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1. ADDISU TESFAYE………………………………………….MAPM(1) 06/14

2. ASHENAFI MITIKU..............................................................MAPM(1) 167 /14
3. DERBEW YIFRU....................................................................MAPM(1) 119/14
4. ELIAS NEGA…......................................................................MAPM(1)127 /14
5. HELEN TAKELEGN ………………………………………..MAPM(1) 137 /14
6.REHAN DAWED......................................................................MAPM(1) 315/14
7.SENAIT TILAHUN…………………………………………...MAPM(1) 212/14

Submitted to Instructor Geber S. (PhD)

Submitted date 16/4/14 E.C


Ethiopian Electric power is an Ethiopian electrical power industry and state-owned electric
producer. It is engaged in development, investment, construction, operation and management of
power plants, power generation and power transmission. The company is a main key in the
Ethiopian energy sector.
Ethiopian Electric Power owns and operates the Ethiopian national power grid with all high
voltage power transmission lines above 66 kV. Including all attached electrical substations and
almost all power plants within the national power grid (with the exception of some co-generation
power plants belonging to the state-owned Ethiopian Sugar Corporation). Ethiopian Electric
power is almost the state monopoly in generating electric power for the national power grid,
although Ethiopia also allows Independent Power Producers to construct and to operate power
plants for delivering power to the national grid since 2017.
Electric power distribution and the operation of power transmission lines of ≤ 66 kV within the
national power grid is not part of the activities of Ethiopian Electric Power that is done by the
also state-owned sister company Ethiopian Electric Utility.
The company was formed in 1956 as the Ethiopian Electric Light & Power Authority (EELPA),
which bundled all Ethiopian activities around electricity in a single organization. In 1996,
EELPA was split into the Ethiopia Electric Authority (EEA), taking over all regulating activities
and a company, Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCo), bundling all activities from
power generation to household delivery. In 2013, EEPCo was again split up into two companies,
Ethiopian Electric Utility and Ethiopian Electric Power. Ethiopian Electric Power was formed by
Council of Ministers Regulation No.302/2013


1. The core management principles that are practice in EEP are:

These principles ensure that EEP is able to continuously improve.
Customer focus
Engagement of
people Process
Evidence-based decision making
Customer Focus
For your business to be successful in the long-term, you need to attract and maintain the
confidence of your customers. This means that you need to build a customer centric company.
When your company is focused on customers, you will find ways to interact with them and
ask for their feedback. You can achieve this by linking your company’s objectives to the
needs of your customers. When these two elements are closely connected, it makes it easier
for you to produce high quality products. It also makes it easier for the various departments in
your company to stay focused on the same mission.
As a part of working towards a customer focus, organizations should also aim to improve their
user experience.
Leadership is an important part of quality management. Quality starts with a vision. At one
point, someone decided to create and sell a product or service that would bring value to a specific
audience. That vision then spread throughout the company. Leaders at all levels of a business
help to promote a feeling of unity. This builds an environment where people are willing to
support each other.
Engagement of People
It is important to engage your people and appreciate them as individuals. Engaged employees
are essential to the success of your business. They enable you to deliver value to each customer
that interacts with your company.
Engaged employees show up every day with a passion, purpose and a sense of duty.

Process Approach
When you create a quality management system, you should define and implement a process
approach. First, you should identify your key business processes. Then you should define
standards for those processes, and decide how you will evaluate each process. Next, you should
document your approach to quality. When you document your approach, it creates a system that
enables you to continuously improve.
If you want to keep producing high-quality products and services, you must find ways to
improve. Improvement initiatives are beneficial for at least two reasons. First, they enable you to
keep your current level of performance so you don’t lose out to competitors. Secondly,
improvement allows your business to grow, adapt to changes, and find new opportunities.
Evidence-based Decision Making
Decision making is a complex process. It can involve multiple sources and various levels of
uncertainty. Since hundreds of decisions are made every day in your business, there could be
areas where information slips through the cracks. It’s important to pay attention to this, because
it greatly affects the quality of your results.
Quality is also supported by the relationships that you develop with customers, partners,
suppliers, and other parties. You can achieve long-term success when you manage these
relationships in a way that results in a common understanding of goals and values. In other
words, you should constantly make sure that you and your stakeholders are on the same page.
The gap here is:
EEP is not practice the Relationship Management principle because this is the best and feasible
core management principle.
The above principles of quality management are useful to organizations of all sizes. As you
aim to keep your customers happy, pay attention to ways that you can promote consistency
across your business. Create systems that produce quality results on autopilot. This takes effort,
but it pays off. When you’re consistent, you’ll build confidence and trust in the minds of all
stakeholders, especially your customers.


