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Fire & Engineering department

UIIC:HO:FIRE:CIR:172:19-20 11/12/2019

Revision in rating for policies issued under Fire LOB w.e.f. 01/01/2020.

Reference is invited to HO circular HO:TECH:171:2019-20 dated 29.11.2019 where

minimum FLEXA rates for various occupancies have been fixed based on the IIB loss
cost rates.

In view of revised IIB loss cost 2019 (Schedule 3), GIC Re, our Fire Surplus Treaty
leader, has made amendments to our Reinsurance Treaty w.e.f. 01/01/2020.

All the risks (Risk code / Rate code given in the Annexure I) will be rated at the
minimum rates as given. These rates are the minimum FLEXA rates to be quoted.
Offices are free to load these rates based on the risk features & claims experience.
However, no reduction in these minimum rates is permitted under any circumstances.

NATCAT rates as per HO circular HO:TECH:163:2018 dated 15/11/2018 are to be

added to the above rates if opted for.

In case of Industrial All Risk / Mega policies for the above risks, the following
minimum rates are additionally to be charged:

Machinery Breakdown section Rs. 0.25 per mille

Fire Loss of Profit section 100% of the rate charged for Fire (IIB rates
+ NATCAT) – irrespective of Indemnity
Machinery Loss of Profit section Rs. 1 per mille – irrespective of Indemnity

For all occupancies, Insured may be allowed to opt out of STFI and/or EQ risks.
However in such cases FLEXA rate or applicable NATCAT rates whichever is higher is
to be charged.

Cancellation/ preponement of all policies incepting on or after 1st Jan 2020 to a date
prior to 1st Jan 2020 is permitted, provided the rates and terms are as per above
mentioned minimum rates.

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Revision in rating & underwriting authority for policies issued under Fire LOB w.e.f.
Fire & Engineering department

For petrochemical risks, excluding refineries, the minimum rate applicable is as per Risk
code 2043 Chemical Manufacturing(Using materials with Flash Point below 32OC).

These rates will be effective from 01/01/2020. So, all risks incepting from 01/01/2020
have to be rated as per these rates.


Deputy General Manager

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Risk New rate Rate per
Occupancy New description
code Code mille
1001 1 Dwellings 0.14
1001_2 2 Dwellings: Co-operative society 0.24
1002 3 Places of worships 0.12
1003 4 Libraries 0.21
1004 5 Museums 0.23
1005 6 Schools, Colleges 0.2
Hospitals including X-ray and other Diagnostic
1006 0.23
7 clinics
1007 8 Office premises, Meeting Rooms 0.25
1008 9 Auditoriums, Planetarium 0.28
1009 10 Mess Houses, Clubs 0.21
1 1010 11 Marriage Halls 0.18
Showrooms and display centres where goods
1011 0.28
12 are kept for display and no sales are carried out
Educational and Research Institutes imparting
1012 0.24
13 training in various crafts
1013 14 Lodging/Boarding Houses 0.19
1014 15 Cycle Shed and 0.22
1015 16 Dish Antenna 0.23
Indoor stadiums, Health Club, Gymnasium and
1016 0.08
17 Swimming pool
Data Processing/Call Centres/ Business Process
1029 0.14
18 Outsourcing Centres
Cafes, Restaurants, Hotels, Confectioner &
2 1017
2 Sweet meat sellers, Health Resorts 0.25
1018 21 Laundries, Dry Cleaning 0.51
1019 22 Battery Charging Service Stations 0.96
1020 23 Amusement parks 0.78
3 1021 24 Hoarding, Neon sign 0.99
1022 25 Sports Galleries, Outdoor stadiums. 1.43
Shops dealing in goods otherwise not provided
26 for 0.66

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1024 22 Shops dealing in hazardous goods 0.84

1025 23 Arms & Ammunition dealers, 0.98
Motor Vehicle showroom including sales and
4 24 service, 0.47
Fuel stations, Petrol / Diesel Kiosks (Without
25 CNG) 0.53
1028 26 Fuel stations, Petrol / Diesel Kiosks (CNG) 1.11

