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‘Two Week Report on Inspection of Dengue Breeding Places In Construction Sites. General information Contractor: ELS Construction (Pvt) Lid Client: RDA, Special Projects Management Unit Duration: 1* Oct 2021 to 31* Oct 2021 MOH Division: Ruwanwella, Mawanella, Dehiowita, Deraniyagala vvvvvy Information about site inspection and dengue eases reported Site / Project: KFAED — Package 02 (09 number of Reconstruction Bridges Sites). Name of the responsible officer and contact number: W. K. H.V. Senarathne, 0761652366 Availability of dedicated team for regular inspection of mosquito breeding places No Number of potential breeding places detected during the previous period (O5iplease refer attachment 01) Received services by pest control agency during previous month No Information about indicate (Yes / No) Ifyes, Name of the agency and Number of times the service provided NIA MOH health team made inspection visits during the previous month No ‘Any warnings given / Red notice issued No ‘Number of fever patients reported during previous month No ¢ actions taken on detection of breeding places/ to prevent breeding places Potential water collected machinery and equipment in the premises and in the vicinity | Some was kept under a shelter machinery onl Unused containers were stored under a shelter 1 N/A The floors, balconies, flower pots, temporary covers(polythene), concrete roofs and | Yes copies were placed without logging water ite Other fitting including iron / PVC pipes were covered with end caps to prevent water | Yes collecti Water storage containers’ tank were covered to prevent mosquito breeding and the | Yes water collecting containers were cleaned dail ‘Scrub’ brushed the inner surface of water collected tanks/ containers at Teast once in | Yes three days, H Drains and gullies were set up to flow Yes Collected water in the Tift wells were removed every 3 days NA Discarded materials, debris and unused goods were discarded proper! Yes Solid waste was sorted out and properly disposed Yes ‘The reusable or discarded tyres were stored/ sand filled pierced to prevent Yes accumulation of water. Larvicides were applied to the mosquito breeding places/ containers where could not | No be removed Et ‘Technical advice was obtained from the respective phedical officer of Health No Signature of Responsible Officer: Date:.....29.2.2. hifes “s9ayo WuIpy uRIsIssy ‘oumEAEUDS *A"H MA #4q posedoag | vn on N on oN wononsrsue3) in 7 a on woponnson3 23140 (OD Wer vn | on on oN oN -auig wopanaisuo.y 288 (6) zoe “vik aN. on a on, -ms nsuo apis (8) ul WN on on -21s woniomarsuos oBpusa (2) oe IN ow on on -auis wononaysuo sBpusg (9) WIN, ON on | ON, ON “2S VOHINA)sUO> aBpUr SOR wonoaiosd dois pur 2 : wn on on on oN wouonansu0. a8pIa 1 VIN ON ON | oN, on on N SST PATTER OF HO SSH POTS uy sanipory o8e ‘pars | Azowesogny ay ROMEUULY on 60 | 21930 pum pareaga wort | sau pans rue, se pura uN (1) | laa pruodas | ay soy + 520014 sed | pasodar pouodas | nuso7) a0 eur | pauses aouyequey sowa suonse ay) Jo uondyz9s9q Buypond jo 2qmAN Poreutes ae A poyadsuy 24g onbsopy am Jo UeMMNS [EG (Lo :u9UTYPENY) [Z0Z 4249190 IE OF 1Z0Z 494019 | — WEABOIG UOUAra a¥Id Buy > Contractor: ELS Construction (Pvt) Ltd ‘Two Week Report on Inspection of Dengue Breeding Places In Construction Sites General information Site / Project: KFAED — Package 02 (09 number of Reconstruction Bridges Client: RDA, Special Projects Management Unit Duration: 1* Nov 2021 to 30" Nov 2021 MOH Division: Ruwanwella, Mawanella,Dehiowita, Deraniyagala vvvVVY Information about site inspection and dengue cases reported Sites). Name of the responsible officer and contact number: W. K. H.V. Senarathne, 0761652366 Availability of dedicated team for regular inspection of mosquito breeding places | No Number of potential breeding places detected during the previous p O4(please refer attachment 01) Received services by pest control agency during previous month No I'yes, Name of the agency and Number of times the service provided NIA MOH health team made inspection visits during the previous month No ‘Any warnings given / Red notice issued = No. ‘Number of fever patients reported during previous month No Information about the actions taken on detection of breeding places/ to prevent breeding places indicate (Yes / No) Potential water collected machinery and equipment in the premises and in the vicinity | Some was kept under a shelter machinery onl Unused containers were stored under a shelter NIA The floors, balconies, flower pots, temporary covers(polythene), conerete roofs and | Yes copies were placed without logging water Other fitting including iron / PVC pipes were covered with end caps