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APPENDICES 1 |irreguiar Verbs Base Suarus Past Base ‘Sari Past Foam Past Paxvicie Form Past Pannicrur arise arose arisen sie we sien awake awoke awoken © ‘went ‘gone be was/were been sind ‘ground ‘pound beat beat beater/beat gow ew gown become became become hang hung hung begin began begun have had had bend bent bent hear heard heard bet bet bet hide hid hidden bite bit bitten hit hit hit bleed bled bled hold held hele blow blew blown hurt hurt hurt break broke broken keep kept kept bring brought brought knee knelt/ineeled —_inelt/Ineeled build built bait knit hit/initted kitted bum bumed/bumt bumed/bumt know knew own bust burst bust by aid laid buy bought bought lead led led catch caught caught leap leaped/teapt —_—leaped/leapt choose chose chosen leave left left ling clung ‘dung lend lent lent come came ‘come let let let cost cost cost le (ie down) ly lain cep crept cept ligt litAlighted litAlighted at aut aut lose lost lost deal dealt dealt make made made dg ug ug mean meant meant dive dived/dove dived meet met met do aid sone py paid paid daw drew iawn prove proved Proved /proven ream reamed/éreamt dreamed reamt put put pat ink crank drunk uit uit quit ive drove ven read /id/ read /ed/ read /red/ eat ate eaten ride rode ridden fal fell fallen ring rang rung feed fed fed rise rose risen feel felt felt nn ran un fight fought fought sy said sald find found found see saw seen ft fitted fit seek sought sought flee fled fled sell sold sod fling flung flung send sent sent fy flew flown set set set ‘eid forbade/foibid forbidden sew sened sewan/sewed forget forgot forgotten shake shook shaken forgive forgave forgiven shave shaved shaved shaven freeze froze frozen shine fintransitve) shone/shined -——_shone/shined set got sotter/got shoot shot shot (continued) lai Base ‘Simpun Past Base ‘Supe ‘Past fou Parr ori Fou Pare Parent show showed shown: ‘strike struck struck/Stricken shrink shrank/shrunk ‘shrunk/shrunken swear swore sworn cue fe fe = aa peed re mm a ane oon pa sink sank/sunk sunk ‘wing swung, smng sit sat sat ‘take took ‘taken sleep slept slept ‘teach ‘taught ‘taught tise i a = oe tr ‘speak spoke tell told told speed sped/speeded sped/speeded think thought thought spend spent spent throw threw thrown spill spilled/spitt spilled/pitt understand understood understood = mn x ieee oe spit ‘spit/spat “spat wake woke woken split split split wear wore worn eer eae aa were woe/wewed wore ¥ewel spring sprang, sprung weep wept wept int aed a “ Ry = steal. stole stolen wind wound wound stick ‘stuck stuck withdraw withdrew, withdrawn: bad ae oe ao woe stink stank/stunk stunk write wrote written, 2 | Non-Action Verbs nomen | Maem furs Wars 100 Aerunivee | Poomnon som admire agree know ‘PREFERENCES: AND VALUE RELATIONSHIP. adore assume ‘mean desire ‘appear belong appreciate believe mind hope be contain care. consider presume. need ‘cost have detest disagree realize prefer equal own dislike disbelieve recognize, ‘want look (seem) ‘possess doubt estimate remember wish ‘matter ew expect see (understand) represent fear feel (believe) Suppose PERCEPTION AND resemble hate fedbeleve) pect —_ on like guess think (believe) feel senify love. hesitate understand ‘hear weigh miss hope ‘wonder notice me rage chee ee pecere me 7 smell sound oe 3 || verbs Fotlowed by the Gerund (Base Form of Verb + ing) acknowledge celebrate Silke forgive miss recall risk admit consider endure ‘ive up (stop) postpone recommend suggest see any a fee cent sat appreciate. deny escape justify: prevent report tolerate nad emt San Kesplewue) pehbt feat vedrtnd canithelp discontinue feel ie mention propose resist cant stand discuss finish mind (object to) quit [az 4 | Verbs Followed by the Infinitive (To + Base Form of Verb) agree cant) wait ‘expect bury neglect promise ‘volunteer appear choose fall intend offer refuse wait arrange consent, grow lean pay request want ask decide help ‘manage plan ‘seem wish ‘attempt demand hesitate ‘mean fintend) prepare struggle would like can(t)afford deserve hope need pretend ‘wear yearn 5 | Verbs Followed by Objects and the Infinitive advise choose forbid invite persuade require want* allow ‘convince force need* ‘Promise* ‘teach warn ast enable pet* order remind tell wwish* cause ‘encourage help* pay* request urge ‘would like challenge cexpect* hire permit: ‘These verbs can also be followed by the infntve without an object (kaw st lever someone to ea 6 | Verbs Followed by the Gerund or the Infinitive begin ‘continue hate love remember* stop* ‘ant stand forget* ee prefer start ty “These verbs can be followed by either the