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@°NISIONIAS (ED July, 2020 INSPIRING INNOVATION NEWS TODAY THIRD UNIT AT KAKRAPAR ATOMIC POWER PLANT (KAPP-3) IN GUIARAT ACHIEVES CRITICALITY * KAPP-2 is Indi’ first 700 MWe (megawatt electri) unit, and biggest indigenously developed SRT SCLIN ant of Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR). Until now, biggest reactor size of so) POWER PLANTS ININDIA Indigenous design was 540 MWe PHWR (Tarapur). . > First two units at Kakrapar were based on Canadian technology. > PHWR is a nuclear power reactor commonly using unenriched natural uranium as it fue, that uses heavy water (deuterium oxide) asits coolant and moderator, * A reactor achieves criticality (and is said to be critical) when each fission event releases a sufficient number of neutrons to sustain an ongoing series of reactions. > Fissionis aprocessin which the nucleus of an atom splits inte two or more smaller nuclei This produces heat, which is used to generate electricity. + Indian Nuclear Power Generation envisages a Three Stage Programme. > Stage 1: Use natural uranium to fuel pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs). The byproduct is Plutonium-239 (Pu-239) > Stage 2: Fast Breeder Reactor envisages the use of Pu-239 obtained from the fist stage rover Pr reactor operation, asthe fuel core (pene > Stage-3: Build therium-based reactors that canbe refueled using Indias thorium reserves ees ‘which are converted to Uranium-233 inside the reactor. letnionas cunt stad nudear power capa of 6790 MW. LOWER GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (GST) REVENUE HAS INDIA REITERATED IMPORTANCE TRANSLATED INTO DELAYED GST COMPENSATION TO STATES OF DATA SOVEREIGNTY AT THE aera tamara tena" 620 DIGITAL ECONOMY «GST compensation Aet2017 provides for compensation to states forary ossinreveruedue MINISTERS VIRTUAL MEETING ‘o the implementation of GST. > It guarantees 2 14% annual growth in tax revenues for the states from the amount © India held that digital platforms need to be collected by thern in 2015-16 fr five yeas til 2022, responsive, accountable and sensitive to > This compensation is paid bi-monthly out of Compensation Cess, additional cess on concerns of sovereign nations as far as safety, Certain notified goods in addition to GST applicable on it defence and data privacy are concerned. > Receipts from this cess will be deposited to a GST Compensation Fund. >It called for need to balance innovation, + To addtess the revenue shortfall, following solutions are suggested enterprise and data sovereignty for safety. > Market Borrowing: Borrowed funds could be repaid by extending collection of cesses, which is now limited to five years til 2022, to one or two subsequent years. ‘+ Data sovereignty isa country-specific requirement > Restructuring of GST slabs: Inclusion of petroleum products under GST, simplification of that datas subject to laws of the country in which GST rates and minimising exemption. itis collected or processed and must remain within > Hiking the cess rate or lowering of the guaranteed compensation rate its borders > Compensation period could be extended beyond the stated period of five years ‘+ The wide-spread adoption of cloud computing services, as well as new approaches to data storage DOT OVERRULES PRIVATE CONTRACTORS’ OBJECTIONS, rave vases tssues related to data sovereignty GIVES COMMON SERVICE CENTRES (CSC) NOD TO > Lack of compliance with privacy obligations of COMPLETE FIBRE, WIFI WORK home country that can affect citizen rights. * Earlier, Department of Telecommunications (DoT) had roped in the private sector to > Importance of data protection and security as speed up the work on BharatNet phase one and two, CSCshad also been selectedtocomplete _—_—leaked data can cause significant damage to pending work companies, governments etc + However, Private telcos and equipment suppliers had alleged that CSC were exercising a monopoly by providing services at nonviable costs, > DoT overruled the grievances asit did not want the work to be hampered due to delays > CSC were setup under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), approved in 2006. «+ Steps taken by India D> They are the access points for delivery of essential public utility services, socal welfare schemes, financial services etc to citizens in rural and remote areas of the country. ‘= About Bharatnet (earlier National Optical Fibre Network) a system only in India® within six months > It aims to provide optical fibre connectivity te all 2.5 lakh gram panchayats. > Funded by: Universal Service Obligation Fund, generated through Universal Access Levy > Personal Data Protection (POP) Bill, 2019 > Preventing foreign countries from being able to subpoena (courts ordering for data) data > RBI in 2018 put out a cireular requiring that all "data relating to payment systems" are "stored in