Lawrentian VOL. CXLI NO. 6

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The Student Newspaper of Lawrence University Since 1884

VOL. CXLI NO. 6 Appleton, Wisconsin February 18, 2022

Still undecided? Q&A with the Caleb Yuan

Staff Writer
Feb. 17, and will end today at
11:59 p.m. Four candidates
are on the ballot: sophomores
as juniors Malcolm Davis and
Hung Nguyen.
Students can cast their

LUCC Presidential candidates

The election for LUCC
Anders Hanhan and Kenneth ballots via the Microsoft Form
President began yesterday,
Peñaherrera-Quiroz as well sent to their email.

Q: What is your back-

ground and what makes
you qualified for this posi-
Q: What is your back-
ground and what makes
you qualified for this posi-
tion? tion?
A: Davis is double major- A: Hanhan is double
ing in government and music. majoring in government and
Davis has been involved with environmental studies. He has
the Committee on Diversity been the co-chair of the LUCC
Affairs (CODA) since his first Sustainability Committee since
year, and he currently serves as Spring Term, during which he
the chair. He is also an intern gained experience in draft-
in the president’s office. ing legislation. In addition,
“Having all of that experi- Hanhan also worked through
ence combined will allow me to club recognition and applica-
be a good president for LUCC tion processes as a Hub Coor-
and leading the whole orga- dinator for Sunrise Fox Valley.
nization,” Davis said. “I’ll pull Q: Why did you decide
from my past experiences as to run for LUCC President?
a connector, a communicator A: Being LUCC President
and a leader collaborating with would provide him with the
students and non-students at power of student leadership
Lawrence.” and the opportunity to directly
Q: Why did you decide communicate with the Law-
to run for LUCC President? rence administration, Hanhan
A: Davis believes his ex- said. As the president, Hanhan
perience working with diver- wants to lead LUCC to confront
sity leaders has provided him many sustainability issues,
with the capability to broaden such as food security and stu-
his responsibilities and serve dent wages on campus, with
See page 2
See page 2

KENNETH Peñaherrera-Quiroz HUNG Nguyen Q: What is your back-

ground and what makes
you qualified for this posi-
Q: What is your back-
ground and what makes
A: Nguyen is double ma-
you qualified for this posi-
joring in economics and com-
puter science. Nguyen has
A: Peñaherrera-Quiroz is
three years of experience in
majoring in neuroscience and
LUCC, with two years serving
minoring in government. He
as a class representative before
has been a class representative
becoming LUCC Treasurer.
since Fall Term and is part of
In addition, Nguyen is a
the Steering Committee and
two-year Community Advisor,
the Committee on Commu-
as well as a member of the Viet-
nity Service and Engagement
namese Culture Organization
In addition, Peñaherrera-
Q: Why did you decide
Quiroz is the Community Out-
to run for LUCC President?
reach and Event Coordinator
A: When Nguyen first
at VIVA Hispanic Culture Club,
came to Lawrence, he saw the
the Vice Recruitment Chair for
LUCC President gave a wel-
Sigma Phi Epsilon, the Trea-
come speech to all new students
surer and Event Coordinator
on the first day of orientation.
for Building Intergenerational
From that moment on, Nguyen
Relationships, as well as a gen-
felt the desire to become LUCC
eral member in Lawrentians
Inspiring Global Health To-
Over his time in LUCC,
Nguyen has learned many
Q: Why did you decide
things regarding the legislation
See page 10 See page 10

Do you have questions about any new developments on campus? Should the Lawrentian be covering any event?
To watch the
full presidential
Let us know!
debate, scan the
Send any tips to QR code:

Sports Variety Features A&E Op-Ed


Nayla Brunnbauer’s I stood naked in

Vikes capsize in b-ball Much Love, Little Lady! Meet Chris Clarke...
Reading Red... Memorial Hall...
2 NEWS February 18, 2022

Artist Alexandra Bell delivers Convocation address

Shirley Xu tives” series, Bell revised ar- tant professor of art history, members of the committee

Staff Writer ticle headlines, questioned Curator of the Wriston Art choose their own top 10 fa-
word choices, left annotations Center Gallery and Museum vorite speakers and reduce

Multidisciplinary art- in the margins, erased certain Studies Interdisciplinary that list to a top three. Flesh-
ist Alexandra Bell delivered lines, changed photo selec- Area Program Director, was man added that the commit-
her Convocation address to- tions and adjusted the sec- the individual who originally tee liked the idea of hosting
day, Friday, Feb. 18, at 12:30 tion layout. For example, in recommended Bell as the an artist for this year because Weekly updates on the status of
p.m. in the Lawrence Memo-
rial Chapel. The event was
“A Teenager with Promise,” Convocation speaker, and it has been a while since Law- COVID-19 at Lawrence
Bell edited a story about Of- she worked closely with Bell rence invited an artist as the
livestreamed with limited ficer Darren Wilson’s shoot- to put this exhibition on view Convocation speaker.
seating as part of Lawrence’s ing of Michael Brown Jr., at Lawrence. Zinsli hopes “I personally was moved
annual convocation series, which led to Brown’s death. that attendees will view Bell’s by Bell’s work in recognizing
which is meant to gather the The original front page pres- work in the gallery after the the media coverage that was
campus community to learn ents both people’s stories, Convocation in order to con- in front of my eyes,” Flesh- TOTAL ACTIVE
from an invited speaker.
President Laurie Carter led a
but Bell transformed it into nect her speech to the art- man said, “and then to see CASES CASES:
presenting only Brown Jr.’s works which inspired it. them after she deconstructed
Q&A session immediately af- large graduation picture and The Public Events Com- them, it gave me more tools
ter the Convocation. changed the headline to “A mittee solicits nominations to recognize what anti-racist
Bell, who holds a bache- Teenager with Promise.” This for Convocation speakers work is.” 337 32
lor’s degree in interdisciplin- new headline contrasts the from community members, Fleshman said that in-
ary studies in the humanities original subtitle of the article, students, staff and faculty ev- viting Bell is a great oppor-
and a master’s degree in jour- Appleton: Appleton:
which describes Brown as ery Fall Term. The members tunity as Lawrence works
nalism, is best known for her “A Teenager Grappling with of the committee review the harder to be an anti-racist
21,195 150
“Counternarratives” series. Problems and Promise.” list, learn about nominees institution. She hopes that at-
The exhibit consists of en-
larged versions of front pages
By transforming the
front pages of the New York
and make the final decision.
According to Associate Pro-
tendees walk away from the
Convocation with methods
We are in:
of the New York Times, which
Bell has edited for effect.
Times, Bell investigates and
deconstructs narratives, im-
fessor of Chemistry and the
Chair of the Public Events
for identifying biases in the
dominant narratives and con-
As part of Convocation, ages and information percep- Committee Allison Fleshman, sidering how they might be
four pieces from “Counter- tion in mainstream media. the committee received about suppressing narratives that
Moderate Enhanced
narratives” - “A Teenager The original front pages and 40 to 60 suggestions and de- should shine through. Risk Precautions
with Promise,” “Olympic Bell’s rearranged pages are cided on Bell as the Convoca- Likewise, Zinsli hopes
Threat,” “Gang Leader” and
“Charlottesville” - will be on
put on view side by side, pro-
viding viewers with a direct
tion speaker over a year ago.
According to Fleshman,
attendees gain awareness of
Bell and the work she does.
Masking required indoors, KN95
display in the Wriston Art comparison. Her “Counter- the committee is interested in She believes that conver- or double masking recommended;
Center Gallery until Friday,
Mar. 11. The gallery hours are
narratives” series explores identifying active dialogues sation about media is very weekly surveillance testing; keycard
the tension between domi- that are ongoing at Lawrence important now, as people
10 p.m. to 4 p.m. from Tues- nant narratives and marginal and on a national level and should be thoughtful about
access for building entry; in-person
day to Friday and 12 p.m. to experiences, according to then inviting someone who the information they get and co-curricular activities resume.
4 p.m. on Saturdays and Sun- Bell’s website. has a good perspective on consider the sources of infor-
days. Beth Zinsli, an assis- that dialogue to campus. The mation.
*data reported as of Feb. 16
In the “Counternarra-

LU Environmental Organization to host recycling event

Nathan Wall recycling bins in every build- recycling event will feature Kelly stressed the impor- ment has been a big part of students from less privileged
Staff Writer ing on campus, but they are seven booths and include recy- tance of recycling at Lawrence the sustainability movement economic backgrounds can
often filled with non-recycla- cling-themed games, such as a in order to promote sustainable on campus, because things recycle batteries and electron-
The Lawrence University ble waste. According to Grace “Jeopardy!”-inspired game, a behavior, divert waste from the that aren’t recycled end up in ics without buying the boxes
Environmental Organization Subat, the Sustainability and recycling toss (similar to a bean landfill and avoid fines from landfills or pollute waterways, themselves.
will be organizing its first-ever Special Projects Advisor for LU bag toss) and a collaborative art the waste facility. She also which is harmful to us and the Likewise, she said that
recycling event on Saturday, Environmental, they receive piece. There will also be prizes talked about the importance environment. some students come from
Feb. 19. The event will be host- invoices every week about con- such as reusable water bottles, of doing our part to protect the Kelly hopes that events places that don’t have good re-
ed in the Mead Witter Room taminated recycling and plastic towels, straws, and menstrual environment and repurpose like these will help make envi- cycling programs and stressed
of the Warch Campus Center bags which have been put into pads, as well as recycling bins the materials we use, such as ronmentalism on campus ac- the importance of education
from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. recycling bins. where Lawrentians can prop- initiatives to turn plastic bags cessible to everyone, since not about recycling and compost-
According to LU Environ- Kelly said that an event erly dispose of waste such as into benches and that compost everyone can afford reusable ing.
mental Organization Co-Presi- to educate Lawrence students batteries, used electronics and into gardens. products. For example, the bat- “We have more power to
dent and senior Lauren Kelly, about recycling felt timely plastic bags. There will also be As part of its sustainabil- tery recycling boxes from the change how things are done
the recycling event is supposed given that many Lawrentians raffle events, with prizes such ity efforts, LU Environmental Big Green Box program range here than we do outside of
to educate Lawrentians about want to recycle but don’t know as hot drink kits and plant Organization has also part- from $36-65, and the boxes Lawrence,” said Kelly, “and
the importance of recycling, what can be recycled and com- starter kits. The event will be nered with the Big Green Box for recycling bigger electron- that all counts in some way!”
as well as provide information posted or what really can’t be in-person, with masks required program to recycle batteries ics cost between $60 and $80.
about what can be recycled. put in the bin. and activity booths distanced and electronics. According to Since LU Environmental Or-
There are compost and According to Kelly, the around Mead Witter. Subat, proper waste manage- ganization pays for the boxes,