Occupancy rate Rate per
code Code New description mille
1 2001 7 Abrasive Manufacturing 0.69
2 2002 5 Aerated Water Factories 0.62
3 2003 5 Aerial Ropeway including trolley stations 0.8
4 2004 7 Agarbatti manufacturing 1.65
5 2005 11 Aircraft Hangers 1.14
Airport Terminal Buildings (including all facilities
6 2006 5 like Cafes, Shops etc) N.B: Airport Cargo
complex shall be rated under Section VI 0.29
7 2007 18 Aluminium/ Magnesium Powder Plants 0.88
8 2008 5 Aluminium ,Zinc,Copper Factories 0.65
9 2009 7 Arecanut and/or Betelnut factories 1.07
Asbestos Steam Packing and lagging
10 2010 5
manufacturing 0.61
11 2011 7 Atta and Cereal Grinding (excluding Dal Mills) 0.73
12 2012 12 Audio/Video Cassette Manufacturing 2.08
2013 5 Automobile Manufacturing 0.53
2212 9 Automobile Filter Mfg 1.38
14 2014 5 Bakeries 0.7
15 2015 15 Basket Weavers and Cane Furniture Makers 2.66
16 2016 8 Battery Manufacturing 0.65
17 2017 11 Beedi Factories 1.32
18 2018 5 Biscuit Factories 0.68
Bitumenised Paper and / or Hessian Cloth
19 2019 14 Manufacturing including Tar Felt
Manufacturing. 1.37
20 2020 9 Book Binders, Envelope and Paper Bag 1.13

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21 2021 7 Breweries 0.97
Brickworks (including refractories and fire
22 2022 3
bricks) 0.41
23 2023 5 Bridges - Concrete/Steel 0.18
24 2024 7 Bridges-Wooden 1.02
25 2025 3 Building In course of construction 0.18
26 2026 9 Cable Manufacturing 1.03
27 2027 11 Camphor Manufacturing 1.56
28 2028 11 Candle Works 1.65
29 2029 5 Canning Factories 0.86
30 2030 5 Capsule Manufacturing 0.66
Carbon paper / Typewriter Ribbon
31 2031 10
Manufacturing 1.37
32 2032 7 Cardamom Factories 1.02
33 2033 8 Cardboard Box Manufacturing 1.42

Carpenters, Wood wool Manufacturing,

34 2034 15
Furniture Manufacturing and other wood
worker shops (excluding saw mill) 1.51

35 2035 9 Carpet and Drugget Manufacturing

(Cotton/jute/wool ) 1.78
36 2036 12 Carpet and Drugget Manufacturing (Others) 1.67
37 2037 11
Cashew nut Factories 0.95
38 2038 7 Cattle feed Mill 0.61
39 2039 24 Celluloid Goods Manufacturing 9.47
Cement / asbestos/concrete products
40 2040 5
Manufacturing 0.51
41 2041 7 Cement Factories 0.68

42 2042 5 Ceramic Factories and Crockery and Stoneware

pipe Manufacturing/Clay Works. 0.78
Chemical Manufacturing(Using materials with
43 2043 11 Flash Point below 32OC), Bulk Drug
Manufacturing 1.39

44 2044 8 Chemical Manufacturing(others),

Pharmaceuticals, Toiletry products 1.01

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45 2045 10
Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturing 0.85

46 2046 12 Cigarette Filter Manufacturing (Using Solvents

with Flash Point below 32OC ) 2.54

47 2047 10
Cigarette Filter Manufacturing (Others) 1.49
48 2048 11 Cinema Film Production Studios 2.64

Cinematography Film Editing, Laboratory and

49 2049 7
Sound recording rooms where Film processing is
carried out 0.73

50 2050 5 Cinematography Film Editing, Laboratory and

Sound recording rooms without Film processing. 0.62
51 2051 9 Cinema Theatres (for single screen) 0.4
2229 10 Multiplex Theatre Complexes 0.77
2230 11 Shopping malls(other than Multiplexes) 0.55

52 2052 22 Circus, Touring Drama Troupes and Touring

Cinema Theatres 6.35
Cloth Processing units situated outside the
compound of Textile mills and Cloth processing
53 2053 5 units which are not
owned by the textile mills but are situated
within the textile mills complex/compound. 1.1