gerund or the infinitive but there isa big difference in meaning. (see Unit 9) 7 | Verb + reposition Combinations admit to choose between / dream about/of look forward to resort to. advise against among feel like/about ‘object to ‘succeed in apologize for ‘complain about goalong with pay for ‘alk about approve of court on Insist on planon think sbout believe in deal with keep on tely on ‘wonder about 8 | Adjective + Preposition Expressions accustomed to awful at content with fond of | ‘opposed to satisfied with ‘terrible at afraid of bad at ‘curious about glad about Pleased about shocked at/by tired of amazed at/by bored with/by different from good at ready for sick of used to angry at ‘capable of ‘excited about happy about responsible for slow at. worried about ashamed of careful of famous for Interested in sad about ‘sorry for/about anare of concermed about fedup with nervous about safe from surprised at/about/by 9 | Adjectives Followed by the Infinitive Exampu im happy to hear thot. afiaid ——anvious depressed alarmed ashamed determined amazed curious dsappointed angy delighted distressed encouraged excited fortunate gad happy pleased reluctant’ suprised hesitant — proud sad touchea liely ready shocked upset lucky relieved sory willing 10 | irregular Comparisons of Adjectives, Adverbs, and Quanti ‘Appctive ‘Apvers bad badly far far good wall Title little rmany/a lot of - mucha lt of. mucha lot Companarive worse farther/further better less more “*Much is usualy only used in questions and negative statements. most 11 | Adjectives That Form the Comparative and Superlative in Two Ways ‘Appcrvt ‘Comparative ‘common commoner/more common cruel cueler/more cruel deadly Aeadlier/more deadly friendly friendler/more friendly handsome handsomer/inore handsome happy happier/more hapoy Ukely lkelier/more likely tively liveier/mexe ively lonely lonelir/more lonely lovely loveler/more lovely narrow narrower/iore narrow pleasant pleasanter/more peasant polite polter/more polite ‘quiet ‘qieter/more quiet shallow shallower/more shallow sincere sincerer/more sincere stupid stupider/more stupid true ‘ruer/more true a4 Surrmuarive commonest/most common cruelest/most crue! deadliest/most deadly ‘iendlest/mostFendly handsomest/most handsome hhappiest/most happy likeliest most likely liveliest/most tively loneliest/most lonely lovelest/most lovely rarrowest/mast narrow pleasantest/most pleasant paltest/mest polite (uietest/most quiet shallowest/iast shallow slocerest/most sincere stupidest/most stupid ‘uest/inost tue 12 |_Participial Adjectives ed ing ed -ing ed ing alarmed alarming disturbed disturbing moved moving ‘amazed amaring embarrassed embarassing paralyzed paralyzing amused ‘amusing ‘entertained entertaining pleased pleasing annoyed annoying excited exciting relaxed relaxing. astonished astonishing exhausted ‘exhausting satisfied satisfying bored boring fascinated fascinating shocked shocking. confused ‘confusing, frightened frightening surprised suprising depressed. depressing hortfied horrifying terrified terifying disappointed disappointing inspired inspiring ‘tired siting disgusted disgusting interested interesting ‘touched touching distressed distressing, iitated initating ‘troubled troubling 1B | Reporting Verbs InsTauctions, COMMANDS, (STATEMENTS Requests, ano Irevrrarions: Qursrions: acknowledge complain note state advise Invite ask add ‘conclude observe suggest ak order inquire admit confess promise tell caution sy question announce declare remark warn ‘command tell ‘want to know answer deny repeat whisper demand urge wonder argue exciim reply write instruct vam assert, explain report yell believe indicate respond claim maintain say comment ‘mean shout 14 | Time Word Changes in Indirect Speech Dinecr Sramcn Iwomacr Seezen now > then today > that day ‘tomorrow > the next day ox the following day os the day after yesterday > the day before or the previous day this week/month/year > that week/month/year last week/month/year = the week/month/ year before next week/month/year = the following week/month/year 15 | Phrases Introducing Embedded Questions don't know... {like to know . Do you know. . . 2 I don't understand | want to understand | Do you understand. I wonder. . dike to find out. Ganyoutelle. ..? Tmnot sure. . . ‘We need to find out. ‘Could you explain . leant remember. . . Lets ask... Can you remember... ? {can't imagine ‘Would you show me... ? Itdoesnit say. ‘Who knows ? [as 16 | Verbs and Expressions Commonly Used Reflexively allow oneself amuse oneself ask oneself aval oneself of| be hard on oneself be oneself be pleased with oneself beproud of oneself enjoy oneself keep oneself (busy) remind oneself behave oneself feel sorry for oneself ll oneself see oneself believe in oneself forgive oneseif Took after oneself take care of oneself blame onesei* help oneself {ook at oneself talk to oneself ‘at oneself hut oneself prepare oneself teach oneself deprive oneself of imagine oneself de oneself on tell oneself dry onese introduce oneself push oneself ‘reat oneself 7 | Transitive Phrasal Verbs (0.