2. Identify processes and methods that are used in your study organization
(EEP) to improve the behavior, attitudes, and effectiveness of organizational
The practically processes and methods that are used in (EEP) to improve the human
behavior are:
Organizational behavior refers to how people behave within an organization. EEP believed that
People’s behavior can impact much activity of our areas of the organization, from organizational
performance to our organizational change. For that reason, organizational behavior is a main
focus for change managers. HR professionals and others who want to streamline organizational
change in our sectors.
Here are the ways that EEP use its best concern that can improve organizational behavior:
Improve the employee experience.
Motivation, engagement, and satisfaction often depends on employees’ experiences with on EEP
organization. These sentiments in turn impact behavior, productivity, and performance.
Recruit talent that matches the organization’s culture.
To maintain behavioral standards, it is important to hire candidates that match the desired
organizational culture. Mismatches will produce conflict and friction, which can result in a
number of behavioral problems. Those in turn can have a negative effect on people’s willingness
to change.
Maintain accountability
During any business process, including change projects, accountability is a must. In other
words, duties should be delegated properly and project coordinators should implement
mechanisms that ensure those duties are carried out. People’s behavior, or activities, will have a
direct effect on their performance, both in day-to-day operations and in organizational change
projects. However, there are certainly other variables that impact performance, such as those
discussed next.
Ensure employees have adequate training
Employee training is necessary for workers to perform at their full potential. And, as a result, the
organization will only earn partial returns on its software investments.


The practically processes and methods that are used in (EEP) to improve human
Here is some factors EEP use the method that can improve employees’ attitudes:
Job Satisfaction
Emotional Connect
Personal Issue and Problems
Job Satisfaction:
In EEP Job Satisfaction is one of the key factors help to improve the attitude of employees.
When the employees enjoy their work, feel confident in their abilities to succeed in the
assigned tasks, and appreciate the roles that they are assigned to. They are much more likely to
have a positive attitude in the workplace.
Employee Engagement:
This is a concept that includes satisfaction, dedication, and motivation of employees. When
employees feel engaged and satisfied with the task, you can see a positive attitude vibe among
them. They will grow in their skills, interests, and ambitions in their respective fields of work.
This will encourage their efforts and dedication, keep their attitude towards work positive, and
increase their productivity.
Emotional Connect
The Emotional Connect is not a legal document, but an understanding of the relationship
between the manager and their employees and what they expect from each other. When the
employees feel a negative attitude from their manager, the emotional connection is broken. This
can negatively impact engagement and job satisfaction, leading to a negative attitude in the
Personal Issues and Problems

Negative attitudes among the employees can also occur for other reasons. For example, personal
or family issues may cause an employee to negatively impact work performance. Such problems
cannot be solved if you do not support them. But you can still help them to solve their problems
and manage their attitudes towards work.

