Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Real Time and Near Real Time PM2 5 Smoke Monitors

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Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association

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Laboratory and field evaluation of real-time and

near real-time PM2.5 smoke monitors

Ahmed Mehadi, Hans Moosmüller, David E. Campbell, Walter Ham, Donald

Schweizer, Leland Tarnay & Julie Hunter

To cite this article: Ahmed Mehadi, Hans Moosmüller, David E. Campbell, Walter Ham, Donald
Schweizer, Leland Tarnay & Julie Hunter (2020) Laboratory and field evaluation of real-time and
near real-time PM2.5 smoke monitors, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 70:2,
158-179, DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2019.1654036

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Published online: 06 Jan 2020.

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2020, VOL. 70, NO. 2, 158–179


Laboratory and field evaluation of real-time and near real-time PM2.5 smoke
Ahmed Mehadia, Hans Moosmüllerb, David E. Campbellb, Walter Hama, Donald Schweizerc,d, Leland Tarnaye,
and Julie Hunterf
Monitoring and Laboratory Division, California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA, USA; bDesert Research Institute, Nevada System of
Higher Education, Reno, NV, USA; cU.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Bishop, CA, USA; dHealth
Sciences Research Institute, University of California, Merced, CA, USA; eU.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest
Region Remote Sensing Lab, McClellan, CA, USA; fWashoe County Health District, Reno, NV, USA


Increases in large wildfire frequency and intensity and a longer fire season in the western United Received February 2, 2019
States are resulting in a significant increase in air pollution, including concentrations of PM2.5 Revised July 24, 2019
(particulate matter <2.5 µm in aerodynamic diameter) that pose significant health risks to nearby Accepted July 25, 2019
communities. During wildfires, government agencies monitor PM2.5 mass concentrations providing
information and actions needed to protect affected communities; this requires continuously measur-
ing instruments. This study assessed the performance of seven candidate instruments: (1) Met One
Environmental beta attenuation monitor (EBAM), (2) Met One ES model 642 (ES642), (3) Grimm
Environmental Dust Monitor 164 (EDM), (4) Thermo ADR 1500 (ADR), (5) TSI DRX model 8543 (DRX),
(6) Dylos 1700 (Dylos), and (7) Purple Air II (PA-II) in comparison with a BAM 1020 (BAM) reference
instrument. With the exception of the EBAM, all candidates use light scattering to determine PM2.5
mass concentrations. Our comparison study included environmental chamber and field components,
with two of each candidate instrument operating next to the reference instrument. The chamber
component involved 6 days of comparisons for biomass combustion emissions. The field component
involved operating all instruments in an air monitoring station for 39.5 days with hourly average
relative humidity (RH) ranging from 19% to 98%. Goals were to assess instrument precision and
accuracy and effects of RH, elemental carbon (EC), and organic carbon (OC) concentrations. All
replicate candidate instruments showed high hourly correlations (R2 ≥ 0.80) and higher daily average
correlations (R2 ≥ 0.90), where all instruments correlated well (R2 ≥ 0.80) with the reference. The DRX
and Purple Air overestimated PM2.5 mass concentrations by a factor of ~two. Differences between
candidates and reference were more pronounced at higher PM2.5 concentrations. All optical instru-
ments were affected by high RH and by the EC/OC ratio. Equations to convert candidate instruments
data to FEM BAM type data are provided to enhance the usability of data from candidate instruments.
Implications: This study tested the performance of seven candidate PM2.5 mass concentration
measuring instruments in two settings - environmental chamber and field. The instruments were tested
to determine their suitability for use during biomass combustion events and the effects of RH, PM mass
concentrations, and concentrations of EC and OC on their performance. The accuracy and precision of
each monitor and effect of RH, PM concentration, EC and OC concentrations are varied. The data show
that most of these candidate instruments are suitable for measuring PM2.5 concentration during
biomass combustions with a proper correction factor for each instrument type.

Introduction to Wildfire PM2.5 Monitoring a significant increase in air pollution, including con-
centrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), posing
higher health risks to residents in nearby communities
In the western United States, large wildfires are increas- (Reid et al. 2016) and to those most vulnerable (Upton
ing in frequency and intensity and the fire season is and Wheeling 2017). It is important to measure mass
growing longer (Westerling et al. 2006). Prescribed concentrations of PM2.5 on a real-time base during fire
fires, which are used to manage wildlands and to incidents to issue timely health advisories to protect
reduce the risk of wildfires, are also increasing. public health and to better understand atmospheric
Increases in frequency and intensity of fires result in processes.

CONTACT Hans Moosmüller Desert Research Institute, Nevada System of Higher Education, 2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno,
NV 89512, USA.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the paper can be found online at
Supplemental data for this paper can be accessed on the publisher’s website.
© 2019 A&WMA

Objective and Sioutas 2008). These timely and high-resolution

data can be used by authorities to make timely deci-
The objective of this study was to identify potential can-
sions to protect public health. During emergencies (e.g.,
didate monitors for measuring PM2.5 mass concentrations
wildfires) measurements should be taken near and
generated during biomass combustion over the wide con-
downwind of the incident and therefore, the monitor-
centration ranges expected during wildland fires that are
ing equipment should require no shelter and be easily
accurate, precise, easy to transport and setup, relatively
transportable and installable when needed. None of the
inexpensive, and can transmit data. This was accom-
approved automated methods can be used if the inci-
plished using environmental chamber and field tests.
dence occurs away from monitoring stations as they
The environmental chamber test was used to identify
require proper sheltering. Preparing the required
the effects of humidity, PM, and organic and elemental
instrument shelter in remote locations is time consum-
carbon concentrations on the performance of the can-
ing, hence not practical in emergency situations.
didate monitors under controlled conditions. The field
test data were used to determine instrument precision
and to compare the candidate monitors to the FEM Principles of optical PM monitoring
BAM 1020 (BAM) in real-world conditions.
Comparison to the FEM BAM was used to deter- Many continuous instruments use light scattering opti-
mine accuracy. Duplicate candidate monitors were cal methods – photometers or optical particle counters
compared to each other for precision. (OPC) for continuous PM measurements. Optical
methods are based on the interaction of light with
particles. OPCs characterize the light scattered by indi-
Regulatory environment vidual particles to estimate particle number concentra-
In 1997 the U.S. EPA established PM2.5 mass concentra- tions for different particle size ranges. This is very
tion standards that were revised in 2012 to make them important because for small particles (diameter
more stringent. With these standards, the U.S. EPA also d much smaller than wavelength λ, i.e., d < 0.06 λ),
set requirements for instruments that can be used to the particle scattering cross section is proportionally to
measure ambient PM2.5 mass concentrations and the particle volume squared making the mass scattering
approved several instruments as federal reference meth- efficiency proportional to the particle volume or mass
ods (FRM) and federal equivalent methods (FEM) to (Moosmüller and Sorensen 2018a, 2018b). Therefore,
determine compliance with the ambient air quality stan- total scattering is a poor indicator for mass concentra-
dards (U.S. EPA 2013). According to the tion unless it is measured as function of particle size.
15 December 2017 list of FRMs and FEMs (U.S. EPA/ Particle number is converted to PM mass using particle
ORD 2017), most of the approved methods are filter- size distribution and assumptions for particle mass
based, where particles are collected on filters, equilibrated density and shape. Photometers measure PM mass
and their mass determined in approved environmental based on light scattering by an ensemble of particles
laboratories by weighing filters before and after PM sam- present in the optical detection volume. Based on the
pling. Filter-based methods are accurate and precise, but signal intensity, PM mass concentration is determined.
measurements are expensive, time consuming, and pro- Most commercial light scattering instruments use
vide little spatiotemporal information (McMurry 2000). wavelengths of ~600 nm (Hinds 1999; Giechaskiel
Since 2008, some automated methods have been et al. 2014).
approved as FEMs for PM2.5 mass concentration mea-
surements. The approved automated instruments for all
pollutants, other than for PM10, are acceptable for use Evaluation of optical PM monitoring instruments
only when operated in a shelter where the temperature is Some optical PM instruments – Environmental Dust
between 20°C and 30°C as prescribed in the method (U.S. Monitor (EDM) (Grimm and Eatough 2009), Purple Air
EPA 2013). (SCAQMD, 2017), and Dylos (Carvlin et al., 2017) use
OPCs to determine PM number concentrations. EDM
and Purple Air convert PM number concentrations (m−3)
Instrument needs
to PM mass concentrations (µg/m3) using pre-established
Automated or continuous measurements provide quick conversion factors while the Dylos outputs only PM num-
and higher resolution temporal PM2.5 data (Solomon ber concentrations. The interactions of light with PM and