54 2054 18 Coal/Coke/Charcoal ball & briquettes

Manufacturing 1.63
55 2055 9
Coal Processing Plants/Lignite Handling System 0.77
2213 10
Lignite Handling system 0.77
56 2056 7 Coffee Curing, Roasting / Grinding 0.64
57 2057 12 Coir Factories 2.07

58 2058 12 Collieries - underground Mechinery and pit head

gear and Dragline Machine used in Collieries 1.51

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Condensed Milk Factories, Milk Pasturisings

59 2059 5
Plants and Dairies 0.5
Confectionery Manufacturing, Sugar Candy
60 2060 5 Manufacturing Plants and Sweet meat
Manufacturing Plants 0.82

Contractors Plant and Machinery ( At one

61 2061 13
location only) 0.89
Contractors Plant and Machinery Anywhere in
2209 15
India (at specified locations) 0.96
62 2062 12 Cork Products Manufacturing 2.14
63 2063 22 Cotton Gin and Press Houses 1.79
64 2064 15 Cotton Seed cleaning / Delinting Factory 1.99
65 2065 5 Dehydration Factories 0.69
Detergent Manufacturing with Sulphonation
66 2066 9
Plant 1.23
67 2067 8 Detergent Manufacturing (Others) 1.29
68 2068 9 Distilleries 0.89
69 2069 15 Duplicating/stencil paper Manufacturing 1.9

2070 4 Electric Generation Stations – Hydro 0.45

2210 5 Electric Generation (Others) 0.61
2220 10 Electric Generation -Nuclear Power Station 0.61
70 2217 6 Electric Generation - Thermal Power Stations 0.43
2218 7 Electric Generation Stations –Solar Power Plants 0.66
2219 8 Electric Generation Stations – Windmill 0.74
Electric Generation Stations – Biomass Power
2221 9
Stations 0.75
71 2071 7 Electric Lamp /T.V. Picture Tube Manufacturing 0.88
72 2072 8 Electronic Goods Manufacturing /Assembly 0.83
Electronic Software Parks/ Electronic Software
73 2073 4
Developement Unit/s 0.16
74 2074 7 Enamel-ware factories 1.07
Engineering Workshop - Structural Steel
2075 7
fabricators, Sheet Metal fabricators 0.32
2222 5 Engineering Workshop - Steel Plant 0.41
2223 9 Engineering Workshop - Rolling Mill 0.32
Engineering Workshop- Pipe Extruding,
2224 8
Stamping, Pressing, Forging Mills, Metal 0.4

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smelting, Foundries, Galvanising works,

Engineering Workshop - Metal Extraction, Ore

2225 6 processing (other than Aluminium, Copper,
Zinc), Plant processing Raw sand into Silica 0.89
2226 10 Engineering Workshop - Ferro plants 0.32
Engineering Workshop (Others), Clock/Watch
2076 6
Manufacturing , Motor Vehicle Garages 0.61
76 Engineering workshop- Manufacturing of Cut &
2228 7 Polished diamonds (Manufacturing of
diamonds) 0.67
77 2077 22 Exhibitions, Fetes, Mandaps. 3.07
78 2078 18 Explosives / Blasting Factories 2.28
Fertiliser Manufacturing (other than those
79 2079 8
rateable under Petrochemical Tariff) 1.13
80 2080 12 Filter and wax paper Manufacturing 1.99
81 2081 18 Fireworks Manufacturing 2.51
82 2082 8 Flax / Hemp Mills 1.27
83 2083 12 Flour Mills 1.35
Foamed Plastics Manufacturing and / or
84 2084 15
converting plants 2.67
85 2085 15 Foam Rubber Manufacturing 2.48
86 2086 15 French Polish Manufacturing 2.7
87 2087 5 Fruit and vegetable drying/dehydrating factories 0.88
Fruit products and Condiment Factories
88 2088 5
(including fruit pulp making) 0.64
Garment Makers, Topee, Hats and the like
89 2089 7
makers 0.97
90 2090 7 Ghee Factories including vegetable Ghee mfg. 1.2
91 2091 9 Glass Fibre Manufacturing 0.96
92 2092 10 Glass wool Manufacturing 1.45
Glass Manufacturing/Automobile Glass
93 2093 7
Manufacturing 0.92
94 2094 7 Gold thread factories / Gilding factories 0.72
95 2095 5 Granite Factories using inflammable solvents 0.62
96 2096 3 Granite Factories (Others) 0.29
97 2097 9 Graphite electrode Manufacturing 1.32
Grain/seeds disintegrating/crushing/
98 2098 9
Decorticating factories/ Dal mills. 0.93

