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on Uniroller . Start timer when agitation starts.

Drain Unidrum at end of step by tilting drum to an almost vertical position
(see fi gur r ). Shake drum gently for a few seco.nds to remove rem a in ing chemistry.

After adding chemistry
knock the Unidrum off its legs
smartly (onto its side), with enough
force that it will readily roll over
until stopped by its legs. Roll the
drum back, just as smartly, until it
is again stopped by its legs. Continue
this vigorous, back-and-forth, rolling
unti I the processing step is com-
pleted .

Place drum on Uniroller and add chemistry.
Start Uniroller .. . agitation is automatic!

Prints can be washed in two
(1) The Fill and Dump Method
may be utili zed to conserve water.
Pour water into drum and agitate
for approximately 30 seconds and
dump . Repeat procedure for total
rinse time . See Volume Require-
ments table for amount of wash

(2) Continuous Wash. Allow

steady stream of water to enter and
fill Unidrum as shown in photo .

unidrum II
Rinse cap thoroughly before reuse.

1. Always store with the cover on the unit but not screwed down . This will protect

the sealing rim from any damage and yet not compress the rubber gasket during
If the grey polyethylene gasket becomes ~orn and scratched, replace it with the
spare one. Only one grey gasket can be used at a time without damaging this

© 1981 Unicolor Div., Photosystems Inc., Dexter, Ml 48130 U.S.A.
FORM 024 0308
© 1981 Unicolor Div., Phptosystems Inc., Dexter, Ml 48130 U.S.A .
CAT. NO. 024 0308
unicoloP unidrum II PRINT CAPACITIES

Drum Size
4 x 5's
Maximum Number of
5 x 7's 8 x '1 0's 11 x 14's 16 x 20's
X 4 2 1
(For 8 x 10, 11 x 14, and 16 x 20 sizes) 11 X 14 4 ' 2
The Unidrum II Color Print Processors are designed to process prints in 16 X 20 8 4 2
room light using minimum chemistry. Unidrum processors can be agitated either
manually (by hand) or automatically on the Uniroller. VOLUME REQUIREMENTS
The chemical volumes required in Unidrum processors can be stated quite
1. When processing one large print, use the minimum volume which will
cover the print in a particular size drum; and as a general rule, use the
chemistry only once.
2. When processing multiple small prints in a drum, it is often better to
use two times the minimum volume to insure complete coverage and
reuse it once to get maximum chemistry capacity.
The solution requirements are summarized below:

Minimum chemistry volume Minimum wash volume Pre-rinse

required for: (per rinse) for Fill & Require-
Unidrum size Dump Rinse method ments*
Single large print Several small prints

LOADING 8 X 10 60 ml (2 oz.) 120 ml (4 oz.) 180 ml (6 oz.) 20 oz.

(1) Remove End Cap: The removable end cap is the one with the filling/
11 X 14 120 ml (4 oz.) 240 ml (8 oz.) 360 ml (12 oz.) 32 oz.
pou ring spout. Don't attempt to remove the plain (flush) end.
The removable end cap is turned off or on in the same manner as a jar cap. 16 X 20 240 ml (8 oz.) 480 ml (16 oz.) 720 ml (24 oz.) 64 oz.
Turn counterclockwise to remove the cap, and clockwise to replace it. Always
replace the cap so the legs are in line with each other. Unidrums must be used on a LEVEL surface ... Chemistry will not cover
(2) Load Paper: In the dark ... place Unidrum on a convenient surface in the entire print if Unidrum and/or Uniroller are not level. If surface is not level,
an upright position. Keep the end cap handy for replacing on the Unidrum after chemistry requirements should be doubled to insure proper chemistry coverage.
exposed paper has been loaded. *Pre-rinse: A one (1) minute water rinse before development is required in
Paper (Emulsion side facing inwards) is fitted between points outlined most color processes. The temperature of this water varies with each process ...
below depending on si~"! of print and/or Unidrum. see chemistry instructions for correct temperature.
To load the paper you may find it easiest to first catch one edge of the print One easy pre-rinse method (especially for the 8 x 10 drum) is to load paper
in its holder, and then repeat for the other edge. Once the print is started in the in the Unidrum completely fil~ed with pre-rinse water at the prescribed tempera-
paper holders, push it all the way into the Unidrum. Then replace cap. ture. Drain presoak water after cover is in place. This "wet Unidrum" technique
may not be practical for the 11 x 14 and 16 x 20 Unidrums.
When process ing several smaller prints in a Unidrum (e.g., (4) 4 x 5's in an POURING, DRAINING
8 x 10 Unidrum) place the rubber separator(s) between each pair of prints to To pour chemistry into drum, place drum on its legs or on Uniroller. Once
keep them from sliding over one another during processing. The "Y"-shaped chemistry has been added to the Unidrum, start rolling drum either by hand or
cut in the separator is designed to fit over flanges A-B (8 x 10 Unidrum) or B-C
(11 x 14 or 16 x 20 Unidrums). S
------- e p a r a t o r - -
- goeshere ~

A to 1(2) and/or B to2(2) A toB~n1/~?c toO
5x7 11 X 14
A to I and/orB to2 I to2
8x 10
I to2

8x10 ll X 14/16 X 20

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