the relation of that interaction to PM mass concentration daily averaged data. The comparison was made between
depends on particle size, shape, mass density, optical prop- April and November 2006 with maximum hourly average
erties, and composition (Wallace et al. 2011; Yanosky, of 93 µg/m3 and maximum daily average of 40 µg/m3 mass
Williams, and MacIntosh 2002). Therefore, relationships concentrations. The coefficient of determination (R2) of the
between the outputs of real-time continuous optical instru- hourly average was 0.70 while for the daily average it was
ments and standard gravimetric methods used to evaluate 0.90. The mean difference between the EBAM and the
compliance with air quality standards need to be BAM was an over prediction of PM mass concentrations
established. by the EBAM of ~24%. Increases in RH above 40% further
In 2003 and 2006, the performance of several con- increased this disagreement. When considering only data
tinuous PM2.5 mass monitors was characterized in an for RH below 40%, R2 increased to 0.76 for the hourly and
environmental chamber at the U.S. Department of to 0.93 for the daily average. Furthermore, the hourly
Agriculture Forest Service Missoula Technology and average data of the EBAM fluctuated more than those of
Development Center (Trent 2003, 2006). In 2003, the the BAM. The authors recommended invalidating EBAM
performance of the Met One EBAM and ES642 and of data when RH is greater than 40% to limit the EBAM over
the Thermo-Electron MIE DataRAM 4 were evaluated prediction.
relative to the FRM. Three years later, the TSI DustTrak
and the modified Met One EBAM and ES642 were also EDM, FDMS, GRIMM 1.108, TSI DustTrak
evaluated. During these evaluations, the chamber PM2.5 Comparison of EDM model 1.107 with a filter
mass concentration from biomass combustion varied dynamics measurement system for ambient air at
between 21 µg/m3 and 1706 µg/m3. The FRM vs. the Fresno and Rubidoux, California, showed good
modified EBAM yielded a coefficient of determination agreement in measuring total PM concentrations
(R2) of 0.96 and a slope of 1.01 while the FRM vs. including semi-volatile PM. The use of a Nafion
DustTrak yielded R2 of 0.96 and slope of 3.17, with dryer allowed measurement of total PM2.5 mass con-
the DustTrak overestimating the PM concentration by centrations without particle-bound water (Grimm
217%. The FRM vs. ES642 yielded R2 of 0.94 and slope and Eatough 2009). In a comparison of GRIMM
of 1.18. The MIE DataRam4 vs. FRM yielded R2 of 0.96 model 1.108 and TSI Model 8520 DustTrak with
and slope of 2.45. The principle of operations for Dichotomous FRM, the DustTrak overestimated
EBAM is based on attenuation of beta particles and PM2.5 mass concentrations while the GRIMM 1.108
that of the DustTrak, Thermo-Electron MIE EDM underestimated them (Cheng 2008).
DataRAM 4, and ES642 are based on light-scattering.
Personal data RAM, TSI aerotrak OPC, TSI DustTrak
DataRAM 4 DRX, personal modular impactor
In laboratory and field experiments, Costa et al. (2012) Wang et al. (2016) compared the performance of real-
used a DataRAM 4 to measure mass concentrations of time instruments – Thermo Scientific pDR-1500 (per-
PM2.5. During laboratory biomass combustion, the sonal data RAM), TSI Aerotrak Optical Particle
average diameter of particles emitted was between Counter (OPC) model 8220, and TSI DustTrak DRX
0.06 and 0.5 µm aerodynamic diameter. The highest model 8534 against that of a Personal Modular
PM concentrations were in the smallest diameter range. Impactor (PMI) with PM2.5 size cut based on 24-hr
The smallest sizes were registered for emissions from average concentrations. The test occurred inside
the flaming phase of the combustion with larger sizes a high-rise residential green building with non-smok-
emitted during the smoldering phase. During the field ing and smoking residences. The pDR-1500 vs. PMI2.5
experiment, the average diameters ranged between had R2 of 0.937 with no significant bias. Based on
0.035 and 0.26 um and again, the smallest particle a 1-h average data, the OPC underestimated PM
sizes and largest PN concentrations were associated mass concentrations by a factor of 2.5 while DRX
with the flaming phase of combustion. They reported overestimated them by a factor of 2 compared to the
that DataRAM 4 is an appropriate instrument for mea- pDR-1500. But both were correlated well with pDR;
suring PM2.5 mass concentrations. R2 = 0.936 vs. OPC and R2 = 0.863 vs. DRX. Because
of the high R2 values, they recommended the use of
EBAM these monitors for indoor monitoring as long as
The EBAM uses beta attenuation for PM mass concentra- proper correction factors are applied. The ADR-1500
tion measurement (Jaklevic et al. 1981). A recent study by uses a pDR-1500 nephelometer and incorporates tem-
Schweizer et al. (2016) reported result of a comparison of perature and RH sensors to deal with positive bias
co-located EBAM and FEM BAM ambient hourly and during higher RH condition. The ADR-1500 was

developed for ambient measurements (MIE ADR-1500 PM2.5 mass concentrations by 35% with values ranging
Instruction Manual 2010). between 15 and 50 µg m−3. Comparison of PA-I
(PMS1003) with FRMs in ambient environment, Kelly
et al. (2017) reported correlation of 0.88 with gravi-
Emergence of low-cost monitors
metric method while it overestimated concentrations
In recent years the emergence of low-cost monitors and began to exhibit a non-linear response when con-
(sensors) to measure criteria pollutants has attracted centrations exceed 40 µg m−3. In a similar study,
much attention (Kumar et al. 2015; Rai et al. 2017). Jayaratne et al. (2018), PMS1003 measured 28% higher
These sensors are relatively cheap, small in size, easy to PN concentrations for fine particle size when RH%
transport, install, and operate. Being low cost and easy increased above 50%. The effect of RH was higher for
to use provides opportunities for communities and larger particle size.
citizens to monitor their local air quality and to help
them to be more informed and educated on larger air Dylos
quality issues (Snyder et al. 2013). These sensors can be The Dylos is a low-cost optical laser particle counter. It
used to develop affordable near-source fence line mon- counts suspended particles in two bins – low (>0.5 µm) and
itoring, to supplement air quality network, for source high (>2.5 µm) size ranges. As part of a community
identification and characterization, and for educational engaged air monitoring study to generate continuous
purposes (U.S. EPA 2014). Currently, many sensors real-time ambient PM2.5 data with increased spatial resolu-
such as Purple Air, Dylos, etc. are in these markets tion for Imperial County, CA, United States, Carvlin et al.
and are being used by citizens and community mem- (2017) increased the number of existing regulatory moni-
bers in collaboration with government agencies and tors to measure PM2.5 alongside a network of modified
academia (e.g., to Dylos. The modification included increasing the particle
collect ambient PM data. Because of their widespread size bins from 2 to 4, using an algorithm to convert PM
and increasing use, some government agencies (e.g., number to mass, adding a custom circuit board and net-
SCAQMD and EPA) and academics (e.g., Carvlin work capabilities and integrated RH and temperature sen-
et al. 2017; Manikonda et al. 2016; Sousana et al. sors. They used RH data to correct PM number
2016) have started to determine accuracy (comparabil- concentrations before converting them to PM mass. They
ity to FEMs or FRMs) and precision of these sensors collocated and compared data from the modified Dylos
and their suitability for their intended purposes. 1700 with those from FEM BAM and FRM gravimetric
filters for PM2.5 and PM10. The hourly correlation (r) of the
Purple air Dylos data with the FEM BAM PM2.5 mass concentration
The Purple Air (PA) is a low-cost dual laser particle data was 0.90. In the inter-comparison of low-cost sensors
counter. Two models are available – PA-I with one for occupational PM aerosol, Sousana et al. (2016) reported
PM1003 sensor and PA-II with two PMS5003 sensors. that the Dylos 1700 had high precision with a low coeffi-
PA-II uses dual PMS5003 sensors and each sensor cient of variability (7.4%) and was highly correlated (R2 =
provides counts of suspended particles in size bins of 0.99) with a reference instrument. During the SCAQMD
0.3, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 10 µm. The PA measures particle sensor evaluation study, Dylos data were compared to FEM
count and converts it to particle mass concentration BAM data for Rubidoux, CA, United States providing R2 of
(µg m−3) using a built-in algorithm. The resulting data 0.65 to 0.85 (SCAQMD 2017).
are posted online. During the South Coast Air Quality
Management District (SCAQMD) sensors’ performance CARB use of EBAMs and future instrument needs
study, comparison of PA-II data with those of the Met The California Air Resources Board (CARB), the
One BAM FEM for PM2.5 resulted in R2 values of 0.93 United States Department of Agriculture Forest
to 0.97 for triplicated sensors (SCAQMD 2017). Service (USDA-FS), and some California air districts
A study by the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency have been using portable, real-time smoke monitors to
reported that PA-II measured PM2.5 mass concentra- measure PM2.5 mass concentrations. Measurements
tions ~2.5 times higher than an FEM (LRAPA 2018). In have been made primarily using the EBAM, which
a study by Gupta et al. (2018), comparison of PA-II to provides hourly average values and became the instru-
FEM BAM yielded R2 > 0.90 using hourly average ment of choice for wildfire smoke monitoring. Since
concentrations. However, PA-II overestimated PM2.5 2006, CARB has purchased over 30 EBAMs for use
mass concentration compared to FEM BAM with during wildfire seasons. USDA-FS and a number of
higher bias with increase in concentrations. Using local air districts have also purchased several EBAMs.
daily average PM2.5, PA-II consistently overestimated An EBAM has three parts in three separate boxes –