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99 2099 9 Grease / Wax Manufacturing 1.43

100 2100 5 Green Houses/ Algae/ Spirulina and the like 1.15
101 2101 7 Gum/Glue/Gelatine Manufacturing 0.94
102 2102 7 Gypsum board manufacturer 0.97
103 2103 8 Hoisery,lace, Embroidery/Thread factories 1.11
104 2104 5 Ice candy and Ice cream Manufacturing 0.67
105 2105 5 Ice factories 0.67
106 2106 11 Incandescent Gas mantle Manufacturing 1.67
107 2107 7 Industrial Diamonds Manufacturing 0.67
108 2108 11 Industrial Gas Manufacturing 1.33
109 2109 9 Ink (excluding printing ink) Manufacturing 1.29
110 2110 5 Jaggery Manufacturing 0.77
111 2111 15 Jute Mills 2.58
112 2112 12 Katha Manufacturing 1.89
113 2113 7 Khandsari Sugar Manufacturing 0.98
114 2114 9 Lac or Shellac Factories 1.4
115 2115 12 Leather Cloth Factories 1.99
116 2116 7 Leather Goods Manufacturing ( incl. boot/shoe) 1.09
117 2117 5 Lime Kiln 0.68
118 2118 9 Lithographic presses 1.16
119 2119 15 Liquified Gas Bottling/Recovery Plant 0.91
120 2120 7 Malt Extraction Plants 0.95
Man-made Fibre Manufacturing (using
121 2121 4
Cellulose) 0.47
122 2122 5 Man-made Fibre Manufacturing Plant (Others) 0.52
123 2123 7 Manure Blending works 0.97
124 2124 18 Match Factories 2.76
125 2125 15 Mattress and Pillow making 2.96
126 2126 7 Metallizing works ( involving metals only) 0.58
127 2127 11 Metallising Works (others) 0.76
128 2128 9 Metal/Tin printers 2.09
129 2129 7 Mica Products Manufacturing 1.04
130 2130 7 Mineral Oil blending and processing 0.61
131 2131 5 Mosaic Factories 0.8
132 2132 5 Mushroom Growing Premises (Excluding Crops) 0.75
133 2214 18 Nitro Cellulose Manufacturing (others) 9.27
2133 24 Nitro Cellulose Manufacturing-Industrial Grade 9.27
134 2134 11 Non-woven fabric Manufacturing 1.81

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135 2135 13 Oil Extraction 1.38

136 2136 9 Oil Distillation Plants (essential) 1.2
137 2137 7 Oil Mills refining ( Veg/Animal) 0.99
138 2138 7 Oil Mills (Vegetable) 0.96
139 2139 12 Oil and Leather Cloth Factories 2.02
140 2140 7 Paint factories (Water based) 1.15
141 2141 13 Paint (others) & Varnish Factories 1.82
142 2142 15 Paints - Nitrocellulose based 2.21
143 2143 9 Pan Masala making 1.04
Paper and Cardboard Mills (including
2144 8
144 Lamination) 1.04
2231 9 Disposable Diaper Manufacturing 1.38
145 2145 8 Particle Board Manufacturing 1.82
146 2146 14 Pencil Manufacturing 1.72
147 2147 8 Petroleum Coke Calcination 0.95
Plastic goods manufacturing (Excluding foam
plastics) Using Plastic raw materials having
calorific value upto 15,000 btu/lb.
Polychorotrifluroehtylene, Polywinyl chloride,
148 2148 9 polyvinylidene chlororide,
Polyvinylidene fluoride, Chlorinated polyether,
Polycarbonate, Polymethyl methacrylate,
henolformaldehyde, Urea-formaldehyde.
Melamone-formaldhyde, Polyurethane,
Polyester, Silicones. 1.62
Plastic goods manufacturing (Excluding foam
plastics) Using Plastic raw materials having
calorific value above 15,000 btu/lb. Polythylene,
148 2216 12
Polypropylene, Polystrene, Poly-
Acrylonitrilebutadienestyrene, Polybutylene 1.28
Plywood / Wood veneering Factories/
149 2149 18
Laminating Factories 2.65
Polyester Film Manufacturing / BOPP Film
150 2150 5
Manufacturing 0.67