Malcolm Davis... ongoing work, in order to inform students that

LUCC is functioning and representing their in-
Anders Hanhan... complish during your tenure as presi-
dent? How will you achieve this?
continued from page 1 terests. continued from page 1 A: Hanhan listed two urgent issues: un-
the campus community on a larger scale. Davis “We are going to do that by making sure more direct influence. derpaid student worker wages and food insecu-
will not only continue to interact with diver- that students know that there is good work that’s In addition, Hanhan has a passion for ad- rity due to the unstable open hours at Bon Ap-
sity organization leaders but will also interact been happening,” Davis said. “Making sure that dressing these issues to the administration, in or pétit.
with student leaders from other organizations, everyone understands that and [knows] that to support student wellbeing and environmental In terms of sustainability, Hanhan also
ensuring all student organizations have the re- their voice is being represented is going to my actions. plans to address the overflowing garbage which
sources to carry out their missions. whole platform.” “I think I’m the best-qualified candidate to has stemmed from the usage of disposable
Davis also stressed supporting individual Q: What would you most like to ac- be a vocal advocate in front of the administra- clamshells for dining. In response to this issue,
students or groups of students who come to complish during your tenure as presi- tion for some of those changes,” Hanhan said. Hanhan will advocate for the usage of silverware
LUCC with any concerns or issues. dent? How will you achieve this? Q: How would you describe your at Bon Appétit to reduce the usage of disposable
Q: How would you describe your A: Davis will maximize the forms of com- platform? items and save on the financial cost of overflow-
platform? munication from LUCC and increase LUCC’s ac- A: Hanhan’s platform is based on the three ing garbage.
A: Davis described his platform as commu- cessibility to ensure all students are aware of the pillars of sustainability: social, environmental “I think that’s something that we have
nity-based. Davis wants LUCC to be more open ongoing business. and economic justice. With these pillars as guid- to push really hard and advocate for because
and transparent toward the student body, which Through communications, Davis wants the ance for his decision-making in LUCC, Hanhan honestly, this year, a lot of aspects of student
he hopes to achieve through making meetings student body to understand LUCC’s capabil- intends to facilitate concrete improvements in residence on campus have been really rocky,”
and club information more accessible. ity in its influence and jurisdiction, the ratio- student wages and promote better conditions in Hanhan said. “And that additional stress in peo-
Davis also mentioned improving commu- nale behind LUCC’s decisions and the items on Bon Appétit through more conversations. ple’s lives is really unproductive and can kind of
nication with the student body regarding any LUCC’s agendas to maintain the transparency of Q: What would you most like to ac- keep them from being able to focus on learning.”
information as well as equity in representation.
February 18, 2022 SPORTS 3

Super Bowl LVI recap Vikes capsize in b-ball

Luther Abel and sacked the Bengals’ quarterback What grates most about those
Luther Abel versely, to look at the Vikings’ stats,
Staff Writer Joe Burrow for seven sacks and nigh- final minutes was the repeated calls
______________________________ Staff Writer Brad Sendell seemingly played alone.
innumerable pressures. The Ram’s in the Rams’ favor, allowing them six ______________________________
The Los Angeles Rams defeated Sendell was the Vikings’ only double-
defenders overmatched the Bengals’ chances at the end zone, with four of Twenty-six hours after fleecing
the Cincinnati Bengals 23-20 Sunday digit scorer, downing 33 points and
linemen on nearly every play, with those chances being first downs. The the Cornell Rams at Cornell 85-77, Vi-
evening, earning the right to lift the leading in assists (4), rebounds (8),
multiple drives throttled by a mob of Rams finally connected, with Stafford kings Men’s Basketball suffered a de-
Lombardi trophy as champions of Su- and shooting percentage from the
Rams rumbling into the backfield. finding Kupp — the game’s eventual cisive defeat on Sunday, losing 81-67
per Bowl LVI. Perhaps it is because of field (11-24; 45.8 percent). It is rare
The Bengals finagled quick MVP — but it was a hollow touch- to the same Rams. The tape showed
my irrational affection for the Green for a squad to find success in a team
passes and run plays to counter the down given how many opportunities Cornell unleashing broadsides of
Bay Packers, but it appeared a ho- sport like basketball with such an
Rams’ aggression, with occasional they were allowed. While I think the three-pointers and free throws that
hum game for much of the 60 min- output imbalance between its start-
shots down the field when the Rams Rams are the better team, it was an the Vikings’ middling shooting failed
utes. That said, interspersed between ing five.
were on their heels. Rams cornerback embittering series that diminished to match. It was a shocking departure
the short runs, dropped passes, and What comes next is a hasty re-
Jalen Ramsey was picked on several an otherwise enjoyable game. With a from the fabulous shooting and team
punts (seven in a row in the second pair of the longboat hulls and patch-
times, getting burned for a touch- touch too much scotch in me as the play of the day before. Lawrence took
half), were flashes of beauty. ing of the sails, because the Vikings
down on the first play of the second final score read “Rams 23, Bengals the lead early, but by the fourth min-
The Rams scored first, with a aren’t out of the playoff running yet.
half. Reviewing that play later, it 20,” it felt like the game was just the ute of play, was down seven points
splendid pass to Odell Beckham Jr. With viable aspirations to make the
was evident that Tee Higgins may right length. and never threatened the lead there-
Unfortunately for the viewing pub- four-team postseason, the Vikings
have “adjusted Ramsey’s facemask” a The hush of anticipation comes after.
lic, OBJ would leave the field with a need to conquer Illinois College and
touch, but the refs were deferential to next for Wisconsin residents, as the The Cornell attack was balanced
knee injury in the 2nd quarter, de- Monmouth in the coming week. The
allowing the game to progress with- Packers and Aaron Rodgers deliber- and efficient, with their top four scor-
priving the Rams of a WR who could first trial-by-ball will be against Illi-
out yellow flags flying hither and yon. ate over his future with the Packers. ers in the double-digits and boasting
capitalize on the attention given to nois, Saturday, Feb 19.
That is until they weren’t. To keep him, we’ll need to mortgage a complementary stat sheet. Con-
Cooper Kupp. While the Rams would Super Bowl LVI will be most the farm, the cow and half of Lake
score twice more, it was an ugly ef-

Massive UFC 271 for middle-

remembered for two things: Aaron Michigan. However, to let him leave
fort to find the end zone, as the depth Donald stumping the Bengals’ final means an uncertainty at quarterback
at wide receiver was abysmal. The push to the end zone and referees we’ve not experienced in my lifetime.

heavyweight title race

Rams’ quarterback Matt Stafford was taking a sudden interest in the game’s The Rams sold their souls — assum-
intercepted twice on passes that were final minutes. In what, according ing owner Stan Kroenke still had one
either prematurely abandoned or flew to Donald, could have been his last to offer — for this Super Bowl win,
Antonio Gonzalez into the following elbow. The stop-
from receivers’ hands. season — unknown, as of yet — he giving away anything not nailed down Staff Writer page was called quickly after, and the
The Bengals’ offensive efforts smothered any hope for a rally the to their tax-break benefited accom- ____________________________
“Killa Gorilla” Cannonier called for
were stymied most by the brilliant Bengals had. A generational talent modations. Will the Packers likewise UFC 271 took place last week- his shot at the title as he sat in the top
play of the Rams’ front seven (the held it down, and if you like defense, spend future funds, draft picks and end in a sold-out arena in Houston 3 of the middleweight division with
big fellas, linebackers and linemen). Donald’s play throughout was like years of recovery for one or two more Texas and had its fair share of event- back-to-back finishes against two
Leading that group was two of the watching Mozart perform on a thun- years of playoff-caliber quarterback ful and uneventful moments in the strong contenders.
best defensive players of the age, dercloud — extraordinary and other- play? Probably. But that’s an article main event. UFC 271 had massive The next fight was between the
Aaron Donald and Von Miller. They worldly. for another day. consequences for the middleweight #3 ranked heavyweight Derrick Lewis
and their cohort swarmed, swaddled, and heavyweight divisions. The mid- and #11 Tai Tuivasa. The young and
dleweight division found itself a new

500 kg raw: New records in the future?