EBAM box, power supply box, and a box containing

8.5 cm (dia) x 13 cm (H).

telemetry and a battery that powers the system.

0– 1000 µg m−3

Cloud/SD card
Light scatter
Purple Air II

PM2.5, PM10
Having three separate boxes to install and connect is

T, RH, P




cumbersome during emergency conditions, especially

when multiple incidences occur within a day. Since
2006, many new instruments (some mentioned above)
have made it to the market and a new comparative
study of their capabilities was needed.

125x90x185 mm
Internal storage
Light scatter

PM2.5, PM0.5
Dylos 1700


0.54 kg
Materials and methods




The environmental chamber test was conducted
over 6 days at the Desert Research Institute (DRI)
Biomass Combustion Facility in Reno, Nevada,

Cloud/internal storage
United States. Data generated from this test were

40 x 40 × 20 cm
PM10, PM2.5, PM1
0.1– 100 mg/m3
analyzed for precision, accuracy, effect(s) of relative

Light scatter

1.2 ± 3%

humidity (RH), and organic carbon/elemental car-

20 kg

bon (OC/EC) mass concentration on monitors’ per-
formances. The field test was conducted during the
California, United States fire season (24 October to
19 December 2017) when all candidate instruments
were operated next to the FEM BAM.

PM0.1 to PM2.5, PM10

53.3 x 43.1 21.5 cm

0.001– 400 mg/m3

Internal storage

1.2 volumetric
Light scatter

T, RH, P

12.9 kg


Instruments tested
Two each of seven candidate monitors – Met one EBAM
and ES642, TSI DRX 8543 (DRX), Thermo ADR 1500
(ADR), GRIMM EDM 164 (EDM), Purple Air II (PA-II),

Cloud/internal storage
and Dylos 1700 (Dylos) (Table 1) were tested. In addition,

41.5x30.5x31.1 cm
T, RH, P, WS, WD
PM10, PM4, PM2.5

3.0 volumetric
0– 15 mg/m3

two BAMs, one polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-filter-

Light scatter
DRX 8543


13.6 kg
based FRM and one quartz-filter-based URG filter sampler Minute

were used during the chamber test. Two BAMs were used
as reference instruments. The samples from URG filters
were analyzed for organic carbon (OC) and elemental
carbon (EC) using thermo-optical analysis (Chow et al.
2004). During the field test, one BAM was used as
0 to 100 mg/m3
Light scatter

a reference instrument.

2.5 kg




For the DRX and EDM, inlets provided by the man-

ufacturers were used. The ADR, EBAM, and BAM
monitors were fitted with PM2.5 sharp cut cyclone
inlets. The Dylos and Purple Air are classified as low-
cost sensors (<$500) with no specified flow or inlet
Table 1. Candidate instrument features.

41 x 36 × 20 cm
Beta attenuation

0– 65 mg/m3


system but use a fan for inducing sample air flow. All


13 kg




monitors were setup and operated according to the

manufacturers’ recommended specifications.
Dylos, unlike the other particle counters (EDM and
PA-II), does not have a conversion factor to convert
particle number concentrations to mass concentrations.
Principle of operation

Concentration Range

For this study, Dylos particle number concentration

Averaging time
Additional AQ

data were converted to mass concentrations by regres-



Inlet heater



sing field hourly Dylos particle number (PN) concen-




trations from the field data (this study) (x-axis) against

BAM hourly PM2.5 mass concentrations. First linear fit

was checked. The quadratic fit gave slightly higher R2 Chamber test
(−1E-06x2 + 0.0168x + 11.49, R2 = 0.3547) and was
For the chamber test, all monitors were installed at the
subsequently used to convert Dylos PN data from
DRI biomass combustion chamber for the controlled
chamber and field tests to PM2.5 mass concentrations
study. The chamber is made of aluminum and mea-
(Figure S1). Using the BAM data to convert Dylos
sures 1.83 m width by 1.83 m length by 2.06 m high.
number to mass and in turn comparing the Dylos to
The chamber is equipped with a dilution sampler and is
the BAM limits the strength of our Dylos evaluation.
attached to a metal manifold with multiple sampling
To compare PA-II to each other and to the reference
ports for interfacing with different monitors. The
BAM, PM2.5 data from the two sensors – A and B of
chamber was configured in such a way that it generated
each PA-II were averaged. No correction factor was
open combustion PM under different humidity condi-
applied to data from both sensors.
tions; generated PM can be aged in an oxidation flow
All candidate instruments have real-time telemetry
reactor to simulate real-world aging (Bhattarai et al.
capability (except for ADR and Dylos), provided that
2018; Sengupta et al. 2018). The sealed system reduces
there is Wi-Fi or other internet connection available.
particle/gas loss, ensures flow stability and uniformity
The EBAM uses satellite communication to send data
in the stack and better purifications of the dilution air.
to the required server that is on the network.
Up to 50 g of solid biomass fuels can be burned under
controlled conditions of dilution and relative humidity
Instrument calibrations (RH). Temperature and RH are controlled by the build-
ing HVAC system with the option of increasing RH
All candidate instruments, except for EBAMs and with humidifiers placed in the chamber. The chamber
reference BAMs, were calibrated at the factory and can generate PM mass concentrations ranging from
their calibrations were good for 1 year. For BAM ambient to more than 10 mg/m3.
and EBAMs, flow calibrations were performed per Near the top of the inside of the biomass chamber, an
the manufacturer’s protocols. For factory calibra- emission sample was drawn from the chamber using
tions, the manufacturers used different materials copper tubing to a manifold with multiple outlets.
for DRX and ADR (NIST certified Arizona Road More details about the chamber can be found in Tian
Dust), EDM (NIST certified mono dispersed poly- et al. (2015), describing a close replicate of the DRI
styrene latex (PSL) for particle detection and dolo- chamber. For this study, dried Jeffrey pine (Pinus jef-
mite for mass calculation), ES642 (NIST traceable freyi) needles collected from the forest floor, near
0.54 micron microsphere PSL), PA-II (30 PA-II at Truckee, CA, United States were used as biomass fuel,
once in a chamber calibrated using vaporizer with representative of fuels burnt in many wildland fires in
polyethylene glycol/glycerin smoke fluid) and for the western U.S. Four ultrasonic humidifiers were used
EBAM and BAM (burning incense stick in to change RH condition in the chamber. The RH inside
a chamber). No calibration information is available the chamber ranged from 24% to 68% with the average
for Dylos. TSI, manufacture of DRX, recommends of 41%. Concentrations of CO2 and CO were measured
custom calibration if instrument is used for mon- during the tests to determine the modified combustion
itoring particulates that are different than the one efficiency, which was found to be 95% with a standard
used at the factory. deviation of 3%. All monitors were connected to the
various outlets of the manifold except for the Dylos
and the Purple Air, which have no specific flow system
Instrument maintenance and service
but use a fan for inducing sample air flow; they were
For the BAM and EBAM, established procedures were placed inside of the chamber, near its top and just below
used to check and calibrate flow rates and to service the the location from where sample was drawn to the mani-
instruments. For EDM, ADR, ES642, and DRX, manu- fold. Two filter-based samplers – one FRM with PTFE
facturer’s instructions in their respective manual were filter for mass and one URG sampler with quartz filter
used to clean and calibrate the instruments. The Dylos for organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC)
and PA-II were cleaned on the inside with compressed analysis were connected to ports of the manifold. The
air where possible and clean cloth was used to remove burn schedule was synchronized with each sampling
any visible dirt. When instruments failed to operate, period of the BAMs. At the start of the hour when the
they were sent to their respective manufacturer for BAM started sampling, the burn started. When the BAM
service. At the end of the chamber test, before the stopped sampling, around 10 min before the end of
field test, instruments were cleaned and calibrated. the hour, the burn chamber was flushed with outside

