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CONFLICT OF LAWS 3. Recognition and Enforcement - where

can the resulting judgment be enforced

INTERNATIONAL LAW Characterization (Doctrine of

PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW (Law of > process of deciding whether or not the
nations) facts relate (refer to the connecting
 Regulates political intercourse of
factors) to the kind of question specified
nations in a conflicts rule; to enable the forum to
select the proper law
 Regulates the comity of states in
giving effect in one to the municipal 1. Foreign element
laws of another relating to private 2. . Points of contact
persons 3. Proper law applicable

CONFLICT OF LAWS Test Factors/Points of

 part of law which comes into play
when the issue before the court affects Contact/Connecting Factors
some fact, event or transaction that is 1. Nationality of a person, his domicile, his
so clearly connected with a foreign residence, his place of sojourn, or his origin
system of law as to necessitate
recourse to that system 2. The seat of a legal or juridical person, such
as a corporation
 embraces those universal principles of
right and justice which govern the 3. The situs of a thing, that is, the place where
courts of one state having before them a thing is, or is deemed to be situated. In
cases involving the operation and particular, the lex situs is decisive when real
effect of the laws of another state or rights are involved
4. The place where an act has been done, the
 part of the municipal law of a state locus actus, such as the place where a
which directs its courts and contract has been made, a marriage
administrative agencies, when celebrated, a will signed or a tort committd.
confronted with a legal problem The lex loci actus is particularly important in
involving a foreign element, whether contracts and torts
or not they should apply a foreign law
or foreign laws (Paras, 1996) 5. The place where an act is intended to come
into effect, e.g. the place of performance of
contractual duties, or the pace where a power
Elements of a Conflict of Laws Case of attorney is to be exercised
(1) Conflict of Laws is part of the
municipal law of the State; 6. The intention of the contracting parties as
(2) There is a directive to courts and to the law that should govern their
administrative agencies; agreement, the lex loci intentionis
(3) There is a legal problem involving a
foreign element; and 7. The place where judicial or administrative
(4) There is either an application or proceedings are instituted or done. The lex
nonapplication of a foreign law or foreign fori - the law of the forum - is particularly
laws. important because, as we have seen earlier,
matters of ‘procedure’ not going to the
Three Phases for Judicial substance of the claim involved are governed
Resolution of Conflicts Problems by it; and because the lex fori applies
*Hasegawa v Kitamura whenever the content of the otherwise
applicable foreign law is excluded from
1. Jurisdiction - where can/should application in a given case for the reason that
litigation be initiated it fails under one of the exceptions to the
2. Choice of Law - which law will the court application of foreign law

8. The flag of the ship, which in many cases, is Doctrine of Forum non conveniens
decisive of practically all legal relationships of > a Philippine court in a conflict-of-
the ship and of its master or owner as such. It laws case may assume jurisdiction if it
also covers contractual relationships chooses to do so, provided, that the
particularly contracts of affreightment. following requisites are met:
(1) that the Philippine Court is one to
SAUDI ARABIA AIRLINES V CA which the parties may conveniently
FACTS: Morada, a Filipina flight stewardess resort to;
for SAUDIA, was a attempted raped by Saudia (2) that the Philippine Court is in a
Arabian national crewmembers in Indonesia. position to make an intelligent
She returned to Manila and while there, she decision as to the law and the facts;
was convinced by SAUDIA manager to go to and
Jeddah and sign some papers, purporting to (3) that the Philippine Court has or is
be release forms in favor of her fellow likely to have power to enforce its
crewmembers. It turned out that the decision.
documents were court summons and orders,
trying and finding her guilty of adultery and 2. Once the court has determined whether
other violations of Islamic tradition. Upon her it has jurisdiction over the case, it will next
release and return to Manila, she filed a case determine whether to apply the internal
for damages based on Art. 19 and 21 of the law of the forum or the proper foreign law,
Civil Code. considering the attendant circumstances.

HELD: There is a conflicts problem as there is FIRST PHASE: Jurisdiction

a foreign element involved -- Morada is
employed by a resident foreign corporation, Kinds of Jurisdiction
an international carrier, and some of the acts
complained of occurred in Jeddah. The trial Jurisdiction over the person
court has jurisdiction over the subject matter  competence or power of a court to
-- damage suit based on Art. 19 and 21 -- and render a judgment that will bind the
over the persons of Morada (plaintiff) and parties involved: the plaintiff or
SAUDIA (voluntary submission by filing petitioner, and the defendant or
answer). respondent
For characterization, the point of contact  Jurisdiction over the plaintiff is
considered is the lex loci actus or the place acquired the moment he invokes the
where the tortuous act causing the injury power of the court by instituting the
occurred -- Manila, Philippines since this is action by the proper pleading
where SAUDIA deceived Morada. The State of  A plaintiff, under the rule of
the Most Significant Relationship rule was submission, may sometimes by
also applied, SC holding that the Philippines is filing suit with the court be
where the over-all harm of the injury to the deemed to consent to its
person, reputation, social standing and exercise of jurisdiction over his
human rights of Morada had lodged. original cause of action
including counter-claims filed
How does one deal with a problem by the defendant, and he would
in COL? then be subject to the judgment
of the court
 Jurisdiction over the defendant is
1. determine whether the court has
acquired when he enters his
jurisdiction over the case
appearance or by the coercive
> no jurisdiction - case should be
power of legal process exerted by
dismissed on that ground
the court over him.
> has jurisdiction - court will
 As for the defendant, his
determine whether it should assume
personal appearance or
jurisdiction over the case or
appearance by counsel is
dismissit on the ground of forum
tantamount to his giving
non conveniens
consent to the court's exercise
of jurisdiction over his person,
except if his appearance or that
of counsel is for the sole

