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Unit 1 Test

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1 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 Although/However social media is very popular, people should be aware of the

dangers of using it too much.
2 While/Both living in a big city can be fun, I miss life in the countryside.
3 I enjoy speaking with friends face to face. Both/Equally, I enjoy chatting to them
4 Chimpanzees, like/whereas humans, use physical contact to show their feelings.
5 Most Americans say their pets are part of the family. Whereas/On the other hand, only
36% of them actually buy their pets birthday presents.

Score: /5

2 Choose the correct words to complete the text.

Having a business meeting with Italians can be challenging. (1) they

may often be late, this does not mean that they do not take business seriously. (2)
being prepared and dressing professionally is important.
(3) , more informal dress is acceptable in smaller company meetings.
(4) , small, inexpensive gifts like chocolates are acceptable.
(5) , these should only be given once a trusted relationship has been

1 A Although B However
2 A Although B Both
3 A Equally B While
4 A Though B On the one hand
5 A On the other hand B Whereas

Score: /5
3 Complete each sentence by choosing the correct word from the list below.

although both equally however like

1 I don’t like talking on the phone. , texting is fine.

2 graffiti was originally about sending social and political messages, many
today consider it art.
3 Nowadays, the older and the younger generations use cell phones.
4 Speaking many languages is a useful skill. , knowing how to behave is
5 Public transport, cycling, is becoming more popular in the States.

Score: /5


4 Complete the words in the sentences. The first letter is given, and there is one space
for each letter.

1 Can you get the waiter’s a ? I’d like to order now.

2 Do you give taxi drivers a t here in the States? We do in the U.K. Ten percent
is normally enough.
3 Another burger bar is opening downtown. It’s a real t at the moment
—they’re opening everywhere.
4 Please don’t play with your cell phone when I’m talking to you. It’s not good
m .
5 I watch everything online now. There’s this really cool s where you can
stream hundreds of TV series and movies, and it’s very cheap.

Score: /5

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

consider hurt ignore judge post

1 I hate to a place before I’ve been there, but this place looks very
expensive from the outside.
2 I studying law like my parents, but in the end I chose to study journalism
because it sounded more interesting to me.
3 My head really . Do you have to play your music so loudly?
4 This place is great! I think I’ll a review online when I get home.
5 Why is Oscar me? Did I do something to make him angry?

Score: /5

6 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 I never expected his behavior/attitude/reaction to the news would be so bad. He was

very unhappy.
2 Why are you so anxious/cruel/rude about the exam? I’m sure you’ll do fine.
3 I heard that the latest network/version/media of this tablet has much better data
4 Before you make a decision, why don’t you ask for Mack’s experience/opinion/feeling?
He’ll know what to do.
5 One very important extent/attitude/factor to think about when meeting new people is
how to dress.

Score: /5


[1] Living in a new country can be difficult for many different reasons. The biggest
problems, however, are mostly differences in culture and language.

[2] The first thing to do in a new place is to meet people and make new friends. Some
countries, however, are known to be more friendly and welcoming to strangers than
others. A recent study has shown the following countries all score high marks in making
people feel like their new country is a place they can call home.

[3] The East African country of Uganda scored highest in “friendliness.” This is a country
where welcoming anyone of a different nationality is a basic part of the culture and they
quickly make newcomers feel at home. In fact, workers who go there on short contracts
are refquently known to ask to stay longer.

[4] Cultures that enjoy having festivals make it easier to meet new people. People who
like events full of energy might prefer to live in Korea. This country is famous for
celebrating its culture, and there are plenty of opportunities to have a good time during
these colorful events. There’s no better way to make new friends.

[5] People who are tired of big, noisy cities may like Costa Rica. Life is slower there, and
most people earn similar amounts of money. This means that there is less competition
between people and a greater sense of peace. Another factor is that English is spoken in
many places, so it’s easy to communicate with new friends and colleagues.
7 Read the text quickly. Match the paragraphs with the main ideas. There are three
extra ideas you do not need to use.

A Learn to have more fun.

B There are often problems when you change countries.
C Be sure to be honest with new people.
D This country offers a quieter place to live.
E Going to fun events is a good idea.
F This is the friendliest country.
G It’s a good idea not to be alone.
H Use your English to make new friends.

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Paragraph 5

Score: /5

8 Read the text. Do these statements agree or disagree with the opinions in the text, or
is no information given? Write Y (Yes), N (No), or NG (Not Given).

1 Most problems are connected to not speaking the language in the Y / N / NG

new country.

2 Not all countries are equally welcoming. Y / N / NG

3 Ugandans only welcome people if they are a specific nationality. Y / N / NG

4 The best way to make new friends in Korea is to go to festivals. Y / N / NG

5 There are no rich people in Costa Rica. Y / N / NG

Score: /5

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