air and opened for fuel replenishment. The connected same spreadsheet. Data from the EBAM and BAM were
instruments were used to monitor PM mass concentra- downloaded directly from the instrument.
tions for about 1 hr after combustion initiation. This was
repeated several times each day for 6 days to allow
monitoring over a wide range of PM mass concentration
Data validation
and at two humidity levels – ambient and high RH
conditions. Basic quality assurance/quality control procedures were
used for the data from the candidate and reference
instruments. For candidate instruments, negative values
Field test
and obvious outliers were removed. Outliers were
For the field test, the criteria described in the Code of determined based on visual assessment of scatter
Federal Regulations Title 40, Part 58 were used for proper plots. When an instrument restarts after service, the
siting (spacing from obstructions, trees, sources, and road- first hour of data were removed to allow for steady-
ways, and horizontal and vertical placements) of the instru- state operation. Also, when instruments indicated
ments to the maximum extent possible (U.S. EPA 2013). errors, the corresponding data were removed.
The field study was conducted for 39.5 days (during
October 24 to December 19, 2017 period) at the
Weaverville, CA, United States existing air monitoring
Chamber test results
station, on top of a single-story part of the Weaverville
Courthouse. Weaverville is a small northern California Summary statistics for the chamber test results are
town with a population of less than 4,000. During given in Table 2. The average RH was 41% ranging
November and December, the average high tempera- between 24% and 68%. The average PM2.5 mass con-
ture is 11°C and the average low is 0°C. During these centrations measured by EBAM and ADR were closer
cold months, residential heating is mainly done with to those of the reference BAM than those of other
wood burning. candidate instruments. The EDM, Dylos, and ES642
Fourteen instruments (seven candidates in duplicate) PM2.5 mass concentrations were lower than those of
were deployed next to a FEM BAM, which was used as the FEM BAM, while those of the PA-II and Dylos
reference instrument that is permanently installed at this were higher. The differences between BAM and
station. Identifying a site with an existing FEM BAM Dylos and PA-II PM2.5 mass concentrations were
helped reduce the overall logistics needed for this study. more pronounced at high PM concentrations than
Unlike the candidate instruments tested here, the FEM at low ones.
BAM 1020 (BAM) requires a shelter. The availability of In time series plots of the hourly averages of PM2.5
enough space for 14 candidate instruments and some mass concentrations measured with the FEM BAMs
kind of connectivity (cellular, Wi-Fi, and/or internet) in and candidate instruments; all candidates track mea-
addition to the likelihood of encountering wildland fire surements by the BAM (Figure 1). PA-II and DRX
smoke were of the essence for selecting the Weaverville measured PM2.5 mass concentrations substantially
site for the field test. higher than the BAM and the other candidate instru-
Both during the chamber and field tests, all instru- ments and the EDM measured the lowest concentra-
ments (except EBAM, DRX, and ES642) were directly tions. Measurements by the EBAM, ADR, and ES642
connected to a laptop that operates PEAQS (portable were closer to the BAM, with the EBAM and ADR the
emission data acquisition system). Data from all candi- closest. Cheng (2008) and Trent (2006) reported over-
date instruments were directly pulled into a spreadsheet prediction of PM2.5 by the earlier DustTrack version of
in comma separated value (csv) format. Data from the DRX, as compared to the reference. Also, a study at
DRX and ES642 were pulled from the cloud into the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA 2018)

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of the chamber data.

µg m−3 %
BAM EBAM Dylos Purple Air EDM ADR ES642 DRX RH
Mean 493 512 359 955 176 489 398 1057 41
% mean difference reference 4 −27 94 −64 −1 −19 144
Median 507 493 223 972 175 490 416 1071 40
Standard deviation 168 201 391 196 49 201 154 393 13
Range 695 834 1588 908 182 761 715 1371 44
Min 188 183 19 377 83 176 165 410 24
Max 883 1017 1607 1284 265 937 879 1781 68

Figure 1. Time series plots of PM2.5 mass concentrations measured with reference BAM and candidate instruments.

reported that Purple Air over predicted PM2.5 by Based on the slope of the regression equations, EBAM,
a factor of ~2.5 times compared to the reference. Dylos, and ADR slopes were higher than 1.00, while
Figure S2 provides scatter plots of all candidate instru- those of PA-II, EDM, and ES642 were lower than 1.00
ments against reference BAM measurements. The average with the EDM having the lowest slope (= 0.26) result-
of replicate candidates is used to compare candidates to ing in larger intercept values.
the reference BAM for this and subsequent statistical
analysis. All candidate instrument measurements tracked
with BAM measurements. The variability among the can-
Effect of RH on candidate instrument performance
didates was higher with higher PM2.5 mass
concentrations. The RH ranged from 24% to 68% in the chamber during
Based on the chamber data box plots (Figures S3), more the study. The effect of RH on candidate instrument
than 75% of the measurements by the PA-II and the DRX performance was evaluated using regression analysis of
are higher than maximum measured by the BAM, ADR, candidate/BAM ratios of hourly PM2.5 mass concentra-
and ES642. All (100%) measurements by the EDM and tions as a function of RH (Figure 3 and Table S2). Figure 3
Dylos are below the minimum measured by the PA-II shows that measured PM concentrations decreased as
and DRX and below 25 percentile of the BAM, EBAM, a function of RH for all optical instrument relative to
ADR, and ES642. The median measurements of the EBAM, BAM reference measurements. Table S2 shows further
ADR, and ES642 were closer to the median of the BAM. On statistical results of the linear regression analysis of can-
the lower end, the ES642 measurements were closer to didate/BAM ratios of hourly PM2.5 mass concentrations
those of the BAM and on the higher end, lower than as a function of RH. The second column (Slope) gives, for
those of the BAM. The short lower whiskers indicate lesser each candidate instrument, the value of the slope and its
variability at the lower end concentrations and longer standard error; the third column (Slope/error) gives the
whiskers at the higher concentrations suggests more varia- ratio of these two values, where a ratio larger than one
bility among monitors at high concentrations. The use of indicates a significant dependence of the PM2.5 mass
Dylos-BAM regression to convert Dylos particle number to concentration measurement of the respective candidate
PM may have affected the findings for the BAM vs Dylos instrument on RH.
relationship. RH significantly affected measurements of PM2.5
Comparisons of candidates to a reference FEM BAM mass concentrations as shown by higher (>1.0) absolute
using hourly average data are given in Figure 2 and ratios of slope to standard error for all candidates
Table S1. Except for the Dylos, PA-II, and ES642, except for PA-II. The effect of RH on PA-II is not as
correlation coefficients R2 for most of the candidate strong. The maximum RH in the chamber was 68% and
instruments were ≥0.8. For Dylos, PA-II, and ES642, fresh emissions from the combustion of pine needles
the R2 values were 0.29, 0.33, and 0.62, respectively. are relatively non-hygroscopic (Petters et al. 2009),
EBAM is the most correlated with BAM (R2 of 0.95) thereby reducing the effect of RH on instrument per-
followed by EDM, ADR, and DRX all with R2 of 0.8. formances compared to more hygroscopic smokes.

Figure 2. Hourly accuracy of candidate instruments using regression analysis for the chamber study.