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Port Premises including jetties and equipment

thereon And other port facilities

Note 1:- Storage areas within the port premises

shall be charged open storage rates under
151 2151 7
section VI and/or under section VII as

Note 2:- No reduction in rates shall be allowed

for opting out STFI perils. 0.39
152 2152 5 Poultry Farms (Excluding birds therein) 0.51
Presses for coir
153 2153 22
fibres/waste/Grass/fodder/boosa/Jute 6.08
154 2154 15 Presses for coir yarn / cotton/senna leaves 2.38
155 2155 12 Presses for carpets, rugs and tobacco 2.17
156 2156 10 Presses for hides and skins 1.6
Printing Ink Manufacturing / Roller composition
157 2157 12
factories 1.57
158 2158 9 Printing Press 0.98
Pulverising Plants(Metals and non-hazardous
159 2159 5
goods) 0.5
160 2160 11 Pulverizing Plants (Others) 1.51
161 2161 11 Rice Mills 0.73
162 2162 6 Rice Polishing Units 0.84
Rope works (Plastic), Assembling of Plastic
163 2163 9
Goods such as Toys and the like 1.25
2232 10 Sports Goods Manufacturing 1.25
164 2164 5 Rope Works (others) 0.78
165 2165 11 Rubber Factories 1.57
166 2166 12 Rubber Goods Mfg with Spreading 1.92
167 2167 9 Rubber Goods Manufacturing without spreading 1.15
168 2168 3 Salt crushing Factories and Refineries 0.45
Saw Mills (including Timber Merchants premises
169 2169 18
where sawing is done). 2.84
170 2170 7 Sea Food / Meat Processing 1.1
171 2171 6 Silk Mills / Spun Silk Mills 0.84
172 2172 12 Snuff Manufacturing 1.08
173 2173 8 Soap Manufacturing 1.09
174 2174 9 Sponge Iron Plants 0.85

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175 2175 11 Spray Painting, Powder coating 1.5

176 2176 5 Stables (excluding animals) 0.77
177 2177 7 Starch Factories 0.75
178 2178 3 Stone quarries 0.27
180 2180 5 Sugar factories 0.55
181 2181 15 Surgical Cotton Manufacturing 2.56
183 2183 5 Tanneries 0.52
184 2184 7 Tapioca factories 1.07
185 2185 14 Tarpaulin and canvas proofing factories 2.28
186 2186 8 Tea blending/packing factories 0.7
187 2187 9 Tea Factories 1.12
188 2188 5 Telephone Exchanges 1.93

2189 8 Textile Mills-Spinning mills 0.97

2211 7
Textile Mills-Composite mills 1.65
190 2190 5 Tile & Pottery works 0.71
Tiny sector Industries with values at risk not
191 2191 3
exceeding Rs 10 lakhs 0.65
192 2192 5 Tissue Culture Premises (Excluding Crops) 0.8
193 2193 12 Tobacco Curing / Redrying Factories 1.19
194 2194 12 Tobacco grinding/ crushing Manufacturing 1.17
195 2195 20 Turpentine and rosin distilleries 3.85
196 2196 8 Tyres and Tubes Manufacturing 0.92
197 2197 11 Tyre Retreading and Resoling factories 1.6
198 2198 7 Umbrella Assembly factories 0.99
199 2199 9 Velvet Cloth Manufacturing 1.38
200 2200 5 Vermicelli factories 0.74
201 2201 5 Weigh Bridges 0.89
202 2202 6 Weaving Mills 0.87
203 2203 22 Wheat Threshers 5.5
204 2204 7 Wood seasoning/treatment/ impregnation 0.93
205 2205 9 Wool cleaning and pressing factories 1.38
206 2206 7 Woollen Mills/Fur garments and accessories 1.09
207 2207 5 Yarn Processing 0.99

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208 2208 7 Zip fasteners Manufacturing 1.53