surging Tuivasa was to face the “Black
title-contender to challenge for Ad- Beast” and knockout king Derrick
esanya’s title that he managed to hold Lewis in a fight many knew would not
on to by the grace of the judges. The go the distance. The first round was
up between 4th and 6th. Unspectacu- ell ought to average between 2nd and big boys in the heavyweight division
Sean McLaughlin a shocking back and forth. Derrick
Staff Writer lar, but not ineffective. 4th. There will be a with Mateusz for had a thunderous shift, making the Lewis displayed some amazing wres-
_____________________________ top 5 rankings very interesting for the
4th: Mateusz Kieliszkowski 3rd I believe, with the difference be- tling, setting up trips left and right
The Arnold Classic is second only Mateusz (as I will reer to him, ing whether Trey’s results on the carry coming year. to drag Tuivasa to the canvas, likely
to World’s Strongest Man in terms of because spelling that last name over and squat will be enough to overcome Before I start rambling about in an attempt to get dominant posi-
accolades in the strongman circuit. and over will give me a headache) is whatever advantage Mateusz takes the main event of the night, I would tions for ground and pound or at the
It is renowned for being the heaviest a tricky athlete to predict placings for. from the pressing events. If he can like to recap the tremendous fight very least tire out Tuivasa by making
strongman show around, with every He is notoriously strong overhead, hang around the Pole in the press- between Derek Brunson and Jared him carry his weight. Tuivasa did well
single event requiring competitors famously one-motioning massive ing portion of the competition, which Cannonier. This two-round slug fest to get back up on his feet and trade
to move truly insane numbers. This weights in the log press for multiple I think he will given he won the log had almost no dull moments and kept shots back and forth with Lewis. Both
means the show favors the bib boys, reps in past competitions. However, press for max event at the 2021 Shaw fans on the edge of their seat from heavyweights traded heavy blows
the man mountains who live to squat, he falls behind significantly in lower- Classic back in August. He may even the start. The striking was strong and managed to absorb equal dam-
deadlift, and press as heavy as possi- body dominant events. I think he push the next man on this list for sec- for both fighters from the start. age, but Lewis took the first round
ble. Gone are the events where lighter will fair better in the squat than in a ond if he comes in fully healthy and Derek Brunson, known mainly for with his dominant control time, but
athletes can win simply endurance, deadlift event, which is historically firing. Regardless, I expect Mitchell to his grappling, stood toe to toe with not it is not like winning rounds mat-
replaced by mass-moving-mass freak a weak event for him, but even then crack the top four at a minimum. Jared Cannonier and his hard shots. ters when the fight ends the very next
shows. Mariusz Pudzianowski, legend- it is unlikely he will place any higher 2nd: Jean-Francois (JF) Caron Brunson looked particularly strong round. The second round started and
ary strongman who won five World’s than 4th place. But, if all goes well and JF Caron is in the form of his life landing the most significant strikes the two big boys went at it again go-
Strongest Man titles, never finished in his tricep is back to full strength after at the moment, having just won the and landing 2 takedowns, getting 2 ing blow for blow, but Tuivasa ended
the top 4 at an Arnold Classic because a lengthy recent history of tears, he Forca Bruta in Brazil against a few whole minutes of strong ground con- up getting the favorable position with
he couldn’t stack up to the pure power will be well in the running to win the top competitors, he also placed top trol time where he almost managed his opponent’s back against the cage
of legends like Zydrunas Savickas. As log, dumbell, and stone events, which three at the Shaw Classic, and was in to submit Cannonier via rear-naked where he ended up in a final exchange
any of the two of you who read this pa- could be enough to squeak him into the running to make the podium at choke after landing hard and dazing with Lewis. Tuivasa landed strong,
per regularly will have picked up on by the top two. Still, given the competi- the Rogue Invitational 2021 up until shots. Fortunately for the nearly un- short punches hard on the chin
now, I am quite the fan of the beauty tion from another massive presser yet a shoulder injury. Further, he is argu- conscious Cannonier, the bell went off of Lewis and got into a clinch
of being statically strong, so I cannot to come on this list, it is unlikely he ably the strongest man in the world and the second round was underway. where he then threw a sharp elbow
wait to see some massive weights get wins all three, and Mateusz will fall statically on his day. JF has extensive The second round started with all the into Lewis’ jaw. Apparently when a
moved in a month’s time. With that in further behind on the timber carry experience in powerlifting, and I fully momentum in the world for Derek 260+lb heavyweight throws an elbow
mind, here are my predictions for who and squat events, leaving him to find expect him to take the squat event. He Brunson. Brunson was keen to fin- at the corner of your jaw, you pretty
will finish in the top 5. his way to (around) 4th place. Don’t be will be hard pressed to win the press- ish off what the end of the round took much just die. Lewis was quickly
5th: Oleksii Novikov surprised if the consistent mediocrity ing events (pun fully intended) given from him, but Cannonier had other slumped over and heavily hitting the
Novikov is by no means a very of Novikov surpasses Mateusz’s up competition from Mateusz and the plans. Cannonier found his footing canvas after the brutal elbow in one
statically dominant strength athlete, and down form. man I have winning the show, but is from the slow start and near finish of the cleanest knockouts that I have
so anyone who follows strongman at 3rd: Trey Mitchell explosive enough to stay in amongst and started landing hard shots on a seen in such a high-level fight in a
all will most likely be very confused I see Trey as simply a more stati- the mix on all three, and is more mo- Derek Brunson whose cardio seemed while. Tuivasa now has an argument
as to why I have him breaking into the cally-advanced form of Novikov enter- bile than he is given credit for, leaving to be getting drained viciously by the at a title contending fight and pos-
top 5. The answer is that while he is by ing this competition. Mitchell isn’t as the door wide open for him to score pressure and many failed takedown sibility at a title shot by next year.
no means expected to win any event at well-rounded overall as Novikov, but valuable points on the timber carry. JF attempts. In an exchange of fists near Tuivasa being only 28, has a lot of
the Arnold, he will be in and around is by far more accomplished across may not be as well-rounded as some- the end of the round, Brunson took a time to develop still and may be bet-
the mix for 4th-5th on EVERY event. all of the static strength lifts. He can one like Trey, and may have even been brutal uppercut that saw him severe- ter off taking just another top ranked
Novikov is one of those all-rounders press, squat, and deadlift a small beaten by him at the Shaw Classic, but ly hurt. The wounded Brunson was opponent in the top 5 before being
who just doesn’t have one obvious house without issue, and his rela- he looks truly unbeatable at the mo- taken down by a strong Cannonier fed to other monstrous heavyweights
weakness. If he averages around 5th tive lack of mobility compared to the ment. Every weight he moves in train- who proceeded to drop some of the such as Ciryl Gane, Miocic, or even
place in every event, then well… How Ukrainian won’t be exposed at such ing looks effortless. In all honestly, it most devastating ground and pound Ngannou. My preferred opponent for
could he place anywhere else? Even if a statically-focussed show. In much is more of a toss up to see who takes elbows I have ever seen as elbows Tuivasa would be the winner of the
I am not exactly correct in my predic- the same way as I expect Novikov to second between Caron and Mitchell, connected hard with Brunson’s head Aspinall vs Volkov fight which takes
tion, Novikov will almost certainly end average around a 5th placing, Mitch- See page 11 which bounced off the canvas and See page 11
4 VARIETY February 18, 2022

By Madeleine Corum
Song of the Week: Happier tive metal. It was soft, reliable, the speaker.
When You’re Gone sturdy. I leaned against it, let On Saturday afternoon, I got
Last Thursday I went for it hold me. Above, the highest chills lying alone on the floor of
a walk. I picked up a rock by branches would sway and gently my room. I closed my eyes and
the base of the metal staircase knock those of the next tree over. spread my arms out wide on my
beneath Warch, and carried it
through the woods. I hummed
In this way we listened to them
speak to each other.
It’s not easy, it’s not easy, By Celeste Reyes
along to the song in my head- That afternoon, I spent half homelessness at home.
phones, stepping gingerly over an hour trying to figure out how On Sunday I watched a
the packed snow that was grad- to get the sound to come out of movie with my mom. She told me
ually freezing into ice. When my friend’s computer instead of about the interviews she watched
I made it to the footbridge, I the projector I have mounted on with the sound designer and the
stepped to the railing, and hur- the ceiling of my room. My room- director. How they only spent two
tled the rock down onto the layer mate usually handles that kind of days shooting on a green screen,
of ice covering the river as hard thing, but he was out of town. and the rest of it was incredible
as I could. A few small shards That day it was just my friend real-life sets. I wrapped a blan-
flew up, but the ice didn’t break. and I, trying to get the Star Trek ket around myself and ate a dark
Instead, the rock skittered half- theme loud enough before we chocolate bar. I couldn’t decide
heartedly a couple feet from started the episode. Later after if I liked the movie or not, but I
impact. I smiled to myself, and dinner, I followed him into the kept watching.
kept walking. living room, where we wrapped On Monday, I woke up early
Later that night I had din- ourselves in blankets and rested like I do every week, and I went
ner with my friends. One of them our heads on each other’s shoul- to the gym. I listened to the new
taught us a new card game, the ders while we finished the two album during my workout, and
name of which I can’t remember. episode story arc. then I took my Covid test. On the
I sat on the couch and watched I went to my friend’s house way back, I saw your reflection
them dealing, slamming their that night. They gave me a little in the glass, suddenly standing
cards onto the table and sending box of sea-salt caramel choco- behind me. We looked right past
up roars of laughter. They kept lates, and I doodled in red pen each other.
starting a new round, and I kept on a sticky note. When I was My life is bracing for your
staying to play again. ready, I sat on their couch and hug. You pass me to unplug your
On Friday morning I went we screamed and cried and phone. Hallelujah.
for another walk. I followed my laughed with each other. When When I got home I took a
friend through the snow covered I came home almost three hours long shower. I went to class, and
woods, straining my legs to get later, my roommates were mak- I ate three full meals. That night,
up slippery hills, grabbing onto ing crepes in the kitchen. They I finished the movie with my
branches to steady myself. At the cooked me one and I filled it with mom, and I went to my SAASHA
top of one of the hills, we each peanut butter and honey and cin- meeting like I do every week. I
wrapped our arms around a tree namon. I ate it at the counter and went to sleep early after starting
and pressed our ears to it. A soft listened to them talk about their a new book, and just like that, I
thump came through, ringing night. Some jazz song I can’t survived Valentine’s Day.
through the wood like conduc- remember floated gently out of