Correlation of candidate instrument results during was 0.997 with slope ranging between 0.99 and 1.02.
the chamber test The EBAM and the ADR had the lowest slope (0.87)
compared to the other candidates. Both EBAMs had
Minute-average and hourly average replicate correla-
frequent tape advances (set for one advance every 24
tion results are given in Table 3. All candidates, except
hr or based on PM loading) with EBAM1 advancing
for the EBAM, provide minute average data. Regression
three times and EBAM2 two times within each hour.
coefficient of determination (R2) of duplicate minute-
These frequent unsynchronized tape advances may
average were 0.9 or higher, except for the Dylos, indi-
have contributed to the lower slope for the collocated
cating strong correlation between pairs. The slope of
the regression equation ranged from 0.9 to 1.1.
The effect of PM mass concentrations on instrument
The minute-average PN concentration data were used
performance is shown in Figure 4 and Table S3 where
for comparing replicate Dylos. Regression analysis for
regression plots of candidates/BAM ratios vs BAM are
the Dylos provided R2 of 0.55 and slope of 0.78.
provided. There appears to be an effect of PM mass con-
Hourly-average regression analysis of replicate centrations on all candidates (slope/std error ratio >1).
instruments yielded R2 greater or equal to 0.9 with However, based on the slope/standard error ratio vs RH,
slopes ranging from 0.8 to 1.1. The reference BAM R2 this may include the effect of RH (Figure 3 and Table S3).

Figure 3. Regression analysis of candidate/BAM ratios of hourly PM2.5 mass concentrations as function of RH for the chamber study.

PA-II, EDM, and ES642 showed strong negative relation- progressively lower as PM mass concentrations increased.
ships with PM concentrations (slope/ratios = −6.75, −5.50, As shown in Table S2, ES642 showed negative slope/error
or −8.82, respectively), resulting in both measuring ratio (−3.00) while PA-II (−0.60) and EDM (−1.20) slope/
error ratios vs RH. This could be due to the highest RH in
the chamber was 68%, which may not be high enough to
Table 3. Minute and hourly average replicate instrument PM2.5 cause considerable effect. The effect of PM mass concen-
mass measurements regression analysis for the chamber data. tration appears to be more important in affecting accurate
Averaging time Slope Intercept R2 measurement of PM mass concentrations by these instru-
Minute average µg m−3 ments in the chamber. The PA-II, EDM, and ES642
Dylos1 vs Dylos2 0.78 ± 0.02 112.3 ± 16.8 0.55 appeared to be showing saturation points at higher con-
Purple Air 1 vs Purple Air2 1.08 ± 0.00 −11.16 ± 4.33 0.97
EDM1 vs EDM2 1.00 ± 0.00 −2.13 ± 0.72 0.97 centrations. DRX appeared to not be affected by PM con-
ADR1 vs ADR2 0.90 ± 0.00 −20.7 ± 1.67 0.99
ES641-1 vs ES641-2 1.12 ± 0.00 −0.11 ± 0.72 0.99
centrations and the ADR data showed only a slight effect.
DRX1 vs DRX2 0.92 ± 0.01 25.3 ± 9.1 0.92
Hourly average
BAM1 vs BAM2 1.001 ± 0.010 −0.96 ± 5.03 0.997
EBAM1 vs EBAM2 0.874 ± 0.026 16.9 ± 15.4 0.970 Effect of EC/OC on instrument performance
Dylos1 vs Dylos2 0.905 ± 0.055 38.3 ± 29.3 0.897
Purple Air1 vs Purple Air2 1.084 ± 0.046 −48.0 ± 44.1 0.937 The summary of regression plots of elemental carbon/
EDM1 vs EDM2 0.996 ± 0.010 −1.35 ± 1.86 0.996
ADR1 vs ADR2 0.876 ± 0.037 −5.79 ± 21.45 0.949
organic carbon (EC/OC) ratio to candidate/BAM PM2.5
ES641-1 vs ES641-2 1.107 ± 0.017 3.45 ± 6.91 0.991 ratio is provided in Table S4 and Figure 5. Except for the
DRX1 vs DRX2 0.917 ± 0.019 28.2 ± 22.8 0.984
EBAM and Dylos ratios, the slopes are negative and the

Figure 4. Effect of PM mass concentrations on candidate instruments performances for the hourly chamber data.

absolute values of slopes to standard errors ratios are greater emitted from flaming combustion. In addition, freshly
than one indicating significant influence of EC/OC ratio on emitted EC particles are non-spherical with a fractal-like
candidates’ performance. The negative slopes indicate that morphology (Chakrabarty et al. 2006). Wang et al. (2015)
as ratios of EC/OC increased, ratios of candidates to BAM reported the effect of particle size on sensors performance
decreased, except for EBAM and Dylos. EC is responsible depending on the wavelength of the incident radiation. So
for most of the light absorption and OC for most of the light the candidate monitors’ response is affected by not only
scattering (Moosmüller, Chakrabarty, and Arnott 2009). particle chemical composition (EC/OC) but also by particle
With an increase in EC/OC ratio, the amount of EC size distribution.
increased more compared to OC. With increase in EC,
there is decreased scattering per mass, which decreased
PM mass concentration measurements with the optical
Field data analysis
instruments that use light scattering to determine PM
mass concentrations while the PM measured by EBAM The average PM2.5 mass concentrations and RH conditions
increased because it is based on beta attenuation. during the field test are given in Table 4. Based on the
Organic carbon particles freshly emitted from smolder- reference FEM BAM, the daily PM2.5 mass concentrations
ing combustion of wildland fuels are generally near-sphe- ranged from 6 to 33 µg m-3 with a mean of 17 µg m−3 and
rical in shape and larger in size than EC particles freshly a median of 17 µg m−3. The external RH, as measured by

Figure 5. Regression analysis of candidate/BAM ratio vs EC/OC using hourly average chamber data.

Table 4. Descriptive statistic of field data for the period of 24 October to 19 December 2017 based on daily average values.
BAM EBAM Dylos PA-II EDM ADR ES642 DRX RH external
µg/m3 %
Mean 17 14 18 30 21 20 18 42 82
%mean difference reference −18 6 76 24 18 6 147
Median 17 13 16 29 20 19 16 38 83
Standard deviation 7 6 6 16 10 13 11 26 8
Range 28 25 21 63 42 51 44 96 27
Minimum 6 5 12 5 6 2 3 7 66
Maximum 33 30 33 68 48 53 47 103 93
Confidence Level (95.0%) 2.3 2.0 1.8 5.0 3.3 4.0 3.6 8.7 2.6

the EBAMs, ranged from 27% to 92% with a mean of 82% DRX, PA-II, EDM, and ADR were 2.5, 1.8, 1.2, and 1.2
and a median of 83%. times higher than those reported by the FEM BAM, respec-
The average PM2.5 mass concentrations measured by tively. The Dylos data appear to be close to the BAM. This
most candidate instruments were within ~25% of those is likely due to the quadratic fit to the BAM data that was
measured by the FEM BAM (17 µg/m3) except for the PA- used to convert Dylos particle number to particle mass
II and DRX, which reported concentrations 76% and 141% concentration.
larger, respectively. Minimum concentrations reported by Figures S4 and S5 show scatter plots and box and
all instruments were close to each other with values ranging whisker plots of the PM2.5 mass concentration for field
from 2 to 6 µg m−3 except for the Dylos of 12 µg m−3. Much data. The scatter plots show that instrument measurements
higher variability was observed at high concentrations. The track each other with closer values at lower daily concen-
highest average PM2.5 mass concentrations reported by trations and increased variability at higher concentrations