The practically processes and methods that are used in (EEP) to improve effectiveness of
organizational members:
Organizational effectiveness relates to the efficiency of a business; however, a professional must
also focus on quality services. The key to organizational effectiveness in EEP use five strategies
to accomplish a specific goal.
1. Make Use of Human Resources
Since the human resources professionals in a company play an essential role in hiring new
employees, they also impact the company goals. Get human resource professionals involved in
the design and implementation of changes within the company to improve the organization. They
offer unique perspectives that leaders may overlook and play an active role in identifying the
right professionals for new positions within the company.
2. Focus on Education and Growth
Organizational leadership requires active measures to work with different groups and
individuals. A leader must understand the strengths and weaknesses of different professionals
before making a plan of action to improve the effectiveness of the organization.
3. Keep the Customers in Mind
Organizational effectiveness only works well when evaluating the needs and interests of the
customers. Quality management is just as important as the overall efficiency of the company for
their needs and goals.
Ask customers to fill in surveys or answer questions about the services provided. Find out what
the customers want from the company or the services they find the most valuable for their needs
For businesses with direct interaction with a customer, provide anonymous options for
customers to fill out complaints or provide feedback.
Use social media pages or other online tools to gain feedback from clients. Allow customers to
leave comments or point out weaknesses from the company by asking questions on social media
or a company blog.
4. Work on Quality Services or Products
Although clients play a role in the effectiveness of a company, a business must also identify an
appropriate level of quality for the products or services provided. The key is focusing on a
balance of quality with cost effective solutions. The goal of any business is improving the
products without exceeding a set budget or price range.

5. Use Technology
Technological tools play an essential role in the efficiency and effectiveness of a company. Make
use of computers, tablets or smartphones to improve the efficiency of the company. Use software
or sharing tools to keep different members of a team up-to-date with the state of a project, even
when they are not actively working on a specific portion of the project.
The gap for question number two is:
EEP management system is not detail study and examine the right solution for those factors on
our recommendation listed below which are used to improve behavioral difference and attitude
difference among individual employee in EEP.
We are recommended to EEP to use the best methods vital to improve human behavior and
attitude is:

EEP must to precise and clarify the behavior factors on its own organization and find the right
way how to utilize this to achieve the organization goal. We are mentioned that if behavior in
organization is modified well improve attitude on the organization is easily because behavior
affect attitude. The rest improving effectiveness of organizational members is achieved when the
recommendation in below mentioned you is implementing and use practically.

The factors that are need to identified and modified on behavior are:
(a) Identify the factors how the organization affects individual and group behavior:
How the work flow processes are planned affect who is involved and who is responsible for the
ultimate product or service. Since employee rewards such as promotions and pay increases may
be tied to performance, the organizational structure is realistically the controlling factor.
(b) High Decisions: Low Morale
If the organizational structure is designed for the senior managers to make the decisions, the
credit for solutions and creative problem-solving remains at the top. Employees who are actually
getting the work done may feel that this reporting structure is unfair. The lack of recognition at
the employee level could result in low morale and lack of creative motivation.
How group and individual behavior affect the Ethiopian Electric Power performance?
The study of organizational behavior gives insight on how employees behave and perform in the
workplace. It helps them to develop an understanding of the aspects that can motivate

employees, increase their performance, and help organizations establish a strong and trusting
relationship with their employees.
(c) Impact of Individual behavior in EEP:
The individual's behaviors and responses in any situation, whether they are acting in a group or
in isolation, have an influence and impact on the organization. If these behaviors are positive it
could lead to enhanced performance, effectiveness and productivity. A positive and good work
behavior of an individual leads to higher performance, productivity and great outputs by the
team or an individual. From the organizational perspective it is the most important area where
Human Resource managers should focus.
Some of the factors affecting Individual Behavior in an organization are as follows:
1. Personal Factors:
The personal factors which influence the individual behavior can be classified into two
A. Biographic Characteristics
B. Learned Characteristics
Biographical Characteristics:
All the human beings have certain characteristics which are genetic in nature and are inherited.
These are the qualities which the human beings are born with. These are the characteristics
which cannot be changed; at the most, these can be refined to some extent. If the managers know
about the inherited qualities and limitations of the persons, they can use their organizational
behavior techniques more effectively.
Learned Characteristics:
Learning is defined as, “a relatively permanent change in behavior resulting from interactions
with the environment.” A person is born with biographical characteristics which are difficult to
change or modify. Therefore, the managers lay much stress on studying, learning and predicting
the learned characteristics.
Some of these learned characteristics are as follows:
(a) Personality:
An individual’s personality determines the types of activities that he or she is suited for.
By personality we don’t mean the physical appearance of a person.