purpose of questioning the provides for four instances wherein

jurisdiction of the court. extraterritorial service of summons may be
 Jurisdiction over the defendant made; namely:
may be acquired through his (a) When the defendant does not reside and is
voluntary appearance, as not found in the Philippines, and the action
already stated, or by personal affects the personal status of the plaintiff;
or substituted service of (b) When the defendant does not reside and is
summons on him under the not found in the Philippines, and the action
Rules of Court. This is referred relates to or the subject of which is, property
to as the coercive process in the within the Philippines (real or personal), in
manner provided by law. which the defendant has a claim a lien or
interest, actual or contingent;
Jurisdiction over the property/res (c) When the defendant is a non-resident but
 jurisdiction over the particular the subject of the action is property located in
subject-matter in controversy, the Philippines, in which the relief demanded
regardless of the persons who may consists, wholly or in part, in excluding the
be interested therein. The basis of defendant from any interest therein; and
the exercise of this jurisdiction is the (d) When property of a non-resident
presence of the property within the defendant has been attached in the
territorial jurisdiction of the forum, Philippines.
even though the court may not have
personal jurisdiction over the
persons whose interests in the Jurisdiction over the subject matter
property are affected.  conferred by law, it cannot be
 purpose of the suit is not to impose conferred by consent of the parties
a personal liability on anyone but it or by their voluntary submission
is to affect the interests of all  jurisdiction over the subject-matter
persons in a thing. is found in the Constitution and the
 Examples are land registration cases Judiciary Reorganization Act, as
and admiralty cases where the amended (BP 129)
purpose is for the judgment to bind  exists only in the abstract, it must be
the whole world insofar as the invoked by filing the proper
subject land or vessel is concerned complaint or petition with the court.
and not just the interests of specific And it is the allegations of the
persons complaint or petition read in the
light of the proper jurisdictional law,
What about actions quasi in rem? In an that confer jurisdiction on the court.
action quasi in rem, the purpose is neither If the allegations of the complaint
to impose a personal liability or obligation show prima facie a lack of
upon anyone, nor to affect the interests of jurisdiction, the court must dismiss
all persons in a thing, but to affect the the case outright. No preliminary
interests of particular persons in a thing. In hearing on the evidence is needed.
such case, the court may render valid If, on the other hand, the complaint
judgment when it has jurisdiction over the or petition, on its face, shows the
particular persons whose interests are presence of jurisdiction, trial must
affected. Examples are foreclosure of a be held. Should the evidence show
mortgage, partition of land, or an action to that the court really has no
quiet title to property. jurisdiction, the case must be
When, then, is service by publication
allowed? Summons by publication is Jurisdiction over the issue
authorized only in three cases:  jurisdiction over the issue is an
(a) If the action is in rem; expression of a principle that is
(b) If the action is quasi in rem; or involved in jurisdiction over the
(c) If the action involves the personal status persons of the parties. Where, for
of the plaintiff. instance, an issue is not duly
pleaded in the complaint, the
When may extraterritorial service of defendant cannot be said to have
summons be effected? Sec. 15, Rule 14, id.,

been served with process as to that presumption is that foreign law is the
issue.  same of ours
 Phil courts cannot take judicial notice of
foreign laws, as it must be
SECOND PHASE: Choice of Law proved/pleaded
 Choice of law asks the further
question whether the application of a
substantive law which will determine the
merits of the case is fair to both parties.


1. What legal system should control a given
situation where some of the significant
factors occurred in two or more states -
solved by characterization
2. To what extent should the chosen legal
system regulate the situation


1. Characterization
a. Identification of issues
b. Pinpointing the branch of law implicated by
the problem
c. Determining the existence of conflicts of
law problem by the presence of a foreign
d. If there is a foreign, employ the applicable
conflict of law doctrines. If none, the rule, law
or jurisprudence in the forum.

2. Connecting factors
a. An analysis is made with respect to which
jurisdiction or has the most connection to the
b. The nationality of the parties, the location
of the act or event, the terms of the agreement
or contract, and other matters are looked into
to determine what legal system between two
or more legal system is applicable.


 Parties to a contract are free to stipulate
the applicable law that will govern their
contractual relations (this proceeds from
Article 1306 of the Civil Code). It is not
necessary that the chosen law be local
law, so long as the choice of law does not
violate the public policy or the laws of
the forum.

Doctrine of Processual
Presumption/Presumed Identity
 Where a foreign law is not pleaded/even
if pleaded, is not proved, the

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