflict occurring
34. The word “impoverished” in line 12 could be best replaced by the following,
A. Deprived
B. Strapped
C. Reduced
D. Enriched
35. According to the text, the following statements are true, EXCEPT ….
A. the jade is mostly shipped to China
B. the jade mining workers are mostly poor
C. the number of victims was still unthinkable
D. the landslide has always happened for five years
36. According to the text, the Global Witness consider the catastrophe became
unpreventable because ….
A. the conflict between troops and ethnic Kachin was still happening
B. the government was unsuccessful in diminishing illegal mining
C. the money from the mining was not properly managed
D. the trade is worth billions of dollars annually
37. The word “rapacious” in line 24 could be replaced by ….
A. Wrong
B. Lawful
C. Greedy
D. Content
F. Questions 38-44
38. The purpose of the text is to ….
A. describe the steps to check the background of the house
B. explain the way to check the house‟s materials
C. suggest readers to check their house‟s history
D. explain the way to research the components of people‟s house materials
39. According to the passage, an old house needs be updated several times to ….
A. maintain the quality of the materials
B. suit the owner‟s desires of the house
C. keep the originality of the house‟s materials
D. accommodate the original architecture of the house
40. The word “inconspicuous” in step 4 could be best replaced by ….
A. Insignificant
B. Noticeable
C. Unhidden
D. Exposed
41. According to the passage, the paint could describe the era when the house was built
because of ….
A. the damage level of the paint
B. the composition of the paint
C. the pattern of the paint
D. the color of the paint
42. The word “amenable” in step 5 could be best replaced by ….
A. Knowledgeable
B. Ignorant
C. Discordant
D. Susceptible
43. The word “them” in step 5 refers to ….
A. Clues
B. Details
C. Neighbors
D. Renovations
44. According to the text, it can be inferred that researching our history can help us to ….
A. change the layout of the house
B. choose the materials of the house
C. decide the way to sustain the house
D. provide information for the next owner
G. Questions 45-50
45. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the movie: Onward?
A. A book and its study-based advice
B. A book and its valuable materials
C. An author and its scientific studies
D. An author and his psychological techniques
46. According to the author, what is the drawback of an experiment involving a small
number of non-typical participant?
A. The result maybe scientifically reliable.
B. The result may not work for young university students.
C. The result is found to be independent to any related participants.
D. The result of the experiment may not always work for everybody.
47. The word “it” in line 9 most probably refers to ….
A. the book „59 seconds‟
B. the over-eagerness
C. the subtitle
D. the prey
48. The word “immediate” in line 22 can be best replaced by ….
A. very close
B. intimate
C. instant
D. fast
49. Why does the author mention about being around plants makes people more creative?
A. To show how small shifts in behavior can have a large individual effect
B. To show how nearby environments greatly influence individuals
C. To show how valuable the materials in the book are
D. To discuss how the ideas in the book is carried out
50. What is the author‟s final impression of the book?
A. Unpleasant
B. Favorable
C. Negative
D. misleading

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