Personality generally refers to personal traits such as dominance, aggressiveness, persistence and
other qualities reflected through a person’s behavior.
(b) Perception:
Perception is the viewpoint by which one interprets a situation. In other words, “perception is
the process by which information enters our minds and is interpreted in order to give some
sensible meaning to the world around us. Psychology says that different people see and sense the
same thing in different ways. For example, if a new manager perceives an employee to be a job
shirker, he will give him less important jobs, even though that employee is a very able person.
Sometimes, we tend to lose good relatives and friends because we change our perceptions about
(c) Attitude:
Attitude is just like perception but with a frame of reference. It is a tendency to act in a certain
way, either favorably or unfavorably concerning objects, people or events. For example, if I say
I am satisfied with my job, I am expressing my attitude towards work. An attitude may be
defined as the way a person feels about something, a person, a place, a thing, a situation or an
idea. It expresses an individual’s positive or negative feeling about some object.
(d) Values:
Values are global beliefs that guide actions and judgments across a variety of situations. Values
represent basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct is personally or socially preferable to
an opposite mode of conduct.” Values carry an individual’s ideas as to what is right, good or
2. Environmental Factors:
The external environment is known to have a considerable impact on a person’s behavior.
A few economic factors which directly or indirectly affect the individual behavior are as
explained below:
3. Economic Factors.
The behavior of an individual is affected to a large extent by the economic environment.
A few economic factors which directly or indirectly affect the individual behavior are as
explained below:


(a) Employment Level:

The employment opportunities which are available to the individuals go a long way in
influencing the individual behavior. If the job opportunities are less, the individual will have to
stick to a particular organization even though he does not have job satisfaction. On the other
hand if the job opportunities are more, the employees‟ turnover will be more.
(b) Wage Rates:
The major consideration of every employee who is working in the organization is his wages.
Though job satisfaction is very important, but what a person will get in money terms, is the
major factor affecting the decision of a worker to stay in a particular organization or shift to
another one which will pay more wages.
(c) General Economic Environment:
Some employees who are working in Government offices or public sector undertakings are not
affected by economic cycles. Whatever the economic position of the organization, they will
receive their salaries. Whereas, the employees, who work in the organizations, which are
severely affected by economic cycles are subjected to layoffs and retrenchment. For these
employees job security and a stable income is the most important factor whereas the former
employees will be motivated by some other factors.
(d) Technological Development:
Though technology is not an economic factor, but we include it in the economic factors because
of the impact it has on the individual job opportunities. The technological development has made
the job more intellectual and upgraded. Some workers will be dislocated unless they are well
equipped to work on new machines. This makes it the duty of management to retrain the
employees. For those, who pickup and acquaint themselves with new technology, the jobs will be
rewarding and challenging.
4. Socio-cultural Factors:
The social environment of an individual includes his relationship with family members, friends,
colleagues, supervisors and subordinates. The behavior of other people not with the individual,
but in general, is also a part of his social environment. Similarly, every individual has a cultural
background, which shapes his values and beliefs. Work ethics achievement need, effort-reward
expectations and values are important cultural factors having impact on the individual behavior