with EBAM closer to the BAM on both ends. Based on the Effect of PM mass concentrations on candidates’
box plot, the median PM2.5 mass concentrations of the performance is given in Table S7. All candidates mea-
EBAM, Dylos, EDM, ADR, and ES642 were within 25% surements are affected by increase in concentrations as
of the median of the FEM BAM. The median concentra- shown with higher than slope/error ratio for all.
tions reported by the Purple Air and the DRX were ~1.5
and two times of those reported by the FEM BAM. The
Effect of RH and temperature on candidate
variability of measurements at lower concentration was
less, as shown by shorter whiskers while longer whiskers
indicate larger variability at higher concentrations. Purple Effects of external RH and temperature were investigated
Air and DRX show more variability in their concentration by plotting candidate/BAM PM2.5 mass concentrations as
measurements than the other candidate instruments. More function of RH or temperature using daily average data
than 50% of measurements by DRX were larger than any (Figure 7, Figure S8, and Table S8). Except for the Dylos,
measurements by the BAM, EBAM, and Dylos. increase in RH increased candidates’ concentration mea-
Figure S6, which is time series plots, shows that all surements relative to the BAM as shown by the positive
instruments tracked each other very well. All instruments slope of the regression equations. The ratio of the slope and
measured closer to each other at lower concentrations and its respective standard error is always greater than 1, indi-
the variability increased at higher concentrations. cating the effect is significant. The EBAM/BAM concentra-
Results characterizing the correlation of replicate candi- tion ratio as function of EBAM internal RH regression
date instrument during the field campaign are summarized yielded a slope/standard error ratio of 0.7, indicating no
in Table S5. Minute-average regression results show corre- significant effect of RH. EBAMs use internal heaters to
lation coefficients R2 of 0.9 or higher for all instruments reduce RH when it is above a certain limit, in this case set
with the exception of the EDM (R2 = 0.81) and the ADR to 40%, per recommendation by Schweizer, Cisneros, and
(R2 = 0.67). The lower R2 for the ADR may be attributed to Shaw (2016). Doing this reduces the effect of RH on EBAM
problems with the loaner instrument that arrived directly performance. The BAM, EBAM, DRX, EDM, and ADR all
from another field deployment. After brief testing, pro- use internal heaters to drive away moisture when RH is
blems were detected and it was shipped to the manufac- above certain limit thus minimizing the influence of RH.
turer for service. Upon return, it had problem with data BAM internal RH was below 37% and EBAM RH was 45%
retrieval and another loaner arrived directly from another or less for the 875 hr of testing.
field deployment and also had some problems. The effect of temperature on candidate instrument per-
The hourly-average regression results show R2 of 0.8 formance was evaluated the same way – by plotting the
or higher and slopes of ranging from 0.8 to 1.3 for all ratio of candidate to BAM concentrations as function of
candidate instruments except for the DRX where the temperature (Figure S8 and Table S8). Plots of RH and
slope was 0.28. The loaner DRX had a laser problem, T against candidate instrument concentrations are also
which was identified after the fact. The daily average given in Figures S9 (a) and (b). The regression lines of
regression results show R2 greater than 0.97 and slopes these plots had negative slopes, except for the Dylos. The
ranging from 0.9 to 1.3 except for the DRX. T vs ratio plots and the ratio of slope to its standard error
Results of regression analysis of candidate PM2.5 mass show that temperature may affect PM2.5 mass concentra-
concentration against those measured with the FEM tions measured by the candidate instruments. The daily
BAM to determine candidate accuracy are given in average temperature varied between 12°C and 25°C (hourly
Figure 6, Figure S7, and Table S6. The highest average average 7°C to 40°C), cooler in the morning and warmer in
correlation coefficient with the hourly BAM data was the afternoon. Based on the data, RH and T were inversely
achieved by the hourly ADR data (R2 = 0.83), followed related (T(C) = −0.22(%RH) + 34, R2 = 0.5). Hence, the
by the EBAM data (R2 = 0.64). The R2 for the other negative slopes are the inverse of the positive slopes for the
candidate instruments ranged from 0.3 to 0.4. The finding RH plots and the effect of temperature may be indirect,
of EBAM vs BAM R2 of 0.64 was similar to the finding by through its effect on RH.
Schweizer, Cisneros, and Shaw (2016) of R2 = 0.70. Figure 8 shows selected partial residual plots of
The daily average PM2.5 mass concentrations measured hourly average difference of the reference BAM and
by the candidate instruments correlated well with those candidate instruments on the y-axis against meteorolo-
measured by the FEM BAM with correlation coefficients gical conditions (relative humidity, temperature, and
R2 of 0.8 or higher for all candidate instruments. The slope wind speed measured by the EBAM) on the x-axis.
of DRX vs BAM was about three and vs Purple Air was A linear model for each of the meteorological condi-
about two. For the rest of the candidate instruments, slopes tions with the least squares line (dashed black line) and
ranged from 0.7 to 1.6. the locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOWESS)

Figure 6. Regression analysis of candidate instruments vs BAM for daily average field data.

curves (red line) indicate some non-linearity in regres- PM2.5 mass concentrations, have non-zero slopes over
sion of these independent variables that is more signif- a wide range of RH. ADR and EDM have close to zero
icant for some of the sensors. The selected partial slopes with slight deviation at higher RH conditions.
residual plots used in Figure 5 show the most linear Ambient temperature was relatively poor at describing
fit (EBAM). the difference between the reference and test methods for
The EBAM had relatively flat fitted curves with a dip at the EBAM and Dylos. The other candidate instruments all
the highest RH, but otherwise are explained by a near zero appear to have some challenge with temperature particu-
slope linear model. The effect of RH on EBAM perfor- larly around 5°C. DRX and Purple Air PM2.5 mass con-
mance has been discussed above and our findings of centration measurements, in particular, are poorly
increased error at external RH greater than about 85% explained by linear regression but are the most impacted
agree with Schweizer et al. 2016. The Dylos curves are by temperature (see examples in Figure 8). The Dylos
similar to those of the EBAM. This result is likely due to data, as stated above, were quadratically fitted to the
the quadratic fit of Dylos data to BAM data, used to convert BAM to convert particle number to particle mass, which
particle number to particle mass. Other candidate instru- likely explain the reduction in divergence at 5°C.
ments largely had non-linear correlation with RH, tem- Statistical results of difference in hourly concentra-
perature, and wind speed. Corrections for meteorological tions (BAM-candidate) as a function of RH, tempera-
conditions will thus be difficult and require more thorough ture, and wind speed are given in Table 5. The effect
study including replicate samplers subjected to higher of RH on EBAM yielded very low slope (7 × 10−4)
ambient concentrations, changing meteorological condi- and R2 (3.5 × 10−6). The Dylos and EDM exhibited
tions, and variable sample compositions. The DRX and a similar bias with high RH with the Dylos bias
Purple Air, which consistently measured the two highest particularly pronounced after what appears to be

Figure 7. Regression analysis of candidate/BAM ratios of daily average PM2.5 mass concentrations as function of RH for the field data.

a slight underestimate compared to the reference (BAM-ADR difference increases with wind speed)
(Table 5). The ES642 and DRX showed the opposite while the Dylos data (R2 = .03; p = .02) were nega-
with a positive (candidate read higher than the BAM) tively impacted (BAM-Dylos difference decreases
bias above about 80% RH. As shown above, linear wind speed). The smooth curves make the linear
regression is not the best predictor for EDM, DRX, model appear less appropriate for the candidates.
ES642, and PA-II but has been included to illustrate To understand the effect of wind speed on candi-
the difficulties in adjusting for meteorological condi- dates’ performance, further study is needed as wind
tions. The large variation in magnitude of the differ- speed was typically below 1.5 m/s during this study
ence between the BAM and candidates also reduces and largely at or near the 0.3 m/s, lower limit of
the value of comparing R2 between candidates detection of the EBAM sensor.
through the error from dependence on the covered
range of the data (e.g., BAM-EBAM approximately Air quality index and hourly and daily measurement
−30 to 30 while the DRX was −200 to 30). External agreement
RH appears to be helpful (R2 = .08; p < .0001) in Air quality index (AQI) comparability was assessed using
explaining some of the difference in the DRX below 24-hr average PM2.5 data from the reference BAM and the
~90% RH. While DRX (R2 = .01; p = .0009) was the seven candidates without applying correction factors to
next highest, the LOWESS curves and the hourly data the original data (Table 6). Daily average PM2.5 AQI was
points suggest there is a non-linear relationship. calculated using established breakpoints from the U.S.
The EBAM data were the least impacted by wind EPA and the California Office of Environmental Health
speed. Linear regression suggests the ADR data and Hazard Assessment (Lipsett et al. 2013). This was to
(R2 = .06; p < .0001) were positively impacted compare the effectiveness and applicability of data being

Figure 8. Partial residual (component plus residual) plots with locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOWESS) line for meteor-
ological variables (RH, T, and WS) representing the most linear (EBAM top row), nonlinearity typical of many of the monitors (ES264
middle row), and most nonlinear (PA-II bottom row). Least squares line (dashed black line) and the locally weighted scatterplot
smoothing (LOWESS) curves (red line).