= someone st = something) + separable phrasal verbs show the object between the verb and the particle: cal 0. up. + verbs which must be separated have an asterisk *}: do st. over + inseparable phrasal verbs show the object after the particle: carry on st. Remember: You can put a noun object between the verb and the particle of separable two-word verbs (allan upon call up Jon), You must put a pronoun object between the verb and the particle of separable verbs (ealher up Nor ealyp her). Pumasat Vena ask 0. over* block st. out Blow st. out Blow st-up bring st about bring so. ost back bring 50. down’ bring stout being so. up being st up build st up bburm st. down all so. back* all so. in alls. off allo. up carry on st. carry stout cash inonst. charge st. up check st out cheer so. up lean so. oF st. up clear st. up closest. down come off st. come up with st. ‘count on 50. or st cover S0.0751. Up cross st out cut st. down jas Meanune invite to one’s home sp eps th gh roi stop burning by blowing ar ont | mate explode 2. with ai batlon) 3. make something larger a photo} ‘make happen retun depress introduce (a new product book} raise (children) bring atention to increase ban completely retum a phone call ak fr hep witha problem cancel contact by phe et experiment/a plan) et with electricity depend on cover completely draw aline through bring down by cuting fa tre) Lreduce Punasat Vina cut st. cut stout cut st. up do st over do so. ors%.up draw st, together dream st. up drink st up drop so. ost. off drop out of st. empty st. out end up with st. fall for so. fall for st. figure so. or st. out fill tin fill out fills up find st out fix st up follow through with st set st across aetoff st getonst. set out of st set st outof st* ‘et through with st get to 0.0rst ‘get together with so, ive st. away Bive st. back sive st out Maarans | stop the supply of 2 remove by ating remove by ating cut into small pieces do again make more beaut ante invent dink completely toe someplace que ‘empty completely hhave an unexpected resuit feel romantic lve for be ticked by, believe Understand after thinking about) complete with information complet (a form) fll completely learn information redecorate fa home) complete ‘et people to understand an idea Teave a bus/a train/a phone cal) board a bus/atrain/e phone call) leave a car/taxi) benefit from fish Lreach so.or st. upset 50. meet {ie without charging money return astibute Pumasat Vins sive st up goafter 0, ort so along with sx go over st hhand st. in hand st. out hang st. up help so. out hold st on beep 50. 07st away beep st. on* bkeap so. oF st out keep up with so. ort. lay so. off ay st. out leave st. on leave st. out let s0. down lets. or st in let 0. off let so. or st out light st. up look afters. or st. look into st. look so. or st. over look st up make st up miss out on st. move st around! pass st out ass s0. ors up pay so. or st back: picks. or st. out pickso.orst. up Pick st: up points. orst. out put st away put st back put .0. or st. down put so. off put st. off ut st. on put st: together put st up run into so. see st. throught send st. back. send st. out set st off Munna (quit, abandon ty to get or win, pursue support review give work (toa boss/ teacher) submit distribute pt on @ hook or hanger assist keep attached cause to stay ata distance ‘nat remove (a piece of clothing/jenely) prevent from entering gos fast as end employment 1. arange according to a plan 2. spend money 1: not tun off a light/rado) 2 not remove a plece of dlothing/ewely) not include, omit ddsappoint allow to enter ‘allow to leave a bus/car) 2 not punish alow to leave Mrinate take care of research tr to find fina book/on the Internet) create (ose the chance for something good change the location distribute decide not tous, reject repay L choose 2 identify tit |. buy, purchase 2. get (an idea/an interest) 3. answer the phone indicate ut in an appropriate place return to its orginal place stop holding discourage delay cover the body (with cothes corjewely) assemble erect meet accidentally complete return rail cause to explode PunasaL Viens. set st. up settle on show 0. ort. off show up on st. shut st off sign so. up (for st) start