Attack of the Macaroni

By Mara Logan
Edgar & Poe
By Isabella Thompson
February 18, 2022 VARIETY 5

Weekly Crossword
By Kelly Foy

Answers to last week’s crossword:

By Grace Reyes
6 FEATURES February 18, 2022

Photo Feature by Lucian Baxter

An update from Bon Appétit

Recently, Executive Chef for Bon Appétit Management Board Manager Alex Cousineau, Catering Director Beth Pierce important factor in employee retention. Bon Appétit at Lawrence
Company, Michael Downey, submitted information about changes and Sous Chef David Schultz. offers wage and benefits packages that are at the high end of the
that have been taking place in Bon Appétit at Lawrence. Read on Q: How many staff members does Bon Appétit cur- competitive market for the food service industry and comparable
to hear his responses to staff from The Lawrentian. rently have at Lawrence? industries in the area. Our team regularly works with our compen-
A: We currently have 45 Bon Appétit employees, not includ- sation team to survey the local Appleton market and surrounding
Q: What changes do you plan on making as the new- ing student workers. Shifts in service and operational styles with areas to ensure our wages and benefits exceed the average and
est leader of Bon Appétit at Lawrence? COVID have changed our staffing needs, so the optimal number of align with the most competitive jobs in the industry in the region.
A: We’ve been making changes over the last few weeks in staff is hard to pinpoint currently. As I noted before, we are work- Q: Can you speak on the irregularity of the Café’s
several areas. In Andrew Commons, we’ve rearranged our sta- ing with recruiters to grow our permanent team. We also want to hours?
tions to better accommodate students with allergies and those recruit more student workers. Right now, we have significantly A: I’m glad to say that we are now back to normal operating
with vegan and vegetarian preferences. These changes have been fewer student workers than we normally have. Pre-COVID, that hours. Earlier in the year, the spread of the omicron variant in the
highlighted with new signs and information to better highlight the number fluctuated between 60 and 100 student workers, depend- larger Appleton community meant some of our staff members had
variety and range of offerings. We also made a switch to a larger ing on need, and is now under 10. We are working with Lawrence to stay home, which affected our ability to stay open for normal
quarter-pound local hamburger from one of our Farm to Fork to develop new incentives to draw students to the work study pro- operating hours. At the time, this issue was exacerbated by staff-
partners and added a new vegan/vegetarian deli section as well gram. In addition, Bon Appétit has a new Ambassadors program ing shortages. The week we had to close Kaplan’s early was when
as a new hot breakfast cereal bar. Soup has returned as well. In that’s available to all student workers. It’s a resume-building cer- we were hit the hardest by absences due to omicron. We didn’t
Kaplan’s Grill, the buffalo chicken and BOCA wrap are back, as tificate program tucked into a regular job at Bon Appétit. Students have enough staff to fill all the positions needed to operate for the
well as the breakfast burrito. choose a track (sustainability, wellness or social media) and then full day, thus we had to close at 5 p.m. We don’t want this to hap-
Q: How are you addressing staff shortage issues? embark on a paid 10-week course in their chosen subject matter, pen again. I’m glad to say that the spread of omicron has declined
A: Staffing continues to be challenging for everyone. We are taught by an expert from Bon Appétit’s corporate team. Hours are in the community. We are continuing to hire additional staff so
working hard to recruit new staff members to support our team. built around students’ schedules, including finals and breaks. At overwhelming absences due to sickness will be less likely to affect
We use several resources to help us identify potential candidates. the end, you get a certificate that you can talk about in job inter- us this significantly in the future.
We post on job search platforms, rely on employee referrals and views or on your resume.
partner with local agencies such as Goodwill, the Department Q: Why do you think there is a shortage of employ- Downey concluded his responses, “I’m thankful for the
of Workforce Development, World Relief and others to identify ees? opportunity to share our story and provide background about
potential employees. We have recently received help from two A: There is a nationwide staffing shortage in multiple indus- what we do on campus. We have a fantastic group of hardworking,
regional recruiters who are dedicating time to focus on hiring at tries that is related to many intersecting factors, including COVID- truly dedicated staff who love to provide great food and service to
Lawrence and were successful in hiring seven new employees, 19. The hospitality and food service industries have been hit the students and campus as a whole each day.”
including three new managers for us. The three managers include severely, as have many other types of businesses. Pay is always an
February 18, 2022 FEATURES 7

Meet Chris Clarke, Lawrence’s new Dean of Students

Lucian Baxter it gets to the extreme to come with complaints, but the proactive, they’re getting paid to do a job, but because they want to make
Features Editor constructive criticism really helps us make those steps before sure that they’re benefiting the community and that they’re push-
other students suffer the same kind of maladies.” Clarke contin- ing students forward.”
ued, “I want the students that didn’t always feel comfortable join- When asked specifically about the recent conflicts between
ing a group to be able to come in here and say, “listen, this is what students and administration on sustainability concerns, Clarke
Chris Clarke has what he calls a “Renaissance approach” to
I’m dealing with. I know there’s others just like me. I can’t speak observed that there are many reasons these things might get
higher education. He began his career in residential life, running
for them, but what can we do?”’ bogged down on the administrative side, from the financial cost to
student activities and directing intramural sports. He also worked
While Clarke knows he won’t always have good answers for facility issues. Lawrence is an older campus, so Clarke pointed to
in student affairs at institutions including Ripon College and the
students or be able to change things right away, he is still pas- the difficulty, financial and otherwise, of retrofitting the campus
Juilliard School; worked with international students when he
sionate about having those conversations, saying, “Transparency, while still meeting student needs. He said, “I think everyone wants
was the Associate Dean of Students at SIT Study Abroad (World
availability, and approachability are the kinds of tenets that I want to get there. It’s just a matter of how we get there.”
Learning) in Vermont from 2009-2013; and spent six years
this office and my position to really stand upon. I will take any- Clarke believes in the importance of being transparent with
working for a commercial realty group in New York City as Vice
thing and everything students want to talk to me about. I might students about the concerns they bring forward, saying, “I will
President of Operations.
not be the one dealing with it, but I will find the right person to never say no, just to say no. If I’m saying no, that can’t be done
Most recently, Clarke served as the Associate Vice President
give the right answer, and that will help me become more well- right now, I’ll tell you the reasons why, or look for alternatives
of Operations at Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania, where
versed as far as what the university has done and where I can we can try.” Change almost never happens immediately, and
he led the university’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. While
assist.” Students are welcome to connect with Clarke via phone, often requires a drawn out process to achieve the end goal, and
he was in that role their Dean of Students resigned, so for a year
email, stopping by his office in Raymond House or catching him Clarke thinks sometimes the complicated route toward change
he was the Interim Dean in addition to handling the university’s
on the street. isn’t explained or discussed; for him, this falls back to the tenet of
COVID response and the operations side of things.
Though Clarke has only been at Lawrence for two weeks, he transparency, and making sure students feel seen and respected.
That morphed once again when Shippensburg’s Director
mentioned that the issue of connecting students with resources Clarke is very upfront that part of his passion for higher
of Human Resources left, and Clarke took on the supervision
more effectively is an issue that has already been brought up a education is ‘selfish’, sharing, “Helping students also helps the
of Human Resources, facilities and public safety. “Many people
number of times. He shared, “I was in an LUCC meeting recently soul for me. A part of it is the whole idea that students are going
would look at this background and see a jumble,” Clarke said; to
where they discussed that the Lawrence website has information to educate me, and that continuous education is important to me.”
him, though, he’s just been picking up a toolset, adding different
about resources available to students, but when students are knee He continued, “I got my master’s and my law degree while I was
tools from each experience.
deep in crisis, their first reaction is not, “Hey, let me go look on still working as a coach; there was always something else in addi-
Clarke hit the ground running on Monday, Feb. 7. One of his
the website.”’ Clarke mentioned efforts to make information about tion to work so that I was becoming a more well-rounded and a
first priorities in this role is to find out what was done in the past
resources more accessible, in the hopes that if more students more developed person.”
and why, and then figure out how things can be done in the future.
are aware of these resources, that will enable them to advocate Clarke also stressed how important it was to him to be
He shared, “I know Curt [Lauderdale] was here for a long time.
for themselves and assist their fellow students with accessing involved with students and be there for them in times of crisis or
Curt had certain ways of doing things. I am obviously not Curt. So
resources. share in and celebrate their successes. He recognized that current
this time would be about me finding my way, but making sure that
Clarke acknowledged the many departments on campus who Lawrence students are the generation who will guide and hope-
students are not let down or left out in the cold.”
want to support students, but said this has to be a unified effort fully affect change in the United States, and likes to think that
Another priority in these first few weeks is to get involved
from administrators; he sees it as his job to connect and work through supporting students, he has helped in that change and
with students and show up at meetings to begin finding out where
with all of these departments to make sure they’re creating an growth.
he can play a helpful role, make effective change, and generally be
environment where every student feels safe, seen, and valued as a “Going to college is hard enough,” Clarke said, “And when
a supportive presence for students. Clarke stressed that despite
community member. you don’t feel that there are people there that understand what
restrictions due to COVID, he welcomes conversations with stu-
When navigating tensions between administration and stu- your battle is, then it gets even harder. So I’m trying to be in this
dents anytime his office door is open.
dents, Clarke says, “A lot of things come down to perspectives or role of “Hey, let me grab that off your back for a little while and
Unfortunately, he said, “A lot of the time students wait until
perceptions. Most people in higher ed aren’t just there because know that you have somebody here to talk to.”’

Photo Feature: A look into the past,

Winter Carnival

Winter Carnival photos from the 1970s.

