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School of Mechanical Engineering

Course Name : Automobile Engineering

Course Code : MEE3006 Assignment No: 01
Faculty Name : Dr.P.Ponnusamy Slot : E2
Last date for digital Submission: 28/02/2022
Answer all questions

1. What is chassis? Draw the layout of a conventional chassis with a neat diagram and
explain about various sub systems.

2. What are the frame sections used in automobiles? Discuss about the requirements of

3. Describe briefly the following types of frame.

i) Conventional frame
ii) Semi-integral frame
iii) Integral or unit frame

4. What are the various layout of an automobile with respect to engine location and
drive .Discuss with neat sketch front engine front drive.

5. Assume a truck moving on a slop surface .Explain various resistance opposes the
truck movement.

6. Explain the types of clutch. And with neat diagram explain the working principle
of multi plate clutch

7. Explain the working of a torque converter with suitable diagram. How the torque converter
is differs from fluid coupling.

8. Mention the purpose of synchromesh mechanism. Describe the construction and working of
a synchromesh mesh gear box. Show the power flow in various speeds.

9. Explain the operation with the help of neat sketch :

(i)Sliding mesh gearbox (ii) Constant mesh gear box

10. Explain the function of a differential with neat sketch.

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