Table 5. Difference in hourly concentrations (BAM-candidate) as a function of RH, temperature, and wind speed for the field data.
%RH Temperature (C) Wind Speed (m/s)
Difference Equation R2 P-value Equation R2 P-value Equation R2 P-value
BAM-EBAM 0.0007x + 2.7 3.5E-06 0.9558 −0.056x+ 3.2 0.0027 0.1249 −1.1x + 3.2 0.0011 0.3164
BAM-Dylos 0.04x – 4.4 0.0081 0.0077 −0.1x + 0.4 0.0057 0.0251 −8.4x + 3.1 0.0344 <0.0001
BAM-Purple Air −0.039x – 10.3 0.0013 0.2791 0.6x – 17.9 0.0414 <0.0001 1.8x – 14.3 4E-04 0.5528
BAM-EDM −0.01x – 3.8 2E-04 0.6743 0.2x – 6 0.0097 0.0035 −1.5x – 4 7E-04 0.4340
BAM-ADR −0.1x + 7.8 0.0869 <0.0001 0.4x – 7.4 0.0985 <0.0001 10.8x – 8.6 0.0596 <0.0001
BAM-ES −0.035x + 1.5 0.0024 0.1447 0.3x – 4 0.0303 <0.0001 −1.5x – 0.8 6E-04 0.4535
BAM-DRX −0.2x – 9.2 0.0125 9E-04 1.4x – 35.3 0.0778 <0.0001 11.5x – 30.1 0.006 0.0218

used in smoke advisories and rigor of association between groups, unhealthy, very unhealthy, and hazardous) with
sensors when being used during field operations to deter- thresholds depending on a given pollutant.
mine local health advisories. The AQI reporting system The relatively low daily PM2.5 mass concentrations
has six categories (good, moderate, unhealthy for sensitive (max = 33.3 µg m−3; min = 5.8 µg m−3 based on the

Table 6. AQI determined using the reference and candidates average data, were the EBAM (−2.9 ± 2.9 µg m−3) and the
field data based on the field data. Dylos (7 ± 6.7 µg m−3). The EBAM agreement improved as
Unhealthy for
Monitor n Good Moderate Sensitive Group Unhealthy
the averaging time increased, which is why using the rolling
BAM 40 12 28 0 0 or 24-h average data is recommended when determining
EBAM 40 17 23 0 0 AQI (Schweizer, Cisneros, and Shaw 2016). Although lim-
Dylos 40 3 37 0 0
Purple Air 40 7 24 6 3 ited to two EBAMs, our finding is similar to the multiyear
EDM 40 8 30 2 0 study using multiple EBAM by Schweizer, Cisneros, and
ADR 40 11 25 4 0
ES 40 13 25 2 0 Shaw (2016). The other candidates’ variability was large
DRX 37 7 12 6 12 compared to the reference BAM. The DRX performance
was 24.6 ± 28.8 µg m−3 against a reference BAM, effectively
reference BAM) for the study period did not allow for the encompassing the entire range of the BAM readings. The
wide AQI range that may be expected during wildland fire EBAM error was 17% of the median daily average found
smoky days. However, the high AQIs associated with for the BAM (17.05 µg m−3), Dylos 39%, EDM 52%, ES
extremely high levels of smoke exposure are typically 61%, ADR 76%, PA-II 107%, and DRX 228%. Since the
very obvious for the public, the lower levels of AQI (e.g., cutoff for a Good AQI is 12.1 µg m−3, this certainly would
good, moderate, and unhealthy for sensitive), which are at pose a concern for accurate health advisories particularly
the lower concentrations and are more difficult to accu- for the DRX error, which includes the entire Moderate
rately measure, are important for the public so an indivi- category.
dual can manage their personal exposure during these
times of lower smoke exposure. Moderate was the highest Correction factors
AQI measured at the reference BAM. The highest AQI The findings from this study lead to the development of
estimated by any candidate unit was unhealthy (UH). The post-data PM2.5 mass correction factors for the candi-
EBAM estimated 24-hr average AQI agreed well with the date instruments to maximize comparability to the
reference BAM except that there were five less days of reference instrument (BAM 1020) and minimize bias.
moderate compared to the reference BAM, which is likely The BAM used here as a reference was not tested for
due to the EBAM precision/accuracy not being as good at equivalency for particulate matters emitted during bio-
lower PM2.5 concentrations (Zheng et al. 2018). Dylos mass combustion. Comparison of the two BAMs with
over-reported the moderate level (<15 µg m−3) by 9 days gravimetric method during the chamber test (when all
and largely measured moderate for all days and did not PM was due to biomass combustion) resulted in slopes
capture the good days well; this is likely explained in part of 0.833 and 0.832, R2 of 0.978 for both BAMs with
by the quadratic fit of the Dylos data to the BAM data to intercept of zero for both (Figure S10).
convert particle number to particle mass. There was an Some of the candidate instruments (PA-II and
overall increase to higher AQI categories when using data DRX) provide simultaneous measurement of various
from the other candidates. While the reference BAM had PM fractions (PM2.5, PM10, etc.). The provided correc-
no days of UH or UHS, many of the candidates’ estimated tion factors are for correction of PM2.5 mass concen-
higher AQI categories. The ES642 reported 2 days of UH tration only. These correction factors are only
for sensitive groups (UHS) while reporting 3 days less of applicable under the environmental conditions in
moderate compared to the reference BAM. ADR and which these instruments were tested. If an optical
EDM have a similar response as ES642 except there are instrument is used for a long time under high smoky
two more (i.e., four) UHS days by ADR compared to the conditions, these factors may not apply as optical-
ES642. The PA-II and the DRX measured the highest
PM2.5 mass concentrations compared to the rest of the
candidates (Tables 2 and 4), resulting in three and 12 days Table 7. Daily and hourly upper and lower limits and mean
differences for the candidate instruments for the field data.
of UH AQI, respectively. Therefore, data generated by all
24 Hours Average Hourly average
the candidate instruments, except for the EBAM, should
Lower Mean Upper Lower Mean Upper
not be used to determine AQI unless proper correction Monitor limit Difference limit limit Difference limit
factors provided below are used with the understanding EBAM −5.8 −2.9 0.0 −18.1 −2.7 12.5
that these correction factors are based on the PM sources Dylos −5.9 0.7 7.4 −20.2 0.4 21.0
Purple −5.3 13.0 31.4 −27.7 13.6 54.9
that are dominated by biomass combustion. Air
Analysis of lower and upper limits of the mean differ- EDM −4.2 4.6 13.4 −21.8 4.7 31.2
ADR −9.5 3.5 16.5 −14.9 4.2 23.3
ences (candidates – BAM) is given in Table 7. The two ES642 −9.2 1.22 11.6 −26.0 1.5 28.9
candidates that agreed well with the BAM, based on daily DRX −14.3 24.6 63.4 −42.2 25.4 93.0