5. Political Factors
Political environment of the country will affect the individual behavior not directly, but through
several other factors. In a politically stable country there will be a steady level of employment
(both in quantity and quality) and high level of capital investment. Whereas companies are
reluctant to invest large sums of money in a politically instable country.
The political ideology of a country affects the individual behavior through the relative freedom
available to its citizens. The relative freedom available to the individuals can affect their career
choice, job design and performance.
6. Organizational Factors:
Individual behavior is influenced by a wide variety of organizational systems and resources.
These organizational factors are as explained below:
(a) Physical Facilities:
The physical environment at a work place is the arrangement of people and things so that is has
a positive influence on people. Some of the factors which influence individual behavior are noise
level, heat, light, ventilation, cleanliness, nature of job, office furnishing, number of people
working at a given place etc.
(b) Organization Structure and Design:
These are concerned with the way in which different departments in the organization are set up.
What is the reporting system? How are the lines of communication established among different
levels in the organization? The behavior and performance of the individual is influenced by
where that person fits into the organizational hierarchy.
(c) Leadership:
The system of leadership is established by the management to provide direction, assistance,
advice and coaching to individuals. The human behavior is influenced to a large extent by the
behavior of the superiors or leaders. Behavior of the leaders is more important than their
(d) Reward System:
The behavior and performance of the individuals is also influenced by the reward system
established by the organization to compensate their employees.


3. (EEP) manages the influences of individual differences in personality,

attitude, emotions, perceptions are:

In EEP Diversity workplace is a method of creating a diverse environment in which individuals'
diverse talents, cultural experiences, and backgrounds are respected. People's diverse
viewpoints are influenced by several characteristics, including personality, attitude, emotions
perceptions, age, race, gender, disability, and language, and religion, identification of origin,
intersex status, life phases, education, and sexual preferences.
Diversity management in EEP is the organization's structured and designed responsibility to
hire, compensate, encourage, and maintain a diverse workforce with inclusivity and blend the
individuals' unique cultural characteristics for the greater well.
The key importance of diversity management is as follows.
1. Diversity leads to economically stimulating employer-employee relationships.
2. Diversity leads to creating and establishing positive consumer connections.
3. Diversity promotes ingenuity, imagination, and versatility in an organization's
4. Diversity helps in stabilizing balanced corporate growth and economic benefit.
Here are the 7 Steps in EEP Uses to Effective Diversity Management
1. Effective Communication
To keep a diverse workforce engaging and all the members on the same page, it is vital to
building effective communications at all levels. HR management must emphasize
communication, take feedback, and use the data to create inclusivity and a positive work
environment. Ensure that staff understands the practices, processes, guidelines on security, and
other related details. Emphasize overcoming cultural and linguistic challenges.
2. Equality
Treat every member of the organization with equality and respect. Stop stereotypical
assumptions that are both positive and negative. Please don't make assumptions based on their
cultural background or class. Keep your prejudices aside. React promptly and firmly to biases or
stereotypes by workers. Know that you are prohibiting discrimination in your laws. Encourage
staff to consider peers as individuals and evaluate them for their work rather than on personal
considerations. Often our unconscious biases and beliefs could make us misread a situation.
Therefore the management must be sincere and mindful about it.

3. Encourage Diverse Teams

Encourage the uniqueness of your diverse workforce by making them work in diverse teams.
Diverse working teams encourage workers to get to know each other and respect each other.
Diverse groups also extend the team's viewpoints and beliefs and appreciate the strength of their
shared abilities and insights. This is the beauty and power of having a diverse workforce, and
organizations must take advantage of it. And it all starts with inclusivity and giving members
equal opportunities, and working together in diverse teams.
4. Maintain Transparent Policies
Confirm that your equality documentation, including hiring, payment, and promotions, is
included in all of your staff policies. The employee manual should concentrate on diversity and
address the following:
5. Sensitivity Training
If your organization is new to workplace diversity, it is your responsibility to give them the
proper training. The old employees may be reluctant to follow the new norms since they are used
to a homogeneous culture.
Invest in sensitivity training and imbibe a culture of respect and equality. You may also provide
online awareness training to understand the dos and don'ts of heterogeneous work culture.
6. Leadership
Workplace diversity can succeed if the company's top management takes up a collective goal.
The organization's leaders are responsible for policy formulation. Based on that, they can
promote or eliminate workplace diversity depending on the policies they make. If the
management does not display a contribution to action, the diversity initiative is significantly
7. Hiring
Hiring diverse labor pools fill jobs quicker with skilled applicants. A variable workforce also
helps their employer brands achieve the right talent. Therefore, it is crucial to hire and recruit
talent from diverse cultures to create a diverse workplace. It includes leadership and those who
make choices on interviewing and testing expertise to address prejudice. Companies should
transcend their biases and employ the most skilled individuals; those with the right
qualifications, credentials, knowledge, and abilities can create a diverse workplace.


