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Soal Drill

Days, months and Date

I. Fill in the blanks with correct answers!

1) Before Friday is Thursday
2) After Monday is Tuesday
3) Today is Wednesday. Yesterday was Tuesday
4) We do not go to school on ...
5) It is November. Next month is...
6) We always celebrate the National Education Day in...
7) The third month of the year is...
8) Indonesia got its independence Day in...
9) The fifth month is...
10) Batik Day is in...

II. State True (T) or False (F) Based on the statements below!
11) There are six days in a week. ( T / F )
12) There are twelve months in a year. ( T / F )
13) Kartini Day is On May 21st. ( T / F )
14) We commemorate The Pledge Day on the twenty eighth of October.( T / F )
15) The second month is February. ( T / F ) True
16) Saturday comes after Sunday. ( T / F ) False
17) It’s Wednesday. The day after tomorrow is Thursday. ( T / F )
18) Muslims pray for Jumat prayers on Sunday. ( T / F )
19) The first of June is Pancasila Day. ( T / F )
20) 1945=nineteen fifty five. ( T / F )

III. Complete the dialogue!

21) A: Anna, When do we celebrate The Heros’ Day?
B: ___________________________________________
22) X: Robert, _______________________________________?
Y: It is on the twenty second of December.
23) P: Fayyadh, When do we commemorate The National Awakening Day?
Q: It’s on the twentieth of May.
24) Mr. Ahmad: Siti, When do we celebrate the new year ?
Siti: It is on the first of January.
25) Santana: Diego, When do we celebrate The Earth Day?
Diego: April the 22nd / It is on the twenty second of April / It is on
April the twenty second

IV. Write the following date!

26) 22-10-1984: It is October the twenty second Nineteen Eighty four
27) 17-08-1945: It is the seventeenth of August Nineteen fourty five
28) 07-11-2019: It is November the seventh two thousand and nineteen
29) 01-01-2020: ___________________________________________________________
30) 03-05-2000: ___________________________________________________________
***Good Luck***

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