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Chapter 16 Study Guide (Chapter about when all things are happening with pathogen, what is

the body doing to defend itself)

Define and Recognize:

 Innate immunity: The body’s defenses against any pathogen; non-specific, which means
it protects against a lot of things; It is non-acquired, which means the body naturally has
 Ciliary Escalator: Physical factor of immunity that transports microbes trapped in mucus
away from the lungs
 Margination: One of the four stages of inflammation; Phagocytes stick to endothelium
 Histamine: Produced by basophils and mast cells in response to inflammation; happens
during the vasodilation stage of inflammation
 Eosinophil: Granulocyte; parasite defense
 Monocyte/Macrophage: Monocyte is used for phagocytosis once it matures into a
 Lysozyme: an enzyme that breaks down peptidoglycan cell wall of bacteria

Concept of Immunity

 Susceptibility: lack of resistance to a disease

 Immunity: Ability to ward off diseases; TWO TYPES:
o Innate Immunity: defenses against any pathogens; non-specific, it protects
against a lot of things; non-acquired, which means we naturally have it in our
 Transferrins: Bind to iron to prevent pathogens from getting it
 Antimicrobial Peptides: Lyse bacterial cells

o Adaptive Immunity: defenses against specific pathogens; highly specific; it is

acquired by exposure; example is tetanus, we get the shot and become exposed;
we make a toxoid because of the exposure to the body
First line of Defense against Pathogens (Innate Immunity)
Physical factors, chemical factors and normal microbiota

 Physical Factors
o Skin: Epidermis consists of tightly packed cells with keratin, a protective protein
 Mucous Membranes: Mucus traps microbes; Ciliary Escalator transports
microbes trapped in mucus away from the lungs
 Secretions: wash away microbes via
 Lacrimal apparatus: washes eye
 Saliva: washes microbes off
 Urine: flows out
 Vaginal Secretions: flow out

 Chemical Factors:
o Fatty Acid in sebum (fungistatic: prevents fungal growth)
o Low pH (more acidic)
o Lysozome: Enzyme that breaks down peptidoglycan in cell walls of bacteria

 Normal Microbiota:
o Microbial Antagonism: normal microbiota compete with pathogens and alter
their environment
o Commensal Microbiota: one organism (microbe) benefits, while the other
organism (host) is unharmed
 May be opportunistic pathogens

Second Line of Defense against Pathogens (Innate Immunity)

 Granulocytes:
o Neutrophils: First responders; Phagocytes, they find microbes and eat them
o Basophils: Production of histamine
o Eosinophils: parasitic defense

 Agranulocytes:
o Monocytes: Becomes phagocytes once they mature to macrophages
o Dendritic cells: Phagocytes
o T Cells: cell mediated immunity;
o B Cells: produce antibodies
o NK Cells (Natural Killer Cells): Kills infected cells

 Inflammation: how the body responds to damage

o Activation of acute-phase proteins in blood
 Complements
 Cytokines
 Kinins
o 4 Classic Symptoms of Inflammation
 Redness, swelling/edema, pain, heat (area is hot to the touch)

o Process of Inflammation: 4 Stages (Figure 16.8 Multiple)

 Tissue damage triggers inflammation
 Vasodilation and increased vessel permeability
 Chemicals released: histamines, kinins, leukotrienes and
 Blood clot and abscess forms: Closing off the area causes
phagocyte migration and phagocytosis
 Margination: Phagocytes stick the endothelium
 Diapedesis: phagocytes squeeze between skin cells
 Phagocytosis of invading bacteria occur
 Tissue Repair

 Fever: Abnormally high body temperature

o Transferrins: bind to iron and limits iron to pathogen (starves them)
o Increase in IL1 activity

 Outcomes and effects of Complement activation (Network of Blood Proteins)

o Optonization: enhanced phagocytosis
o Cytolysis: complement proteins form pore or a hole to lyse cells
o Inflammation enhanced

 Interferon: Warns other cells virus is here and to lock the doors
o IFN-A and IFN-B: Cause cells to produce antiviral proteins that inhibit viral

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