st over* stick with/to 50. ort straighten t. up switch ston take st. away take so. or st. back take st. down take st in take st off takeso.on take st.on take st. out take st. up talks. into talkst. over ‘team up with so tear st down tear st up think back on 0. orst. ‘think st over ‘think st up ‘throw st. away/out ‘touch st. up try ston ‘try stout ‘tur st. around! ‘turn so. down, ‘turn st. down ‘turn st. in ‘tur so. oF st into* turn so. off* tum st. off ‘turn ston tum st. over tum st. up use st.up wake 5.0. up watch out for 0. or st work st ff work st out write st. down write st up Meanie |. prepare for use 2 establish (a business/an organization) choose st after thinking about ‘mary possibities dlspay the best qualities appear stop (a machine ight) register start agoin rat quit not leave, persevere make neat start (a machine ght) remove return remove notice, understand, ond remember 2. eam fmaney) remove hire gree to do Borrow from a library begin a job or activity persuade discuss start to work with destroy tear into smal pieces remember consider invent bought, dog bare ef church nature, watch peeumonia ov boat, oad aba és judge, gener major ny) sang ringing 1B —_bock good ot door f —fanphotogaph = yet hte u boot food, student or tour yen 1 igh, org 8b mud mother © thing breath 1 tlgt wrong 5 then, breathe yt tyes wa re s Sip, city, psychology z butter, bottle z ‘ip, please, goes jas 28 | Pronunciation Rutes for the Simple Present: Third-Person Singular (he, she, it) 1L. The tir person singular inthe simple present always ends in ‘the letter -&. There ae three diferent pronunciations forthe final sound ofthe third person singular. ww fw fa/ talks loves dances 2. The nal sound is pronounced /s/ after the voceless sounds M9110, Med 20d 7. top tops eet gets: ‘take takes laugh laughs 3 The final sound is pronounced /2/ after the voiced sounds D01,18/, 19,101,181, 1001, 01,197, 1206 1. descibe describes spend spends hug hugs live lives bathe bathes seem seems remain remains sing sings tell tells lower lowers ‘4 The inal sound is pronounced /2/ afterall vowel sounds agree agrees ty tries stay stays know keows ‘5. The final sound is pronounced /1z/ after the sounds /s/, /2/, $1,131.91, 200 /03/, /s2/ aids a sjlable tothe verb. relax relaxes freeze freezes rush rushes massage massages watch watches, Judge Judges 6 Dosand sayhave a change in vowel sound, do /éw/ does sani say fev says sev 29 | Pronunciation Rules for the Simple Past of Regular Verbs 1. The regular simple pat always en in the letter ~d There ae tree different pronunciations forthe final sound ofthe regular simple past. w a aa raced lived attended 2. The final sound is pronounced /t/ after the volceless sounds DAML I M1 a7. hop work laugh adress publish atch hopped worked laughed addressed published watched 3. The final sound is pronounced /d/ after the voiced sounds A A and /8/. ub ug live surprise was rubbed lived suprised mwassage massaged change changed rhyme shymed retun retumed bang banged enroll cenlled appear appeared bathe bathed 4 The final sound is pronounced /4/ afterall vowel sounds. agree agreed play played de died enjoy enjoyed sow soowed 5 The inal sound is pronounced /1d/ after /t/ and /4/ /1d/ adds a syllable tothe verb. start started decide decided 30 | Capitalization and Punctuation Rules Usa ron... Exanrie capital letter + the pronoun 1 ‘Tomorrow I willbe here at 200, + proper nouns His name is Karl. He ives in Germany, «the first word ofa sentence, When does the train leave? At200. ‘apostrophe () * possessive nouns Is that Marta’ coat? + contractions That's not ers its mine. ‘comma () after itemsin alist He bought apples, pears oranges, and bananas. + before sentence connectors and, but, or and so They watched TV, and she played vdeo games * atthe lt pat ofa sence tat bee wth Bree aig wee nt wali fo wer, «after the first part ofa sentence that begs witha _Acrass from the post office, there’ a good preposition restaurant + after the fist part ofa sentence that begins witha Afterhe arived, we ate dinner time clause or an ifclause ‘fie rains, we wot go. + before and after a nonidentfying adjective clause Tory, who lives in Paris, e-mails me every dy. inthe mile oF a sentence + before a nondentifyng adjective clause at the I get exals everyday frm Tony, who lives in Pais. end ofa sentence exclamation mark(])__ + at the end of a sentence to show surprise ora Youte here Thats great? strong feeling Stopt Aca is coming! period () ‘at the end ofa statement Today is Wednesday. question mark () ‘atthe end ofa question What days today? as

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