The gap here for question number three is:

Beyond put the 7 Steps of effective diversity management In EEP as principal guide line EEP
is not follow up those principle and not do research inquires on this aspect to implement.
Recommendation for question number three is:
The belongs manager on EEP must be identify and inquires the root cause of diversity on
personality, attitudes, emotions, individual behavior and perceptions in organizations. After
investigating the right case of those deference put the best way how to overcome and how to
utilize these deference to achieve the organization goals. As a matter of fact if you use difference
in individual with the right strategy it is intangible asset of the organization. So a good manager
properly manages the diversity on organization employee leads to easily achieve the
organization objective. The essential and feasible way to manage the diverse on attitude,
personality. Emotion and perception are using the method implementing diversity management
Implementing diversity management Strategies:
Knowing that people are different is not enough for organizations to operate effectively with
(a) Managers must work to develop strategies to develop ways to utilize differences to achieve
work outcomes.
(b) Managers start by attracting, selecting, developing, and retaining employees who can
operate and excel in a workplace with diverse individuals, viewpoints, and ideas.
(c) Gaining diverse workforce through the selection process and developing that workforce
through organizational training and development programs will help to provide for an
environment that fosters creativity and effectiveness by tapping into the potential of all

4. How do organizational politics and power affect behavior in your

study organization?
Politics and power on EEP affect human behavior:
Political environment of the country will affect the individual behavior in EEP not directly, but
through several other factors. When the country is on stable politically states EEP will be a
steady level of employment (both in quantity and quality) and high level of capital



But if the country is not stable the employee are getting stress this lead to reduce productivity in
work result in same general the politics in EEP related with country politics if the
counter poultices is stable EEP politics also stable if not EEP internally politics crises is faced
Most of the time this is one capital limitation in EEP then need to inquires research here.
As a matter of fact the political ideology of a country affects the individual behavior through the
relative freedom available to its citizens.
Organizational politics affect the company's performance in a negative way. In fact, it will
demotivate employees, increase the levels of stress and even change the attitude of employees
towards work. This will facilitate reduction of a company's productivity.
The gab for question number four is:
Political environment of the country will affect the individual behavior in EEP not directly, but
through several other factors so these lead to happen cognitive dissonance.
Recommendation four question number four is:
Power and Politics in organization has considered as the independent variable while
organizational performance and productivity are our dependent variables. There is need to
enhance the workplace power and politics to make the organization more productive and
progressive. Emphasized the importance of organizational justice.

5. Assess the Practices of the selected organization’s regarding

the Motivational theories and their management practices:

Practices of Motivational theories and their management practices in EEP:
EEP applies The Hierarchy of Needs. The Maslow motivation theory is one of the best known
and most influential theories on workplace motivation. Psychologist Abraham Maslow first
developed his famous theory of individual development and motivation in the 1940's. He
suggested that human beings have a hierarchy of needs.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs breaks human needs down to a five-level hierarchy, with the main
point being that basic needs must be met before higher needs like self- actualization come into
In the workplace, this means understanding the needs level of each employee and encouraging a
workplace that may help meet the other levels of needs (for example, offering flexible hours

work-from-home days). It also means that each employee should have some idea of what self-
actualization, the highest tier, means for his own career and his own role.
The gap four question number five is:
As principle EEP applies The Maslow motivation theory but it have limitation on practice using this
motivation theory.
Recommendation four question numbers five is:
Motivation is to inspire people to work, individually or in groups in the ways such as to produce
best results. I f the motivation is accounts for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence
of effort toward attaining a organizational goal it better.
Intensity: The amount of effort put forth to meet the goal and how hard the person tries to
accomplish the task.
Direction: Efforts are channeled toward organizational goals.
Persistence: How long the effort is maintained.