Photos provided by Lawrence University Archives.
ABOVE: ARC2012-042, RIGHT: ARC2012-040
February 18, 2022

The Book College Ave Rewind(s): Clubs

Club Olivia Zimberoff
For the past two years, the
interviewing complete strangers really
pushed me out of my comfort zone (a
good thing), I would likely have more
tice drills and scrimmage. It had been
years since I threw a frisbee. In all
honestly, I thought I could throw and
fun if I had the freedom to write a catch pretty well. Well, that turned
COVID-19 pandemic has led everyone little more freely. This is how I got to out to be false the minute I picked one
to download the app that is Zoom. My this little column here. Whether peo- up, threw it in the air and watched as
freshman year we had Zoom school ple read it or not is another story. It it smacked the wall behind me. This
in full swing, and I spent my life as a turns out it is a lot of fun to write a col- sport takes practice, I tell you; it is
Mikayla Henry The book follows Alix, a white woman, college newbie alone in a loft space of umn and, luckily, I have the freedom amazing to watch my fellow team-
Columnist and Emira, the Black babysitter Alix my family’s house. I made the now- to write about almost anything A&E mates leap into the air and catch the
hired to watch her child, Briar. One considered irrational decision to live related. There are so many opportuni- flying frisbee with one hand. Despite
February is Black History night a scandal erupts as a security on campus for the Spring Term of ties working with The Lawrentian. being a true beginner to this sport,
Month, a time to celebrate Black guard observes Emira and Briar in that year. Isolated. Alone. Disaster. You could take pictures, write a cross- it is a whole lot of fun and I rec-
voices, stories and lives. Oftentimes, a store, thinking that she kidnapped The last thing I wanted to do was join word, draw some art or write an awe- ommend giving it a shot. Practices
the stories written by white authors the child solely because they have a club I could attend via Zoom. By some article. All in all, you should are held in the Wellness Center Gym
take the frontlines and dominate the different skin colors. A crowd forms sophomore year, I was back on cam- join! We need you! And it’s paid! from 7:30–9:30 p.m. on Thursday
charts and classroom discussions, around the two and bystanders record pus and happily attending in-person Next, I joined Hillel. Hillel nights and Sunday afternoons from
forcing BIPOC novels to be forgot- the whole interaction, leaving Emira classes and meeting so many people stands for “The Foundation for 3:30–5:30 p.m.
ten about. To be honest, a lot of the publicly humiliated. As Alix tries to I thought that my head was going to Jewish Campus Life” and is a world- One of the major perks of all
books I have read by Black authors clear Emira’s name and fix every- explode. Walking through the halls wide organization. Each Friday night these opportunities, besides getting
were only brought up in classes that thing, more problems soon come to and dorm lobbies, I kept noticing an we come together for Shabbat, which to meet a lot of awesome people,
specialized in that subject. With that light, making the situation even more abundance of flyers announcing an marks the start of Judaism’s day of is you get to experience traveling to
being said, I wanted to discuss some complicated. Reid’s debut novel tack- endless selection of clubs and activi- rest, the seventh day that follows. Bjork! Most clubs and even some
of the Black authors that I have loved les race, privilege and white savior- ties available. So, I joined a club, and Hillel is hosted at the now-named classes have the opportunity to visit
or have heard high remarks about in ism, creating a social commentary then another and another. And here is Hurvie House/Spirit Space. We light Lawrence’s fabulous wooden palace
this edition. that depicts the reality that we live what I found. a candle, open a bottle of bubbly grape on the water up in Door County. The
To start things off, I wanted to in today. Though I haven’t read it The first organization I joined juice and unwrap a loaf of challah. setting is impressive and it’s amazing
talk about the Black author who I myself, many have found it to be per- was The Lawrentian. I was placed We’ll laugh, play music, play games in all seasons. It’s a great opportunity
have read the most works by, which fect for those that want a book that in the news section, where for two and have a lot of fun. At the end of to step away from our campus, hang
is Natasha Tretheway. Her name is illuminates the truth of today’s culture terms I was thrown into writing about Fall Term before we head home, Hillel with some friends and meet your fel-
probably very familiar to Lawrentians regarding Black lives in an easy-to- Appleton politics, rallies on campus hosts a Hannukah party where we will low Lawrentians. It is truly a magical
reading this, since many have read her read format. and events that organizations were have a full feast made up of traditional place. Truth be told, I wasn’t sold on
book Native Guard for a First-Year Another book that has been dom- hosting. I interviewed teachers, stu- Jewish foods, including Matzah ball the ultimate frisbee club, but then
Studies class, though some poetry stu- inating the charts is The Vanishing dents, staff from the Appleton mayor’s soup, potato latkes and lots of challah. I heard about their planned trip to
dents may have also read Thrall by Half by Brit Bennet, which focuses on office and even LU alum Mayor Jake All are welcome! You do not have to Bjork in February and now I look
her. Tretheway specializes in writing the lives of a pair of twin Black sisters Woodford! I attended multiple events be Jewish to join us. forward to our practices. I also can’t
poems where she interweaves Black in the 1960s. After they both run away in an attempt to showcase organiza- Last but not least, ultimate fris- wait to see Bjork covered in snow! So,
history, her mother’s murder and the at the young age of 16, they grow up tions’ purposes and goals while shar- bee! Lawrence has a frisbee club? Yes, join a club! Get out there! You have
hardships of growing up Black. She is leading two very different lives. One ing the facts. At some point, I deter- yes we do. Frisbee Club meets twice a nothing to lose and everything to gain.
able to pack so much history and raw finds herself stuck with her child in mined that while doing research and week to throw a frisbee around, prac- You got this.
emotion into only a few lines, mak- the Southern town she tried to run
ing every poem heartbreaking, yet away from so long ago, while the other
intriguing. If poetry isn’t of interest to passes as white and marries a man
you, she also recently wrote a memoir who knows nothing of her past. The
that digs into her traumatic childhood story follows these two women and
and explains how it shaped her into their families through the generations
the renowned author she is today. to see how they intersect with one
Though many of us may have been another despite the miles of separa-
forced to read some of her books for tion and the countless lies. The book is
class, I would still encourage you all intricately designed and explores how
to read some of her other works, espe- race and identity overlap with moth-
cially since she packs a lot of beautiful erhood, and is overall just a perfect
lines and imagery into rather short choice for fans of historical fiction.
poem collections. That’s all for this week’s recom-
Now, as for the authors I person- mendations! If none of these titles
ally haven’t read, I decided to consult quite caught your interest, doing
“BookTok” again, along with Barnes research on Black authors and finding
and Noble for some suggestions. The a book you were intrigued by would be
first book that popped up was Such a the perfect way to gain a new perspec-
Fun Age by Kiley Reid, which was on tive for Black History Month. Until
a few of the “BookTok” lists I found. next edition, happy reading!

Album Review: I Know I’m Funny haha

Lauren Woodzicka
Staff Writer
tially about loneliness, but specifically This boredom echoes the feeling many invested in the fact that others find Webster suggests having a crush on
a FOMO induced loneliness, where had and are still having due to the her funny, even adding a sarcastic someone unfamiliar is an escape from
Webster laments that her two friends pandemic, where every thought feels “haha” onto the end of her phrase. real life. She describes the problems in
Faye Webster’s fourth album, I are busy and have “two jobs and a like it’s been experienced time and There’s less detachment, but still a her life, including her grandmother’s
Know I’m Funny haha,released last baby.” Her love interest is also absent time again. The twangy guitar and simplicity, in “In a Good Way,” which death and insomnia, and realizes “he
summer, perfectly captures the mood from her life, and she wonders what’s country sound contribute to the stoic details the comfort between two peo- doesn’t even know those things exist.”
of COVID-19, where waiting and long- on their mind. “Sometimes” gives fur- blues element of the songs, in which ple. Webster sings that, “you make me This escapism relates to the loneliness
ing for a more exciting life are a part ther insight on Webster’s loneliness, Webster is hyper aware of her sadness wanna cry / in a good way,” the lyrics experienced in the earlier tracks on
of the everyday experience. Her indie and she feels frustrated that she has and is self-aware enough to know it’s following her traditional style of spar- the album, and it all comes full circle
folk style allows for a matter-of-fact “too much time / what else is there simply a part of life’s process. sity and simplicity. by the time Webster sings that she is,
portrayal of loneliness, wherein she to do now? / overanalyze things I The title track is an off-the- A trademark element of “alone, alone” and “stuck at home” in
often catalogues her feelings about don’t really care about.” She fanta- cuff portrayal of conversations that Webster’s storytelling is her personal the final track, “Half of Me.”
romance and relationships. sizes about escaping her mundane life Webster’s had, where she “can argue anecdotes, as evidenced in “I Know Webster’s album serves as a
The first track on the album, but suggests that writing about noth- ‘bout the same things.” The song I’m Funny haha,” and this is fur- reminder that despite the loneliness
“Better Distractions,” chronicles unre- ing is a worthy task. This boredom speaks to the mundane nature of life, thered in “A Dream with a Baseball inherent in life, there’s meaning to be
quited love, but also the experience is further examined in “Stranger,” with petty conversations serving as Player,” where Webster fantasizes found in simply identifying those feel-
of boredom and lack of fulfillment where she states that she “used to her only social interaction. There’s about her hopeless crush on a baseball ings and sharing them with the world.
that can occur in life, especially dur- love getting bored” but now there’s a sort of detachment to the lyrics, player. The song is deeply personal
ing a pandemic. The song is essen- “nothing to think about anymore.” and Webster doesn’t feel particularly despite the lighthearted premise, and

