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IThis question paper contains 8 printed pages

Your Roll No.

SI. No. of Q.
Paper 2071
Unique Paper Code :LB-3034
Name of the Course
Name of the Paper :Law of Crimes - III

(Socio Economic
Offence etc.)
Semester III
Time:3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Instructions for Candidates

(a) Write your Roll No. on the top

receipt of this question

(b) Answer may be written either in

or in Hindi; but the same
medium should
be used throughout the

(c) Attempt any five questions.


(d) All questions carry equal

and nature of
1. (a) Explain the concepts
offences in light of the 47th

commission of India 1972.

Report of the law

4TRT1972 47à fafa 3T RUe

(b) Discuss the provision relating procedure

to be followed by the Central
G o v e r n m e n t s for disposal of
and State
seized drugs and psychotropic
Narcotic Drugs and
under the
S u b s t a n c e s Act, 1985
law land down in Union
referring to the
Anr. (2016) 3 SCC 379.
India vs. Mohanlal &


qET TeT 4À 5 aref afefrq4, 1985

7Tf97 I aT
(2016) 3 SCC 379

Define food'. principles to be
are the
2. (a) followed for iooa sarety under the Food
and Standards Act, 2006.
Safety 10

tfefa4, 2006 5_TeT T RTfg

T 7 26 AIT IGT T ?

(b) Y is a bar in a locality in Delhi. In is

situated very near to a temple. One day
the police raided the premises and arrested
the proprietor and manager of the bar. They
were committed under section 7(2)(a) read
with section 3(1) but acquitted under
section 7(2)(b) of the Immoral Traffic
(Prevention) Act. 1956. Decide. 10

A7T 7(2)(a) TEa ART 3(1) FT7

HT 4, 1956 TT 7(2)(b) a TeT ITHT

a ) What actions of a public servant amount

to criminal misleading ? Enumerate thne
changes made in Section 19 of the
amendment to the Prevention of Corruption
Act, 1988. 10

3 P.T.O.

T t& ? HETHTT 3HTafTTT, 1988.

teTA FM RT 19 T Tg
qfRadai areAT 5
(b) X, a constable get information with
reference to a person Y selling vigitable
narcotic drugs. On his way to the Police
Station for furnishing the said information
to Sub-Inspector of Police found Sub-
Inspector on Patrol duty. On
communication of the said information, the
Sub-Inspector along with the police party
immediately proceeded to the place and
apprehended the accursed. In the light of
the above facts, decision the procedure for
search, service and arrest under the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Act, 1985 along with divided
case laws. 10

TT 5% qaTN 3afey4, 1985 eiT

4. (a) Distinguish between
offence, while Collar
Traditional Crimes. Crimees and
(b) Define the boarder of 'public servant' and
illegal gratification' with reference to the
law laid down in 'Kalicharan Mahapatra vs.
State of Orissa, AIR 1998 SC 25995. 10

AIR 1998 SC 2595 KH bTE TT

5. (a) Explain in detail the procedure of

Adjudication by Adjudicating Authorities
under section 8 of the Prevention of Money
Laundering Act, 2002. 10

EATT iHT HfeY4, 2002 ( TisttT


(b Discuss the powers and functions of the

Designated officer under the Food Safety
and Standards Act, 2006. 10

ETE T T 3AT HH5 HfYM4, 2006 T5T

5 P.T.O.

5. (a) Explain the measures taken by the Central

Government for protection of children form
out of prostitution in the light of Gaurav
Jain vs. Union of India and Ors. 1997 (8)
SCC 114. 10

a 5 zs4r 3T 7 1997 (8) SCcc

114 a15 q-qT oftde7 asgf

(b) The provision contained in section 31A of

the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Subsitions Act, 1985 makes the send
provision mandatory and provide for
standardized death penalty'. In the light
of this statement discuss with relevant
case law whether section 31A of NDPS, Act,
1985 is volative of Article 14 and Article
21 of the constitution of India. 10

T2Mt gATT TAT 4A055 3944 1985

AT faarr i fs AT NDPS,
1985 aTRT 31A, TREY ifauT7 erT 14
TRT TRT 21 a5 3T 5T I


(a) Describe 'money laundering' ? What are

the various steps and methods of money
laundering ?

(b) Discuss the law laid down in Kanwarjit

Singh Kakkar V. State of Punjab (2011) 6
SCC 895 referring to the Prevention of
Corruption Act, 1988. 10

hqriiT fE 515 HI7 G TIy (2011) 6

SCC895 A PfT 7g MqHd
a e , 4EAR RTY5 3faf4, 1988

8. (a) In the light of M/s Nestle India Limited v.

The Food Safety and Standards Authority
of India, W.P.(L) No. 1688 of 2015 discuss
the procedure of food analysis prescribed
by The Food Safety and Standards Act,
2006. 10

M/s zfosT fiRE T4 GTT

Ae5rT W.P.(L) No. 1688, 2015

ATqT uf4T T
2006 aTRT AaiRT TE


and was
(bMr. Xhas amassed their wealth
SeTvediieavy income for demand.
of its
there was no clear allegation
however have
laundering. Investments
been made in banks in Zurich and dealing
almonry to billions in U.S. dollars.
investigation has been carried out by any
investigation agcncy. Union of India has
apposed stating that the matter invalves
many jurisdictions across the globe and
proper investigation would be accomplished
only through homested efforts by different
law enforcements agencies both with
Central Government and various State
Government. Decide. 10

T 6 I R Zurich ai orai 3ITR

S 1700

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