4900 1 Silent risk 0.3

IIB Rate
Risk New rate
Occupancy New description per
code Code
code mille
5 3001 8 Analytical / Quality Control Laboratories 0.54

6 3002 5 Boiler House 0.45

7 3003 3 Dam 0.37

8 3004 5 Effluent /Sewage Treatment Plant 0.7

9 3005 5 Electric Sub-Stations, Loco Sheds 0.26

10 3006 5 Electric Transmission / Distribution Lines 0.15

11 3007 3 Pipe lines (carrying water only) 0.4

12 3008 4 Pipe lines (others) 0.48
13 3009 5 Pump House (Water) 0.36
14 3010 9 Pump House (Others) 1.25
15 3011 11 Railway tracks 0.9
16 3012 7 Roads 0.55

17 3013 3 Water Treatment Plant/Water tanks 0.14

18 3014 5 Wireless Transmitting Stations 0.52

3015 5 Compressors handling air, Inert Gas and CO2 0.8

3016 15 Compressor (others) 2.39

3017 9 Boundary Walls Made of combustible materials 1.78

3018 5 Boundary Walls (others) 0.78

3019 4 Electric Crematoriums 0.68

Occupancy New rate Rate per
code Code New description mille

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Storage of Non-hazardous goods subject to

warranty that hazardous goods of Category I, II, III
, Coir waste, Coir fibre and Caddies are not stored
4001 3 therein (Materials stored in Godowns & Silos) 0.46
Storage of Non-hazardous goods subject to
warranty that hazardous goods of Category I, II, III
, Coir waste, Coir fibre and Caddies are not stored
4012 9 therein (Materials stored in open) 2.26
Storage of Category I hazaardous Goods subject to
warranty that goods listed in Category II, III, Coir
waste, Coir fibre and Caddies are not stored
4002 9 therein. (Materials stored in Godowns & Silos) 0.98
20 Storage of Category I hazaardous Goods subject to
warranty that goods listed in Category II, III, Coir
waste, Coir fibre and Caddies are not stored
4013 19 therein. (Materials stored in open) 2.51
4019 20 Vehicle stored in open including tractors 2.33
Storage of hazardous Goods listed in Category II
subject to warranty that goods listed in Category
III, Coir waste, Coir fibre and Caddies are not
stored therein. (Materials stored in Godowns &
4003 15 Silos) 2.16
Storage of hazardous Goods listed in Category II
subject to warranty that goods listed in Category
III, Coir waste, Coir fibre and Caddies are not
4014 21 stored therein. (Materials stored in open) 4.61
4018 19 Bus Terminus 3.67
Storage of hazardous Goods listed in Category III
subject to warranty that Coir waste, Coir fibre and ,
Caddies are not stored therein. (Materials stored in
4004 18 Godowns & Silos) 3.1
Storage of hazardous Goods listed in Category III
subject to warranty that Coir waste, Coir fibre and ,
Caddies are not stored therein. (Materials stored in
4015 22 open) 5.58
Transporter’s godowns & Godowns of clearing and
forwarding agents. (Materials stored in Godowns &
23 4005 18 Silos) 0.72
Transporter’s godowns & Godowns of clearing and
4016 22 forwarding agents. (Materials stored in open) 0.92

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Storage of Coir Waste ,Coir Fibre, Caddies

4006 23 (Materials stored in Godowns & Silos) 6.13
Storage of Coir Waste ,Coir Fibre, Caddies.
4017 25 (Materials stored in open) 9.88
25 4007 09 Cold Storage premises 1.07

Risk New rate Rate per
Occupancy New description
Code Code mille

Gas Holders/ Bullets/spheres and storages for

23 4008 17 liquified gases except for Nitrogen, Carbon 2.25
dioxide and inert gases

Gas Holders/ Bullets/spheres and storages for

24 4009 7 liquified gases except for Nitrogen, Carbon 1.02
dioxide and inert gases

Gas Holders/ Bullets/spheres and storages for

25 4010 12 liquified gases except for Nitrogen, Carbon 1.41
dioxide and inert gases

Gas Holders/ Bullets/spheres and storages for

26 4011 7 liquified gases except for Nitrogen, Carbon 0.67
dioxide and inert gases

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