based instrument performance could deteriorate under hourly average EBAM data were better correlated with
such condition. No correction factor is provided for the FEM BAM data during the chamber test (R2 = 0.95)
Dylos because Dylos produces PN and conversion of compared to the hourly field test (R2 = 0.64). This was
PN to mass can result in different data set. attributed to very high PM concentrations (mean = 4930
To create correction factors, generalized linear mod- µg m−3, min = 188 µg m−3, max = 883 µg m−3, based on
els with multiple dependent variables were used along hourly average) during the chamber test and low PM
with R2 to compare the candidates to the reference. concentrations (mean = 17 µg m−3, min 6 µg/m µg m−3,
Adding RH and T to the linear regression analysis max = 33 µg m−3, based on daily average) during the field
reduced the correlations between the candidates and test. Lower correlations at lower PM2.5 mass concentra-
reference (Table S9). This could be attributed to the tions were previously reported for these instruments by
lower hygroscopicity of the biomass combustion pro- Schweizer, Cisneros, and Shaw (2016) and Zheng et al.
ducts that constitute the PM2.5 fraction. Below are the (2018). Zheng et al. (2018) concluded that the EBAM is
correction factors to convert candidates’ data to BAM- not an ideal instrument for measuring low PM2.5 mass
like measurements without including RH and T. concentrations. Overall, among the tested monitors, the
EBAM is the one that best correlated with the BAM on
EBAM : BAM ¼ 1:10EBAM þ 1:5 R2 ¼ 0:97
daily average level and whose AQI predictions were
PA  II : BAM ¼ 0:43PA  II þ 3:9 R2 ¼ 0:91 closer to those of the BAM. As a result, many agencies
EDM : BAM ¼ 0:65EDM þ 3:0 R2 ¼ 0:88 use EBAMs during wildfires and other emergency situa-
ADR : BAM ¼ 0:53ADR þ 6:1 R2 ¼ 0:87 tions that require PM monitoring.
ES264 : BAM ¼ 0:60ES þ 6:1 R2 ¼ 0:88 Effect of PM mass concentrations can be seen in Table
S2 for chamber test and Table S7 for the field test. In both
DRX : BAM ¼ 0:26DRX þ 6:2 R2 ¼ 0:88
cases, the effect of concentration is significant as shown by
slope/std error ratios. This may show the saturation points
General discussions at higher PM mass concentrations. To understand this
All candidate instruments correlated well with the refer- issue, the effect of very high PM concentrations on light
ence BAM and with each other on a daily average basis scattering instruments (possibly extinction and multiple
but showed significant bias compared to the reference scattering artifacts) was checked.
(Table S6). This could be attributed to the different work- At very high PM concentrations, light scattering
ing principles of these instruments and the different instruments may be influenced by extinction and
materials (Arizona Road dust, dolomite, mono-disperse multiple scattering artifacts. This will be the case
polystyrene latex, etc.) used to calibrate them compared to if the optical depth (OD; i.e., the product of extinc-
the aerosols encountered during wildfire incidences. tion (mostly scattering) coefficient and optical path
Based on chamber and field tests, PA-II and DRX length in the instrument sample volume) becomes
consistently measured much higher PM2.5 mass concen- comparable to one (1). For the compact candidate
trations than all other instruments with their concentra- instruments, the optical path is limited to less than
tions being 76% and 141% higher, respectively than 0.1 m and therefore the extinction coefficient would
those of the FEM BAM. The EDM measured lower have to be 1 m−1 to achieve an OD of 0.1 where
PM2.5 mass concentrations than the FEM BAM during extinction and multiple scattering artifacts become
chamber test but its measured concentrations were significant. For a PM mass extinction efficiency of 1
within 23% of those of the FEM BAM during the field m2/g, this would correspond to a PM mass concen-
test. Cheng (2008) also reported lower concentration tration of 1 g/m3 = 106 μg m-3, about three orders
measured with an EDM 1.108 Grimm instrument. of magnitude larger than any PM mass concentra-
Overestimation of PM2.5 mass concentrations by the tion encountered during our lab and field studies.
TSI DustTrak 8533 (an earlier version) was reported by This analysis failed to explain the concentration
Trent (2006) and Cheng (2008). Wang et al. (2016) also effect. However, there could be concentrations in
reported that the TSI DRX overestimated PM2.5 mass which these systems would underestimate the mass.
concentrations by about two times compared to a filter- Effects of RH on measured PM2.5 mass concentrations
based Personal Modular Impactor. The time series plots were observed during both chamber and field tests. During
trends were similar during both chamber and field tests, the field tests, where the mean ambient RH was 82%, the
with all instruments tracking one another. During both effects of high RH condition were obvious for both the light
tests, instrument concentration measurements were clo- scattering and beta attenuation methods. EBAM data, at
ser to each other for low PM2.5 mass concentrations but internal RH ≤ 40%, showed no effect of RH on EBAM
their variability increased for high concentrations. The performance (Table S8). Schweizer, Cisneros, and Shaw

(2016) and Kiss et al. (2017) previously reported the effects of the FEM BAM daily average data, yielded R2 ≥ 0.8,
of RH on EBAM performance. Schweizer, Cisneros, and indicating good correlation.
Shaw (2016) suggested to invalidate EBAM data for RH Analysis of partial residual plots of the differences
greater than 40%. According to Huang (2007), higher between the BAM and candidates data at various RH,
PM2.5 mass concentration readings by the DustTrak, an temperature, and wind speed conditions provided further
optical, light scattering instrument, compared to insight into the instruments performance. The EBAM
a collocated EBAM were attributed to the effect of RH on and the Dylos data had shown almost flat slope indicating
the optical method. When comparing the DustTrak and less effect of RH on the instrument performance, except
EBAM data to those of a manual filter-based sampler, the for a little bump of the EBAM data at RH of about 85%,
DustTrak measured higher PM2.5 mass concentrations which is in agreement with the findings of a multi-year
than the other two regardless of an inlet heater on the EBAM evaluation by Schweizer, Cisneros, and Shaw
EBAM being turned on or off. The difference increased (2016). The partial residual plots for the other candidate
when RH was raised. The EBAM measured concentrations instrument showed non-linear plots for RH, temperature,
closer to those of the manual sampler when its inlet heater and wind speed, indicating the influence of these para-
was turned on. Effect of RH on pDR (Chang-Fu et al. 2005) meters on the candidates’ performance. The EBAM and
and on EDM (Grimm and Eatough 2009) data have also the Dylos plots were both relatively flat. When using AQI
been reported. Using laboratory and field tests, Jayaratne as means to compare performance, the EBAM was the
et al. (2018) reported that for measurements of particle only one that agreed well with the reference BAM.
number and particle mass concentrations using a low- The upper and lower limits of the mean differences
cost sensor (PMS1003) at RH above 70%, the number (candidates – BAM) of the 24-hr average data indicated
and mass concentration (for PM larger than PM2.5) that the EBAM and the Dylos were the only two instru-
increased by 28% and more than 50%, respectively. In ments whose data were close to the reference BAM. The
a similar study, Li et al. (2018) reported an increase in other candidate instruments showed higher variability with
particle number concentrations with an increase in RH the Purple Air and the DRX showing the highest. The
and with an increase in particle number in the upper size errors were (BAM daily median average = 17.05 µg/m3)
range. According to Gu et al. (2016), when RH was EBAM, 17%, Dylos 39%, EDM 52%, ES642 61%, ADR
increased between 60% and 95%, the diameter of spherical 76%, Purple Air 107%, and DRX 228%, based on standard
particles increased exponentially and the refractive index deviation of the mean difference.
decreased linearly. Effects of RH on the Dylos, a low-cost
sensor, were also previously reported (EPA/600/R-14/464).
Low-cost PM sensors, which use light scattering methods
for PM mass concentration measurement, do not have The goal of this study was to identify instruments that can
specific PM2.5 inlet systems (use fan for air flow) and do be used to measure ambient mass concentrations of PM2.5
not heat incoming air samples to reduce RH at the inlet. during wildfire incidences and to distribute the data
Candidate instruments showed effects of EC and immediately to desired locations, so actions can be taken
OC concentrations on the performance of both beta to protect public health. The overall data indicate that the
attenuation and optical light scattering methods, EBAM compared best to the reference BAM when AQI,
except the effects were opposite. When EC increased concentrations, RH, temperature, and wind speed were
(higher EC/OC ratio), the EBAM measured higher considered. The other candidates (not including Dylos)
while the optical systems measured lower. This was measured higher PM2.5 mass concentrations both in the
attributed to EC being mainly responsible for optical chamber and field tests. On daily average base, candidates
absorption and OC mainly for optical scattering vs BAM PM2.5 mass correlated well (R2 > 0.8) but with
(Moosmüller, Chakrabarty, and Arnott 2009). lower correlations for hourly averages. Based on the daily
Therefore, an increase in EC fraction decreased the average data, conversion equations are provided to con-
amount of scattered light, thereby causing decreased vert candidates PM2.5 mass concentration to BAM-like
PM concentration measurements for light-scattering- measurements. The EBAM data have been in use during
based instruments. fire seasons to monitor PM2.5 mass concentrations used to
The R2 of replicate candidate instruments for hourly provide AQI index. The EBAM, because of its long history
averages during the chamber and field tests were ≥0.8. in air quality monitoring has well-defined quality control/
Based on daily average field data of replicate candidate quality assurance requirements for its operations. The
instruments, the R2 were >0.970, indicating that repli- other candidates (EDM, ADR, DRX, and PA-II), because
cate candidate instruments all correlated very well. of their correlation with the reference BAM, are likely
A comparison of candidate instruments data to those effective in providing supplemental monitoring for early

warning of increased smoke in areas where wildfires are Walter Ham is the Manager of Advanced Air Monitoring
historically known to occur. This can be done by installing Techniques Section at the California Air Resources Board
them and monitoring before, during, and after fire inci- Monitoring and Laboratory Division, Sacramento, CA.
dences to gain broader information on the effects of wild- Donald Schweizer is an Air Resource Specialist with the U.S.
fire on air quality. PA-II, because of its low cost (<$300), Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region and an affiliate
can be used to provide high-resolution spatial and tem- researcher with the Health Science Research Institute at the
University of California, Merced.
poral data in areas prone to wildfire before, during, and
after wildfire events. Based on the findings from this Leland Tarnay is an ecologist with the USDA Forest Service
study, currently over 300 PA-II (and the number is grow- Pacific Southwest Region Remote Sensing Lab, focused on air
ing) are deployed in historically wildfire-prone areas in pollution, fire, and forest health.
California. Julie Hunter is the Senior Air Quality Specialist/Smoke
Management Coordinator for the Washoe County Health
District, Air Quality Management Division, Reno, NV.

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thank the manufacturers – Met One Inc., Thermo Fisher Physical and chemical characterization of aerosol in fresh
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