6. Practices or styles of the EEP that use the way in Conflict Handling and stress
management Practices are:
Organizational conflict, or workplace conflict, is a state of discord caused by the actual or
perceived opposition of needs, values and interests between people working together. There are
some causes of conflicts in Ethiopian Electric power (EEP). These are task interdependence,
differences between values and beliefs, the absence of/or ambiguous rules, resource scarcity,
ineffective communication, and incompatible goals. In fact, conflict can be good for
organizations because it encourages open-mindedness and helps avoid the tendency toward
group think that many organizations fall prey to. The key is learning how to manage conflict
effectively so that it can serve as a catalyst, rather than a hindrance, to organizational
Strategies that EEP use to handle job-related Conflict and Stress factors are:
Stress is a natural reaction to excessive demands and perceived threats. Same times people with
deep stress may lead to conflict. From an occupational perspective. The gap between
employee’s needs and abilities and what their workplace offers and requires.


Approximately 80 percent of people feel stressed on the job, Strategies that help to
overcome job-related Stress factors in EEP are:-
(a) Encourage Open Communication
(b) Offer Paid Time Off
(c) Encourage Employees to Take Breaks
(d) Take the Team Out on Company Offsite
(e) Bring Some Diversions into the Office
(f) Consider Flexible Work Schedules

The gap four question number six is:

EEP have no its own internally culture of mediation.
The recommendation for question number six is:
EEP must be bring in Meditation Classes or develop internally mediation culture .
EEP must be offer mental and physical health benefits.
7. Assess the practices of the study organizations change
management, organizational environment, effectiveness and
Change management in EEP practice:
Change management in EEP it is a collective term for all approaches to prepare, support, and
help individuals, teams, and organizations in making organizational change. It includes methods
that redirect or redefine the use of resources, business process, budget allocations, or other
modes of operation that significantly change a company or organization.
The gap here is
(a) Poor employee buy-in
(b) A lack of clear vision
(c) Inadequate understanding among managers
One of the most effective ways of thinking about organizational change is to view it as a
spectrum that measures the magnitude of change a business is undertaking. On one end of the
spectrum is adaptive change; on the other is transformational change.


Adaptive Change
Adaptive changes are small, incremental adjustments that organizations and managers make to
adapt to daily, weekly, and monthly business challenges. These changes are often related to fine-
tuning existing processes, products, and company culture, and don’t fundamentally change the
organization as a whole, as is typically the case with transformational changes.
Some examples of adaptive changes include:
Adding a new payment option for customers who complete an order
online implementing a new intake form for clients or vendors
Adding a new page to an existing website
Iterating upon an existing product to address customer complaints or better serve customer
Testing a new product to address changing customer demands, without retiring existing products
or otherwise changing the existing brand structure
Upgrading software or equipment from one version to another, without seeing significant
changes in functionality
Hiring a new employee to fill a position that’s opened due to the departure of someone else
To effectively manage adaptive changes, managers need to drive and control the process of
Transformational Change
Transformational change, on the other end of the spectrum, refers to changes that are typically
much grander in scope than incremental, adaptive changes. Very often, transformational change
refers to a dramatic evolution of some basic structure of the business itself strategy, culture,
organization, physical structure, supply chain, or processes.
Whereas adaptive change happens incrementally over time, transformational change is often
sudden and dramatic. Though not always the case, transformational change is often pursued to
address a major concern or challenge the business is facing.
Some examples of transformational change include:
 Converting an existing brick-and-mortar business into an e-commerce or Omni channel
business Rethinking the client or vendor on boarding process.
 Redesigning a company’s website and rebuilding it from scratch


