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Traditio Simbolica

Delivery takes place by delivering the object or symbol to represent the place or thing
(1) An automobile salesperson, Mr. Abel sold Honda Civic Car to Mr. Bernal. Mr. Abel
handed over the keys to Mr. Bernal and indicating ownership of the car to Mr. Bernal.
(2) A broker sold a house and lot to client S, after the agreement the broker gives the
documents and the key to client S symbolizes that the broker transfers the deed of the
Traditio Longa Manu
(1) Mr. Roman a farmer sells his three (3) carabaos to Mr. Ricardo. Since the carabaos
are too heavy to physically handed over to Mr. Ricardo (the buyer) then Mr. Ricardo (the
seller) did was pointed out the three (3) carabaos to Mr. Ricardo. (2) A couple bought
appliances and furniture for their new home on a furniture mall on Sept. 01, 2021, such
as television, refrigerator, sofa, and bed. To deliver the things, it will be needed a
delivery truck and the delivery day will be on Sept. 04, 2021.
Traditio Brevi Manu
(1) C, the owner of a rent a van business, leased one of his vans to D for two weeks.
After one week, while D was still in physical possession of the van, D offered to buy the
van from C for ₱1,000,000 and C accepted D's offer immediately and made the
agreements. D paid C the price in the said value after that the ownership transferred to
D right away. (2) K is renting to J's small resort in Palawan, 2 weeks of staying in the
resort he decided not to leave the resort in Palawan and K offers to buy the resort to J
for ₱30,000,000 they both agreed to it. Therefore, the resort will continue to be in
possession of after the sale, now as an owner, not a lessee.
Traditio Constitutum Possessorium
(1) An engineer decided to buy 1000 sacks of cement in a warehouse of cement and
other construction supplies, but the engineer decided to stock all the cement to the
warehouse for 2 months and the owner of the warehouse agreed to engineer (seller) (2)
Mr. Lee the initial owner of the condo unit decided to sell his condo unit to Mr. Han.
Now, Mr. Han is the new owner of the condo unit. Thereafter, Mr. Lee and Mr. Han
decided to enter a contract where Mr. Lee leases his previous condo unit from Mr. Han.
As a result, Mr. Lee possesses the apartment as a lessee but not as an owner.
Traditio longa manu - Delivery of a movable by mere consent or agreement of the
parties if the thing cannot be transferred to the possession of the vendee at the time of
sale. (Art. 1499) Literally, "delivery by the long hand."; usually made by pointing at the
D. Traditio brevi manu - Delivery that takes place when the vendee is already in the
possession of the thing sold even before the sale and thereafter continues in
possession thereof in the concept of an owner. (Art. 1499) This applies to movables
only. Literally, "delivery by the short hand."
E. Traditio constitutum possessorium - Delivery that takes place when the vendor
continues in possession of the thing sold after the sale but in another capacity such as
that of a lessee or depository. (Art. 1500) This applies to both movable and immovable
property. Literally, "delivery by agreement of possessors."

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