Nayla Brunnbauer’s
Reading Red: A Movies, Movies,
Glimpse of Dyslexia Movies
Taylor Yakey-Hughes her schooling journey.
Staff Writer While the film may have start-
ed as a school project, Brunnbauer
Surrounded by supportive explained to her audience how it
friends and fans, Nayla Brunnbauer, evolved into a way to make herself Levi Homman Johnny agrees to do so, and what first supporting cast are notably valuable
a sophomore at Lawrence University, proud, to show that while she is open Staff Writer begins as ambivalence and annoy- additions as well, and help Johnny
hosted a screening of her short film, about her dyslexia with those around _____________________________ ance towards Jesse becomes a believ- and Jesse feel fleshed out as char-
Reading Red: A Glimpse of Dyslexia, her, she also wants people to know C’mon C’mon, 2021, directed by ably strong and loving bond between acters.
in Cloak Theater on Saturday night. that her dyslexia is only one part of Mike Mills, 4.5/5 Stars uncle and nephew. Mills sometimes gets side-
The film starred Nayla Brunnbauer as who she is. Additionally, she hopes to Caring for a child is one of the One of the film’s biggest tracked; there are times at which
herself, a dyslexic student struggling further educate others on what dys- most emotional, tiresome, enlight- strengths, as well as one of its most the central relationship between
to read a sentence on a board. Other lexia is and what it’s like, stating, “I ening, grueling and fulfilling tasks obvious stylistic choices, is its black- Johnny and Jesse takes a backseat
characters included students Nihan had the privilege of getting diagnosed anyone can undertake. It’s a skill that and-white color grading. This visual to explore some bigger ideas that
Baysal as the Professor and Emma when I was nine. A lot of dyslexics has to be learned through trial and choice is well-suited for the confi- overstay their welcome. For a few
Nolte as the embodiment of Dyslexia. and neurodivergents don’t get that error, through fear and acceptance. dently nostalgic and romanticized scenes, the story seems interested in
The film opens with the voice luxury.” She shared how her film did It’s a joyous experience of teaching aura of the story and is complimented exploring Viv and Johnny’s relation-
of Dyslexia attempting to read a sen- what she set out to do, making her feel someone else how to live and learn- by cinematography choices that high- ship with their deceased mother, but
tence on a whiteboard as the Professor proud as a film student, and realizing ing how to live in the process. Mike light wide views of cityscapes and a the thread is soon lost. There are
tells Nayla that she is reading the the joys that come with the happy Mills’ most recent directorial effort, focus on natural-feeling lighting set- also a few moments throughout that
board incorrectly. We, the audience, mistakes of the filmmaking process. the thoughtful and polished C’mon ups. As the plot progresses and Viv’s use clips from Johnny’s radio inter-
see what she sees, and share her agony When asked what she was most C’mon, understands the struggles husband needs continued attention, views to examine the experience of
when the word she is attempting to proud of, Brunnbauer shared two key and successes of parenting unlike Viv makes the choice to allow Jesse youth in America, but these segments
read transforms into another word as moments in her film. The first was any other film in recent memory, and to travel with Johnny’s radio crew are too short to bring up any real
a shade of red. As the film progresses, the moment when the word her char- executes its ideas with grace, nuance to New York and later New Orleans. questions, and fail to thematically
Dyslexia continues to speak for Nayla, acter is trying to read changes from and understated style. Each element Both cities are affectionately shot, connect themselves back to the two
until she speaks for herself, simply “become” to “because,” the words of the film is elegantly constructed, creating a picturesque love letter to main characters. While these stabs
uttering “What” as she is given back transforming into a shade of red. and the cast’s clear dedication and travel and urban life. at larger concepts are perhaps a little
her paper covered in red ink. “[Dyslexics] will look at things and passion for the script shines through What rests at the film’s emo- out of place, they add to a decora-
Brunnbauer was an excellent film see things [a certain way.] And every- in an aesthetically pleasing and emo- tional core, and the main reason for tive thematic wallpaper, and help the
host to those who were able to attend one’s like ‘That’s wrong.’ [. . .] Then tionally warm final product. its success, is the cast. Child actors world of the film feel genuine and
the screening, answering questions suddenly it switches to exactly what The film’s entry point to explor- that give even passable performances lived-in, making it hard to fault Mills
before and after the film and offering they said it is.” Finally, Brunnbauer is ing these ideas is its protagonist are few and far between, and Norman for making the attempt.
several re-showings for different audi- proud of her film’s ending, saying, “[. Johnny (Joaquin Phoenix), a radio rises to match Phoenix, who gives Sentimental and triumphantly
ence members. She explained how the . .] The wide shots [and] when you get journalist traveling with a small one of the best performances in his touching, C’mon C’mon arguably
original prompt came from her film the board and everyone in it, it’s just crew interviewing kids around the already impressive career. The well- exceeds Mills’ last successful outing
studies class in the fall term, where so eerie.” country. The plot’s inciting incident written dialogue between the two 20th Century Women and takes him
she chose both to introduce herself As Brunnbauer continues her is a call from Johnny’s sister Viv feels incredibly natural, and the shift a step further towards carving out a
but also to pick a color to focus on, journey as a filmmaker, she hopes (Gaby Hoffmann), who asks him if in their relationship throughout feels distinct and personal style in film-
red. “My papers were always covered to continue to educate people about he can look after her nine-year-old realistic and earned, an attribute that making. C’mon C’mon is available to
in red ink […] a sea of red,” shares dyslexia. If her future audiences are son Jesse (Woody Norman) in Los the film would undoubtedly fail with- rent on digital platforms right now.
Brunnbauer. Red became a symbol of as engaged and anticipated as this one Angeles while she cares for her men- out. Hoffman and the rest of the
factors out of her control throughout was, the future looks bright indeed. tally unstable husband in Oakland.

Kidmed performs in the 2020

Cultural Expressions event.
This was the last time the
performance was hosted in-
person. Cultural Expressions
2022 will be held in-person
on Saturday, February 26 at 7
p.m. in Warch Campus Cen-
ter’s Esch Hurvis Room.
Photo courtesy of the Office
of Communications.
February 18, 2022

I stood naked in Memorial Hall so you wouldn't have to. This is what I learned.
Jorja Springer of Beatles songs playing as the pro- small smiles and glances my way as The last session of figure model- ventionally attractive, but you are the
Staff Writer fessor showed them how to analyze I sat nervously poised in a chair in ing was extremely comfortable. Some thing the Greeks would live for. You
________________________ my shoulders and hips. No, I don’t the corner. The poses got longer but people remembered my name, and the are on your way to the proportions of
want a coffee, thank you. Yes, I’m easier. I requested a song, and some- work was simpler as I lounged across a prehistoric Venus figurine.
The first time you stand nude
comfortable. No, I don’t need a break. one complimented my taste in music. the foam blocks provided and relaxed It could have been my worst
in front of your fellow Lawrentians,
Beyond these pleasantries I am just I received friendly remarks, like “I against the sheet covering them. The nightmare, and the first time kind
you might feel a bit awkward. Don’t
there to stand and occasionally sit, tried figure modeling and it was so time allowance had expanded to of was. But every time I was able to
worry, so did I. No amount of self-
to be viewed and talked about. I am bad” and “My friend models, and I allow the class to develop the intrica- go back into that room and drop the
love, body positivity, extroversion or
not a part of the class, just a demon- admire it a lot.” They are short and cies of the figure. Shape and weight robe, it got a little bit better. The
deep breathing will prepare you for
stration for their viewing pleasure. I quickly spoken during my breaks, but become accompanied by value. There result did more for me than any body-
your first session as a figure model.
am the live experiment, the unassem- they consoled me in my moments is a moment when someone draws positivity campaign could have hoped
And if you are lacking in any of those
bled project, meant to be dissected. of vulnerability. I left the session to you where you can look into a piece of to accomplish. Even though I still
categories? Forget it. As someone who
I walked to my first class of the day resounding thanks as papers bearing paper as though it were a mirror. You might not love myself, I can recognize
has struggled with body image for
analyzing each moment I made eye my figure got pinned to the wall. They can recognize that this two-dimen- the potential for beauty in myself. I
most of my life, there was nothing
contact with a student. Is it so weird now contained shape and weight, dis- sional work resembles you entirely. know that other people could look at
more defeating than standing in front
to stare back? To perceive in turn? played for critique by the rest of the Beyond that, you can recognize it as my figure and find the art inherent in
of my peers and baring it all. Their
My first figure modeling session and class. It is a unique experience to be art. You become art. That power is it. And that is worth the little panic I
contemplative stares drilled holes in
my figure has not even been formed. able to see exactly how others per- only amplified when you look at that feel every time someone at Lawrence
my skin as they bantered amongst
I am just a floating head, a lacklus- ceive you without needing to interpret art and recognize the curve of your mentions that they have, in fact, seen
each other, unaware of my struggle.
ter spine, and some delicately placed vague descriptors. There is physical stomach, the dips in your hips, the me naked. I am not recommending
In this moment, I wondered if I had
appendages. evidence for your existence and the sculpt of your legs and even the fram- that everyone should decide to figure
misjudged what I could withstand in
The second time was much bet- manner in which others know you ing of your bangs. Maybe you take up model, but if you have ever considered
the name of $14 an hour.
ter. I was greeted by chaste hellos, exist. a bit more space than is seen as con- it, let me encourage you to go for it.
I can clearly remember the mix