The need for transformational change is often triggered by a major external factor, such as a new
competitor or acquisition. While adaptive changes require managers to be methodical and
analytical, transformational changes need them to be persuaders and visionaries. When faced
with such a drastic change, the manager’s primary responsibility is to lead employees to believe
in the change, align them to the new vision, and motivate them for success.
Organizational environment in EEP practice:
The organizational environment on EEP can be broadly classified as:
1.nternal environment
External environment
Internal Environment:
EEP has an internal environment, which incorporates every one of the components inside the
organization’s limits. Carefully they are a piece of the organization itself. The internal
environment is the environment that directly affects the business. There are some internal factors
which are commonly controllable in light of the fact that the organization has command over
these factors. It can change or adjust such factors as its workforce, physical offices, and
organization and useful methods, such as advertising, to suit the environment. EEP internal
environment are:
(a) Management changes
(b) Employee assurance
(c) Culture changes
(d) Financial changes and additionally issues
External Environment:
External environmental on EEP are that occur outside of the organization and are more diligently
to anticipate and control. External environmental factors can be increasingly perilous for an
organization given the reality they are flighty, difficult to plan for, and frequently dumbfounding.
It alludes to the environment that has a circuitous impact on the business. EEP more focused and
relevant on the general environment.


General Environment:
The general environment comprises of interrelated powers that can be ordered into four
Economic Environment
Political-Legal Environment
Technological Environment
Socio-culture Environment
The gap here is:
EEP is not well familiarly with Task Environment.
As we declare on the gap EEP is not well familiarly and have no good conducive status with task
environment. The task environment is listed below:
1. Customers
2. Suppliers
3. Competitors
4. Financial Institution
5. Government
6. Media
So we are recommended to have a good integration with task environment describe above.
8. Assess the existing organizational culture, structure and design, its
influence on behavior of the employee, team and whole organization:
Organizational Culture practice in EEP is:
There are four well known types of organizational culture in EEP, Clan, Adhocracy, Hierarchy,
and Market. They range from internal to external when it comes to integrations and focus. They
also range from an environment of stability and control to one of flexibility and discretion.
Clan – Doing Things Together
In this culture, people have a lot in common and it feels like you are part of a big family. The
leaders are seen as mentors and/or as a father figure and this drives loyalty and high engagement
from the employees. The main values are teamwork, communication, consensus,


and development. They focus on mentoring, nurturing, but more importantly, everything is done
Adhocracy – Doing Things First
In this culture, employees are dynamic and creative. The have a culture that accepts risk taking
and that encourages innovation. The way the organization bonds is by doing experiments and
trying new things. They promote freedom and initiative from the employees as having new
products or services defines the success of this company. The values to success in this culture are
change, agility, transformation, and innovative outputs.
Market – Getting the Job Done
In this culture, results are the most important thing. Employees are encouraged to compete both
internally and externally, to achieve results, to focus on the goals, and to get things done. Leaders
in this setting must be both hard producers and rivals as they have to be tough and have high
expectations from the employees. Often the goals are related to sales, profits, market penetration,
stock value, as they reflect the performance of the company
The gap here is:
Poor communication and inconsistency. These can contribute to the experience of a hostile and
unpleasant workplace, which can make workers less loyal and may contribute to issues like
harassment, bullying, and high turnover.
Organizational culture is the set of underlying beliefs, values, principles, and ways of interacting
psychological assets. It defines and creates a unique environment to work in. Things like an
organization’s expectations, vision, and philosophy, and image, interactions within the office
and outside of the office also define what the organization’s culture is all about. Organizational
culture defines what every employee’s behavior should be and how they should interact with the
rest of the organization. It defines how you feel about working for the organization. Some
quotes that that stress the importance of organizational culture are:


Organizational structure of EEP

Organizational structure in EEP is the formal authority, power and roles in an organization.
Organizational size, organizational life cycle, strategy, environment and technology work
together to form a complete organization.

Figure1: Organization Structures of EEP


Organizational Design of EEP

Organizational Design is a sequential method of identifying the performing aspects and
liabilities in a system, so that they can be re-aligned as per the needs of the company in terms of
the current goals as well as implementing new business changes.

Figure 2: Organization Design of EEP


[1]. Ethiopian Electric Power, HR Administration and Development staff
members [2].


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