charged on telecom operators attempt to legislate on sve of data protection > Implementation in three phases: Phase 1 covered 1 lakh GPs, Phase? is covering 15 lakh, and Phase 3s focused on Upgrading existing infastructre. > Government, recently released draft > The project, intially conceptualised in 2011, has been delayed and new deadline is _‘R@N"Persanal data governance framework. August 2021 DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS COULD REACH RS 15 TRILLION A DAY BY 2025: RBI + As per estimates, Payments through digital modes are expected 9 jump to billion transactions worth R15 tion adayinfiveyeas. | Payment and Settlement Act, 2007 defines Digital Payments as any Slat before the COVIDS cutbevks the daiy tancartons were lectonicfunds rans including point of sale transfers automated cee son sse halen ae esneret asistetintts | tlermechne vasacton, onsen nated tephone ere averaging and card payment ete + Key reasons forthe growth: > Increased anarenes especialy post slomontisation ele EK > Government policies focussing on cashless economy. & > Quick onbooraing and ease ofuse of tecnology Banking Cars| uss. | ers url |obie Wales > smartphone proliferation and internet expansion > Regulatory support rom Rl - + Benefits: Cost savings through increased efficiency and speed: | ag a | B: | Srasparency and security by inresing acountabty and tracking, 8 reclicng corto se theft randall by avec acess range of mand services ete + Recerly, Payment Infrastructure Development Fund was setup to encourage acquirers to deploy Point of Sale Infrastructure in Wer to ers Centres and nonreaster sates. ALSO IN NEWS Banks Pre-Paid) Point of Sale |intemet Bankng| MobileBanking| Micro ATMS Caras "Recently, Centre informed the Delhi High Court that e-commerce sites have to display the country of ‘origin on imported products sold on their platforms. > For this, there is a provision under Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 to declare county of origin Country of Origin + Presently, WTO has no specific rules governing the determination of the country of origin of goods in international commerce. > Each contracting party is free to determine its own Rules of origin. ‘+ Rules of origin are the criteria needed to determine the national source of a product, * It was hosted by the US-India Bi the Council Ideas Summit 2020 > USIBC isa business advacacy group, focused on strengthening bilateral trade and commerce between India and USA, + Theme: ‘Building a Better Future’ 1655 Council (USIBC) marking the 45th anniversary of the formation of * Consumer Protection Act, 2019 proposes @ Central Consumer Protection Autherity that will be able to file Suo-motu cases on behalf ofa class of customers, thereby initiating clas action suits lass action suits + Class Action, also known as Representative Action, isa form of lawsuit where a large group of people ‘collectively brings a claim to the court. + Itisfled generally when a number of people have suffered the same or similar injuries. ~ india has expressed its interest n joining Covax, the WHO-Gavi Covid-19 vaccine alliance, that aims to bring countries and companies together to pool resources and share vaccine. India Keen to Join WHO-Gavi_ | > Itaimsto deliver 2 billion of doses of effective, COVID-19 vaccines by 2021 end. vaccine Alliance + Gavi (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) is an international organisation, bringing together public and private sectors with shared goal of creating equal access to new and underused vaccines for children living in worlds poorest countries, * Itisahelicopter-launched Nag Missile (HELINA), aso known as Dhruvastra Dhruvastra anti-tank guided | * It is 2 third-generation fire-and-forget-class missile and uses an imaging infrared seeker in missile lock-on-before-launch mode, * Itisindigenously developed by Defence Research and Development Organi ‘= It was spotted for the first time by NASA in March 2020 with the help ofits Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrated Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) telescope. ‘+ Comets are dusty snowballs which orbit the Sun. They are made of ices, such as water, carbon dioxide, ammonia and methane, mixed with dust, > These materials ame from the time when the Solar System was formed. ‘Comet NEOWISE (c/2020 F3) * Madhubani, or Mithila painting isa folk painting practice region of Bihar. + It is popular because of their tribal motifs and use of bright earthy colours. Paintings are done with Madhubani Painting mineral pigments prepared by artists ‘Themes: Hindu deities, court scenes, wedding scenes, social happenings etc a = & H FIP) aioia = Ol + ‘aoaode fe f DELHI LUCKNOW JAIPUR HYDERABAD PUNE AHMEDABAD CHANDIGARH STIS Esa) UA Sela a Ono /chvisionlASdelhi sion IAS ©) Nisonias_upse ©) NisionlAs_uPsc

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