Kenneth Peñaherrera-Quiroz... ing the president alone lead the process, in an Hung Nguyen... protection equipment and quarantining or
attempt to make the process easier and more isolating active cases.
continued from page 1 efficient.
continued from page 1
Q: What would you most like to ac-
to run for LUCC President? In addition, Peñaherrera-Quiroz will en- procedure, LUCC’s operations and the role of complish during your tenure as presi-
A: Peñaherrera-Quiroz believes that force training for all student organizations to LUCC in the student body, which ultimately dent? How will you achieve this?
LUCC could further improve its public rela- help ensure that the student body can have the led him to run for the president position. A: Nguyen will re-examine the role of
tions, and he wants to seek direct feedback best experience. Q: How would you describe your Public Relations (PR) in the Cabinet, poten-
from the student body in order to better meet Q: What would you most like to ac- platform? tially adding more positions for PR and com-
the needs of the students. Peñaherrera-Quiroz complish during your tenure as presi- A: Nguyen mentioned two key princi- municating with the PR Secretary regarding
also thinks that his numerous connections on dent? How will you achieve this? ples: simplifying the procedures in LUCC and what information, such as meeting minutes,
campus would allow him to excel in decision- A: In addition to implementing a bet- understanding concerns from both the stu- can be shared with the student body to in-
making and problem-solving. ter training process for student organizations dent body and the administration. crease transparency.
“I ultimately decided to run not because and class representatives, Peñaherrera-Quiroz LUCC’s operations, such as requesting Besides that, Nguyen will organize bond-
I believe I am the best possible candidate, also wants to increase volunteer opportunities student organization funds, are often encum- ing activities within LUCC to help form inter-
but rather I believe I have a capability to deal on campus and have a conversation with the bered by the legislation and procedures, Nyu- personal connections among class representa-
with a larger scale of things and pick the best student body regarding the lack of student gen said. In response to this situation, Nguyen tives beyond the professional level.
students in my cabinet,” Peñaherrera-Quiroz employees as well as career resources on cam- seeks to ensure all student organizations can “Last year, because of COVID restriction
said. pus. receive their funds equitably with more acces- codes, we were online, we didn’t have that
Q: How would you describe your “We have to realize that students have sibility to LUCC. kind of mentality... that we feel that we are a
platform? way more power than we think we do,” Peña- In addition, while continuing to address part of a team,” Nguyen said. “So some more
A: Gathering from his background ex- herrera-Quiroz said. “And I want the students issues surrounding student worker wages, en- bonding activities or some way of connecting
perience as an international as well as a first- to understand that with LUCC, not only will vironmental justice and diversity, Nguyen em- class reps together.”
generation student, Peñaherrera-Quiroz’s they have a voice in the student government, phasized that LUCC should also consider the In addition, Nguyen wants to collaborate
platform is service for all the student body. but also they will have a voice within the Board limitations for the administration. According with The Lawrentian for greater communica-
For example, Peñaherrera-Quiroz will have of Trustees and bigger echelons, whether it is to Nguyen, Lawrence administration has ex- tion with students, streamline the finance and
all cabinet members participate in student going to be achieved through conversations or perienced a staff pay cut due to the decrease recognition procedures and develop closer
organization re-recognition, rather than hav- activities.” in finances as a result of COVID-19 and its connections between class representatives
related costs, including purchasing personal and the student body.

How to stop hating Sundays

Sarah Matthews and chores; basically, Sunday did not not sound fun to do a lot of homework my perspective on Sundays, I really to change your perspective about who
Arts and Entertainment Editor equal funday for me. on Friday nights and Saturdays, I did not bother to. To me, I just auto- defines what a good day is. You are in
________________________ While not maybe not everyone have learned that spreading out my matically assumed Sundays would total control of your week, and you get
had this dreadful of an experience with to-do list over the weekend instead suck. Everyone seemed to hate them, to do what you want with it. If you’re
I feel like we have all debated
Sundays, I think there is an under- of packed into a mere 24 hours is so I simply thought one day out of the tired of Sundays being the designated
what the worst day of the week is.
lying negative tone regarding what really a lifesaver. While I may have week had to be a designated bad day. doomed day, change your routine and
While some will answer Tuesday and
Sundays should be used for versus thought taking a break all of Friday In turn, I never thought I could have a change your mindset.
others will say Thursday, there has
what they are actually used for. Many and Saturday was an act of self-care, good time on Sunday.
always been this unspoken rule that
people believe Sundays are meant for it really only resulted in a stressed and If you happen to feel a sense There really is not enough time
Sundays more or less always suck.
relaxation, self-care and family time. burnt-out start of the week. of dread when Sunday rolls around, in life to waste a day being stressed
And, honestly, it has felt like they
These same people, however, end up Do I still have things to do on there is a way to feel better about the and unhappy. While we will have
sucked for most of my life.
cleaning their house, doing yard-work Sundays? Yes, but these tasks really day. While time management, moti- those types of days no matter what,
I remember in high school I
or mentally preparing for the difficult aren’t as hard to get done now. I vation and efficiency are involved in Sunday does not always have to be
would absolutely dread Sunday every
school and work week to come. promise myself that the second half of making Sundays a little better, the one of them. Instead, turn Sunday
week. After having an always insanely
And, in all honesty, I absolutely Sundays are exclusively saved for me, real trick involves changing your per- into a day you look forward to. My
busy week, jam-packed with multi-
brought this Sunday negativity with which motivates me to be a go-getter spective about how you spend each Sundays are now dedicated to taking
ple AP classes, extracurriculars and
me when I went to college. Only on Sunday morning. I wake up with a day of the week. There are only seven care of myself, so I am more than
my after-school job, I just needed a
recently have I started questioning the goal, a plan and a reward for getting days of the week, and if one day ready to start a new week. And, as
break by the time the weekend rolled
way I spend my time on Sundays. But everything done, which is a routine always has to be a bad day, how will cheesy as it may sound, I have felt a
around. So, I would have a wonder-
I’m here to tell you that it is better late I definitely did not have established you ever have a good week? lot better about the weeks to come.
ful time from Friday night through
than never to change your perspective before this term. In other words, you get to decide Remember you have the power to
Saturday, leaving me only Sunday to
on the supposedly doomed Sunday. I know this is not rocket science. what day is a good day and what day make a day less stressful. It is possible
catch up on everything I didn’t do.
This term I have worked really Anyone can manage their Sundays is a bad day. We are bound to have to turn Sunday into a funday.
This sort of weekly routine
hard to make Sunday more about tak- in a productive and efficient way. crappy days, but they don’t always
resulted in me spending my whole
ing care of myself than playing catch- However, even though I knew about have to be on Sunday. Instead of I hope you have a great week, all
Sunday in my room working on piles
up with school and work. While it may time management before changing assuming a day is going to suck, try seven days included.
of homework, college applications
February 18, 2022 OPINIONS & EDITORIALS 11

Suburbs and cars or people and the planet: A mutually exclusive choice
Nathan Wall to centuries of stolen labor and dis- no city in the United States does - it neighborhood of Overtown, also ing problems that fuel climate change
Staff Writer crimination, own roughly 90% less forces residents, especially disabled or known as “the Harlem of the South,” and systemic racism. We need to build
__________________________ wealth than the average white fam- elderly ones, to rely on personal auto- and it was far from the only one. walkable, affordable urban metro
ily. When white people flee to the mobiles, which contributes to carbon In order to address the climate areas, stop expanding highways and
If you drive outside of the city
suburbs, the investments in urban emissions. Urban lower Manhattan crisis, we need to build out our public encourage density. Repealing apart-
limits of most major American metro
metro areas also flee, leaving blight emits about half as much as suburban transit system and end the rule that ment bans and single-family only zon-
areas, including New York City,
and poverty in their wake, and those Montclair, N.J. To perfectly illustrate allows only 20% of our Highway Trust ing would go a long way to help this,
Seattle or Milwaukee, you’ll go from
who are left are pushed out through how bad car culture is for use of Fund to be used on transit projects. as well as housing the homeless. We
seeing busy downtowns, public and
either gentrification, like in Seattle, or space, Florence, Italy, a walkable city Public transit moves people from place should also densify and desegregate
low-income housing and intercon-
natural disasters, like when Hurricane of almost 400,000 is smaller than a to place far more efficiently, reducing our living spaces.
nected, diverse neighborhoods to see-
Katrina slammed into New Orleans. single highway interchange in Atlanta. both traffic and emissions. On top
ing rows and rows of similar look-
Those communities are then further Electric cars are not a serious of needing expanded and free public There is no other choice. A
ing, single-family houses with mostly
criminalized by law enforcement and long-term solution either. On top transit, we need to create a culture car-friendly city cannot be a carbon-
white, sealed off neighborhoods. This
blamed for their own conditions. of requiring energy and minerals to in which women and queer people friendly city. At a time when climate
is no accident. The suburbs have a
Suburban sprawl has a direct connec- build the cars and batteries, it takes feel safe going out in public, because change is getting worse and worse,
long history of racism — as well as
tion with segregation, police brutality, power, often powered by the burning an unfortunate reality is that women and Black people still face racism in
negative climate and health conse-
wealth inequality and racism. of fossil fuels, to produce the electric- and queer people face a heightened every aspect of public life, including
Suburbs are also a disaster for the ity that makes the cars run. Even risk of being attacked when outside, housing, we have a choice to make.
The first suburb was Levittown,
environment. Sprawling suburbs are the tires and paint give off emissions especially at night. We need to expand Will we promote sprawling, unafford-
Pa., and it was segregated and uni-
far more car-dependent and inaccessi- that heat the Earth. We need fewer bus and train systems within cities, as able, segregated suburbs that further
form. Black people and Jewish people
ble than dense, urban areas. Suburban vehicles on the streets. The Interstate well as build a high-speed rail system entrench racism and climate change?
were explicitly barred from living
streets are often long, winding and highways, much like the suburbs, also that connects our cities. Affordable Or will we build green, affordable,
there. Although Black people are now
seemingly random, as opposed to uni- have a disturbing and racist histo- housing near transit hubs would also inclusive cities and finally start to
not legally segregated from suburban
form, walkable city streets. When cit- ry. According to NYU Law Professor help to address homelessness. address housing discrimination and
communities, it is much harder for
ies are not walkable and do not have Deborah Archer, the construction of On top of addressing public tran- the climate crisis? The choice is clear,
a Black family to live in the suburbs
a decent public transit system - which I-95 in Florida decimated the Miami sit, we need to also address the hous- whether we make the right one is not.
when the average Black family, due