to prevent water | Yes collection Water storage containers/ tank were covered to prevent mosquito breeding and the | Yes water collecting containers were cleaned d: Scrub/ brushed the inner surface of water collected tanks/ containers at Teast once in| Yes three days. Drains and gullies were set up to flow Yes Collected water in the lift wells were removed every 3 days N/A Discarded materials, debris and unused goods were discarded properly Yes Solid waste was sorted out and properly disposed Yes The reusable or discarded tyres were stored/ sand filled/ piereed to prevent Yes accumulation of water. si Larvicides were applied to the mosquito breeding places/ containers where could not_ | No be removed ‘Technica No advice was obtained from the see medical officer of Health ignature of Responsible Officer A. cose eee Dates... | [oe “a901Q WIWpY pUBsISsy ‘oUyyEALUIg “AH OM 24q pouedasg ¥ vn oN on ox ox | pur izer'co | -ans wononsssuos apne ¥ vm nt on on on | pur 12p1'20 | ans wononansuos aft 8 Fee vn oN oN on on | rae rcvt'eo = vin ox oN on | paz izer'eo % vx pute 1zPL0 rm PapCRTTMIOS aT HIST a ¥ rrsdkp aise pis paio|ion pur UOAFIO, Ath PAATAID on pie 12110 | “21g wononssu05 38 ¥ vin on pu 1ZrrL0 | as wonomssuo5 pears 00 = Joos sapun 07 paxow S198 pos, az] wonss.eud dors pur as oven ayes 8 3NO-UCL 0 puw icprLo | _wonsnnsue> s8pua us 8 ut YIN ON ON. oN, PUR IZPI'LO | -aHS WONIMySUOD aaprg'e ¥ vin oN on oN ox | purizpr'co | _eyeweneny we renupsou x vin oN oN on | pur ieereo snd | soma pouedss | preutes eae IEA i sourauo3 su0n01 sa suonoe am so uondisca | Smpmrseoamme | __—_permums oie | —_strewongosa | _povsadsi |__worianssio: 2 J0 9 19 WaunyDeENY) 1207 s9quIAAO) 1 01 1Z0Z 4aqU9AON 1 — UeIBOIg UONUDAaAg d9u/g Surposag ornbsow ay Jo CavUIUINS [1E)9¢1 Two Week Report on Inspection of Dengue Breeding Places In Construction Sites. General information Contractor: ELS Construction (Pvt) Ltd Site / Project: KFAED — Package 02 (09 number of Reconstru Client: RDA, Special Projects Management Unit : I December 2021 to 31" December 2021 sion: Ruwanwella, Mawanella, Dehiowita, Deraniyagala vvvvvv Information about site inspection and dengue cases reported n Bridges Sites). ‘Name of the responsible officer and contact number: W. K. H .V. Senarathne, 0761652366 Availability of dedicated team for regular inspection of mosquito breeding places | No. ‘Number of potential breeding places detected during the previous period (please refer attachment 1) Received services by pest control ageney during previous month No Iyes, Name of the agency and Number of times the service provided NA MOH health team made inspection visits during the previous month No ‘Any warnings given / Red notice issued No ‘Number of fever patients reported during. previous month No Information about the actions taken on detection of breeding places/ to prevent breeding places, indicate (Yes / No) Potential water collected machinery and equipment in the premises and in the vicinity | Some was kept under a shelter | machinery ont Unused containers were stored under a shelter : N/A The floors, balconies, flower pots, temporary covers(polythene), conerete roofs and | Yes copies were placed without logging water Other fitting including iron / PVC pipes were covered with end caps to prevent water | Yes collection Water storage containers’ tank were covered to prevent mosquito breeding and the | Yes water collecting containers were cleaned daily _ Serub/ brushed the inner surface of water collected tanks/ containers at least once in| Yes three days. | Drains and gullies were set up to flow Yes Collected water in the lit wells were removed every 3 days [NA Discarded materials, debris and unused goods were discarded proper Yes Solid_waste was sorted out and properly disposed Yes The reusable or discarded tyres were stored sand filled pierced to prevent Yes accumulation of water. Larvicides were applied to the mosquito breeding places/ containers where could not | No be removed Z Technical advice was obtained from the respectivegnedical officer of Health No Signature of Responsible Officer... I... : Date:..2.222 bb if 23 “uayJO wy ErsIssy ‘OMperEUDS “A- HWA 14g posedozg og pur Vit VN on. on. on. ON | *€2'91°60°20 | aS wonanusHo> aBpEs DE PEF TT WN on. on. on. ox | ‘¢z‘91 “60°20 | 2s wonomarsuos a3pH4A01 ieee a sano ane : a esodtip 01 pas 2x9" spowrtt PApERLAOSDA pur suatnsio) a0nid og pur vee sem pasodsip Pm pauraicy o +0.| __parsajiog sen puios | aoyyoams insta | “¢z‘91 “60'20 | -oMS WonsMsuoD aBpuE'G ‘og pu wot VIN oN oN on. on | ‘¢2'91 60°20 | _-os wonanasues sspuE's OE pu TFL VIN on on on on | *<°91 60°20 |_-2Hs wonpmasuos sSpuse'. De pu 68 ae IN oN on on. 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