On the death of P.J. O'Rourke Massive UFC 271...

continued from page 3
leg kick. Whittaker managed to land another takedown
and earn himself some ground control time. The fourth
Luther Abel that says government will make you round saw Whittaker land more significant strikes, more
Staff Writer smarter, taller, richer and remove place next month which would see Tuivasa face another takedowns, and even get himself a submission oppor-
__________________________ the crabgrass on your lawn. The young and surging fighter in Aspinall or a high ranked tunity after taking Adesanya’s back. Adesanya stayed
We live in funny times, presided
Republicans are the party that says veteran in Volkov. the same, getting stung with jabs while moving in and
over by people devoid of humor. P.J.
government doesn't work and then The last fight and the fight that annoyed me the sticking to leg kicks from range. The final round went
O’Rourke, most known for his bit-
they get elected and prove it.” most was the rematch between current middleweight clearly to Whittaker, who stayed even with striking and
ing political satire, was the funniest
He wasn’t wrong then, and he champion Israel Adesanya and former champion Robert controlling position for over a minute. The fight went to
of men because he mocked the most
certainly isn’t now. An entire indus- Whittaker. This long-anticipated rematch had almost decision where the judges scored the fight, following the
unfunny of people — self-aggrandiz-
try of comedic political commentary every analyst wondering how it would take place. Those UFC’s 10 point must system, 47-48, 47-48, and 46-49 in
ing elites the world over.
sprang from his vision and success, who thought the fight would go to decision thought cor- a unanimous decision for Adesanya.
A conservative in the best sense,
and it’s unlikely Colbert and Jon rectly as the improved and patient Whittaker brought Now clearly the Judge who scored the fight 46-49
his caustic wit pricked the hides of
Stewart exist without O’Rourke. I a tactical fight to the champion. The exact methods of (Mike Beltran) was smoking crack to think Whittaker
windbags on the Left and Right.
deeply regret that I failed to commu- scoring in MMA are fairly understood and the details only won one round. But aside from the one judge being
Perhaps his most famous book, “A
nicate with him, for his is the kind of deserve an article of their own if I ever feel like writ- a dunce, the decision has sent waves through the MMA
Parliament of Whores” was a brick-
writing I most admire — equal oppor- ing that. The first round saw Whittaker taking a much community as analysts and fans of both fighters try to
filled glove across the face of the U.S.
tunity and vicious yet friendly. more patient approach against Adesanya, not lunging defend or attack the decision. The clearly biased com-
Congress. An excerpt describing the
O’Rourke passed away Tuesday, and exposing his chin like he did in the first fight. Ad- mentary by Daniel Cormier and Michael Bisping was
two political parties reads,
Feb. 15. esanya and Whittaker held a constant back and forth for appalling and both should be fed to Francis Ngannou.
“The Democrats are the party
R.I.P. 5 rounds with Whittaker fighting off his back foot like The fight was at best a draw for Adesanya whose posi-
always and Adesanya being forced out of his counter tional aggression did almost nothing for him except al-
striking comfort zone into his slightly more “aggres- low him to land leg kicks every now and then. Whittaker
500 kg raw... nearly 700lb squat like he was carry-
ing a sheet of paper on his back. Ad-
sive” outside striking skillset. The striking was even in managed to control range, land takedowns, and attempt
continued from page 3 the first with Adesanya finding success with the lead leg submissions over the whole fight while Adesanya did
ditionally, he will be the man to rival
kick due to the vulnerability of Whittaker’s karate style not really do much. Now I will say I have a bias towards
but in a gut feeling scenario, I’m giv- Mateusz in the pressing events, and
stance and Whittaker finding a home with his sharp jab Whittaker, but the point still stands that the decision
ing JF the nod. remains one of the strongest athletes
that routinely snapped back the head of Adesanya. The was not correct or anything close to unanimous in favor
1st: Martins Licis overhead in the world. Martins has
champion landed the most significant event of the first of Adesanya. Whittaker did do enough to win which as
Finally back in the mix for top also made clear in several interviews
round with a sharp jab that landed on the chin of an off- he said so himself in his post-fight interview. It seems
titles after over a year away from the the importance with which he treats
balance Whittaker, which sat him on the canvas for all of that with this result, Adesanya will go on to face Jared
sport dealing with a number of in- mobility training, and so should be
half a second before the Australian got back to his feet. Cannonier sometime this summer, but I do not see Can-
juries, Martins Licis is my pick to no slouch in the frame carry. Oh, and
The second-round went in favor of Whittaker who land- nonier putting up too much of a fight considering Whit-
win the 2022 Arnold Classic Strong- here’s the kicker: the stone used for
ed the most significant strike with a hard left hook and taker nearly took Cannonier’s head off just over a year
man title. He has the best all-around the stone to shoulder event is Odd
went 1/1 in his takedown attempts against the cham- ago. I am not going to say the judges were motivated to
combination of consistency and pure Haugen’s famous “tombstone” stone,
pion and 52 seconds of control time. The striking was favor Adesanya, but I will say that the UFC has almost
strength, with the mobility to match. used in many competitions through-
even but the significant strikes of Adesanya all include no incentive to keep their most marketable fighter as the
Martins has log pressed 430lbs for a out strongman. Licis’ coach? Yep, you
his kicks from long range which managed to be checked champion, especially considering his new “lucrative”
double in competition in the past, and guessed it: Odd Haugen. Everything
except for the leg kicks. Whittaker showed significant contract deal. Enough of me being annoyed as I have
has 903lbs without a deadlift suit. I seems to be in line for Martins to re-
improvement in his exiting of exchanges, using his lead been since the fight. I hope to see Whittaker back in a
expect his static strength to be equally turn to the forefront of strongman
hand shoulder to cover his chin during exchanges from championship fight soon. I expect him to be matched
as impressive in the squat, as his num- for the first time since his WSM title
Adesanya’s check hooks. The third round went similar against 1 or 2 fighters before that, likely Marvin Vettori
bers in training back up. He recently in 2019, and I would be a fool to bet
to the second with the two exchanging blows evenly or Paulo Costa, who Whittaker will likely run straight
trained with JF Caron, and moved a against him making it happen.
Whittaker with his sharp jab and Adesanya with the through.

The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The
Lawrentian does not endorse any opinions piece except for the staff editorial, which represents a majority of the editorial
board. The Lawrentian welcomes everyone to submit their own opinions. For the full editorial policy and parameters for sub-
mitting articles, please refer to the masthead, which is located on the back of each edition.
12 COMMUNITY February 18, 2022

Photo Poll
— Editorial policy is Editor-in-Chief:
Molly Ruffing
Jamie Dong determined by the editors.
Incoming Co-Editors-in-Chief:
Staff Photographer Any opinions that appear
Taylor Hughes
unsigned are those of the Alex Freeman
majority of The Lawrentian’s
Team Edward or Team Jacob? Editorial Board. Copy Chief:
Shania Johnson
— Letters to the editor are Incoming Copy Chief:
encouraged. The editors Miri Villerius

reserve the right to edit for

Managing Editor:
style and space. Letters must Ethan Wachendorf
be emailed to: Incoming Managing Editor:
lawrentian@lawrence. Amber Gu
edu. Submissions by email
should be text attachments. News Editor:
Alex Freeman
— All submissions to edito- Incoming News Co-Editors:
Sophia Schultz
rial pages must be turned in
Nathan Wall
to The Lawrentian no later
than 5 p.m. on the Monday Variety Editor:
before publication. Celeste Reyes
Incoming Variety Editor:
— All submissions to the Amir Zarandi
“Team Edward because I love Robert “Team Booboo.” “Neither team, I’ll take Edward over
editorial pages must be
Pattinson, I love him in Good Time — Nina Austria Jacob because Jacob imprinted on a Sports Editor:
accompanied by a phone
(2017) and The Lighthouse (2019).” minor.” Gannon Flynn
number at which the author
— Camille Robertson — Jessica Johnston Incoming Sports Editor:
can be contacted. Articles Sean McLaughlin
submitted without a contact
number will not be pub- Features Editor:
lished. Lucian Baxter

— The Lawrentian reserves Arts & Entertainment Editor:

the right to refuse to print Sarah Matthews
Incoming Arts &Emtertainment Editor:
any submissions received Shirley Xu
after the above deadline
Opinions & Editorials Editor:
— Letters to the editor will Evan Ney
be edited for clarity, decen-
cy, accuracy and grammar. Photo Editor:
Alana Melvin
— Letters to the editor
Web Manager:
should not be more than 500 Nora Murphy
“Team Jacob.” “Team Edward because he feels her “Robert Pattinson over Edward and words. Incoming Web Manager:
— Nupur Vaghasia soul and Jacob does not.” Jacob.” Elizabeth Rienstra
— Derartu Ahmed — Violet Rho
Members of Copy Editors:
Mikayla Henry
the Associated Rebecca Page-McCaw
Collegiate Rose Williams
Press Layout Editor:
Paola Saldana Galvan

“I am team Jacob!” “Team Edward forever lol.” “I would be team Jacob.”

— Ramisha Mahiyat — Ishita Agarwal — Jiwoo Suk

Unedited Board Jamie Dong, Alana Melvin

Staff Photographer, Photo Editor

Mikayla Henry, Shania Johnson, Sarah Matthews,

Copy Editor Copy Chief A&E Editor

“Personally, I was never a fan of the “Bella’s dad. Don’t know his “Even though Jacob is hotter than
series, but from what I’ve heard Alice name and it doesn’t matter Edward, Edward is ultimately less
Cullen is a healthier option than #dilfsupremacy.” terrible of a person.”
either Edward or Jacob.”



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